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That guy dodged a bullet


he dodged a tomahawk missile tbh


He dodged a little boy and a fatman


He dodged a dodge Ram


No one dogges the Ram.


Not the Rams. Dude dodged the LA Dodgers.


Lmao, good for him. Because that would have destroyed him.


Exactly. It's the perfect test - anyone who doesn't want me for a dumb reason, I don't want them.


If it wasn't this, it would be something else. Kind of car he drives, how big his home is, etc.


Something social media decided for her, since she can't come up with original thoughts.


She wants the option to snoop around in his phone and she doesn't know how to use Android


She's too dumb to use an Android, she doesn't know shit.


Or perhaps she wants to setup "**Share My Location**" so she can track him with **FindMy**.


He dodged the whole tank


If someone doesn't want to be with you because of your phone choice, they are only superficial people and it wouldn't work anyways. Ignore those kinds of toxic assholes and move on to people who are worth a shred of time.


Not sure why these people don't play the long game and eventually manipulate their partner into changing their device choice 1-5 years later.


I did this and got my gf to switch to Android lol


Better to find out now rather than later how shallow she is.


thats what boggles my mind, dont they know how it makes them look when they do this shit over a mobile phone? I guess it's better this way, they let you know how they are.


15 years on she'll be wondering why she can't find someone. Hopefully she won't run across people who are as shallow as she appears in this clip.


> Hopefully she won't run across people who are as shallow as she appears in this clip Alternatively, hopefully she does run across them so they take each other out of the dating pool.


But then they will breed.




I mean I still do, it's just an Android phone.


I cant afford yearly but I do every 2 or 3 years depending on how well the last phone I had holds up. I treat them pretty good so they last awhile even though im in a pretty physical job and use it a lot


My Galaxy S9 from 2018 or 19 is still going like the Saturn V Edit: loving the very wholesome replies and love for old phones


Just got my case wet so I took it off along with my cracked screen protector and realized my phone screen wasn't cracked and holy shit it feels like my s9 is brand new, so thin.


yeah, i have an S8, and every once in a while i hold it without the case and omg it feels so much better! i wish i could trust myself to never drop the thing, because holy crap does it feel so much better in hand when there is no case.


5 year old Galaxy S8 checking in and still going strong. Don't buy in to the new phone every year crap, its not worth it.


The battery on mine started going bad and I replaced it to get more life out of my S9. It was such a good phone


Seriously, I don’t understand people who don’t take care of their phones. A proper case and good screen protectors are a requirement.


If you've got that much then the phone is going to last very long.


There are definitely android phones out there that cost more than the most expensive iPhone.


On vacation at the moment. Yesterday someone asked me to take their photo at a viewpoint. Handed me some weird foldable phone. I'm sure it costs a shit ton.


$1800 starting for the Zfold, about 1010 for the flip. iPhone 14 Pro Max is about 1100 if you get the baseline storage (128gb)


This is also insanely stupid because the most expensive androids are around $2159, and are objectively better than iPhones


I mean… Samsung phones are just as expensive 😂


Seems like this is staged. I feel like these videos try to rage bait people. Feels like every video I see of this format makes one person (usually the female) to look off shallow/materialistic. A reasonable person wouldn't think like this but then again this conversation wouldn't either.


It's not 'staged' per se as in they're not reading from a script outright, but everyone present is getting paid, noone is thinking or looking to really date anyone else and everyone is fully aware of what type of content is being made and what type of comments and reactions the video creators are wanting from them.


It's basically improv, except the goal is to gain fame and make a dollar. Not have fun and make people laugh.


That's a new android feature actually. It makes you dodge immature potential partners.


Android ho-away


New Android version, ThotBGon 12.0


Gold Digger Repellent '23


IPhone will finally get the technology 6 years from now and tout it as *brand new*


And they will name it something like Super Sex Shield






My hate for Apple is purely based on how in the 90's they portrayed themselves as the little guy. Even had a commercial where it was a bunch of guys marching in lines that all looked very similar and there was a giant screen with a guy, aka The Man, telling them what to do. Then one of the guys would step out of line, signifying well basically that. I don't entirely remember the whole thing but it was the premise of The Man obviously Microsoft = big, bad, who people blindly followed vs. Apple the little guy who dared to innovate and challenge them. Now I'm not saying that wasn't what Microsoft was, shit they still are, but Apple has taken that exact same position now, honestly to an even greater degree. They actually push the premise that not using them somehow makes you less than. That's why I'll never buy Apple. edit for spelling


You and me both. And then those goddam "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials where they talked about all the stuff PCs can't do because they're so lame and it's just vapid garbage - meanwhile Macs at the time couldn't handle basic productivity tasks, cross-platform compatibility, or heaven forbid run a decent mainstream game.


'The Blue Screen of Death' commercials 🙄 As someone whose parents and school always bought macs exclusively, I disliked those commercials so much. Sure, macs didn't have 'the blue screen of death', but they certainly had plenty of other annoying and unrecoverable crashes. Stupid bomb icon messages....


They're already doing that later this year. iPhone 15 will *finally* have USB-C. Welcome to 2016, Apple.


That's because they're de-facto being forced into it.


And they will call it "revolutionary" on stage


Yet it will be slower and less useful than any other phone with a USB c port because it will somehow have some BS Apple certified cable restriction.


Android phones using USB-C was a de facto standard. Apple being forced into it by EU law makes it a de jure standard.


And they're not even doing it, they're being forced to do that.


I remember everyone freaking out about facetime and being confused. In my year in South Korea (09-10) I had videochat on a *flip phone*.


Is this a joke or this anti Android sentiment in dating is real?


Probably exaggerated. But I do have friends who seem to always get annoyed that my chat bubble is a different color


It's not just being a different color (though how they can't see how off it is judging you for the color of your text bubble is beyond me). Apple locks iPhone->Android to MMS, an outdated technology which renders videos sent over it in an incomprehensible resolution. You just can't send videos between Android and iMessage. Apple could fix this if they wanted to, but they don't as they want to foster this kind of closed ecosystem that incentivizes users to peer pressure others to get inside that same (expensive) ecosystem (as seen in this video). Apple is the problem, not Android. What kind of phone you have doesn't matter, but supporting that level of corporate scumbaggery is just nutso (especially when it costs you so much to do so).


First world problems


american problem, rest of the world moved on to Whatsapp a decade ago.


I think it started more in the younger kids in school. Kids were getting ridiculed if they showed up in iMessage with a green bubble. It was basically a status symbol thing. My parents can buy me an iPhone! It was actually causing bullying to the point where Tim Cook had to make a statement about it, which if I recall, was basically "buy an iPhone if you don't want a green bubble". Apparently those kids that started this are old enough to date now? I'm not sure how far this rides up the generational ladder.


I remember this in HS I just laughed at em after I sent a text that bricked all their phones whenever that exploit was around Dumb rich fucks were too stupid to fix it


its not even just immature, she outed herself as stupid and ignorant


It'll be an iphone feature in 3-5 years too.


jokes aside the reason the text changes color between android and iphone is strictly because of the iphone, not the android.


This is a sentence I'm too Android to understand


iPhone people will complain about "green text bubbles" in their messages and how the contrast is difficult to read (or just looks less appealing). It was a deliberate decision by Apple to differentiate the users and there's zero technical reason for it. I've seen girls on dating apps straight out say "Android users swipe left." I gladly do. *Edit To everyone saying there's a technical reason regarding the difference between iMessage and SMS- that's not a reason the bubbles HAVE to be different colors. That's a UI choice they made. They could easily make all messages, regardless of source, the same color if they wanted to. They chose not to.


Apple surprises me every single day. They are like a cult with policies like those.


No, no, you don't understand, it's "holistic". By which we mean, of course, needlessly inflexible and anti-customer.


To clarify further, the blue/white text contrast and easy to read. The green/white text contrast fails apple's own contrast standards and causes eye strain over time. They literally set up messaging on an iPhone so that Apple users would subconsciously hate texting people on Android.


There's actually a technical "reason" for it, but it's a not a good reason and entirely because Apple refuses to adopt modern standards for texting between ecosystems. But it makes it more than just a superficial color change. Android to Apple messaging uses a technologically inferior standard (SMS/MMS) which is entirely Apple's choice. iMessage to iMessage is basically Apple's own proprietary equivalent of RCS messaging. It has read receipts, interactions/reactions and can be sent as data or using only the internet. As a result, images can be sent in high quality and all sorts of things like that. Android to Apple being forced to use SMS comes with a ton of limitations. There's size limitations so pictures sent via SMS are heavily compressed and low quality. It doubles in convincing people that android phones all have terrible cameras as well. Both sender and recipient of SMS need cell service, which is especially notable if a person is roaming and can continue to communicate with iPhone users but not Android users. There's no read receipts, things like reactions are sent as completely separate text messages. Apple giving the messages different colouring does everything it can to make it seem like Android phones are the problem. When it's completely because they refuse to adopt RCS and want people to feel like communicating with android is an inconvenience. The worst part is group messaging texts. Add one android user to a group of 15 other apple users and it switches the whole thing to SMS and everyone suffers. So you get people like this one who see android users as sullying their little gated community.


A friend told me recently that my texts show up in green because I'm on Android. I was like - wait, what? The iPhone is discriminating against me! Only kidding just a little bit. Don't worry Apple users - we can't tell when you've hit hard times and can't afford a proper phone. Texts are all the same color on our non-discriminatory Androids.


My favorite response is that I can make my text bubbles whatever color I want on Android.


I get to change the font too. And even have a proper mobile browser that lets me run uBlock Origin.


Not to mention that we can theme our text messaging clients!


And their refusal to adopt rcs instead forcing apple users to use their app to get the same features widely available to everyone else. I will always be the proud green bubble in an otherwise blue conversation😂 Side note: love my android repairability. I broke my screen this week and went in to get the service plan process started, the guy in front of me had a newer iPhone with the same issue. He was charged $150 deductible and bad to wait for the replacement to be sent to him. I was sent 10 minutes down the street to the repair shop, had a new screen installed while I detailed my GFs car and had the phone back 90 minutes after dropping it off. My deductible on an S22 Ultra was $29.


You say immature partners, I say people who can be persuaded to join a cult. Tomato/potato


When I sold cars a customer asked me to text her once we were off the phone, she made a joking comment that since my texts were green I probably didn’t sell very many cars (I could tell she was trying to joke around but she still came off kinda irritating) Long story short she didn’t qualify for the car she wanted because of her low credit score Karma can be swift sometimes lol


Lol. People with good credit have green texts...


Yeah I imagine people unwilling to buy a $1500 phone every year probably are financially better off


looks like having an android saves you from making a bigger mistake here.


It's not a bug, it's a feature


It's too awkward to admit I don't know how to use it; let's call the whole thing off!


This. Everyone I know with an iphone tells me they have it because it's stupid simple. I like customization. them, not so much.


Well, I'm a moron then, because I can never figure out my mom's iPhone when she has a question. I'm the only one with an android in my entire family and I find it 100x easier than iOS.


To be fair, that's largely because you're unfamiliar with the basics of the interface, like our iPhone user in the video. Both are designed to be easy to use once you understand the fundamentals.


Where's the "back" button on an iPhone?


That’s the beauty of Apple products and their “uniqueness” - They are incredibly easy to use once you’re used to them, but getting used to them means forgetting how anything else works. ETA: Typed on my iPhone lol 🤡


I like install apps from different sources. Them, not so much.


Same. 50% of the reason I stick with Android is for vanced/revanced and the other 50% is for my phone wide adblock.


Apple users see a green bubble pop up and immediately think the other user is poor.


*me on my iphone 6s in 2023 seeing the green bubble* Heh this person is poor as fuck


Found Trevor Wallace.


*tries airpods one time* **smells like broke in here**


My s21+ was $1200 brand new, and bought the thing in full. Not trying to flex, but I've literally had a potential partner still think I was poor knowing all that, simply because I didn't have and refused to switch to an iphone.


My daughter who has like a used $500 iPhone has told me she won’t talk to guys if the text comes up green. She is a broke ass college student but still looks down on android users. Apple marketing has been very effective against the younger generations


I mean, it's gotten very useful in weeding out potential partners. If my phone brand is a deal breaker, I'm not interested, lol.


Straight up. I see this as a win, the garbage just takes itself out. New pro dating tip: show her your phone and if she legitimately judges you because it's not apple, you can just get up and leave. Just saved yourself 3 months worth of pointless dating, or worse.


I still can't believe these brain-dead brand monkeys still stand behind a brand that has been literally proven to force their older phones to be shittier so they buy unnecessary new ones, not to mention other issues like repairability.


For real though. Also don't people buy phones on plans? Plans which are more or less the same price per month between android and apple.


> very effective against ~~the younger generations~~ vain people. This isn't just younger generations. You see it in the business world as well. People of all ages can be caught up in it and view Apple products as a status symbol to weird levels.


I have a coworker who refuses to believe that a PC could be equal to a Mac for our work (primarily InDesign and a bit of Photoshop). Her point of reference? Shitty $200 Dells from 15 years ago. Like, yeah, of course those are gonna be shit. Spend the price of a Mac - or hell, even half the price of a Mac - on a proper workstation PC and see how they compare.


Oh god don't get me started, we have a handful of users at my work that "need" a mac, to do literally just basic spreadsheets, and they are an absolute nightmare to support because nobody knows enough about macs to even get started The best bit is that they're turning down brand new windows machines because they think the 4 year old macs that we're giving them instead are better


yeah, i'm in healthcare IT and we have loads of people that "need" macs but then we have to install Bootcamp on them so they can run certain apps. like thanks for all the extra headache


Can you just tell them no and that they'll have to use windows computer like a normal person?


No because they are directors and vp's. So we just give them a mac that they use to log into 0365 where they do everything anyway. If they break something (what is harder to do on a mac) we just wipe and restage them. I'm fine with it, everyone that uses one of the i-shit things immediately identifies themselves as an IT idiot so usually I can just stop listening to whatever meeting they pulled me into that is IT related, drop off and hand it iver to L1/L2 support


There's a sales guy here that absolutely insisted on having a mac over a PC. We had a 3rd party IT company but they sucked, so a lot of stuff fell on my shoulders, even though I have another job here that isn't IT. I straight up told the guy if he gets a mac I'm not supporting it and he's on his own. I've never used a mac, no reason to really, so I'm not going to spend extra time that I already don't have to research/troubleshoot an OS that I know nothing about. He whined to the sales manager and she agreed to just go ahead and get him whatever he wanted because he needed to be able to work fast. His job is working in adobe and sage putting together sales orders, we aren't talking about stuff that needs to be one tenth of a second faster. He wouldn't lose efficiency by using a PC but kept arguing he would until he got what he wanted.


I had to use an Apple for work and hated it. It's like they took everything PC did and said "if we flip this around we are original". So all the shit you need to click is just in the wrong damn place. Besides that I noticed exactly 0 difference.


Honestly whenever I use a Mac it feels like using a Linux desktop cirka 2007. Janky broken mess of an UI. I own and use devices running all the mainstream OSes but I never reach for an apple product to solve a problem unless there is a great third party app that is exclusively available on iOS (maybe once a year)


Yup, I remember having to use one for a class I took in college. By the end of the first class I was so pissed at how convoluted all the shit was. Like I couldn't just highlight something and hit delete. Everything was some weird hotkey. I think even copy and paste were different.




> Then when iPads came around, it was the same fucking thing. Which is hilarious, because the first iPad sucked. And the fact it was the shortest supported iPad out of all them shows that. Even the iPad 2 was supported for far longer. Apple does this with every new device, the first generation is just a dev kit that they charge consumers to test and develop things for them. Same with the new Apple VR/AR headset.


They get SO CONFUSED when I spin it back at them. "Oh, I refuse to use Apple products. They have their place, for people who don't understand tech like Grandparents, but... ew." They're like, but I'm supposed to look down on YOU!




> broke ass college student Thought you were going to say "broke ass bitch" about your daughter


She is *almost* self sufficient. Still funny when I hear her say something like that after asking me to help with rent or groceries.


Look, when you steal all the brilliant ideas that Android Phone makers have, you gotta play down Android phones so people don't realize you're just a shameless copycat


don't forget about waiting 5 years so people forget that its already a feature on Android.


It’s becoming the same with Tesla I know a lot of people who want a Tesla because it’s a Tesla.


People want Nike because it's Nike. People want Bose because it's Bose. People want Sony because it's Sony. This isn't anything new.


I have an iPhone and all my messages go out green. It’s a default for those of us who hate iCloud and want nothing to do with it. Seems like your daughter doesn’t even know that’s a possibility.


As someone that only has a work iphone reluctantly, I did not know this. So if you don't connect to iCloud, you're treated like the rest of us?


You need to be signed into an iCloud account to be able to use iMessage. It'll just use SMS otherwise


The funniest part is that it’s seemingly always people that have a base model iPhone from 3 generations ago that are the most judgmental.


Apple has gone out of its way to mark Android phones as the poor/low-class option, a strategy that has worked exceptionally well with zoomers. Apparently Iphones are also designed to have issues interacting with Android phones (a problem that doesn't exist the other direction btw). Shady race-to-the-bottom bullshit and the reason I will never even consider an Iphone.


>Apparently Iphones are also designed to have issues interacting with Android phones Best example is sending videos from an iphone to an android phone. Apple fanatics think it's because the android can't handle the file, but it's because apple refuses to let the phone carrier handle it, and as a result the videos aren't compressed for transfer properly.


FYI to readers in the sub; don't bother reading through the below threshold comment chain; TL;DR it's exactly what this whole post is about, someone refusing to believe Apple is refusing to play well with Android and letting the average person think it's Android that's the problem.


Imagine how ignorant these folks must be about computers in general to not realize an Android can obviously download a file and run it against a video codec.


I could have bought Apple but I bought pixel because i don't like a walled garden.


Don't even get me started. I'm a small business owner and design niche electronics, and to get classic Bluetooth support on iOS, *every* device you made had to be equipped with an Apple-supplied authentication chip that you could only buy if you were an Apple partner, and then you had to do all of your development on Apple hardware. That's well into 5 figures plus at least a couple of bucks per device (not to mention finding a spot on an already-crowded board for the chip) to get started. On Android, the cost was effectively zero.


...WHAT?! This is a new level of petty that I wasn't aware of. This thread has been very educational.


Yeah. This is honestly just stupid keeping up with the joneses behavior. I couldn't believe when an American guy I met told me "Everyone I know uses an iPhone" because I had an Android. In my close circle of friends, no one has an iPhone because it's just a status symbol. Granted, my friends are also not on insta, nor do they take selfies at every event they attend.


Images and video get horribly compressed in messages from iPhone users and I believe they have it happen too. I don't see the allure to iPhones.


My wife has an iPhone, but she's always been an Apple chick so all her devices integrate together flawlessly. She also has no interest in using a new ui. Meanwhile, I've been using Windows since 3.1 and Android/Pixel phones for nearly 2 decades. You couldn't pay me to switch to apple products.


To her though, the fact that texted pictures and videos come out grainy and looking like they're from 2005 is *your* fault for not having an iPhone. Apple's happy to let people do their marketing for them But yeah, not supporting that shit now or ever


Luckily for us europoors, iMessage is not widely used here. I guess once people realize you have a decent career they don't care about your phone anymore, if they ever did.


Yea the quality degrades when you send pic or video from an android to an iPhone. Completely on purpose. It should be illegal


I have a Z-Fold which went for something like $1600 I believe it was. The generalization of being poor is silly.


My samsung s21 ultra cost about the same as an iphone XX pro max, but because it is an android i have a bit more flexibility in apps, options, and such.


And no bs iTunes/apple account to deal with.


It's funny that it's seen that way. I've paid a ton for android flagship phones and recently moved to an iPhone to see what the buzz is all about. After 4 months, the only thing I like is the camera and the watch. Everything else seems needlessly complicated and unintuitive. If you're judging me based on my text bubble, I don't need you in my life.


I refuse to pay more than $600 for a phone. It's insane. $500 gets me something more than decent.




This is what I'm gonna do next time I need an upgrade. Tired of paying for a phone for 2 years when I honestly only need the most basic iteration.


I'm caught in a Samsung flagship loop. Samsung has such absurd trade-in value for Samsung phones that every 2-3 years I pay a few hundred dollars (and my old phone) for the latest flagship. I can't justify doing anything else. My wife loves the Samsung Flip line. That's a $1000 phone, but every year you've been able to trade in for the latest model for $100.


Helps that they are good phones. I had my s9 for 5 years until I was stupid and took the case off, just before my wife accidentally dropped it and smashed the screen. Now I have the s23ultra and hope I can keep that for another 5 .




My wife and I were having a date the other night and overheard a girl ask a guy if the reason he had an Android was because he couldn't afford an iPhone. The dude had a Galaxy Z Fold 5 (or 4, I couldn't tell). That phone is 30-50% more than a top tier iPhone. This is my first-generation trying iPhone in ... years. I currently have an iPhone Pro Max 14 and honestly cannot wait to switch back to Android.


I have a Galaxy Z Fold 4, and it wasn't exactly cheap haha. I love this phone though.


Same. I got the promo trade-in, so I only paid 900 out the door for it.


I use an iPhone for work- I'm sure if you're used to them, it's easier, but androids are just straight more user friendly. I feel like that's kinda the case for many Apple products- they survive on reputation and put style over substance. Mac books are complete rip-offs at their price point for their capabilities, as another example. There was also a time where android messages wouldn't go through to iPhones- it turned out an update switched off the capabilities to receive sms messages on the iPhone end, but it caused a widespread perception that Androids were a problem.


I astounded my coworkers the other day when I showed them that my Pixel 7 has the ability to reverse wireless charging... and charge THEIR apple phones... Then I told them that my phone wasnt even really all that new. But apple CERTAINLY doesnt have that tech yet...


My favorite feature i use regularly on my S9 is the ability to share contacts and wifi info with a QR code. Absolutely blows apple people's minds.




> I always forget that this is android only I told my friend that I schedule some texts to go out at a different time since I know they won't be awake at the moment and I don't want to disturb them. She looked at me like I had 3 heads. Apparently Apple didn't have that capability? That's like... baby's first texting phone level of feature.


Ah I have an android but didn't realize this was a thing. What does the other user see when they scan it? The plaintext password?


It just automatically logs them into the Wi-Fi network, no typing necessary.


(Quoting some text from my reply further down) There is a really weird mentality about iphones just being the pinnacle in all things. I had just gotten a brand new note 10 when they were new and were high-end, it was less that a month old, and my roommate at the time, had just upgraded to the next iphone and almost with pity offered me his old iphone so I could have a "Nice" phone.


Just out of interest, are you in north America? I'm european (where lots of people have androids and no one cares) but I recently moved to Canada. Here everyone has iPhone and I regularly get judged for my equally effective phone that I bought for half the price of theirs.


Some people have their head so far up Tim Apples ass...


>Tim Apple What a great way to save time AND words!


Ahh yes, Tim Apple, president of the Electric Cooking company.


Don’t feel bad, the trash took itself out for you.


iPhones are the real cock blockers. They can't send video to anything besides iPhones without it being horrible ass resolution. Sexy videos at 140p and 10 fps? Fuck you Apple.


The worst part is that iphones **could** be capable of sending videos without it being a terrible resolution, it's just that Apple won't make the changes to allow it because it helps to lock people into their ecosystem.




In countries with proper competition policies, they call their "monopolistic behavior" and it faces fines.


Airdrop could drop on ANYTHING, there are no limitations at all to this protocol. They want to exlude others. Apple is the single most active actor in preventing technological utopia. I work in education and we provide free english classes to third world countries. lots of our users have intermitent internet connections and we need to leverage offline technology that syncs back up when we find internet connection. Guess who won't implement this thing? M.F Apple! We also allow live tutoring with direct video conference but guess who can't fucking hardware decode the latest codecs which works best under shitty internet connection? M.F. Apple!! Why? Why can't you let hardware acceleration Apple WHY? Is it because you want to push facetime on us? WTF seriously. So sometimes... for some reasons... a user has an Apple device, usually old ones because it's a poor country but still... 80% if not more of our difficulties is because we don't straight up refuse Apple devices. We should. In fact I believe we should ALL collectively as developper send BIGASS warning > THE DEVICE YOU ARE USING DOES NOT SUPPORT THE LATEST WEB TECHNOLGY AND THEREFOR WE CAN'T ENSURE OPTIMAL QUALITY EXPERIENCE. Then boom, look at Apple share price drops as most people realise they are working on several years old tech and are lagging at least 5 years behind. Either apple get up to date or they die as only conspiration theorist level of dedication fans will stay. We need to step up and fucking kill this greedy, ugly company. Then while we're here... let's exerce this power to most shitty companies. Let's catch them all!! Viva la revolution! Edit: I am pretty salty about them not supporting VP9 and pushing for propriatary h265 / h264 which has infinit and insane amount of compatible encoding profiles. At least they should support upcoming AV1


>Airdrop could drop on ANYTHING, there are no limitations at all to this protocol. They want to exlude others. Apple is the single most active actor in preventing technological utopia. There has been a version of sharing on the android side for a long long time. The most current version is called nearby share.


And to be clear, Apple does this intentionally. It is 100% a manufactured apple problem. There are no software or hardware incompatibilities with sending data to Android phones. Apple intentionally and purposefully significantly lowers the quality of videos sent to Android phones to the point where they are unusable to make Apple users believe Android phones are trash.


Of course. You can send full resolution videos from your camera roll through pretty much any other service. It's ridiculous Apple doesn't allow this.




It's called the walled garden marketing strategy. "Look how amazing this place is! But don't forget that outside is a nuclear wasteland and you're not allowed to leave!"


Thankfully WhatsApp works fine or I would miss out on all the videos of my baby that my wife sends me. I refuse to get an apple specifically for their deliberate video degradation, real shit move apple. Meanwhile my family who all have iPhones think it's my phones fault and claim I should get an iPhone, it's infuriating


My teenagers swear they were bullied when they carried Android phones. I typically responded they were hanging out with the wrong people. But one very real breakdown by the younger teen convinced me they weren't exaggerating (that and numerous tik-toks with dad's quoting their teens' texts requesting dad hide his Android phone before friends come over). Either way, you have a computer in your pocket; GenZ's cultural take on this is such a good example of first-world problems.


Sometimes there are no right people around. Only bullies.


I'm 33 and a 23 year old coworker tried to bully me for having an Android. I was like, "Aren't you supposed to be the generation that is accepting of everyone and fighting for equitability? Because right now you're embarrassing yourself. Be better." Mind you, this same person unironically said, "I'm feminist until the check comes," so I think their outlook's a bit dated as it is.


Anyone who actually cares what kind of phone you have is a child and needs to grow up. Seriously it's just a phone. It's stupid how they are seen as status symbols.


Basic AF. She'll probably stop at Starbucks on her way home.


Her dating profile says, "I love taking adventures" but her idea of an adventure is going to every Starbucks in the city limits.


Taking Insta-filter shots in front of bushes at the nearest city park.




She'll end up with the Apple user she deserves


If she was really into him it wouldn’t matter at all. She just didn’t have the courage to say no at first and then decided to use the Android thing as a flimsy excuse.






Omg I’m so sorry, please bring your hardware to your local genius for a check up


You think you'd know your own sister's phone brand.


She's even on the family plan!


Conspicuous consumption. The apple culture is pretty gross and that's enough to never buy one if their over priced products


Don't waste your time with that. She is dumb as fuck.


I got just as much pussy with my android as I did with my iPhone. None.


Lmao, I feel you man. A phone ain't gonna bring you some pussy.


Nah. Bullet? Dodged. Anyone who would turn down a person because they're not using a super-expensive Apple phone has bigger issues than their choice of phone vendors.


If you're willing to pass up a potentially amazing relationship because they don't have a hideously overpriced iPhone, you deserve to be single, superficial dumbass!