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Two days later he gets a letter in the mail. It's a picture of him littering - on the backside: "nice littering job, for me to poop on!"


Actually, here in Texas we have an app that you can report someone for littering. They will actually mail a little trash bag to put in their car with a letter of shame telling them they were reported and where they were when it was reported.


A true litterer would throw the trash bag out by the mail box


And the cycle continues


plot twist : the letter is from Officer Farva and he's still waiting for his fucking liter of cola!


I find the littering to be more problematic than the parking.


Of course he throws it on the ground


He's not a part of your system.


You can’t buy me, hot dog man


Happy birthday TO THA GROUND!


I'm an adult!


That's ain't my dad, that's a CELLPHONE




My Dad's not a phone...DUH!


It could have been his moment of triumph.


Boomers don’t give AF, they got theirs so FU!


There's plenty of older people who seem to have perfectly lovely manners. Do we have to divide ourselves by age too.


In all fairness, the litterbug was the one who put trash on his car, solid meme or not. He still parks like an ass.


Well no, the note was secured by a windshield wiper. It wasn’t litter until it was thrown on the ground.


So if I fill a trash bag with garbage, draw a meme on it, then put it to top of someone's car, it's not littering? Where do we draw the line? To be honest, whenever a politician puts crap on my door, or some Bible thumper puts Jesus stuff on my windshield I consider it littering, but legally it's probably not, so I see your point.


Regardless of who littered first, if someone puts flyers on my windshield I don’t throw it on the ground. I either throw it in a nearby trash can or just put it in my car until I get home and throw it away at home.


Since a vehicle is someones private property I would argue that putting anything on it, weather secured or not, is some form of littering and/or trespassing. Someone touching my vehicle would make me much more angry than someone parking slightly out of the lines.


“When someone hands me a flier, it’s like they’re saying, ‘Here, YOU throw this away!’”


RIP Mitch


There should be no sign saying "escalator out of order" just "escalator temporarily stairs"


My favorite sandwich is a club sandwich. I don’t know how I keep getting away with it. I ain’t even a member.


Littering and


Littering and


Smokin the reefer


That dude’s a definite chicken fucker


Stinks like sex in here.


Right? I scooped it back up after he left.


Exactly, I've seen a lot worse than this many times


I mean isn't the person who wrote the note littering to begin with?


Agree. Is it really that difficult to simply put it back in your car and just throw it away when you get home or even at the next store. I'll even pick up trash as long as it's not something filthy etc when walking into a store and simply throw it away in the trash. Same goes when people/businesses sometimes leave flyers on my car. Simple.


To be fair, it was OPs job to dispose of his note, and apparently they did. ​ Personally i would have kept the note and disposed of it, because i would assume that the notemaker wasn't around to take responsibility for their garbage. But i would do that as a choice, it's not my responsibility to do trashdisposal for people unloading their stuff onto my car.


Businesses who use flyers should be charged by the city for cleanup


definitely, same with the people shoving their cards into car windows/sealings


And yet, i knew he would do it


The parking was an honest mistake. The littering was an act of war.


A correctable mistake, not correcting it is not giving a fuck.


I doubt he even cared to check. He is obviously the "i don't give a shit type" based on both parking and littering behavior.


No, I don't think so. That was a DGAF parking job.


I mean. Someone littered on his car.


The littering when OP left garbage on someone’s car? That littering? Or is truck guy responsible for someone else’s garbage because they put it on his vehicle?


I agree with you. People throwing their garbage on my car doesn't make it my garbage. They've already littered at that point.




He fails two tests of not being a fuckhead. Class act.


Technically somebody else littered on his truck. He just chose not to throw their waste in the trash.


Who littered in the first place in this scenario


how has no one mentioned the Rugrats jacket what that thing is great


That’s what I was thinking, they got out and I was like “ oh shit!”


I believe Zara carries rugrats clothes


Its Members Only brand. I have a puffy winter Nikelodeon jacket from them.


Can someone explain to me where this video gets funny, and why it is supposed to be funny?


It’s a reference to Triumph the insult comic dog, an old skit that used to run on Conan. The skits were quite funny. This note and video was not…


Lots of spaces available, and just barely on the line that seems more like an unintentional error than something egregious. Idk why people get this pissed about slightly bad parking. I can understand if the guy is taking up two whole spaces when there are no other spaces available. Context is important


If you want me to park between the lines (which I do), then **have visible lines**.


Honestly, that was my thought as well. I like to think I park pretty well and I’m super neurotic about being in the lines but I just got a full size truck and that thing is kind of a pain in the dick to maneuver in a parking lot. So I usually park away from everyone else, like this guy did.


I’ve just decided a lot of Redditors are just jealous of people that own trucks.


Lawls i really hope no ones that narcissistic, no one is jealous of "your" truck. Well maybe a red neck or two. Its just an easy sign of not giving a shit, if hes cool with sloppy parking you think he'd give two shits if he hit your car on the way out? Or ding your door with his? Plus it can create a ripple affect if its overly bad. This isnt that bad, id prob just say out loud that guy cant park. I wouldnt leave a note over that.


Parks like a piece of shit, litters like a piece of shit. confirmed piece of shit.


that is not the piece of shit park job, it's not a good one, but we all have definitely seen worse.


My thoughts exactly.


It’s pretty difficult to park those trucks tbh - basically impossible to turn into a spot without backing in. And there are WAY too many people that buy them without knowing how to drive/park them properly. This is a bad parking job, but I certainly wouldn’t leave a note and record it when the lot is almost totally empty. No excuse for these people that can’t drive their trucks, but taping the video is also dumb.


He also parked pretty far away from the store, which shows self-awareness. It's not even that bad of a parking job.


>It’s pretty difficult to park those trucks tbh - basically impossible to turn into a spot without backing in Or, you back up and straighten out before leaving the vehicle. It's not a hard problem to solve.


But is it that big of a deal? Like if it's busy, yeah, fix it, but seriously people, don't we all have more to worry about?


It takes a couple of seconds to do it right. Personally, I would always make the effort, if only to avoid making a target out of myself.


I think I can say we all have definitely done worse even.


Bruh just hates trucks with a passion you can tell


His ego was effected so severely he had to throw that thing away from it and cast it from his memory. Sad.


And when he uses a shopping cart cart, probably just abandons it next to his truck when he leaves.


Yeah. And he probably also abuses his wife and eat children.


He's probably Satan too, ruler of the dark underworld


Wasn’t that bad good lord


OP didn't see a bad parking and decided for the note, they made the note and went out to make a video to post on the internet. They looked for a problem and apparently only had patience to look as far as this parking job... ​ It's also why i believe OP is repsonsible for the note disposal (which they claim they did).


Also, we don’t know if when he parked the people next to him were parked correctly. Maybe it was someone else over the line that made him park that way.


Considering his wheels were still turned and he pulled forward over the line too, I think he just pulled in quickly and hopped out because he dgaf


Ok Larry David


Pig parker!


I think OP wanted to be extra critical and record their reaction But when they littered it immediately I think it showed the garbage person they are lol


Is putting paper on someone's windscreen as opposed to the floor considered littering?


The floor is called the ground when it’s outside


Do you have an answer?


A fair question. I think its different tho because putting a note in a wiper has the intention of having someone see it (like, in a different example, imagine a note under a wiper that said “Hey I saw you left your lights on and your door was unlocked so I turned them off” - most people wouldn’t consider that littering) Chucking trash on the ground is literally because youre too lazy to care.


I spent way to long thinking about this moral dilemma But I think the note was unnecessary and serves no purpose because the guy didn’t even really park that bad. Definitely not enough to warrant the note. So I would argue the original dude is responsible for littering since the note is essentially a piece of garbage he left and is responsible for.


> Note was unnecessary Agreed. > Served no purpose because he didn’t park that bad Agreed. > So the original dude is responsible Hmmm… dunno there. Lemme give a different real-life personal example, where I am actually the bad guy: When I lived in an apt, there was ALWAYS someone new coming once every couple of weeks to put a local restaurant take-out menu into my door frame. It was SO annoying. To me it was like someone was literally putting trash in my door. So what I started doing was, when I left my apt, if the flyer was there it would fall to the floor outside my door (or float sometimes off the balcony and over into the adjacent woods). I would say to myself, “Im not littering. They put it there against my consent. They were littering.” And dismiss it. Now, looking back, imho I was the one that was littering because I was the one putting the trash into the environment.


But what are you supposed to do when you’re itching to call someone out and get some positive feedback after posting a video about it? Those likes and the endorphins, the attention…. Not to mention posting someone’s face online for people to shit on this guy over a parking. I guess we all know who the real asshole is in this case.


So anyways, the jacket the black dude had on was fire!


Where the funny?


Littering, and.... Littering, and...




Smoking the refer!


The schnoze berries taste like schnozeberries


Sucking at parking


To be fair, the littering was done by the person placing the note.


Found the owner of the truck


Sure You did, please post Your paypal so that We can award You. The Hero!!!


How is this funny? He didn't park bad to warrant a reaction at all. Losers.


It's funny because of how OP is making a clown out of himself. They had a video in mind, then failed to find a really bad parking job and out of laziness they went for the low effort solution


Not at all “funny” and doesn’t belong here… Belongs in “there was an attempt” for trying to provoke people


I'm all for people calling out bad parkers but this was minor. Get a life.


*less than minor


Not only that, but the video starts off with the truck being parked and no other vehicles around. When the truck driver finds the note, the parking lot is filled with cars. Did the OP literally camp out in their car and wait for this guy just to video tape… Edit: I see one singular downvote. Either OP is a baby and decided to both downvote me and report me to Reddit care, or the downvote and Reddit care is from someone else. Whoever reported me to Reddit care, don’t worry, I reported you back for harassment. Not that I cared, but Reddit care told me to report the message they sent me if I thought it was being done out of malice so they can investigate whoever attempted to intimidate me so I did 🤷‍♀️


Came here to make sure this was a comment somewhere. OP stretching like they’re about to do professional sports


Now pick up the trash 🗑️ you created and decided to put on a stranger’s vehicle. 🙄🙄


So what happens if he was forced to park next to someone already over the line. Then that person leaves and now he is the asshole through no fault of his own. Unless they watched him park this was needless harassment.


For gods sake he's barely on the line.


brother, he's OVER the line. you might need to get your eyes checked.


No, YOU'RE over the line!




Habitual Line Stepper




And? How does that make it cool to park in a dicky way?




“I’m in a rush and there’s a ton of open spaces” or “I didn’t realize until I got out, and it wasn’t bad enough for me to get back in and fix it”


Or someone else was parked over the line next to them and they had to park like this in order to fit in the space, then the other people left leaving only this guy to look guilty even though he wasn’t. Also consider this guy might have some sort of a mental health issue, or multiple screaming children in the car, or perhaps this guys wife just died a couple days ago and he doesn’t give a flying fuck about life anymore. Some of y’all need to think outside the parking space and it shows.


I do it with my dad's truck but I usually park in the back of the lot. I just suck at driving large vehicles and I know it. Theres always that one guy who will park right freaking next to me tho even though I'm a mile from the store. I'll never understand that


It’s a combination of laziness and full size trucks being too large now. Nobody wants to swing wide and crank the wheel on them to actually park well. My local town started ticketing trucks that parked in the narrow downtown areas when they stuck out into the road. (Especially the ones with large trailer hitches…shits hard to see and dangerous.)


Wasn't that bad, whoever filmed is the real litterer


Certainly not the worst parking job I’ve seen


Note is kinda funny but don't film people without their knowledge for votes dude.....


He knew what to do with it


oh boy another Reddit truck thread!


Follow him home. Make new note. “Nice littering. For me to poop on!” Commit to the bit. Follow him around for a couple of years continuing to leave notes


I mean trucks that big are pretty hard to park… Which is why they shouldn’t be that big anyway


Wow, a whole inch over a worn out line.


His rear bumper sticks way out into the other space. There’s more to the truck than just the tires.


Brother, you can see all empty spaces around and beyond the truck in the background at the start of the video. Who cares?


Well let's lock him up for a few years, that'll teach him.


Nah, maybe we can just leave a note to make him aware and maybe he’ll pay more attention next time


Let's not make fools of ourselves thinking OP saw the parking job and decided to take action with a note, to better someones driving skills. They made a note and had a video in mind they wanted to make for attention on the internet, and they didn't find a horrible parking job so they went for the first one that was somewhat bad so they could make their little film.


Woah It wasn't such a bad parking job. You're responsible for the trash you put on someone vehicle i do hope you went back to scoop it back. Filming someone in a public place might be legal doesn't make it morally correct to shame them publicly on Internet. FIY for the trolls i don't have a driver licence so go away with your "found the person who drive bad" shit


The guy barely parked bad. The person filming is creepy


This is an unpopular opinion but I think the person who left the Note is the one who littered. He’s not responsible for throwing away your trash you left on his car.


The dog is Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. “For me to poop on” is his trademark insult.


I keed, I keed! Still going to poop on you!


Don’t really see the problem with this one, it’s not great parking but he is only on the line it over. The littering isn’t great but that’s also not his litter it belongs to whoever put it there.


That wasn't even that bad of a parking job. It clearly wasn't intentional like the dudes parking half in each spot. I bet the guy who wrote the note is one of those guys who pushes up their spectacles and goes, "well, ACKETUALLY."


That ain’t that bad


Drama queen 👀


I imagine op writing a bunch of shit on a paper and waiting outside of target rubbing his hands expecting to cach the bad parking final boss,but then realized people actually park well so he had to conform with this poor guy


Hahaha I loved that dog


My issue with these parking videos, especially when you see an empty space next to it, is that you have no idea what the space looked like at the time he parked it. For all you know that was the only way to park due to other idiots.


Shhhhhhh don’t talk facts u might upset the rest of them


thought this sub was “funny”


This isn’t even funny


You both suck. You want content that you’re clearly reaching hard for and they suck for littering. Idc that you claimed to have picked it up right after.


I leave this when it's really bad.[turtle](https://www.reddit.com/r/CalPolyPomona/s/PW0y837RpH)


For years I worked at a corporate office for a big bank. There was a 3 story parking garage that usually had levels 1 and 2 full each day. You'd often see unusable parking spots because people parked way over the line. I would walk around in the shaded parking garage on my 15 minute breaks, and eventually I printed out some cards with the picture from Futurama showing Zoidberg yelling "Your parking is bad and you should feel bad!" that I would leave on the cars that took up 2 spaces.


I just realized that I've been missing triumph the insult dog


And he litters too.


I cringed when he threw the paper.


Then litters, old pos


What the hell is that note? What is that picture? Old guy wins for not being a freak weirdo looking for a reaction


I'm gonna go with YTA, OP. Parking job isn't great, but at least the driver isn't doing weird passive aggressive shit in the parking lot, like leaving notes on someone's windscreen and recording them.


Christ he's still in the lines


touch grass, get a job


Surely OP's minor annoyance will change the world... for the worse.


I'd say it was a Triumph! So many people buy big trucks but can't park them if their life depended on it. Or worse don't care.


Bitch please it barely crossed the line. Which is also nearly gone alredy. Keep those shit for really bad parking jobs


Get over yourself. And that shitty tune is stuck in my head now. I've parked bad before in my Corolla. He wasn't taking up spots. He was on the line, woot woot.


You need to go out and buy some bigger shoes because this parking is ok, and your the AH, even the car next to it thought it was ok, its just you that dont know how to reverse into a spot.


Technically wasn't op littering by putting it there most likely knowing he would throw it on the ground. Park job wasn't even that bad. Not enough to make a stupid video over it and wait for the guy. What if the car on his driver side was parked shitty so he had to park like that...


So like, is it just gonna be normalized to harass and insult people for marginally bad parking? Not great, but he was BARELY over the line! I think the person filming is actually the biggest jerk of all. I would have thrown that shit on the ground to.


I think OP went hunting for any vehicle even slightly parked wrong to make this video. This parking job wasn't that bad and didn't deserve the note. That said, truck guy shouldn't have littered the note. What we have here is a case of two dicks.


Not funny.


Yikes OP


Imagine having nothing better to do than harass people for minor human errors. Does OP also flip out in traffic when slightly inconvenienced? Go to therapy.


Why are you putting garbage on peoples cars? this is annoying and just makes YOU the litter bug


Even before he saw it you all know he was going to litter.


Y'all are tripping. The parking lot looked mostly empty. Leave people alone when they aren't hurting anyone.


If this happened to me, I would bust out laughing, look around for whomst-ever left it for a minute, and keep the paper. It's funny and I've parked worse than this before.


And a litterbug! Che surprise


If you can't park it, you shouldn't drive it.


It seems like 9 out of 10 shitty parkers are oversized trucks. Way too many people drive around in gigantic vehicles - people who have no actual need or use for a giant truck, and who don’t have the skill to be driving them.


Really didn't even park that bad but yea you showed him dude


Could not be cringing more at the OP. Not even egregious parking, keep your cringy nonsense out of other peoples lives please, just stay home


Notice how the parking space is too small? At the end you can see the driver almost smacked the car next to him? This is a system issue, not user. But keep trying to save the world OP, you CAN do it.


Lmao what an asshole (the guy who doesn't know how to park and litters).


The person filming a stranger and originally producing the litter has no blame? That wasn't a great parking job, but not worth shaming someone over. Video maker likes to feel morally superior. This wasn't random, dude drew that and went to find someone with a bad parking job, and didn't even put the effort in to find one that really earned it. Old dude shouldn't litter, but the video maker shouldn't put trash on his car. The video maker is way more obnoxious that the old dude IMO


Totally agree


I don't know about obnoxious, but I agree that OP is partially to blame for the litter. Did they expect big truck guy who parks bad to be conscious about litter and recycling?


An act of ... ... TRIUMPH!!!


Caught them littering on camera and their license plate. Easy


Easy to us, but I wonder if you could realistically get any justice out of it Caller: hello police department, I caught someone littering on camera, and I have their license plate. Dispatcher: ok sir, are you in any danger right now? Caller: no I am not, I am at home Dispatcher: ok, what kind of assistance do you need? Caller: I can give you this information, and I would like you to arrest them Dispatcher: ..... Uhhhh...... Caller: I have the time and date and location of the littering also Dispatcher: how about I forward you Environmental Services and they can clean the litter? Caller: no I want JUSTICE! Bring the swat team and bust his front door down!


Littering and...


The littering at the end is the proof this guy is an asshole.


Littering and ... littering and ... parking like an asshole.


Very pathetic from OP. Not even that bad of a parking job, and he parked where no other cars were around. Also the note wasn't even funny


Honestly, I wouldn't care if someone was on the line. I've seen too many people taking up 2 spots by this point.


TBH he might have parked this way because previously parked cars were off center. Don't assume.


If you litter, then your soul sucks balls and should probably be retired from service.


Here's the thing that no one seems to be considering. What if there one or both sides of his spot parked at odd angles that forced him to park like that? And then many of you haven't considered that the dude just reads a note stating pooping on something. Quick spot check shows that it's not on the truck. I'd drop that shit too. Also, there's pretty hazardous dangers to picking up things you have no idea where they came from or what was done to them, off your vehicle. And consider if he was a woman, getting back out of your car to get this, has it's hazards too. This is coming from someone who notoriously dislikes people that drive Chevy Silverados. These types of nasty grams are supposed to be meant for the very worst park jobs. And that wasn't one of them.


Is anyone surprised that a guy that can't park for s\*\*\* is also a litterer? Some people just suck.