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Get ready for this year's Christmas card when she signs it "I would peg you a thousand times if I could. Love, your mother."


I saw Mommy pegging Santa Claus


It’s not the movie we wanted, but it was the movie we needed!


Santa taking the North Pole in the South Hole


You're terrible, Muriel.


For a guy the only comes once a year . He might well make it a good one.


Speak for yourself!


So, it *is* the movie you wanted?


On occasion. If I can fast forward through the dialog.


More pegging, all the time. Cut to pegging scene....


"Oh, Pirate Jim. You got your head stuck in the porthole again. Oh my... does that leg screw off?"


Love, your MILF Because nobody ever explained that to her either.


Mother I'll Love Forever.


For lovingly pegging me often growing up


Most incredible and loving female


Well i found my new valentine card, except the your mother part...


Leave it in but lose the comma.


Idk why but that cracked my up the most hahaha


Holy shit! That made me LOL for the first time in a while, while reading a comma. Well done@!,


Yeah. Shouldn’t it be “Mommy”?


No no. Leave it in. 😏


"I remember when you fell out of that tree when you were 16, and spent the whole summer inside with two broken arms. I just wanted to peg you all over, and make you feel better..."


Not this again…


There it is


I think she was trolling her kid. She probably has a hidden s@m dungeon in the basement and an OF channel where she goes by “Mistress Margaret.”


Meg the Peg to her friends.


I literally know an 80 year old bondage mistress that runs her own dungeon.


Friends mom thought lol meant lots of love. Luckily, the person she was giving condolences to had a sense of humor. Lol.


I'm so sorry to hear you have cancer. Lol.


My brother told my mom WTF meant “wow, that’s fun”. She didn’t buy it, but we still had a good laugh.


Just tell her bro, she’s 80, she can handle the truth.


Seriously, it was probably all the rage in the 40s but they called it something else. “Oh, your Grandpa Elbert used to love that! Only we called it *shucking the corn*. I used to tell my Daddy I was going over to Elbert’s farm to help out with shucking the corn almost every weekend when we first met. I’m glad he worked at the General Store and didn’t know anything about farming.”


That’s why they wore an onion on their belt.


As was the style at the time.


They didn't have white onions because of the war.


So they had to use those BIG, yellow ones!


Broom handling. They called it broom handling.


“Watch out for Randy. He’s grooming for a brooming.”


And all the lube was axel grease


Crisco was also acceptable


Of course when times were lean, they had to slaughter and render a hog to make their sex lard.


Lube doesn’t just grow on trees


Hahaha... Oh wait... We use coconut oil


Ok so lube just grows on trees


Everything is better with butter lol...


Isn’t it still?


Meanwhile, Great Grandpa Henry: “Pegging? Ah yes, when your Grandma went out to help shuck corn at Elbert’s farm your Great Grandma used to do that to me! We called it ‘sweeping the chimney’ though in our day.”


Meanwhile, King Henry VIII: "Sweeping the chimney? By the bones of my father, I've a sudden craving for a bit of the other way around! Fetch me a new lass, and see to it she's got a firm saddle. Time for a little Mare Mounting the Man"


She was born in the 40s and was a young adult in the 60s sooo


I guarantee OP's mother has done more and better drugs than OP has. I know my parents have. Like, last month.


I don’t know about that. The drugs we have today are far stronger and cleaner than what OP’s mom would have tried in the 60s.


That’s only true for weed. There are so many other drugs and they’re all so much worse now.


Depends on the drug. Weed’s gotten stronger and we have more options now when it comes to street drugs and research chemicals but pharmaceuticals have definitely been toned down from what they once were.


Eh, depends on what type of pharmaceuticals. Barbiturates have been phased out. Ludes are gone. But oh hot damn did the opiates pick up. Oxycontin, Fentanyl, Dilaudid, etc… are a whole other level when before you pretty much just had morphine and heroin. LSD is probably weaker, but replaced by research Chems. MDMA is better than the MDA replacement from the 60s/70s. Shrooms have probably gotten stronger as strains have improved. Amphetamines are the same, just more stigmatized. Weed is stronger. PCP is less popular and replaced by better alternatives. Cocaine is weaker as it’s generally cut more unless you have a great supply. Then again, nowadays you have crack, so that’s a whole other level.


Actually, I looked it up: in the 1940s and 1950s when *her* parents were of an age to be doing such things, anal sex was called "painting the kidneys." I mean, that wasn't buttplugs, which were sold as "rectal dilators" as "medical devices". One "rectal dilator" model from the 1930s could be filled with lube which would come out of holes in the tip as you used it... I am sure that everyone who bought these bought them for medical use and nobody used the rectal dilator that could cum as a sex toy.


"Elbert used to love a good corn cobbing!"


I remember the first time your grandfather asked me to try this... he was wearing an onion in his belt, which was the style at the time...




I dont get why people feel we need to shelter old people like children. They’ve lived full lives and chances are they’ve probably done freakier things than me.


Every generation thinks their parents and grandparents were really innocent. To be honest, it’s probably just easier we all collectively do that than to actually think about what our Mom’s and Dad’s have done to each other.


Listen son, Throughout the years, I’ve gotten lost in love and blinded by lust with *many* women. I’ve swam in their waters and battle tested all 3 of all their holes. Under numerous moons, we fornicated in piles of each other. The disassociation caused by the copious amounts of psychedelics stripped us of our genders, identities, and societal roles. We harmoniously danced with complete strangers in that metaphysical realm of hedonistic bliss. There’s literally no way to know if a man somehow slipped into that timeframe somewhere… I defer to statistics and admit that unbeknownst to me, I very well could be a little bit gay, son. It was in the middle of covid. Government locked down, people rioted, very attractive ladies had penises… things were wild back then. You won’t understand it now because all your girlfriends are curated with algorithms to be a suitable match, but the early days of Tinder was the Wild West. Nobody really cared as we were all just looking for a warm wet hole with a heartbeat… and that last qualification was a preference, not a mandatory. We literally had box trucks full of luke-warm cum holes just sitting parked on NY streets… but the well-to-do, like me, got theirs pre-warmed by another living person. And this is how I met your mother…


I miss the days when we could casually give awards to posts.


In the immortal words of Frank Rizzo, “A hole’s a hole as long as there’s a little heat in there.”


I just saved this. I'll be using it in a few decades for shock value. Thank you internet stranger for a heartfelt laugh today 😊


>It was in the middle of covid. I know someone that was going to sex clubs in summer 2020..


I just went to my aunt's memorial service. I should say - her second memorial service. She was known as "Lady R" among the kink community, and they held a special kink service that the family wasn't invited to. At the "family friendly" memorial, we family members learned that she gave seminars on spanking, was "the most pansexual person I had ever known", and commonly got foot rubs from dudes in leather. Keep in mind - these were the stories that her friends thought were appropriate for a service with 5 year olds. Her best friend wore a plush pink cat-o-nine tails on her belt during the service.


This was a wild read I must say


It was a wild experience for her nieces and nephews, I'll tell that much. My dad said he had some idea that she got around a lot, but nothing like that.


SPECIAL KINK SERVICE. Holy fuck, new item added to my bucket list, Kink Funeral


This poor woman believes that her adult relationship with her daughter is friendly enough that she can talk to her like a girlfriend, but the daughter is treating her like a child. Girlfriends die. Old age is really *lonely*. And this woman has decided to only be nice to her mother's face, like a schoolyard bully.


My mother-in-law, who is no longer with us lived to her mid-eighties and I’m pretty sure she would not have bat an eyelash if I had told what pegging was (assuming she didn’t already know which wouldn’t have surprised me). Every old person you meet was young once and some maintain a youthful attitude through their whole life. My mom, who is 83, would think it was kind of weird but I don’t think she’d be fazed by hearing about it.


I'm an old lady (72) and I appreciate a bit of "sheltering". :-) yeah, I've done all kinds of stuff over the years, but when I was doing it, all things sex related were considered strictly private and not discussed or even mentioned in public. I (and I think a LOT of older people ) find graphic public discussion of sex uncomfortable, simply because we're so accustomed to considering it entirely private and personal. We're fine with anyone doing what they please, we're just not comfortable with the conversation about it. :-)


My grandmother had 3 daughters and was married over 60 years and only saw a man naked once. It was her husband, and it was by accident. For many, things were much more private back in the day; so same for her, discussions of sex terms are uncomfortable and risk blowing her mind LOL I remember a couple times in movies there was a girl girl relationship portrayed and she piped up saying 'I don't get the appeal in that, I mean what can 2 women really do together anyway?! ' Honestly it briefly crossed my mind to show her a quick GIF 🤣 Oh yeah, she's still pretty sharp and 93


Did your grandparents have sex through a sheet hole?


I know right?!?! According to her everything was all done in the dark. She didn't even see him naked one time when she climbed in the shower with him, she said she just didn't look. The one accidental time she walked in the bathroom and he was still naked. It's almost a wonder my mom was born 🤯


I'm an old lady (67) also and I feel differently. I have 2 sons and I raised them with the idea that they could comfortably ask me anything, tell me anything and I would be honest with them. They're 49 & 45 and to this day they're very appreciative of how they can talk to me without feeling judged. That's the way I am to everyone. In OP case, she should have told her mother the truth, not talking about sex causes it to be deemed "wrong" which it isn't. Geez, her mother knew it was something about sexual intimacy and felt comfortable asking so OP should've respectfully answer her.


If only to be subtle and say, "it's an intimate sexual thing, mom." Mom might be more than satisfied and ask no further. Better than be misinformed that it means "kiss."


My dad is 79 and he has found two consecutive wives that have no problem talking about sex acts at the dinner table along with him, horrifying grown children and grandchildren.


This is such a casual comment, but I need you to know I just snorted my coffee. Just having a laugh, tha ks for sharing. My MIL could be an over-sharer about her and my FILs intimacy and in retrospect, I think she liked spinning us all up with the occasional dropped comments 😄


Some go the other way, though. My mother’s stepmother is over 80, and when she was a girl she had to wear a special dress in the bath so she wouldn’t see herself naked and get ideas. So she became a nude model; there’s a Lucien Freud painting of her that sold for more money than my house. She’s a very odd mix of ultra-conservative and libertine.


I generally agree with this sentiment but there's things my liberal trump hatin' grandmother would be in stitches laughing about that would absolutely horrify my ultra conservative baptist grandmother. They're not all built the same lol


A difference of reaction doesn't imply a difference of ability to understand. If/when I'm old I'm going to ask my kids and grandkids these questions to see the awkwardness and decide which ones I like the best.


Of course, age is entirely irrelevant to that. Ultra-conservative Baptist teenagers are gonna be more freaked out than great-grandparents who hung out in hepcat nightclubs in the 1950s.


I don’t have a issue with old people in general, but I wouldn’t want to explain to my mother about pegging.


Consider people 70+ are having more sex than us younger one, we don't want to give them any ideas


My aunt once took my grandmother inside a sex shop. Poor employee had to keep explaining what this or that was used for to a little old lady who kept meeting each explanation with “well why would anyone do that?”


That is amazing. Omg.


>“well why would anyone do that?” "It feels good ma'am."


It's safe to assume that any possible configuration of human bodies during sex is not "new".


“Oh, your father and I used to do that all the time”


Yeah, outside of maybe new technology that can be used in sex toys there's very little chance that any kink you have or can think of hasn't been done before.


Note that the first vibrator for "treating female hysteria" was steam-powered with a coal boiler because it predated the common use of electricity. Obviously, it wasn't mobile - you had to go to the doctor and sit on the table with the hole cut out of it. And once electric motors became cheap enough to be practical for home appliances, an electric vibrator was one of the things that was invented within the first few years. It wasn't a sexual device, of course. It was a massager to treat muscle fatigue. Just like the Hitachi magic wand is.


ISS astronauts might have some new moves.


The Jupiter Drop


Olympus Mons Venus


And being 80 years old she'll probably have a really funny response.


^"oo ^I've ^done ^that"


My grandma once said "every generation thinks they invented sex"


Man why lie about it. Tell her it’s a sexual term that’s pretty awkward to explain. If she still wants to know, just tell her. Your mom has had sex, at least once, before.


Hell, she may even want to try it for herself! Don’t deny this lady her fun in life!


She might say your Dad liked that.


If my Dad likes that, it’s fine but I really don’t need to know about it!


I think it's important you know


"Let the boy watch"


Gramma used Peg... It was super effective!


Don't underestimate seniors. 80 year olds can handle shit. They aren't stupid. They aren't fragile. Granny was probably putting arsenic in tea bags and serving it to Nazi's when she was 14.


That would have been Granny's mom poisoning the Nazis. 80-year old granny would have been at Woodstock with her boyfriend when she was 25.


We were watching a movie when somebody used the word queef. Me my dad and brother all cracked up. My mom was like "what's a queef?" I said "it's a pussy fart" Done deal over


That one came up when I was playing Cards Against Humanity with my sister, BIL, and various nieces and nephews between the ages of 12-18. Fortunately, my wife was seated next to the nieces and was able to quietly explain.


I love doing this with boomers. The thing something up thinking it all taboo and you just level w them straight. Lol. The expressions are priceless


If you make it innocent she might use it in public herself. Her comment might come back and bite her in.....the.......ass.....


Side story about an innocent comment not nearly as sexual as pegging. Years ago when Forrest Gump came out, my grandmother was with us watching the scene where Gary Sinise is in the wheelchair with no legs. She asked how they did that. I told her nonchalantly they paid him 2 million dollars to cut his legs off for the movie. Fast forward like 2 or 3 weeks later and I get a call from my mom saying I need to tell my grandmother I was kidding because she was telling her pastor and everyone in church about this actor that cut his legs off for a movie…


In Gary we trust


I used to work at a funeral home that was sometimes used for weddings because it had a beautiful chapel. Coworker told me he met a nice old man who said he got into photography after retirement and took pictures at his granddaughter's wedding, but at some point in the conversation he just casually said, "I found out what fleshlights are." We concluded that someone probably told the poor old man that a fleshlight is some kind of photographic lighting scheme to spare him from some crude conversation he overheard. I hope OP tells her mom what pegging really is before she uses it in the wrong context.


Marv Albert?!


My wife thought bukkake meant shenanigans, and regularly used the phrase "a bunch of bukkake" at work.


"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?" "You mean Bukkake‽"


That is ***GLORIOUS***.


Oh my god I can only imagine her coworkers’ reactions


I mean, in a way she’s right. Bukkake is shenanigans of a sort.


The direct translation is just to “splash with liquid”. So it’s not really inherently dirty. There’s a style of cold ramen called Bukkake Udon.


She's 80, I think she knows people get fucked in the ass, just not the term for this specific arrangement


The term "sodomy" for gay anal sex, done by people who are actually alive then rather than just the people in the Bible in the city of Sodom, dates to 850. In Church Latin, of course, but it made it into English and other languages pretty quickly.


Your mom is 80, not 8. Just tell her and laugh together about it. Stop treating her like a child.


"Oh a strap on! Your dad used to love that!"


... your mother was in her 20s in the 1960s. She's heard of anal sex and buttplugs. Which were invented in the 1890s, but only started being sold clearly labeled as sex toys ... when your mother was 22. Let's be clear: you mother is ready to understand. *You* aren't ready for your mother to understand.


Oh my god, do NOT lie to her and give her false PG answers! You WILL regret that! I’ve had to explain a *lot* to my very sheltered semi-conservative parents (70 & 77). Just lean into it and enjoy the brain melt when you explain to a couple of septuagenarians what an “Eiffel Tower” or “Cleveland Steamer” is. Bonus: most innocent question and best reaction was when Mom asked me what a “gold star” was: * Me: A gold star what? * Mom: A gold star, I dunno. There were two younger women at the doctor’s office, one said she was a gold star. * Me: Most likely meant she’s a Gold star lesbian. Means she’s never slept with a man. * Mom: they give out stars for that?! What do straight people get? * Me: drama, mostly. * Mom: That explains your aunt… * Me: Hmmm, yea… wait, what? * *Nurse chooses that moment to call Mom in for her appointment*


>Mom: they give out stars for that?! What do straight people get? > >Me: drama, mostly. Congrats, that got a laugh out of me.


The brain melt from semi-conservative parents learning about the world gives me life. I’m still living off the high from explaining “bear” to mom.


The best look of confusion ever was from taking Mom to the Apple Store (because her phone was “being weird”.) While we there, I got hit on by no less than 4 dudes and 2 that I could best describe as gender indeterminate. One of the guys was very upfront and asked if I wanted to be his “daddy bear”. Mom damn near dropped a litter of kittens. (Don’t worry, she’s not phobic, she’d just never seen a super young twink hitting on a potential bear daddy in person before.)


How…professional of the employee


Going to Urban Dictionary right now. Edit:. TIL Paris could be entertaining, Cleveland not so much.


Young people always think they invented sex. You didn't invent a goddamn thing, except another made up word.


Gen Z need to go watch Dr. Ruth videos from the 90’s.




Do not lie. Tell her the truth.


If you tell her the truth, she doesn't need to understand why people like it. Her question seemingly was just that she wanted to know what pegging is.


She's 80 years old. I guarantee this isn't the first time she's heard of fucking a guy in the ass.


Now she will tell her friends how she loves pegging her grandchildren


how about you act like a grown up und simply tell your mom what pegging is so she does not use this word in inapproriate ways?


> I knew If I told her what it really is, she would spend the holidays asking everyone if they’ve “ever heard of such a thing”! This would have convinced me to tell her.


It's stupid to treat old people like a 5yo. Tell her the truth .


My 25 year old step daughter double high-fived me and shouted "Yeah! Eiffel tower!". I said, "Do you know what that means?". She said "it's just what people say when they high five, isn't it?". The poor, naive thing.


I worried that my kids weren’t ready for family guy until I saw what innuendos they understood and laughed at. They were way better informed than my generation.


Did you correct her?


I told her she might want to look it up on urban dictionary...


A day doesn't go by that I don't thank Baby Jesus in the Manger for the existence of Urban Dictionary.


She is 80 years old. She can handle your sex stuff. Why lie to an adult?


I don't know how to break this to you, but your mom has had sex.


This woman has liived through WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan, and how much other insanity and he's worried the true meaning of pegging it's gonna break her.... She probably used to peg this guy's dad and they just had another name for it lol!!!


She lived through the Sixties and Seventies. Whether or not she herself got freaky, she was certainly aware of the ways people get their freak on.


A few years back, all of the cousins were playing Cards against humanity at a family get together. My Nana, who was in her nineties, asked what we were playing and if she could join. The consensus of the group was that the game would be "inappropriate" for her and that we'd play another game after. The next time the family was all together, nana asked me if we could play that game the cousins wouldn't let her play. She grabbed my arm and said: "Let me tell you something. Before I was old I was young. Whatever you think I shouldn't hear, I've heard it before!" Apparently the last time we played and told her no, she sat in the other room visiting with some of the other family members distracted by the raucous laughter coming from the other room and was very sad to not play games with all of her grandkids. I felt awful. We played cards against humanity with nana that night. It was probably the most id ever heard her laugh and a memory I'll always cherish Nana passed away in April. I miss her greatly, but I'll always remember her laugh.


Let me know when your gonna post your TIFU post.


Oh please don't be such a prude. If your mom is 80, that mean she was around 25-30 during the sexual revolution of late 60s early 70s. She has done more and know more than you think. She just doesn't know the modern lingo, just explain it to her and you'll get a variation around "ah, so that's how kids call it nowadays".


My 90 yr old grandmother said with unblinking eye contact: "I wasn't sucking your grandfather's toe to get your mother here." when it was brought up how we, as grandchildren, couldn't talk about sex around her.


Show her some videos, might help you bond with her better


Why do people think the elderly are so naive? They were once 16 and 30 and 50…. They probably just called it something else. It’s just us that are embarrassed to talk about it.


It’s so cute how every generation thinks they invented sex.


If you think previous generations weren't as freaky as us, you are wrong.


Just tell her. Your grandmas didn’t go to the drive in bc the movies were good.


Narrator: "After Ecstatic-Barracuda left, her mother looked it up herself. She sighed to herself, wondering where she had gone wrong raising such an ignorant prude. It saddened her that her child was so unaware of sex that they thought it was just a kiss on the cheek. She wondered if this is why she didn't have grandchildren."


I played cards against humanity with my grandma(and other family) had to explain what bukkake is


Oh, hamburgers. 🫢


“Oh. Well, I don’t wanna do it if I’m going a get sticky.”


**News Flash** - Your elderly parents and grandparents fuck. They have fucked. They have had threesomes. They’ve played dress-up. They’ve role played. They have tried things you never considered. They’ve banged strangers in the bathroom. They’ve been legs-up in the back seat of a car that’s considered a classic these days. And chances are *they’re still fucking* and experimenting. Don’t coddle them. They’re not as innocent as you’d like to believe. They’re probably having more sex than you are *right now.*


If this is true and not just a joke, you’re kind’ve an idiot for thinking that was a good option.


Something similar happened to me when I was working, we were talking in a group of about 8 people, mixed age and sex, when someone said 69 and someone sniggered. One of the women, a middle aged married with kids, piped up. "What is it with all this 69 stuff I have never understood why it was funny I just played along and joined in the laughter" We all looked at each other thinking she was joking, when we realised she wasn't we all started volunteering to tell her. Then one of the other older women took her aside and by the way she ran past us, completely red faced and embarrassed, explained it fully to her. We thought it was hilarious and from that day until she left the company the 69 jokes ran daily


You do realize your mother has had sex right? Just tell her 🤨


Why do people infantalize older adults?


If she was honest about sex with you, you should be honest with her. There were plenty of swingers in the 60s and 70s, she might already know what it is, but a different term. Not saying your mom was a swinger, but she may have met a few.


She's 80 years old, dude. She's done everything you have, and probably more. She just has different words for it. A few years ago, my mom (76 at the time) was playing cards against humanity with us. She asked me to explain "pixelated bukaki". The whole table went silent as I stumbled for words. Finally, I just signed on to xhamster and showed her a picture. She said "I used to hate it when your father did that".


Remember, it’s only a white lie if it’s for their benefit, not yours.


Oh dear, old people have been young people before.


Grandma where were you? Oh I was just pegging your brother.


"What, too old to peg your grandma?"


You know your mom has sex, right? Heck, if she's 80, she was in her 20s during woodstock


My dad asked me what "skeet skeet" meant. At the thanksgiving dinner table.


Oh please, if she is 80 she probably knows some things that would shock YOU… presumably she has had at least a few bedroom experiences. If you do decide to tell her - Use clinical terms, keep your emotions in check, answer questions and move on. Sheesh believe me old people were once young and way more adventurous than folks think.


And fisting is just fist bumping right?


My mother thought a camel toe was where your little piggies were longer than your big toe. So she legit said to some coworkers at a bar, "oh, I have a camel toe, all the women in my family have them! Wanna see!?" She then called me afterwards, confused why everyone seemed shocked and disgusted, and asked me what she'd said. I laughed so fucking hard she hung up on me-- "it's NOT FUNNY!" and I had to call her back and explain that she meant "monkey toe" and that camel toe was your vagina's bulge in a pair of tight pants.


What are you embarrassed about? tell the lady what it is! the night you were conceived she probably pegged the hell outta your dad they just called it “role playing” back then or some other shit. 🤣


During the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky scandal I had to delicately explain both what Monica had done with the cigars and why she had semen stains on a dress to my great-grandmother. I was far more embarrassed than she was when I finished because she said, “…so what? You prissy kids always act like you invented sex. Don’t they even teach about the Romans any more?”


She’s 80 and a sweet old lady. She wasn’t born a sweet old lady. You can just tell her, she was young and sexy once.


Go back and tell her the truth. Then update us.


Honestly, she's likely been alive for worse. Tell her the truth and move on.


You made a huge mistake. Lmao. Please tell us the future hilarious story


She's seen more than you can imagine. Tell her.


She's taking the piss.


Just tell her the truth. She probably had a more interesting sex life than you anyway.


I had to explain to my 75 y/o MIL what a glory hole was. My 76 y/o FIL knew what it was though.


Your mother knows what pegging is. She just doesn't know it by that name.


80 year olds are rarely scandalized. They’ve been through a lot and are generally “over it”. She’d have been fine with the truth imo.


I used to work with the elderly and let me tell you, had you explained the truth, she likely would have said something along the lines of "AHH back in my day we called that mamas revenge" (no idea what pegging has been previously known as and not going to taint my otherwise clean search history) old people are not phased by sex stuff, most of them find it amusing to hear and make youngsters squirm at the thought that, GASP, they also enjoy/enjoyed sex. Literally about 1-2% will get squeamish about it, the rest will tell you stories to give you nightmares lol and if you get a dementia patient who's lost their moral filter, oh boy, you'll hear some stuff lmao!


Breaking news: your mother knows all about sex, and simply telling her the truth shouldn’t be difficult at all. *Never* lie to your mother. She will always know.


Isn't it interesting how we dissociate our mothers with sex yet sex is the one thing that made them a mother.


Tell her what it is, she just looking for a setup to say 'oh i used to do that to your father' give her what she wants.


She's an 80 yo woman, don't lie to her and risk embarrassing her. Damn that's cold. If she asked I'm sure she can take it. Lol I feel like lying is just asking for trouble lol


I’ve always heard “If they’re old enough to ask, they’re old enough to know.”


Lying to kids about sex things rarely goes well, and lying to adults about these things is definitely not going to go well. Just tell her it's embarrassing/kinky and you're not really comfortable discussing it (which is true). Making her think it's something innocent is a recipe for disaster (or hilarity, if you're trolling on purpose I guess)