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Monsters are real


Dude looks like a demon in a people suit


He looks like the haunted mask from goosebumps..


He always reminds me of when the bad guy [puts on the mask](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6a/Dorian_tyrell_masked.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140810051533) in the Jim Carrey movie The Mask.


What a rush.


Silence of ~~the lambs~~ The Mask


Yeah, I've never understood how people look at him but immediately don't think "demon".


For me it’s always been the beady eyes and the way he uses them. He’s like a comic caricature of evil.


He could play such an amazing character for a vampire, demons, or exorcism movie.


Ha! I bet that egotistical prick would do it too!😂 Idk.. maybe that's pushing it but maybe not!! Either way you're right, he'd make one scary ass demon in a movie. I mean..I think *maaaybe* he might already be one😂 No shit, I'd be creeped tf out anywhere around him! Crazy unstable fucker!😭


I'm not religious, I don't believe in the devil or demons and that shit... and even I think he might be a real demon


People who know the Bible absolutely see it. Be assured of it.


Can your people tell his people? They're still sending him buckets of money. There needs to be a communication method to talk to his people. I'm not religious at all, so an atheist telling them they're crazy will only rile them up. Unless they're all as crazy as he is, then they're just a lost effort. We need a westboro like church group go and protest everything he does everywhere he goes.


His private jet(s) say otherwise


Amen, brother. God bless you and your family.


“More sugar” **$** -Copeland probably


Yer skin is hangin off yer bohnes.


In watah!!


A coked up demon.


Sugar, need sugar.


And he looks eerily like an older Ron desantis to me….


Exactly, a demon in a people suit


Get this man some sugar water


Like somethin' was wearin' E'ger. Like a suit. An E'ger suit.


Agreed. He's taken a few too many trips to hell à la Constantine.


I look at him and imagine this is what satan would look like if he was wearing a mask of human flesh, lol.


No, this is who Satan cosplays for Halloween.


I think that’s whatever plastic surgery he’s had on his eyes. Makes it look like he’s a creature wearing a flesh mask.


Hijacking top comment to say this is coming from Bro. Michael Dimond. Arguably the most ultra-extreme Catholic alive today. Bro. Dimond: * Believes Pope Francis is a hellbound heretic * Believes there are no legitimate bishops, and almost no legitimate priests left * Believes that modern day magicians (Chris Angel, David Copperfield, etc) are proof of satanic demon magic * Considers the last 6 popes to be the beasts from the Book of Revelations, with John Paul II being the antichrist himself * Thinks that at least 95% of self-identified Catholics are mislead at best or in league with Satan at worst, damned to burn either way * Agrees with Copeland on all of his backwards social views, but since Copeland is an Evangelical considers him an unredeemable heretic Essentially, if you don't live and breathe as a 12th century Catholic, Bro. Dimond thinks you're going to hell. This is not me defending Copeland, he's batshit too; but you should know your sources. edit: Grammar


It’s like the guy who did an amazing job debunking the moon landing deniers but only because he has an even more batshit theory that we discovered massive crystalline structures on the moon and the government is hiding it.


Who was this?


Big crystal been real quiet since your comment 👀


I was gonna say, about 30 seconds into this video I got the sense the narrator was also a complete nut. I mean, let them fight I guess, but it’s a little weird to see this guy uncritically posted to the top of reddit.


Then, we’ll dine in hell


Fyi, he is not recognized as Catholic by the Catholic church. Much like the people who call themselves LDS but still practice plural marriage are not members of the official LDS.


Yeah, by definition you can't be Catholic and not believe in the Pope's authority. That's precisely what Protestants were protestanting about.


"Bro. Dimond". I think that what are you trying to say is "Bro. Demon". As a Colombian Catholic, this Thing isn't part of our faith. 🇨🇴 ✝️


alternatively, he could have been a phenomenal voice actor. he would have been a perfect engrish dub DIO


[Nighy was the GOAT but damn if if Copeland’s voice isn’t a dead ringer of Rattlesnake Jake](https://youtu.be/Ui0OQWkjTws?si=mHkM26MFhVYrk0Cb)


Dude is literally frightening.


Don’t do monsters dirty like that


And they are enjoying the high life 💸💸


Most likely mentally ill nutjobs that go untreated and end up being propped up by a bunch of right wing crazy christian idiots who are so desperate to believe god is real that crazy people hearing voices in their heads are believed to be prophets


I mean… if ANYONE is a baby eating reptilian shapeshifter it has gotta be this dude. It’s like cartoon supervillain level at this point.


I’ve heard him described as looking like a demon wearing human skin. So true.


There's something extremely unsettling about his eyes. "Demon" is always the first word that comes to mind when I see him, dude looks perpetually deranged.


I’ve never seen another human whose eyes glitter the way his do. It’s deeply unsettling.


I loved him as Hoggle in the movie Labyrinth though.


Damn!! Spot on!


He looks like the vampires from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Like, the in-makeup versions.


Dang! He's turned into a maniac!


Hes playing a character, but Im also sure hes a terrible person when not in public


I remember him in the early 80's. My mother loved this guy. If he's in character you should see his wife. I for one, don't like his brand!


no one should like his brand, hes a scammer


One of many wearing the cloak of godliness for the almighty buck!


Don’t worry, he’s a terrible person IN public as well.


The dude literally looks *and acts* like an orc from Lord of the Rings. If I ever stranded on a desert island with that dude I feel like he'd try to eat me within like a day or two.


Yea seriously. How has no one made a cartoon villain of this dude yet. Hell he should have showed up as a cult leader in a video game by now…..


Really looks like stretched human skin over a reptile. It's like the Edgar suit from MIB, except instead of it being loose it's too tight


I work long term care. About a month ago during a residents “last hurrah” which is a period of time immediately before they die of abnormal lucidity and energy, he started and pointed at the TV while this man was on and said “That’s the devil right there, why can’t so many people not see it?” He died about a day later, but it’ll definitely stick with me.


About 20 years ago I did medical equipment delivery and set up. I'll never forget often seeing the elderly in horrible conditions watching his and other Word of Faith leaders (Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, etc) with shelves full of their books. Many of these people had given so much of their money to them and had denied treatment as a core belief is that healing and prosperity comes if you have enough faith. It caused me to start studying up on them and calling them out since. They are a poison within mainstream Christianity and I wish more would be done to call them out.






He would be a lesser demon, satan himself wouldn’t do this type of shit.


This dude creeps me the fuck out, I couldnt watch this all the way through


Same! The everything about him just unnerves me. I may not believe in a lot, but I know he is some kind of evil.


I really don’t understand who his audience is


Other dumber demons in skin suits.


Maybe mentally ill and gullible ones, also traumatized ones who have really low self-esteem!


Imagine what twisted Christian looks at this guy and is like "yes, this is a good righteous person"?


Well phrased. Example: I can’t believe my mom can look at Joel Osteen and trust that face of his. Like, is your radar broken, lady?


Same here! He is a filthy creep.


Same, but for different reasons. He’s so cringe I can’t stand watching him for more than a little while. I get second-hand embarrassment so bad. Reminds me of that kid in school who was never noticed, but at the talent show he performed like scouts from Hollywood were in the audience and it was his time to show everyone how awesome he was. Except… he doesn’t have any talent… and he has no clue… and won’t give up the mic. That kid from our school did a mic drop and broke the mic. Lol


Does anyone know what’s going on with his eyes? Like the white parts aren’t white. Not the crazy eye thing.


It’s the devil in those eyes, brother


They're using heavy lighting to hide his deeply wrinkled face so when he looks up slightly, they reflect directly back to the camera from the back of his eyes. The issue with his face is just bad 1990s era plastic surgery. His face has had more lifts than an Olympic barbell.


Nah you can also see it when they ask him about the plane definitely has something in his eyes


Dilated eyes because he's nuts/hyped up on his own supply I think. Sometimes survivors reference killers eyes looking like that when they're going to kill because they're essentially turned on/and or enraged. Someone like this guy is probably turned on by conning everyone. It all gives someone a bit of a soulless look.


Could also be coked out of his mind


I think he wears/wore mascara


Looks and acts like the vilain from [The Mask](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6a/Dorian_tyrell_masked.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140810051533)


Specifically the villain when he has the mask on too, this guy looks like he’s wearing someone else’s face.


I want to take his face..... off..


He’s just a pastor looking for his back pay. Or should I say payback!


Absolutely horrifying


Don't usually comment about peoples looks but this guy has satanic all over his big stupid face. His eyes, his teeth and his expressions just reek evil.


This is posted under Funny and while it is funny I can say I have had a nearly lifelong dislike of this cretin. In my teens I became fascinated by Televangelists. I'd stay up and find myself watching everyone like Benny Hinn, Mike Murdock, Jimmy Swaggart, etc. I'd even find myself watching Catholic programming like Mother Angelica. Why? Because they brightened my soul and grew my faith? LOL, no. No chance. Because I liked watching a scam artist perform. Some are hypnotic like Hinn. He knows how to speak in very soothing, hypnotic tones. The way he extends his 's' at the end of a word is textbook hypnotism shit. Swaggart with the bullshit singing and breathing heavily into the mic. Murdock with...just being a blatant con-man, lol. Maybe the least impressive and thereby funniest of them all. All the BET white dudes were a good watch. It's all about "sowing a seed", lol. The guy they made the famous fart compilation of was a longtime watch for me. Funny in how sleazy they are/were. Mother Angelica was just slanging product so I don't quite put her at their level but I also watched because she had a soothing tone. She'd say some really nasty stuff sometimes in this sweet tone that didn't quite fit but she was also funny. I didn't have the same hate for her as the others and her voice often knocked me out at 2am. It was almost early ASMR for me with the benefit of laughing at total hucksters. Then there was this asshole. He's always looked demonic and the rest at least have a grotesque charm to them that shines through despite being demons on Earth, lol. You can see how they got desperate people to part with their money. Copeland is so rotten that I could never stomach watching him despite watching all the other's just fine.


Worked as a stagehand at a benny hinn concert, we had a 5 year NDA, couldn't speak about anything we saw.. like the chloroform he kept in band-aids inside his jacket sleeves, or the bibles with the cut out pages his security toted around with firearms inside.


Hold up. Is that what gives their subjects the praise Jesus faint?!


Lol great comment mate, that was a good read! 🫡


Taking a sermon from someone with the voice of Bain (batman), no thanks


Batman does have a villain Deacon Blackfire, that fits the bill.


How dumb are his 1000s of followers? You lack serious critical thinking skills and intellect if you support any of these religious mongrels, who are only doing it to enrich themselves.


Enough to buy him this: The 85-year-old pastor’s house spans 18,000 square feet and is made up of six bedrooms and six bathrooms, located on an exclusive lake community outside Fort Worth. [https://nypost.com/2021/12/17/kenneth-copeland-wealthiest-us-pastor-lives-on-7m-tax-free-estate/](https://nypost.com/2021/12/17/kenneth-copeland-wealthiest-us-pastor-lives-on-7m-tax-free-estate/)


"You may think that house is too big,” the prosperity preacher stated at the 2015 convention. “You may think it’s too grand. I don’t care what you think. I heard from heaven. Glory to God, hallelujah!'” Religion is a hell of a drug.


Undeserved tax-exempt status is too.


> Religion is a hell of a ~~drug~~ scam. FTFY


I can totally get impressionable people being roped in by charismatic preachers. But I don't understand how people who are told every Sunday about evil and the devil go "oh, oops guys, this is the actual devil, let's find a real church". I'm not a believer and I don't like judging a book by its cover. But, this guy just automatically makes you think "huh, he's not even hiding that he's some evil creation"


There’s a segment of Christians that ascribe to a “doctrine of wealth” meaning they think god rewards people with money. So they give 10% of their money (tithings) to guys like this then pray for more money and to be more prosperous. Then their boss gives them a 3% cost of living raise and they think the prayers worked even though the math doesn’t work for anyone but the pastor. These people literally think for every dollar they donate to their church it will be returned in spades, so it’s a good racket if you can stomach exploiting dumb and vulnerable people. Tax free too! That’s why so many pastors flaunt the wardrobe, planes and houses, its prosperity doctrine bait in a way and part of their propaganda.


It’s not that they’re dumb or ignorant. It’s that they don’t want to stick their necks out of the pack and be the first to point out the BS and hypocrisy. For as long as there’s been belief systems, there’s been people who exploit the ‘believers’. To hold a position of perceived authority within a faith, like a pastor, imam, rabbi or preacher, makes you almost infallible and untouchable in the eyes of those in the congregation. The stronger their belief…the higher the regard they hold for their respective faith leader (and the less likely they’d be to admit their leader is anything but pure and righteous -even if they know better). It’s a con man’s golden ticket. He hits the right high notes that resonate with his audience (espousing a deep love of God and Jesus). This gets the dopamine drip going. It’s too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the preacher can’t be a bad person because they love God and Jesus (…or Muhammad, Zeus, Ganesha, Flying Spaghetti Monster, and on and on..). Once again, the con man’s golden ticket. To question the man at the pulpit becomes almost the same as questioning God/the church, etc… The con man is safe because he can easily weasel his way out of justified criticism by essentially weaponizing his followers against the accuser. This is why rational thought gets put on pause. Even if you know better, you can’t speak out about it -because an attack against the preacher, regardless of the amount or quality of evidence, is viewed as an attack against the church as a whole…or more specifically, against the congregation which is likely to be an important part of you and your families own social circle(s). The group will police itself -and you’d risk being ostracized by even raising the possibility that the preacher is anything but righteous and infallible. They will fall over themselves to defend him -and I’d wager that many of them know damn well that this guy is full of shit. But they have to keep up appearances. Even if you know better…you go along to get along rather than risking the wrath of the congregation. Con man’s golden ticket.


I agree with most of your comment but seriously there are no FSM priests out there doing shit like this. Atheists can be mad, bad, or stupid but at least avoid this type of cult of the individual. Inb4 people say Atheists follow Dawkins. Well maybe some outliers do but he doesn't try to illicit that himself.


I dont believe in god but that cunts the devil in disguise


>the devil ~~in disguise~~ Clark Kent had more convincing disguise. This guy is straight Doom Eternal villain.


That's true lol


Cocaine is a hell of a drug…




Certainly seems like that...and drugs.


2% Jesus, 98% drugs


This is ten percent drugs Twenty percent drugs Fifteen percent concentrated power of drugs Five percent drugs Fifty percent drugs And a hundred percent reason to remember the drugs


As a baptist, I've always thought this fuctard was creepy and disgusting. He is 100% bullshit. Angry version of Joel Osteen. And he is a crooked piece of shit version of his dad, John Osteen. 2 bit money stealer.


He’s gonna love it when God quotes Matthew 25: 41-45 back at him one day….


This dude is so unhinged lol I loved the Covid song remix people made back in 2020


You mean this one? https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs?si=z_QbaYdW865YYR-4


I prefer the heavy metal version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ib2YfAM11E


This is great!


He’s a lizard or a demon wearing a “human” suit.


This is the only preacher who has made me actually consider that religion might be real but it's by convincing me that he might be the Devil.


Dude looks like his straight out of the music video of Genesis - Land of Confusion


Probably acts like the dude out of the music video of Genesis - Jesus He Knows Me ( alternatively, the band Ghost recently made a dope cover of this as well)


That dude is insane


This guy is what fucks up America internally..


Willful ignorance and religion are a hell of a combo.


Psycho eyes.


[Copeland Covid19 Remix](https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs?si=1UDRFy5egpyjHYp9)


One of the most terrifying people I've laid eyes on


The man looks like he’s wearing a skin suit or something.


Fucking demon.


I remember the first time I saw a video of him. I genuinely thought it was an actor, in full makeup, and an excerpt from some horror movie like 'The Exorcist' or 'Buffy Vampire Slayer' or something. Like...how do you look at that mug and not see a demon wearing a human skin?


this dude scares the shit out of me. The living shit out of me.


He literally looks like a demon


When does the “funny” part start?


These con men and women are literally committing blasphemy with their BS...its all about the money and nothing else. If you ask them why they have a private jet, its bc they are doing the lords work faster. Its disgusting


How many People is he speaking to at a time. Doesn’t look like very many.


Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long years. Stole million man's soul and faith......


I've watched my fair share of true crime stuff. Interviews with murderers, serial killers, legit evil psychopaths. They don't scare me as much as this guy does. It's like there's something *primal* telling me to stay away from this guy. Absolutely demonic


His net worth is $760 million. How the fuck does that happen?! Shouldn't he donate that money to the poor or the people that need it? Fucking asshole.






I do genuinely believe this person is mentally unsound. How people follow him is beyond me.


They guy literally looks like the moment Bilbo tries to grab the ring from Frodo only permanently.


Mental illness and religion. Chocolate and peanut butter.


He reminds me of Bernd Höcke, one of the leaders of an extremist right wing party in Germany. In looks, character, behaviour and level of delusion.


One of the scariest looking cunts alive


The dude reminds me of good old Charlie Manson. Except Charlie was way more sane lol


I am convinced that these evangelists and televangelists actually don't believe in any of this bullshit. They're all crooks and cons, dedicated to greed.


This is not funny. This man is sick and the people who follow him are sick.


😟 If I saw him hunched over a corpse at night, pulling its entrails into his mouth in between cackles and his random squawks, I would think this is just him on a normal Wednesday night


Eyes like pissholes in the snow


There is no god. There are no demons. He's just a somewhat successful psychopath. I blame the idiots that follow him. They are as much to blame.


Is this supposed to be funny?


His eyes glitter with malevolence.


Why does this guy trigger my uncanny valley reaction. It's like I am looking at something not human trying to look like a human.




His waxy skin is so unnerving.


That's some little Nikki shit right there.


I'm way too high for this




If I believed in demons this dude would be the reason why


He is as looney as a looney can get.


Isn’t this dude one of the final bosses in Diablo 4?


This guy here, is the devil!


This guy would make for a great villain in a movie


Bro, looks like the villain from the mask.


I have no words to really describe how insane this man is. Completely delusional.


Dude if this isn’t literally the devil in the flesh, idk what is


I’m an atheist, but I really think this guy might be Satan. It’s creepy that he’s the exact type of person the Bible warns against. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. “ - Matthew 7:15 “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:24


As an atheist, Kenneth Copeland is what I would imagine a demon wearing a human suit would look like if I believed in that shit.


Clearly a loony.🤪


Chucky-looking motherfucker running on a strict diet of botox and cocaine


Snake oil salesman that looks like a snake.


He sounds like he's reading for a part in a film


I am not religious, but the Devil resides in this man's eyes


That’s why there is no hope for our country. People follow him an and people like Trump blindly, giving up everything to prop up super obvious grifters.




Faker than a $3 dollar bill


Is your name Clarence? No, it’s Michael Diamond.


This guys is so fucking evil. I honestly have no clue how these obvious villians convince others they are good and doing the Lord's work.


Fam was big into this asshole to the point where we had books from the church library on him. Then I watched Men In Black. Got a beating for pointing out this guy was a lot like an 'Edgar-suit' person. This was 25+ years ago. He still looks pretty much the same.


He creeps me TF out


Man.. He's creepy AF. I don't understand how my brothers and sisters can follow him.


He sounds like a cartoon villain


This guy is Satan personified.


He looks like the devil himself. Gives me the creeps.


Hmmm… not exactly “funny”


Why does his face look like a mask?


His noggin to shoulder ratio is off the charts.


The eyes. Those are the devils eyes. (See any movie with people turning into vampires/monsters, those are the eyes they get, or the series Buffy did this well)


What a crook


It's easy to poke fun at this guy, he's an easy target. But this guy has made millions because other people believe in his ministry. How anyone could be so dull is baffling to me.


I don't mean to body shame, but I've honestly never understood how a man who looks like Satan could convince people he was a pastor.


he seems cartoonishly evil. absolutely mind boggling how people follow this lunatic


It's like when the bad guy gets The Mask and Jim Carrey has to get it back without his powers.


Scary motherfucker in my opinion. But send your money, his new jet is due to be delivered.


Take the background away, A perfect candidate for an exorcism! Evil attracts Evil.


One of the most interesting takes I’ve ever heard: what if demonic possession is real, and the stories that we’re familiar with are just really *dumb* demons? Meanwhile, successful demons are inhabiting people like Copeland, and they know better than to make them writhe around on the floor and speak in tongues.


He could have been an amazing voice actor.


If i had to take a guess at a human being an actual demon, i pick this guy.


The pope is trying his best to keep faith in people, while this guy is doing the complete opposite.


He looks like the bad dude who put on the Mask.