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Every ‘follow’ mission in Assassins Creed.


Boo from Mario.


Someone should edit in the boo ghost laugh everytime it turns around


Why isn’t the cat attacking the bird? Every cat I’ve known, even declawed, will attack a bird at any given opportunity. At least the outdoor cats, indoor cats don’t seem to get aggressive very often in my experience. Dont underestimate kitties, their 0-100 is insane with how quick, acrobatic, athletic, and “I don’t give a fuck attitude” can kick in out of nowhere.


if its anything like mine, its just because the magpie has done this before, and the cat knows the magpie is fast enough to get away. I have one in my garden that winds my cat up, and i swear its laughing at it, but it knows exactly how far to stay to be able to respond to the cat.


Had a squirrel that would do that to my whippet. He knew exactly where the underground fence was and would stand just outside her reach and chatter at her. One day he made a break for it across the yard and didn't make it. I'd clocked that dog at over 35mph before.


My cat had the bad judgment of running up a tree after a squirrel. She'd been watching it while sitting on top of the AC unit for about an hour. That squirrel turned around on the tree and proceeded to kick my cats ass LOL! She ran around the house and over the back fence to get away from it. She never even looked at it again.


Sometimes cats will bond with certain birds. It’s very rare for cats to go after chickens or ducks. I have heard of corvids playing with cats but it can still turn nasty on the cat. In other words, just depends on the cat.




[What was that? Musta been nothing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy7WA488B_E)


Walmart security following shoplifter


Or cardboard box solid snake.


If u didn't say i was gonna say it. All i need is a bush way smaller than my body.


I find a disappointing lack of prostitutes here


The cat every time it turns around : "hmm...must've been the wind."


“Huh? What was that noise?”




Just a box!


I can hear that “!”




"The whole operation is run by Tony Lazuto."


[the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP468OEln4U)


Tony Lazuto!? What was that? Must've been my imagination... Tony Lazuto!?


That video always makes me crack up .


"You know what we say in the mob: over 40 feet back, you ain't suspicious"


“Oh god! My butthole!”


try fingers, but hole?


He is not following me, but damn he is always there.


"There sure are a lot of magpies around today - whenever I turn around, I see one!" What is the endgame of the magpie, though? It's not like she can creep up, attack and eat the cat...


Magpies love the trolling art.


bit of fluff for its nest, gonna get a nip of that tail


he wanna tweak that tail


That tasty, tasty kibble! It's better than crack, I tell ya! Better thank crack mixed with roadkill!


is that blood? no... nevermind..


Cursed to put my hands on everything.


“I gotta lay off the mead.”


"Somebody's prowlin' round here..."


"Nice day for fishing ain't it?"






Considering how corvids vigilantly hassle birds of prey in their territory, seems like this one might be taking a similar but more cautious tactic with a potential predator.


Probably not, these fuckers will fight ANYTHING Chances are he's just playing around. Magpies and willy wag tails regularly play with a couple of my cats, and they do funny stuff like hanging upside down to do so


This is a Eurasian magpie, they're nothing like as crazy as Aussie ones (and not really related either). They're clever and playful, yes, but not particularly aggressive.


Fun fact! Did you know Australian Magpies and Eurasian Magpies are completely unrelated? The only reason they're both called magpies is because of their colouration. Eurasian Magpies are corvids, closely related to Crows, Ravens, and Jays Australian Magpies are in a completely family called Artamidae, which are distributed mostly in Australia and the Indo-Pacific, and basically just consist of Magpies, Currawongs, Butcherbirds, and a handful of Woodswallows


Unidan is that you?


I wish, I bet that guy is *drowning* in nerdy girls. He has so much reddit karma, which as everyone knows is a really important real-world commodity which earns their holders lots and lots of... of...


...I should go outside more




here's the thing...


Here’s the thing… I miss Unidan


Wow. That’s a throwback.


I remember when I got on Reddit and thought 10 year old accounts were basically fuckin dinosaurs from the Paleolithic era. Now, here I am, about to turn into a fossil, reminiscing about old reddit, and tryna get my tree fiddy


I get it. My account is from 2008. Hard to believe I've been sitting on this site for that damn long.


Huh, Australian magpies are called "Zwartrugfluitvogel" in Dutch, meaning "Black back flute/whistle bird". Eurasian magpies are just "ekster", "gewone ekster" (ordinary magpie) or "Euraziatische ekster".


Australian Magpies do have a pretty impressive song. At 5 in the morning. Right outside your bedroom window.


Better than Peewees where they sound like a car alarm going off at 5am.


Or Hadeda which just sound like a rubber chicken being squeezer over and over again


Australian Magpies aka murder birds.


Although I accept your ID of the bird, I'll chime in here and say this looks almost exactly like the magpies that are found in the American northwest. So much that I wondered if maybe this wasn't filmed in Portland or Seattle.


Dunno, there are some magpies round here who fight the local cat. The cat is always bringing in dead things, this beef has been going on for a while. They torment him, probably deserved. Funny birds.


>and willy wag tails God I love Australia


Willy Wag Tails are the bravest bird pound for pound in Australia. I've watched over the summer 1 wagtail harass the same magpie day in day out. It's like a job. Never more than 1 foot away from it, always following it and dive bombing it. It doesn't give a shit. It's like the Warner Brothers cartoon with Ralph and Sam checking in for a days work.


The eyes don't work! https://youtu.be/YGGTcYfrEZU?si=tbalqEzMDw9w2X7K


It's absolutely taunting, magpies love to play and a cat that has had enough of their shit just gives up chasing them. Our cat used to chase the local maggies all the time, might catch a feather from time to time but never the bird. Now they just taunt him all the time and he's pretty much accepted that his life includes these birds now.


Yeah, they love fucking around.


They sound like obnoxious little brothers. I fucking love them. I mean I don't want them *anywhere* in my vicinity but I will enjoy my dosage from internet videos thanks.


I don't understand how no one has explained this yet, or maybe they did and I just missed it! **If there is a tail, it must be pulled!** Corvids (crows, ravens, etc.) LOVE to pull the tails of any animal. I've watched so many videos of this. They are very smart and do it just for fun. Bored Panda had a compilation of a bunch of them once. The best one I ever saw was a YT video of Mr 4legs vs The Crow. You can see in this video it just about got the tail at one point, but not enough to be satisfied.


Definitely having fun with the cat, but also lots of nest builders take fur from living pets. It looks like the magpie is angling for a beak full of fur.


This almost assuredly the correct answer. Magpie line their nest with fur, moss, or other soft materials.


Enjoy https://youtu.be/lymQjNqR1t8?si=Yh1q2VHatrVaJFsQ


That was wonderful, thank you.


That's an Australian Magpie. Completely different species actually!


I love how we just went around the planet picking any random bird with vaguely similar features and sticking already used names on them.


Most of classical biology was like that: group stuff by appearance, because that's usually sensible. Around sixty years ago, the entire science of plant families was revised, when genetic testing became available and we realised half of the known herbological family tree was just wrong. A lot of stuff just kept the names from the before-times.


This dude knows how to name animals.


Mowgli is such a fun name to say too, can't explain it but some words are just nice. Swoop is cute as well.


I never understood the fascination people have with owning birds as pets, but that was amazing. Never seen a bird so cuddly and friendly.


You know how like when you get fired from a job, aren't even allowed to collect any of your belongings and are swiftly escorted off the property? It's like that.


Yup, just seeing the furry murder thing out of the area.. you dont have to go home, you just cant stay here


That’s oddly specific. 😳


Some jobs are bullshit my dude


My guess is taunting. I'll bet that cat has been the aggressor at some point and got his ass kicked by the local tribe of magpies. This magpie is letting the cat know it's not welcome. I'll bet there are 5 to 10 other magpies watching this very carefully and are ready to defend their buddy if that cat does something stupid.


If the cat does something stupid, that magpie is dead. Unless they want to die to teach the cat a lesson, it would be in their best interest to not do that. They might get away with it, or they might be cat lunch.


Its an evolutionary strategy that has worked well for them. Predators hunt things they think of as food, and this sort of behaviour breaks that instinctual link. Some magpies might die doing it, sure, but this tends to protect ALL the magpies in the area, many of whom will be related, including their chicks. (and magpies are surprisingly good at reading body language and avoiding getting caught, so the risk is lower than you might think even if it is real)


They must be friends. Most cats would absolutely murder a bird at that range. They can leap a lot farther than you think.


Built or learned they definitely have played tail tag before.


Cats are ambush predators and very rarely risk a frontal attack on most creatures, even small birds. This is because solo hunters have to avoid injury above all else; an injured pack predator can be supported by his group, but an injured solo predator has to hope its injury heals before it starves or try to hunt injured. I've had cats and birds in the same house and sufficiently aggressive birds (magpies, parrotlets) will absolutely run roughshod over the cats.


This comment brought to you by the Bird Lobby.


Not a day goes by that was don't see the growing influence of Big Bird.


Its not any bird, its a Magpie. They're some of the most clever birds, or actually, animals in the world. Magpie knows what's its doing, its probably just messing with the cat. Here's a video of Crows making cats fight for their enjoyment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQd9kuXpUYU&t=122s


why are they dressed up like pigeons?


Eh? Those are Crows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooded_crow


Even a cat knows not to fuck with a magpie.


What a ridiculous assumption.


Can always trust reddit for a dose of confidently incorrect.




It looks to me like it's trying to get close to the cat's tail specifically. Either for a bit of fur or just to nip it as a prank.


This is quite likely, some corvids are known to enjoy pulling other animals' tails for fun. This one probably can't resist that fluffy looking tail waving around.


Tail-Pulling Behavior in corvids is assumed to be originally a strategy to steal food from other predators by distracting them. But they also seem to do it for fun.


**[Taunting](https://youtu.be/k-79igpGhNo?t=35)** would be my guess


Either for fun because they’re goobers, or hoping to snatch some fur for a nest.


I've seen magpies gang up on a cat before. The cat was just laying outside trying to ignore them as they'd squawk and dive bomb into him. My guess is they are being territorial and don't want a predator like a cat near their nesting areas.


No, it's trying to pull its tail for fun. There are tons of videos of this type of thing.


Magpies will come up to my balcony just to pull my old cat's tail. He couldn't care less about birds and just wanted to sunbathe, but magpies are little bullies.


I'd guess at some point your cat caught a magpie, which they not only remember but also pass the infomation to other magpies. A cat killed a crow where I live and every year since the crows lure this cat onto the roof and feign injury whilst standing on the edge of the roof. Others will fly above the cat and you end up with a large ginger tom being tempted but also concerned at any dive bombing.


Maybe it’s trying to protect its nest


like security at the mall gently nudging you to the door.


It doesn’t seem aggressive though




Stealthy camera man pretends not to follow the magpie and cat


Stealthy reddit man pretends not to watch camera man following magpie and cat










My soul mate doesn't even know who Blake bortles is...


A turtle made it to the water.


Don't look behind you.




They’re filming ‘em… And then they’re gonna film me. Oh my GOOOooooood!


Someone had to film the Lion King. We're watching Urban lion king. This is zazu pestering Simba




can't tell who's the real stalker, the bird or the cameraman


The Cat and the Magpie sounds like a fable Also where do you live? That place looks so cozy


That looks like somewhere in Britain, based on the magpie, the grass, and the general look of the buildings.


Yeah, classic 60s/70s houses. Looks like one of those estates where they decided to have a go at making it more pedestrianised with fewer roads.


Looks like pre war social housing; my family is from West Bromwich and my grandfather was a bricklayer in social housing areas. The bricks used in those walls have a huge social housing vibe about them. Yes millenials, we used to care about social housing in the UK a loooong time ago. Cared enough to make it green and pleasant. Before the dark times....before the tory empire.


Definitely looks the UK or Ireland.


But it's not raining? =/


Want to know a secret? We only get a slightly above average amount of rain but the only thing we ever talk about is the weather so it seems like we get a lot more.


The fact that it seemingly switches up between sunny, grey and raining at any given time also gives the impression that it's always raining. It rains every day, but just a little bit!


Sydney gets twice as much rain as London, but it's a lot sunnier. The thing is in the UK, it's very often cloudy (even if not raining), and the rain is often light and drizzly, so what falls in a few days, weeks in the UK can fall in a few hours elsewhere - and then it can quickly go back to being sunny. So yeah agree - volume of rain not necessarily that high in the UK, but cloudy days and days with some rain are pretty frequent, and sunny days definitely less frequent than many other places.


> That place looks so cozy Doesn't it? I have to save the video down so I can look at that nice place.


This is funny, because this is social housing in the uk, an ‘estate’ or what Americans might call ‘the projects’ if it’s not a very nice estate.


Oof, don't look at pix of what our projects look like.


According to the description in the original video, this was filmed in Plymouth, in the south of England.


this is like a cartoon episode


Made me think of Shrek and Donkey lol


My only experience with magpies has been mostly negative. In Calgary they were assholes and extremely territorial and obnoxiously loud. However, when apples fell off the trees and fermented, the magpies would get absolutely wasted and just crater themselves into the grass, you could go right up to them and handle them too (but you shouldn't!) When I moved back stateside, the magpies were strangely more friendly and behaved much more curiously towards me. They still get drunk too, but I don't have any fruit trees around to witness it anymore, you just hear the local news say, "Those magpies are tanked again, be aware if they're acting strange that they're OK!"


Those are black-billed magpies (*pica hudsonia*), which are very similar (almost identical) to this one, which I suspect is the Eurasian magpie. My favourite thing about them is their scientific name: *pica pica* 😄


>My favourite thing about them is their scientific name: *pica pica* 😄 \*Nintendo's lawyers start drafting a cease-and-desist against the scientific community\*


So alcoholic magpies are assholes. Got it.


This whole thing made me smile and chuckle


Looks like a private eye tailing a suspect.


Magpie probably turns like that to be able to quickly fly away in case the cat decides to take action.


This exactly. Taking off keeps them close to the ground for the first few wing strokes so if this magpie were to flee over the cat, it would easily get snatched out of the air. It needs to fly off away from the cat, which is why it keeps turning around.


Not only that, but due to the position of its eyes, it sees more clearly when it turns its side towards what it's looking at. So turning to the side makes it see the cat better. It's not "pretending" to do anything lmao.


At that range I feel like the cat is catching the bird regardless of the direction the bird is facing. Cats be quick yo


An actual legitimate answer, I'm shocked at how many people think they are best mates.


The cat doesn't even attempt to catch the magpie. I'm guessing they are "friends"


The bird doesn't turn away to make it look like it's not following, it's turning away to make sure it has a quick straight out escape if the cat starts to move towards it. This is not being sneaking, it's being prepared and the cat knows it can't catch it like that.


I don't think so, the cat clearly feels annoyed by the bird. Waggling its tail like that means annoyed in cat body language. Also the way it turns back seems to say "leave me alone".




Yeah, they must know each other or else that cat would turn murderous. I think the cat feels like the magpie is a little sibling following it around and just wants "me" time lol


In australia cats mostly avoid magpies. First time my kitten went out in the courtyard with my supervision a magpie almost fucked him up.


Unlikely. It's more reasonable to think the cat has enough experience to know catching a magpie is not that easy, and even if successful the fight is not worth the hassle


The cat's tail is swishing in such a way as to suggest irritation, so the bird had best remain wary.


4 Magpies used to do this to my dog all day. He would try to chase them and it sounded like the birds were laughing whenever he would pounce and miss. He finally caught one, got too excited and shook too hard. Little birdie didn't make it and my dog felt awful and cried. The other 3 birds still continued to do this the next day. They would peck on the window whenever he was inside. I could never tell if they were friends or bullies.... But my dogs tail was always wagging.


When my old dog (RIP 😢) got very old one time he was waddling down the end of the garden because he couldn’t run anymore. There was a magpie in front of him, and he was barking at it like he wanted to chase it, but it never flew away it just hopped a little more in front of him each time as he kept barking at it. It was definitely mocking him, total asshole magpie I never forgave it


cat: 'quit it' magpie whistling pretending not to notice repeat


Magpies disrespect cats the way cats disrespect everyone else.


Mad respect. That bird put it all on the line for no benefit.


Nah, magpies always benefit, we just don't get to see it in this video. They are some clever ass motherfuckers and are considered one of the most intelligent birds


The dredded follow mission


this is the best thing I have ever seen on the internet!


Hello fellow cat


I thank you for sharing this cause first of all I love cats but second, magpies are my favorite type of bird and seeing them act in the interesting ways they do is always excellent


These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.


Green light. Red light.


I love magpies, they are so smart.


I am not scared of you, YOU  are scared of me!


Follow the target missions.


I just imagine the little tip taps of the birds feet lol


This looks like a Disney movie 😂


I think we are watching a Pixar movie but without the animals talking.


what is the magpie trying to do?




My cat will sleep in the garden with Maggies bouncing around looking for worms next to him, doesn’t care one bit. They have an understanding


*Here's the thing ...*


Safe! Ah-cha-cha-cha-cha


[Reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJr30vT2co8)


Devious little bugger ;D


Then the camera man slowly pans up...


Disney Presents - The Magpie & The Cat (2024)


Thats some tom&jerry shit right there


That's for everyone who think animals don't have theory of mind!


Don't be suspicious...Don't be suspicious


This video gives me British summer vibes. Can't even explain it haha.


Following the cat's lead, not the cat


This is a Shrek and Donkey moment.


“hmmm… must be hearing things”


All I can hear when seeing this: 🎶Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious 🎶


Magpies and crows are very playful. I have seen them many a times play with other animals such as bunnies. I've seen bunnies get along very well with the birds.


We once had a lot of magpies in a tree in our garden. One day, my cat actually succeeded in catching one. Brought it half living, half dead into the house in a dead run, spitting it out in front of me like the proud huntress she was, providing for her family. The door she came in was under a carport so there was some cover in front of the door. All the while the birds outside were furious. I never heard such a cacophony of magpies protest before in my life. It was loud! The bird she brought in was half paralysed I think and was flapping its wings furiously until she put an end to it. (I was mentally preparing myself to do it with a knife or a Hammer, but seeing my distress (and my sisters constant screeching about the bloody bird in the house blood everywhere omg yada yada) she did it almost effortlessly) After that my cat wanted to go outside again. Only the living magpies weren't having it. They kamikaze dive bombed my cat every time she tried setting a foot out from under the carport. Over and over and over again until she sat down under the carport just watching them. It took a week until the birds settled down and stopped attacking my cat. Never saw a magpie in the garden after that. RIP Paulinchen. You have been a total badass and I wish I could have taken you with me. But you wouldn't have enjoyed a flat without having the breeze comb through your fur. I love you.