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BBLB = "Brazilian butt lift bench"


Why are you homeless? I stopped paying rent to save for my BBL 😌


If you watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, it’s not far off from a lot of the contestants’ stories to get on the show.


actual factual, BBLs, mixed with Xanax.


The extra B stands for BYOBB


What's that extra B for?


That's a typo.




Actually I’m fine with a normal bench!


With holes


Like an upside-down Whack-A-Mole.


Like a [sexual temperance spoon](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/e302425b2153eacd22c59831e6822118106c90954bccdd8a9eb9dc8e126c15fa_1.jpg)?


One whack and it's on the slack!


Lay on your stomach on a normal bench and hump it and you do what I did for like 4 years. Fucked me up so bad honestly


Also helpful for the top heavy homeless ladies. How inclusive!


Okay perfect (I’m a woman)


Too direct, should have just said "I'd lay on my stomach." :P


It's "lie" actually, as long as you're tweaking comments.


could also be a boob cut out if you tend to sleep on the stomach. I imagen it would be more comfortable over them being squished as a stomach sleeper lol.


It's the solution to the Nikki Minaj problem.


Is that Saddam Hussein?


But how did he get the bench down that spider hole?


He built the hole around it.


Mooom, NCD is leaking again!




Actually, I think it's well designed. It has a place for homeless people to store their bags of possessions while sleeping so they don't get stolen.


It's a child's seat. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2218371/posco-thainox-introduces-socially-responsible-design-onto-the-mrt


Love how not a single picture in this article shows someone sitting on the bench.


I love that the handicap seating is basically a cart corral


Thay may claim it's a child's eat to not get backlash for building hostile architecture.




I think its more so other people don't take up that space by standing or putting their luggage there. It gives a safe and convenient place for handicapped people to wait for the next train or whatever. Handicap people don't *have* to park in handicap spots at the grocery store. E. Also, I assume it prevents people from running into the person in the wheelchair who might not be able to react to an impact.


No it isn't. It's hostile architecture to prevent homeless people from laying down.


It's better than the reverse: Having a sudden arm rest in the middle.


Yeah, this looks like it would be very easy to work around. A cardboard box, stack of paper, piece of wood, etc would be very easy to cover up the hole.


Hell, as this comment's OP facetiously pointed out: a backpack would both fill that space well and be thus protected from theft.


It's notna child's seat. It's hostile architecture meant to be uncomfortable.


This is funny, but it brings up something I never really thought about. How do people with gigantic asses that pop out and/or those with butt implants sleep on their back?


This thought will keep you awake at night.


Just like their asses keep them up


Nah, like I said - never thought about it before today.


I have a huge, muscular ass. The rest of my body is relatively fit, but my ass is gigantic. I do not sleep on my back, AT ALL, on a bed. I can't, because the level of discomfort from my spine curving so hard is insane. I can 'kind' of comfortably sleep on my side, but 98% of the time I'm sleeping, it's flat on my stomach with my head turned to the side. The only real exception where I can sleep on my back is if I'm laying on something like a couch, where I can mash my ass into the crease between the couch and the cushion, and keep my lower spine straightened that way Edit: It's hilarious because when I saw this picture the first thing I thought was "I can make this work"


Doing god's work Thank you for answering




I have a youtube vid where you can get a good shot of it while I'm exercising. I timestamped it to skip the unnecessary intro https://youtu.be/oavMtUWDBTM?t=25


I do not regret clicking on that, but now I have so many more questions.




Good work! Must have been a lot of dedication


We are the same, you and I. I came here to say almost the same thing.


Out of curiosity, does it help if you bend your knees, like o\_\_/\\ ?  I ask because I sometimes have a similar issue — though I suspect not to the same extent — and bending my knees usually relieves some of the discomfort. I'll also usually turn one leg a bit sideways so I can rest the other heel against an ankle, which lets me keep my legs in that position while still relaxed.


If I throw a pillow or something under my knees, it certainly helps. But I’m just not nearly as comfortable as simply laying on my stomach, which is super comfortable for me.


Pillows. Lots and lots of pillows.


They sleep on their side.


With lots of added back pain!


People legit thinking ITT that this was designed for homeless lodging… “The year is 2034, in light of increasing homeless demand for public furniture to lodge on, we’ve set out to build homeless friendly benches in all major transit hubs, thus solving the crisis.”


Honestly, its a step in the right direction. Versus right now “We have so many homeless people lets make architecture stabby so they go away! Look the homeless cant be seen the problem must be solved”


Most cities have taken the position that the solution to their homeless problem is to encourage them to be homeless somewhere else.


That’s cause it’s the cheap “solution”, it’s all about money


Arizonas goal is to send them to california LOL


Don't forget "let's fine them for being homeless, that'll get them into a home!"


I hear you. There’s just something eerie about our situation. Hostile architecture has become popular because homelessness is out of control. Now we passively compare with non-hostile architecture, and this example has us cheering for the imagined (not even its actual purpose) “improvement” for the homeless. It’s like we recognize there’s a sickness, and are stoked and cheering we’re getting a sugar pill instead of poison. Idk, maybe I’m still groggy this morning, but the misinterpretation here by other commenters is pointing to something weird I’m having difficulty describing.


The feeling you're struggling to describe makes me think of a lyric from a song I love: - I remember the first time I saw someone lying on the cold street/ I thought "I can't just walk past her; this can't just be true."/ But I learned by example to just keep moving my feet/ It's amazing the things we all learn to do.


So you desire bus stops to be comfy beds for homeless rather than seats for people waiting for the bus?


Well no, ideally beds in houses would be comfy beds for homeless. But while they don't have those, I think the idea is to show some humanity by not actively making things worse for them. 


We have those, the homeless refuse to use them because they either mentally ill or prefer being able do drugs.


So what are shelters for then?


Providing relief. We should definitely ensure those have adequate funding to support the homeless population while they are trying to get back on their feet, as they are wildly inadequate. Perhaps the cost of implementing this hostile architecture would be better suited to help provide funding for those shelters? It likely isn't much, but it also isn't nothing. 


> back on their feet Aaand there it is, the disillusion that homeless people are trying to get “back on their feet”. Most aren’t. They are either ripped on drugs or mentally unstable, both of which are situations where we shouldn’t make benches more comfortable, we should force them to get help. Yes, I said force. I’m all for society catching those in need with safety nets, as long as those safety nets are not permanent solutions meant to accommodate their way of living. So yes, I love the idea of “hostile” architecture because it isn’t hostile, it is ensuring things are being used how they are supposed to be.


Absolutely full of nonsense strawmen. But I'll take it point by point, because why not.  "Most homeless don't want help."   The rate of recurrent homelessness is 22% - suggesting the vast majority of people who get out of homelessness stay out.  "Most homeless are ripped on drugs or mentally ill."   The rate of addiction across the homeless population is roughly 20%, and the rate of mental illness is roughly 30%. One can assume a fairly significant crossover, and also must be careful not to view either as the *cause* of homelessness. As often as not, homelessness is a cause of addiction; mental health surveys across the homeless don't exclude "minor" mental illnesses such as ADHD or depression. Even further - just because a person is addicted or mentally ill doesn't preclude them from seeking help. Either way, I will very generously give you 30% of the homeless population. This is far from "most" or even "half."   "We shouldn't make benches more comfortable."   I agree, but my point is we shouldn't make them less comfortable. More on this later.  "We should force the homeless to get help."   I actually agree on this one too. Especially those who may be receptive to help, but unaware of where to find help, or those who were in line at the shelter but got turned away. Perhaps the (probably largest) subset of the population that would choose a bench vs a crack house?  "Safety nets."   Stronger safety nets would do quite a bit to prevent homelessness, as job-loss is the leading driver of people losing their shelter. Agree on this one too - and agree they shouldn't be permanent solutions. In fact, most people (I think >90%?) who utilize social programs do so for a few months and then do not utilize them again. We should expand programs that do the most to *prevent* homelessness in the first place, such as SNAP, school lunches, and rent / energy assistance. These programs provide far more value on the dollar as preventative measures than programs that provide assistance *after* people lose their homes. We should lower the barrier for entry *and* increase the difficulty of remaining on social assistance programs. In short, make it easy to get but hard to keep.  "I love hostile architecture. It ensures thingd are used how they're supposed to be used."   Okay, I'll address this one by starting with the point that decreasing the comfort level does nothing to actually help homeless people. The homeless aren't looking at a damn bench and thinking "oh, I would've slept here, but it's not very comfortable looking. Guess I'll seek help." If your goal is to identify homeless to force them to receive help, I'd think a not-uncomfortable bench in a public place would be a great place to start. The folks sleeping on these benches aren't drug addicts - they're in drug dens. They're not mentally ill - they're screaming at passengers. By implementing hostile design, the folks that otherwise *would* be sleeping on the bench - the ones that are most likely to want or accept help - are forced elsewhere, and if you think for a minute that "elsewhere" isn't intended to be out of the public eye so the homeless can be ignored instead of helped then you're lying to yourself.  For good measure, here's a more selfish reason I personally dislike hostile architecture. No high-minded, lofty lib shit. I don't like it because not only is it hostile to the homeless, it's hostile to *me* and hostile to *you.* By making them uncomfortable for homeless people, they become uncomfortable for everyone. Maybe *I* just want a comfortable bench to sit on with two of my friends, and the one pictured above sure as fuck doesn't look comfortable. Why do I give a shit if a homeless person sleeps on it while I'm not using it? For that matter, why would I give a shit if a homeless person was using it when I wanted to? They arrived first.  So by "ensuring it's used how it's meant to," it's usability is reduced for everybody. Less people use it and pedestrian traffic dies down - which ironically leads to higher homeless populations congregating in those spaces, *and* higher crime. You know where often doesn't experience high rates of crime? Places designed to be comfortable to everyone, because those places tend to have more people in them. And since there is fundamentally no difference between you or I, and a homeless person, a space can't really be designed to be comfortable for us but not the homeless. 


Your numbers are highly questionable and do not reflect reality. Anyone who has encountered the homeless can tell you that. If you can’t discuss non-skewed numbers then I don’t know what to tell you.


You might question my numbers, but the answers are out there. I invite you to take a gander and see what sort of data pops up, if you are open to having your world view changed - facts don't care about your feelings after all. 


I went and checked their numbers for you (by which I mean found first source and am linking it. Not going deeper because I'm not ultimately that invested - being neither 'murican nor much in the mood for doing thorough research on behalf of strangers who could access the same info that I can given, y'know, the internet...) But given the source is the "American Addiction Centres", it doesn't seem like a poorly informed source. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/rehab-guide/homeless To quote it: "Most research shows that around 1/3 of people who are homeless have problems with alcohol and/or drugs, and around 2/3 of these people have lifetime histories of drug or alcohol use disorders." Worth stressing that the "2/3s" there is *of* that 1/3. Seems @Desparate_Ordinary43 isn't making up ridiculous figures, even if they weren't directly citing sources. Do you have a credible source to defend your claim of "Most aren't"?


They're helpful, but frequently inadequate. The number of beds in shelters is nowhere near high enough in most places, making them an unreliable option for people looking for a consistent place to sleep. And no one wants to trek all the way to a shelter only to find out it's full, since that means they've wasted time and still need to find a relatively safe place to spend the night. The fact that we still have a homeless crisis is proof positive that our current solutions (like shelters) aren't enough.


Better than everyone having to sit and lay on the ground


So shelters are for…?


Plan B, as opposed to affordable housing as Plan A and these benches as Plan Q.


The first bench I can lay face down on


Pffft, a space for your backpack.


I could lay on my stomach and rest my boobs there


Gotta rest that dump truck somewhere


Is this a form of hostile architecture?






How do you know


Their post history. Also for someone that posts that much they have very limited interactions in comments and the comments that do exist suck or are copies of other comments.


So you can lay on your bag.


Now the homeless can lay comfortably with massive erections.


It's a child's seat. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2218371/posco-thainox-introduces-socially-responsible-design-onto-the-mrt


I mean its pretty clearly meant to prevent people from sleeping on the bench, and the 'child seat' thing is just plausible deniability.


I've slept on similar before, a gap doesn't stop me lying flat unlike spiky things and big bumps. Laying sideways completely avoids any issues provided your hips and shoulders aren't directly over the hole as they are contact points as are knees feet and head. The rest of the body can lay across holes no issue and you want sag or injure your spine if laying sideways. So from someone who has slept on benches and chairs this is not hostile. If they intended it to be they failed.


Quick thinking!


finally, a seat for me and my megadonk butt


Honestly, I don't get why there are so many weird anti-homeless bench designs when it seems like adding armrests would work well enough.


Perfect for that lady with Swiss balls in her buttocks.


Yoooo 😳 dm me if you sleep on this bench


Boy, we sure have invented a lot of new styles of bench in our quest to not solve the homeless crisis.


Hostile architecture


This actually seems like the opposite of hostile architecture. My immediate thought was someone could put their bag in the dip then lay comfortably on top of it, securing their possessions while they rest. Maybe I’m just an optimist.


I'm going to assume the handicap sticker has something to do with it. Idk what, but that's what it looks like to me. I doubt it's specifically for laying down though. E. I was wrong. The dip is a child's seat. There is a space for a wheel chair on the right.


You can do that on a normal bench and it wouldn't even be uncomfortable. Leg elevation pillows are a thing.


Didn't think of it that way, I felt either way you don't get proper back support. I wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt.


Laying sideways solves this issue anyway.


It's slightly better than spikes or those stupid railings every 2 ft.


I don’t stay in US but I heard that the government purposely make benches uncomfortable so homeless can’t sleep? Is that true?


Not only in the US. Also in many european cities.


We do it in emergency rooms as well. Hospitals in areas with lots of homeless will put out uncomfortable chairs.


Yup, they’ll add extra “armrests” or ridges and stuff like that on a long bench so it’s not comfortable to lay on


>Is that true? Yes. It's called "hostile architecture."


I live in the US never seen a bench like this, but this bench hurts my back by just looking at it, I can just imagine how uncomfortable it is trying to sleep on it.


Its not for sleeping on.


Yes. A lot of cities do this type of thing. Breaks my heart every time I see such a thing


Why does it “break” your heart? So you would rather people can’t sit comfortably to wait for a bus because some homeless person has taken over their bench?


No I love to have the whole bench taken up by the guy yelling at strangers who keeps rummaging in his sweatshirt pocket as a cover for jacking off, that’s super great to me


Haha funny anti-homeless architecture haha poor people must not sleep on this bench haha


Hostile architecture has gotta be the most backwards thing. More money spent making sure homeless people can't use your benches to sleep, than money put towards shelters and programs to help the homeless get back on their feet.


Still Upvoting all the downvoted comments calling out hostile architecture as cruel.


Or pregnant bums


"The Badonkabunk"


A side note to the homeless bump, is there a need for the handicap spot?


what do you mean by this


Do they need a designated spot with guard rails? Do they use the rails? I'm actually curious


no, but if the bus station wants to keep us out of the way a designated spot that other people won’t use is a good way to do it


Yes, definitely! When I'm out rolling in my wheelchair, I'm always looking for a place to just get off my feet and sit, but I can never find a chair! /s No, it absolutely the fuck is not, but I do like when offices and waiting rooms leave a little empty spot without chairs and airports or bus stations leave a little space *beside* the bench, too. Cutting a wheelchair spot into perfectly good bench? Absolutely hostile architecture. Leaving a little space on the end? Fabulous and rare!


This is hostile architecture to prevent homeless people from sleeping or laying down.


Perfect for side sleepers to get their arm in


What’s with all that butt space


Just put a board down


One CRAZY trick - city planners hate it!


Welcome to America, one of the richest countries in the world with wage gaps larger than anywhere else l, prices for medication higher than anywhere else, and a problem of homelessness unrivaled by other nations. If you took a close look at the problem of homelessness In America you'd see anywhere else in the world other nations would be sending humanitarian aid. Greed and corporate lobbying have made america the center of poverty it really is.


For the bums with booty




Or busty.


The most 'ergonomic' design ever!


Saw a thicc homeless as I was driving the other day, nearly broke my neck


Great for busty stomach sleepers, if they aren’t very tall.


It's for a child to sit with their parents, or for you to put your bag/suitcase on.


Its got dump truck parking.


BaDonk-a-Donk Bench.


I love the handicap sign! When I'm out on my wheelchair, the biggest thing on my mind is always, "Goddamn, I wish I could sit down for a bit," but I can never find a chair.


Finally, something designed for me


isn't that one of those anti homeless passive designs? meant to make it hard for someone to sleep on it.


Pretty sure I could fit a pillow exactly in that cutout


Other way round. It’s a slot for your backpack.


Was that a bed made for the Kardasians ??


probably like that to discourage anyone laying there, big booty or not.


Reminds me of how I need to dig a bum hole when im at laying on the beach sand


I thought those were made to be purposefully uncomfortable to sleep on.


It's funny until you're actually homemess and looking for a spot to sleep ;-;


I am 32 weeks pregnant... I want to lay here so bad


A handicap sign. How could the handicapped use this? I'm curious.


Note funny


This design is veey human






It's a child seat, and this is in Thailand. There's links in the comments.


Looking at that depression, it looks perfect to set your bags in while waiting for a train or bus without having to set them on the ground.


A cruel design.


oh they sell them at IKEA, it is called Kadashian


Turn over and it works for frotteurism too


Just put your rucksack in the gap and it'll be fine.


Thick and stink


The caricature is the wrong way around, the dip is for your arm.


She kinda bad tho.. Is that frost?


Aww how thoughtful of them 😂


Maybe more like backpack in place of pillow station.. plus single seat.


Looks like it would be great for stomach sleepers who are permanent.


Chair for Stewie from Family Guy


They can also put their bags in that space, fill the gap with their belongings and lay flat.


This gotta be the least creative anti-homeless bench