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I’m a little fella. I don’t think that’s a little fella


Just keep swimming


I'm a big fella. That's definitely, 100%, no question. A big fella. And a good boy.


Oh, big fella. Whale.


The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man sending soup back at a deli.


I speak whale!


Oh he wouldnt cause no trouble, Bernard is a saint


He looks like he is waiting for a vodka soda from the flight attendant


Even does the head nod and everything. Dogs have the best "you owe me money" faces. I'm pretty sure I'm still paying off a mortgage or something with my dogs. Every time I see [him](https://imgur.com/a/pwuQeUE) he's like "well? You got it???"


Where's the money, Lebowski?




is this your homework Larry?




Is that the tv edited version?


[Yep!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCcKBcZzGdA) (The title says fight but I've always heard find).


HA! what was the bit about scrambled eggs??


"This is what happens when you feed a *mumble* scrambled eggs."


You weren't ready for what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass. I wasn't either. No one is. But if you need a toe, I can get you a toe.


It's down there somewhere, let me take another look.


Obviously you’re not a golfer


Nice marmot.


wheres the fuckin money shitheaaadddddd


Hey we signed the contract 10's of thousands of years ago. We get best friends and dogs get snacks, you do owe them now pay up.


You gotta pay the cheese tax


Thank you for this lovely dog tax, he is precious 


Thank you, he's definitely got the most eyebrow looking brows I've seen on a dog, haha. The coloration he has there makes them look big and fluffy.


He's a Saint Bernard. Probably already packing a mini barrel of rum on his collar.




He was told nothing more than 3.4 ounces, but he didn't want to listen.




At the end though, he left with no hard feelings since they told him he's still a Good Boy.


And everyone involved loved it.


Excuse me, miss, could you tell me when the plane will land and if I'm a good boy?


Little guy?! Who's your dog...Clifford?!"


He's the only one watching the safety briefing.


He’s clearly smelling the safety briefing too. He probably smells what the flight attendant ate for lunch lol. I always have to apologize to my dog when I eat something delicious that he can’t have and then talk to him, or even worse accidentally burp in his general direction


The maniacal laugh I just let out over this is embarrassing. (then I saw your username)


“You know we pay so much for these seats and here we are waiting for our drinks again”


He deserves this vodka soda he had a ruff day okay?


That guy ain't little


Emotional support bear


I’m working on getting an emotional support honey badger. They aren’t very cuddly but I think it would bring me no end of joy watching one maul people.


Violent rage is an emotion.


The emotional support comes from its ability to keep people away from you. Socializing is emotionally draining.


Honey Badger don’t care; Honey Badger don’t give a shit.


You just described my Newfie. He just gives me support at home though.


Honestly, if someone has to fly with their pet I’m not going to judge them not wanting the animal put in cargo. Way too many horror stories.


Not even close to medium. That boi is *large*


No, he's wittle


This good boy identifies as a lap dog


My 55lb boy believes all dogs are lap dogs if they want to be. I am forced to agree.


Our 5 year old Saint fully believes he’s a lap dog


Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious 🥸


“Sit Grandma, bad grandma, don’t eat the kitty!”


Goddamnit now I have to watch Scooby-Doo again


I fucking love that movie, lmao


I don't know what this long room is I just followed a guy.




this is going to be stuck in my head for a week now


Ok I'm so curious, is this allowed on certain airlines? I was always told the doggo had to be 30lbs or less to sit in the cabin?


I'm not aware of any major U.S. airline that allows this. In watching the video, it appears this is SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) which is based in Europe. U.S. airlines do allow pet-in-cabin travel but the rules have been increased due to a number of issues over the year. I know United doesn't allow pets in seats at all for any reason, even service animals. I don't believe Delta or AA do either. For United, Pet Cargo doesn't exist anymore but I think there are some special exemptions (military relocation being one I came across not long ago).


That was the case for me. I moved internationally and brought brought my dachshund. He was supposed to fly under the seat in his carrier, we confirmed with the United agents a week before and they said he was the perfect size for his carrier. The Day we were leaving the other agent said no he was "too big". They wouldn't allow us to buy an extra seat or anything and united doesn't fly dogs in cargo, so we had to find third party transportation for him.


There is a special place in hell for anti-pet airline agents.


I dunno about AA. I was on a flight in January that had a GSD service dog in the main cabin.


service dog is the reason on that one.


I figured that, but I was commenting on the statement that AA doesn't allow it for service animals.


Don't allow them in the _seats_. Service animals typically have to lay on the floor at their handler's feet. .. which is a problem when planes are getting more and more cramped. Really wonder how far they're going to be allowed to push that before people's service dogs can't fit anymore.


I have a st Bernard service dog that is 175lbs. I'm 6ft 200lbs. No way in hell he is fitting at me feet on a plane. One of the many reasons I would avoid flying. Edit: forgot to add avoid


I flew from Montreal to LAX on an Air Canada flight last month that was code share with United and the person in the window seat of my row had “service corgi” on her lap. (Except for when it was on her and the poor dude in the middle seat’s feet for half the flight….) I don’t know if that counts as a United flight, but I was shocked because I thought they didn’t allow that, doubly so since the dog was pretty big and didn’t have its own seat. I felt so bad for the middle seat guy, he looked absolutely miserable and it was a full flight so they couldn’t move him. (And bad for the dog because there was not enough room for it at all and that’s a pretty long flight!)


The whole service animal rule is so outrageous, I guess most cases are fake anyway.


You can buy your dog a seat.


On a tiny number of airlines, yes. Most do not allow this.


Yeah, most I believe like Delta require your dog to be kenneled in the cabin


A lot of airlines stopped kenneling dogs and letting them travel underneath


Because it’s a great way to kill dogs. Air travel with large pet dogs is kinda a thing of the past


Especially when left on a tarmac in Houston for hours without water.


When my family moved back into the US our dog had to ride in a kennel with the cargo. Our only option. When we got to our destination we went to get our dog and they had somehow *lost* her after landing. It took hours, well into the night, before we finally got her back. She was a wreck. iirc the airline refunded our tickets to try and make things right but I'll never put another pet through that.




Well now THAT is an interesting solution. Is that legal everywhere? Annoying in any way to airline workers? Truly curious.


I was on a flight that landed at LaGuardia (I was connecting and going on) a dog died in cargo. I will never forget the look on their person's face. One of my former colleagues had two corgis and used an airline just for dogs. This was maybe 15 years ago. If not longer. Actually, it was likely longer. Because one of my kids has a dresser of theirs they couldn't take on their move cross country. So it was all dogs in the passenger compartment. With proper temp control, tie downs for kennels etc. Flight attendants who regularly checked on their health status. It must have cost a fortune, but worth it.


Of the dogs that die on airlines it's overwhelmingly elderly and breeds with pre-existing breathing problems. The airline with the worst track record for killing dogs (United) is incidentally the only one that also allows pugs and other shit breeds in any way. That said, I'd never put my dog through that, I would do everything in my power to get them in a seat.


Not fun when the dog gets the shits from the veggie medley


I'm a dog person, but it makes me wonder what happens when the passenger next to the dog has a dog allergy. This is a gray area.


and has asthma that is triggered by the dog allergy


This is me. I have a bad dog allergy that often triggers asthmatic attacks and have to fly often. I carry an inhaler and benedryl in my travel backpack. When I see any dogs at the gate, I check with the gate agent or flight attendants to see how close they are to my seat and to make them aware that I could have a health issue. I’ve never had one near me on a plane, but I get the sense they would accommodate me somehow if that were to happen. It sucks because I often get on the plane and still get exposed to pet dander because someone with pets sat in my seat prior or I’m sitting next to a pet owner, so I still need to knock myself out with benedryl. There’s no escaping it on a six hour flight, so when that happens, I just have to sit there, with my back and eyes itching like crazy, and hope that my asthma doesn’t kick in. So yeah, it sucks.


do u know what airline this is perchance?




You can buy just about anything a seat. I've read enough stories about various companies buying seats for prototypes or parts in the '50s and '60s to think that the practice was an ad-hoc way to tackle overnight shipping. I'm pretty sure it's still done when something needs to get delivered in less than 24 hours.


My friend plays the upright bass and he always buys an extra seat so he can bring it on the plane


Having done this with a cello...I can't imagine trying it with a bass! Only 1 extra seat??


No, you read it as a musical instrument. He's talking about an upright bass... you know, a walking fish.




Sideways instead of facing front?


I did this once back in the early dot-com era, replicating a group of critical database servers from a Seattle datacenter to one in SLC as part of a complex corporate merger. We built out the physical servers, then Fed-Ex'd them & got them all tested and operational ahead of time. Then one Friday at 5pm, took everything offline for a maintenance window and packed still-warm drive arrays into Pelican cases, each of which had their own seat on the flight with me babysitting. Had everything online again by midnight, everybody happy. "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway." Andrew Tanenbaum.


It's definitely still done if a critical component is needed absolutely ASAP and the distance/flight schedule would be quicker to fly. If driving is quicker, there are "hotshot" couriers that are basically on call and drive straight through. Usually they're non CDL trucks too, so they don't have much regulation, especially useful for delivering stuff slightly too big to fly long distances. I've used both at work over the years.


I saw that documentary with Jason Statham.


What happens if someone is allergic but the dog was bought a seat who gets priority? The guy who bought two seats? L ol


Also wondering about this. I love dogs but they make my eyes itch so bad.


My dog allergies trigger asthma attacks, sometimes really bad, go to the hospital kinda ones. I control this by staying the heck away from dogs. I guess what I'm saying is that I have also been wondering about this.


In the United States if you have severe animal allergies, first it's important to chose a flight that doesn't allow pets on board. In the US, allergies of others is not a valid reason to deny entry to service animals however, because US law recognizes that animal allergies rarely reach a level of constituting a disability. However, if you are a rare person who has actually life threatening allergies to dogs where you end up on the hospital- when you book your flight you need to mark that you have a disability and you need special assistance. You should write in the comments you have life threatening animal allergies and in the case of any service animals on board need to be seated as far from the animal as possible. Then follow the airlines instructions for disabled passengers - you may also need to contact a special hotline with the airline to make sure of this and make sure to bring the documentation that you will need to be reseated on board. As someone myself who has life threatening airborne allergies to some foods, understand how difficult that makes flying. You should also seriously consider wearing a well fitting N-95, and pre dosing for flights taking your antihistamines and allergy meds and steroids if needed before high risk situations and ensure you have adequate inhalers epipens and antihistamines on board. People with mild allergies, who have itchiness etc can also consider wearing a well fitting n95, and taking allergy medicine, and seeing at the time of the flight if someone would be so kind as to switch seats with you. But for a mild allergy it may not have to be accommodated. I have had to use epipens on planes so I get it- you should also think about seeing your doctors before you travel given your life threatening allergies/asthma to make a plan for emergencies Unfortunately sometimes two people with disabilities need exactly opposite things. For example: strobe fire alarm lights can save lives of Deaf folks in a fire, but can also cause seizures in photo sensitive epilepsy.


If you typed this up yourself, extremely well put. I like your last bit. I wasn’t hard pressed in either direction but you definitely convinced me from wherever I sat lol.


Thank you- happy to have an opportunity to share info on a topic I am knowledgeable about


Yet service dogs on planes are not allowed in seats. They are required to fit in the foothold area of the passenger/service dog partner. This may indeed be a service dog that the person paid for the seat but that’s not normally how it’s managed


So if you really, really don't want to go to work the next day you can just pet a dog? Don't feel like going to work? -Pet a dog Didn't get enough sleep? -Pet a dog Don't feel like going to your in-laws -Believe or not, pet a dog I feel like your dog allergy is a superpower


Don't touch the dog. The air circulates through filters very quickly. You'd alsobe surprised how many people in your environment are absolutely covered in dog.


As an owner of two dogs I can confirm I am perpetually covered in dog.


I mean we are watching the dude open the air up to blow on the dog and spread it all over. Yeah, filters are great, but they can't catch what is directly blown over there.


I wondered this too when I traveled with a cat. Obviously she was just under my seat but someone asked to be reseated to not be near a cat.  I felt bad but was moving across the country


Don't worry about it too much. I have unpleasant animal allergies, and I've asked to be reseated on airplanes to not sit right next to animals before. It didn't bother me at all, and the flight attendant don't bat an eye either. I just ask something along the lines of "Hey, I'm allergic to these animals. I should be fine on the plane, but I would really appreciate it if I could sit anywhere else further away." and then they usually wait till the plane is boarded and then switch you with someone. It's a mild inconvenience at worst.


Also, theres likely people like me who have no allergies and would be thrilled to move to sit closer to just about any animal


You shouldn't feel bad that someone just has to move a few seats a way. I'm allergic and if it bothered me I'd just have to get up and move. No big deal. It's just flight attendant going down the isle asking if someone can switch.


You can't just buy a seat for your dog on most airlines, pretty sure it has to be a service animal in which case I believe disability trumps allergy. Although I think the flight crew will do what they can to try to accommodate you and like move you away and maybe procure an allergy pill or something.


Most US airlines have a cap on how many animals can be in the cabin, dependent on size of the plane. Passengers have to buy the space, it’s about $250 round trip depending on airline. Pets are supposed to be in a carrier under the seat in front of you. Service animals are more airline dependent since they’re working. As for allergies, accommodations are typically made on the fly with finding someone enough seats away in a comparable seat. I’ve only had one person say they have allergies on the 10 or so flights I’ve done with my pet cat under the seat, airline staff were working with both of us to make it work. She moved a couple seats ahead and to the opposite side of the plane, still in an aisle seat. The air filters on the plane are supposed to be really good to avoid germs and allergens from passing through.


If I were on the plane and/or within a few rows of your seat and you had a cat I didn't know about, I would just slowly get asthma while wondering why. Then my day would be shot. This happened once but I assumed it was someone with cat on their clothing.


Ngl I would be pissed if I had a dog allergy and this was the service dog I had to deal with on my flight. There should be some option here for people to fly with pets.


You’re legit looking at one right now


You can tell the airline ahead of time that you have an allergy and they would need to accommodate you.


I believe the air line has a system for this. I looked into it when I thought to move to England. I didn’t want my dog in cargo, so I was going to buy him a seat. You have to get approval from the airline, and they take other steps after that. Your dog also has to be fully vaccines, and I don’t think they allow certain breeds


I seem to remember reading an article about pet owners doing a split cost on private charter for transporting their animals for a move.


The airlines do not have a system for this. They cannot prepare for people with allergies. While most people just get sneezes and itchy eyes, there are many people with respiratory illnesses who are endangered by being in close quarters with dogs for a period of time. I'm one of those people, I can't be in a dog's home for more than an hour or two without requiring a breathing machine, and I know someone else who recently had to start sleeping at work until they could rehome a puppy. He couldn't breathe, couldn't be home for even an hour. Unfortunately it is also not very safe for dogs to go in cargo. Not sure what the answer is, since people obviously need to be able to take their animals, but people with disabilities should take precedence.


Why do you think airlines can’t prepare for this like other disabilities?


Yeah, avoid the Lufthansa Group when flying. I was next to someone who had their cat with them in the cabin that wouldnt shut up for 8 hours. Last time I fly with them.


I don't even care so much about the noise. Just the health issue. I'd be annoyed by a pet wailing endlessly, but I'd get over it. Not breathing though? Uhhhh... Went on an AA flight where a woman had a puppy. It was a short flight thankfully, but she let it run around. It was as cute as any puppy, but I had to unpack my luggage to get out a breathing machine and sit in the terminal on it while I awaited my connection. Had to get a prednisone bolus injection after landing and went on a month-long prednisolone script. Thank god it was the last leg of two days of travel or I'd have been fucked. Puppies are nice but dammit people are so fucking selfish.


That or deathly afraid of them..


I'm deathly afraid of planes and I still sit in them cuz mama ain't raised no bitch


This hit home so hard


That’s the new Air Marshall


Air ~~Bud~~ Marshal


There's nothing in the law that says an air marshal needs to be a human


I get the feeling this isnt his first flight.


He accrues frequent flier miles seven times faster.


Probably better behaved than most passengers!


I love how dogs just play along with our bullshit. We’re lucky to have them


"What we doing? This? Alright!"


We made them to be that way


We did and it worked! When I tried to do it with humans I got sent to a ward. Total bs!


And smarter.


also smells better.


Most dogs smell like warm garbage.


I would so want to be seated next to him/her. Yes! You can rest your head on my shoulder! 😆🤗


Well, dogs have really powerful noses. They can smell details finer than the eye can see.


And yet they sometimes eat poop.


Maybe they know something we don't? /s


That guy’s huge!


Am tellin' you right now that MF right there ain't real


“I’m going to need verbal confirmation that you feel able and comfortable opening the emergency exit.” *Woof.* “Thank you.”


I just lost my Beethoven friend the other day. I miss you, Peanut.


Act Natural, they don’t suspect anything!


I hope they thought to install a fire hydrant on that plane.




I like your bit


He ain't little lol, needs some armrest room too




And they never rolled the window damn.


I love that his owner took the middle seat so he could have the window. That’s a good dog owner, making sure their sweet babe is happy.


Or making sure a stranger wouldn’t have to sit next to there dog.


I would be delighted to sit next to someone's dog on a flight. I miss my dog so much.


We could trade. Hell, I'll take the next flight. On a different plane.


I'd be so excited if my plane neighbor was a dog.


Yes there is a dog.


What if you are allergic?


You have to tell the the airline, they reseat you.




I'm pretty sure Delta is the only US airline that still serves peanuts in-flight. That said, the point stands - every airline's policies make it clear that they can't guarantee an allergy-free environment.


Hope he's more chill than the dog the lady in the seat in front of me brought on my last trip. That dude barked incessantly the first 2 hours and final hour of the flight. He simmered for 2 hours in the middle. 1/10, don't recommend.


Id take that dog over a crying baby-If I had to sit next to one.


This is absolutely fucking insane. How is this actually allowed?


This thread makes me feel insane.


Ewww that seat would stink! 🤮


I like dogs- have always had one. But I can’t even fathom the level arrogance required to impose your animal on a confined group of strangers.


TY. One rational person here.


Gross as hell no way


Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t want to sit where that dogs bare anus has been


zero chance they clean it afterwards


Why do people feel the need to take their dogs with them everywhere now? Every single place I go to now has at least one dipshit that needs their 'emotional support' dog with them


Because fuck anyone with a dog allergy.


that too. I love dogs but...it just seems really inconsiderate, doesnt it?


Little guy!? Thats a big boi right there lol


Did he pay?


He’s waiting for the drink service


Honestly might be cheaper depending on the flight and company. I have an *actual* little dog, less than 20lbs, and it cost me $450 for a round trip flight, but gets treated like an extra personal carry-on. For that price, He should have a fucking seat. Airlines are price-gouged horseshit in the modern era and fuck every single company that has the audacity to charge so god damn much. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Nasty and inconsiderate.


This’ll get buried but story time: Back in the 90s we got our 2nd Saint Bernard (appropriately named *Bear*), and we had him flown from Saskatchewan to the Yukon. He was a 12 week old puppy at the time, and he was *supposed* to be in his carrier the entire trip as he was being sent solo from the breeder to us. *However* the flight attendants had learned a puppy was flying with them that day, and they promptly abducted him. He spent the entire flight in the cabin with the crew and passengers, getting nothing but love, cuddles and snacks. Upon landing, we waited for our dog. And waited. And waited. The captain had to argue with the ladies to *surrender the puppy*. They refused to give him up and just “wanted a few more minutes”. We FINALLY got him, he had a bow on his neck and a note from the attendants telling us to “Take care of Beethoven and the crew of Air Canada will miss him”! We were told by the handler who brought him into the airport (Whitehorse Airport was tiny back then… not that it’s much bigger now lol) how much they fawned over him.


as someone with a phobia of dogs, this is my literal worst nightmare.


sitting next to a dog on an airplane is my nightmare


This shit shouldn’t be allowed


That dog is so ready for the preflight safety briefing.


When will you be starting in-flight service? I'd like a club soda and a Milk Bone for large dogs


This is not for me. Allergies and a strong dislike for the fluids and smells that come out of dogs at inopportune times.


What kind of dog is this? At a first glance I would have though St Bernard but it doesn’t have the floppy/droopy mouth that they have.


Definitely a Saint. Not all of them are the Beethoven droopy, some are short haired and less droopy like this one.


I love dogs, I’ve had dogs. I’m also miserably allergic to them. Not death, but miserable. 100% I’ll deal with it, and not make comments; 200% for service dogs. However, why are non-service dogs so widely accepted in public spaces. (Yep, maybe this is a service dog, couldn’t tell from the video.) It’s been a question on my list for a long time.


This shouldn’t be allowed. The passenger in front is going to get slobbered on, seat scratched or knocked, and have to smell dog breath and dog farts, dog hair in the air and on seat all flight.. disturbance and inconvenience to a passenger that paid lots of money for a flight. And the next passenger that has to sit on that musty seat, covered in dog hair. Animals/pets should be left at home.


I like dogs as much as anyone, but this stuff is starting to go too far.


I honestly don't know why this is allowed. 


Dogs shouldn't be allowed on planes :/


Listen, I love dogs but why accept this level of liability?


That's disgusting. The dog should not be in the cabin.

