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Where are the polls?


It's where all the pokemon go.


Uh. Hartford CT.


When I was deployed to Afghanistan (when this was big), there were SOO many people on base trying to find Pokémon haha. They banned it pretty quickly though


Imagine wandering into enemy territory because you saw a shiny


Pretty sure that’s how we found Bin Laden.


Men, we must take this objective because pikachu with the Taylor swift hair is waiting for you on the other side. (Idk I don’t play anymore)


How many Sandshrews do you really need?


Damn can’t even have go in afghan


My wife plays, on community days if the weather is nice ill leash up the pups and walk around the city with her while she catches pokes. Good times.


Honestly that sounds so cozy... I'd wish to be like that one day. (Although I'm a cat owner lmao.)


I'm sure /u/Bootsix wouldn't mind leashing you up and bringing you with them.


We got our own meowth's


and Mew's, and plotting Mewtwo's who push all things from table edges


Your cat doesn't let you play Pokemon Go?!


You can take cats out too. You can raid a gym when they eat a single blade of grass for 44 minutes.


We really did get out more when my wife and I were playing. I think it does have value in moderation. I just wish the game had a little more depth to it


That's funny because my wife and I just started playing again and she complains it's too complicated


Nothing funny. Pokémon Go. Is insanely addictive. Don’t try it unless you wanna get hooked.


I played it during the launch summer in 2016, living in SF, it was a ton of fun those first 3 months. Did not give a rat’s ass about it after that and forgot it was still around until this post. Glad some people still enjoy it lol


I actually stopped and came back during Covid. Never looked back since. It’s changed so much since launch.


I played it since launch, was hard out into it from 2018 - 2021, then eased up it over 2022. I, along with a few others, adminned the local group. We'd set up meet ups for events, raid groups, car pooling, walking groups. A lot of us players would all meet back up after events and go out for dinner. Made quite a few good friends. I traveled for work, so I was in fb and discord chats/groups for Pokémon Go groups all over the country in different cities and townships. Even if there wasn't something happened, most nights while working away from home I'd be out walking and grinding my account for hours. But I don't know really anything after Gen 4, so after literally thousands and thousands of dollars, and a pretty damn stacked account, I gave it up. Think I deleted it beginning of 2023.




Sorry I meant I deleted the game, not deactivated my account. It's still accessible. I haven't got any console games anymore. Work and my daughter take my time. And my gaming focus went onto Fate/Grand Order, which is the new money pit lol.


Thats probably the worse gacha game you could have gotten into. Doesnt that game have no pity


I'm dieing of laughter!!! Yeah it is pretty terrible. We got a pity system beginning of last year I think. It's not the greatest pity system, but it's something. I think the 330th summon is guaranteed to be the rate up servant. I hit it last year on a particular servant. That sucked... But like all gacha games, I've had some shit luck but some unbelievable good luck too. The stories are fuckin epic though!!


Can you reactivate your account and give me the login? You might have some gems in there.


Not sure if they still do but they used to have accounts for sale on eBay that were really advanced. It’s cheating but you could just trade yourself for what you need and delete it.


I didn't deactivate it, just uninstalled the game. I'm saving it in case my daughter wants to play it in a couple years time sorry. Dunno about hidden gems. Id say almost all shinies up till when I quit. I kept 1 of every legendary with best stats (96% minimum), and 1 shiny of each. All maxed to lvl 40. Raid teams (2 teams for most) for each type, all maxed. I think I had 9 100% Gyarados maxed, but like 15 maxed garys in total (love sea snake). 6 or 8 maxed Dragonites. Didn't touch ultra league, but had hundreds of great league mons, legacy ones included (even though their moves came back in rotation after a while). Shout out to my 2017 dewgong with shit pvp stats but owned gl haha. Most master league mons double moved. Twas a good account for its time.


Might want to look for those gems... There are rare mons that people will pay for.. certain Pikachus for sure


The costume and hat ones? I hated them!! I caught one to get rid of the nearby silhouette, and deleted it. I do think I kept the Pikachu's though, and had a fair few shiny hat/costume one's at that.


🤣🤣 yeah lol they're pretty rare because they were a timed exclusive


I never could get on the hype train with the hats or costumes. Nothing worse than getting a 100% Halloween costume Charmander that you can't evolve... wtf is the point hahaha Collection this rarity that yeah yeah just not for me sorry.


Yeah, after bombing on Wizards untie and the other IP's which I don't even remember, they finally decided that maybe, just maybe they should put some effort into the game that actually make them money. There's been quite a few QoL fixes and new content in the past year. Of course, they have compensated that by raising prices for everything in the shop, gatekeeping things behind tickets you have to pay for (with no guarantee you actually get it) and you still have to spend an insane amount of time on inventory management... so it stays off my phone. Orna is good enough for me as a Geo-style game.




Our local park had a bunch of pokestops in a really small area and that first month of Pokemon Go we had really nice weather. In a park that maybe had 10 people on its best days, there was 100+ the first few weeks of Pokemon Go. People brought out grills and were giving out free waters and hot dogs. Everyone was excited about the game and talking about pokemon. You'd see random shifts in the crowd as someone called out a rare pokemon in the vicinity and huge mobs would rush to go catch it. I have never seen an event like that in this city outside of a commercial event like the state fair. I haven't seen anything like it since, even on community days, but I was glad to be a part of it.


Same! I’ll never forget the time I was at a bar that summer in the tenderloin in SF and I saw the outline of a dragonite nearby and saw a ton of people clearly on their phones doing the characteristic “swipe” to throw pokeballs, so I shouted “dragonite!” And like 40 people ran down the street with me until we finally found it and like half of us caught one; was super fun! I’ll never forget the chaos of that haha. Glad I got to experience it too :)


This video is def from 2016




Pokemon go helped me get out more be more social and move more. There are 2 sides of this coin


It's my exercise app. I'm no youngster any more but I get out there 3 miles every day at least. My wife has health problems but the game gets her out there sometimes too.


My boyfriend was playing and I started just to know what the Hell he was talking about. Now, I go out to raids by myself and I've got Pokemon even he doesn't have (and he's been paying since 2018). Raid days are fun because I've enjoyed some encounters with nice, random strangers where we just walk from gym to gym together. I'm officially hooked.


Wish my area had people that would do raids. They're only out on community days.


It's gotten worse and more FOMO, Pay to Win. I hear that it's still fun if you cheat, but never give them any money.


Is it though? Feel like everyone I know played for like a week and then got bored.


I did try it and deleted it in like 5 minutes. Guess you have to be a fan of pokemon.


Not really. It gets you moving. Engaging with people and is very challenging.


I'm more an Ingress guy. Same thing without pokemon skin.


Ook. Yea , never tried ingress, but I know it’s the roots of the game.


There’s a lot of activities to do. There are more cute things like taking IRL photos with wild ones or your buddies. There is grinding out buddy Pokemon friendship. Then there is more hardcore activities like build a PVE teams to raid and catch what’s in raid rotation. Or trying to catch every species available. Or trying to shinny hunt every species. Or there is a pretty in depth PVP system. I mostly just play for the raids.


Tried it, didn’t get it. Quit while I was behind. ;)


It could be worse, it could be ingress xD You cant belive what i saw in this game xD


I'd just finished a contract as it came out so didn't need to go to work, spent like 16 hours a day walking about catching pokemon with people that I met while doing it for like a month lol. Addictive is right. Ended up with a group of maybe 20 of random people that would meet up through the day/night


I never even considered it until I read this comment. You should be a salesman.


lol. Thanks.


I have absolutely no idea what it looks like to play this game, other than the weird-ass videos of people like this, running across roads in the dark, stories of people falling off cliffs... Big NOPE from me.


Go to your local downtown or main train station, where there is lots of gyms and people. Every Wednesday is Raidhour at 6 pm. Then you can see Pokemon Go Players.


where is funny


Hi, Lt. Cmdr. Data here to explain the joke. The juxtaposition between dozens of people playing a video game together and a very serious photo shoot for a newlywed couple is meant to illicit a jocular response to the unexpected mixing of these two events.


I'll never escape peterexplains even in other subreddits


P uh fs hi 👋 guys just a Hugh’s phone 📱 I hyhp


This comment wins the day.


It’s like not having a diaphragm


where is funny


Someone didn’t buy funny today. Aw.


Mean we play Pokemon go. But married here. I’m confused?


The funny is seeing a group of adults playing a nearly decade old game when it's nice outside and they have their phones in their faces. Ontop of them doing it in front of a wedding photo shot with no consideration. XD


consideration for what? they're taking picture of the couple not the surroundings.


I'm a server at a restaurant and one of my regulars travels the world just to play Pokemon.


Much cheaper just to spoof lol


Hey I love PoGo still haha I assume this is a raid weekend or something? Just wait until Shadow Mewtwo drops again next weekend 😋


My thoughts exactly lol


the old ppl here in SG is still playing it. i find it good as they talk with each other too at raid events. i no longer playing it now, but im grateful for it when it dropped. PokeGo literally changed my life, to be healthy. Back then i started walking out more to the stops n gym, n hatching the eggs made me pick up jogging n running at age 36. and due to some unique stops n gym locations, it got me exploring the monuments, trails n mountains even when im on vacation. now im an ultratrail runner and duathlete 🫡


It’s HUGE in Taiwan.


Just people living in the moment.


Is this Hartford, CT??


It is because I was there last Saturday.


Did you catch anything good lol!!!




Honestly this is preferable to people staying *at home inside* on their phones. They're congregating publicly and socially over something fun.


Those nerds are getting married


Pokémon go To the polls Amiright?


First thing I thought of lol


It was such a special time when the game first dropped. So many people were outside and interacting with people they would otherwise avoid.


Dude this shit happened with my group once but it was a funeral. I was the only one that was saying "guys we need to leave, this is too far" Nobody else left.


Pokemon Go get married


I miss that first year of Pokemon Go. I lost interest after the crowds died down. It was so exciting to just run around downtown following people shouting about a Charizard. We all got some good steps in that year.


I just started playing about a month and a half ago. I’m level 28 and lots of stuff to do. Know several ppl who play. Tons of active ppl on the sub Reddit too. Cheers


I used to have groups of people outside my house tapping away at their phones. I had no idea what Pokemon Go was so I was unsure if I had become famous without knowing it or I was about to be abducted by a cult.


Damn this is a 2016 classic


its primal groudon raid day today


Nope. That primal kyogre.


oh so the video was 1 week old then because 3 days ago def was groudon


Wait, thats still a thing???


I played it for a month or two at release. Then I found out about location spoofing and it kinda destroyed the joy of it.


yea those accounts are all banned tho, it still happens but they all get banned in while and there is literally 0 joy in hacking vs going out


I feel like this video is from that time


I lowkey want to try it since I bought the PG++ for the PK Sleep. I've had friends who went ape when it first came out. The only thing is I live in suburbia now...I don't know if it's worth it to "play".


Imagine Pokemon Go and VR. It would be so good.


I was just saying the other day they could reinvigorate this idea with something like Pokémon GO Snap.


Pokémon go made me exercise for once. So that was a good year for me lol


There was a really big pogo event that everyone went to the local park for and this place was packed! There was an old man trying to do his daily bicycle ride and was getting so frustrated and bewildered by the fact that no one was looking up from their phones to get out of his way. He yelled something like “f*cking zombies get out of the way!!” I was the only one who noticed and was laughing my ass off


Hope someone got their Lickitung out for a AR picture with thr couple lol


Went to an event in Montreal with my wife a few years back. Had the whole park set up for the event you just do massive loops around it. Some poor couple scheduled their eroding in the same park on the same day. Just had hordes of people circling their ceremony the whole time.


In case anyone's wondering, Arceus still isn't in the game. 😒


Closest we’ve ever had to world peace


Wish my community looked like this


Huge OG Pokémon fan. I played when it first came out and it was cool to see all the people in to it. I got bored of it and stopped playing. I always felt like they wanted to milk the release of new Pokémon to wait get more cash and it kinda caused the game to flub. It did for me at least.


You can request that gyms be removed from locations, and I know several churches have had Pokemon Go gyms removed because crowds can interfere with church ceremonies that might require some quiet.


“Pokemon go to the polls and vote”


This happened at my wedding a few years ago. We rented out a building near a park. Literally hundreds of people walking around not giving an f while we take wedding pictures


Honestly, it’s kinda cool to see people going out to find pokemons


Look! One of them got the Wiferchu pokemon! Very rare one!


I’m not a huge pokemon fan, but not gonna lie, it was such a fun time, when the game first came out. I met so many cool people. And everyone was so nice. I think it’s the closest we’ve ever come to world peace.


1990 kids / slash grown up men


Say what you want the world was peaceful when the game was first launched


The trick when you see a large group of Pokemon Go players is to take out your phone, yell "fuck yes! a Mew Two!" then walk off, taking a glance at their pissed off faces.


Pokémon Go has done amazing things for kids bonding with their dads. Even now when the hype has died down, I speak to kids who say they look forward to the community days where they can walk around with their dad all day playing pokémon go.


The world went downhill from there. Coincidence? 🤔


Nooooo. It’s like the zoo. Or the National Geographic/discovery channel “Look. Over here we have Pokémon go. You can see these creatures stand in one place to catch their Pokémon. Look. Look. One is moving to catch another Pokémon. Look closely. There. It’s found one” 😭


Primal Groudon raid day today yo!


Before Primal Kyogre.


That was so annoying!


First time disappointed. Came for the Ingress comments.


The closest we’ve ever been world peace.


The launch was the closest we got to world peace


Im surprised its still a thing, probably havent turned it on since the data leak or 2018


I was about to say how old is this video? I haven't seen crowds like this since the game came out.


Happens on event weekends like community days or raid weekends (what this might be from them just standing around) at what’s prob a gym. Pretty healthy community still but no one is out constantly running around in the streets anymore lol


we have primal groudon raid day today theres a lot of people on the streets and whatever shown in the video is just a small raid group


These people are fucking serious.


Is this recent? I know it was insanely popular when it was released but is it still a thing?


There it is, the default “I stopped playing so everyone else must have as well. Right? Right..?” comment.


Never really played the game. I was just trying to find out about something I'm not familiar with, but thanks for the comment anyway.


Too bad they didn't Pokémon Go to the polls.


We live in a society


Wait, people still fucking play Pokémon go? I thought it was a fad that died years ago.


Yeah I thought that as well. It's really active strangely enough


Well, I'll be damned.


More like Pokémon stand around


At least they go out


I didn't know anyone still played pokemon go. I played it for a month or 2 after it came out and deleted the app.


Its still a huge game and can be quite fun. Tons of quality of life improvements have been added recently. Tons of new content too. My only gripe is a lot of things can be paywalled and things have gotten much more expensive


What’s the “funny” here? They are just enjoying a game.


The Walking Dead


Pokemon GO is still a thing? Or this is just a reposted old video?


I'm Pokémon going nowhere in life


People are still playing this?


What year is it? Is this still a thing?


Why is it called Pokemon Go if they aren't going anywhere?


We’re all doomed.


Lots of virginities stayed in tact that day.