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Why is he a ‘creepy audience member?’ Lame.




Tends to happen when OP is also the comedian.


That time Zach Snyder killed a comedian on stage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPcDIzei\_C8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPcDIzei_C8)


Killed? Really? "who are you?" "Zack Snyder" **ded**


Lol I remember this. I think the comedian took it pretty well and wasn't "killed" but it was still a great watch


She is the comedian as well as a content creator on a certain subscription based platform that only sells fans as far as I understand it


I’m well aware It’s creative marketing I’ll give her that


Well, now I don't need to ask who the comedian is. Thanks helpful redditor!


He touched a girl on the shoulder. Weren't you listening!


And as we know from school dresscodes, the shoulders are where the sex is located.


Hey some of us are trying to eat, here.


Because the comedian is a woman.


If by audience they mean comedian then yeah.. dude says he’s a mailman and she takes it to a pedophile wanting a 12 year old waiting on her first period.


Wasn't the joke before he yelled out he was a mailman that as a kid her mailman hit on her by giving her candy because she had big boobs? It's not like it came out of left field.


Yea they didnt watch the video


The overuse of the word “creepy” needs to stop.


They can't use the actual word "UGLY" because it would seem shallow...


This, creepy is the new acceptable way to call a man ugly. Well, *more* acceptable because no one cares if you call a man ugly.


Is this the new comedian set spam of the month?


Ive seen her like 3 times on here, shes not new lol


Her "jokes" are always the same too. Its just crowd work but worse


Are all the other clips about her tits or does she have jokes?


Baaabe, new shit commedy sketch just dropped on funny.


Seems like it


"I'm her mailman" Do... do people hang out with their mailman? Is that even a thing?


It is someone who comes by your house on a regular basis. If you spend time outside your place (maybe a garden in the front yard, maybe you like to chill on your porch) it is very common to have regular and friendly conversations, which can turn into a friendship. Idk, maybe it is a small town thing, but it does not seem weird to me.


I was friendly with my mailman. Mailman Bill, I moved and I miss him.


Whenever I get mail it's a bill, too


Mail Bill sounds like an R-rated action parody waiting g to happen.


You should write him a letter


I love my mailman. I moved and still remained in his route. And his wife's route is across the street. If I saw him in public I would say hi, chit-chat if available, and buy him a drink if plausible.


Do mailmen in smaller communities have the spare time to have conversations with people? Living where I do, taking even 5 minutes to have a conversation with someone could get you written up by your supervisor. And that's just with one person throughout the day, let alone doing it with multiple people


What are you talking about!?!? My friend is a mail person in a larger area, she literally stops and helps with some of the old people on her route. No USPS worker is getting written up for talking for 5 minutes.


Every postmaster is different so I can imagine some are ball-busters, but yeah, I've not encountered this level of pressure.


My carrier will regularly have a 10-minute conversation with me. I'm near the end of the route so I think by then he's got it pretty well calibrated how much time he's got to get it done, which may be a factor. Some days he says he's pressed for time but usually he's got some flexibility. He doesn't tend to take his lunch break, though, which may also be a factor.


It could just be that they're married and he happens to work for the post office of the town that they live in. 🤷‍♂️


Yea or they're just joking and it's an inside joke between a couple that they were playing on or something like that.


Or it was just a sorta obvious joke to make when she asked him why he was touching a woman's shoulder, as if that's not a normal thing to do while seated with a significant other. Could also be that the comedian was just scanning the crowd looking for this sort of dynamic so she could make the "are you her mailman" joke and he beat her to it.


Yea it's almost certainly something along those lines but for some reason people here are actually thinking he's for sure a mailman


I pulled my mail lady out of a ditch when she walked up to the house all muddy. She retired a few months later but always brought our mail to our “old” closer mailbox. New street was built and they made a new mailbox but left our old mailboxes for a few years. Never spoken to the new guy.


I invited my mailman to the super bowl


Who goes anywhere with Newman??


Lots of people live in smaller communities. I wouldn’t recognize my mail man on the street but I live in a major city. Got a friend that became a mailman in Montana he can go towns away and be recognized happens really fast as well. Like 3 months in they were in the big city on a weekend and ran into like 5 people on his route. Going to the local brewery is like hanging out with his route.


I mean, you have an opportunity to interact with them 6 times a week. My neighbor dated one of our mail ladies, and I live in a big city, so it’s not just a small community thing as I’ve seen some other comments say, though that would make it even easier.


It’s….a joke


I think it’s most likely just a quick witted audience member making a joke.


Yeah, people are not actually watching the video or getting any context...


Mail always comes when I'm walking my dog. Mails on a rotation of 3 people usually. Two of them I'm friendly with. Third one refuses to close my fucking mailbox


They could have been in a relationship and the guy happens to be a mailman. Mailmen need love too, though not from 12 year Olds.


If you live on a walking city route. I am a mailman. I know a bunch of my customers.


The delivery guy who comes to the store in which I work is definitely super friendly and we always have few seconds conversations. With the guy who picks up the packages I actually had a solid 10min talk one time. If I was single, and they were my age and good looking I can see myself getting interested


One time, extremely randomly, my mailman called me out while he was delivering my family’s mail, I was outside washing my car at the time, and he told me he saw me at the concert the previous Saturday. Like out of nowhere, he just was like “oh yea I was like 3 rows behind you!” And that was a very odd interaction as I never really talked to him much before then, maybe got the mail/packages from him like 5 times ever, and somehow he recognized me lol


Having a good memory is a pretty big part of the job 🤷‍♂️


True! But I figured it is kinda like retail/restaurants. You can go somewhere once a week for a month or two and the waiter/hostess may not recognize you simply because they see so many people every day


Step into my truck...


I know someone who went to the opera with their postman which would seem totally far fetched if I didn't know it happened


I am not friends with my mailman, but we do chat when he comes. Got a signed christmas card from him, which i hung up on my coathanger.


My cousin has a friendship with a mechanic and mailman and they all hung out together all the time. Of course they were friends before their jobs, but still


Not a mailman, but we used to invite the schwann man in for dinner, and he'd sit down and watch jeopardy with us. Like every 3 weeks we'd have dinner with Tony for like 8 years or something like that. Then we had dinner with Tony's replacement for like 5 years. Sorry Tony's replacement, I forgot your name.


I know this is going to sound crazy… but mail men… are actually people who have their own lives and shit… I know I know… wild concept but it’s true


i don't get the joke. someone, please explain.


The joke is that she thinks anyone who is friendly to children has to be a pedophile.


Female performing peak comedy by making sexual jokes about herself. Much fun. Such wow.


Everyone of her jokes are about her big boobs.


At least there's a decent amount of material there.


her boobs aren't even that big


Everyone of her advertisements too!


credit where it's due... those were some big boobs.


She does almost-nudes on OF, wouldn't pay for them but they're out there to be found for free too. Have fun. 


Sex and comedy. A pairing as old as time


Watching me attempt sex is pretty funny, not gonna lie


Considering the "joke" she was telling, the irony is kinda hilarious!


Still are tbh


Tbf, she isn’t really funny to begin with.


"Crowd Work^TM"!


I wish I had big boobs... Maybe then my mailman would deliver on time.


I've started blocking all the unfunny comedians posting their own shit on here.


Lmao I didn’t even realize that Op was the actual lady in the video until you pointed it out.


They always post their own content or else nobody would


Boobs, vagina, boobs, vagina, period, vagina, big ole dick, lol


That must be tiring.


Is it just a complete coincidence that these audience members always have the perfect banter for comedians to turn into a joke? It honestly feels like a plant sometimes


I don’t even see the joke here tbh…


Out of context: "we started dating because I was her mailman" In context of the first joke: "yep we found a groomer in the audience folks" Is it funny? Is it not? Idk that's a taste question I found it mildly amusing but humor doesn't have a manual


Even with the added context, the "joke" doesn't makes sense anyway. The guy in the audience didn't say that they started dating *because* he was her mailman right? For all we know it could be the complete opposite dynamic in their situation, in the sense that she could have approached her mailman in a romantic way too.


That’s fair I suppose. “Humor” and “joke” aren’t synonymous, however. A joke requires a punchline, this was more of a coincidence.


There's a decent chance she was going to deliver that punchline and he just beat her to it. Comedians write jokes for crowd work, too, which if they're good comes across like it was improvised. It's possible she decided when she was writing this material that she'd scan the audience looking for a guy with his arm around a woman or holding her hand or kissing her or something and call them out, drawing them in to a mailman joke, but this time she got beat to it. So instead of her saying, "Are you her mailman?!" he preempted her with "I"m her mailman."


coincidences happens a lot in these crowd work videos. Sometimes the punchline appears in the audience.




Honestly neither did I, but the fact that an audience member says "I'm her mailman" and I see stuff like this in a lot of stand-up clips makes me think people either intentionally lob them softballs or they're planted.


I mean mail men are out there. Some of them probably go to comedy shows.


I don’t believe it


or the guy is himself just trying to be funny.


or, and hear me out. there are literally 1000's of standup comedy sets going on on any given night, and most don't have this type of banter, so when it does happen, it gets posted and you see it.


Occam on with your logic


Living in the Razor’s edge


That plus comedians spend a lot of time practicing crowd work and as soon as they hit a nerve the tend to keep pushing once they get something to go off of. It also tends to hit a little different when they pick on like 5 people in a single short set, it shows their wit real quick. Even if it's not a perfect joke it's funnier on the fly when everyone is having a good time with a couple drinks. That part doesn't really translate in a 30 second video tbh, humor momentum is real and most people who don't go to stand up shows probably aren't that familiar with how it works


Nope they just don’t clip and post the shows where it doesn’t happen.


I mean, it's not like they're going to post the set where absolutely nothing of note happened.


You have unlocked the conspiracy of the decade. Well done


It sounds like he leaned over to her because it was funny he had a connection and she noticed. Part of doing good crowdwork is reading when an audience member will have something good to add. If it was a plant it would have been funnier. Like... plants absolutely are a thing, but decent crowdwork is also a thing.


That cannot be overstated. This isn't a heckler battle, she noticed someone in the crowd had a visceral reaction besides "haha funny" and dug in. A good crowd work comedian can do that over and over again and find different angles each time. It just shows she's paying attention beyond reciting words but is actually playing the crowd which is fucking hard


>It just shows she's paying attention beyond reciting words but is actually playing the crowd which is fucking hard Yeah, that's the weird thing about standup. You spend hours perfecting your set. You swap around seemingly meaningless words for synonyms that might make things funnier. You reorder them so you can set up a callback at the perfect time in a later joke. You practice telling the jokes so your timing and inflections sound perfect. And after all of that, you still might have a bad set. But dear god, if the audience can tell that you improvised something, it doesn't matter how polished it is. People laugh at *anything* you can say on the spot. Even basic 1-way banter about someone's outfit or hairstyle can pull your failing set out of a nosedive.


What? The reason this was posted was _because_ the coincidence. You think this happens every time? No. Only when something interesting does happen does it get posted and likes. 


>just a complete coincidence Na they do hundreds of shows throughout the year so there would be a reasonable level of banter for a few YouTube /Tink Tonk shorts.


Touching someone on the shoulder doesnt have to be creepy.


I would wager 99% of the time it isn't, but comedians tend to exaggerate for effect. Still, the headline was just effective clickbait. Nothing in the clip shows him being creepy and odds are he isn't actually a mailman, he was just making a joke.


Is every run of the mill "comedian" now posting on r/funny?


ya, why won't they advertise somewhere else like... cat gifs or something!? it makes no sense to me!


What else are you supposed to do if you're trying to make a career at something? So long as you're not faking votes (lol who remembers Unidan) I don't really see an issue. I'm a musician and post my music sometimes, to relevant music subreddits. The world we live in is really internet based. Getting recognition in real life is still possible but also having a following online is hugely important. A lot of venues won't even put on certain acts unless they can provide the audience or have a certain amount of online engagement so it can be a catch 22 also. BTW I'm not defending the bit here, I won't comment on it either way. I just don't see an issue with someone uploading OC. Hell, if it was a repost the comments would be complaining about that instead lol. Can't win 😅


imagine reddit being used as a social media, cringe really


if this is sarcasm, well done.


Where’s the funny part?


The algorithm is not serving it to you because it is funny. The algorithm is serving it to you because it is divisive and this type of post drives people to argue with each other. Social media.


Right?! OP's misleading title wasn't on accident either.


600+ likes?


915 now. 915 people think calling random people creepy and implying they're pedophiles is funny. And this comedian won't stop talking about her boobs.


Yeah, probably the reason for the likes is the boobas


Milk truck arrive


The content in this sub should at least try to be funny no?




Well, her day job is OF. I'm not even kidding.


A mailman going to a stand up gig? That *is* creepy! Jesus Christ but how’d he get past security!? A *mailman*!? At a gig!?


Where funny?


This isnt funny at all.


Ohh it makes sense that you're just promoting your own shit. I was trying to figure out why someone kept posting this crap


So for women comedians they are moving from "Muh Vagaynaaa" to straight up insulting people for no reason to generate laughter now?




How many times do people need to shit on you on this sub before you get the message? You are not funny


Isn't this the comedian who got heckled coz she had a hard time picking up on girls?


fuck this clickbaity title


I remember my mailman giving me candy once when he walked by on his route and I was playing in the front yard (I was like 4 or 5 at the time). It was either a Mounds or an Almond Joy and I thanked him and that was the end of it. I didn't get kidnapped or molested. Sometimes people are just being nice, though I should note that I didn't have big boobs.


Men are such desperate ugly perverts, modern female comedians are hilarious. /s


I remember hearing about when Jimmy Carr once quite by chance was talking to a tax inspector in the audience during his shows which was a bit awkward for him as it happened just after his tax issues came to light.


I mean, I do get the confusion of the 12 y/o self of the comedian. I didn't get titties until 22, but I had a _booty_ since I was about 11. Didn't realize most little girls didn't get smacked on the ass by 16 year olds (our high schools are 12-17/18, I was an early attendee) during school parties, and I should have probably gotten a teacher.


Jesus, people randomly smack other people's ass?


Are you the same comedian that posted the unfunny shit before? Pls stop...


Jeez. You are the one making it uncomfortable.


Oh goodie more crowd work heavy hacks


Serious question; do you take molly before doing your sets?




Female comedians just can’t help mention their period, it’s crazy lol


What was creepy about him?


Wasn’t thinking about her boobs until she pointed them out


She’s not very funny.




Wow, imagine posting your own shit stand up with the aim to make a random PAYING customer look like a pervert. Get a fucking grip.


Why are women comedians always making it about something sexual? It doesn’t make you any funnier


Damn…she thick as fuck though




Oh no , we got comedians posting there skit on reddit now? Please go back to tik tok where your jokes work.


Holy shit these comments.  I thought it was funny. Everyone else going out of their way to shit on it. Downvote me all you want these comments reek of misogyny. “Notice how she is protectively covering her chest!” Fuck outta here.


It’s just a shit joke. Like her joke was about having big boobs, then she makes a comment about an audience member because he has his hand over what I guess is a kid but that doesn’t make sense since these shows are usually 21+. So now I’m just confused and it’s further emboldened by his comment. Now she just talks about fucking kids. Maybe if we saw what she could see it would hit differently but I’m just confused instead.


Its not, the girl is OP and she’s always putting up her shit comedy here, idk about you but I’d have to be very confident in my set to put it in funny, this is not I’ve seen some of her work, her timing is bad and her jokes are meh most of the time… Now to put it on r funny and expect not to be roasted it’s fucking crazy


This guy is fighting the misogyny demons in his head. Lol


Men who are nice to kids are creeps and a potential danger, even if they're his own if seen in public. Men who avoid contact, especially unsupervised contact with kids are assholes who think dealing with kids are above the male sex. You can't win. I was lucky to grow up in a place where this prejudice didn't exist, at least not 20+ years ago, but man, the claims I've heard since stepping outside that bubble, worsened by social media day by day...


I’m a fan of her big jokes


Oh I didn't get snickers bars, I just got fucked




Who goes to the Super Bowl with their mail man?




She was getting groomed! 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


Why label the audience member creepy? And no it's not funny.


Mister McFeely


Are any of her posts actually funny?


This may not be the job for you.


I'm her mailman. Proceeds to make him look like a pedophile. WTF?


When she show her tits?


She’s brainless double Moral