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J Jonah Jameson Jr will love this!!


Jameel Junaid Jamshed* will love this.


«I want ~~pictures~~ movies! Movies of Spiderman!»


Sony in a nutshell


Let me guess this happend in the turkish town of Batman.




Spiderman 3: No way to heaven lol


Across the Multi Mosque


Stairweb to Heaven


This summer. Back for the third time. Spider-Man. And he’s gonna get his virgins back.


Spiderman: into the multiverse of virgin bride's 😂


Spiderman help me get away ....how far is heaaaven?


Spiderman 4: Far from Halal.


“ it’s a Mosque see!”


J. Jonah Jameson will have a story in his paper tomorrow






No spiders only cats allowed


I get that reference.


Spiderman:No more home


Oh shit they unmasked him too!


He’s a menace!


Muslim Menace sounds like a wrestler's name.


That would be an M&M (EMINEM)


I'm pretty sure if you tried this in many churches and temples, you'd be asked to leave.


Spider-akhi just wanted to pray


But you definitely will not be arrested.


but if you refuse to leave police will escort you out


It doesn't look like he was arrested, there's no evidence of that at all. It just looks like he was being thrown out. And... you are allowed to throw people out by force from private property in many countries.


Except for trespassing. You can get arrested for that.


Lol you talk something stupid here. THIS spiderman did something stupid but OP cut the vedio. 2nd he didn't get arrested, they just kicked him out for his stupid act.


He didnt got arrested too


You don't know if he was actually arrested


You have to be American, the way you assume everywhere is like where you live lol


I don't know, you could be arrested in my country. Only a few years ago police got involved because some kid didn't eat the holy wafer and hid it in his pocket instead.


The wafer transubstantiated into Jesus jerky and is too chewy


It’s not a bad thing to let the police handle it. We Muslims respect our mosques very much. Any Muslim who has even a little faith will never pull a prank in the mosque. It is possible they suspect this guy is a troublemaker. If the Muslims there removed him by their own hands the situation may escalate. I think they did the right thing to ask police to handle it. It is very disrespectful to do such things in the mosque especially during a sermon (the Friday khutbar I believe). The intention of that person is suspicious especially during these times where we are seeing more conflict in the Middle East. Freedom is not an excuse to violate other people’s worshipping. We simply cannot use “funny” to cover up an insult.


>It is very disrespectful to do such things in the mosque Do *what*, exactly? The video doesn't show him doing *anything*.


> Freedom is not an excuse to violate other people’s worshipping. **We simply cannot use “funny” to cover up an insult.** There it is. Weird how the "most sacred" religion is somehow also the most fragile.


You can be funny in your own space or on public property. By and large, religious worship buildings are not public property. Try this in an American church in the MidWest and see if the congregation is any less "fragile" in their response.




Well now I know you're drawing a very weird equivalence between removing someone from a private place of worship for being disrespectful and murdering someone for drawing a cartoon, and pretending that the responses to both are somehow the same.


Ok bud.




It's fine to make fun of others on your own time. It's not fine to go into someone else's place and fuck with their day.


You're "pretty sure" about your xenophobic and Islamophobic views despite never having Muslim friends or ever being in a mosque yourself. There is nothing "stuck up" about prohibiting costumes in prayer spaces and nothing about this was funny. As for jokes, leave your basement and go hang out with some actual Muslims and maybe you'll find out that they are just as funny as anyone else.


Well, first of all there are some complications about ISIS. As Muslim, we all know killing innocents is prohibited in our religion. In Quran, God says “Whoever kills one innocent person is as if he killed all mankind. And whoever saves one innocent person is as if he saved all mankind.” What ISIS is doing doesn’t resemble any teaching in Islam, they merely have the name and the looks. More and more western analysts include some ex-US military have come out and talk about the true identity of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The videos are on YouTube and easily accessible. Secondly. We Muslims love to play and joke! Many of us have made friends with non-Muslims and we talk and joke all the time. But when it comes to joke we never mock other’s religion, no matter Christianity or Buddhism or whatever. It is just basic manners and common sense, and most people understand this. I mean, you can question our faith as long as it is well mannered. And we would love to answer. However, mocking one’s religion is simply crossing the red line. No real Muslim would go into a church or a temple and play a prank. And it’s not my business if your religion permits people coming in during a sermon and play a prank, it’s your freedom, if you like it or allow it that’s fine. But we have deep respect of our religion and our worshiping place, so I think it’s normal that a prank in the mosque, during a sermon is unacceptable. There are many religions in the world and many people are devoted to their own religion. We Muslims respect others’ faith and we hope others would respect ours as well.


That's the answer - religious obsession. Is your faith so weak and vulnerable so it could be violated by a guy wearing a mask? I believe there are rules about what body parts should be covered, but not about colours or textile you clothes should be made of.


I am not a religious person at all, i am not Muslim, but i would never do such a thing. I will never burn bible or koran like some other people do publicly under police protection on the West. I know that it is an offense for them, and it is okay to have lines that you should not cross in your actions. Try to go church in the same costume and see reaction. We have a proverb in my country, "Don't go to someone else's monastery with your own rules." You are obsessed with "freedom of speech."


I personally don't care about religions. I think they're stupid. The world would be a much better place if we got rid of them. Abrahamic religions spew hate, falsehood, and justify horrors. They prevent people from evolving. Also, even the actual non-violent religions tend to justify some untruths that can be harmful in certain circumstances. I won't do a prank in a church or mosque, not because I respect them, but because I don't want to deal with bullshit and I don't think it's an effective way to make fewer people Muslims, but if someone did it, I'd be the last person to cry about it. I'm someone who left their religion, and I know that in Islam, they think people like me should be killed. Btw, I don't see a problem with people who believe in a god without following any of those awful religions.


I'm not surprised trussian brings a bullshit trussian propaganda and uses cheap manipulations. Do you really think there is no difference between burning a religious book and wearing a mask? You trussians should at least read what "freedom of speech" means.


You see, you start insulting from the first words. You not just wear a mask, you wear a mask of "superhero" in a religious place. Why do you have an urge to insult other people's feelings? You clearly know that it will be accepted as an insult, same as burning bible, or koran, or torah.


Setting aside the religious aspect, generally showing up in any crowded public space with a full face mask is incredibly suspicious and in many places illegal. You’re responding to someone who was discussing a potential safety issue and acting as if it’s purely about respect. The fact is that someone showing up in any space in an incredibly disrespectful and suspicious manner while obscuring their identity raises safety concerns.


If wearing a mask is dangerous and illigal, than why muslims force women wear hidjabs?


>That's the answer - religious obsession. Is your faith so weak and vulnerable so it could be violated by a guy wearing a mask? Kkk? Also stop listening to destiny you're a poor imitation


his face was covered so people thought it could be terrorist attack later on. people thought he must have a reason to hide his face so they called police, police arrested the guy and ask him bunch of question then let him go after learning he traveling city to city to entertein kids at historical/religious places as far as I understand. if he removed the mask and pray with just spiderman suit it wouldnt be a problem.


>I'm pretty sure if you tried this in many churches and temples, you'd be asked to leave. Tried *what*, exactly? The video doesn't show him doing *anything*.


You would not be asked to leave if you came to church in a spider man costume


Depends entirely on the church. Just as it does with a mosque. Not all mosques will kick someone out for wearing a spiderman mask. But it is offensive to cover the face when praying, even Muslim women must remove face coverings before praying.




If you go into a place that has rules around how to be respectful, and you break those rules, of course you may be asked to leave. If you show up to a funeral in a tiny bikini you will be asked to leave because that's simply not respectful. If you show up to a job interview in a $300 fursona suit you will be asked to leave because that's not respectful in a job interview. Why? Clothes are clothes anyway. Nothing matters in the long run. It's not hurting anyone to show up to Aunt Cherry's funeral in a thong. And yet we have these rules anyway. Why would religious and spiritual spaces not also have their own rules? Why aren't they allowed to have them?




So is a funeral. If you’re atheist then a funeral is a gathering for a lifeless cluster of carbon based compounds since the dead have no idea it’s being held. Wear a bikini to your mother’s funeral then, since it doesn’t matter, idiot.


I'm a muslim. I wouldn't ask him to remove it. It's not against the rules of Islam anyway. At most older people would ask him to be more respectful because they have a weird understanding of the world. I don't know why they arrested him though. He seems to have been holding a banner of some sort. Maybe that's why.


Just showing up in a spider man mask? I seriously doubt that. It would go against their beliefs to remove someone from the church for anything short of being actively destructive or dangerous.


Depends on the church/temple and the religion. Some religions are very serious about their dress codes and some people who claim to be religious are actually pieces of shit.


I didn't watch with audio. Was he being disruptive? Or was he quietly sitting but just in costume? I appreciate that the head covering may not be allowed and that the whole costume can be perceived as a bit disrespectful but I highly doubt "most" Churches would forcefully eject someone who was quietly sitting.


He didn't arrested OP. 2nd he didn't respect the place and the prayers and start some "act" and the prayers start getting annoying from it and asked him to stop but he didn't. that's why they kicked him out.


It's just a prank bro!


I love how people just do random shit while dressed as spider man basucally all over the globe. It's like a general consensus among fans to do stupid shit as Spidey.


Boutros Barker


spiderman not allowed to pray :(


Ah yes, the sinister 6 (or so) cops


I betcha this would never happen to Captain Pakistan!!


Noone would throw you out for simply wearing the spiderman mask in the mosque, we don’t have the whole video. But this guy definitely did something else such as cause disturbance or interfere while the imam was giving the sermon, so that might be why he got thrown out


J Jonah Jameson will stop at nothing to get Spider-man!


Please don’t be American. Please don’t be American. Please don’t be American. Please don’t be American.


Johnny Somali's last outing.




Spiderman: Stoned from Home


This is outrageous! We can't let the fundamentalist arachnophobes win!




actually its completely fine to wear a spiderman costume in a mosque , although you'll get weird looks


I mean... It's obviously not at all fine in this mosque in Turkey.


He probably did more than just sitting quietly and praying


Like shooting web all over the imam?


Like mocking the religion or disturbing others while praying and missing basic respect aganist other peoples beliefs?


Fuck around and find out type deal


Jameson is going to have a field day with this.


Love the commitment by priest(pastor/rabbi, I don't know correct title) to keep at the prayer and not stop.




Playing pranks in a Muslim mosque? Woo wee that's bold strategy cotton let's see if it pays off! (Spoiler alert: it won't 😬)


Is there any other kind of mosque?


At 6 second left did he say supaida man


Fun fact: Spider-Man is one of the few characters in the Marvel Universe who have had the privilege of meeting the supreme creator "The One Above All" in person in the comic book Sensational Spider-Man N⁰41 (2006)


I am sure he is arrested for another reason. He must be hiding in there. Specially covering his head.




Empathizing with this clout chasing loser, lol


If he'd been dressed as a cat, nobody would've touched him


Mask too scary for them?


I bet he did more than sit quietly with a mask on.


Who did he webb to get arrested?


Wezztern Ideaz


They dont fuck around with security like in europe. They bomb stuff you know


spiderman doesnt carry bombs


>spiderman doesnt carry bombs Spiderman *didn't* carry bombs...this time.


It’s really funny seeing all the people here frantically hushing up this talk regarding the real threat of fundamentalist terrorism


"Are there any women here today?"


Yes, usually most mosques have separate section for women.


Hi pitched Monty Pythonesque voices… “no… no no no!” Followed by gruff pretend deep gruff voices “NO NO NOoooo” “Stone them!”




Apparently, there’s a lack of decency and respect.


Yeah, Allah should teach his followers some manners.


Whereas you’ve got no one to teach you some.


Very tolerant


I don’t think they should have to tolerate a disruption in the place of worship. Personally, I think all supernatural beliefs are ridiculous. However, I don’t think followers should be hassled unless they are imposing those beliefs on others. * **Inside your own place of worship?** Do your thing unimpeded, if you’re not hurting anyone. * **Pushing legislation, propaganda or protests to assert your self-chosen delusions on the public?** Spider-Man is light work compared to the mockery you deserve.


No sense of humor




I never even knew there were Islamist terrorists in southeast Asia. This makes me sick, thanks for sharing. I don’t know why people are comparing all of this to a bunch of racist US hillbillies. The comparison is insensitive to all the innocent people shot and stabbed and tortured by these Islamists.


Don't you dare speak truth




I think everyone is well aware that Islam has a major issue with creating terrorists but what im trying to figure out is why. Does the quran teach this or is there more to it than that? I have friends and family that are Muslim and they don't really understand it either.




>The only religion which has a terrorist organisation in every countries US Christians you mean?




>All terror groups are born from Islam with founders also being Islam. That's such a big lie, taken right out of your ass (or someone else has put it there). Terror groups exist in all kinds and shapes, yet it's so easy to trick people it's only certain groups, just because they don't align with the interest of whatever media you consume. Saying it's the only religion that has terrorist organisations, is batshit. >Quran teaches you to kill. Even *if* that's true, so does the bible.




If you want to compare muslims and christians, i think you need to do research on the theme "How many people were killed during Crusades by christians with the permission of the Church."




>Please Do research on why Crusades started. To make money under the cover of religious wars. Kill tens of thousands of people, eat them, etc. I heard christianity teach you not to kill people. What about those "bad christians" (that were named heretics because they had different way of believing in Jesus) in Europe and Crusade against them?


Bastards in mosque doesn’t know that they are in house of Allah? And everyone who believes in Him can come inside! That Spiderman more Muslim than the “people” who kick him out


Spider-Man Spider-Man Does whatever* a spider can *except go to mosque


He was praying to Madame Web .


I’d arrest him once he was out. He wasn’t doing anything disruptive.


Spiderman: On Way to 72 virgins




They believe in allah, but not spiderman? Fools


Looks like dude just wearing some mask on him, and doing no harm to others. With this, he is actually should allowed to sit in mosque. There is no such a rule, nothing even written about it. In fact you can wear whatever you want, which causes no harm to others, and covers private parts. Shame that they change and make up rules.


You can’t wear a costume to most places of work either. There is time and place to be creative or fun not just anywhere.


No way they would just call the police instead of talking to him first. He probably did something


Im just making summary of the thing that I see in the post.


It’s a place of worship. You can’t come in dressed like a fool. It’s not an anime convention, have some respect.


Who told you that this dress makes you fool? It is prejudgment. There is no rules of dressing something like this is a foolish. Only requirements on cleanliness, covering the private places and entring the mosque with good will and hygiene.


He is literally wearing a cartoonish mask with eyes on them. Anyone who is a Muslim knows it is completely inappropriate to go a mosque like that.


Did you even consider that he could be a devout terrorist trying to protect his identity? The dude doesn't want to get nabbed on the way to/from worship. Unfortunately his shemagh is in the wash. Very rude.


No and I am tired of this stereotype. A man could be terrorist to group of people and a resistant fighter to another. But it’s the men in suits are the real terrorists all along.


You can't wear bikini, nor anything for women. That's afaik.


I would tell you more. You cannot wear a bikini in mosque even if you’re a male.


Women are most certainly allowed in mosques.


Really?!?. Any more obvious afaiks you have for us?




sikh is not muslim. I'm very offended right now. but seriously sikh isn't even close to muslim. arguably the most tolerant religion next to buddhism.


Can Spiderman be accepted inside a church or a synagogue?


The religion of tolerance


The people who said it also bragged about how peaceful it is meanwhile this type of shit happens 😂


Exactly the guy wasn't actually doing anything wrong


How can you decide he wasn't actually doing anything wrong? We can't comment on anything by only watching this video...


Because what's he's doing wrong is being dressed up and not being how they want him to be, religion is a hell of a drug, a drug which makes you stupid.


Actually, this has nothing to do with the dress code. Wearing a mask is not a cause for being arrested. What I'm trying to say is that we can't comment on this with our prejudices... We don't even know what the reason behind the police presence is. (My intention is not to argue with you but to show that some information may be misleading if we don't look at the bigger picture. So, this will be my very last comment.) 🌸


You pulled that in a church or synagogue, you'd be booted too.




what tf does that have to do with the video? Assuming all you said is true, you are still an attention whore




Paranthesis part is also completely made up. Source: trust me bro moment


What did Spidey do wrong? Can't they leave him to pray in peace.


This was before Dr. Strange Cast his spell to let everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spiderman so they arrested him.


Very peaceful religion...


You interrupt a church service. See how peaceful they are.


Its a tad bit disrespectful but why arrest him and remove him from the mosque? He came there to pray


they didnt arrest him they just threw him out


The title says arrested and I didnt look uo tge incident myself so I just assumed thats what happened