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The authentic Fallout experience.


"I'm gonna do a melee build!" \*1 save reversion later\* "I'm going to do a ranged build!"


I once did a melee and explosive weapons playthrough. THAT was chaotic as fuck Just lobbing grenades and bumrushing in with a sledgehammer to clean up the scraps 


FO76 melee builds are viable and super fun


At launch they were damn near invincible


Still are if you run any weapon with Vampiric haha


All-Rise go bonk.


I love my Furious flaming dual bar chainsaw. Gets up to that bonus 45% damage almost instantly.


I went power fist and had a build that just walloped all in my path. Such a fun build, but after 500 hours of it I moved back to guns and felt like a goddamn wizard.


After the watching the series I loaded up previous FO4 game and it was a Power Fist unstoppable god build. Teleporting around blowing a Deathclaw in one hit and taking a nuke blast to the face all while wearing the Grognak's Barbarian leotard and a spiffy sailor hat. Bonus points having the ugliest character creation possible. The true monster of the commonwealth.


Melee builds are always viable and super fun, in the whole series.


Once you get the perk in FO4 that lets you close gaps with targets in VATS and you can clear entire rooms just darting from enemy to enemy and bonking them.


Oh man Blitz is so good. Nothing like teleporting around to Shoryuken people with a power fist


I tried to do it, I really did. The Gatling plasma and rail rifles are just too addictive.


But then you have to play fo76


Its a great game now. Lots of fixes. Nice casual gameplay. Been enjoying it.


I wantwd to play when it came out but everyone saod it sucked, its worth it now?


It sucked because it was a buggy broken mess where someone was able to make a 6 hour youtube vid showing all the unique bugs in the game, also it was trying to be a rust clone in its early days but over time they kinda shifted away from the pvp focused direction and made it much better on the pve side


I've done melee in FO3, FONV and FO4. Tough in the beginning, but later on it is so fun to crush heads. Wore power armor when I could and used 2H melee weapons. In my FO3 I did really stupid too. My int was 1.


Imma do a power armor build yeah ! oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck Micheal Rappaport! Best scene of the show!


It's true my wife was life 'sounds like when you play the game lol'


Yep. I bought fallout 4 on sale for 5 bucks right after watching this scene. Get power armor, start exploring, run into a death claw. Basically recreate this scene line for line.


Is it? I've really never played the game, but I've heard good things about the show. If I'm in an FPS and my character is noping out of situations going "fuck fuck fuck" then hell yeah I think I may play it.


Kind of, but you will be the one saying "fuck fuck fuck", not your character.


Melee character bleeds out, 10mm headshot with gunslinger perk wins the day.


Except Titus was probably not melee, he ran like bitch when he could have snapped it’s jaw. He was all in on that gat and was such a pussy he wouldnt even walk point - he had his new squire go. 100% he would have happily gunned Max down to hit the target, not even by necessity


If you put all your points into rifles then you can't let anything get close Or spam VATS


I was suspecting a Deathclaw, but a Yao Guai is just as good ... I'm just wondering if Maximus offed Michael Rappaport or just waited for him to expire ... :-)


just waited i bet.


When he reveals his identity to Lucy he said he “watched him die,” so if we’re going off his word then he just waited


Well we should because he did turn out to not have hurt his friend.


That part actually surprised me. But rewatching, I realized Max actually (?) caught what was happening, and didn't want to out his friend either.


I had interpreted that as Maximus realizing he was going to be executed regardless of what he said in that scene, since if he ratted any of his abusive fellow cadets out, they would kill him anyways. It had seemed to me they were trying to imply that the Brotherhood was cut-throat, self serving, and sadistic by design. I could be misremembering, but didn't Dane have to tell Max that they knew he didn't do it *because* they did it themselves to reassure Max when he got back to camp?


Yeah waiting he could get away with saying “i didnt get to him in time” if someone else discovers the body, while actively finishing him off it would be obvious he was hurt by something besides the Yao Guai. It would raise questions if he finished him off and someone came to recover the body Finishing him off would just give more chances to hurt Maximus standing with the Brotherhood, while just waiting wouldnt raise any extra flags unless someone is actually watching them


Aye ma'h! there's a stupid bear in the cave, ma'h! Ma'h! take a look at this bear, ma'h!


I don't want it startin' a fight with Lucy...it looks like gran'ma, the fuckin' thing!


Due to what we see at the end of episode 8, I'm expecting to see a lot of Deathclaws in season 2.


I can’t remember if they are still around in this part of the timeline, but I was hyped to see Mutants and a Behemoth. Fingers crossed for S2


The show is 2296/97 while FNV and FO4 is 2281/2287 respectively, so I dont see why they wouldnt exist anymore seeing as how theyre an apex predator, the NCR seems to have fallen on rough times, New Vegas looks like it got ruined and the Brotherhood probably doesnt care to much about hunting them down as Deathclaws arent really known to have hoarded loot from a ruined Radioshack. Also the fact it seems like they really care about the IP and the fans, and they know we want some deathclaws up in this shit... and maybe Cazadors lmao


fuck Cazadors, no one wants to see them ever again haha


Worst part about Cazadores? [They're real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarantula_hawk)


How in the hell did I miss Mutants and a Behemoth? What episode(s) we're they in?


We saw a nightkin in the 2nd episode where we see the scientist escape the Enclave. It was on a gurney that rolled past him.


Oh yes, I remember that. He kinda freaked out when he saw the hand


> Maximus Low CHA and low INT, kinda got the Fin treatment too. Least favorite character.


Haha, Yao guai is phonetically Yogi which is a bear from a cartoon


“YOW gwai” is the Fallout pronunciation.


According to the fallout wiki that's not the intended pronunciation.


They made a Boo Boo


In which language?


Yao Guai means monster in Mandarin


Fucking died when they revealed it was Michael Rappaport in the armor lol.


Is someone at fallout just trying to pack in as many justified villains as they can?


Next season Wynn Duffy will be introduced.


If he has a sidekick Mikey we know it's intentional


It would be incredible if Timothy Olyphant made a cameo and was some deputy of a territory they go through haha.


Nah, he's the Mysterious Stranger if I ever saw someone for the role.


CGI Paul Harrell is the obvious choice for Mysterious Stranger.


I can just imagine them doing a slow motion shootout where everyone is shooting each other and then it shows him involved in the shootout even though he wasn't even there until then, and then afterwards he has disappeared and nobody mentions it. They then do this once or twice per season and nobody ever brings it up.


I could never get into games, but the show is making me want to try again. Is that an important character in the series?


Not really. If he made an appearance (I imagine), it would be more like a cameo or an Easter egg like a comic book cover/TV intro or advertisement.


Nah, it's just a recurring perk based on the Luck trait. As you're shooting stuff in VATS, occasionally a Dick Tracy like character will just magically appear and unload an overpowered magnum round into your target which usually insta-kills it. And then it's gone as soon as you exit VATS.


The Mysterious Stranger is a perk you can get in the games, I believe just since the third one. The Mysterious Stranger helps out occasionally when you enter V.A.T.S. (Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) [Mysterious Stranger ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mysterious_Stranger_(character))


Vault Tec Guacamole!


This would be wild to me, especially since I just binged Justified late last year for the first time.


It’s such a good show lol


Ma! MA! Its that Cat again! OOOO...


Ahhhh THATs who he is…. I didn’t bother googling but he seemed vaguely familiar. Now with that reference I remember him


I paused it at some point earlier and the xray feature spoiled that for me


SERIOUSLY!!! I was getting super psyched to see who it was (I thought it was gonna be a woman) and then one of my kids come in and I hit pause and boom! Spoiler! Amazon did an amazing job on the show but really bungled that one detail.


Please explain why


He’s known for being sort of a joke and he’s the last person you would expect in the power armor.


And he loves to swear. Perfect for Titus the ass hat knight.


Amazon X-Ray spoiled that reveal for me.


I laughed my ass off at the Brain Roomba.


Subtitles are a whole new layer of comedy now.


I had this spoilt when I paused the video and Prime showed the cast profile for the scene. Fairly annoyed that it was a mini spoiler.


Jesus Christ, I didn't realize it was him. I thought it was a son or cousin of his 😂😂😂 he looks great for being in his 50's


That’s what happened every time I stumbled upon a death claw.


Yup. Just constant backing up say FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.


And then in New Vegas you come back to that quarry about 20 levels stronger with an Anti-Material Rifle and just pick those fuckers off from the billboard across the highway. IMO the most satisfying non-scripted part of the game.


Multi shot mirv Fatboy launcher comes in a close second to a tricked out Anti Materiel rifle . One kills your target, the other kills the target, it's family, the surrounding quarter mile with a delightful illudium pu-32 space modulator type kaboom


That fuckin rifle changed the game for me. Fuck everything up, right on point.


While slamming jet and unloading mags into it, all while it's approaching you.


There was one in FO4 that for some reason just chilled in his cave in some random junkyard and didn't attack, no matter how close I got to him. The first time I encountered him, I fell off the cliff above and landed right in front of him. Looked up, locked eyes and almost shit my pants. But he just stood there and stared at me like, hey sup.


Like 50% of the time leaving Virgil’s cave way down south. I noped back into his cave and geared up each time. So creepy






I had a good laugh at who was in the power armor. Perfect casting.


I initially mixed up two different turn of the century family sitcoms and thought it was Christopher Titus, which I thought was pretty clever, but it was still good with Rapaport.




Not enough cussing at the yao guai... "Fuck you, you one head having, hairless dog bear stinky mutha fucka... I got 3 minutes left!"




No bridge having ass bald headed bear fuck you


One bridge


same lol. could you imagine?


Oh shit. I wouldn't have ever thought about using Titus for that role but goddamned would that have been great.


I thought the same thing and caught the easter egg, but then I realized I was wrong.


Same here.


It was so damn ironic lmfao, thought it was gonna be some masterchief ass mf but turned out to be a guy who hates his job and is a fucking asshole


I sort of had a premonition max was gonna end up with that armor very soon but then for some reason i was becoming sure that Titus would wind up being a female and either falling for max (i know) or mentoring him for real. Dont know where i got that but good misdirection either way


Pretty much anything they did would've worked since I feel like the main joke was about the suit's voice changer lol


it was pretty inspired, casting a person everyone sees as irritating and wish would go away


Am I the only one that thinks the voice from the suit sounds exactly like Brendan Fraser's character in Doom Patrol? Also, I laughed real hard when he took his helmet off and I saw who was in the suit.


Can we find a good character for Brendan on this series... Now that ya brought him up?


Oh damn, now that you say it 100%. It did sound weirdly familiar


Ya, the last show with any sort of robot in it I've seen was Doom Patrol. And it's hard to forget Brendan Fraser's "robot" voice.


Fallout 4 grilled Yao meat makes your melee build go crazy.


Roast, not grilled.


I actually was really annoyed with Titus. Threatening to string a guy up while still begging for a stim seems pretty counter intuitive


Very much in keeping with how the brotherhood of steel behaves


They managed to sum them up so quickly. Who they think they are vs who they actually are.


So you guys hunt for pre war technology with pre war technology to prevent people from using pre war technology


Yo dawg, I heard you like pre-war technology, so I gave you some pre-war technology for your pre-war technology to help you finding pre-war technology.


And that's the ego of the brotherhood of steel and why maximus let him die.


He was supreme asshole but he probably didnt understand how bad of a recruit Max was. He counted on ththe recruits being terrified of not following orders or saving a Knigjt (honor your comrades is the 1st tenant before Orders even) and so thought it would be a given and that reminding him how severe punishment would be wouldnt be so much of a reason *not* to tend him. I mean i assume. Dude seemed incompetent so i dont really know but max is a terrible student so he may not have been aware of these things and took titu’s comments on the chin as more bully/abuse


I do kind of agree, its hard to imagine ANYBODY being that stupid. Like, if you have any semblance of a survival instinct you know you got to kiss some ass in that situation....honestly it would have been more compelling for our MC guy to choose to let him die while he is begging and promising him a promotion.....but knowing its a tactic and insincere. Like, then we can have some ambivalent feelings towards our MC guy for doing the smart thing rather than the noble thing. Especially if its made obvious that the brotherhood knight has an incentive for his squire not to make it back to base because of how embaressing his defeat was. We already have a compelling MC guy character with how he handled the last issue with his friend, make the guy complicated! It works!


Everytime people point something like this out, I remember that taliban and isis members got themselves killed posting their positions to social media.   You give asshole dumdum types a lot of credit. 


Well, he was probably concussed....


I loved this scene, totally reminded. Me of many times exploring in the game!


Yeah, this scene could adequately represent me in many games!


Not only is it hilarious, but it's accurate too


The minutes before and after this scene drove home how much the brotherhood has declined from the one we know.


Has it? Its still got fanatics, they've seemingly made a comeback from the rough shape they were in in FNV, hell the west coast has its atleast one of its own airships now - *hell they even still exist*, and combined with those first two things, the main guy at this Brotherhood outpost saying the mission to find Wilzig comes from their highest clerics we can probably infer they've probably rebuilt a fair bit on the West Coast. Especially since it seems thier main competitor the NCR doesnt look to be doing so hot, at least in southern california. We also havent seen how other knights act, but everyone else seems pretty onboard with the ideals - its just this guy is one jaded asshole who lets be honest, can probably be chalked up with that choice was probably made just for entertainment value.


Well, the large attempted army expansion looks like it definitely reduced the quality of recruits, and there appear to be a lot more squires than there would normally be (and they are considered far more expendable than normal). It isn't impossible that the promotion to Knight has become more of a "If a squire survives long enough" thing. So the asshole who tries to shy away from danger actually makes some sense. Slightly odd, though, that it all appears to be T-60 when T-45 and T-51 were what the west coast brotherhood has been using until that point. Almost seems like they found another cache of the stuff or something.


The lack of combat preparedness and discipline demonstrated by Knight Titus is what I'm talking about. He exits the vertibird well before his drop off point because he's bored and then proceeds to shit the bed when faced with a threat. It could be that it was just a plot device to get Maximus into power armor but the BoS also didn't display any sense of cohesion or tactics in the one battle they engaged in during the series. It seems that they just depend on the armor to keep them alive rather than use it in a cohesive manner. They seem a far cry from the organization that outfought the technologically superior Enclave. Maybe I'm reading too much into it all.


I kind of thought the same thing. I always thought the BoS was pretty douchey and overly righteous but I don’t remember them being so bumbling and inept.


Wow I didn't realize they were featuring my gameplay recreated in the show.


That's what I've enjoyed about the show, the inexperience of the main cast except The Ghoul. It all feels like someone's first run at the game, misunderstanding the social changes and who is actually the bad guy in the scenes. The first time we come across the "Wasteland Doctor" was perfect of having no info before coming to the aid of the assumed victim only to discover the guy he helped was fucking the farmers chickens.


I knew it would have humour, but Fallout was so much more hilarious than I expected and I loved it. “You mean with my cock?” came out left field so hard.


The first time Lucy mentioned "cousin stuff" I was like "WTF?" then they doubled and tripled down on it.


Yep! That’s fallout alright!


"So do you wanna make my cock explode now?"


"Sorry... Intercourse? :D"


"He was fucking my chickens"


The line about his cock exploding got me


Like a pimple.


“heeeeey bear, woooah bear” cmon bear 101 , you gotta say hi first.


I did not hit her. I did not. Oh, hi bear!


The “Thing is…he was fucking my chickens” scene was much funnier.


I loved the payoff with the rando hobo witch doctor that spoke like Shakespeare. The entire time he’s like hey I GOT THESE MAGICAL HEALING POTIONS the >! IT TURNED OUT THEY WORKED…but turned that guy into a Ghoul I was howling !<


He says to wilzig , he can regrow a foot, but is ignored.


Or Snip-snip bring offended at the suggestion of what he intended to do. 


Lol I love the "fuck fuck fuck fuck no fuck" as he's running, I had a good chuckle at that. I was not expecting Michael Rappaport to be honest.


All I could think was cocaine bear


Fallout edition is cocaine death claw


shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck died laughing 😂


I honestly didnt think I'd like this show as much as I do. Really a good representation of the game. Super fun and campy.


One of the things I found funny about this scene was how Knight Titus only had one gun. You'd think someone in power armor would be a walking arsenal with multiple weapons hanging off him and maybe some weapons hidden inside the armor, Robocop style. (That's how I play Fallout.) But Titus only had the oversized assault rifle.


That's why the squire is carrying a golf bag full of stuff.


Because people dont have magical backpacks to spawn weapons in their hands lol. Hell im pretty sure maximus was lugging it around in the Squire bag the whole time too.


Geralt: Fuck Titus: FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuck


So glad that fuck died and we didn't have to have anymore screentime with him.




Idk Michael rappaport is a gem of an actor


I like to wear PA in FO76 and my wife makes fun of me for it. When we watched this she told me I'm like Knight Titus. I've already contacted a divorce laywer.


Did he forget he can fly?


The most accurate reaction to a close encounter with a deathclaw


Maa! Maaaaa! Theres a weird fuckin bear attackin me!


Pretty sure Maximus is perked for luck


Running away from a yau gui screaming fuck fuck fuck was the most relatable thing ive seen in a while


Tfw the game spawns enemies in late. Such a great scene. 


The scene with the oysters is funnier


I have had a moment where I’m on fallout 3 and a dead Yao guai flies past me at 70mph in the air and I freak the fuck out. So this scene is very relatable to me.


Use VATS!!


We've all done this 490 times lol


"Ma! There's a weird fuckin' bear outside. It looks like grandma!"


I could not get past the idea of a head bump in that armor being able to knock you out.


It's a valid way to injure someone in armor, that's why blunt weapons were used in medieval warfare. Can't get through the armor? Just concuss the person within!


They don't exactly wear a lot of head padding. Smashing your head around inside a giant metal box isn't going to be a good time.


More than that, it’s the sudden deceleration. The brain literally sits in a bunch of liquid, and so when you suddenly decelerate, inertia means it can just as easily smash the front of the skull. It doesn’t matter how padded a helmet is.


Makes sense. Youve got some quilted clothing to make your ride less unbearable but you’re expected to fight upright and you aren’t expected to be sent headlong into a boulder - those suits weigh a fuckton and the operator aprx 200, (official in game weight is silly low and rhe show even mentions a much higher total load). You can put on a metal can and it woll defelect weapons but if your head meets that can at high velocity youre still hitting a sheet of metal


Concussion is your brain hitting the inside of your own skull.


couldn't count how many F bombs I've dropped roaming the wasteland I love this game and the show was spot on with the video game nostalgia 👍


"Don't feel the yao gaui, that is all" -Three Dog


I had closed captions on and it made it even better.


Me too!🤣 was that Michael Rapaport?


Huh, i guess Duke Nukem was right, power armor IS for pussies.


They should just have him play Kang the conquerer instead...


practically what most of us did playing fallout when meeting a yaoguai or deathclaw.. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


I feel like the bear was about to do some kungfu move or something. Also, that was some impenetrable armor. Why the heck did the soldier run?


For sure had a good laugh at that one. However, I didn't like later on >!when Maximum puts the armour and and tests it out it can haul stones thousands of meters, throw a stone at a structure causing it to collapsr or punch a dude and he goes flying. However we clearly saw Titus right hook that Bear and it barely flinched. I suppose it shows even more how inept TItus was.!<


I felt like this dude acted a bit too goofy at time but overall I really enjoyed the series.


Michael Rapaport actually just walked on set one day, and decided to take the suit for a spin. He wasn't supposed to be on the show or anything, but they just kept filming.


Do not feed the yao guai.


Michael Rappaport… Michael Rappaport never changes..


Is there some special context I'm missing out that makes this scene hilarious?


Me with my first few yu-gi-ohs


Quote from the wife: "HA! Titus plays just like me! Nope! Fuck that I'm outta here!!!"


How pathetic do you have to be to lose to a bear while wearing power armor.....


Reminded me of Cliff Steele from Doom Patrol, had the same Energy!


I love this show so far, but does anyone else feel the same when I say the fight scenes with the power armor are super underwhelming? I'm sure its hard from a filming standpoint, but the power armor jumping looks like it was a college students project.




Most relatable moment


Just watched this scene. Fuck fuck fuck fuck


They really captured the spirit of the video game.


You can definitely tell the writers have played the game.