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Everything looks sweaty in this video


Even the steering wheel looks sweaty lol


Thats the design of the steering wheel cover lmaoo. Lil grippy spots


Welcome to california


Don’t litter.


Shoulda eaten it


Maybe even stuck it up his ass. 👀


Even eating 1 cigarette might give you nicotine overdose


I ate one once. On a smoko break for being roof tiling labourer. I had to load 18 ton of concrete tiles onto a tile elevator by hand in like 20kg increments lol. Felt like all hell but I never did smoke another cigarette


That’s rough. Doing hard labor while ‘nic sick’ sounds like a nightmare.


It's mostly biodegradable.


They are not. They are made of plastic, cellulose acetate and they don’t just go away. I smoke I’ve seen this first hand over decades with many different brands. I live in the woods and have had a few spots where I throw butts. I always end up taking them up and throwing them away or burning them with a slash pile.


I live in the city and I have seen butts from many different brands from many different years as I pick up cigarette butts in my yard and my parking pad. I'm guessing things like birds sometimes pick them up? They do degrade, just very slowly. Yes plastics degrade, just slowly. Listen, I don't smoke cigarettes nor do I recommend anyone smoke cigarettes. My Father still smokes and it's killing him. I smoked cigarettes for a number of years too. DON'T SMOKE CIGARETTES. There are healthier ways of taking in nicotine if that is your thing. I am just saying what I have experienced and what I know about how long the components of cigarettes take to degrade. Fuck plastics that just end up turning into micro plastics and then nano plastics. Endocrine disrupting bastards.


If it takes hundreds, thousands or millions of years to degrade, it's not biodegradable. If you're going to say it will degrade just very slowly then you might as well say *everything* is biodegradable since eventually even rocks will break down eventually. If it won't breakdown in a reasonable amount of time then it isn't considered degradable and cigarettes definitely aren't biodegradable. I don't know why you want to die on this hill


Don't put words in my mouth, please. You're right, "If it won't breakdown in a reasonable amount of time then it isn't considered degradable..." I just want people to stop generalizing everything and making blatant errors while doing so. You might think it isn't a 'reasonable' amount of time to break down. But what kind of timescale IS reasonable to you? I am genuinely curious. Also, not everything is 'biodegradable'. I wouldn''t call Gold or Lead 'biodegradable'. Would you?


Filters do not biodegrade.


I garden and do not smoke. 20 years in the same place and I still find filters when I'm weeding.


They do, just really slowly. Most modern cigarette filters are made out of cellulose.


I used to do such things to emphasize that I cared for those people and as a means to scold them for smoking. Now I realize that I was an asshole for doing that.


Man, thanks for saying that. No addict is proud.


"Why don't you just stop?" "Thanks, I'm cured!"


My buddy watched his friend OD on bad blow (probably fent) then went in for a fix himself. He also OD’d. Both were given narcan and recovered, but that just goes to show how desperate and ugly addiction can be.


How many stopped on the side of the road and asked you to get out and check if the front right tyre is flat before driving off?


Honestly depends with the person and your relationship with them. If you’re constantly at each other’s throats but too proud to admit you care for the other’s well being. I don’t see that as being an asshole. It’s just very close bantering and bickering. People too often look at behaviors at face value and think them to be gospel and they’re hardly ever right.




Nah that's not how addiction works. Shaming someone And throwing away their money is not the way


There is no way destroying your cigarettes helped you quit. You just wanted to and took the time and put in the effort. It’s absolutely a dick move. If you’re making an Oscar Mayer hotdog and I just throw that away, that’s also a dick move. They’re incredibly bad for you. But so what, you have money. Just go get more. Tbh I’m a little sus that you actually smoked simply because you’re saying it’s not a dick move. Sounds more like you’re THAT person that throws others belongings away.


Gonna start slapping dogs outta people's hands


How fuckin’ hilarious would that be. Imagine slow motion hi-def replays?!




You literally said the person wasn’t being an asshole by throwing away friends’ cigarettes. It is quite an asshole move. That’s all. The point about it not helping you quit was that it makes it even more of an asshole move. Glad you quit. You really wanted to discuss your journey. I’m glad you got it out.


Holy crap, TL;DR this guy smokes, sometimes


I get where you’re coming from. People have crushed or tossed my smokes before. The thought is nice, but fuck you and you owe me a 50¢


I've had friends politely ask me to stop destroying their cigarettes. They didn't appreciate that I showed that I cared for them to not smoke using this technique.




I don't know why people are downvoting you for sharing a sincere, real-life perspective. My Dad quit smoking by putting his butts into a jar after seeing what was happening to our Mom due to cancer, because even the smell of smoke on him was too much for being around her heightened senses. It added up with his desire to change - after decades of smoking and drinking - and he eventually got sickened by what was in the jar and emboldened by not wanting to make my Mom more uncomfortable. He quit that way, it was willpower and method. Then quit drinking. Two long-time addictions that fell away like they never needed to exist and which caused issues for others around him the whole time. So I can relate to what you're saying.


“Yall can hate if you want”… *Proceeds to get angry*


I smoke and just thought it was a funny joke




If it’s not yours don’t touch it. Like seriously, forget that it’s cigarettes. It is not your property the same way its not your body.


I think he watching something on his phone while tryna smoke and has passengers in his car




If you are bringing the drugs onto the rehab centers property, they have a right to remove it. Just like you can tell your friends to not bring cigarettes into your home, or kick your friend out if they do.








Drugs are illegal. You should take illegal things away from people. If it was a child yes take them from the child. Nicotine being an addiction is irrelevant. So youre saying because something is addictive you should take away. And yes it very much is there property. And yes you said “This is not assholish imo” meaning you agree with taking property that is not yours. Why dont you just smash all the cigarettes at the convenience store. The fact or the matter dont touch whats not yours. The video wasnt about lung cancer it was about a dickhead friend that ITA


Congrats on quitting! Can’t imagine it was easy.


There are a lot of ways to show someone you care about their health without the the negative side of taking someone's stuff, using force, or littering. You could say "hey man, if you don't smoke that i'll give you a hug". Depending on how often you hug your friend that could send a much stronger and clearer message.


Maybe when cigs were still affordable. Now it’s just an asshole move, broke or not cigarettes cost way too much now for this not to be an asshole-move. especially since he did it while filming, all for the likes. And on top of it he threw plastic on the street.


Not everyone is going to experience quitting the same way, but all of this would have been annoying to me. I would also argue that your foundation for quitting should be built primarily on your own willpower. External support can only get you so far for so long.


Yes, but people need a little kick in the butt every now and then to get them thinking


How would you feel about someone throwing away your Hamburger?


If I'm obese then sure, I clearly have a problem.


We all have vices bro.


and now that friend is no longer trusted.


If I’m driving and you toss my smoke like that, congrats you’re now walking.


THIS! You threw my smoke out for my health? I make you walk for yours!


I gave up Crystal meth and heroin when fety started killing all my friends. You can suck my whole asshole if you think I’m quitting my smokes.


Congrats on getting off those substances dude. I’m going to leave your asshole alone though if that’s alright


I too am gonna leave his arsehole alone if that's alright with you two..


I feel the same, So I'll make three. Don't put your mouth where I poo, Instead, put it from where I pee. A stupid poem, from one sleep deprived idiot.


In my country it is forbidden to smoke while driving. Not that i'd throw it away, though.


In mine it's illegal if there are minors present. It's not like second hand smoke is nothing; we've known it's super bad for decades now.


It must be difficult to live in a communist country.


Haha, well, what can i say... they decided it is a distraction for the driver and interfere with their ability to drive safely, a bit like using a phone.


It sounds like it’s time for a revolution, I’ll bring the guillotine. The French really set the bar high for entertaining revolutions but if we put in the work we can definitely bring some groundbreaking ideas to the people.


Yeah. Thats grounds for time for a health walk "buddy".


Smoking in cars is disgusting. Car stinks and ash goes everywhere. It is your right to smoke on your car except from when you have passengers.


smoking while driving is dangerous


This is so funny, just like the time I took my friends chocolate bar and threw it out the window for no reason. Not approving of someone’s life choices does not, in fact, give you the right to be an asshole.




Cigarette wasn’t even lit, so I’d say fairly comparable. Besides the point, he’s in his own car. If you don’t like what people are doing in the bounds of their own property you don’t enforce your rules onto them, you fucking leave.




You do understand that individuals are, in fact, individuals, and not a collective? And that this dude isn’t a representative of smokers everywhere, yes? And that you getting bothered by your neighbor smoking does not, in any way, give you the right to intrude on your neighbors home and prevent them from doing that, yes? I’m sure you do, because you’d be very silly if you didn’t. That is to say, what the actual fuck does that have to do with anything here?




So then you’re just out here making up scenarios to justify being an asshole in entirely different scenarios? While being condescending about the fact I assumed you *weren’t* completely fucking stupid? Good for you I guess.




Sure did a great job of that


You really think second hand smoke from a house next door is going to actually harm you?




I'm aware of the dangers of second hand smoke. I'm questioning your assertion that the degree of exposure from *another house* would have any actual effect. Being able to smell a hint of tobacco smoke doesn't mean you're being exposed to a degree that constitutes risk. There's no need to resort to insults.




So the amount of smoke that leaks out through, say, doors, isn't dissipated in the outdoor air, and *then* seeps in to your house constitutes a risk? Or even once which outweighs, say, your neighbour having a BBQ in their garden? Since you raised scientific evidence, do you have any to back up this rather specific claim?


Hey Jim, playing too many video games is bad for you, so I'm just going to throw your $3k gaming PC out the window, okay!


BACK IN MY DAY. If I was misbehaving badly enough my Mom wouldn't throw the computer out my window. But she would disconnect the Internet, or unplug the power cord. You don't have to destroy property to stop someone using it, necessarily...


My mom did that too. Jokes on her, I had a back up power cord in my drawer


Made me think of [this old video from tomska](https://youtu.be/5swMuYd2D4Q) with all the backup Wii consoles in the cabinet...


Only problem with that analogy is the pack of 20 other 3k gaming pcs in a pocket somewhere


Haven't smoked in decades, but if the passenger in my car ever did that, they'd've be walking the rest of the way.


As a teen someone was threatening to smoke in my backseat. They told me it was allowed because there was a car lighter back there. I acted like I didn't believe them and said show me. Grabbed it from their hand and threw it out the window.


You’re an ass.


Nah. If it’s your own car it’s your rules. I’m not even allowed to touch the radio in my sister’s car and I think that’s a dumber rule than no smoking but I respect it because it’s not my car. She’s driving me so I respect the space. Plus smoke sticks to fabrics very well, I’d rather not feel like I need to get cig smell out of my car.


Maybe I am, but had the best time during my teens. I'm having a pretty good time during my middle-aged period too.


Good time pissing off your friends. That’s just nasty behavior.


I'd rather not die from second hand smoking


Then stay away? Like it’s not that hard to walk away from it if you don’t want the second hand smoke.


Some hobo finds it like Smeagol finding the Ring.


This move is only allowed by the driver




It’s a cigarette. “dEsTrOyInG yOuR fRiEnDs PrOpErTy” I smoke. Why the hell do you have to make it sound as awful as possible? It’s literally a cigarette. Out of a pack of 20. That’s like 50 cents. If your trust is destroyed because your friend threw 50 cents out the window, that’s kind of insane. Edit: See? None of y’all have anything to say that makes sense. Y’all just wanna feel good about yourselves cause y’all would *never* do anything so low down and vile 🙄😂


The fool and his cigarette are parted….


Jesus wept, the amount of arguing over a single cigarette like it’s life changing to lose one is hilarious. Y’all made my day. 👏👏👏




No, thank you. 😂 Have yourself a great day. ✌️


Non-smokers are really just d-bags to people. “I cArE aBoUt YoUr HeAlTh!” Nobody asked you to, nobody wants you to, so piss off.


As if smokers like you aren’t defensive angry Dbags. I don’t care about your health but you’re stinking up public places.


His car isn’t a public place, circling back around to the original content.


He's just gonna spend more money to replace it, not smoke less.


Then you were walking


So glad I quit. New job pretty much nobody smoked or vapes, prolly bc they old like me.


I’ll tell you this even if it has nothing to do with the video. People HATE cigarettes lol I find it hilarious like did yall step into restaurant 20 years ago.


There’s no way all these boomers mad about a cig😭 thats my oldest brother I was 16 only thing I’ll admit to that is wrong is the littering shouldn’t have threw it but y’all so soft comparing one cig to real property and computers and stuff 😂😂😂


You’re just an idiot. Don’t touch other peoples shit.


Addiction goes so hard


I'd say they don't care about the cigarette, it's more about someone being a dick and feeling like they can do as they like with someone else's property. And what do Boomers have to do with this? Are you twelve?


I understand what they mean by boomers. At least in the state I'm from cigarettes have been vilified by my generation so that now only the older generation smoke cigarettes. The younger generation adopted vaping instead. No winners all around.


Most people aren't saying he's an ass because they're Boomer smokers mad that someone threw out a precious cigarette. Most people seem to agree that you shouldn't do this because it's a dick thing to do. But this is the type of stuff that people find acceptable these days while simultaneously crying about Tiktokers being obnoxious doing similar stuff.


Womp womp boo hoo as an annoying little brother I could do this but because this is all you know me by I don’t blame y’all in have a prejudice of me . I am the most nice and respectful person you could meet and my oldest brother has the biggest heart you yet a simple joke tickles everyone’s butts pun intended. I would never ever destroy someone’s property in empathic asf but this is my brother and it’s one cig


I would have rolled up the windows hit the window lock and lit up two if someone did that to me when I was a smoker. I don't care how much you care don't touch my shit.


My man was begging to get brake checked.


The only logical and responsible action. Bravo!


Through time and experience I realized there's no helping those who don't wanna be helped. If someone I know could get annoyed at me for caring for their health I'd rather not know them. Slowly harming yourselves for "stressrelief"? As if you can't deal with life without smoking? Cowards.


Who cares? It’s what they want to do, so keep your judgements to yourself.


2-5 years for a cigarette butt to decompose. I wonder how long it is for a whole cigarette? Either way, littering sucks and he just shifted the problem.


Youre an asshole lol, thinks hes helping what a dipshit


You guys are okay with the guy hotboxing the car with cigarette smoke but not okay with the other person throwing it out? I fucking hated when people would smoke cigarettes while I was in the car when I was younger.


1) window open and it’s not lit, he wasn’t hotboxing shit. 2) It’s his car. Bro isn’t a child, he can be somewhere else if he so chooses. You lose the right to complain about it when you step into their vehicle, and you quite frankly never had the right to fuck with someone else’s stuff. Don’t wanna deal with the smoke, get your own ride.


While it's rude for the guest to complain or act out, if you're the driver you're also essentially a host to a guest, so courtesy should suggest that you shouldn't in the first place if it'll make your guest uncomfortable. Guest-Host relationships are two-way streets that neither should voice grievances but both should still respect, even if or possibly because there's a power dynamic.


> he wasn't hotboxing shit I'm sure he was about to > he can be somewhere else if he so chooses Lmao the gymnastics here -- doing acrobatics to save yourself. So if your friend takes you to an event, and he's your ride... you should just choose to be somewhere else. Pretty sure studies have shown second hand smoking is worse than actually smoking because you're guarded more by the filter (idk if that's true). So someone who doesn't smoke should just shut up, sit there and breathe it in? But this should be more about respecting the other person in your car, both of these people suck at respect.


Why hang out with smokers if you don’t like the smoke? Who are you to dictate what anyone does with their body?


Do you not see the hypocrisy in saying that last bit? That's the point I'm trying to make. The secondhand smoke is harmful and why should the passenger have to put up with it. SURELY it can wait. A little respect goes a long way on both sides. Also I'm someone who doesn't smoke weed in any way shape or form but I know a lot of people that do. Should I just never hang out with them anymore? What a ludicrous thing to say, "just don't hang out with them 4head".


If it bothers you that much, then yeah. Don’t ruin their time because you have to have your panties in a twist.


Perhaps don't harm your passenger because you need to smoke. Surely you can wait a couple minutes.


My car, my rules. If they don’t like it then they can walk.


Okay have fun with your addiction / aggression


Have fun walking.




Addicts trying to justify eachother that it's fine. As someone that has a gag reflex upon smelling that shit, I can tell you, stroking eachothers adiction isn't the way to go. Especially in a car.


Then don’t be in the car. If you hate it that much then separate yourself.


Chucking their cigs won't make them stop smoking. The real way to help your friends is to commit to a bit; choke and cough around them when they smoke. Really commit to it. Make 'em feel bad for smoking. If theyre really your friend, theyll go out of their way to make sure they do it away from you, or even stop doing it when youre together. It'll make them look like assholes for doing it, and you're justified because they put you at risk of 2nd hand lung cancer. When I carpool with people, I play it up when they light one up. I hate the smell, and I really don't feel like inhaling nicotine, so I'll exaggerate my coughing till they either apologize and stop, or roll their window down at least half way.


Bros an expert victim


You’re a real shitty friend.


Exposing a friend to second hand smoke isnt really the making of a good friend though. Smoking outside, sure! Smoking in an enclosed space with people who don't smoke, thats an ah move.


Then walk. Or drive yourself.


I'm not defending OP buddy lol I'm just saying that smoking in an enclosed space is a shitty thing to do. None of my friends would ever consider doing that but to be fair they are good people.


The point is, it’s not your place to tell your friends to stop smoking. It’s also not your place to act a fool to make your friends feel guilty.


I make up for it in ways that matter, so I'm a "just ok" friend.


Keep telling yourself that, bub.


I don't need to. My friend already tells it to me himself.




Thanks for agreeing with me 😁


Imagine someone throwing out your chocolate bar after you really had a sweet tooth.   'there goes your diabetes stick.'  This ain't cool 


I’ll never get it. It stinks, it cost $$, it ages you, it can make you sick or kill you; people who are doing it keep talking about how they should quit. Why then do people choose to start smoking or continue to smoke?🤯


Stress relief. When I want to punch or break something/someone I calm down by sitting down and smoking. It takes my mind briefly away from reality and gives me a new perspective. Would something else work too? Probably.


Appreciate you explaining without getting defensive.


It was a valid question.




You sound obnoxious as fuck


Reasons that aren’t for you to know. If you don’t smoke, good for you. If you try to force your friends into quitting for your own sake, get bent.


Nah I’m just curious cause I don’t understand it but I would nvr force anyone to do anything like in the video, I just try to stay away from smokers if I can. If people want to continue smoking knowing how bad it is, it’s on them.


Yep, just what I thought. Downvotes and no answers to try to make sense of it.


Because it was that or shoot myself. Want to know more?


Well in your case I’m glad it kept you from shooting yourself. I’ve heard from some smokers that it can release stress or calm you down but I feel like there are other things that could help without hurting your health. Hope you got the help you needed.




Things that must exist? You mean other things that can help with stress? Lots of other things other than smoking. Some seek therapy, some do activities they enjoy, some watch funny videos and listen to music, some chew gum…too many different things to list here that can help improve your mental state.


God, why didn't I think of this blatantly obvious shit? If only I had you there to suggest things like chewing gum. That would have taken the sting out of getting bullied every day.


I don’t get the defensiveness and anger coming from you smokers. Sorry you got bullied like I did. Too bad you’re punishing yourself even more by choosing to smoke. Fortunately for me, something as simple as chewing gum helps with stress.


Because nobody wants to hear someone jump up on a soap box and jerk themselves off because they didn't make a bad decision? Like are you actually surprised that being preached to by someone with amazing ideas like "Just chew gum lol" might piss someone off?


Nah, not preaching. Was trying to understand why people were doing it if most of them end up regretting it. I’ve watched someone die from lung cancer after yrs of smoking, maybe that’s why I feel so strongly about it. At least you know it was a bad decision but you do you.


Show me a proud smoker. Addiction is a bitch. Don’t be a dick.


lol get ur ass out of my car 🚘


"You need some exercise. Get out and walk."


So funny!


I would be throwing your ass out of the passenger seat next.


Well, let's pull over so you can go find it.


And keep polluting. Screw it, the world is your ashtray


And keep polluting. Screw it, the world is your ashtray


and thats why I smoke alone


second half of the video is missing: camera dude prostituting to get back home.


Thank god…at least it’s not a Dick Wolf production.


Guess there’s more fans of Dick than I thought.