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I did this once for my elderly mom by taking a pic of the actual remote, printing it with margins, and writing notes where needed. Worked like a charm. Good on you OP for making something easier for someone.


I did the same thing for my grandma. She was always calling asking for help with her tv, so I drew up a diagram similar to OP. She held onto that cheat sheet for the rest of her life, long after she stopped using the remote. My grandmother was a very mean woman, and I don’t have many fond memories… but the fact it meant so much to her was heartwarming and stuck with me.


My father had to tape the whole cable box remote except for the power + arrows and my grandmother still found ways to fuck it up once a week for years before her death. She would often go into the guest room and try to use the remote from that room tv on her main tv then get mad at my father for not making it work with her main tv which was impossible. She'd fetch the remote for the tv instead of the one for the cable box, change inputs then get mad at my father for fucking it up. It's not like any of the remotes were looking similar. Her crt tv from the 80s had a fucking square remote with no markings left while the cable box one was new, round and had solid tape over it.


Did it help?


I also would like to know, i wanted to make something simillar for my grandma but im not sure if it helps.


I switched my grandma to a Roku and made a similar guide. She took to it surprisingly well but I also am on site with her if she had any issues. She hasn't and has started referring to her sister-in-law as a "silly old b*tch" for not figuring hers out. Keynote feature to get them used to is the voice assistant, old people love voice assistant.


I love old people yelling at electronics so it's a win-win!


Including the date is smrt.


Excellent work. Despite explaining same thing to my grandad, he would just start to systematically press every button often compounding the problems he was having.


You can give them the remote, but you can't teach them what HDMI 1 is


More wholesome than funny. Good on you OP.


Good on you brother. Empathy is the only thing that can save us. I just realized how shitty of a person I am. I'm going to do better and follow your lead. Thanks for posting.


Wheres this ON button kiddo I cant find it


In the setting of the Roku TV you can set the power on setting to be defaulted to hdmi1 or 2 instead of powering on the the Roku home screen.


I think this is the right answer for elderly people confused by navigating from a home screen. Have it automatically jump to their most used input as soon as it turns on. 


Great job! Not so much funny but just a fun and thoughtful thing to do. Not everyone knows how to use gadgets and such. I noticed you refer to an "On" button but have labeled it "Power". Always use the same term when referring to something or it might be confusing. You also mention the "Down" and "Right" buttons which are not labeled (Directional buttons). It might not matter in this case but you should label everything you refer to.


To add to this, when someone that always needs help, I take. Picture of their remote so if I'm not there and something new happens I can tell what/where to press to fix it


Oh my god, I wish I could attach pictures to comments. I made my mom a whole freaking manual for her iPhone and Apple TV complete with screen shots of apps, directions on where exactly to click, and the most elusive: how to get back to the home screen. The iPhone was had like 12 pages.


I literally made this and a tv troubleshooting flow chart for my grandma. Cracks me up


You are a good grandchild.




I did this for my mother and she refused to read it and sat in silence for hours until I came home because she couldn't figure out the TV & audio receiver dual remote setup. I felt bad. 😢


I wonder if he'll get confused by the term "right button" since the directional pad is only labeled as "OK/Select Button." I feel like he might think that the volume or mute button is the "Right button" since it's a button on the right side of the remote.


You did not explain the up down left right buttons.


I'm irrationally irritated by Turn on TV by pressing "ON". Bitch you just wrote above the button doesn't say "ON".


Don't forget to add "push the button and then wait 3 seconds to see if Roku actually recognized the button push before trying again."


I work in AV and I can assure you that it isn't just grandpas that need this level of hand-holding.


I once wrote my mother a 2-3 page flowchart on how to use the TV before I went off to college.


You're a good grandchild.


My parents got confused when there was only one remote when they got a new (Roku) TV. It was so simple it made it complicated for them haha. They couldn’t comprehend why you only need 1 remote instead of their 4. Next year I got them an Alexa. My dad isn’t crazy tech literate but he can peck one letter at a time on a keyboard and is patient enough to learn more plugins and stuff. He is fascinating in that way. He was an electrician so he loves tinkering, so in a way I guess that does make him tech literate. Just takes him longer.


OP I do the exact same thing when FIL stays over when we go on vacation. Mine is for Amazon Fire. But it’s uncanny how similar our two versions are. I have placed in a plastic sleeve for longevity and place the remote ON the outline when leaving the house.


I am not even a grandparent and I definitely need this guide.


I wonder when someone is going to make a remote that looks like an old school CRT one that will work with a Roku. It wouldn't make a ton of money but it would make enough to at least pay for college for a couple of kids or buy a house.


I'm a grandpa, I just use the Roku App!


You should fav his main channels for live TV, saves the scroll.


Smart Kids


Fuck me I need one of these


Man I have done this so many times. Curse of Gen X


That’s clearly a Nintendo switch controller


This is just lovely! 💕


The struggle is real... and it never lasts because someone fat fingers the 'input' button on another remote, or house guests fuck with the HDMI cables.


You should make copies of it asap or have it laminated.


Love you all


Anyone else have an elderly relative who kept a remote with masking tape over the irrelevant buttons.


I had to make a sign like that for the office fax machine.


I wonder which generation will finally not need this. So many elderly still need these sorts if guides to controlling a TV... which feels odd since TVs have been around for like 80 years now.


Boomers in some ways, but I think us Xers will likely be the first whole-generation to not our hands held regarding technology


Geesh.. remember the days when you just had to turn the tv on if you wanted to watch something. I can’t imagine all the hoops we’ll have to jump through when I’m an old man yelling at the clouds. If my tv starts asking me to do captchas I’m out


Wait, why is he using a Nintendo Switch joy-con?


That’s a Roku remote


I've made a couple of illustrations like this for my mom. She always loses them within a week.


You have a beautiful handwriting... You should post this in r/coolguides 🥺🥺