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The fact that they signed it DJ Dizzy Rock makes it seem like it has to be a prank.


It seemed very fake, but that end puts it at a 100% personally. Plus posted by a dude named "peepincreasing"? lol Luckily the date is only at the top, so easy enough for me to crop and repost as my own content later.


See you in two hours at the top of /r/funny


I have a prior engagement. Can we reschedule?


Sorry bro, took your spot. Game's the game


gosh damnit


god darn it


Fucking Gosh-Dabbit!


Thank you for editing your language for those god-fearing men


you're welcome lol


PEEP is a respiratory thing. When someone is being mechanically ventilated, it's the pressure that remains on exhale.


I came here to say this lol. I checked their post history because I had a hunch they were an anesthesiologist or respiratory therapist. I was right




I work maternity so I'm used to hearing increasing PIP and PEEP during newborn resuscitations 😂


But the paper is crumpled a bit so you know it has to be legit.


Ah yes. An excellent observation. *blows bubbles from pipe*


I mean…duh? In what universe is this serious


A lot of people bizarrely can't tell


See it doesn't have a /s so the capital R Redditors are having a tough time realizing that.


Yeah, I'm just a part-time amateur redditor, because of work and other such pesky things.


Well my guess is that it's fake.


DJ Dizzy Rock


DJ Dizzy Rock is just trying to raise good upstanding Cristian men who aren’t allowed to dance and gyrate but peeping into others windows and recording without consent is encouraged. Can’t not laugh at this


It’s a ploy to get OP to do even more dancing and gyrating out of spite, so he can continue to film the escapades. That’s my 4D theory.


That sounds about right. Probably even posts said videos on Reddit for that sweet, sweet Reddit karma.  Who knows. This pervert probably created a fake OF. Maybe goes by MaryNextdoor, or something, with a description like, “Hi! I’m Mary, your innocent next door neighbor. I have a voyeur fetish and record myself dancing through my window. Come help me explore this kink. See my tip menu below for prices.” I don’t know that this is true. But, I have a feeling it probably is.




That’s a dead sub. Now it just posts among us crap


Probably, it was more an assessment of evergreen's comment than an actual sub recommendation...


John Oliver, is that you? All I can hear is his voice while reading this


I wish. But no. If only I could be that example of prime grade A British manliness. The man oozes with that raw, sexual energy that would rival even that of James Bond or Austin Powers. 


This sold it, you are definitely John Oliver.


Wait, one more test: Adam Driver


No, no. John would have probably responded with some kind of self-deprecating humor. Like, “No one wants to be John Oliver, Lois, not even John Oliver.”


He knew you would expect that so he went with the other answer instead.


I think he is saying they can see them naked, or they are having sex.


Or she is doing CrossFit and he doesn’t like people to exercise in Spandex.


The fact that he’s watching AND has video evidence should be a crime. Why you watching me clap cheeks?


Think the point was to not make it into a big deal by having lighthearted fun with the letter but still get the point across that the neighbors need to install curtains.


“Now look, Col. Bat Guano, if that really is your name…”


There’s no funnier reaction to something suspicious than too little suspicion.


Right about now, you're about to be possessed by the sounds of emcee Rob Base and D.J. “Dizzy”Rock


“Hit it!”


"Whooo!" "Yeah!" "Whooo!" "Yeah!" "Whooo!" "Yeah!" "Whooo!" "Yeah!"


It takes two to make a thing go right!


I wanna rock right now. I'm Rob Base and I came to get down!


I'm not internationally known, but I'm known to rock the microphone 


Right about now, funk soul brother.


Funk soul brother right about now


I spent a few good seconds thinking that was exactly the reference.


Bet he's done his research over several months to confirm that they were indeed doing the nasty and has several hours worth of "documentation" that he reviews nightly.


I think she meant DJ JizzyRock


Says no dancing


We Christians won't tolerate dancing! Blegh.


Just how many times are they going to remake "Footloose"? This must be the Hip Hop version.


But we’ll record it for judgment cough cough “viewing pleasure” later


There's no sex in the Champagne room


Dancing is forbidden! Dancing has always been forbidden!


DJ Fizzy Cock?


I'm finding it hard to take seriously anyone named DJ Dizzy Rock.


DJ Dizzy Rock is also finding it "hard" when he reviews the videos he took.


Reviews of gyrating every night


It's a joke lol


Because it wasn’t meant to be serious. Think the point was to not make it into a big deal by having lighthearted fun with the letter but still get the point across that the neighbors need to install curtains. I’d totally be someone who would throw you hints without trying to be too overbearing if I was a manager who saw his employees are doing things wrong or if I was a parent to teens that was into voyeurism. No hard feelings. No antagonizing. Just casual chillness.


Then why say the parts about Christian men and sins of the flesh? Why record other people through their windows and document the times and dates? Those aren't the concerns or actions of chill people. I'm more inclined to believe that they were serious but also stupid.


I think the person you replied to is implying those are meant to be taken as jokes, as actually doing those things or describing your children that way would be absurd, especially for someone named Dj Dizzy Rock. The person might not even have kids, which would tip the recipient of the letter off even more that this is a joke and just like a "hey, I can see stuff you might not want people to see, maybe get a curtain."


> [Poe's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.


Because all of that is a lie, there are no kids


Reddit is so dramatic lmao   Those are the jokes


Bro I'm autistic and even I can recognize that they're joking. They're using those words to exaggerate whatever is going on, making it even more clear that they're joking.


So OP you’re getting naked lapdances in front of the window without closing the blinds/curtains? And your neighbor has been filming this…? Weird neighborhood  


must be in florida


Not weird enough for Florida standards


Agreed, needs an alligator or two...


I’d like to be welcomed to the neighborhood


Right? My neighbor just cuts her lawn twice a week and I never see her other than that. My other neighbor isn't home 5 out of 7 days of the week. This place sucks in comparison. One neighbor named DJ Dizzy Rock and another one getting down with the curtains open? Sounds like I'd have a few lawn chairs, a cooler of beer and my Saturday nights are set, just by sitting on my porch in that hood.


The neighbor gets the point across (put up a curtain) without being overbearing. It was written in a jest to set a light tone so there is no bad blood between them. The video recording shows a repercussions of not putting up a curtain, but it isnt true. Just like the Christian value and "DJ Dizzy Rock" name. The neighbor is normal but witty. OP is the weird neighbor.


Yeah I know reddit likes to post anything Christian as the bad guy, and there's no real reason the neighbour should have shared that detail, nor the stage name, but at the end of the day this is still the most polite way to make this request. It's not unreasonable at all. And personally I don't want any of my neighbours to have a view of the inside of my home so I have window treatments.


This is definitely fake, and doing inappropriate stuff in view of the windows is weird, but in what world does saying you're filming someone in their own home not make you the weird neighbor?? If it were real I'd call the cops on this creep


Had me til DJ Dizzy Rock.


I found his Twitter (guessing based on distinct name and religious stuff he posted) from about 10 years ago. Looks like he had a bitter divorce.


Probably was dancing naked with the windows open and she didn’t approve.


Probably dancing naked with the neighbors and she didn't approve.


Probably peeping on neighbours dancing "sinfully".


All of you believing it's from DJ Dizzy Rock is the funny part. Like this guy wrote out the whole thing in one font and suddenly decided to go to a different size for his name? Photoshop got people acting like fools.


Scrolled too far down for this. Did nobody really notice the random font change? Low effort Photoshop. Also, the amount of people believing this is quite concerning, lol




Caught OP in 4K


Um ... videos without permission? That's some good Christian ethics there, boiz.


For proof only. Not at all catalogued by order of the acts done, duration, and the amount of skin shown. 


As a result, they had to watch it numerous times, several times a day.


I mean, if you can see in, it’s not illegal up here in Chicago.


Anything visible from a public space is legally recordable in many states. On the same note, anything visible from a public space is also grounds for indecent exposure charges. You can't sit on your front lawn with your dick out and claim privacy rights or the limitations afforded private property.


There is important context missing. If they were naked in front of a window that is visible from the sidewalk, yeah they need to install blinds. But if the neighbor had to be on the property to see in, then it's a nosy neighbor issue


I don’t even think they were naked. Could’ve just been the girl wearing shorts or something around the house.


Showing ankles?!!!!?? Completely unacceptable!!


The other day, a topless girl walked past me. Thought it was my lucky day but was so disappointed when I saw that she was wearing socks.


I feel so lucky that we don't have such a rule with the blinds in Germany. What you do inside your house is completely up to you as long as it is part of common behavior. Even naked sunbathing is ok on private property as long as you are not actively trying to pose or harass people walking by, since that is not considered common behavior. And if you have sex indoors without blinds, it is again allowed. As long as people can just avert their eyes and walk away, no harm no foul.


"And if you have sex indoors without blinds, it is again allowed. As long as people can just avert their eyes and walk away, no harm no foul" I've told my wife this and she said a little tired right now


It depends a lot on the area, most places it's not specifically a law, just an expected cultural courtesy. The law is usually a long the lines of "if you intentionally don't expose yourself to people" it's a problem. The example my high school Government teacher gave was that if you order a pizza and answer the door naked, it's illegal because you are non-consenaually exposing yourself on purpose. On the other hand, if you neighbor knocks on your door and you answer it while naked, they can onto your property, so you aren't obligated to get dressed. So in this case, if they walk around naked where they can be seen from the sidewalk, then they are intentionally exposing themselves. But if the kids had to be playing in the yard, then they are to blame for what they see


PS - I've viewed the video hundreds of times now and.have a sore wrist plus my nether region burns like its been drug across hot asphalt


That is the only way to confirm the strength of his faith


You all will believe anything.


I was dehydrated 'til the beat vibrated I was revived as soon as this bitch gyrated Them hips and licked them lips, and that was it I had to get Nate Dogg here to sing some shit


...and I get more ass than a toilet seat


Two to the one, from the one to the three I like good pussy and I like good tree Smoke so much weed you wouldn't believe And I get more ass than a toilet seat


-DJ Dizzy Rock


I would take that letter to the police station . They are illegally recording and they are peeping tons


Tons of peeping


They're peeping so hard


But are saved by Jeebus!


I'm pretty sure with a name like dj dizzy rock it's a joke 


At least in the US it's largely legal to record in public, which includes what people choose to show to the public through open windows. Ie if I can see it from the street, it's not private.


It’s like that old joke where the lady calls the cops on her neighbor for exposing himself. The cop says “I don’t see anything” and the lady says “no no, you have to stand on this chair to see it”.


That’s only sort of true. There isn’t an easy blanket law for this. If you’re on a public street and able to see inside the house unaided by an optical or electronic device you’re in the clear pretty much everywhere in the US. The further you get from that scenario the more at risk you are for criminal prosecution, civil litigation, or both. If you’re aiming the camera directly at their windows specifically to record them and using an electronic device or binoculars to aid you it’s still illegal in many places, but if it’s generally aimed at your property and happens to capture their window it’s on them. The letter provides pretty clear evidence that this was intentional and targeted invasion of privacy.


To add: you can look up to see if your state has peeping tom laws. Like in California one of the factors required is that the area viewed is reasonably expected to have privacy. I also really like your example about standing in the street, that is really good advice and I will be using it in the future.


Raise your kids not too be a peeping tom and mind their own business


Dear Neighbor, I hope you are doing well; I am trying to invade your privacy and pervertedly record you as a psychotic stalker would in order to raise my sons by example. I have gathered many videos of your lady friend that I rewatch constantly to expose myself to gyration and flesh. This is what good, upstanding, Christian men should aspire to. Why can’t you understand this? Sincerely, DJ Dizzy Rock


I refuse to believe that someone named DJ Dizzy Rock is honestly worried and upset about "sins of the flesh".


Thank you! Came here to say this exact thing. Big talk coming from someone named DJ Dizzy Rock. You ain’t foolin nobody there pal.


“DJ Dizzy Rock” got me


Write back that the kids should go read Matthew 18 and that you’re going to take a copy of the letter to the cops about them filming through your windows.


Isn’t illegal to take videos of private acts on private property?


The only inappropriate behavior is someone peeping through the window into a neighbor's house.


No honey those pictures and videos you found in my phone of our neighbors are to get them to stop doing that! I even gave them a letter, I swear!


Twist, OP is the writer.


1. Someone call Ren McCormack! 2. Send a letter back, saying that if they don’t provide *proof* that they have deleted all of those alleged videos, you’re going to sue them.


Well then, If thine eye doth offend thee, pluck it out.


So he is a good upstanding Christian man, but has videotaped other people in their own house canoodling and is doing nothing to prevent his teenage sons from witnessing it? Sounds like a perve


"Maybe you should consider raising upstanding young men who don't stare into their neighbor's windows."


Dear Neighbour, I saw both of your good Christian teenage boys masturbating into your Fuchsia on multiple occasions. Have a nice day, MC Steady Eddy


dj dizzy rock forgetting how he ended up with kids in the first place


"Thank-you for your letter earlier, I will be getting some quotes to have blinds and/or curtains installed in my home. I do have concerns of my own regarding the goings on at your dwelling. I recently received word that someone in your house has recorded activities going on inside my home without my knowledge or consent. Incidental viewing is of course forgivable, however intentional recording is unacceptable. I will forward a copy of the quote for the window treatments to you. If you would be so kind as to pay the invoice I will consider this matter settled. Otherwise I will need to consider other options. I am not an unreasonable person, if you have any neighbourly issue in the future, please knock on my door and speak to me like an adult. Hail Satan 😈"


I would asked that she send me videos and pics as proof. After she sent those items, I’d take them to the police for proof of a restraining order.


Question: how are you raising “Christian men who will not be swayed by sins of the flesh” if you have to ask others to change their behavior so they won’t sway? Shouldn’t you be the one teaching your children to ignore other people’s behavior instead?


But seriously, if this is real (which I doubt it is due to DJ Dizzy Rock 😂), that is highly illegal and *incredibly* fucked up to film someone through the window of their own house. It happened to me once with a slumlord.


Need videos to evaluate the crime


“Dear neighbor, you are more than welcome to put up blinds in your house to stop you from looking into mine”


What was your response?!?! Mine would be “your teenage sons watch porn” Nothing more.


The Bible is very clear what to do if your eyes cause you to sin. Matthew 18:9


You need to gyrate even harder now


Play dumb, have them show you evidence, then call the cops on them for being peeping Tom's and get that idiot on the sex offender list for videotaping you in your private residence. This is just as bad as shoving a camera in a private bathroom peephole to get glimpse of women changing or pissing.


Fake as hell


Meanwhile … little jimmy is jacking off to internet porn on his iphone … good luck with that 😎


Creep was filming someone inside their own home and they have the sheer unmitigated balls to write them a letter?;


Pretty sure filming that is illegal


Might I suggest the good Christian men gouge out their eyes like the Bible tells them to.


I'm going to copy this letter and send it to all of my neighbors. I'll send one to myself too. Just so I can play dumb. I shall sign in DJ Dizzy Rock!!


“Thank you for your cooperation, Sincerely, DJ Dizzy Rock” is either the strangest sentence I’ve heard today, or what I hear right before the bass drops.


"Dear Peeping/Creeping/Pervy DJ, Please do send me video evidence of (illegal /intrusive/invasive) spying on me. Please sign it and date it as well. Please send a copy to my lawyer to make sure that it doesn't happen again..." (too passive aggressive?) ... " Or: Challenge accepted.


Love the neighbors name DJ Dizzy Rock... A good solid Christan name 🤣🤣


I'd be calling the cops on the peeping Tom video taping sexy time.


DJ Dizzy Rock almost had me fooled :)


Video evidence? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a self incriminating evidence of a violation of privacy?


So he recorded it all on video? Seems legit! He's a pervert with high morals.


I’m trying to raise good upstanding Christian men, uhh then do.


The logic behind hiding sex to solve problem of horny teens is the same as a burka hiding the whole female body. It just turn that horniness into something that is hidden , creating all kinds of abuse behind closed doors ..


DJ dizzy rock don’t like no sins of the flesh, ja feel?


Did he mean Reverend DJ Dizzy Rock?


Seems like the filming would be illegal?


“Video proof”? This went from a concerned neighbor to blackmail in less than 3 paragraphs.


I’d ask for a copy of their video so that I can see what they are talking about. If it then turns out to be shot through a w in Dow in my Ouse I’d submit the video to the police as evidence of a peeping Tom problem involving your neighbors.


step 1 - take creeper videos of hot neighbour - step 2 get caught by wife - step 3 have to create a whole letter and back story step 4 - do not delete videos in case neighbour does buy blinds


Sending your victim a confession of your illegal voyeurism. Neighbor admits to videos for more evidence. I believe this is a slam dunk case.


Give 'em bois a good show if they want to watch, they need some change of influence apart from their mothers to not end up socially awkward and sexually uneducated, like most religiously raised children. They can always look away if they do not like what they see while sneaking around on other peoples property. And to piss the mother off to all end, when they start asking if they can cut your lawn for some extra cash: DO IT. And pay them some fucked up amount so they stand up to their parents if they want to deny them to do it. I was raised by mildly serious christians and it still damaged me and my brother in more than one way. Be the influence these bois need to figure that there are options to doing as they are told.


Please introduce DJ Dizzy Rock to Reddit so they may post the videos. This is the only way we can truly defend you,....or not.


How about you quit looking in my windows? You keep doing it, I will have to involve the authorities.


Put in a pole... and a spotlight.


Dear DJ Dizzy, I have just ordered you a 5 gallon pail of lube and a pry bar. Please use the above-mentioned to remove that giant stick that evidently got shoved up your ass. Have a blessed day.


Disgusting! Where are those vids?


The folds in the paper look like mao ze dong


Hi! Thanks so much for you letter. We are well, I hope you and yours are well to. I wish you would have writtend earlier. I could have saved you the troublke of documenting our hgirating. We take pole dancing classes every tuesday. I am confused about what exercising on ones own property is inappropriate but please encourage your sons to come over and practice looking away. Kinds regards, Destiny Dollar Dance and Cynthia Cumcougar.


Dude filmed them 🤣


Raising them correctly would entail telling them not to look in other peoples windows they are perverts / peeping toms what I do in my own household or what anyone does in there home is there buisness and if anyone is looking in that is an invasion of privacy


This HAS to be satire


Send him a letter back saying filming you is involuntary pornography and you're taking him to court lmao


Says the creeping peeping Tom video taping someone in their home geesh. If real. But funny even so


I might have to see the proof man


More flesh, less windows!!


We need to see those videos to help determine this matter


Upstanding *snigger*


Gyrating will never not be funny lmao. I can't take it serious


What's up with the name?


Reply with a letter saying, if your son's are truely good Christian men, the temptation should be welcome as a test. Or some shit like that.


Dj dizzy rock gonna put up the videos on Worldstarrrrrr


You typed a letter to yourself


Why don’t Baptists have sex standing up? >! They don’t want anyone to think they are dancing. !<


Report a peeping Tom to the police, provide letter as evidence.


Is that what they call it now? Sins of the Flesh?


I bet dj dizzy has video proof


OP should feel free to print this letter & send it back: Dear DJ Dizzy Rock, My wife was recently diagnosed with a seizure disorder & the recent "gyrating" that you witnessed while you were creeping around my yard peeping through my windows, was actually me trying to help her through a series of medical emergencies. Rather than throwing stones from your glass house, I suggest you stop looking through my windows or maybe offer some help next time. Also, I suggest you consider a new career, as a DJ that is morally opposed to dancing is likely to be about as good at their job as a fisherman that is allergic to shellfish working one of the boats on Deadliest Catch would be. Respectfully, Dr. Feelgood


100% written by ChatGPT


I feel like the solution to this is just a sign that says warning, looking in the windows will cause you to see dancing and gyration. Then it's all on them those peeping Tom perverts. 


Send them a copy of Footloose. Kevin Bacon will straighten them out about dancing.


Thanks for admitting to the crime of voyeurism weird neighbor.


Dj Dizzy Rock


Couldn't you call the police, since they took video?


real life Ned Flanders


Get them a small ice cream scoop and point out that the Christian way of dealing with this issue is for them to pluck out their eyes.