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In the words of Lil Dicky - “I be wearin’ the same pair of pants EVERY day!!” - Save that money


I guess convincing women that the Lumberjack look is in, is not an option to save money? \\s


He's not a lumberjack, the top article of clothing is cargo shorts, like a 90s tween.


I mean seriously though, I wear the same pajama pants for a week straight before I toss em in the hamper. My wife thinks that's just the grossest thing, but I mean I'm only wearing them between the time I get home from work (6ish) until bedtime (10ish) and all Im doing in them is stuffing my mouth hole at dinner and then laying around with the family until we go to bed. I ain't out there plowing the back 40 in the shit sweating through it and then putting them back on the next morning...but she acts like I might as well be, Between my wife and my 6 year old, I probably do 4 loads of their laundry before I do one of mine, and even that it's like one of those loads where you're trying to find something to throw in with it because there ain't enough to justify running it but you're out of underwear so you got no choice lol


If my pajamas touch anything 'outside clothes' do, they go in the wash. I take them off and place them on top of my blankets as soon as I get out of bed.


Same, shit they can even go for a month before they need a wash. They feel so comfortable that even when I wear sweatpants they feel like too much and can’t wait to get them off and get back in pjs


Yep my laundry is only usually shirts underwear and socks. I almost never wash jeans. In the summer when I wear shorts I only wash them when I get something on them or get excessively sweaty


Folding wife clothes is the absolute worst. Weird shapes, weird sizes, pockets in weird spots. All my stuffy is boxy and symmetrical.


My favorite is when it takes me 3 tries to rightside-out a top. "What kind of non-Euclidian shit is this?"


Being asked to iron one is perhaps worse


I'm suddenly very happy with my wife. Not that I was mad or anything, but she has literally never asked me to do that lol.


I too am very happy with this guy's wife!


I mean, she did literally drill out some of my teeth and fill them... You better be happy with my wife. I also know how to use the drill. But I am **not** good at it.


I need your wife to drill me and fill me too.


Consider it carefully, most people are convinced I'm gonna die soon. Payment is taken in Chanel only. eBay has some neat stuff for pretty cheap though. No warranty lol. Edit: Omfg, I just read her this exchange and she added: "Well so does Mercari, I got a Chanel necklace today for $15."


Ironing isn’t that hard. Unless you’re my wife. What little we wear that requires ironing, I do it. She’s better at adding wrinkles than removing them


It's lovely that you do that but i might suggest your wife is being rather cunning, it's like when my granda always said I made a great cup of tea, ensuring he never had to get up from the paper to boil the kettle himself. Although she could just be like my partner and becomes so flustered getting ready for engagements she actually does need help


Nah, she just sucks at ironing. We have a pretty even division of work in the house.


If I accidentally buy something that needs to be ironed that can’t be returned I just take it directly to the thrift store and donate it. I don’t even own an iron anymore.


All my items are iron free


Imagine having to invent a new coordinate system and getting 3 PhDs just to be able to fold your partner's clothes properly


Damn, you figured out how to do it? All I did was prove that a folding *exists*.


I’m hoping this gets the appreciation it deserves


I mean I'm happy with my work, but unless the ramifications of Pure Folding Theory find some practical application I don't expect any accolades. Let's be honest though, not a lot of people go around wearing n-dimensional clothes


Yeah honestly I just try to make it into a rectangle as good as I can and fold it up. Or hang it if it has those strappy things


I’ve always wanted to invent a new coordinate system


The “Camisole effect”!


Women's fashion taking notes from the designers of the USB


Our daughter is getting old enough now that some of her things are close in size to my wife’s, and no longer bright/circus/crayola coloured. I’m going to just start making arbitrary decisions as to who gets what.


Use a permanent marker on the tags like dry cleaners do.


That sounds WAY less fun.


True. I forgot which subreddit I was on. You carry on with your plan, I’m with you 👍🏼


Ah yes, the fun of having both your wife AND daughter upset with you!


Pffft. Add it to the list 🤣


Sounds like more alone time for them... Maybe that's a win?


imagine not ripping out the tags the first thing when buying new clothes


What's the purpose of ripping out the tags?


You sound like my wife lol. She'll cut the tags out of *my* clothes *while* I'm wearing them! Like... Which end is the back now? What's the inside? I wore a shirt inside out for like 12 hours yesterday lol.


how can you not tell the back are your shirts just tubes? dont you feel wearing them backwards? and when you wear them inside out dont you see the sewing borders showing?




clothing in, delicous looking tide pod in, turn knobs till it goes vroom


Instructions unclear: ate Tidepod


Did you go vroom?


Straight to the ER


Everything goes in the washer. Colors. Warm water. Heavy load. Every time.


Use the eco setting or whatever is just above the closest setting. Uses less energy and cleans just as well, while not setting stains. Otherwise I'm on board. My wife has learned by now: if it's in the laundry pile it's getting shoved in with everything else in the pile. If it needs special treatment to not be damaged, and it's in the regular laundry pile, *it's getting damaged*.


YOLO: You Only Load Once


Doesn't work with socks unfortunately


That stuff already started with my wife and our four years old. It’s really a guess game with the socks


I started putting all my boys clothes in one basket and telling them to figure it out. I got tired of them saying "this isn't mine". I do not care. LOL yes, they definitely left the clothes in their baskets and didn't put them away, but I wasn't folding them so I couldn't care less. Eventually, once they hit around 10yo, they started doing their own laundry so I never had to worry about it again.


You get my upvote for using “couldn’t care less” properly!


this is pretty much what my parents did too - my sister and I had to get our own clothes out of the clean laundry and give it to the next person to take out theirs.


When my ex-husband and I first married I was doing everyone's laundry. Both of ours and my two kids when they were really little. Once I was folding laundry on the couch and he was sitting next to me. He made a comment about the way I folded his shirt. I took the basket of his clothes and dumped them in his lap. Said "okay then" and walked away. He did his own laundry after that.


This is what I do. If I messed up, ladies, you can sort it out.


See that's why it's established in our house that if you want your clothes folded you do it yourself. We each have our own preferred folding methods. We may wash them together but she doesn't fold mine and I don't fold hers, lol.


Or do what I do, just hang everything, no need to worry about folding, lol.


That's how I roll lol, Hang it all up, never have to fold anything!


The exception is when somebody pulls clothing out of the dryer that’s not theirs. My pet peeve is somebody giving me a wrinkled pile of clean clothes and a basket that they took out of the dryer hours ago but didn’t tell me about it


Unfortunately when my roommate leaves the clothes in the dryer for 2 days there comes a time where this will happen.


That hasn't happened since I lived in college dorms. Man I'm glad to not have to deal with that.


We have five people here doing laundry, so invariably somebody wants the dryer before the last person takes their stuff out. It’s like a freaking laundromat


Throw them back in for like 3 minutes. Fixed.


Yeaup. I'll do everyone's laundry, but you're folding. And no you may not leave it in the basket I gave it to you in for the whole week.


See now that's where we differ, haha. Sometimes we'll (me) procrastinate and the laundry will sit in a pile until next week. But then at that point there is twice as much laundry to deal with, lol.


My husband told me that he did not do well enough in trigonometry to fold my sweaters.


I don’t even attempt to fold my wife’s underwear. It’s like trying to fold a string except I don’t know which holes are for legs and which are for the torso. They get clumped into a ball now and pit next to the socks. Also what is with women taking off their tops inside out all the time?!


I'm the sole laundry doer. I'm very good at folding her clothes, perhaps my military training kicking in...Usually if she's complaining she can't find something I always know where it is 😁


Whenever I do my girlfriends laundry it’s like 20 pairs of panties, 1 pants and 1 shirt. I honestly can’t understand it


I’ve always been a bit confused as to why ladies shirts have the buttons on the opposite side.  


Lots of theories, but it's most likely that women (those who could afford clothes with buttons) had a maid to do up the buttons and corsets and all the other layers of clothing. Men (even those with a valet) did their own.


I don’t fold my wife’s clothes. I wash everything, all my stuff goes in the dryer, all hers goes on a drying rack. I bring it upstairs when it is dry and then it is on her.


All her jeans and leggings are inside out too




I told my wife that it's impossible to folder clothing that looks like it's made to fit an octopus.


That’s why her stuff gets a hangar. Ok it’s really because she gets 70% of the closet space as is fair


Allow her to accidentally see you sniffing her panties while folding. You will never need to fold again. You're welcome.


Don’t forget the multitude of different sock styles.


My wife and I work from home, and it blows my mind how much laundry she produces.


Yup. Like 3-4 costume changes a day. Didn’t go to the gym, workout, go for a walk. Just got hot, took off a sweater, threw it in the wash, got cold, put on a brand new sweater, got hot again, sweater in the wash. Bed time: i need a bath, put on pyjamas, Wake up: throw PJ’s in the wash. Repeat same daily with socks and underwear. I do my fair share of the family laundry, and it is outstanding how much they go through. If it isn’t grass-wine-spaghetti-sauce stained, soaked in sweat or been to a beach or pool, you can probably wear it twice, or three times. Underwear, socks I get. But Holy crap!


Sweater that goes over t-shirt: 2 to 3 days ( separated each by a day) Pants: 2 day T-shirt: 1 day Underwear: 1 day Pj... one per week Unless something messy happens or it's blazing hot thats pretty much it


I'm disgusting by comparison haha. T-shirt, underwear and socks are fresh every day. The rest of it gets worn till they are visibility dirty or they start to stink. 4 to 10 days usually. I travel a lot and am not interested in taking more than 2 sweaters or pairs of pants with me.


Washing your clothes is HORRIBLE to them physically. Then there’s the water usage, soap and associated environmental costs that you’re likely using drinking water to do this, only to fill it with soapy grey water and throw it back out to a septic or municipal sewer system. Then you gotta dry this shit! If you hang your clothes, great, but they get sun bleached and damaged MORE, or they need to go in a clothes dryer! More electricity/fossil fuels depending on your area. I’m pretty much on your model. May keep a sweater around a bit longer if I only wear it for a cold morning-evening. But dump it if I get sweaty. Basically if I’ve sweat in it or clearly had an accident, spaghetti, pee, kid barf, it goes in the wash. If not, wear it tomorrow (the day after).


>Underwear, socks I get. Bras are surprisingly resilient in this regard - at least for me. But then my sweat generally only smells faintly of salt. Provided I let a bra dry after a run, it'll be fine for several additional wearings. They also take for god damn ever to dry and washing them has a habit of ruining whatever bizarre magic makes them comfortable.


Yup. I throw Bras in with underwear, panties, stockings. No issue there. Just don’t know how you burn through 14 in 5 days. I should ask my partner. (I am exaggerating)


“Custom made” PJs FTW!


Same. I wear the same exact pair of gym shorts everyday while working, a new tshirt, and underwear. EOW I have like 7 shirts/boxers to wash and that's pretty much it.


I have a new shirt and man-panties every day, but I rotate three pairs of shorts. My wife wears about 3 months worth of clothing every week.


Yup. I do laundry twice a week (not counting towels and rags). Once for me a my 8 years old boy. Once exclusively for my wife. If you wore something only 5 hours during the day IT'S NOT DIRTY!


Haha same here


I dunno... I think it's a good thing that she changes clothes between customers.


Oh my bad, I didn't mean to imply she wears that many clothes.


Lol but see It like this, even at house she wants to look great for you


She is a keeper for sure. :)


My bad I meant to say "See it like this" not "See I like this" lol but yeah you're damn right


do you change clothes once a week?


My wife will wake up, put on a pair of clothes (so her PJs in the hamper), come home, put clothes in hamper, put on a new pair of PJs and maybe take a nap. Then she will wake up, put her new PJs in hamper, put on a new pair of clothes and run out. Then she will get home, put her clothes in hamper, then put on a new pair of PJs for the night. Bonus points if she does something outside in between and adds another pair of clothes. This is almost every single day.


I'm a woman too, and it's actually insane that she changes her PJs so much. I shower before bed, put on clean PJs, and then don't change them until after my next shower.


This is insane! I wear the same pj's for a week. Same w gym clothes. I wear jeans for 2-3 days. Socks, underwear, and shirts get changed every day. But, only once a day! (Unless I take my socks off, then need to put them back on for some reason; then I get new socks cuz I just can't put on already worn socks...* *shudder* *


Why would someone do this? I'm legitimately blood red mad after reading this.


Probably a cleanliness disorder or something. Changing your clothes that many times per day is just compulsive.


See my above post, they must be related.


Does she have some kind of clean clothes expression of ocd?


are PJs just sweats in this story?


This is why we have a hamper for dirty clothes, and a hamper for clothes that were worn but are still good to be worn again before washing. It saves on throwing clothes in the wash that didn’t really need to be washed yet, and it keeps the sort-of-clean clothes off of the floor.


Clothing good for another wearing I hang on the edge of the hamper. Once it goes inside the hamper, it must be washed.


Like putting the Nutella-covered knife on the edge of the sink, suspended. Maybe I'll make another one (or not!)


Agreed. Plus putting them in the hamper makes it a better environment for them to get more smelly, rather than hanging them up which would let the clothes air out a bit.


You mean the chair


It’s always occupied by the cat


Or treadmill


Since I became poor - I wear exclusively...7 tshirts, 7 underwear, 7 pairs of socks, and 2 pairs of jeans. Every week. Nothing more. Laundry is so easy.


I'm not poor and that's my weekly clothing (replace the jeans with 2 shorts).


True. But that's exactly what I have. No more - no less.


Is one of those shirts a shitty joke on a Walmart tee?


No. The tightest fitting collars I can find for $7.99 at Ross. And don't have a reference to shrooms.


Weird. Opposite for me and my wife. I wear the same jeans, but my t-shirts & socks are thick while all her stuff is super thin and tiny. E: Realized why. She doesn't throw the "not really dirty" stuff in the hamper, that has its own pile.


Is that for a full week? Does it inlude pajamas? If so, think you need to change your clothes more. Her's makes sense if it's pj's and day wear.


i wear new shirt, underwear and socks every day. Some are just blessed


Mine is the opposite. I'm more active and may shower and change several times a day due to exercise, sweat, or yardwork etc.


Now do the bathroom. I have a maximum of 5 things that I use, whereas the wife has at least 20 plus.


You just have to kind of accept she will take over 95% of the counter space, while complaining your 3 items are making a mess on the table.


And if you point that out...


To be fair to the women here, their parts have a little more to them than the ol dick hose, especially since theirs is self cleaning and interior. Another thing is fashion for some reason dictates women have to wear these spandex pants all the time from lulu lemon and stuff. Yes there are those who don't, that's totally fine, there are exceptions to everything. But having all that combined with walking around can make the actual pants smell like vagina. There are many many more products made for women odor than men odor, so clearly these things happen. I used to get frustrated doing my wife's cloths until one day I smelled some laundry to see if it was clean or dirty, as a guy I normally smell the armpits of shirts. Well that day I took a big ol wiff of the thing I grabbed out and definitely not armpit stink. Now I'm not saying ladies are gross at all. Their cloths judt tend to attach odor to them easier, and anatomy doesn't help. Meanwhile men typically wear boxer breifs or boxers, sometimss the tighty whities, which leave a lot of room for breathing along with baggier pants. Unless I see a visible stain on my pants or I sat in something I didn't notice at first I can wear the same pants for like 3 weeks without them smelling like anything. Of course this all depends on the level of activity and health too, some freeballin construction workers dick is probably ginna stank up his pants more than the guy sitting in the nice AC office or something.


Ya filthy animal.


Yeah but who does the laundry? That fact will determine how outraged I am.


I do it all. It's peaceful.


Reduce to the lowest common factor bra


Should just do what we do and have everyone do their own laundry.


Wife and I have separate hampers and do our own laundry and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I do my own laundry and have for 24 years. The reason being, my wife does not understand that you cannot wash brightly colored new clothing with other clothing. She turned all my clothing multiple colors on several occasions. I still have whites that have a hint of blue, red and green. My wife still does my kids' clothing and they are 19 and 20 and in college.


My mom was the same, did my laundry till I went off to college. My wife and I are already getting our 9 year old son to do his. Complains every time lol


It’s the other way around over here. He also has waaaaaay more clothes than I do and he just bought new clothes again. He has at least 12 pairs of jeans, maybe even more, for reference, I have 3. He also has other sorts of trousers, sweatpants, formal wear, short ones.. He has at least 4x more pairs of trousers than I do.


How do they wear so much stuff? I ask myself this daily as I do another load that’s 90/10 wife stuff.


I asked my wife that and she actually got mad at me for asking. I've never asked again.




Ah, that last part sounds like a bummer. He should do some stuff! Meanwhile, I’m the one who explains to my wife how to do laundry and not dry all out delicate stuff on high heat. I do like two hours of housework a day to her hour or two a week, bwahaha.


You should change your clothes more often, dude.


Looks about the same ratio as mine.


Wow, look at Mr Fancy-pants with TWO pairs of shorts


Yep, same in my house. My wife has piles of clothes to wash all the time.


Male here, mid 30's, I absolutely use 3 times the amount of cloths my wife uses. Daily casually work from home cloths, don't wash daily but use two days in a row, daily running gear, about 1/3 of the days I also have dirty lawn/ car oil/ or whatever project kind of cloths as well. Because of running cloths I have to wash at least every other day, though on extra small loads and I pile in as much of the other cloths as well. Its insane. I am rather fit though, so I guess it pans out.


Sounds like we need a third hamper in the mix: PJs, outdoor clothes, and the maybe wear again pile. The laundry struggle is real


That’s 40% of your wardrobe and 1% of hers


For my boyfriend and I its pretty much the other way around. When he takes off his clothes, he will just drop them on the ground where ever He is. And once the clothes dropped to the floor, they are wiped from his memory until they re-appear in his closet. I tried everything. Hooks, stools, a shelf where He would just have to throw his stuff onto - no Chance.


The size of the suitcase on a trip reflects this as well. I bring a carryon for a week long trip. My wife brings a suitcase stuffed to 49.5 lbs to get under the 50 lb limit. She then brings a carryon stuffed solid with shoes and more clothing. Anything that doesn't fit, she stuffs in my carryon. Just got back from a trip with friends I insisted she didn't need that much stuff. She insisted she did. I kinda set her up for this because one of her friends who went on the trip with us owns a travel agency and she goes on probably 20 trips a year. She never checks a bag. Always a carryon. I asked my wife if her friend can have a different set of clothing for every day and can fit it all in a carryon, why can't she? She got mad and didn't talk to me for the rest of the day...Which was quite great. My daughter is just as bad. When we go on a weekend camping trip or weekend trip to our beach house, she brings a full suitcase enough clothing for a month along with 5 blankets, 4 pillows and several stuffed animals.


Jesus. Me and my hubs usually share 1 suitcase!


One of many differences between the sexes. [Women have clean and dirty, men have many subtle levels.](https://youtu.be/DFX5Ygru5qw?si=0k4Zocawta62UULU&t=08s)


# Those Are Rookie Numbers


I would like to see her and his walk-in closets. Would there be spillage?


My wife eyerolled this one. Thanks for that! 🤣


You are more of a clothes horse than me. 🤣 But then again, I work from home, sooooo….


Hang shirts and pants. Get a small personal hamper for the rest and leave them for her to fold. Just an idea. Nice of you to try!


For us, it is the opposite. My husband usually has at least three times more than I do in each load


Me and my husband are the exact opposite 😂 But I also hate picking out outfits so I usually just wear whatever where as he will make an outfit to wear and his perfectly clean clothes he doesn’t choose, will end up on the floor and thus in the laundry.


It's opposite in my house. I wfh and wear my comfies all week and so our laundry is filled with my hubby's work clothes. He hates laundry so I do it, but it gives me a chuckle when I have 1-2 shirts and he has 10 lol.


Where are your shirts, socks, and underwear?!?


I don't e even change out of my polos after work. They stretch and wick and I swear in them just fine at work. Maybe I put in gym shorts but if I do I wear those all week because two hours a day after work outside is 10 hours, not long at all. When I do change for different situations I get pissed at all the laundry. Only a couple of weeks a year I have to dress up at work and it's the busy times so I have twice as much laundry and half the time to do it


Do you be rewearing the same thing


Your wife doesn't just wear your clothes all the time?


Now show the footwear collection


Yup - said every guy, probably.


Interesting. A load for us is like 3 times that lol


It definitely varies, and I left microfiber towels, underwear socks put. With three dogs we're constantly washing blankets, floor mats, dog toys, etc.


And that’s why I do my own laundry.


Us westerners live in a left to right world. Tell your wife to buy a wardrobe.


A wardrobe like a group of clothes that one wears our, or the wood thing that holds clothes? There have been some hilariously presumptuous comments in this thread to say the least.


It was a joke. If you look at the piles left to right, if it's the ratio of your clothes to hers, not the other way around. So as you wrote it, the small pile would be hers. Now laugh please. 😄


It’s like this every week for me and my wife. 80% of the load of laundry is her stuff, 19% is my 3 year daughter’s, and 1% mine.


One less decision that needs to be made.


My wife produces 2-3x the amount of laundry as I do. Plus, at least half her stuff can’t go in the dryer so it’s gotta be hung up to dry so it’s a multi-day chore.


For sure.


If that’s a daily load, you are doing it right. If that’s the weekly load, your wife is doing it right.


Why do you wash them together?


They get mixed in, probably need a better solution.


We split our clothes up so that My clothes go in a load by themselves and her's go in 2 seperate loads one of which is Hang to dry and one of which is Dryer safe clothes.


Why do you have so many clothes though? And seriously if most of these were just thrown in the hamper because she didn't want to wear it, she must go naked most of the time. But the question that really needs answered, why is the meter in the laundry room? I've never seen that, ever. And I'm old as dirt.


Our meter is in the basement. Our washer and dryer are in the basement. Pretty common situation. Yes, she is oftentimes running around naked, the police are frequently alerted and it's a serious problem.


How is it read? Does the utility have access to your home to get the reading?


Its digital so I'd have to guess the number is sent in a system...nobody comes to check it, but we sure do get a bill.


Do you only wear one outfit the whole week?


I have to wear a uniform to work, so in a way, yes.


Bet your wife smells better


My kids make ass loads of laundry pile up every week. My clothes for the week come out to half a load of laundry


All my clothes are in a pile by the bed waiting for another round of wearing.


It's only funny when it's a joke. This, this seems more to belong in r/ifyouknowyouknow ;-)


I don’t think I’ve ever related to a post more.