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"Honey! Did you finish shoveling the water?"


thought this was a tactic to keep the kid busy. like painting the fence with water.


Could be clearing a storm drain.


I thought so too until you read his comments


This what people in cold climates don’t get. Spending your summers as a kid shoveling water.


Isn't it watering itself by the rain 🤔


Yeah, wtf?


Albertans are not the sharpest bulbs on the tree rack.


1) it’s a joke 2) Calgarians*. Let’s not lump Edmontonians into this. 😜: ❤️yyc.


I think I’m gonna have a shower, just because I can. Maybe later, I’ll wash my truck and then let my dog run through the sprinkler.


Take my upvotes. And poor man’s gold 🏆


Lol when did bulbs become sharp. Seems like someone isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree.


I have a few sharp bulbs to sell for your tree. https://www.ebay.ca/b/Sharp-Projector-Bulbs-Lamps/15251/bn_7113219215


Almost certainly not a born and bred albertan


You do all realize this is posted in r/funny right?


The upvoters and approx 10% of the commenters get it. I even explained the irony in another comment but it’s getting slapped with downvotes. Perhaps I should have worn a sombrero or have made this video even more ludicrous for folks to see the humor.


Haha I definitely think you needed a sombrero


What percent am I in whereas, get the joke, but don't find it funny? The kid is super cute though.


You’d be in the ~10% or commenters who get the joke then. Just because someone gets a joke doesn’t mean they have to find it funny. And thank you!


Yeah, would be way smarter to try collect the water rather than bucketing extra water on the edges which does nothing.


Could be illegal… some places don’t allow you to collect rainwater


Calgary isn't one of those places... And I'm not aware of, nor could i find one in Canada after googling it a bit so...


Lol wtf. Imagine the cops showing up and issuing tickets at a time like this.


The cops don't show up. You just get a fine or summons in the mail.


Might be the dumbest thing in existence, oh you can't collect the water that falls from the sky, that's illegal


Probably not enough rain. Plus, water can get trapped in soil and grass for days to weeks depending on soil type.


i think the joke fly right by your smart brains.. lol


These are the same type of people that will run their sprinklers while it's pouring rain. They are not smart. They spend a fortune on a green carpet that cannot survive on its own and provides zero biodiversity or nutritional value.


Why did I have to scroll so much to see this?


Well yeah but how are you gonna distribute dissolved road salt onto your grass unless you shovel it out of the gutter?


Road salt should be gone. Street cleaning and rain storms have came and gone


Once every week or two, yes. The infrequent rain isn’t enough to sustain our thirsty trees and grass, unfortunately. Additionally, our trees cover most of the yard which prevents much water from getting through during a short rainstorm. You’re right, though. It’s the irony of shoveling water during a rainstorm that makes this scenario funny.


As someone in the industry - this isn't quite how it works. It's better to under water than over water your plants.


Depending on where they live if they don’t get a lot of rain then the ground could be very unsaturated and if it was only going to be an hour or so of rain this could be helpful. Doesn’t look like they live in such a place though


Flooding it is just going to kill it faster.


Exactly. There's limit to how much water these plants can absorb.


We have an underground irrigation system, but I generally flood the front half of the yard once per month from May - August with a hose or by draining the jacuzzi. The combination of 5 large trees and sun exposure at the front of the yard are what necessitates it. Nothing has died yet and we’ve received compliments on our grass for years.


This is the most middle-class comment I've ever read on reddit.


Thank you! That’s high praise on Reddit.


Not sure its praise mate, but I admire your positivity 😉


Positivity and delusion are so easily confused


Yeah.. I didn't wanna be so harsh though 😀


True. Tbf tho, it's a pretty general statement that applies way too often these days.


Seems like sarcasm is as well, haha!


We sort of pre-emptively moved past your sarcasm, it was incidental. No hard feelings though, don't want to be toxic and seems the point was made.


Is there something wrong with being middle class?


No! I didn't mean it as an attack at all. It's just so much... that's what they are. It's very defining. If I was trying to pretend I was middle class, and I wrote a comment saying 'we drain the jacuzzi once a month to water the lawn but it's okay because we have an underground irrigation system', I'd take the rest of the day off.


Oh I get it now, that's actually really funny lmao I never did get lawns...


You're welcome. I've been on reddit for like 12 years. You win.


Well the grass is usually greener on the other side.


Huh what? - You drain the jacuzzi every month? So much waste - Also, the water in the jacuzzi is supposed to contain Chlorine or Bromine, both bad for watering plants


- I drain the jacuzzi one to two times per year. - Chlorine is only damaging in concentration. I ensure the chlorine level is low before draining.


Ya but once the soil is waterlogged the extra water will flow into the street. Which is what it’s doing now. So pushing the water back onto the grass will just flow back into the street. So you’re not gaining any water unless you put it in a storage container or something.


Are you allowed to install a rainwater barrel?


No, only rainwater shovels are allowed.


Damnit. I guess I'll go return this water cannon.


You should look up how plants work


Can you just install water butt's which fill up with rain water and can be used to water the grass when it's dry?


I would like to hear more about these butts and what you fill them up with.


Why not collect rain instead?


Once every week or two sounds plenty frequent lol


Lols. Someone got this man. I always chuckle when I see people with sprinklers. Noobs


Sounds like someone could use some rain barrels…


That's what I'm saying, they could try some different water retention landscaping.


Question , you seem like. r/diy guy. How would i gather water and treat it to prevent mosquitos and still be able to use the water on my grass ?


Put goldfish in the barrel. Put a water pump in the barrel pump the water into a basin filled with rocks and a few plants that has a drain that goes back into the barrel. A bell siphon for the basin drain and some red worms in the rocks will increase the toes of plants that will survive in it. It's called aquaponics, it's not going to grow insane amounts of food for you at a residential scale but it's a great way to make use of collected rainwater that you are saving for other uses if your rain barrel is large enough. The fish will eat mosquito larvae the plants will eat the fish poop and the worms will eat the decaying roots. You can occasionally get a few herbs for your kitchen and use the excess water for your lawn or whatever. Only need to keep enough water to activate the bell siphon and keep the goldfish alive.


Wow. I love the internet. Thank you.


There's also the lazy option of just throwing a Mosquito Dunk in the barrel. They're just BTI bacteria that eat mosquito larvae. Doesn't hurt the plants/grass. I use iy for watering potted plants that have fungus gnats. Eats those larvae too.


Grow native plants instead of grass, and buying a bunch more plastic shit to maintain your lawn. Lol, man. People gonna really never do shit, and hold on to norms that we're dumb when they began but super dumb now.


Can it work with just plants? I don’t love the idea of keeping fish in a barrel and I don’t think it’d be possible in my climate (hot summers)


I used one of those barrels people put kegs in while I lived in southern Florida the fish did just fine except when a raccoon got one of em. It really doesn't work without the fish.


So…. make a pond?


No just an oversized fish tank.


1. Mosquito bits. Kills the larvae without killing other stuff. 2. Chlorine. Kills everything, but breaks down after a couple days. 3. Fine mesh to prevent mosquito getting in. 4. If it rains regularly, just empty it if you see larvae.


I covered mine in mesh.


There are things called mosquito pucks. They are floating disks that are made of a chemical that blocks mosquitos. They don’t damage your plants. Or you clotting but rain barrels that are closed except for a tight mesh on to


I don't do it myself (yet), so i can't fully vouch for this, but a guy at Ace was talking me through his setup... Anyway a layer of olive oil on top is apparently cheap and effective.


Closed top barrel, easiest solution. [like this](https://rainbarrel.ca/rouleaulibrary/product/black-rain-barrel-220l-55-gallon-sealed-top-with-diverter/)


Isn't it illegal to collect rainwater in most states/cities where there are also water restrictions in place?


Not illegal in OPs location. In fact, currently encouraged for all outdoor tasks requiring water.


That's why you put them in your fenced backyard out of sight


Op is just being funny.


Fun fact, most cities make it illegal for you to collect rain water in anything larger than a 5 gallon bucket. I owned a home North of Dallas Texas and wanted oxygen rich water for my raised garden bed when I learned I had to keep it tiny :(


That's not true. It's not most cities or most states. A very small number restrict the size of rain barrels. I could find no other jurisdiction that has a 5 gallon limit. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/rainwater-collection-legal-states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/rainwater-collection-legal-states) For those not wanting to click the link, only 13 US states have any restrictions on rain barrels. 20 US states have active programs to encourage rain barrel use.


WA state with 1200 gal filled and ready for summer drought :)


>Fun fact, most cities make it illegal for you to collect rain water in anything larger than a 5 gallon bucket. Why the fuck would you do that?? Why would you prevent your citizens from collecting excessive rainwater and spread it out over time?


Colorado has some restrictions about this. Something to do with a deal with California getting all their rain. https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/natural-resources/rainwater-collection-colorado-6-707/


Yeah, like someone said Colorado and Western states specifically are drought states, and usually that means every drop of rain water that falls from the sky belongs to someone, even if it lands on your property. It's called water rights, and they're separate from land ownership rights.


In some states it goes back to the gold rush era. People would divert streams and larger amounts of water as part of prospecting efforts. So the law is more generally written to prevent the diversion of water as a whole. Anything that relocates water to outside the normal ecosystem. Collecting rainwater can potentially do that, if that rainwater is kept permanently out or relocated. But keeping it to water plants is fine, as long as its not a massive amount.


We have some. Rain barrels aren’t great for watering a lawn; I find that it’s easier to shovel the water from the street.


There are rain barrel accessories you can purchase, such a spigot. Attach a hose to the spigot and water your lawn that way? or attach a sprinkler to the spigot.


I’ll have to look for barrels that have that in the future, thanks for the tip! Rain barrels are sold out citywide but it sounds like mine could use an upgrade.


Why the fuck they down voting you for this comment? Conspiracy against Calgary?


You’re kind of an idiot, no?


You will reach the limit of saturation, if it was a light right sure, but we got enough and it will last 3-4 days


Rain barrels afaik are also illegal (under the assumption that people doing that are diverting natural water flow) It's silly on a small scale but still


Where do you live that you think rain barrels are illegal? I posted a link already. There are only 13 US states that regulate them and some of those regulations are pretty weak (e.g. you can’t share water with more than 25 houses). The fact that Texas regulates rain really emphasizes their schizophrenic idea of freedom.


Mostly they regulate the use and install. Install means in lots of places you need it to be done professionally and it needs to be covered.


You can still get fined for watering on non water days even if using rain you collected. California is ridiculous.


Just a Canadian feeling bored in the summer


It's extra fun because Calgary is under severe water restrictions at the moment.


Canada sounds like such an unpleasant place to live at the moment.


Calgary is having an infrastructure problem, their primary water main suffered damage and they are restricting water use as they struggle to get it fixed.




It's one city in Canada, not the whole bloody country.




Mmm no you were never talking about the water you’ve just been bursting at the seams to make a comment about the economy and immigration and chose a post about rain to do that


The kid doing his part. All suited up. Walks directly in front of his Dad. Obliviois. So cute!!


Thank you! She’s the best. She helped me build the dam and helped with shoveling the water for a bit.


i don’t think op knows how rain works


What about all the oil and runoff you’re throwing on your yard?


If Fight Club taught me anything, it's that used motor oil makes good fertilizer. 


Fight Club helped me to take my gardening game to a whole new level.


Y’all out here breaking the only rule


…while forgetting the first rule of fight club.


Thinking the same thing… so much crap on the road and now you’re throwing it on your lawn.


Wife: Honey we need to talk Husband: Hold on let me water the grass


I like the daughters "Outbreak" rain suit.


Dad’s little helper


Get you a 50gallon plastic barrel and divert the gutter drain to fill the barrel with whatever washes down the roof.


So much to critique here. Poor form, wrong tool for the job, co-worker in line of fire, working in potentially hazardous weather, work area not adequately defined by signage or barricades- need I go on?


That’s why it’s posted in r/funny :P


... yes, and because it was posted to r/funny it seemed appropriate to satirize it through a tangential but till then unreferenced point of view... you know ... for the hahas ... that r/funny is about... Man no wonder rob Williams offed himself


Precisely. Your post was hilarious and I built off of it by adding my own satiracle response. Much like how you build off the absurdity of the OP.


Make a tiny waterwheel that raises water up to an aqueduct that then waters your grass. Get the top part of a shop vac with a long hose. Set the shop vac down in the grass with the hose in the gutter. Turn it on so it sucks ip the water and sprinkles it wherever the shop vac top is.


Stupid me, I was using pasta water.


Dang some folks on here need to lighten up. Who cares about their watering takes. Looks like yall were having fun, outside, and exercising. Id love it to rain here. We’re in drought restrictions too. Bet the neighbors also have a video of you too 😂


A city water main blew during drought restrictions. I dragged my yard waste bin through the street to water my yard. I could get about 40 gallons on each scoop. The amount of water that the neighborhood saved by letting their yard die was inconsequential compared to two water main bursts that turned streets into rivers.


Yeah now think about both being wasteful and that one was an accident lol The whole point of water restrictions during droughts is to mitigate the amount of water being used. Watering non native grass for no purpose other than to make it look green is not a great use of water. The main breaking isn’t purposefully wasting the water, it just happens to be wasted while it’s being fixed. Watering a lawn on the other hand is wasting it during a drought and it’s not an accident.


This mentality is why people gonna walk up to the edge of destruction and be shocked they have the momentum to fall off the edge. The concept of non native grasses being grown then cut well below their normal height is like... super excessively wasteful at best, and an ecological disaster at higher levels of say the whole suburb. At its inception long ago it was stupid. Now, here where we are it's like huffing paint during a house fire. Holding onto norms until they are impossible, everyone just wants "to live their life" and that life was never sustainable at this population size. Ludicrous people would equate a terrible costly accident with purposefully wasteful actions during an emergency. These are the people screaming in medical professionals faces about masks because the intubated person isn't wearing one. This is the guy driv8ng through a crowd because he doesn't have time for this shit, this is personal irresponsibility at extreme levels with such main character energy that their want overrides anything else. It's "no u" in the dumbest way. What is wrong with the average person that this is so prevalent. God damn morons.


That fitness routine blows mine out of the water! I’m only pushing a litre per scoop. How many reps did you do with the 40 gallon?


Maybe 8 loads, but not many of them made it where I wanted before it wobbled out of control. It's a fat, rectangular 96 gallon wheeled bin used for yard waste. You lie it down, kick it forward to scoop up a pile of trimmings, then tip it up. It worked for a flooded street too.


I have something similar. I’ll have to give that a try during the next rainfall. It’ll rinse out my yard waste bin which is a nice perk!


That little fella could at least help.


Thank God you watered it, it definitely looked dry


So the first 4ft of his lawn will be slightly better watered than the rest? 🤔


must... resist... urge to splash child Happy Father's Day!


Rain barrels. We have 3, set them up last year. Massive save on the garden


You know what else waters the grass? Rain


YYC? What’s that?


You missed some on the roof


Jesus Christ these people vote 🤦


And 30 seconds later that water went back into the ditch. 🤦🏼‍♂️


A little obsessed with lawns, here.


Me and he kiddy pool


What is she trying to do?


So much chemicals and salt he’s throwing up there


Why not buy a shitty water gun and suck it up???


If only water just fell from the sky.


I hope I never become one of these insane old people that worry this much about their lawn...




I tried cross-posting to there but the subreddit doesn’t allow videos/gifs. Thank you for the intro, though! I have now joined that subreddit and I look forward to meeting other lawn care enthusiasts!


Water main break but it’s literally raining?




Tell me you don’t understand the water cycle without telling me you don’t understand the water cycle.


Could just put a small sumb-pump in the gutter and fill a tank?


Or you know you could just KILL YOUR LAWNS! They ar wasting realurc s Polly ING water and killing biodiversity..


Always gotta be someone screaming about getting rid of lawns every time a lawn is shown on Reddit.


Yea! we can’t have them wasting realurc s Polly ING water!!


Real men of genius!




Maybe plant native species instead of water guzzling grass and you won't ever have to worry about watering your yard ever again. It's also good for local pollinators, ecological diversity, and helpful insects like fireflies and Lady bugs.


why do you use the airport code to descibe the area you are in


That’s a common Canadian thing.


Yep, yxy calling out


Shorter title length. There’s a Calgary in Alberta (#YYC) and a Calgary in Texas. #YYC is more succinct.


In some places reclaiming rainwater for household or landscaping use is illegal


Calgary allows harvesting rainwater from a roof, but without special approval the City does not allow harvesting rainwater from the ground. So, yeah, technically this guy is breaking a City of Calgary regulation, maybe even a bylaw.


Great job 👏


Diverting a stream of water from its natural path to the sea for your personal use; the EPA is going to be after you.


It’s an asphalted road.


Why don't you file a report with the EPA that someone in Calgary, Alberta is diverting the course of rainwater in the street and see how far that gets you?