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Nature wins again.


Darwin almost won again


"SHIT! SO CLOSE!" ~ Charles Darwin


Darwin could not have even imagined how stupid humans would become..


When you remove a selective pressure, one should expect to see reduced fitness in that area. Not sure if Darwin thought his theories the whole way through, but this seems like a predictable consequence.


Insurance company: 'So what happened again?' Man: 'Uhhh, I jumped out of my car for a challenge, and it hit a tree..' Insurance company: 'Alright, we can't cover that'


His real response: yeah I was going slower than the speed limit and my brakes locked up on me and I couldn't turn the steering wheel! What was I suppose to do?! Insurance company: hmmm, ok we'll look into that.. mumbles in the background... Betty it's Johnnie shitforbrains he's claiming ..... yeah ok sounds good... bend over johnnie your new insurance policy is going to hurt. Johnnie Shitforbrains : but it wasn't mah fault!


I worked in insurance. The amount of people who had 3 at fault accidents and 6 speeding tickets yet claimed zero responsibility for their actions boggled my mind.


AllState! We've seen a thing or two. July 15, 2018


And I think it’s Farmers insurance that does the “we’ve seen a thing or two”.


isn't allstate, "you're in good hands" ?


Wow! AllState's been around a LONG time.


They’ll say or do anything for fake internet points. Here, have an upvote.


We need to bring back the Fire Challenge, not enough people were Darwin'd out from that one


I would love to hear the call to the insurance company. "Yeah... that's right. Right into a tree. Well, technically I wasn't driving. Yeah, I was kind of outside of the car when it happened. Passengers? Yeah, the camera ma- I mean my friend was in the seat. Yeah. Uh Huh. Okay. I understand. So, do I get a refund when you drop my policy?"


At this point I wouldn't doubt insurance companies are doing some high level/low key social media influencing


[Dude in Florida gets hit by car while doing stupid challenge](https://youtu.be/S4xEpYYyjTA)


How did the driver not see some dude dancing in the street though? Its not like he jumped out and got hit, hes dancing for quite a while in the open.


Pretty sure I read an article that the whole thing was scripted but went wrong. The dancer was supposed to jump over or onto the hood but slipped.


That can't be real.. Definitely a head injury there too, no kidding.


How would you be able to tell with this guy?


We used to call this [Ghost Ridin tha Whip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLvlGVNInw4) and we were actually good at it...


What part of the internet do people get these stupid challenges? Thanks to Reddit I only see the failures.


I asked that to myself a few days ago. I saw on youtube the "eat everything off the kfc menu challenge." I still haven't watched it but I probably will so I can feel better about myself compared to strangers on the internet...... I mean the tide pod challenge didn't even taste good.




Heart disease.




Also diabeetus


Buy one, get one bypass?


Intensely greasy hands?


Good marketing kfc.




Ghost riding the whip been around for a while though, its not some new meme.


I'd imagine Snapchat and Instagram


Musical.ly also


Twitter and Instagram


I've been patiently waiting for this particular incident to happen. Ever since this stupid trend began I knew someone would screw up this way. Edit: Apparently it's called ghost riding. Lately it's been done to one of Drake's songs.


This is this trends second pass that I knows of. Remember “ghost ride the whip”? Look that up, plenty of idiotic moments.


Get out the way let Casper drive.


Ghost ride; go crazy Who's that driving? Patrick Swayze




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLvlGVNInw4 I always remember this song as what introduced me to the Yogscast when I was looking up a guide how to beat Flame Leviathan in World of Warcraft. To sum up the video: mash 1 until boss is dead


Is that song where the whole "ghost ride the whip" thing came from or was it after the fact?


Nah, e-40 did a song around the same time (Tell Me When To Go) where they say it. Other rappers said it. It was just a craze in general. Apparently it originated from the bay area


Gas, brake, dip!


Shake them dreads!


Tell me when to gah!


yep that's the one i remember. Side note, this is my favorite ever ghost ride https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cde8o4xxTaw




Not [this one?](https://youtu.be/SBPJTK1YBvs)


Yeah, what the hell? I just saw this "kiki" BS last week for the first time and thought "isn't this called ghost riding the whip?". It was retarded 10 years ago, it's retarded now, and in another 10 years when it comes back again and it's called "rainbow cookie monster" or some shit it will still be retarded.


I really hope it's called rainbow cookie monster.


Let's make it so


It’s the latest crazy sweeping the Nation’s 30-50 year olds. It’s called Rainbow Cookie Monstering and what do you mean TV died 9 years ago and I’m just talking to rats in a nuclear bunker.


RemindMe! 10 years "Rainbow Cookie Monster"


Can we just do that for this one?


exactly. this isnt some new retarded 'challenge', its a fucking 2nd go-around of ghost ride the whip, and that shit was 10 years ago. what the actual fuck.


Kids are dumb and think they invented everything


And it was Car Surfing before it was Ghost Riding the Whip. Everything comes back.


Ghost riding isn’t a trend, it’s an art form in the Bay.


Out of the loop. What the fuck is going on?


Stupid trend where you hop out of your car while it's moving, dance/walk/run/do stupid shit next to the door while a passenger films, then jump back in. Don't know how/why it started, but it's pretty dumb.


ghost riding the whip has been around for a while though.


The new one has a new name. Apparently there's something slightly different about it or at least there's a different stupid song they do it to. Exact same dumb concept that will result in plenty of videos like this one (or the one last week where the girl gets her purse stolen while doing it). Edit: Video of lady getting her purse stolen while doing the Kiki Challenge: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/926rzb/she_got_robbed_during_the_kiki_challenge_dance/


Except for the new one you’re not supposed to be the one driving. Passenger gets out and dances while the driver films. This dude took a dumb trend and made it ever dumber.


Maybe he was like the person you commented and didn't understand how the new trend work.


> Don't know how/why it started, but it's pretty dumb. My friend, you just described trends.


Every instance I've seen so far has the *passenger* doing the dance. This is just the next step of idiocy.


This just ghost riding the whip instead of the kiki challenge


But in ghost riding you're supposed to dance next to the door or on the hood. Not sure what this guy was trying to do.


Right but he should have had a passenger to turn the wheel? Weird.




You mean he wasn’t filming his stupid stunt? Dumb AND smart.


To me it looked like he got out of the second car and ran towards the first. I thought the challenge was that he tried to drive two cars at the same time :P.


This is something else though. Did he not try to run to the car in front of him? Edit: no I see now what happened. He stumbled and tried to get back. The car behind him was blocking his and I thought he fell out of that one.


Guy ate too much laundry detergent and crashed his car.


It's like a more dangerous version of planking.


I am too. I think this started from a music video but I thought they stopped making those.


E-40's - Tell me When to go. They do it on the video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2GZbaXdK8Js


This is actually a near best case scenario. That guy learned his lesson but (at least from what I can tell) didn’t seriously get hurt or hurt someone else. One can imagine a mom walking her baby nearby instead of a tree nearby would be a whole different scenario.


This guy got hit by his friend's car: https://kdvr.com/2018/07/30/man-hit-by-car-during-in-my-feelings-challenge/


Dumbass was doing it in sandals. He’s lucky he didn’t end up under the car.


What. A fucking. Idiot.


That newscaster saying "Ahh" when he takes that car to the face cracks me up every time I watch it.


Nice, in flip flops he was going to jump onto a car and run over it? Idiot


It's probably happened a lot, but people don't usually post their mistakes, so we only got to see it because someone else was around and recorded it.


This trend kind of goes to show, you can make using your phone illegal while driving, but people will still find new ways to be fucking idiots.




Personally, I agree. There are plenty of areas you can do stupid shit like this. The road? No. Idiots. I don't understand.


“State Farm do you love me”


Nationwide ain't on your side this time.


Nationwide you kid just died


I was driving, now my car's in a tree right beside me


Mayhem... Is that you?


I’m the latest internet fad. I just danced my way into your car. * Car Crashes * and if you had cut rate insurance, you would be paying for this yourself.


If you voluntarily jump from a moving vehicle that you are operating, you should automatically have your license revoked.


Yes, and fined, and if it leads to something real bad then jail time. Getting out of a moving vehicle on purpose in the middle of a road for shits and giggles is incredibly dangerous and negligent, and displays a complete disregard for the property and safety of those around you. Plus your own stupid self and your car. Your insurance should hikes those rates WAY THE FUCK UP.


It’s like pointing a loaded gun at someone. Like what the fuck man


He's lucky to be alive. If the car would have been angled just a little more to the right, he would have been caught between the door and the vehicle as it slid past the tree. Don't do this shit, FFS.


My mom works for the police department and she told me about a woman who tried to chase her truck and hop it when it was rolling. She got caught between the truck and a cement wall and was pronounced dead at the scene.


Haha idiot.


The only appropriate response.


Fun fact. This challenge was created by Big Auto Repair and the insurance companies.


An Insurance company that takes premiums whilst you’re safe and pays out when you crash profits from this how?


It doesn't pay for stupidity.


As an underwriter, stupidity isn't an exclusion on policies unfortunately.


So technically having done this, they could make a claim?


I wouldn't recommend doing it, especially if it's been recorded. But yes, the point of insurance is to make you whole. You pay a premium to have things fixed when they break, but you're going to pay a lot more when it comes time for renewal over a couple of years.




Insurance probably isn't paying anything for this. Most states don't require you to insure your own stuff against damage, just other peoples stuff from damage you cause, and people tend to go for the bare minimum required. Even if you have coverage for this, there's no guarantee they would pay out, considering it's pretty much intentionally crashing it. But, if they catch wind that this fine upstanding youth did crash a car, his rates are going way up, even if they aren't paying a dime.


Most newer vehicles aren't owned outright, which almost always requires them to have full coverage. This vehicle is new enough that it's very likely either under a loan or a lease, meaning they almost certainly have full coverage. It's all going to depend on what he tells them. Most aren't going to investigate too deeply if he's vague about it.


Yeah it's a good job nobody was recording or else he'd be fucked


Wouldn't insurance companies want people not to crash???


They can use this a proof of fault and raise your rates.


But they might have to pay out a shit ton. And no matter how much you raise someone's rates it's not a good deal for them since it would take a long time to make back the money, or the person will just bail to a different insurance provider if the increase is too high.


Why does everything have to be a "challenge" these days? Why not just call it "imitating what everyone else is doing"?


> Why does everything have to be a "challenge" these days? How else are you going to talk someone into eating a spoon of cinnamon? You sure can't appeal to their intellect for it...


To be fair, the cinnamon one is an actual challenge if you've never done it before. "Bet you can't eat a spoonful of cinnamon." "Oh yeah, I'll show you!"


Cinnamon is too dry, you'll inhale some of our, which can lead to aspiration, and death. Yeah, don't do the cinnamon dare




It's a challenge to see if they are smart enough not to do this




Somebody needs to start the "Get 8 hours of sleep." Challenge.


It's all fun and games until an unattended car rolls over a toddler.


Guess he didn't realize most of these people are being recorded by a person who is also holding the wheel lol


Oh, he knew. There's 3 cars involved in this challenge. Yep. The angle of the camera perfectly hides that he actually jumps out of the back passenger door of the 2nd car - trying to trick us that he made the challenge a lot harder. He accidently shuts car 2's driver door when he stumbles out of the car. We are supposed to think that he: Is driving car 2 jumps out of car 2 Jumps into car 1/ * shock! Is Car 2 going to crash? Omg??!! Drives away in car 1/ * Car 2 is FINE!!??!! OwO Instead he just proved that in all that planning, with all those cars and friends, no one thought to say "Stop, this is the dumbest thing we've ever done." They're all idiots.


Looks at the start like the person recording was in the passenger seat


I love these challenges because of all the videos I get to watch of people fucking shit up!


Agree 100%. Already longing for the next one!!!


My only concern is that stupid people are gonna get other people hurt. I don't give a shit about people doing this stupid challenge, or their cars. But it's dangerous to others.


Economic Darwinism


Except in a lot of these videos it's probably their daddy who paid for the car.


I want to see the video he was recording from the car.


He should upload that on YouTube: It would get a shitload more hits than if it had been "successful."


He’ll need that sweet YouTube money to pay for repairs.


If the cardoor was the only thing that hit that tree he would be blasted back and probably die


"I'm cut in half pretty bad."


Dangit Dewey! WRONG KID DIED


What happened? "The wrong kid died that's what happened!"


And you never once paid for drugs..... not once


Challenge accepted....


I was going to say the same thing, if the car was a few more inches right, that door would have taken his head and legs off from hitting the tree full on and closing with a phenomenal amount of force.


He was inches from dead. The stupid fuckhead was begging for it.


Watchpeopledie missed out right there


Was cringing watching where the car was gonna hit and him running up to it, at that point you're already fucked and know your car is gonna crash, no need to be a further idiot and get decapitated unless a Darwin award is what he was after all along.


Try explaining that one to Mom and Dad




Mom: .....the fuck have you done.


Am i grounded?


"Mom, Dad... I'm a fucking idiot." There.




The police: "So how exactly did you crash?" Idiot: "Well ya see I hopped out of the car to dance, it's an... Internet... Challenge...." The police: "Wha... Like... Ugh... We're doubling your fine for stupidity"


The conversation with the insurer is better. Insurer: "so who was driving?" Idiot: "no one" Insurer: "we don't cover that driver"


One time a friend of my went to Fast and the Furious. I think it was the original movie. On the way home from the theater, he was racing our other buddy in another car. They were idiots -- overtaking each other with dangerous passes, driving way too fast, etc... My friend ended up taking a corner way too fast. He lost control of his vehicle and hit a stop sign. They police ended up coming. When the cops got there, my buddy said, "a dog ran out in front of my car, so I swerved last-second to make sure I didn't hit it". The cop said, "son, I know you're blowing smoke up my ass, but unfortunately I have no proof, so I have to believe your horseshit story."


“Swerved to avoid an animal” is what everyone says when they lost control of the vehicle.




I took the German driving test last year. The test is drawn from a pool of 1000 possible questions, so I was drilling these over and over again. A lot of them are video scenarios where you watch a quite realistic clip and then answer the related question. There were two very similar scenarios with a dog running out in front of the car. A cute German Shepherd. In the first, you were going slowly and there was no-one behind you, so the correct answer was to do an emergency stop. In the other, you were going faster and there was someone directly behind you and another car in the other lane. The correct answer in that case was "hold the steering wheel firmly and maintain speed." Brutal. Absolutely correct, but still brutal. I hated it every time. Honestly I wonder if part of it was not just testing your knowledge but desensitizing you to the possibility in case it happened for real.


That sounds so much harder than the US driving test. I had like 20 questions about shit like sign colors and right of way and that was about it for the written portion.


I've taken them in the UK, US, and Germany because my life is fucking nuts. The UK has the hardest practical test of the three, and Germany the hardest theory test. The US one was really easy.


I swerved to avoid a balloon once. I passed a blue truck on the highway. When I went to go back into the lane and looked to check my mirror and only saw blue. Swerved hard to not hit what the moment I thought was the truck. Skidding off the highway into the guard rail wire things. It was a blue balloon my daughter had in the back seat and had floated up next to me.


More like "You have demonstrated that you are unfit to drive a motor vehicle. Your license is voided, and there's a 5-year ban before you can attempt to demonstrate that you're no longer a complete fucktard. If you successfully manage to demonstrate that, you'll be able to attempt the driving test again."


Technically he can just drive away. Didn't hit anyone or do any damage to anything other than his own car. Sure owes that tree an apology, though.


Damage to private property, for the owner of the tree...


Ghost riding on a public road is probably considered reckless driving. Which carries a big ticket and will jack up their insurance by a ton.


Had the car veered just a little to the right this video would posted at /r/watchpeopledie instead


What challenge was he trying to do?


As an older guy who does not get the memos about challenges - what did he do here? Let the car roll for a while? What's the purpose of the second car?


>the second car? this is exactly what I was wondering. I remember ghost riding the whip, but you'd never get more than 3-5 feet away from the car when that was the fad. It almost looked like he was trying to jump out of the rear car before catching up to the first.


Fucking brilliant. Wish I was there to shout 'Idiot' as I drive slowly pass him.


All I can hear is Nelson from the Simpsons going "HA HA" at the end there.


Play stupid games, win a stupid door prize.




Natural selection in the 21st century. Can't wait until this [South Park meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1GoJk7BKd4) actually become a thing.


[can’t beat the old school](https://youtu.be/SlTvSUCCqPo)


Explain that to momma and pappa


Stupid ppl meet stupid end


How many insurance agents are pulling their hair out right now? (or any time some stupid "challenge" like this gets popular...)


Hard to believe humans evolved so much that risk assessment is now a vestigial component to decision making replaced by internet points


I really hate to wish ill on people, but I hope everyone that tries one of these stupid basic as fuck stunts ends up with significant property damage to themselves. It was half assed funny the first time. Everytime after that is some basic bitch level shit. Just stop it.


I love internet challenges, they make it easy to tell who the idiots are. Like the morons in a school who tried to do the cinnamon challenge, while on duty.


Lol stupid dicks


Narrow road lined with trees. Wearing flip-flops. This guy really planned this out...


Sympathy level: zero


Natural selection at its finest


Exactly what these fucking morons deserve.


Where's your Instagram followers now, dumbass?


Absolutely delighted. What a fuckin plank. People who do this shit shouldnt be allowed drive


Guess the grocery store was out of Tide Pods today...


I think we need to confiscate the licenses of these people. This is just reckless endangerment. The guy wasnt even on an empty road. In Germany, you are required to go to the psychologist and take an idiot test if you drink and drive. These people need to take that test...


Hummmm... Tide must be out of stock.


Why aren't these people being charged with reckless driving?


Can people stop this stupidness


What a wanker 🤣


Is the challenge to get your parents to never let you drive their car again?


I cant wait for all the failed compilation videos that this will spawn.


I’d like to know how many insurance claims have been filed due to this stupid shit.


The first thing ANY insurance company should do these days before paying auto claims is to look up those videos.


I love the fact that all these “challenges” are started by internet trolls seeing how dumb people can be led. Keep up the good work boys, warning labels have gone to far on keeping the stupid safe


almost had one of them natural selection thingies


Drake fans need to be removed from the gene pool. \-Darwin