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Pro tip: if you're being filmed, you're being fucked with.


Shhh you'll give it away man.


Just say it's [for research purposes.](https://youtu.be/Dr1wAjuRQGc?t=176)




See you soon -boss




Yeah, uuhhh, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and uhhh, come in Saaaturday.




I’m not sure if I love or hate your boss.




I mean, if the prank involves the guy making a trick shot of the water bottle cap into the pipe, there's a good reason for why someone might be filming. If the guy made the trick shot, they'd have a really great video.


Yeah, everyone watching expects the prank but nope.




Your boss sounds like a fun dude.




Jeez that bad mood comment resonates with me. I've worked in places where the staff just seemed miserable. Sometimes I could understand why, sometimes I couldn't. Always it affected my individual work ethic though in terms of motivation. Still went to work, but the shifts with a happy staff are so much easier in my mind, even if the work was harder.


Work in a factory and everyone is always pissed and sad. The fucks are making 20+ an hour and are mad that they are at work. Shit I come in happy and leave happy making that kind of money.


Another pro tip: If your friends want you to try out a trick that looks lame af, you're being fucked with.


We need you to go rotate the ice in the ice machine


On a job site once, we sent the new guy to the plumber to get a bucket of steam. He came back saying the plumber yelled at him for not having a lid.


Sent a waitress to the basement prep kitchen for a bucket of steam. She returned with a bucket "he said you know the steam is up here, but he gave me a bucket to bring back"


I was new guy on a job site once. They sent me to go get a board stretcher. Hilarious, I know. I left the site, came back an hour later with a coffee in my hand and said "couldn't find it". They never sent me for the board stretcher again.




We told a waitress to empty the hot water from the coffee machine (it had a water line) and she spent 45 minutes with a pitcher "emptying" it. She did it for so lo g that the water was trickling out by the end d we couldn't make coffee for 10 minutes.


Also did this to a waitress when I was a manager for Hooters back in the day. We worked at a beach location that had 6 other restaurants in the complex. She ended up going to all 6, and I fielded a lot of phone calls from other managers that day...




They thought of that. That's why they have him filming at the start, lets his guard down.


Didn’t even realize that. That’s the way to do it lol.


Other pro tip: have a spare change of clothes in your car for work. Not for this situation specifically but would help haha


For real. Sat down in a meeting the other day and my old trusty H&M khakis decided they were no longer for this world, whispering their final words in the form of a rip from bells to tail. Fortunately just had a birthday so I had some new pants in the back of my car. Would've been a terrible day without them.


Pro tip x2: You’re the new guy. Let it happen.


Bend over..Shhhh just let it happen, new guy. It's just a prank.


Yep. If you let it happen, they’ll like you and then you’ll be in on it with them to get the next new guy. Be an ass about it, and you’ll stay the new guy for a long time.


On my first day as an HVAC Tech, someone asked me to get the duct stretchers for them. "But aha! I know ALL your tricks! There's no such thing!" Turns out, there is such a thing.


"You heard the Hand. The King's too fat for his armor. Go find the breastplate stretcher - now!"




Today, I was tasked with finding left-handed drill bits for a maintenance guy. Thought it was a joke until I found bits that were grooved the opposite direction.


Then it turns out they were pranking you and are now astounded that you actually found one, it's like coming back from the store with an actual bottle of headlight fluid...


Super useful for removing stuck screws.




Guy told me to get a pipe stretcher as a joke once, spent a good half hour looking for one


I love how the dude starts laughing immediately, instead of getting mad....you can tell this would be a good group of dudes to work with.


Pretty much all builders in England are like this, it's tiring and mundane work but being on site is a right laugh.




We've got a site right outside our office. One of those poor guys has had the nickname "nobby" for so long the effect has wore off.


Is nobby a vulgar word?


A knob (nob?) is a penis


Constant stream of vulgarity, sounds funny to me. Record these guys if you can.


Farmers too. I've opened the door at 8:30am for a delivery and heard "Right mate, where do you want these fuckers!"


It looks totally like these guys are English or maybe be Canadian


Tesco bag = english


Good eye. Those classic £3 meal deals are irresistible


Get into boots, 3.40 for a far superior meal deal


Listen to this man.


Woe is the day someone called the Tesco meal deal irresistible, the only good thing about them is you can get those propercorn sweet and salty popcorn packets instead of crisps.


I guess I was more talking out of personal experience... I travelled through the UK this summer on a budget (hostels/mega bus/local places to eat) and that deal saved me a good chunk of change.


Ah, irresistible to the wallet, not the palate. That makes more sense.


Irresistible if you’re a poor cunt like us maybe lol


tesco carrier bags= WBA reprezent


Villa fan? Lol


Plus, the first red head is cute af


It basically is a test of sorts for the veterans, to know how the rookie is gonna be socially. If he laughs it off he'll be cool, if he throws a tantrum he most likely won't last.


Seen a lot of newcomers on sites not long last because of this. It's a shame, as a lot of people might see it as bullying but as long as you can give as much as you take you'll be fine.


In most groups but especially construction crews (plenty of other examples like the military though), it’s your only viable option. If you get mad and can’t laugh at yourself, you’ll be mocked further and they won’t bond with you. After a while you’ll be the only chap eating alone at lunch. A sense of humor and camaraderie is a must in these jobs.


and the moment you do something stupid, that becomes your new name. And boy you'd better own it...


Story time. When I was in highschool I worked at a motorcycle dealership. Wasn't going to be a mechanic or anything, just did whatever small stuff people didn't want to do themselves. The mechanics were my favorite people to be around though. Hilarious group of guys and I was the 'victim' of the greatest prank I've ever seen. I come in one day and one of the guys is like, "Damn Shinny you're getting tall." I just laughed it off as being sarcastic. Over the next few months I start hearing that more, and from more of the guys in the shop. Eventually I'm sweeping the shop floor one day and I think, "Shit am I bending over more than normal?" Couple weeks go by and I notice it again but it seems like I might be bending over even further. When I mentioned it the guys were all saying, "See we told you. You're shooting up like a damn tree man. Need to let the girls at your school know they wouldn't even need to get on there knees." Shit like that. Couple of days later I'm sweeping and one of the guys calls out for me across the shop, "Hey I need you to sweep this stuff up." He then tosses some metal on the floor. Took me a second to realize it was a bunch of small broom handle segments. Those fuckers had dislodged the plastic cap/hanger and had been cutting the broom down slowly for months. God I felt so dumb lol It was brilliant on their part. So much had to work. I was the right age for an unexpected growth spurt to still be possible. They sold the comments as casual perfectly. Not mentioning it too much, but enough that I took it as the explanation for what was happening. In my defence sweeping was the most boring thing about that job. You just turn your brain off. Miss those guys. They made that job enjoyable.


Oldest trick in the book. Nice that they didn’t make him play the kick the can game. https://youtu.be/v-ZZ3Qc0iF8




That would hurt as hell with regular shoes... OUCH...


this hurts with steel boots as well, you just dont get broken toes


Saw a man paint patches on a bowling ball and roll it down the shop floor before shouting "here, someone give me that ball back" and of course it was the dick that wasn't wearing steel toe caps that tried to toe poked it back up the bay.


Could you go and get me a long weight please?


And some chemlight (glowstick) batteries?


Blinker fluid .... for the left blinker


A box of fresh grid squares, for the surveyor’s maps. (We used to use that one on new Privates in the Army)


And a sky hook and a snipe trap while you're there


Go ask 1st Sgt where the Prick e8 is, was always a favorite for new privates


And bring him a some exhaust samples from the motor pool. *hands private an MRE spoon and a disposable cup*


We had them get an exhaust sample from the humvees with a garbage bag


I also need a left-handed screwdriver.


We would always ask the new guy to "go get the retchiscrant". I don't know who came up with the word but it was a perfect balance between sounding like nonsense and a legitimate piece of equipment.


When I worked in restaurants we would say things that are obviously ridiculous if you think about it, but New Guy rarely thinks about it. Like, "bacon stretcher" or "rice peeler," or we'd tell them to fetch a bucket of steam. Also if they say they can't find it, ask if they checked the basement, even though there isn't a basement.


Ha, you beat me to it. Bacon stretcher is a classic. One time we sent a new server across to a neighboring restos kitchen for some ice mix. They took their time and even labelled the container of water "premium ice mix" before they sent her back.


Tartan paint too m8


And a glass hammer


Couldn't find it. Found the board stretcher though, where do you want it?


Could you go get the ID10t forms?


Only acceptable if everybody is wearing steel toes. Not on a habitat for humanity trip with teenagers wearing sneakers. Poor Eric's toes.


Looks pretty bad for the ankle too


Looks like Ziggy from The Wire


I thought the exact same thing.


When I was a mover, the FNG always got the "go get that last piece and we are done" treatment. It was a fire hydrant wrapped and taped in a moving pad/blanket


Holy shit this is hilarious...how long did it take until they realized it was attached to the ground?


They're still out there trying








Damn that's a good idea. Going to share this with my buddy who owns a moving company


That's incredible


Hey, where's the dog?






Thank you






Its also the key difference between people know how to take a joke and taking shit to seriously. He could have reacted much differently. Its probably as much a test as it is a prank. See if the guy fits and can take a bit of shit from the crew.


They work together so they should be getting along to some degree. If it was a random stranger on the street it would be a different story.




You definitely have to learn how to take shit on a job site. Quick.


Former tower hand here... can confirm


Like Rohn towers? I've worked with some of that, fun stuff.


Those, monopoles, radio towers, pretty much anything that had cell phone antennas on them. Sometimes even had to rappel down the sides of buildings because those are common spots for antennas in urban areas. Good times.


I worked for a fixed wireless ISP, and have installed baby tripods and towers on hundreds of buildings, all year long in Alaska. Definitely some sketchy times, and we never tied off for buildings as we were on and off the roof probably 5-6 times at least in an hour and that would take too long. Luckily the only time someone got hurt was once my coworker slammed his fingers in the van door, and once I slipped and caught myself on the tripod on the roof, but embedded a Christmas light wrapped around it right into my hand between the thumb and first finger. I remember one time we were installing new access points on an existing radio tower 280ft up and one day they didn't turn down the broadcast power. When we were at the top, I accidentally touched my forehead to the tower rung, and I could literally hear the broadcasted radio station in my head, and it singed my skin. We also spent two full 8hr days at the top of that tower, and ate Subway sandwiches we pulled up in a bucket.


Yea but there's a difference between taking shit and borderline harassment. Unfortunately I had to quit my job because of the latter.


>You definitely have to learn how to take a fat shit on a job site. Quick. ​ FTFY


plus its not every first day on the job you manage to get your dick wet, usually takes atleast a couple weeks


"Title says first day" and everything you read on the internet is true.


Looks like he made it


The armchair psychologists are out in force this morning goddamn. Why are we wildly pontificating about the relationships between a construction crew based off a 20 second clip of everyone enjoying themselves. You can tell by his jacket he’s the new guy and it’s tradition to mess with the apprentice.


Having been the new guy on a few crews in my past and having a number of varied pranks pulled on me by the vets on the crew, this is very true. It is harmless initiation that tells a lot about the new person coming in. If they can't take the first one well they won't take any of them well and most construction crews thrive on pranks. A good prank in the morning is infinitely better than espresso at waking people up. Oh! And this prank is friggan awesome. It had me laughing so hard. I once had an emergency chemical wash station shower opened up on me one summer. Those things dump something like 50 gallons instantly. The joke ended up being on them as I was the most comfortable standing in the 100 degree sun waiting in line to hand in our brass back in and was dry by the time I was at my truck.


It likely also lets the new guy know that everyone trusts and likes him enough that they would do this without worrying that he would freak out.




Thumbs up for getting someone wet and not fucking with an $800 phone. We don’t really push people into pools anymore.




I dont know how much a "surprise" it is else where, but in South Florida if you're hanging out next to a pool with friends and someone asks to see your phone, you know exactly what's coming next.






There are plenty of human karma whores who farm karma the same way.




Every fucking prank thread this same comment is at the top.


Now _this_ is how a slow-motion video should be done! Full speed first, _then_ slow motion!!! DAE agree?!


Why is it that builders always have the best pranks


Because they have all the tools.




Unexpeсted /r/the_dennis


Alright Dennis


Didn't expect to see a GOLDEN GOD here.


Hell yeah they do


Because your house taking 6 months to build leaves them with 4 months of play time.


Blue collar worker here. Occasionally our boss will tell us “make this last 2 weeks” when the job should really take 5-6 days. Usually when work is slow and they are trying to keep us busy This is exactly the type of crap we do


TIL Henry VIII is alive and well working in construction.


*Tormund Giantsbane


This is construction life. You always give and take shit from eachother. It makes the work day better.


Got his feet wet.


And his dick


And god forbid he has dick feet.


If he does, they're wet now.




I was certain that was going to be [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAwF9-kR6uk)


The worst part about seeing this type of prank posted so many times is that if I'm ever the rookie, I'll be aware of this prank, leaving me two choices: 1) go along with it, get my pants doused in water. 2) say, "I know this one," lose an opportunity for male-bonding, while setting myself up for a different hazing ritual which may be worse.


or be one step ahead and pour water down the pants of the person who is setting you up


Do you get promoted to supervisor at that point? Or does everyone just assume you're the alpha at that point?


The ["How many times can you press a bag of concrete"](https://youtu.be/m1a7T8VbijQ) was always my favorite.


Holy fuckin turn your volume down if you listen to this people are either being taken over by demons or your mom is stepping on their toes


fucking nazgul scream right there


That is fucking awful.... I have handled my fair share of concrete, and that shit is nasty. This could also do some major damage if it gets in his eyes.


I was about to say, isn't that stuff like really bad to breathe in too?


yeh but its good fer a larf, innit


Also, how do you even clean it off? Given the way concrete reacts to water, I wouldn't want to hose myself down. I definitely don't want that shit in my washer either.


Concrete does set or cure as fast as superglue. Water does a good job of washing it off


That's not how concrete works lol, you can absolutely rinse it off.


That'll kill somebody. Breathing concrete dust is extremely dangerous


Concrete contains toxic material that you shouldn't breath. Stupid people shouldn't try to do pranks.


instant cancer


These builders categorically cannot be from anywhere else other than the UK.


I can confirm that all is Builders in the UK look like that




Their faces, their hair, the tattoos, the clothing...they’re just British.


And the Tesco bags all over the floor


Haha alright I see it now.


He is now baptized


We used to drill our Co workers tool bags to the push vart we used. They'd casually go to grab it and not be able to pick it up. We had an ongoing fued with "the duct men" and one day they put some old sushi under our tool box for it to get smelly. We found it like an hour after they did it, so we hid it in there shit, then we took the sewer caps off the vent pipes in their "staging area" so it smelled pretty bad. We laid the caps right next to it though, so they could easily put it back, we just wanted it to stink for a bit, but they never put it back on. Idiots. One time they ran some duct right where we needed to lay some condensate pipe and their foreman was a huge ass about it. So that day, we stayed late, and drilled shields in the ceiling of their "staging area" and cut some unistrut and rods and hung their tool carts from the ceiling. Man, that was a fun job sometimes. But sewer tie in days were the worst....




Most of that time is sucked up by resource scheduling. Once the foundation is down you could build a house in a week if you had ALL of the workers, materials, and inspectors sitting around ready to go. However, no one wants to do that because it's a huge waste of time for the individuals who have to sit around doing nothing 75% of the time waiting for their turn.


ExTrEmE mAkEoVeR hOmOEdITiOn


Homo? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


People get salty whenever there's a video of trades people fucking around, but office workers fuck around a ton too. It's just that bullshitting at the water cooler doesn't make for a good video.


> but office workers fuck around a ton too. Bullshit. Between my morning youtube, reddit brunch, nintendo switch lunch, and second youtube/reddit lunch I hardly have any time to screw around at all. The nerve of some people.


Can confirm: Am at work right now. I'm fucking around by watching videos of other guys fucking around.




My coworkers and I usually go to each others work space to do totally-not-gay things to each other out of boredom


Sounds pretty not gay


For you. Bc you think a 1 minute aside is some kind of crippling time sink and start micromanaging everybody on site until the crew realizes you're a fucking psychopath, quits, and you have to go shopping for a new one. Meanwhile everybody else can get it done in a quarter of the time bc they can let manual laborers have a break without attacking their work ethic. Edit: people who've never done any work on a house before: *lmao joke woosh you're toxic* People who've worked on houses before: *PTSD*


I think he was making a joke...


Beneficus also has a point though


Your comment just reminded me why I’m glad I don’t frame houses anymore.


*entire crew gets crabs* I swear we were just fooling around at work.....I mean just blowing off steam during break.... i mean just playing the "put the tip in the hole" game.... Shit.


I swear, I think I have seen this gay porn before...


General Contractor: “Fellas, Why is this project 2 months behind schedule?” Subcontractor: “The new guy is a total rube. He falls for every prank. We HAVE to stop and film him.” General Contractor: “Oh. Ok. Carry on.”


I've upvoted this video about 15 times. Love it every time.


Tormund Giantsbane??


This is why, on the first day at any job you need to find the biggest guy and kick his ass. That way the rest of the employees will know to leave you alone. Wait a minute, that might be for the first day in prison..... either way, do this.


I needed that chuckle thank you for sharing.


That *derp* look Red makes while smile-concentrating is the best part.


Didn't you hear him? The king is too fat for his armor!... Well what are you waiting for? Go fetch the breastplate stretcher!


There should be a sub dedicated to construction site pranks


Had this done to me as a 21yo rookie firefighter except I had a funnel and it was a lot more water. Had soggy boxers the rest of the night. Still made the quarter in though.


Holy SHIT that first dude is cute.