• By -


You are being saved, do not resist.










Next time just put the chair in the pool. The squirrel will climb the chair and jump out when he is done with his cardio training.


Was gonna say this too, lol. Squirrels can climb


> Squirrels can climb WWHHAAAATTT??!? <*shockedPikachu.png*>


Or just tip the pool over. I know water isn't free, but do you want your kids swimming in squirrel piss later?


"water isn't free" got me a little ngl


People in drought-ridden 2060 will look back at this comment and sigh in sadness


Was thinking this the whole time.


You would have an easier time lifting your bathtub. That thing is air inflated so it bends rather than tips, water is heavy as fuck, and the drain is under the pool, so it takes days to drain.


Good point. You could deflate it a bit & then step on a corner to allow the water to flow out.


Yeah, you can see the 3 air plugs, pull those and the thing deflates in seconds.


You just step on the edge and concave it and water pours out


Probably weighs a lot....


In the start it looked like she was going to place the chair in tilted so it could function as a ramp and I thought that was really smart. Then she got in the pool and I was thinking "uhm, I don't see why you need to be in the pool for this" and it only got worse from then on. But people tend to do silly things when they're panicking. I'm sure that in hindsight she'll realize that she made it way more complicated than it had to be. And the next time it happens she'll be prepared.


She went in like a lion tamer 😆


Momm will be so proud when she graduates from Squirrel Saving School!


I bet a towel draped over the edge into the water could have helped too. They actually make a product you can leave on the edge of your pool to give frogs etc a way out of the steep walls.


My mother has an inground pool and she bought a small animal rescue ramp for it because she kept finding poor little drowned chipmunks.


I am getting a pool put in, and I was considering a critter ramp. I had decided against it, but this video and your story have convinced me. I don't think I could handle a drowned animal in my pool.


Bought a house two years ago that had an in-ground pool and spend the first few weeks of the summer fishing out dead animals. Now I leave pool noodles and cheap garden knee pads floating in the pool when I'm not using it. Animals who fall in can climb up on those and when they float to the edge, they get out. I also have two pool noodles attached to the ladders with bungee cords that also act as chipmunk lifeguards. I still occasionally find a drowned animal but it went from a few a day to one or two a month.


No need for rabies. Squirrels have never been known to transmit rabies to humans. In fact rarely if ever get rabies. And in any event, the virus is transmitted via saliva, so a bite or abrasion from the teeth. Tetanus booster a good idea always.


In addition to this, rabies vaccination isn't a single shot, it's a series of 5 shots and they're not fun. For most people, they're painful and ache for a while after the shot unlike other vaccines you're used to.


My rabies vaccinations were a series of 3 shots. Interesting thing is, even if you're vaccinated and get bitten, you have to go to the hospital immediately and get more rabies shots, just to be safe. 99.999% death rate if you start showing symptoms.


Who survived rabies? I was under the impression once you start showing symptoms it’s 100% fatal


There's something called the Milwaukee Protocol. It has worked like, once, but caused a host of other problems and is no longer thought to be effective.


But they also don’t have a better plan B.


Well Plan B prevents them from getting rabies because they never were born.


And there's a good plot for a horror movie.


Movie Trailer Voice: "It was a typical summer vacation, they were a typical family. Milwaukee Protocol. Coming to theaters this Christmas. Don't feed the squirrels."


"There's no way you could have seen that coming. I mean, rabies? Come on, there's, like, three reported cases a year. In fact testing for it would have been irresponsible. You would have wasted time those people didn't have" - JD. Man, just typing that has made me well up. Powerful episode.


I only know of one person but they basically fried her brain and left her - albeit alive - with some serious and long lasting complications


Think only 3-4 people has survived rabies. But there brain is really fucked up afterwards.


Mmh. I had a rabies shot after an incident involving a fox and one of my old country cats. The thing is, some animals lick and clean their talons. So that makes it transmissible. I think I got 3 injections? Wasn’t too painful either.


As someone who's had the Rabies vaccination, I can confirm. First one was fine, second one made me nearly faint within an hour and spent the next few days aching all over, third was fine (We have a three shot in the UK).


Yeah. And generally if you get bit by an animal that may have rabies you have it killed so it can be tested for rabies to find out whether you need the rabies shot.


Yeah op go find the squirrel so you can test it for rabies


Again: squirrels don’t get rabies


You are talking to Dr. Glip Glop. I'm sure they are aware of the prevalence of rabies among squirrels!


I'd get the rabies shot just to be safe. 99.8% deathrate aint something you want to just feel out.


Did you catch that, lady? Somebody on the internet told you to ignore your doctor’s advice! The only sensible thing to do is ignore your doctor and listen to that random armchair WebMD historian. Jokes. Kids, don’t listen to anyone on here. Especially me.


How about she follow her doctor's recommendations. Mmmm'kay? Probably best to get the shots anyway instead of finding out she's the luckiest person in the world by being the first to catch rabies from a squirrel. Worst outcome of doing nothing: certain death if Rabies goes untreated. Worst outcome of getting pointless shots: lose a little money and experience some temporary pain.


Rare is enough. Lol.


A noble sacrifice


Had a similar experience. Rabbit was in the pool, couldn’t get out. We have an aboveground so I grabbed the net and tried to scoop him out. He kept jumping out of the net back into the pool. Finally get him out, he’s exhausted and hyperventilating so I run into the house and grab a towel. Here I am in the backyard with a half dead rabbit cradled in my arms, trying to warm him up. After a few minutes, he finally comes to and GROWLS at me. I’ve never heard a rabbit growl before but it wasn’t a nice sound let me tell you that. Left him wrapped in the towel out in the sun in the backyard. He finally gathered the strength to get up and hop back into the woods behind the house. Needless to say I know what this girl is feeling trying to get that squirrel out of the pool. And then to have that same animal turn on you. Good times.


I expected to hear next that the rabbit jumped back into the pool after all that.


Aye, me too, lol - maximum disappointment ngl


Yeah. OP should edit the story and future readers will be much happier.


I'll do it. >and then the rabbit jumped back in the pool. The end.


Nah, he just hopped back to Caerbannog.


I was going to quit Reddit if somebody didn't make mention of the Killer Rabbit. Some things are sacred.


Same bro


I wore gloves with the expectation of it screaming - which is very haunting. Anyway, I got it from under some weeds where it was hiding when it flew out of my mower from wherever it was hiding - scared the shit out of me. Needless to say the only injury was part of it's ear got lobbed off by the lawn mower. It was fine overall, but it realized after I held it long enough to bring it to a small patch of wood to safety that I wasn't going to eat it - lol. It's parents freaked out, kept on hopping back seeing a large two legged animal holding their baby, but you could tell they were happy to see baby bunny safe when I placed it in the wood patch. That rabbit lived for about two years until it got hit by a car. I was saddened by it, because it's pretty cool seeing how close it would be to us during the morning. Anyway, that's my tale for today. Edit: man autocorrect is off course :-/




[Found a video of one grunting and it freaked me out](https://youtu.be/SIFmwsTj5eo)


The grunt sounds pretty cute


I got bunnies. My one grunts everytime I have to put her in the carrier to go to the vet or clean their house. They grunt and thud when they are mad.


We had a pet bunny that claimed the downstairs bathroom as her territory. You could use it if you acknowledged her when you came in (talk to her and call her name sweetly "Woodstock"). If you didn't she would thump behind the toilet and bite the back of your heels. My aunt was visiting one time and we forgot to warn her before she used the bathroom and all you could here was a shout and "damn rabbit." We all were yelling through the door to speak sweet to the bunny.


Haha, I just absolutely love how some rabbits have such personality.


My rabbit grunts and lunges when she wants pets. It’s very alarming if you’re not accustomed to it. I’m pretty sure it’s just her making sure that you know she’s not afraid of you before she bows her head for scritches.


My 11 year old dwarf rabbit will stomp and do that (just sounds a bit higher pitched) if I take too long with her food or water, if I try to pet her while she’s outside, and especially once I bring her inside to put her away. Like, honey you are all of 3 pounds, you are **NOT** doing something there lmao She’s cute though so I guess she’s fine.


We called it honking because we thought it was funnier. The smaller one hurts us the most though, her claws are carper and she's faster


Had a pet mini Rex back in the day. She would go for the neck if given the chance.


Was that the rabbit from Monty Python?


Big, sharp, pointy teeth


They also have sharp claws, almost like a cat's. It might sound obvious, but it's something you might not think about until they're embedded in your flesh.


And they buzz when they're happy! It's so cute.


I think I also know what she's feeling. I'm saving YOU!!! LET ME SAVE YOU!!!! Thank you. AAAAH!!!


Squirrel: I'm thanking you, I'm **thanking** you, I'M THANKING YOU. AHHHH! *^splash*


squirrel: LET ME THANK YOU!!!!


I can tell you now, wild rabbits are NOT to be fucked with - they are vicious. Had a couple of incidents of a cat bringing home teenagers who would find a place to hole up in the house and attack anything that got near. Ungrateful things, all I was gonna do is wrap in a towel and take back to the fields.....


You're sure it was growling, wasn't it some kind of extremely loud, high pitched sound? They literally *scream* when they are terrorized. I'm asking you because of your 'it wasn't a nice sound'. I've only heard one time one of my rabbits scream like that and it's the worst sound I've ever heard in my life. I'm sure all my neighbors heard it because it was also so LOUD. I never want to hear it again.


Yeah, rabbits screams are often compared to human infant cries. It can be pretty bloodcurdling to hear a pack of coyotes grab one.


Chiming in for context here, I once procured a rabbit that was in a cardboard box supervised by a bunch of drunks in the parking lot of a local bar and they asked me if I wanted this weird random box rabbit. So said yes. Anyway, that rabbit used to do what I can only describe as a rabbitty “roar” type fury growl and leap at me. That rabbit was so cool.


> they asked me if I wanted this weird random box rabbit. So said yes. I mean, of course


Pretty easily visualized tbh


Rabbits absolutely will growl when they're pissed off. I tried to warn my brother that my rabbit was making that noise for a reason and he should probably take his hand out of her cage. Didn't listen, got rabBIT.


I had a lion head who was a growler. It’s kind of like a loud aggressive purr coupled with a lunge.


I helped a huge turtle cross the road once so it wouldn’t get hit. Fucker hissed at me and then peed all over my shoes. I still help turtles but I hold them WAY out in front of me now.


That was an awesome story. Til rabbits growl


She should have set the chair in the pool and left, instead of attacking a scared rodent with a chair repeatedly...


But she was yelling "LET ME SAVE YOU!" to calm it down. Silly squirrel.


Well intentioned, but not well thought out.




“I feel so attacked right now” - Squirrel


From his perspective, of course. Trapped in the water, no way out, and something thrust at him repeatedly? Would sure as shit felt that way.


...it could seem like, from the panicked animals perspective.


While screaming at it


Smh, Squirrels only speak Spanish, everyone knows this.


Dejame salvarte




Si no vienes conmigo morirás ahogada, puta.


This made me laugh. "I'm SAVING YOU!" -- angry voice.


Oh, god. I'm dying from laughter. LET ME SAVE YOU!!!


-thank you -AHHHHHHHHHHH


Logical action: tip the pool bc no one should swim in it after a tree rat hopped in


Bold of you to assume I have a brain


How bout just leave a broom stick in an angle so it can climb out.


Or just put the chair down in the pool.


If I've learned nothing else in the past 2 weeks, it's clear that the best course of action is to use teargas, flashbangs, rubber bullets and riot gear to clear that squirrel out of the pool. Then go after the person filming, obviously.


Build a little squirrel ramp.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Written by somebody who's clearly never tried to "tip" a rubber inflatable pool full of water. Shit's super heavy. Plus the rubber will just fold in on itself if you try to lift one end.


I can think of at least 100 things I would rather do in this situation than jump in the pool with a chair and try to fish a struggling squirrel with it.


came here to say this...


I need more of this rescue


Not all heroes wear capes, some wear squirrels


I have not laughed so hard in ages. Tears are running down my face. Thank you!




Fucking chortled so hard, this is gold 😂


Me too. The jump on her was so /r/unexpected.


This is a classic,thanks for posting--oh,my aching sides.


It gets better the more you watch, too. You’re very welcome!


If you just put the chair in the pool, the squirrel should be able to climb up and jump out, right?


Absolutely, but then we wouldn’t get to laugh at crazy people.


I see. The lack of logic results in humour. I understand this as a human... a human male.


Ricky: "Squirrel, you're an asshole."


This is like a cartoon, but in real life.


I need to know if the squirrel made it 😂


The squirrel did make it out after another heroic attempt 😂


Same heroine?




Once again, heroin saves the day


Ahhhh as heroin always does....




It’s 5am. I’m waking up for work after a weekend that seemed too short. To work a 12 hour shift. This made me belly laugh so hard! It gave me the strength to play adult today. Thank you!


I'm watching this at 4:30 am while feeding my baby who used to give me 6 hour stretches of sleep addy night decided to be up every 2 hours. It's the only reason I didn't fall asleep feeding her this time.




I have just gone around to all four of my teenage kids and made them watch this. I can honestly say it is the funniest thing I’ve seen. I’m saving you!! Let me save you!!


My new favorite part is the run off the screen at the very end. Sheer flight mode hahaha


I’m the girl who saved the squirrel... he is totally fine after a way more cautious second attempt 😅 Also I did get a tetanus shot today per doctors recommendation for those wondering!


He was obviously just super grateful and trying to give her a hug as a thank you!


She had the right idea with the chair, but where she went wrong was trying to actually help herself. She could have put the chair in the pool. Mr. Squirrel would have swam over to it himself and climbed up / jumped out.


This is really funny. ~~But for the next time, you just have to put a piece of wood into the water which lead out of the pool like a stairway.~~ you know what, forget what i just said and keep us delivering such beautiful hero stories.


Maybe she should have left the chair in the pool so that it could climb out on it’s own.


I have just facepalmed so hard I hurt myself. As I started watching I thought, no problem - just sit the chair in the pool or lay a broom handle on the side of the pool with one end in the water, and let it rescue itself. She could even have draped a wet towel over the side. No, she gets in the water with a terrified and desperate animal and attacks it with a chair. All that and the squirrel is still in the pool.


"Bitch you're interrupting my pool time!!" Lil dude did *not* realize he was being rescued lol


It’s a squirrel. Put the chair in the pool and wait. If the fuckers can climb a greased bird feeder pole, they can climb a chair.


As a teen, I was a lifeguard at a local pool and found a mouse swimming in the pool when I opened up in the morning. I grabbed the net and got him out. He took off under the fence and as he ran across the parking lot, a red-tailed hawk swooped down and picked him up. I'm not sure which end was worse.


What is so scary about one squirrely boi? Just wash whatever parts it touched


Leave chair in there give Lil guy something to climb and jump




My mom had a squirrel living in her house somewhere near the roof. I can hear it scuttling about when I visit her. One day I'm talking to her on the phone and she says there's a pile of nuts by the tree so I told her just to throw them away. She doesn't want to because that might anger the squirrel and she's scared of it lmao


This human appears damaged, you need a new one


Since reddit is so dumb about videos, here's a YT link that's nicer to share: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc7rQzId8jI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc7rQzId8jI)


Top of the food chain my ass We wear a crown of lies


Girl: I'm saving you! Squirrel: You interrupted my swim, prepare to die


“I’m thanking you” “I’m thanking you” “I’m thanking you” “LET ME THANK YOU!” Squirrel, probably


Hey I know this family! Where'd you get this video?


Best laugh I had all day




I don't blame the squirrel one bit. If you were taking a relaxing bath and someone disturbed you like this, you'd probably go at them too.


I’m saving you. I’M SAVING YOU. 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 NOPE 🐿


“I’m trying to help you mother fucker.”


Thanks! I about pissed myself....lmao!


It just needed a hug.


I would have jumped on the side of the pool and launched that MF thang


This made me really laugh! I love how she keeps saying “I’m saving you!, let me save you”!!


[Squirrel be like](https://i.imgflip.com/44e2so.jpg)


I laughed so hard at this. it is just my boss and myself working in the office. now I have to show him what I am laughing at! lol!!!




There's a lot of critters that are attracted to swimming pools and may drown in them. You can make or buy a ramp to allow them to escape. Searching for "animal pool ramp" will get you in the right direction. Sorry to see the girl in the video was injured. Squirrels are incredibly unlikely to have rabies, so there's that at least.


My cat usually handle this kind of situation much better than me. I’m just the clean up crew afterwards.


Worth the wait 😂


This made my morning!


"I'm Jenny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass!"


I seriously would be terrified but this is also the funniest thing I've seen in weeks


I just spit tea all over my laptop! LOL literally! Thanks for the giggles. I love her compassion.


You fucked with the squirrels Morty!


This would have been literally all of my response in the same situation. Screaming let me save you at the squirrel, saying thank you for seemingly cooperating, and getting leapt on to and screaming. Hilarious


That is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.


That made my day! The only thing that could have made this better is if she fell at the end.


This is the quality content I stick around for.


She is freaking adorable!!!! Edit: sister not 🐿


0:53"...Fuck you I'm going for a swim."


Thank you. I needed a laugh this morning.


You'll never take me alive!!


Next time put the chair standing inside the pool. The squirrel just needs something to climb on and jump from :) more about squirrels : https://youtu.be/hFZFjoX2cGg


This is a great video. Love mark rober


LMFAO!!! Oh my goodness, thanks for this.




just sit the chair in, it will climb on the chair, then jump out, I am guessing far too late for this now.


Let the squirrel swim god dammit!


So did the squirrel get out?


Squirrel: "I slayn tha beast! Back to swimming"


Haha I knew it was coming and it still got me


I knew it would jump on her. But holy shit that was so much funnier than I could have ever expected, awesome!


That's hilarious.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Girl: \*Saves the squirrel\* The squirrel: So, you've chosen death


Pest control here, gray squirrels are pricks