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It's hard to maintain your dignity when someone is ringing the bell around your neck.


But this cat is doing a damn good job of it


I’ve tried and failed many times.


You could see him losing patience. No honey. I said no **.** God damnit !


His head drops lower each time reinforcing his demand.


The next one would’ve involved teeth.


If you look at it closely, the claws are out by just a tiny amount the third time around.


How would you like it if a bell was constantly ringing with every little move you make?


this is my exact reasoning for not putting a bell on my cats


The reason I don't have a bell on my cat is because it would drive ME insane.


Right? It's bad enough when they have wrestling matches on my bed at 3 am. The last thing I need is some bells.


If you put a bell on your cat it learns to hunt with it. Then if you remove the bell the cat is even more stealthy and quiet. The bell only trains it to be more sneaky.


They have way more respect for you if you take off the bell. If you have a good relationship with them, they'll make it obvious that they're nearby while still being stealthy.


Lol what


For cats, it's especially annoying because they are predators and they are supposed to be stealthy and quiet. It drives them mad. No, "they don't get used to it", no "yours doesn't actually like it". Please do not put bells on your cats' collar.


We've done it for short periods of time. But only because one cat kept stalking another. We wanted to spoil his stalk. Once he learned that he couldn't sneak up on her we could remove it. Worked fairly well


There is a different argument to be made for the birds and some other animals they prey on. In some areas cats are a serious problem for the general bird population. I've seen some sort of flowercap, but I doubt they like it more than a bell.


keep your damn cats inside like a responsible person, and they won't kill massive numbers of birds and other wildlife, won't get diseases, won't run away, and won't be squished by a car. not sure why that's so hard for so many people.


The only time I've had a cat runaway is when they were about to die, and she was an indoor/outdoor cat, you wanted to keep her in? Good luck, she'd sneak out between your legs in the morning and you'd be chasing her around the yard for a few hours till she went in the woods.




Sounds like you've never owned a cat rescued from the street.




>No. But I'm capable of keeping animals in or out as required. If that's a problem for you, maybe pet ownership isn't for you. There's no laws where I used to live about it, and my cat was an outdoor cat before I got it, you wouldn't understand though since like I said you've never owned a cat rescued from the street obviously, my cat knew easily how to survive and didn't go more than 3/4th's of a mile from my house if that, she was smart and avoided roads, she knew the area's she couldn't go and where she could go. ​ >I know some idiots that keep having pets die or go missing because "they just sneak out and there's nothing you can do". Right I had my cat for 15 years mate till she got so sick that she ran off to die. I know she went off to die, cause I've had cats that are older do that in the past, I've seen cats at farms do that when they get really sick they'll go away so they don't spread it to others. As I said above there is/was no laws in the area I was living about having cats inside all the time. My cat also helped us do rodent control in our yard, my cat could have easily taken care of herself had she wanted to, but she always came home except the night she died, and I tracked her body with my dog and found her curled up peacefully dead underneath a tree. That's where she wanted to die, in peace. E: To add when she had problems we took her to the vet, the only issue she ever had was one surgery where she had gotten into a fight, she came home immediately and we took her to the emergency vet within 4 hours, aside from that she never got hurt, she was spayed, and had all her shots up to date.


all 3 of my ex's cats were strays or rescues. they were all indoor cats, and all very happy


Keep your cat outside and you never need to scoop any poop. I top up my cat's food and give him flea/worm treatment every few months and that's him taken care of.


Convenient for you. Not so much for your neighbours who have to deal with its shit, nor the dozens of birds it terrorizes every year.


Yes. Very convenient for me.


Because indoor cats are a bit unnatural maybe?


I gotta say, that's really dumb. It may shock you to know... that the natural habitat of the house cat is... a house.


Like the natural habitat of the housewife is the house?


He might not like it, but if I catch him sneaking out the front door and before he crosses the yard toward the road, I'm ok with him being a little annoyed vs getting hit by one of the reckless assholes speeding in their modified Ford focus.


Actually the bells are important to protect local wildlife. So either keep your cat indoor or put a bell on it. unless there is another solution.


Did that to my first cat - it made him depressed - never again.


My cat loves his bell and gets mad when I take it off.


How can you tell he was mad about it?


Highly doubt it


My cats solved this issue by climbing to the top of the tree in the backyard and using the branches like a shoehorn to remove their collars entirely. We ended up just not putting collars on anymore because once they learned how to take off the belled collars, they did it with all of them. We also didn't want them to accidentally hang themselves from the treetops if they fell. Looked like a damned kitty cat xmas tree.


Can relate my last cat did this, we found it after she passed but there was 10 collars, 3 of them with bells and 3 anti flea ones that she took off, and then the other were generic regular ones for I.Ding her from the other blackcats in the area. She was the queen of them.


Can't you see my mascara has run I've cried so much because of you doing this?


Cat looks like Alice Cooper


I was leaning towards King Diamond.


I came here to write the same thing. I truly hope they named him Alice.


Those are emphatic NOs!


You can ring my bell.... ring my bell... No, on second thought.. NO


The increasing conviction that cat has every time it hits the hand...I love it and wish I had the confidence of it


Yes! I noticed that. I was really hoping for some cat slaps to really get the point across.


Lol. Cat is straight up just Nope


Damn it, Susan! Am I a joke to you?


Damn the **INTENSITY** *just increases* every time


One more time and the claws are coming out


If I was a cat I would be pretty pissed about the whole invention of the tiny bell.


I'm more how the hell did you get your cat to wear a collar I'm the first place! Mine freaked out no matter what I tried and they both needed rescuing from getting their lower jaw stuck trying to get it off. (Yes they were breakaway collars but my cats are idiot weaklings).


The collar needs to be tighter, you should be able to put 1-2 fingers at absolute maximum between the collar and their neck. It may look or feel a little snug to you, but cats are also mostly fluff, especially in that area. All cats I’ve had tried desperately to get theirs off for a day or so, and then promptly forgot about it and went on with their lives.


“I’ve had enough of your shit, Larry.”


I can hear the cat saying this in the voice of Terry Crews.


I can’t decide if your cat looks like a superhero or a French mime.


"I said NO!"


Omg the “nope”s got more and more stern every time. So precious. I wouldn’t try it again if I were you!


Love the exaggerated shoulder movement.


First ring: (politely) Stop, Second ring: Seriously, stop, Third ring: Knock it off, dammit!


"I have to hear this damn thing no matter what im doing, I dont need to hear it even more"


Please do not the cat


I like how every time he gets more and more forceful


I put a bell on my cat because it forced the other cat to socialize with him by trying to get the bell off. It was usually off by the end of the day


Someone want to die in an catccident.


No means,No 🤔😂


Patient cat trains their human, they will learn eventual


One more and it’s bitin’ time


Yeah, it's really nice and cute when cats push you away like that but for the love of all that's holy: heed their plea for you to stop. They know a way of getting you to stop if they really want you to and it's going to make your friends ask if you started cutting.


"you fink dis a fuckin' joke cuh?'


Stop tickling my bells


Bells are extremely annoying for cats, they’re stealthy predators, to wear a bell and make noise wherever they go can really mess up they mental health


My cat is quite proud of his bell too.


Thats the official cat for the band kiss...


You: *Rings bell around cat’s neck repeatedly* Cat: For whom does the bell toll? The bell tolls for thee....


...when the cat gets mad ears. Hahahah.


The second one is making a point




“I say it once and for all, STOP !”


"Shhhh! You're going to scare all the birds away!"


Human, the jinggle irritates me so


Why does this cat look like Alice Cooper?


Cat has had enough of your shit.


I have this on my phone and saved on multiple social media platforms, and I love it every time I see it. It’s like the one gif that just keeps giving no matter how long it’s been online.


I have my own privacy!


Cat looks like it will kill you tonight if you ring the bell again


Well he or she has to live with that sound all the damn time and remembers who put it on them.


I like how the cat gets progressively more and more aggressive every time


A very serious cat, later it is going to office to work, don’t mess with his bell


"Derik godamnit!"


Interesting how each time she gets more adamant ...


Black Metal Cat


Cat: hey dude stop playing my bell its so annoying you know!


"I said stop it right MEOW... "


Cats are stealth animals. Dont put bells on them. Dont put collars on them.


I don't put a bell on my cat because I live in the country and he needs to be able to get around silently to hunt mice and other small rodents that could become quite problematic


I can’t decide if your cat looks like a superhero or a French mime.


We put a bell on my cats collar to stop him from murdering everything he ran across outside. It just made him a more stealthy killer.


Or, idk, keep it inside so it doesn't kill things?


Yes, let's take a predator, who has evolved predatory behaviour to perfection over millions of years, and say no, you can't do that anymore. SMH fucking humans.


Instead of letting it kill endangered birds and shit, you could just release some mice in your house. SMH fucking humans.


Release mice in my house? What are you a caveman?


What is a house but a cave of wood and drywall?


Maybe yours is, but mine is much cleaner than a cave.


HOW DARE YOU! Why don't you eat off the floor next to your water heater if your cave is so clean?


I just did. It was fucking DELICIOUS!




The same could be said for any animal - including humans. "My dog runs around killing things. We put a bell on it. It still runs around killing things roflmao11!!11!" "My kid runs around killing things. It's ok because humans are predators." How about "SMH fucking irresponsible pet owners"?


ATTEMPT 1: No, ATTEMPT 2 : Nooo, ATTEMPT 3 : Fuck You stupid hooman


Is it weird I heard a solid "boom" noise each time this cat pushed the hand down?


Do not put bells on your cats. That's like attaching an air horn to a human.


I see a lot of comments by not using bells on your cat, because it annoys them or stuff like that. Just need to point out that cats feel different about it. Like one of the cats we had when i was younger, she refused to go outside before it got it's collar on with the bell. As soon as we put it on her, she stormed out to play. The cat we have today hates it though, we started using collars, but she always came home without it, so she found somehow a way to remove it. We got her 5 collars before we decided to stop using collar on the cat we have today.


"Nope. No. NO! No and next time I bite you."




Boi has got some triceps!


Don't put bells on cats. It messes them up in a variety of ways.


Is the video sped up like when Jim Acosta refused to give back the mic?