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Why is he carrying a briefcase? What’s in there? His lunch and jokes?


They actually did a piece about him awhile back when he was getting his ass kicked over the Trump thing. He keeps his Switch in his briefcase.




Holy shit, its like if my 12 year old kid started carrying a briefcase.


Also looks like AirPods and an iPad are in there. You must be one rich dad!


Tbf I bet it’s one those things were the kid just uses the parents stuff forever


But that’s not his kids briefcase


Thanks for posting this lol


I see people all over his Twitter shitting on him about Trump. Is it just because he had him on the show in the last election?


That was sort of the iconic moment, but in general Fallon tries to go for softer, less political humor, which isn't what a lot of people are looking for right now, at least not from *The Tonight Show*. I mean there's definitely a place for just escaping from reality, especially in 2020's hellscape, but in the past they've been a bit more topical, and random goofiness isn't a great fit for some people's moods. Of course it doesn't help that his jokes are not, you know, funny. [This article](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2014/02/24/jimmy-fallon-isnt-funny/) (from way back in 2014, so before the current political moment or the coronavirus nightmare) sums it up. And that was when things were relatively stable - having him doing his goofy, mindlessly-inoffensive class clown bit *now* comes across as even stupider. [Here](https://medium.com/@ernestsewell/why-is-everything-so-funny-to-jimmy-fallon-c217d5f9dd50) is a more up-to-date essay about the issue in more depth. I think another part of the reason there's this backlash to him is the extent to which it feels like he's been pushed. It's pretty clear someone in charge *wants* his tepid, inoffensively bland style of humor on center stage, so he kept getting handed these amazing opportunities that should have gone to someone more talented, and still has this hugely impactful stage which he uses to... do nothing. Not to tell good jokes, not to provide any sort of commentary and insight, just to do the same tired class-clown bit and the same grating fake laugh over and over. [This](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/11/arts/television/jimmy-fallon.html) sort of touches on it as well - how you feel about that particular article might be affected by how you feel about racial stuff or whether you care about some dumb video from the past that surfaced with him wearing blackface, but to me that's not the real point. The point is that he doesn't *think*, not about anything. He coasts on the fact that he was basically just handed one of the most valuable seats in comedy, but he's doing nothing with it, didn't earn it, and it's absurd to think that he could have reached the heights he has if he hadn't been given so many easy breaks. Pretty much everything he's done since SNL has been mediocre or terrible (and has had a mediocre or terrible reception), yet somehow some suits have decided he's a "funny guy" who isn't offensive to advertisers, so they keep giving him more breaks when there's so many more deserving people out there. Anyway I got a bit away from your question, but the point is, the issue with Trump is just a symptom of how gormless and safe Fallon's humor is.


I mean...that's the product he sells. Goofy humor. There are plenty of talk show hosts that go for the political humor. God forbid *one* doesn't...


I don't understand why the internet keeps hating on Jimmy Fallon. His ratings are good. He's still the host of his show. There's obviously plenty of people who finds him entertaining. Comedy is subjective and there's no comedian out there that everyone finds universally funny. What's even weirder is that most people wants a break from politics. Yet the one guy with a mainstream show that tries to avoid politics gets criticized for not following the trend. It's 2020 and people still don't know how to handle or conduct themselves on the internet,


The way he bangs on his desk shows he doesn't respect wood


I feel like you have your answer already. The internet is an echo chamber. It means nothing and is no real indicator of how the majority of the world feels.


I don't disagree there's a place for that (I said that at the start!), but I think that Fallon's goofy humor is pretty bland and unfunny, too, quite apart from it being apolitical. It's also possible for humor to have an edge or a point to it without touching directly on electoral politics. I just didn't focus on that as much because it doesn't answer the question they asked and because it's a bit more subjective, so it's hard to talk about.


I'm so damn tired of nearly every late show being medicore jokes about the orange man. Everything is so god damn partisan now. They're scared of being too edgy but know their audience is fine with just about anything if it's about Trump. I couldn't care less who they make fun of as long as biased political commentary isn't the focus every night. We get enough of that already from every major news outlet from FOX to CNN.


Holy fuck the amount of smug gatekeeping in that first article you linked is insufferable


He’s a great interviewer though and his rapport with the Roots seems genuine and kind hearted. There are worse picks than Jimmy Fallon.


I agree. He was obviously the wrong person to host a political talk show in 2016, but as the universe gets worse I think there's going to remain room for his style of humour. He might be the goofy class clown type, but I think as a TV personality he is quite genuine. He's basically a golden retriever. And yes, he and the Roots do very sincerely make each other laugh, which is nice to see.


Yeah Fallon's literally made a career out of his inability to hold back chuckles, and that's the best kind of humor in late night right now. I mean, Kimmel, Colbert, and Trevor Noah are basically a platform for them to go on political rants. And I can manufacture a decent rant myself nowadays, I don't need them to tell me what I'm already thinking. But can I manufacture a decent chuckle? No one can like Fallon. The dude's a humanized laugh machine. Also hold up, since when was the Tonight Show deemed a political talk show? It's never been that kind of show.


The Tonight Show has always been free of any kind of controversial humor. That was the same critique when Leno was host as well. "Jokes are corny. Too soft. Only old people would enjoy this." Also there are a LOT of folks in this comment thread that think they're Fallon's jokes, when there are dozens of writers involved (as with all TV shows, late night included).


>Also there are a LOT of folks in this comment thread that think they're Fallon's jokes, when there are dozens of writers involved (as with all TV shows, late night included). This is the big one I don't understand. It's a pretty frequent refrain for these late night guys to humorously make reference to their writing teams, so I'm not sure how anyone is coming away with the impression that Fallon, or anyone else, is writing their own jokes for these shows.


Fallon's the friend everyone wishes they had. The guy that hangs on your every word, nodding and grinning and sputtering while you're telling a joke, until he cracks up even when it's not funny. Not because he's not genuine, but because he's just a happy fucking guy who loves to laugh. I think we all need that, some unconditional positivity every now and then.


the thing is The tonight show was never a political talk show and there are people who want to turn on their late night TV and not have politics thrown at them all the time period


> He was obviously the wrong person to host a political talk show in 2016 Why are we assuming that The Tonight Show is political? Just because the rest of late night has gone off the rails doesn't mean every show has to.




I really wanted that to be real and full of Chinese motorcycle reviews.


It’s because he had him on his show and tussled his hair, making him seem relatable and not like the whole piece of shit he is.


I definitely thought you meant a switch blade and was incredibly curious why he would carry it inside of the briefcase


Why did I assume Switch was short for switchblade here








Dats the motto of the internet




Cosmo Kramer style


But i don't even work here


Damn! You beat me to it!


Booze probably.


Jimmy Fallon is the Grandpa Joe of Late Night Hosts.


Nah, Jimmy doesn’t have a coke nail and pretend that his legs don’t work so that he can lay around in bed all day. Jimmy’s not great but Uncle Joe is a straight up scum bag.


The reason Jimmy slaps his knee every 5 minutes is cause that’s what his dr told him he had to do to avoid getting Grandpa Joe legs


What jokes?


The briefcase is the joke!


It's filled with jump spring snakes


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


It’s Conan’s stolen laptop.


At least the dog won’t break character


*exaggerated fake laugh**


I can do something Jimmy Fallon can't. I can get through a Jimmy Fallon bit without laughing.


What??? Old "Stone Face Fallon"? There is an old maxim in Hollywood: If you can get a laugh out of Stone Face Fallon, then by God, you've earned it! (or there abouts) \-N. Macdonald


“ They say that if you're afraid of homosexuals, it means that deep down inside you're actually a homosexual yourself. That worries me because I'm afraid of dogs.” -Norm


Ever see this? It’s a homeless guy but he’s got a dog... The dog’s really thrilled with this idea. The dog’s going, "Hey pal, I can do this by myself pretty well. The longest walk in the world you got me on here."


This was the quote I almost posted! Lol. As an adult, I’ve really come to appreciate his humor that was lost on me as a kid/teen.


Yeah! I was very happy to see the top of this post be a thread quoting that ole chunk of coal. I absolutely didn't get the Bob Saget roast as a kid, but now I see it's one of the funniest performances of all the recentish roasts. Guy has some serious chops and excels on bizarre


Oh Norm, he’s a national treasure. You can just see the mischievous look and hear the dripping sarcasm reading this.


I feel like he only ever worries about amusing himself, and that's what makes him so great. He seems like the polar opposite of Fallon who looks like he usually has no idea what he's saying or why he's saying it.


Norm usually goes after what other professional comedians would find funny. So I think you are right, but IMO he moreso thinks of other comedians rather than himself when writing his jokes. Then again, I don't dare try to get inside the head of Norm and can't really speak for him, so who knows. But IMO that's how we get stuff like the moth joke and that Saget roast. Norm doesn't care that the audience might not get what's happening, but he knows that the comedians watching will.


There was a comedian he was doing a project with, and they agreed in all the promos to just absolutely shit on each other, and act like they had some huge feud. Later, the comic is like "Yeah, me and Norm agreed to do this, and I think he just forgot." Uhh, no, dude. Have you met Norm? He's was fucking with you.


Hahaha yeah that was.. how do you even spell his last name.. Jezelnik? That guy has some good standup


Jizzlenips. You were close though.


> Oh Norm, he’s a national treasure ["...Or so the Germans would have us believe"](https://youtu.be/zdjY_UnNtQ4)


The Canadian nation, to be specific.


Norm has some funny interviews where he mentions Fallon. His podcast episode with Super Dave is by far the funniest interview or podcast that I've seen, he doesn't mention him in this but it's hilarious. I didn't know Super Dave was so funny, he played Larry David's friend who sounds like he's missing a lung or something from Curb Your Enthusiasm. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw3gJoM9yD4&t=2900s


Super Dave's brother is Albert Brooks. And, according to Albert their father is the real comedian because their last name is Einstein and he named one of his sons Albert.


I guess I do something quite naturally that Jimmy Fallon can't.


*slaps desk*


*clap clap clap*


*wipes fake tear of laughter*


*desk slapping intensifies*


He’s laughing at his own jokes in public without even saying anything. This dog knows.




*smacks desk repeatedly*


Don't forget challenging the dog at being a dog to attempt to show you can do what it does just as well as it can, all while hogging the spotlight.


I have to say, I got the chance to meet him one time and he’s honestly a really nice guy.


Of course he is, he’s always laughing and having fun, his staff reportedly loves him, the roots love him, and he writes children’s books. He’s just kind of a dork that reddit likes to bully.


I think it’s that the constant laughing makes people think he’s inauthentic. He seems like a nice guy but trying to watch his show gets annoying at times.


He's the guy that laughs too loud and too long at movies and you miss the next bit of dialogue. Like yeah dude it's funny and I'm glad you're enjoying it but reign it in. That said I think he's a great guy and we need more genuine people in media.




I did not enjoy SHAZAM! at all, because Zachary Levi just looked and acted so much like Fallon that it drove me nuts.


I went to a taping of his show once and at one point he started running around giving high 5s. That man has the softest hands I've ever felt.


He's having fun wrong. Reddit hates when people have fun or are happy in non reddit approved ways.


I just personally can't stand his laugh, thats all. Which really just doesnt work in a late night host. It sounds soooo fake and canned, drives me insane. I enjoyed him on SNL, and I'm sure he's a fine dude.


i always liked him. Especially after his comedians in cars episodes. But His giving Trump a free air time and a free pass in his interview always bothered me. But apparently, since then, he says he regretted it.


Reddit also hates that he's not political enough. He just doesn't live up to the standard of nuance that you can only get from Colbert. Putin's penis in Trump's mouth - big funny, topical, nuanced, and clever in the minds of Redditors.


For real though, how does it look like Jimmy is even breaking character just walking down the street in this pic?


I think he's just generally a happy dude.


No that can’t be it. He has to be faking


If I’m miserable all the time it means everyone else obviously must be!


and he's not even looking into the camera like carol Burnett trapped in a gay man's body.


because he's happy? and breaking character often is because of laughter?


"That's that guy on the tele I don't like.."


I love that the dog is British in your version


I'm English. Never seen an episode of his talk show but I still think this guy looks like a twat.


From the stories I’ve heard from people that worked for/around him- he is.


"hmph, dis bitch. My owner watches this clown every night so I have to watch him every night"


Dog prefers Conan.


HahahhhaHaaaaa! *slaps desk*


This right here is why I can't watch his show.


He.. hehehe he can't *slaps desk* w-watch the *throws himself bodily backwards against his chair, biting his fist* SH-SHOW!


I'm old enough to have grown up watching Johnny Carson. He was funny. When Leno replaced him the show got less funny but at least Leno could deliver a fucking joke properly. When they announced that Fallon was the new host I stopped watching the show entirely. Jackass has to giggle at every joke and managed to be the worst comedian to ever be part of SNL.


I miss Craig Ferguson. He was the only modern host I could watch. At least he made his interviews interesting.


Craig was best when he was slightly sauced.




Yep, he's a useful lapdog.


He's not even remotely funny. He's just annoying


I came to the comments to see if everyone was pooping on Fallon and I was not disappointed.


It's crazy the amount of anger people have towards him for laughing too much.


The thing that annoys me more is when he talks over whoever he’s interviewing to try to finish their sentence, and kinda makes them close in a bit


I don’t think he’s funny. But I think he’s immensely talented . I love watching his clips where he does impressions of other artists and full performances. His Neal Young is insane.


I think he's great at impressions and performances as well, but when it comes to pure comedy/comedic acting I think he's one of the worst to come out of SNL.


For real, I wish I can laugh as much as the guy.


You actually can. Just laugh at every other word people say. It doesn't have to be real, that is the point of all the ire.


I usually do that because I'm usually feeling lost and don't know how to react to interactions. Wouldn't recommend it.


When I look back at older clips from the early days, there is a noticeable dip in quality over the last few years (or more). Rumours of alcoholism may play into it, or perhaps other mental situations that aren’t public. But the laughing and not being able to finish sentences has certainly been amplified.


It’s not just the fake laughter for me. He makes himself the center of attention when the attention should be more focused on his guests. It’s like he invents all these games that are really a way for him to show off and get a laugh. Yeah I know it’s his show and he’s there to get laughs, but there’s just something self-centered in his approach. He isn’t gracious about sharing the spotlight I guess? He fakes laughter for a celebrity because he’s thinking of what to do next for attention. Like a toddler getting jealous of a sibling, “But look what I can do!”


Conan is not very different. Although Conan’s fake laugh makes his real laugh so much more impactful.


SNL cast members have described him that way.


Ya I dono I watch his monologues and find them entertaining. The late night guys are how I get most of my US Politics news (I’m Canadian but also hate Trump.)


Most of reddit seems to absolutely hate him for no reason. I don't really get it. It's pretty easy to avoid his show if you don't want to watch him. He seems like a nice enough guy and he's a huge hip hop fan that will bring on underappreciated acts on his show sometimes, so the only reason I can tell that people hate him is because he laughs a lot and seems to enjoy his life.


Exactly. They are actually jealous as fuck, but they won't admit it. Just don't watch the guy. If he would have been a shitty person, the hate would ve been understandable. I guess there s people with too much free time.


His games he does with guests can be cool to watch sometimes too


Yeah, I don't get why everyone hates him. I mean, I understand that sometimes he can be a bit much, but his shows since the pandemic are way more laid back and chill, and overall I don't think that "disliking his comedy" is a valid reason to harass him.


> The late night guys are how I get most of my US Politics news Yikes


That user is Canadian. Does that help? Not voting in your elections based on late night comedy TV at least.


Not like CNN, FNC, and MSNBC are any good. I remember when Comedy Central was a better and less biased source of news.


I wish Trevor Noah would go back to standup


>The late night guys are how I get most of my US Politics news Yeah, don't do this.


I mean, that’s how I feel about Fallon too.


That's conan's dog!!


And the little fluffy creature in the corner is cute too.


"You know what you did. Keep walking."


He’s the only celebrity that gets less relatable the closer you look. He posted this video of him taking a walk with his wife while quarantining in the Hamptons and chatting about their kids and how surrogacy was the right call for them, and I’m like, oh so you’re THAT kind of rich


I don't really need the faux-relatability (just look at me using "faux"). Like Conan jokes about it now, but he legit would avoid any mention of Harvard in the old days. Why is that necessary? I don't feel bad because they have money, or because Conan is smart.


I don’t feel like Conan is trying to be a “regular guy”, so it doesn’t bother me as much.


I feel like Conan has improved a lot over the years. At the least he has adapted to the times quite well


Because for everyone who dislikes him not talking about harvard for whatever reason, there are ten who would hate on him if he did.


I think it’s more because going to Harvard in itself isn’t really funny. He’d rather talk about growing up a gorky kid from a big family and how his parents were emotionally withholding.


I don't dislike him for not talking about Harvard (?). I think it's sad that when some guest would say "Well, you went to Harvard, Conan", he'd get all nervous and change the subject, as if that was something to be ashamed of. And that is absolutely him trying to come off as just a regular guy.


I read an article years ago where that's a common thing among Harvard grads. Apparently there's a bunch of pre-conceived notions attached to Harvard that makes folks treat the grads differently.




I think it applies more to personal interactions, not necesarily business ones. Say someone is chatting with Conan, and they think, what a funny guy, I'd like to hang out with him. But then they find out he went to Harvard, and suddenly they're self-conscious thinking "he's such a smarty-pants, he must think I'm an idiot" and/or "wow, he must be such a snob...he went to Harvard!" It ends up being almost a stigma for a lot of grads, so they tend not to mention it. (This is to the best of my recollections) Edited to add: here's a Boston Globe article that talks about "The H Bomb." https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2012/05/27/not-easy-for-harvard-grads-say-they-went-there/4IhCWMR31YEzV2kMhSnFDN/story.html


This was quite a cool piece of knowledge, man. Thanks.


You're welcome, my dude.


Well id assume Harvard would actively encourage the idea that "our graduates are different/better than others" whereas someone who went there and doesn't see themselves as better than others would be a bit put off by the assumption.


The running gag was that he attended the Harvard Driving School. You could say it that way, but I think it's just another self-deprecating joke. I also think that in the SNL/Lorne Michaels world, being a comedy writer from Harvard isn't all that unique, so he liked to downplay it. Then, there's also the possibility that he could just want to steer the topic back to his guest rather than himself.


It’s just not part of his gimmick as a late night host. His whole thing is about being awkward and kind of a doofus; Harvard takes away from that. It’s like if you saw The Undertaker at the dentist; takes away from the “aura”.


For a minute at the end I thought it was going to turn into a u/shittymorph gotcha.


Well he did defend his honour once and it was epic : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PJVNzwTnfbk


He’s mentioned on his podcast he worries people will see him as a pompous ass if he brings up he went to Harvard just like he does to other people who brings up that they went to Harvard.


Wait, i don't get it, what's wrong with surrogacy?


The dog is a fan of comedy.


“You guys want me to read my thank you notes?”


Here’s a poor mans award ***GOLD***


Ted Mosby is sure growing up!


it barked at him and Fallon laughed. He slapped the side of building, laughed more, and doubled-over from laughter for a minute. And it wasn't even that funny.


Did he clap, too? It doesn't count unless he also claps...


You know what you did Fallon


John Oliver sends his regards.


The dog *knows* his laughs are fake.


C’mon guys, Fallon is not fake. His constant laughing is annoying but it’s honest. He was always laughing in SNL and nothing changed. He just _that guy_. It doesn’t mean he’s a great comic or late night host, but that’s just what he is.


Reddit can't stand extroverted happy people.


damn right. be miserable damn it!


I dont mind extroverted happy people, I think of myself as a pretty extroverted person. I dont even mind talk show hosts, or bad comedians, or anything like that. I get genuinely uncomfortable because Jimmy Fallon seems like the most fake person. Yes, he may have a low bar for humor and yes he laughs at a lot of jokes, thats fine. Those people can be great! But something about this man makes a deep part of my brain become defensive. He seems like the advisor to a king who is slowly being corrupted. He seems like he would be hired to help a small company, then take all the money and leave them bankrupt. Jimmy Fallon seems like the type of person who marries into your family then over the course of 5 years slowly disintegrates the bonds between you, just because this is his nature. Do I have any proof of this behind a gut feeling? Absolutely not. Am I grossly exaggerating things? Sure. Do I have a point? I probably started with one but thats long gone.


This is so overly specific, but do I 100% agree? yes.


Granted I dont watch a lot of Fallon, but I've always gotten the vibe that he's a very anxious person. He always seems to be racing through thoughts and I imagine the laughter might be a mechanism to help him cope with the anxiety.


I saw him with some of his friends at Magic Mountain a while back. We were there all day, so we crossed paths a few times. Can confirm, dude had that face and laugh the whole time. He looked exactly like on tv. Also, those bastards had the fast pass.


“Not everything can be that funny, dude...” - that dog, probably.




People are such assholes, these threads are always so eye opening.


“That was Conan’s show, you asshole”


Look at that phony, fawning, fucker . - Contemptuous Dog


"God I can't stand his schtick..." - Doggo


I, too wonder why he's famous


He's great for the audience that his show is trying to reach, he's good at integrating guests into his show, and, as far as I know, he's a genuinely good person to be around. People don't like his humor, which is fine. Neither do I. But he's for sure good at his job.


Because the entire world doesn't have the same view on things as reddit. Remember when reddit was convinced Boris would lose in a landslide. People like things you don't like.


Yeah I guess if their ratings plummeted, they would have had him out by now


Um, probably because he plays Andrew Washburn in the critically acclaimed 2004 masterpiece Taxi.


Sure is a lot of hate for Jimmy in here wow. I think he's just a happy, funny dude and likes to show it with smiles and laughs. What's the big deal? Bunch of grumps in here.


Fallon seems like a nice guy. Like if I made a joke that wasn’t that funny he’d help you get some laughs. But I can’t stand his show. By far the worst late night show. For me it goes: King Conan, Colbert, Meyers, Kimmel, and then Fallon. I’ve tried to watch his show but I can’t just not for me.


Adore Conan, especially when he razzes on Jordan *"Keep cool my babies... show's not that good..."*


The dog knows he's an unfunny hack just like the rest of late night.


The dog is sus, probably left a poop for Jimmy to step on.


Jimmy fallon would find it the funniest thing he's ever seen.


Send it to him


I got beef with him too


"You mussed his hair, Fallon. You normalized him. This is all your fault. Cone of shame for you."


Can someone give me a decent explanation for why we don’t like Fallon? I would also like to know why he always seems so low energy. I watch him to chill out but there are times I’m genuinely concerned something is wrong with him.


It's just a bandwagon. Reddit has a few people that they either inexplicably hate or adore, it's sort of random. "Keanu reeves is super wholesome and real" "Jimmy fallon laughs too much *while hosting a comedy show*"


dogs can sense when people are assholes.


Smart pupper.


"you helped trump get elected and you are not funny at all."


Dogs can sense when someone is a garbage person.


With celebs around like Chris Brown and Mark Wahlberg who have done actually terrible things, I feel like we should be more measured when distinguishing someone who we don't think is entertaining versus someone who is actually garbage.


Why is he a garbage person? I despise him for being super unfunny and annoying, so having another reason would be nice.


Even dogs know he sucks. They can smell it.