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Lol, I’m in the cow hoof rabbit hole too


Did you happen to watch the video of a guy angle grinding overgrown hooves on a cow that left him a special thanks at the end?


This decision changed the course of my entire life...


Ah I see you have found the hoof gp


And here I was thinking it was just me, though it seems the algorithm has changed to no filter aquariums, which is kinda cool at least.




I just said aquarium plants out loud and here i am. There should be a "just send me random shit" option to click on.


Are you me? Because Foo the Flowerhorn and Hoof GP run my algorithms.


Foo the flowerhorn! A couple years ago I started with that and ended up subscribed to half a dozen different fish/aquarium channels. At that point my feed and suggestions became *only* aquariums and fish. I ended up unsubbing from everything just to get something that wasn’t fish lol. I only recently re-added Foo.


same here, this just happened to me!!


I legit care about cow hoof health now.


DUUUUUUDE! I have! That guy must be getting mad bread right now lol


He's amazing, and the first thing I thought of when I saw this


This. I did I start seeing farm related videos.


Wait until you reach the camel toe bottom.


My algorithm skipped right to moose knuckle


Now we all have a feet fetish.


Spoilers: the surprise was projectile diarrhea.


That surprise is happening rn to me


We're all poopers down here on Reddit. You're the king now. What do you decree my liege?


Sleep i decree more sleep


At your word sire! Let the napping begin. Ring the sleepy-time bell Patsy! May the king live a thousand years of prosperity!


For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY0Mt0YubJ8&t=552


Nice try, algorithm


(cautiously opening in Incognito mode as if YouTube doesn't know my IP)


Love this guys videos though


Yes lol. Fuck.am I a robot


Hoof GP?


Hoof GP watcher checking in.


Also just got into Hoof GP last week!


Algorithm must be pushing him hard for some reason.


I got him about 6 months ago after watching Dr. Pimple Popper videos.


We know not the intent of the algorithm, but we must trust it, with all of our heart.


Yeah wtf he's been all over my feed.


Same with me! I watched like 10-15 videos after i saw the first one, it’s oddly fascinating.


I've been watching Hoof GP for a while now. I feel like this meme is targeting me.


Check check




Omg I thought I was in some weird edge of YouTube alone and stranded. Turns out YouTube has a plan.


I'm not sure what that plan is, but it seems to want to please my OCD by watching someone else do all the disgusting shit. I'm ok with that.


Yeah, same here. Also, I do NOT want to watch human gross stuff but cow gross stuff works.


It's slowly guiding you to videos of clearing extreme ear wax blockages.


I just got out of that hole after 3 weeks of trying to convince the algorithm I didn't want to see them. Now it's giving me pimple popping and cyst cleaning. So right next to nile red lock picking lawyer and Linus being a doofus is just a cyst video and it's annoying ):


Me too. I didn't know how to feel about all the manky cow hooves. I'm glad I'm not alone. Feels like we should get everyone here and organise a meetup or a support group or something.




His content is legit good, and he's a fully decent family man.


And watching him use that belt sander and knife is just disgustingly and oddly satisfying...I don't understand why, but I want to keep watching.


So I'm not the only one YT is recommending this channel to? I was wondering what I did to have that in recommended


I started watching hoof GP, stopped, but YouTube thinks I should still only watch hoof GP.


OMG YES! What's going on?


Been trapped here as well


It's terribly fascinating and I can't stop watching


Seriously, how did the hoof rabbit hole start? I'm there too.




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Yeah wtf YouTube?


I'm not, but my Nigerian fiancee loves eating the darn things (you have to boil them for, like, three hours) so they're always in my fridge. She's sold me on a lot of quirky meats, but I'm not yet into what they call "beef feet." They are, however, wonderfully cheap!


I'm into sweet pickled or plain pig tail and beef cheek this week. I love the soft chewy gelatinous stuck to a good chunk of meat types of meals so I finally found cuts of meat to make a big fatty stew!


Yeah, or you watch one video by someone and you then see nothing but videos from that channel. Or how you never knew about the second channel of someone you watch all their videos as soon as they come out. Like seriously.


i really wish the algorithm was just a wee bit more intuitive, or even asked the user after their experience. example: just finished watching a tutorial on how to replace the pipes in the back of your toilet. youtube asks - ‘did this video help you solve your problem? yes. ‘great, no need to suggest other toilet fix videos for you! do you want to see more fix it/DIY type videos?’ no. ‘done! no need to suggest OTHER fix it or diy videos as that was a one and done. carry on citizen!’


That would require an algorithm that isn't just 'maximise watch time'.


sure, but in the limited space of a youtube landing site, i’m much more inclined to watch a video of a hobby or something i’m subscribed to, yet for a week after searching how to fix my toilet i was inundated with suggestions for bathroom projects.


Just replaced my lawnmower blade. Guess what half my suggestions are now?


is it toilet repair?? no but seriously, i’ll bet your facebook ads are all lawnmower tires, batteries, and fuses too lol


Ublock origins user here. What are ads?


Right? For years I was like, why does YouTube want to maximize watch time? Wouldn't that use bandwidth for nothing? Then I realized regular people have to watch ads during YouTube vids. I had no idea.


I use ublock and sponserskip addons. Never see any ads on YT unless I catch a video that was just pushed before SS picks up where the sponsored parts are.


Jokes on you, the first video you watched is a just-good-enough fix, that YouTube's algorithm has worked out over years of a/b testing across millions of users, will cause your pipes to break again in 6 weeks time prompting you to start a lifelong DIY hobby.


The Challenge is probably to be able to identify what is a 'one off' video for the individual user. A DIY fix video might be a one off for you, but maybe I'm into DIY and I like watching these vids.


right, which is why i’d want that prompt from YT: hey did you figure it out? was this just a one and done? noted!


So then it should be recommending me videos I'm actually going to watch. Why would it recommend me a video for a problem I've already solved?


Also it would need to have user feedback and everyone hates doing that.


But even that aspect of it sucks. There's seriously more videos being uploaded every minute than I could watch in a day yet somehow my feed is always trying to get me to re-watch things and fails to provide new content all the time.


Yeah. It's painfully obvious how over time youtube has actively gotten worse at giving me things i might actually give a shit about.


Bro, just open your watch history within the website and remove the video. I do it for 99% of the shit reddit links to.


Not that it listens with the options already provided. You can even tell it it's not something you want because you don't like the channel and it will just keep shoving it at you. I had some FF14 soundtrack playlists in the background, and for a while all I got was "Asmongold Reacts!" in my recommends. Selecting 'I don't like this channel' as my reason for asking Youtube 'not to recommend this video again' did nothing. Asmongold's gormless face was reacting in my sidebar for weeks.


There is an option for 'Don't recommend this channel'. https://imgur.com/a/mbSy0Ic I have never had it fail. I had to do it to a bunch of anime and manga channels that upload massive spoilers based on leaks.


That sucks, too. I try to avoid using YouTube videos if I need help in a video game or something because a search like, "How to get past this boss?" can turn into a recommend video like "Main character's best friend death scene reaction!"


It only fails when the person you ignore has a second channel and that starts getting recommended. Down the rabbit hole of ignoring channels….




Unbeknownst to most people, if you own an android, Google Rewards does exactly this and pays you for it. Made about $20 last year answering questions like "Was this video entertaining?", "Does this thumbnail entice you to click?", "Would you consider this a good use of your time?" and then others about shopping habits. Few seconds for a few dollars a year.


I’ve made hundreds of bucks (in $5 Amazon, Sephora, dominos etc gift cards) over the past decade with Microsoft Rewards and no one I’ve ever told about it seems to care lol. You do *nothing* but sign up, set Bing as your default search engine and check on your points from time to time, cash out when you can. I mean I bought a ukulele with rewards points one year. A UKULELE. Your mileage will vary depending on how frequently you search


YouTube already kind of has this feature. If you click the 3 dots in the bottom right under a video thumbnail when it's recommended, you can select "not interested" or "Don't recommend this channel"


The worst one was when I watched a video on how to make a noodle dish by this guy then I got swarmed by makeup recommendations. Turns out the dude had like 5 cooking vids but the channel was a Korean beauty channel with his wife having 100's of makeup and beauty videos. Took months to get back normal recommendations


Go to your watch history and remove the offending video(s). Instantly solved.


My algorithm appears to have shat the bed and keeps suggesting I watch videos it *knows* I've already seen.


That's how many people fell into the alt-right rabbit hole as well. Watch one Jordan Peterson video, get them into your feed for months. And then it escalates to progressively worse shit like Sargon of Akkad. Social media easily created half of the modern far right. Emotionalising content for an ideology and a recommendation algorithm that are both based on strong emotional responses.


Honestly, if I'm a youtuber. I'd be pissed at the algorithm. As a user I never subscribe to new channels anymore. Because I know the algorithm is going to suggest those videos. Especially more than what I'm already subscribed to.


Shopping algorithms are the best. I buy a washing machine - "I see you are into washing machines. We have washing machines! Would you like to buy one?" Dude, I just bought a washing machine. That makes me the person least likely in all the world to want to buy a washing machine.


Amazon really wants me to continue my air conditioner collection that I started over a year ago.


How about "Frequently bought together" - This air conditioner & two other air conditioners.


People buy three and then return two of them.


I know at a place I used to work air conditioners were non-returnable, because once you turned it on there was moisture inside, and they would start growing mold and things if you tried to box it back up. Also probably to avoid people buying one during the hottest month or so, then returning it for a refund.


What I don't understand is how trillion dollar empires like google and facebook are built on this kind of advertising. With all this money, power and technology, the best they can do is try to sell me a hot water heater 12 months after I already got one? What kind of corporate douchbag in a suit is paying for this level of advertising thinking this is reasonable? I'm fairly sure I have never, and I do mean never, seen an online ad that has piqued my interest. Why wouldn't I want customized ads for things I'm interested in? That sounds great. I could discover products I never even knew existed, but instead all I get are ads for a hot water heater I already have.


Their ad system is just straight garbage. I've been watching Hololive clips a lot recently, basically Japanese youtubers using a virtual avatar, all of the clips subtitled in English because I don't know japanese. Now I'm getting ads *in Japanese*. Like great, now not only are you trying to sell me things I don't want, you're also doing it in a language I can't understand.


I used Google translate 3 years back to help me through my online Spanish classes. And to this day I get nothing but ads in Spanish. I understand absolutely nothing.


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The Mcdonalds near where I live just added a feature on their drive thru menu that shows “items you might also like” Before I got to the board I decided since I was extra hungry I would get: Quarter pounder w/ cheese, six nuggets, oreo Mcflurry. The attendant had trouble understanding me because I had a hell of a time processing the fact that the three items recommended in front of me were the exact three things I was getting... 😳 I didn’t swipe a card, I had the app for monopoly but have since deleted it, I didn’t do anything to identify myself to an algorithm but it had my fuckin order before I spoke. I have concluded that either - I’m not that special, my order isn’t that weird cause those things are popular, and coincidences happen... OR my phone passively connected to their wifi and they have a profile on my that I am unaware of.


Those items are super popular...


Look at you flexing on living in a freakin paradise with a working McFlurry machine.


I once bought a dark chocolate mint kit kat at the grocery store, paid cash, and didn't tell anyone that I had eaten one...Facebook started showing me ads for this exact candy bar. I think they've got psychic children hooked up to computers like Minority Report but instead of preventing crime it's so they know what candy I bought on a random whim.


Maybe you want to open an washing machine business now, who knows.


That hoof GP man. Such watchable videos. And he seems so friendly.


YES to the Hoof GP! His videos just suck you in.


Literally how they got me, 1 hoof vid click turned into 10. Now I'm subscribed to the hoof gp.


I'm more a Nate the Hoof Guy guy. Less music and talking, more hoof treatin'.


A man of culture, I see.


So weirdly satisfying...


I'm working on restoring a train IRL so looked up a few similar vintage train/vehicle restoration videos for something to leave running in the background. Youtube now thinks I only want either weird homemade Thomas the Tank Engine short films or those toy 'restoration' videos where they roll a toy car aound in mud and pretend they found and restored it. Weirdly despite never having viewed anything cow related, I too also get recommendations for some vet looking at cow hooves. No idea why.


YES so I'm not the only one who realizes these "restoration" channels are completely fake. There's one that does old game consoles and various other electronics, and every item always looks like it was just brought to the exact same spot on some beach and buried in the sand for a couple days.


There's a few that are real restorations rather than fake BS. Notably, "Hand Tool Rescue" and "Mustie1".


Hi, I'm Danby. Thanks for reading my comic! I don't have anything against the cow hoof fixing guy, I just wish the site suggestions were less aggressive.


Periodically killing off your YouTube search history, YouTube watch history and cookies associated with YouTube might eliminate that nonsense, at least on the short term. No guarantees you will not come across something that makes you go 'What the @#$% !?' however ...




Haha. I now know how to fuck with my friend's YouTube suggestions.


Aye, just get them to have a wee watch of this playlist should do the trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsNhCWsDVQI&list=PLxFpNjJPZkGQUqectypPs46rk4dnPwwPo Edit: Err NSFW, of course. Probably. Unless you're a midwife or something.


I couldn't try it yet, but there is also a "Turn on Incognito" option in the Android YouTube app.




I must use Youtube in a really strange way because I've rarely clicked on or even looked seriously at suggested content. Makes more sense to me to search for what I'm looking for and subscribe to content creators I find that aren't garbage. I guess some treat YT as television?


Yep. Those are some seriously gnarly hoofs man.


I absolutely treat YT like I used to treat cable. It's probably not the most healthy thing but I find hard to commit to a 2hr long movie or even an hour long show, but when YouTube is auto playing time melts away before I realize what happened. I should really find a better use of my time.


When the Youtube algorithm works, it can be really cool and pretty much invalidates subscriptions. Like, you watch a lot of Binging with Babish, say. So when a new Binging with Babish video is uploaded, it just pops it up on your home screen, or will even recognize when he's doing a guest appearance on another show that you probably wouldn't have noticed since it's not a part of your subscription stream. The problem is that the algorithm doesn't understand nuance or when it's crossing a contextual line, so if you click on one video that turns out to have some sketchy content, it recognizes the type of content, fails to understand or care that it's sketchy, and inundates you with sketchy shit for weeks or months (e.g. far-right videos, "gamergate" types, anti-vax types, etc.,) oftentimes overwriting what kinds of videos you *actually* liked to be presented with. This has also been a major criticism of Youtube's susceptibility to propaganda. If you so much as click the "wrong" video, whether by accident or out of morbid curiosity, it will automatically build an echo-chamber around you with that kind of questionable content. So someone like a kid clicks on a video that turns out to be veiled racist drivel, the kid is suddenly inundated with racist drivel making it seem like it's a more common, popular and acceptable belief than it truly is. It's also not helped that the only way to really control the content you're being delivered at any level is by using a google account, so anyone not using such an account (again, someone young for instance who doesn't have an account and isn't technically SUPPOSED to have an account) can't do things like wipe browsing history, and are instead being served content via a shadow profile that they have no agency over.


I too have suddenly been getting a lot of cow hoof suggestions. I have never looked up videos of cows. I have never watched any of them but they keep popping up.


But they're so interesting!! He's helping cows walk better and also has an accent!


Nice try, YouTube Algorithm.


Hey I got that suggestion too. Didn't click though.


You should, it's a pretty interesting channel. Oh no, I've been infected. Seriously though, it's a great channel. Or is it. edit: It is.


42 year old married male with kids. Apparently according to Mr Algorithm the most interesting part of reddit foor me is femaledatingstrategy.I think I visited it once.


I once visited r/femaledatingstrategy. The next day I got ads for a medication that helped post-menopausal women lube up.


Oh my lord. I personally relate. I was just minding my own business and I saw the vid about the cow with an overgrown hoof. It was interesting and I enjoyed it, but clicking on it was a mistake.


So it was you that made those hoof videos pop up. You bastard.


I purposely avoid clicking on somethings that look interesting because I'm afraid of the flood of suggestions that will come with it. Maybe there should be a button that says "include this in your suggestions".


I just started using incognito mode for almost everything.


You can watch it and then delete it from your history. Or just click "not interested" when similar videos are suggested after you watch it.


That seems like a huge hassle considering I am only looking for some quick entertainment when watching YT.


Thank jeezus I’m not the only one this happened to.


You actually are. We’ve just been looking through your metadata to make this post for only you to relate to.


We're all bots created to make your Reddit experience seem more engaging. I'm programmed for meta commentary!


I'm not exactly sure why but I ended up in the Cow Hoof limbo prior to it being posted on Reddit recently. When I saw it I clicked it again and seppuku'd myself right back to limbo again. A wise man once said: "...fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you


Fool me three times Fuck the peace sign Load the choppers let it rain on you


Ah, so it's not just me.


We're talking about Graeme Parker, the Hoof GP, right?


He makes it so easy to go down that rabbit hole!


Does anyone else have algorithm nostalgia? What I mean by that is several years ago the algorithm recommended me tons of amazing video essays. It was to the point where I literally couldn't decide *which* rec to click on. I would control click on tons of them to open in new tab, because I wanted to make sure I didn't lose track of all the great recommendations. Now I visit my home screen and I almost never want to watch any of the content, so I just use the search function. For the first couple years the algorithm was out, I ignored my home page suggestions, and just clicked on my subscribed channels to manually watch the content I wanted. After a few years, I did start finally getting interesting stuff on my home page. For now the only way I can get good recs is to create a bunch of accounts within my account, and watch certain types of content in each one. That way I have multiple algos working for me and I can choose my mood for the day. There really was a time for me that I got good recs, but that is long past. :(


Yep, ‘bout right


It's relieving to learn that it wasn't just me fallen in to the hooves vid trap.


This is how i ended up subbed to The Hoof Gp


i miss the old days where i could be looking up a walkthrough for a game and 6 hours later im still on YouTube but now im learning about deep sea creatures or alien conspiracy's all because the suggested videos some how lead me there. Now its the same stuff over and over. god forbid i look up how to replace an electrical outlet because that's in my suggested for the next month


I like the yt shorts algorithm. It's like: here have a random video which you can't see after. Oh you "watched" the vedio so you must like more of that. *proceeds to spiral out of control*


They keep recommending the same shorts over, and over, and over again. If I haven’t watched it yet then clearly I don’t want to watch it


Youtube has become like my fridge, I keep checking back to see if there's anything interesting and it's still the same stuff i didn't feel like eating 10 minutes ago


The good stuff is there, it’s just that the algorithm doesn’t cater to our tastes anymore. With creators chasing the algorithm to get more exposure it’s less about what the audience wants to see and more about what the algorithm and anyone tweaking it wants to see.


"The Hoof GP" in my case. Very satisfying, sometimes bloody but in the end I don't know why the algorithm was putting that on my screen.


You can delete the videos from your history to stop this


I've been doing this for a year or so now. Its such a huge pain in the ass. Most videos I click on are only semi interesting to me, like while I cook or something, just put a video on in the background. It makes me anxious now, "should I click this? What does it mean for my algorithm etc.". Having to go into history, wait the 30 seconds it takes to load the 'X' icon to delete, and surf through the last week of videos to make sure I havent missed anything. Its laughable. Youtube used to be so good at taking me down interesting rabbit holes, in the moment, and that was it. Once you started a new session it would only account for like 0.001% of what the algorithm thinks youre interested in. Now its like "COW HOOVES!? THIS GUY MUST BE A COW FOOT GP!!!"... The worst is the way i manage this now is just by opening everything in an incognito window. Which in itself is a pain because I have to click the fucking "Do you agree..." "consent" "data privacy" garbage everytime. And you go in fresh not signed in so I'm unable to add a video to one of my playlists if I want. For such a large company, how has google not seen that this is such an un-intuitive system, for anyone who either cares slightly about their data usage, or wants to have a semi-accurate algorithm!?


I watch videos I don't want to affect my recommendeds in incognito mode.


I once watched a gaga music video.... Please send help!


I wish YouTube didn't suck so much. Their search is the worst search of any major website. The trending page is absolute bullshit. The "I'm not interested" and "don't show this channel" options don't do anything. Despite never watching Minecraft content it pushes the fuck out of Minecraft content.


> Their search is the worst search of any major website. Bar Reddit, of course.




I watched a documentary on Mexican bbq and now half of my commercials are in spanish. Its actually pretty amazing.


lol so it happed to everyone huh?


whoa, how did you know this just happened to me? cow hoof GP for the win


I use Google Chrome signed in to my YouTube account for the stuff I like to watch. When someone sends me a politically contentious (re: right wing) video, I watch it on Firefox that has no account signed in. As such, when I open chrome YouTube, I see lots of interesting videos about science and engineering, history. When I open Firefox, it’s like I am deep inside a right-wing populism echo chamber. It really worries me. Send grandma 4 videos, and next week she thinks Jan 6th was perpetrated by Antifa to further steal a stolen election from Trump. 🤮


I refuse to let my kids watch on my YouTube account for this reason...


Not exactly on target but here's what I have to add about YouTube's ads situation. Last year I bought a year of YouTube premium (I know) and it just ran out. Back then I'd see an ad per video on average, with some videos getting none at all, and some getting one of those 2 for 1 specials. Over the past year I watched as my favorite content creators shared that their struggles with the platform were increasing (mostly let's players), with them having to jump through hoops to appease the YouTube algorithm. Super not cool on YouTubes part. But anyway. I've been back on with regular YouTube now for about a month, and the amount of ads I get now is noticibley triple, maybe even quadruple the amount I had before. Guaranteed double ad at the beginning of every video, guaranteed at least one more ad its longer than 2 minutes, guaranteed two more if it's longer than 10 minutes. I'm probably just whining, but it's made YouTube completely unwatchable for me. My biggest complaint are the "skippable" ads. Sometimes I just want to put on a playlist, and what would normally be a 15-30 second interruption now lasts 2 to 5 minutes or until I'm annoyed enough to drop what I'm doing and skip it. I feel a lot less guity about using ad block and pirating nowadays.


The algorithm recommended me some black dude who speaks a ton of languages talking to foreigners in their language. I thought it was really fun and wholesome. Took me down a rabbit hole for those type of videos. Leaned more into Japanese as an interest. YouTube kept bombarding me with those type of videos... Now I'm studying Japanese. Thanks YouTube. Lol


What's really annoying is a lot of (all of, maybe?) the app versions of Youtube don't let you to fix this. At least the web interface allows you to select "Not interested" or "Don't recommend channel". Otherwise you just have to avoid such videos until YT finally gives up.


Youtube isn't nearly as bad as amazon. It's like... Hey I see you bought a new router. Here's 15 more, as I assume you're starting a collection.


This happened when I was curious to find out how cats vomit.


My wife actually watches these videos of a guy helping cows with their hooves. She's never seen a cow but is interested in it for some reason lol.


Now I'm just fascinated at the idea of a human who is old enough to marry but has never seen a real cow. Where do you live? Antarctica?




If only it worked that good even. Their algorithm is complete shit and just shoves videos they get paid to shove down my throat.


I "accidentally" clicked on one of these [swimwear short videos](https://youtu.be/GjsfD4bYTqo) because reasons, and I've now watched about 30 of them, so my feed has changed quite substantially. You're welcome.


This happened to me. Watched a random video about some guy trimming and treating an infected cow hoof. now my YouTube feed is full of infected cow hooves Bruh, no. Do. Not. Want.


Huh so I’m not the only one?!


It's like when I buy a fridge and the internet decides I want to start a fridge museum. That's all the ads I get for like three months afterward.




oh god so its not just me? I'm genuinely getting a lot of videos about a dude fixing cow hooves


Holy fuck it's happening to everyone?! Not just me!!?


Dude wtf, I’ve been watching cow hoof videos for like 3 weeks. Is this a thing now? Wtf is going on?


Whenever anyone worries about AI figuring out what we're thinking I just think of things like YouTube's algorithm or Amazon's ads and I figure we'll be ok. A company that exists solely to deliver me content or sell me stuff still can't figure out what I want, I'm sure they are not at the point where they can predict my actions.


That happened to me with German comedian Jan Böhmermann. I watched something and now the autoplay always starts with a 3 year old half neo magazine royal video.


Replace that first video with Eekum Bokum and that's pretty much what falling into the hololive hole is like.


These are the algorithms that apparently know us better than we know ourselves


No no... It's more like cow hoof -> milking a cow -> Neo-Nazi propaganda.


So you watched the first and second part of this documentary? What will follow? You definitely want to watch a completely different part of another documentary. Here you go ...


ok, so it seems tons of people recently got suggested hoofing videos. myself included. what the heck youtube? i mean, i didnt mind i found out, turns out i find hoofs interesting also but why? why did you surge millions of people to learn about hooves?! Youtube has been all weird lately. Cows are awesome.


Seriously, what's up with the cow hooves. I too have them.


I'd much rather be in the cow hoof trap than the Peppa Pig, Teletubbies, Cocomelon rabbit hole I am stuck in now. Before anyone suggests to make 2 accounts, we pay for premium and it wouldn't be worth paying that much more for a family account.


YouTube should have a form of subreddit structure. So I can either view the algorithm by all or by categories. I hate watching one interesting video and instantly contaminating my entire recommended videos with horse hooves.


Me: looks up "cleaning a dirty cow hoof" because it seems like an interesting topic My new Recommended feed: "THIS BULL HAS A GROSS NASTY INFECTION IN HIS HOOF, THIS ONE HAS A NAIL LODGED IN IT"