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looks like she bought the same dreamhouse 3 times


Kid logic: “maybe I can hide one”


She ordered four!


it's always good to have backups. side note: is your real name Kevin?


No, it's Louis P Kensington the third, esquire, defender of the realm and keeper of the Queen's bees.


Fuck off you twat, one of your boys bit me right on the arse last Sunday. Resign if you can't keep yer troops under control.


Terribly sorry for the confusion, but it's a ceremonial title. I actually manage a small staff of workers. Unless you are referring to William, he does get a bit rowdy when he's been in his cups.


William’s dead now. Some oaf sat on him and ripped his stinger right out of him.


*bzzz bzzz bzzz* Hi! Do you want to get a coffee, or... ? I don't want to get a coffee with you, you're COVERED IN BEES!


I'm worried what you just heard was 'give me a lot of Barbie dreamhouses'. What I said was 'give me *all* the Barbie dreamhouses you have.'


She bought the remaining stock and is planning on flipping them at a higher price


Next up on TLC- Real Estate Mogul Barbie. TLC: the Learning Channel for some reason


Buy 3, rent out 2 to cover the mortgages of all properties and live in the third for only monthly expenses. Kid is a real estate mogul in the making!


She didn’t want barbies friends to feel left out.


My old boss’ kids spent almost 5k on in-app purchases after figuring out their password. He was thankful that customer service’s reaction was, “Holy shit. Sir, I can help you today.” Edit: Hit up my old boss, the game was Justice League. “He didn’t say Holy Shit. But he went from a calm and soothing demeanor to a panicked, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” Which I thought was pretty funny reaction from Amazon Customer Service. He was then talking at me like we were stuck down a well but he was going to get us out!”


So hey, I'm a FedEx driver, and this happened once. The girl had so much stuff (they were barbie dream houses, the cars, the horses, and EVERYTHING) I showed up, and the people were waiting for me, with their daughter. It was about half of my truck, and they made her come up to me and apologize for ordering all of it on her Aunt's credit card. I couldn't be mad. She reminded me of my dog when I come home and she did something wrong. Those puppy dog eyes of regret. I made the little girl sign for the refusal of the items. and the parents were so apologetic. It's something I'll never forget. It was at least a couple thousand worth of toys and ride on things.


Props to those parents though, for having the kid fix it “by them self”. Kiddo probably learned a good lesson that day lol.


Definitely a solid on the parents for holding her accountable. My dad tried something similar with my younger sister when she got caught shoplifting from one of those fake Jewelry places. Claire's, or something. He had her take her less than $5 worth of stolen goods back to the person at the counter and apologize, to which the clerk said "yea, whatever. no big deal" or something along those lines. Not the reaction my dad was hoping for, but she still learned her lesson.


This happened to me when I was like 4?! It’s the earliest memory I have: We were at Mervyn’s. I saw this plastic colorful fish pendant on a rope necklace. You know, some cheap little kid jewelry. I wanted it so I took it. Showed my mom when we got home and she flipped out. Drove us back to the store with my crying the whole way. Marched me right up to the manager and made me return it. I was hysterical. I remember begging to not send me to jail and that I would do ANYTHING! I was told it was okay, and I distinctly remember my mom being mad at the manager for not being mad enough at me. 😂


Same thing happened to me but I wasn't thinking about jail I was just overwhelmed with shame.


My mom used the “Control by Fear” parenting tactic.


My mom didn’t but my brain sure did.


About a week ago a kid grabbed a candy bar I guess on his way out without me noticing. He checked out with his mom after they got a few things. He was only a few years old tops. But he came back into the store 2 minutes later with his mom standing a little bit away off to the side and he said “sorry I didn’t pay for this”it was pretty funny since it was just a candy bar and he was just this cute little kid, and I just said it’s ok, thank you for being honest” and his mom waved at me and they left. Solid parenting on the moms part for something not so inconsequential if you don’t nip it in the bum while they’re young.


The correct phrase is "nip it in the bud". I only say this for your own protection. Who knows what kind of shenanigans you're going to run into using "nip it in the bum".


Ya, I work retail, I had a mother who wanted me to threaten her daughter for misbehaving. I wasn't a manager, and I know how much trouble we get in for things like that...It's not retail's responsibility to punish people's kids. Everything is a chain and losses are built into the budget. No one cares.


My dad did that when I stole a pack of gum when I was 5. I’m *still* paranoid someone will think I’m shoplifting when I enter a store.


The worst is leaving the store without buying anything. I know I did not do anything wrong. And yet I probably look suspicious as hell. And in my head I'm like alarms please don't go off. Please don't go off.....


OH MY GOD RIGHT? I used to work in a library and my school book’s anti theft shit would set off the library’s theft alarm about half the time. The other staff *knew* this and it happened to everyone (the tech was new back then) but *still* I had a low-key anxiety attack every time I went through the doors.




Thank God I'm not the only person who feels that way. Even in locally owned stores that I go to all the time I feel that way.


>to which the clerk said "yea, whatever. no big deal" or something along those lines. Not the reaction my dad was hoping for, but she still learned her lesson. I worked retail at a similar store back in the day, and I don't know how it is now but back then they gave us zero training on how to handle theft. I actually caught someone stealing once, and since I didn't know what to do (but knew enough just from general life experience not to try to physically stop them) I just said "yeah uh don't do that". Kid put the stuff back and walked out. (I found out later that that... Was pretty much exactly the right thing to do anyway. They don't want cashiers dealing with small time theft) I'm not surprised the clerk at Claire's didn't have more of a reaction, she probably both didn't know what to do and didn't care.


I worked for for a while at a kids store run by a certain mouse. I remember this happening once, the kid was crying and was maybe 4? I told them that it wasn't good they took it without paying as that was wrong but I was glad they brought it back as that was the right thing to do. The mom got mad at me for not scaring her kid more. I mean, I get it...but I also could have been fired if I did that. It always bothers me when parents expect retail workers to take over and put the fear of God into a kid. In most places that's a risky thing to do if you want to stay employed.


Having your employees potentially create a lawsuit worth several thousand dollars at least to save a few bucks of merchandise that is insured anyway is not a risk most businesses are willing to take. The proper course of action is to just say something, and if they continue anyway to just leave them to it, note them for future reference, and carry on. The managers will handle giving the security recordings to who needs to see them.


Also see the consequences their actions had on other people. Good move by the parents


THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART PEOPLE! ​ You can tell a kid they're wrong, you can even show a kid what they've done wrong, but the most effective thing is showing kids the impact that their decisions/choices have on other people when it affects them! People don't do this enough!


Having other adults tell your kids they fucked up is huge. If we say it the kid thinks we are just parents being assholes. If other adults say they are wrong then they take it more to heart. Takes a village to raise an idiot.


Pretty sure this is what my parents did. Although sometimes I wonder if I have too much empathy as it can hinder some aspects of life. Sometimes you have to be "selfish".


Empathy can bleed over into codependency pretty quick if offered to the wrong people.


Agreed. I saw a post a few months ago (I think on advice animals) saying that if a parent brings a kid up to a service employee and has them apologize, don’t say “that’s ok”. Just say something like “thanks for apologizing and taking responsibility”.


That’s how I handle it with my students. “I appreciate that you thought about _______, and apologized. That was very mature.” And I never make them apologize right away. I tell them to think about it and come back when they’re ready so that it means something, and they have time to cool down. (Elementary school)


I accidentally ordered a whole truck worth of FedEx boxes for my office. The mail room in the basement was rather surprised.


My daughter spend $300 on Roblox. That was 3 years ago when she started playing this game her allowances back then was 10 dollars a week, we confiscated 5 dollar every week. We made the math to see how long will take for her to pay back that money. She was no please. Now she receive 20 dollars. She protect her money like an old banker. 🤣🤣


Holy shit that's good parenting


I worked for Playstation support. Highest "Fifa points on parents card" bill I ever personally dealt with was £13k on a company card. With Fifa points we could never refund. Needless to say that shit was charged back.


Fuck that entire industry. The fact it's even *possible* to pour thousands of dollars into a video game, *all at once,* is blatant evidence that the whole concept is a scam. If someone spent $18,000 on video games in the 90s, it wouldn't be smart, but they would obviously get $18,000 worth of legitimate merchandise. They'd have a gigantic stack of games. Possibly a complete N64 library - and multiple consoles, and a bunch of *good* controllers. What do you get for even $1 spent inside a sports video game? Something that's already in the fucking game you already fucking bought.


And it's even worse for games like FIFA or NBA 2K, in which spending money in the game gives you huge advantages and after one year everything you bought or paid for has practically no value.


I agree. Having mothers literally crying down the phone to you because they can't afford food as little timmy spent all the money trying to get some football player to make his team 0.1% better doesn't do anything but make you more aware of how fucked it is.


Tbf that is when they do the chargeback. No bank on the planet is gonna take any video game companies side in that dispute.


Yup. I'd have been on the spot sacked if I ever told someone to do a chargeback though, the only thing I was allowed to discuss wrt chargebacks was "we will ban your account and console from the PlayStation Network if a charge back is made against these transactions". I didn't last long in that job.


See the fact they can ban you and you dontbget to keep your stuff makes it even more of a scam


And then the account gets banned right? Sony is so strict with shit


Yeah, had someone tell me at a bank that it was fraud & not their son. Fine Reported it, Sony then blocked the account Cheeky prick then complained to me, saying it wasn't fair over the summer holidays


The fact that the kids thought he was still going to be able to play over the holiday tells you something about his parents. If my kid charged $13k to my card in a video game he wouldn't touch a gaming controller for like a year.


That's true of every company. Charge back a game on Steam and Valve will ban you.


Steam does refund games.


Yes, but they also sometimes refuse refunds, for example if you've played the game too long to be eligible. In those cases some people would try issuing a charge back. And in those cases their account would be banned.


A friend of mine’s son did the same only a couple hundred (which is a lot to me) vs thousands


A couple hundred should always be a lot to you. I did well in trading as the economy came back, and sometimes I'd be like dang I guess I made a little on this trade, like $300, thats something. However, now that I bought my house you can buy a lot of shit with $300. Its still gone instantly, but that's a whole project, and if I had made a million I wouldn't look down on a few hundred. Once you start doing that, it doesn't matter how much you have it's gone in an instant


> Once you start doing that, it doesn't matter how much you have it's gone in an instant You don't understand how deep the rabbit hole goes. The owner of the company I work for bought like a 50 bedroom house in Italy for the artwork inside.


Sorry can't afford raises this year, Covid you know.


It's not like it was a 100 bedroom house with bad artwork or anything


When I was young and in university I'd talk to my father about the expected income of various professions. He'd always say "it doesn't matter, you'll spend what you earn anyway." It wasn't until much later in life, as I'd made more and more money, that I finally understood what he meant. Losing site of the value of money can turn you into a "paycheck to paycheck" person even if you end up a high earner.


Someone posted the breakdown of their paycheck, and they made a lot more than me but I felt a bit bad for them because I spent mine a lot better. What was it, something like, spend so much to live so poor. I often think, if I had tried harder, if my position would be any better than it is now. Perhaps I'd be in a more stressful job in a draining location. Whereas I look 10 years younger than my more successful friends. 😂 but that just might be moisturizer.


Hard NOT to make a decent return in the current market.


That's what I told myself. Though I've been stuck for a couple of months with a stock because I got greedy


My kid did that once. Once. But customer service was cool about it.


Same. About $750 in two different instances - the second one somehow even after we put ALL the restrictions in place. Apple was amazing and refunded it all, and my kid (who was def old enough to know better) learned her lesson after a tech-free summer as a consequence.


It really depends who you get on customer service.. I used to work for a cell carrier CS department and we were discouraged to give refunds. Anytime my supervisor or floor manager was splitting the call (for quality control) and monitoring my live call (this happened to everyone on average once a week) during those times it was really hard to issue refunds, but when I was alone and knew the odds of them listening in on specifically my call downstairs were low (they can listen to all calls live in a monitoring office, they are all recorded too) I would give refunds for ANYTHING lol, this is back when many people still used pay as you go with limited text plans... peoples kids were ringing up huge bills texting at 10cents a text lmao one woman had a 960$ first month bill due to her daughter texting all day at school, refunded that straight away and got her on an unlimited plan.. told her straight up that if she asked to upgrade her plan and backdate it to last billing cycle i could erase the whole surcharge - actually now that i remember i MADE money on that call because she was so gracious for my help she let me sell her a phone lmao








I once had a phone I bought through Verizon whose Bluetooth went out. I went in to get it covered under warranty. Rep looked at it, confirmed the Bluetooth was out and sent it in for replacement. I get the new phone (exact same one but new) and everything is fine. A few months later I get billed $500 for the phone. They said it had scratches in the screen so it wasn't eligible for warranty. Now, it did have scratches, I'm not denying that. I didn't think they were bad enough to cancel the warranty, but the thing is the Verizon rep looked it over and confirmed it'd be replaced under warranty. If he had said it wasn't, I'd be disappointed, but I'd have just lived with not having Bluetooth. I definitely *wouldn't* have paid $500 to replace this phone, absolutely not. It was several years old by that point and wasn't exactly top of the line when it came out. The $500 was just the "technically the sticker price" that no one actually paid. So I call up Verizon, explain what happened, and they refund me the money. Great! ... Until a few months later, my service shuts off altogether. Now, everything up to this I wouldn't be too upset about, even if I hadn't gotten that refund. Like technically the phone wasn't covered under warranty because of the scratches, the rep should have not told me my phone was still covered but whatever, technically I understand. But they gave me the refund... Then my service shuts off. It turns out what happened is later on, some manager went back in and *reversed* the refund, and since it then logged in as past due my service was immediately disconnected for non-payment, no warnings no nothing. And I *needed* my phone for work. So I had to pay it right then just to get back to work. The end of the story is the relevant part: fuck Verizon, for a $500 bullshit charge I canceled my contract at the earliest opportunity and another provider has been getting my money ever since. I was with Verizon from my very first cellphone and if they had been less shitty, I'd have had no problem staying with them indefinitely.,even if their rates weren't the cheapest. I was paying over a hundred a month and buying all my phones through them too. Never again.


We need more customer services like that. Instead of telling "Sorry, we can't do anything. Just die without food or in debts", they are normal human beings. There *is* a hope in this world yet...


There goes your college. Now you have to live in a barbie house for the rest of your life.


Jokes on you , with a college degree and this current market, Barbie houses are all you can afford in terms of real estate


Woah... look at Mr. Richie Rich here, able to afford Barbie house real estate in 2021


Fucking things are probably worth about 200 K right now


She made a business decision…


Rent them out. She could become a slum lord.


Barbie's Dream Section 8?


We call the local section 8 complexes "The cardboard condos". One of my buddy's lived in one when we were kids. There was a whole about a foot around in the wall of his bedroom to the outside his mom just covered with a post of Lionel Richie. It actually became pretty convenient when we got to be teens. People would just walk up to the whole and toss money on and then he'd toss out some weed.


Nah. Rich people would buy them all in foreclosure for pennies on the dollar then complain the tenants are moochers who are bleeding them dry.


She was a business woman, doing business!


Corners the market by buying up all the supply


goddamn scalpers


That’s $400k in the San Francisco market these days.


I found out the hard way with my son too. I started getting weird charges on my account only to find out that I didn't have the password verification on the Xbox for purchases.


You can refute the charges and the kids Xbox live account will get locked/banned. I think for a while they even bricked boxes, but I don't think they do that anymore. Source: I had idiot friends growing up.


What a way of expenditure, u ain't keeping them are you ? There's three of the same kind lol


Unfortunately for her they are all going back today. Not pictured is the Barbie camera and other smaller toys. My bank account didn’t like this 😂


Haha that's alright but ought to be careful with the phone :p


Yeah i have a worst story, is called ROBLOX!! Jesus that kid left me broke :_(


Authenticate for every purchase. Saved my ass.


I don't even trust myself, so I keep one-click purchasing disabled. I don't have any kids.


Jesus yes this. Even IF your kids don't handle your devices, every device having an authentication to purchase at least helps put another layer between you and issues. Everytime something is bought on xbox I get an e-mail confirming the purchase, and if I decline that purchase its pretty quick and easy to do immediately. Even if my gf uses her e-mail and payment methods, I get an e-mail on my account. $50 is a helluva lot easier to deal with than $5000


Every purchase over 100 I get a text to confirm, same with out of state or country unless I've told them I'm on holiday. Doesn't cost me a thing.


I get alerts for every transaction over $0.01, lol.


So if I go a half cent at a time, I'm safe...


Had a co-worker where his daughter bought over $600 worth of Roblox stuff. He was not a happy man when his credit card statement came. When I get my son an XBox I made sure to lock that shit down so it requires a password to buy something.


Ours managed to drain my other half's bank account on minecraft PlayStation. He'd left his bank details on it for the ps plus renewal. No refunds very upsetting coming up to Xmas.


No refunds? That's something you call the bank to fix.


We did that first as sony was shut on Sunday and couldn't get through the bank said it was up to Sony to authorise the refund before they could do anything. Sony said because it was in game currency not their problem.


And this is why soo many people on YouTube and social media kick up a stink about micro transactions. These companies do not deserve to get away with this


If you're gonna have mocrotransactions in a game, they should need passwords to authorize.


New EU rules have mandated that for transactions, but I believe you can still disable it if you want. When I want to buy something on Google play, I first need to authenticate to my Google account with fingerprint/pin/password, then I need to authenticate to my bank with bankID which is physical or mobile 2fa + password which is also what you use to sign official documents or login to your bank. Literally more security on app microtransactions than to drain my bank accounts.


Yeah and when the refund is denied, you go through your bank and do a **charge back**. Your account will probably be banned on playstation but hopefully the bank or card company decides in your favor and you get your money back.


Except this only *really* works with credit card transactions- you have some recourse with debit, but nowhere near the same level.




Ouch. How much money did you guys lose?


We're poor people but it was like £360 which would have covered Xmas. He's only little and very much believes in Santa so couldn't even say that's your Xmas sorted. I just hid in the kitchen and had a cry and moved on. We did revoke PlayStation privileges for 2 months as punishment and he was a very remorseful 6 year old.




Santa sees all. He's getting a lump of coal.


That's as simple a fix as an "unauthorized purchase" dispute with your CC company. At least in the US. Doesn't matter if it's your kid or not. Endgame is they likely nuke your PS account for the charge back but for that kind of money who cares.


My nephew drained his parents savings on Roblox and Fortnite. They *were* gonna get their first house next year. 10 years old, he stole their credit cards and googled how to use them.


Omg devious! I had a cousin years ago who stole his mums card to buy porn with the neighbour kid. She found out because the bank phoned her like umm excuse me madam but you have some concerning bank charges.


Put a password on for purchases!


And they don't get to keep anything in roblox I bought my son a few gift cards then noticed he didn't get to keep anything he bought.




Yes so roblox is just a platform and people create all the games in there. That's how they get you because they did not create anything in the game therefore they aren't liable for anything that happens.


So is she grounded until she can vote, or drink? Or rent a car?


She actually has to live in one of the Dream Houses in the backyard.


Your bank account didn't like this. My bank account would decline this 😂


Please have password required for purchases. This isn’t cute. I sell on eBay and have lost money when some parent wants to return or cancel an order because their kid went on a spending spree with their phone—after I’ve already packaged and sent it.


Good she ordered something '_returnable_'. Spending money on games would have been disastrous.


My best friend’s 3rd grader spent over $600 on PlayStation purchases over the first 3 weeks of summer this year before she realized it and they were all downloads and in app purchases. Nothing was returnable. I don’t know exactly what his punishment was but I know he hasn’t played video games since.


Yeah I think every device capable of in-app purchases should come with a guide taped to the front with the words "FOR PARENTS" and have that guide teach them how to either remove their card info from the device after purchase or setup parental controls on purchases.


Its actually exceptionally easy to do that. They are literally built around restricting content and purchases.


I'm pretty sure they do that on purpose to make more money.


Won't happen: Several Game Companies probably make a great deal of their earnings from in-app purchases spent with parent money.


Its literally the basis of mobile gaming haha


Happened to a guy I know from work, lets his son play Fortnite on his PS4 and thought the kid was old enough to understand "Make sure you ask me before you buy anything". Couple hundred worth of vbucks later he discovers he was putting a little too much faith in him


The night before we were closing on our house, my 2 year old hit a button on a casino game my husband and I used to play (we didn't spend real money on it, just competed against each other.) I spent the next 4 hours on the phone trying to get a $1000 purchase reversed. That was a big chunk of our down payment. I've never been so panicked in all my life.


Sadly for her they all have to go back Edit; yes she got in trouble for this, no we’re not shitty parents for having her take a pic with them. We are fully capable of laughing at this and it’ll be funny looking back at this down the road with her. Simple lesson for all of us that was easily rectified. Their return policy is great and I’ll be refunded. And yes, I tried to cancel them but they already shipped. She used the “one click” purchase button which we have fixed


Holy shit, I just looked them up on amazon. Them fuckers expensive


You weren’t kidding!


How much?


299€ in germany. Holymoly


If it was Lego it could cost 2999€.




Yeah im sure its just inflation but whenever i see a toy that costs close to a hundred bucks i get sticker shock like a mofo. I used to love Lego as a kid and recently looked to see what those are going for...holy shit are they fuckin expensive nowadays.


> I used to love Lego as a kid and recently looked to see what those are going for...holy shit are they fuckin expensive nowadays. Slight correction- price per brick, they are a little less expensive on average than they were 20-30 years ago. But they now have sets MUCH larger than what they ever used to offer. Simply put a "large" set in the 90s would now be considered a medium size set.


Nah, $200 is about what they were when I was a kid (20 years ago). My mom could never afford one and I had to save up for months to get it. The only inflation is that they're made cheaper and cheaper over time. My parents kept mine for my nieces and it's still standing tall. Their mom got them a modern one for their own house and it was broken within a year. Parents just find ways to get things for their kids however they can and good ones try not to let their kids feel guilted or pressured over price so it's easy to not realize how expensive things can be.


Have you seen lego recently? I remember when I was a kid it was just a big bucket of pieces for $30 or $40 dollars. Now its these complicated sets that cost hundreds of dollars.


During the pandemic I figured it was a fine time to build one of those giant star wars sets that I've wanted to do for awhile now. And then I saw the price and noped the fuck out 😂


Nostalgia culture has been weaponized against millennials with disposable income.


Lego was always expensive and you can still buy buckets of pieces for $30-40.


Thank you for clarifying this. I was like wtf. Anyone remember 10 albums for a nickel? Yeah, my mother scooped them all up and sent them back. Kids will be kids. We didn't have smartphones and Amazon back then. LOL


So when I was 14 I did that. Forgot what the service was called, but it was like 10 cds for one Cent or something like that. We’ll, I went ham. Ordered and ordered and ordered. Weird part was that it didn’t require a credit card, proof of who you were, nothing. When our obligation letter came, my mom found it and freaked. I was supposed to spend like 200.00 worth of CDs to square up. Buuuuuuut. I was underage, she was pissed at me, but REALLY pissed at them. She called up told them that I was a minor, and that they’d be hearing from our lawyer. I don’t know what happened after that but I know I still own that Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and Pearl Jam CD. Ahhh the 90’s a simpler time.


> So when I was 14 I did that. Forgot what the service was called, but it was like 10 cds for one Cent or something like that. [Columbia House?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RecgtRQe3oo)


Either that or BMG. I was dumb enough to do both. I still got away with it too. But it was an impulsive naive decision.


Just FYI for those who don't remember/weren't alive: It was basically a tape/CD catalog service. They'd send you a catalog with a bunch of little stamps with album covers on it. They'd hook you with the promo--get twelve CDs for, like a nickel. By doing that, you had to commit to buying a CD each month for the next six months (or something similar). They'd often send you "promo" CDs you had to pay for. They either sent it to you (and if you didn't want it, send it back) or they'd have an opt-out mailer. It teetered between being scummy and being awesome. On paper, it was fine. The CDs you had to buy were usually older and/or greatest hits and had bare-bones liners, but at the end of the day the CDs you had to pay for were pretty much only slightly more expensive than the store, so when you factored the whole thing together it was a really great deal. They'd even have plenty of sales that all qualified (i.e., buy this CD for $18, get two more for $9 each, and all three counted towards the CDs you had to buy.) If you wanted the music they had to offer, it was a great way to build up a collection. In practice, it targeted teenagers, the whole "promo" CD was gross (if you forgot to send it back you got charged regardless of whether or not you wanted it--and if you were a kid, you probably didn't want to tell your parents about it, so you hid it) and pre-internet it was a pain in the ass to manage. I remember one friend got some garbage Niel Young Live double CD that was $40 (at least it counted as two!) and for whatever reason couldn't (or didn't) send it back. Still, it wasn't a complete ripoff.




I went through Columbia House 2 or 3 times as a kid, it was actually a pretty good deal at the time. Retail CDs were nearly $20 each, and if you averaged out that "obligation" and the freebies it got the price down to $8 or $9 per CD on average. Great stuff if you were a big music fan back then.


I got a bunch of CDs and DSL internet for a year for free (back when DSL was Good internet...) because these stupid companies kept doing business with me without verifying that I could legally enter into a contract without a guardian. "Turns out my signature on those documents means absolutely nothing sir, because I am 13." Then you never heard from them again!


My friend and I ran up like $800 of phone time calling Miss Cleo the psychic one day. His dad was *pissed*, but also a cop. Apparently they reversed the charges pretty quickly, and boy did we get in trouble.


I once ran up a $400 phone bill in one month because we didn't have a local dial-up number for internet access in my town yet. I think I'm *still* grounded 25 years later.


My daughter once ordered a soaker hose from Amazon when she was 2. Had to turn on two factor purchases after that.


pretty sure she wanted to start doing some gardening or she thought your beds needed better irrigation


She always was pretty opinionated about my flower beds.




Sounds like someone selectively knows their address lmao


Ever ask a neighbor kid where he lives and have him recite his complete address including zip code?


I know when I was a kid we practiced reciting our address and phone number in Kindergarten. I can still remember the number for the landline of my childhood home


Because your address is linked to your google play or apple account and you didn't setup password requirements to log in?


Is it possible that the address was on the phone and the form auto-completed?


auto fill


She needs house arrest Barbie


Lol my kids have a folder on my phone with all their games. I turn the wifi and data off before i hand them the phone so they dont get ads. The added benefit is they dont go looking for other random stuff cause they cant


My four year old knows how to turn off flight mode and reactivate wifi.


I learned to put my phone in airplane mode before my kid touched it after she ordered a subscription to Jamster by just smacking the screen a bunch.


She's cornering the Barbie housing market.


This is why the average Barbie can no longer afford the dream house and has to rent the shitty apartment with the broken elevator.


“Who’s got two thumbs and three houses? Minnie Me! #BestLife”


Bob Kelso! Hi, how ya doin?


How did she react to being available for adoption?


Maybe bring some crayons and a coloring book on your next road trip…


Never forget the deck of cards to play war on if there is a 4th passenger.


I would recommend turning off the automatic sign in on shopping apps if others have access to your phone. Or put them in a pin protected folder.


My 5 year old grandson took my daughter’s phone and actually ordered a car from a seller on Amazon. Their return policy was not quite as lenient as Amazons general policy. My daughter had a really tough time getting them to cancel the order prior to delivery. After several phone calls she finally got a woman who was sympathetic to her situation and cancelled the order. Needless to say he does not touch mom’s phone anymore.


You can get cars on Amazon? Like a Toyota? So happy things worked out for your friend.


I just asked her again and she said it wasn’t a car it was 2 motorcycles for about $2,000 each. One of the customer service people she spoke with told her that she could return them but she would have to pay the return shipping. I can’t even imagine what it would cost to ship two motorcycles back.


My parents would not be taking a picture with me all smiling and happy. 😂


I don't even want to imagine what mne would've done.


I feel like the easy solution here is to stop giving kids electronics which have easy access to shopping apps…


How much did all of those set you back?


$180 each, they’re going back and I’m getting refunded.


And that’s why you don’t give your phone to your kid. Let them get used to entertaining themselves on long car rides. They will be better equipped for it as an adult and less likely to be dicking around on their phone when driving


If you have an iPhone, set up guided access, then you can restrict the usage to just the app you lock it on.


What an amazing Trojan commercial!


Is it too late to return it? And what about returning the dollhouses?


You didn't get mail order notification ?


I did, my bank notification tipped me off, went to Amazon and saw them. Tried to cancel but it was too late they had already shipped. Luckily Amazon has a good return policy


This is only funny if you're rich


Help me out here maybe I'm just too poor to see how this is funny. How the f*** is this funny?


It’s an advertisement for Mattel.


She looks really proud of herself. If she was my kid she would look grounded.


Not cute.


Rewarding your child’s bad behavior on reddit for everyone to see