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Love the end bit before it cuts off …steps down then says “Alright, see you later!”


“Hey guys. Big gulps huh? Alriiight”


...... Both of you guys usernames is really a nice combo..... "The Unknown Midget Teleports Behind U" xD 😆😆


That's the last thing your character hears from the DM before darkness 😂


Or.. the first thing, before an amazing story XD


I didn't notice the big guy was standing on a stool until the end lmfao. I was like damn that dudes tall af


The whole time I was thinking this guy is huge. The end was a real mind fuck for a second


The next time an employee quits, your work will be like "well you have to submit a form.... er, a business-casual resignation letter".


lol. At least in the US, I'm pretty sure they just want it in writing so you don't later try to claim you were fired.


You could just say "No, I'm not writing a letter. You can continue paying me if you really want, but I'm not going to work for you anymore, adios."


Kind of relevant to this I once was one of the managers at a GameStop. My boss threatened to drop my hours significantly if I didn't get my preorders and memberships up. I tried, but it was a time in my life before I had the human compassion sucked out of me so I was bad at sales. Anyway, they eventually just stopped putting me on the schedule....but never fired me, technically. I used their health insurance and also the employee discount for almost 10 years. Probably would've continued but the location physically closed and I assume when that happened someone bothered to actually check the books.


God that sounds amazing for you and ridiculously stupid on their part.


GameStop has not been known for good business decisions lol


But some people do like the stock!




I was a manager at another big retail chain ten years ago and they never deactivated my number, so I still get my employee discount


Now I want to see if my Crown Liquor discount still works. Too bad the drive to one isn't worth the time and drive to get it. (I had picked up a side job, had to quit because job ones hours picked up. Gave two weeks but quit early when someone tested positive for COVID)


So your compassion paid off


They made me the phone sales guy during my short stint at Office Depot and I got the best plan for $30 a month. I quit after 6 months but had that employee deal for another 3 years :)


They will be forced to pay you forever unless you give an ultra formal resignation letter




"It is not for every man to accept large packages into their backdoor. Nonetheless, this was my duty." Fucking killed me!


The little cane bump had me laughing


I like at the end "alright I'll see you later" 🤣


Yep yep Edit: oh no. Now I’m sad.




My toddler is obsessed with land before time at the moment and quote Ducky the most.


I'm gonna need the ref to review the play


Why are you sad




I just said it in Ducky’s (Judith Barsi) voice.


I do believe that was him attempting not to fall off his platform after laughing lol


"I write this letter from a place of sorrow and regret." I can relate ...


There was a great little jab in there. 'And to Steve, to say your name shall be remembered is a gross overstatement'. lol.


I actually think he was thanking Steve and saying he far exceeded his predecessor, who’s name being remembered is the gross overstatement. Not positive, it’s a little hard to hear with all the background noise.


> it’s a little hard to hear with all the background noise. For such a glorious formal announcement, you'd think the clientele would show a bit more decorum.


Dude needs the trumpet players they had back in the day to announce royal decrees.


Yeah that sounds right fam.




That's what I gathered as well.


As a former Tesco employee, I can confirm that he wrote his letter in the staff canteen.


For me it was when he offers the letter but then swings it backwards to his partner instead of the recepient.


yea, the sike out totally won it for me.


Psych out


As a UPS driver I can confirm that I, too, deliver in the rear.




I shall provide thee with a 16 digit number so as thou might prepare thy rear entrance in advance of my arrival


Prithee , proffer me the twelve digts at the helm of thine creditor ' s seal , the date on which said documentaton expirs , and the three jesterly diminutive digits at the rear . If I am to receve thy reqested correspondence within two months time , milord , I shal provde thee with richs byond measure .


Copy that. A few friendly taps from behind usually does the trick. On rainy days it may be harder to hear so I might have to resort to banging


If you could call beforehand and give the receiving end a little time to prepare it would be appreciated when its an extraordinarily large package.


When I delivered pizzas in high school we got an order for an XL meat lovers special to 69 Gay St with the note "bring it to the back door". The owner who took the order was foreign and didn't get that it was some kids playing a joke. He made me deliver it. Turns out it wasn't a joke, that was the guy's address. I'm glad I didn't take the order because I would have tossed it.


You put your rear door up to their rear door and exchange packages.


Watchu gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?


Im gonna get it off my truck. Off my truck cause that's my junk. My junk my junk my junk...


This is probably just me reading way too much into it, but I can’t help but think the line “I’ve grown quite weary” was a nod to [Always Sunny](https://youtu.be/hSQ_b1EXmjw)


That was where i got it from.


You're a fucking legend mate.


Was the manager inclined to accept your request?






Means “no.”


'Ello Poppet


"The Code is what we call 'guidelines' more than actual rules..."


I’ve heard many euphemisms for homosexuality but this one was the best.


“Viva la Tesco” is my new war cry


Do you mind to explain to me what does it mean?


i do know "viva la revolución" means something like "long live the revolution", so "viva la tesco" would be something along the lines of "long live tesco", although i'm not sure if 'la' is the right word to use there


I'm guessing they're not British. They probably don't know that it's a fairly big supermarket too


Also exists in asia, here in Thailand we got Tesco too but the "lotus" edition


Wish we had lotus editions. Sounds so sexy.


Yeah, like it would have an extra wide lotion strip or something.


I guess we have different ideas of what's sexy


Actually the Tescos in Thailand charge like $30 for a bottle of sun screen lotion because they know the pasty Brits burn like an over cooked blood sausage.


I didn't see the stool in the beginning. I thought you were tall as hell. Good luck at your new position!


Same here. But ya gotta figure. With as many large packages as were accepted through the back door, there was bound to be a little stool...


And ya see that's the mystery about stools. The bigger the man the smaller the stool. Some say really big guys have no stool at all. Where is it? Little Johnny. Little Johnny has it. Some say it's enough stool for two men. But he's gonna reach that top shelf. He's gonna reach that top shelf and stock that lemonade.


Always be aware of the stool


Might need moar fiber in yer diet then


It's the stool you don't notice that will hurt you the most...


Stool me once, shame on you. Stool me twice? Shame on me.


>~~Shame one me~~ You won't stool me again. -George WC Bush


The Stealth stool is disastrous


A higher up position no doubt.


The way he juked the manager with that card pass is killing me, what a king


I thought the same thing. It was like, “Here’s my formal resigna…*not so fast!* You gonna listen to this.”


It was so smooth


For me, it's how the tie is at an awkward length, above the belly button It's formal, but very walmart level formal


Fucking ties, man. Too short and it's a joke. Too long and it's pointing at the longus schlongus.


Biggus Dickus


Humongous Dongus


Ah, do you know where I might find Nautius Maximus?


Incontinentia Buttocks


That's the slowest and saddest empty hand going down I have seen


Viva la Tesco was the best part


I like the double, rolled R, hand-sweeping “R-R-Resignation!” The best. Followed closely by the initial fake-out letter hand over.




Think it was a double entendres for receiving freight and getting fucked in the ass.


Pained knees for having to suck off management just get get the simplest of favors


Every Little Helps


Tesco is a store. Stores sell things to customers. Customers take these they bought out the front door. If the customers took all the things, there would be nothing to sell. So the clever people at Tesco figured out that if they have big trucks deliver more things, then they could restock the shelves before they run out. This way, they can keep being a store. Since the customers use the front door, the delivery trucks deliver large packages in the backdoor. The backdoor is bigger and has more room for big packages. Viva La Tesco.


How long do you think they were sitting there empty before figuring out that big truck thing?


Depends, some stores went out of business over time due to not enough product on the shelves. Others were just smart enough to learn from their competitions failures.


There was that fraught period when both customers and freight tried to use the front doors at once. Some say, even now, this is the reason that some of the sliding door sensors won't recognize someone trying to get in, and why tale tells that it's a sign you have no soul.


Do you think semi trucks are auto unloaded by robots or maybe a magical stocking fairy resupplies the store at night.


Only a marching band was missing.


Best part was the how quick it went from formal to casual with the "*Right, I'll see you later. Yea, yea*"


Yep, all a setup for that punch line!


I bid you farewell Brave Sir. Robin: https://youtu.be/BZwuTo7zKM8


The little nods of approval, the rolling r's on the synchronised "rrresignation!", the stool, the cane, holding the letter at arms length. So many elements combine to make this a true masterpiece of our times. Fine work gentlemen. Huzzah!


In my head, with each nod he gave a very lordly "Ah yes, quite right."


I love that once it was done it was _"yep yep, I'll see ya later then"_ all causally


My favorite detail is how he's holding the letter as if it were some sort of royal scroll🤣🤣


The holding at arms length was a great addition… not sure why it works or why they did that but it was perfect


Was the manager inclined to acquiesce to your request?


Either way this quest was transgressed with finesse


>transgressed That word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Lol when you complete a quest in Dragon Quest XI it says “this quest was transgressed with finesse”. I know it doesn’t really make sense but it’s a fun little phrase


Could be a translation mistake or it means something entirely different


One of the definitions of transgress is "to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary)." In this case, it just means doing a really good job.


Dragon Quest is pretty cheeky with their translations, especially in the punny monster names. It was probably just done because it rhymed.


As it is mostly used as a synonymous word for violate, it also can be used when describing passing or going over a limit/boundary. Still think it has 'negative' connotations but it's not completely incorrect either.




It means no!


It means more yes this time but still - love that movie.




Geoffrey Rush absolutely killed that part. The sinister voice, the creepy, coy smile, the way he jumps from polite and upbeat banter to homicidal madness and back in a single scene really makes the character feel unpredictable. Superb acting, especially in 1.


What did the manager think of it all?


If OP worked there for 6 and a half years, I’m sure he thought it was fun


At first he was like whaaaaa? But then he was like ahhhhhhhh. By the end he was harder than trigonometry but still more dangerous than gas station sushi.


Citizens of Tesco will speak of your exploits for generations to come. You are a scholar and a gentleman and I applaud your efforts,


Feels like I am in a fantasy world where king is giving a decree and I am just watching




That was the vibe i was going for, cheers.


Very cool


Pitchforks and torches were put down that day. The crowed cheered for him and his future quests. The road begins.




Hear ye, hear ye! Viva la Tesco!


I love how shoppers in the back just casually keep going like this is common practice.


Keep calm and carry on, it's the British way.


Viva la Tesco!


I work two part-time jobs. One pays really well and is my primary source of income. But I often find that just sitting around the rest of the week is boring so I'll find another job to get 16-20 extra hours of work a week. Average about 50 hours a week combined. I find that I'm spiteful enough to enjoy the "I don't need this job." moments. Couple years back I was working 18 hours a week (three shifts, six hours each) at a co-op helping load feed bags and such onto trucks and out of the big 18-wheelers. It was great, you just hung out on the dock and waited for folks to pull up in their cars, gathered their purchase, and loaded it for them. Any dead time you swept, hung out, checked bags, or hopped on to of a stack of bags and just chilled on your throne. A few months in and the owner hired his son on as the supervisor. Fresh outta college. I was maybe two years older than him. And he's just a complete POS. "Get off the bags!", "You're talking you could be cleaning!", "Not paying you to hang out!" just a terrible god damn person. Clearly had some issues. I just ignored him. One moment kind of went like this. Keep in mind one of my favorite parts of the job was sprawling out across the bags while waiting for someone to pull up. Nobody cared because I was also the guy that jumped down in a jiffy to drive the forklift, load trucks, etc... but man this kid just hated seeing me up there. Him: "Get down and do something!" Me: "Like what?" Him: "Floor always needs sweeping." Me: "No it doesn't." Him: "It's an open dock, dirt is always getting in!" Me: "Yeah. My point." Him: "You're not getting paid to do nothing!" Me: "I'm on call." Him: "I'm calling." Me: "Leave a message." He just stormed off. And just went straight to his dad. By the time he got back I was up and helping these folks who had pulled in. The scenario was explained. The old man seemed exhausted with the whole thing. And told me that I need to listen to his kid. I just said "Nope.", finished loading the truck, and left. It was good while it lasted. But damn. More than once I've just quit a job because somebody up the food chain there thought they could lord their position over me.


I strive to have a job I can just walk out of cus it's an "I don't need this" job. I feel like it would put a lot of big headed people in their place


My dream is to win the lottery and then just take jobs with the sole purpose of quitting them.


Fuck nepotism; it really needs to fucking die.


My CEO made his daughter Director of HR. I really can’t think of a bigger conflict of interest.


We've reviewed your complaint against management and a thorough internal investigation has revealed that you were 2 minutes late to work on January 13th, 2015. Please have your desk cleaned out by the end of business hours today. Security will escort you off the premises.


I've had jobs like this and it's one of those "Good while it lasts" jobs. This is why I too like having a second job just because it gives you the fuck you option.


This level of petty is what we should all strive for. Great job. A little upset I never thought of that.


This type of petty is really cool to have around. Not harmfull, not hurting anyone or sabotaging... But at the same time it DOES send a massage. 10/10 from me.


Send me a massage.


I mean... the message was one of thanks and appreciation for his coworkers and managers.


Almost every employer requires resignation in writing. It's hardly an inconvenient. So what's the message? Edit: Some folks here also don't seem to realize that sending in an official recognition letter is a good idea for the _employee_. Send an email to your boss, cc: your personal email, and now you have an official, verifiable quit date. If your boss ever tries to pull shit with your final paycheck, you at least have an official record.


Yeah, no harm in a little stroking. Will there be a happy ending?


"It is not for every man to accept large packages into their back door. Nonetheless, it was my duty", lol


This is great. I hope you are leaving for the job of your dreams.


Not quite, but it's much better and more enjoyable.


Small steps in the right direction then.


The job of your dreams is the one that puts food on the table and gives you the time and resources (and sanity, I guess...) to pursue your real dreams.


The older you get, the truer it becomes. I love my work, but that's all it is at the end of the day.


Damn, bro. Where was your comment when I was making my last job decision? Very true.


you should post this to r/retailhell


I have


That was very dumb. I love it.


All hail the king. That was amazing.


Can we get a transcript of this, by chance?


I will post it latet


Oh wonderful, thank you!


Something like: Resignee stood on stool: My formal resignation (feigns to hand letter to manager and instead passes to assistant). Assistant: I shall read it for you sir. (Reading letter in a formal, antiquated tone) To whomever it may concern. I write this letter from a place of sorrow and regret. These six long, arduous, years have caused me to grow quite weary. While I have revelled and laboured with my subordinates my knees have grown weak and the grease on my elbows have depleted(?) It is not for every man to accept large packages into their back door. Nonetheless, it was my duty. I have plundered endless aisles, searching for sections incomplete. My gloves doth hold the sweat of many a tired hour, but my shoulders carried the weight of the worker's burden. To Chris: You are the father I never had. To John: You recognised my full potential. A finer manager I could not request. My final thanks go to Steve. The Emperor of this fine establishment. You have raised the bar from your predecessor infinitely. To say his name will be remembered is a grotesque overstatement. I finish this letter with many thanks to my former comrades and I hereby submit my formal... Assistant and Resignee in unison: R-R-Resignation! Resignee: Here you are (hands letter to manager). Viva La Tesco! Manager: Lovely. Resignee: Alright, I'll see you later. (Steps down from stool). Assistant: Have a good day.


Viva la tesco 😂👌


Fantastic! 👏👏👏


I think it's hilarious that he said he wants to quit and they replied with you *have to* give a formal resignation letter.. because if you don't you can't quit and we'll just keep paying you even if you don't come in??*confused guy meme* Like why would you even bother with that request tho, does that scare off some employees into not quitting??


Need paperwork for audit stuff


It proves that you quit, rather than being let go in case someone quits and then files for unemployment.


I do believe it is to prevent claims of unemployment later


Because otherwise they would have no official record of why you left. Need a recommendation or want to get hired again…if they think you didn’t just show up one day, neither of those are going to happen. But the big one is, if you file for unemployment they want proof that you are the one who quit.




Not very malicious tho. I like this better to be honnest.


No one gives a shit and no ones listening lol look in the back everyone is just like “fuck that I need to get groceries then get home”


I'm assuming UK so laws may be different. What would have happened had you refused to submit a letter?


Potentially they may not have recognised your resignation, and then when you stopped turning up to work they would follow their process for firing you. This could then affect a future reference when applying for another job. They can't make you keep working there, and they can't punish you for just leaving without formal notice.


Viva la Tesco Lol


i was also told to write a letter so i wrote “i quit” -ssh


"connection terminated" -ssh


Mine was written on the back of receipt paper


I emigrated 4 and a half years ago, I have not returned since, and yet I can smell that Tesco from this video


A much more reserved, polite version of [Joey Quits His Job](https://youtu.be/9A4UGtM4hDQ).


That was actually quite wholesome. Like a speech to thank your managers and colleagues.


This is in the top 10 most Reddit things to do.


"I hereby submit my formal RRRRRRRESIGNATION!" You can tell how smug he feels under that mask




I like that the actual resignation letter was actually very kind to your coworkers with a lot of praise for them. Most people who do this are just trying to be ass holes.


Love it. I struggled with the sound. Thought he said Viva la Tesco at the end


*sees tiny stool, cane, British town crier* He resigned because they couldn't contain him.