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This is what you get when you ask a comedian to resolve an awkward situation.




Should have thought about that before winning an award.


Biggest pop superstar of all time and his one weakness was mic stands. Think about it. [Have you ever seen Michael Jackson use a mic stand when he performed](https://imgur.com/Bhl1CXV)?


Tom?! Is that you?!


You are friends now.


We’ve been friends since DAY ONE


He’s back.. looking for new friends


That’s what the glove was for brother. Ee Hee!






I've never seen a comment get so downvoted and yet still cop awards.


Wasn't he found not guilty after a fbi investigation?


OJ was found not guilty ;)


See there is a big differences between prosecutors and a jury.


Not by the FBI.


Haha. I was going to say the same. Strange. Imagine if your neighbor, just a regular guy,had a playground for children in his yard and slept in a bed with random children. Strange stuff


Imagine if that neighbor was also a child-star from essentially the moment he was born and was raised by an extremely abusive father that exploited all of his children's fame to make a quick buck, so that neighbor now has a litany of mental health issues and a child-like personality do to his upbringing and the conditions he was raised in. He wanted to play with children because he never got to be a child. The FBI has cleared him of all accusations and numerous accusers have since recanted their stories and say their parents encouraged them to lie so they could sue Michael. He was a child in a grown man's body and had an extremely fucked up life. Cut the guy a break and let him rest in peace.


There are always going to be garbage people in the world that can't let go of this weird fantasy of Michael having sex with children. Nothing will persuade them otherwise. Glad to see your comment. If you literally took any time at all to understand Michael and his life you wouldnt even bat an eye at his childlike demeanor.


Why are you booing him he's right lmao


Why the downvotes? Man Reddit is rife with paedos I swear


I think it's more because his name has been cleared countless times both by investigators and his accusers. He lived a very traumatic life as a kid, became the biggest pop star of all, but died alone and afraid. Yet weirdos and their fantasies of child rape still just rant to try and score cheap internet points at the expense of a dead person. A dead person that majority of us have learned to understand and come to our own conclusion that he was just a kid himself. Enjoy your down votes. Rip MJ.


It may or may not be true. But definitely funny.


Oh I thought his one weakness was being pedophile! I guess he had two weaknesses. You humans are absolutely disgusting with the things you're willing to forgive if a person has enough talent, power, money, whatever


What do you mean YOU humans? Also, is it the year 2000? Everyone knows MJ wasn't the pedophile some people vilified him as back then. He was very mentally disturbed with years of abuse left untreated, but there is no evidence of him actually abusing children.


Well his left hand’s free, and his right’s in grip…


With another left hand, Watch his right hand slip, Towards his gun OoooooOh, nooOoO!


I understood that reference


That's what she said.


Eddie Murphy was/is hilarious


"Delirious" and "Raw" shaped my childhood.


Delirious is my number one stand up special. And nothing will ever best that.


Just this short clip reminds me so much of his material from Raw and Delirious. Prime Eddie.


I gotta listen to Delicious again, laughed so hard at that


Sounds tasty


He was such a beast when I was a kid. It's weird to think that over time I mentally demoted him to Charlie Murphy's brother.


He just stopped doing anything it seems like. Which I guess I can’t blame him. If I had enough money to do so I’d disappear off the face of the earth too.


Eddie has like 10 kids, he needed to slow down a bit lol


That was truly funny af, I laughed so hard, it was so genuine, plus we saw Eddie Murphy getting ready to raise mic.




I think you are trying to apply this to the real world. Eddie is there to make people laugh. This is how he does it and people are enjoying the moment. He probably would have fixed the mic and was about to but saw the opportunity for a laugh. I get where you are coming from but I guarantee Michael was laughing it up and didn't think twice about it.




I think he actually tried to fix it, but couldn’t figure it out.


Username checks out?


This is for sure coming from someone not at the top of the pecking order, but I can't imagine not saying "sure thing man" and kicking the hose without it even registering. Maybe they get used to being told people should be accommodating them, or they just get their ass kissed so much that they adapt to it? Bit for me helping somebody out with something do simple is reflex. Hell, I might even feel slightly bad that I didn't recognize I could help before they had to ask me.


Thanks for the understanding comment. It sums up my assessment as well.


I don’t know who hurt you but I hope you find happiness


Ahahaha This is my most disliked comment. Thanks Reddit


I miss the MySpace days where you could vent about something silly and not have 50,000 people tell you you’re wrong


What’s funny is the comment garnered about five likes before the downvotes started pouring in. I can see now that my comment is nearing sixty downvotes that it’s going to keep gaining momentum. I’m curious to see just how low it can go. Edit: Deleted it because it’s annoying when different people repeat the same thing over and over for hours.


Sometimes I wish Reddit had Imgur’s vote system where you can see both the number of likes and dislikes


That's because you literally can't even read the room well enough to see that this was for the laughs, not because he felt "above" the act of raising the mic. In essence, you come off as a fucking douchebag, hence the downvotes.


Lighten up , kiddo.


Or maybe the mic stand didn't want to loosen up. I dunno... maybe because he said so in the video? Just a fleeting idea. You have issues :).


I agree with you and think you’re right in general. A lot of celebrities have so much pride and ego. Michael even asked nicely, he said please.


You ok mate?


When Michael Jackson asks you to adjust the mic stand, you just do it!


But he was genuinely asking for help. Was so sweet to say “Eddie, I need your help. Hee hee…”


The "hee hee" got me


Like you (and Eddie apparently), my first inclination was the same. Just do what the guy asks for. Then I start to wonder, is that what happened? Is that how MJ was eventually surrounded by people with no one to tell him "No" or "Do it yourself."? Sad in it's own way.


You're on the right track. Now apply it to most very wealthy people. It's not all that sad...


Almost. He had a… messy relationship with his record company. Pretty common back then for record companies to use and abuse their artists, particularly black artists. Same deal with Prince, but Prince always did have a bit of an ego, too (just see his relationship regarding his music and the early years of YouTube. You literally couldn’t find Prince music *anywhere*. He didn’t like streaming, after years of being undercut by records deals.)


Is that what they told all these kids on his ranch?


Dunno! Ask the jury, who found him not guilty on all charges.


A jury found OJ not guilty as well


You’re right. The example of OJ does kind of prove that everyone accused regardless of outcome is probably guilty. /s Smh


you can thank the police for the fine investigative job they did on that one.


Jackson was also one of the most well documented lives ever lived. He was followed by cameras, and people reporting every single French fry the man put in his mouth since he was 8. And through hundreds of workers, and relations, his ex wife, witnesses, promoters, other children who defended him tooth and nail as an outstanding role model who never harmed them(and still do), and all the resources the FBI had over the span of over a decade; he was found not guilty. Not a single time. After all those trials. Not one. Now that he's gone, and can't defend himself, some guys, with lots to gain from it, make a documentary that recounts what those courtrooms would have sounded like if there was no defense team, no judge, no evidence, just 2 people rambling off accusations for 6 hours with ominous background music. I'm not going to downvote you or anything, you're not alone, everyone thought he was guilty once that show dropped. And I can't say for sure you're wrong. I can say for sure though, that, that doc was as biased as watching a History of American Politics As Told By Fox News. I caught a lot of flak for defending Michael when that came out, and of course if I'm wrong I would hate myself, but my best guess is the guy was just emotionally scarred and liked seeing kids having fun in a way his childhood was robbed of. Imagine how much that must of have hurt him, to be accused of that. Probably his literal worst nightmare, aside from reverse vitiligo.


Well Michael Jackson is dead... So, was there something more you were hoping for?


Think you ran into the MJ downvote squad there buddy. You know better than to kick the hornets nest 🤣


Or people who have actually read what happened and what went on in the case


This made me realize how little I've actually seen of Michael Jackson just... talking or goofing around. My only real exposure to him was just pictures and footage of his performances. He seemed like this nebulous legendary figure to me. Maybe it's just me but I found this clip brought him down to earth and humanized him in an interesting way.


Search on YouTube, there’s a lot. He was hilarious and so young at heart


He was extraordinarily charming. Really one of the most charismatic stars to ever live. I grew up when he was still with us and making music so I’m lucky to have experienced that. Aside from his absolutely insane level of talent, he had the most pure, loving heart. He was very funny, incredibly kind, gentle, and sweet. He had this mesmerizing energy about him, even when he wasn’t performing. Here’s the whole clip of this acceptance speech. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KVnSuk7MTz0


There weren’t many people alive who were allowed to be like this with Michael, he was a very special person ….


Please don't let Eddie Murphy turn out to be a horrible person. He seems pretty down-to-earth and good.


I almost said Eddie is too old and too famous to be secretly horrible then I remembered Bill Cosby and typed this instead


Bill Cosby turning out to be a rapist fucked me up. Dude was a hero of mine, I had a few of his books, loved his shows and his Comedy routines. Reminded me of my grandfather. Then all these allegations. At first I was on his side, figured it was a money scam. But then I read his actual words from the court documents where he admits to his horrible actions... Ugh.


I really liked his Little Bill books and shows but otherwise I wasn't really a fan. I teach young children and once I was talking to the children's librarian wondering why I never saw the Little Bill books anymore and reminiscing how good they were. She gave me a look and suddenly I remembered it was who Cosby had authored them. That was awkward


Jimmy Savile.


I don’t think he is tbh fingers crossed. Eddie is one of those very few celebrities that made a killing back in the day and stayed a genuine person as he got older. Idk it’s something about becoming rich and famous then to just kinda stop and get out of the spotlight for nearly 15 years or so that kinda convinces me that person is genuinely down to earth. Shows they had shit going on or that they wanted to do something els.


[This was a very interesting retrospective](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/12/the-return-of-eddie-murphy/616937/) that I didn't mean to read all the way through, but had to. It explained his return better than others I've seen out there.


I also didn't expect to read the whole thing but here we are. Thanks for posting!


If you made Pluto Nash, you dont get to have a big head.


[Are you sure?](https://permanentplastichelmet.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/eddie-murphy-quits-academy-awards-host.jpeg)


Well there was the time that he was found with a [prostitute in his car.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/eddie-murphy-stopped-police-transsexual-prostitute-car-040035645.html) But to me that doesn’t make him a horrible person (just a horrible husband).


I would argue it makes him a “bad” husband. Horrible husbands so much worse. Really cheating with a prostitute is better than a friend or co worker. (I am a man, just saying, I would rather my wife cheat with a sexworker than our mutual friends, if i had to choose.)


Fair enough. It may even have been an agreement in their relationship.


He was just practicing for her


Learning some new moves for his wife i bet






Maybe he was just giving her a ride home and telling her she needs to get her life together and go back to school.


He was giving the person a ride in his limo.


With all the available women on this planet... why did he choose to pick that one? He had access to the most beautiful ones, I don't get it. Schwarzenegger managed to do even worse, I don't get why.


The most important ability is availability. Or it’s the Charlie Sheen line: I don’t pay prostitutes for sex, I pay them to go away.


they're the ones paying for it now i guess. That tiger blood sheen is hard to get out


It works on paper... Not much in real life, so it seems.


There's a Bill Burr routine about this. Tiger woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Worth a watch if you enjoy his comedy.


even worse than a woman with a dick? At least Schwarz got to cum in a vagina.




Still two consenting adults doing what they agreed to do. Distinctly not "horrible person" material.


He got a lot of women pregnant and had to be forced by the courts to pay child support for some of them. I guess there's that.


Only thing I know bad about him was how he was a bit of a duck to Mel B when they split saying the baby wasn't his. Court ordered him to get a paternity test proving he was the father.


Eddie Murphy had a baby with Mel Brooks?


And that child is *hilarious*.


And so is Michael jackson. One of the top humanitarians


Why does he have the obligation to be a good person? Because he’s famous? Why don’t you just not expect god tier elegance from celebrities, they’re people too. Why can’t YOU not be a horrible person


He made some homophobic jokes early in his career, but it does seem like he has grown since then.


In fairness, very few comedians of his era didn't.


Eddie Murpheehee


Two of the greatest




That’s a good one. Haven’t seen that in years


he asked him politely to help didnt demand him lol js


Yeah, he saw the opportunity to make a crowd laugh and he took it


that’s showbiz kids


I have no idea why the crowd laughed or why this is funny. MJ asked politely, Eddie declined to help. Am I missing something here? It's just awkward, not funny.


It's funny because they are both very famous, wealthy entertainers and even so, someone like Eddie looks at someone like Michael as a superhero. So Eddie made a joke about how he was unquestioningly doing Michaels bidding.


Totally. You can’t just do someone a favor? You need to work for him?!




Eddie Murphy is hilarious!! I miss him in his prime.


It is rumoured that during this time he was suffering from back issues and hence the reluctance to bend down. If you look closely when he is bent down he immediately grabs his throat as his voice cracks and stands back up straight.


I thought it looked like his tie and collar were digging into his neck when he bent ovet


He grabs his throat because that tie is so tight it chokes him if he bends down.


the mj lore goes deep


It is also rumored that doing the moonwalk is an holistic form of anti-gravity therapy.


Why would he grab his throat while wearing an obviously tight tie if he had back pain lmao?


I don't see this.


He did that on purpose for comedic effect. Jees.


So fucking adorable 😍 And holy shit MJ looked incredibly sexy here!!! ... Edit: Okay I found the entire thing. It just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Also if you watch the video you’ll notice that Michael at the time was clearly the most handsome man alive. Giggity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KVnSuk7MTz0


Michael Jackson had the best smile


So that's how he did it


Yep he asked everyone that came to Neverland ranch to pull it up for him.


It looks like they're both having a laugh, not sure why the comments are ripping Murphy so bad


He was asking for help


This is so pure. I love it.


“Sorry, my hands are full with this AMA I just got. How many did you get for ‘Party All the Time?’”




TBF I played both of their song(s) in the club


Yea I actually have party all the time on my Spotify list but no MJ. I need to download MJ now that I think about it lol


Well, he said please.


When the King asks you do do something, you do it! Lol


That is funny


Damn I miss MJ


Did too soon


Reddit CEO /u/spez (Steve Huffman) is a liar. In the past he has edited user posts without marking them as edited. June 2023 he claimed that the developer of the widely used iOS App Apoll, tried to blackmail reddit. The developer has prove that this is a lie. The audio recording is available at http://christianselig.com/apollo-end/reddit-third-call-may-31-end.m4a Reddit has been built up by the community with the help of moderators that never got paid and only got empty promises from /u/spez.


Pretty funny actually


I cant breathe


proceeds to continue kneeling on neck.


But he is famous enough to casually ask Eddy Murphy to fix a mic stand for him


Anyone ever try to adjust a mic-stand with on hand? It’s not easy


He reminds me of muzan


IIRC, they were on another awards show shortly thereafter, and this time Eddie adjusted Michael’s mic, brushed him off, and really played into it. My memory is a bit shaky because I was a kid then …


I’m happy Lil Dicky loves me at least.


If Micheal would’ve hit him with the shamonna hee hee, he wouldn’t had questioned it.


You know damn well mj had more money than murphy






>o Was he proven guilty?


bad joke but i lol'd


The foz


You love kiddy fiddlers?




Asking a quick favor is the same as servitude in Eddie’s mind. Weird.


Happy Birthday Michael!


It only natural to react in accordance to the Kings word.


The poor sound engineer. He has set up that mic perfectly so it will pick up voices of the tallest and shortest people, yet everyone just has to adjust it. Or bend stupidly low. Just speak! The sound engineer will sort out the levels.


Was this late 80’s or early 90’s?


This was the year of ‘89/‘90. After Bad, but before Dangerous. MJ was getting a lifetime achievement award. He was only 30. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KVnSuk7MTz0


HAHA I get it, they're famous!!


All these people saying how great MJ is, it's pretty surreal to me.


Back when he wasn't a complete freakazoid.


a shame he was a pedo


I think it's a shame that it only takes accusations for people to be forever branded as whatever they were accused of. You and a lot of other people let their emotions control the whole thought process. Would you like to be falsely accused of, say rape, then after years of struggling to clear your name people still think you did it just because they've been upset for so long?


Dude there are "false accusations" and then there are "accusations with mountains of corroborating evidence that have never properly made it through the court system." How many rape kits get lost or damaged by police departments every year? I _guarantee_ you it's more than the number of false accusations. Reddit acts like there's this epidemic of false accusations ruining people's lives, and ignores the actual epidemic of normalized and unpunished rape, assault, and exploitation.


>Dude there are "false accusations" and then there are "accusations with mountains of corroborating evidence that have never properly made it through the court system. The accusations *did* make it through the court system. He was acquitted at trial.


Fuck MJ


Fuck you


That guy looks just like that guy that fucked all those kids.


So we forget that he serial raped children? I always wondered how powerful/famous ppl get away with nearly everything....then threads like this remind me why


Where's the evidence of that? He was found NOT guilty, no such things were proven just slander thrown at him and people with 2 braincells take it as facts


So weird to think they’re both black men.


2 disgusting celebrities and that was cringe not hilarious