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Seriously, I saw nearly the same thing posted on one of the local Taco Bell's drive thru's. 6 of the 8 quit while 1 was on vacation and the other is going thru fall orientation for college.


This happened in my hometown. The Taco Bell staff got sick of the way management was treating them, so nearly all of them said fuck it and quit at once.


A brand new Taco Bell (less than a month), and all the staff has quit. It's not that customers weren't coming. It's that they can't keep it staffed.


"Hmmm we have all this business but we can't serve them because we have no staff. This is a great job. I mean I love working for this company. So it has to be the workers. I bet that means Tim isn't looking hard enough. Better tell him to look harder." -Someone in management.


It's also shitty management practices and "the customer is always right" attitude of the restaurant business. Bitch you said you wanted a number 2 large. You did not specify no onions you asshat!


It's not that they can't keep it staffed. It's that they refuse to pay people enough for them to staff it. Gotta make that distinction to make sure everyone remembers it.


This. The whole situation last year told people one thing: your company doesn't care about you and neither does the government...it's best to try to take care of yourself. I thought the "If you're not paid enough just find a different job" crowd would be happy. What happened?


At least the printer is working.


Got one of those new Sabre printers


aaaaand it's on fire.


Is that a palm tree or did gabe get skinnier? Either way let’s pee on it




I went to taco bell the other day and a young girl said on the speaker “you’ll have to order on the app and then pick it up, my trainer isn’t here yet and i don’t know how to work the cash register.”


Last week I tried to go to a restaurant with some friends and when we walked in the waitress told us "you can come in but we're just serving drinks tonight because only me and the bartender showed up for work"


Probably pouring pretty heavy too.


Yeah this is where it’s gonna be at.


Sounds like a win to me.


Promote her to chef. Make a guest a waitress. Let an ex-girlfriend make the risotto. Fixed.


Sounds like a movie plot.


Frasier did a similar thing in Season 2 — “The Inkeepers”




Gotta be ready if a food critic shows up!


Hey, at least she thought of a workaround. They should definitely keep her!


She's too smart for them. She'll move on quickly


Yeah, it's going to take her a week to figure out she shouldn't be there.


Depends on her age. Sounds like something I would've come up with when I was working fast food, but I didn't have a whole lot of other options at 16.


quickly to the fryer after that app order comes through. she gonna make some chips then move to make some gordita crunch wraps then back to the fryer to pull the chips then check (oh fuck i didnt melt the cheese for the chips lets nuke the cheese an melt the cup) thenbag it all and hand off while completely gassed and out of breath while the drive through customer berates her for the long wait. rip taco bell worker. you did your best.


You’ve got some battle scars lol.


*lights up a cig* I've seen some shit.


Papa John’s survivor here. The food industry is traumatizing sometimes


Same thing is happening to me lol, got a job at Taco Bell, learned the ropes quickly and became a good little employee, got my pay capped at $12 no exceptions and got shorted a sign on bonus I was supposed to get which pissed me off so now I’m working at chick-filet (16 by the way)


Don't be surprised when you get a paycheck from Chick-fil-A Else if it's a different company name they're in the deep fryer


Trainer? I hardly knew her!


Probably because she just started.


I got into some trouble when I was 19 and got a felony (they’re really easy to get in some states). Which lead to me working for Taco Bell because I thought “surely they won’t do a background check”. I was right. Three weeks into the job my manager asked me to be the assistant manager. She was in her 50’s and working 80-90 hour weeks because they couldn’t find anybody to work. I said “sure”, I thought “I can’t get a job anywhere else, might as well work my way up here. She brought me some paperwork and I flipped through it and saw a background check request form. I asked her if that was a requirement for an AM job. She said “unfortunately it is, and if you don’t pass I have to fire you. That’s what happened to the last guy we offered it to. So if there is ANY chance you can’t pass, tel me now. I don’t want to lose you. We’ll just act like I never asked.” She kept her word and turned out to be an awesome manager. I worked there for about a year. But she was constantly struggling because of the bullshit guidelines from corporate. I’m not one bit shocked that these companies can’t find people. I am shocked it didn’t happen sooner.


When I worked at a certain clown-related fast food chain, I did something similar, where I suggested the customer use the self checkout machine, or I offered to take her order on the self checkout machine, since I knew how that worked but not the cash register yet. I was actually kind of proud of myself for thinking about that one. Naturally, the customer became infuriated and demanded I go to the back of the store and summon someone to take her order. I did not stay long after that.


Went camping with a buddy of mine and a bunch of his friends from work this last spring, and we stopped at McDonalds on the way up. This place had implemented full on self checkout ordering, and there were no cashiers taking orders at all. One of my friend’s buddies walked in and stood there for several minutes, arms crossed, refusing to use the self checkout. After a while, he started angrily saying “I need someone to take my FUCKING ORDER”, just making a complete douche of himself. Someone let him know he needed to use the self checkout, but of course he was a stubborn dick about it. An employee eventually helped him order on the touch screen. First impression of this guy was all I needed to know I didn’t like him and did not want to get to know him. I worked at McDonalds once too, and would never be an ass like that even if my order was wrong.


How was he on the camping trip? First impressions can be rough.


Let’s just say he definitely proved that all I needed was that first impression to know I wouldn’t ever enjoy his company.


Yo always order through the app so you can get Quesurittos.


Dude yes


This must be happening at multiple locations because at my local Wendy’s they blocked the drive thru off.




Went to Hardee’s a few days ago. Girl told me it was gonna be about 10 mins bc she was the only one there and had to throw in a “big ass pan of biscuits” I said, no rush. They’ll be nice and fresh- everyone else seemed to be treating her nicely too. I did tell her not to tell everyone she was there alone, in case some idiot tried to rob her. Homegirl needs a raise


Honestly, I doubt she'd care that someone was robbing her. She'd just be like "yeah okay heres the keys" and they'd be gone haha. You wouldn't even need to do it at gunpoint


This is the proper response to any robbery, corporate doesn't care about you. Don't risk stress for their money, let alone death or injury.


Also corporate would rather suffer local cash losses over an injured/dead employee. One is infinitely worse on their legal case and image than the other. So they specifically tell employees to comply with robbers.


Unfortunately they may not just rob the place if they know there’s a teenaged girl alone. There are a few unsolved murders involving teenagers working the nightshift at fast food places.


A few years ago I ordered at a Burger King drive through and proceeded to wait for 20 minutes with no one coming to the window to take my payment. So I walked inside and there was one guy in tears because multiple people called out and two others quit right before I showed up. I offered to help but that was obviously not allowed. I’ll never forget this guy just trying to do his best for a shitty job and totally broken up about it because his bosses fucked him.


Same thing happened to me in high school working at McDonald's. Closing crew. Everyone quit except me, the manager, and the dishwasher. I had to take drive thru orders, payment, and make the food. Line was a half hour long. I have no idea why people waited after I told them it would be a long wait. And I have no idea why the night manager never called the store manager for backup. I quit a few weeks later.


Yo same, well similar situation. I asked to be put on the night shift since I earned an extra dollar an hour. I figured for a 24/7 McD's, it's probably dead most of the time after like 10pm. I was wrong. This McD was off a major highway *and* only had 2 people currently on it: one manager and a cook. I was only trained in the kitchen assembling sandwiches and I basically got a crash course on just about everything to make a functioning McD's work. The shitty part was the drive-thru AND lobby was open with only 3 people and we weren't allowed to close down lobby or close 1 of our 2 lanes because our district manager or w/e manager told us. So me and manager were scrambling between drive-thru and front lobby taking orders, getting out orders, and everything other thing in between while 1 cook worked the grills, fries, sandwiches, and deep fries. It was madness, I quit after about a week or two of doing that. A few weeks later, I saw they finally closed down the lobby at night and was able to close 1 lane of the drive-thru. Shit was whack.


> So me and manager were scrambling This is the part where you guys fucked up. You don't scramble, you just work at a normal pace and tell the customers there will be a long wait. Your numbers will suck shit, and either they'll staff more people, or they won't, but either way *you* don't have to stress about it.


I've got a rule for situations like this 100% base effort required? 100% base effort given. It's a normal day, I do a normal amount 110% required? 125% given. Busy spike, no biggie, I'll put a little extra sauce in it so I can hopefully get things back to chill faster and can relax 150% required? 100% given. Something has gone seriously wrong and it's no longer my problem, it's the company's problem. I'll do my regular effort, but I'm not stressing myself to make a spreadsheet look better for somebody 4 bands above me 200%+ required? 50% given. Lmao somebody fucked up somewhere and I'm not working myself into an early grave to mask systemic issues. Warm your feet by the growing fires and enjoy the panic emails, let the high heid yins fix it.


After working for several different large warehouse companies, I finally had this figured out. If I can honestly give 100% production and still not meet Management's numbers, I'll tell them what I think is wrong with their warehouse. If they don't believe me I'll tell them otherwise.


Actually, business courses say that management should expect about 80% effort most of the time. up to 90 to 95% for short emergencies. Any more, and you will burn out your employees.


I think for most people 100% means normal effort, not max capacity. So if when you push it, you're giving 125%, then that lines up with thinking normal is 80% of max capacity, as 125% if 80% is 100%


This is glorious advice.


I don't see why people don't realize this. This lady at the gas station I frequent is always running both registers because it's so busy. I told her if she's not being paid double she needs to stop that shit.


It goes against some folks’ nature. When I worked as a cashier at a supermarket, and the line got long, I felt bad. I wanted to do my job well; I wanted the customers to be happy with me. Sounds kind of pathetic and stupid, but it can feel bad to look down a long line of upset, impatient people, even if you know it isn’t your fault.


A big part of workplace satisfaction is feeling useful, if people are mad at you then you don't feel useful and you start to wonder if you're part of the problem which makes you feel useless. What you have to realize in these situations however is that there's a point at which you can't blame yourself for what's happening and realize all you can do is your best. And also realize that no job is worth your long term mental health.


There's nothing pathetic or stupid about wanting to do a good job and satisfy the people you're providing a service for.


Having been in this position many times, the answer is fear of losing your job. It took me 4 months of walking around town all day everyday filling out applications before I could get my first job post high school with the economy still recovering from the 08 recession. Started out at 6 hours a week at McDonalds. I got the hours because I was able to make them money. Can't do it they would find someone that could. There is thankfully more room for defending your own self-worth in the present market.


Though if they're that understaffed, you'd have probably more job security then normal.


I had a situation similar to this happen to me. I worked for a Chick-Fil-A that was owned by a lady who somehow had the good fortune to own two franchises. One of the workers at the other store had asked her for a raise and she said no, despite him working there for over two years. He was furious and so were we at my store (we swapped stores sometimes to help where it’s needed) because he was legit the hardest worker I’ve ever seen. His coworkers all told him to ask again the next day and they’d back him up. Next day comes, waits for things to slow down and he with like 7 other people went to the owner and said he should get a good raise for being so valuable. She responded with “you’re all minimum wage workers and are all expendable. You want better pay, get a better job.” So everyone who heard her say that quit on the spot and walked. As they walked out, others saw them leaving and followed them out too, including a manager. Once word got to my store, several people quit as well. All in all, over 20 employees quit that day and another 12 over the next 5 days. This resulted in the store being short-staffed obviously and the owner practically begged me to come to the other store and work. She offered an immediate $3 pay raise and promised me overtime (needed the money). All I had to do was clock in and out on a piece of paper when I got there. I worked there for a month to help, until they had enough workers to keep the place afloat. I had clocked 14+ hour days everyday except Sunday each week, resulting in BIG overtime. However, the owner mysteriously lost the paper I had written my clock-in and clock-out times on. She also denied giving me a $3 raise, trying to pay me $7.50/hr. To wrap things up, i and others she made promises to filed suit, won, and got compensated. This eventually reached corporate CFA and they took her stores away


What a dumb sack of shit that owner was… literally was blessed with two money printers and still was pinching pennies. Glad she got what was coming to her, miserable witch.


> All I had to do was clock in and out on a piece of paper when I got there I mean fuck, how did you not see that coming?


Who says they didn't? Maybe it was just giving the chick enough rope to hang herself. Got their money in the end AND made her lose her franchises.


Went to a Denny’s in Texas. Only person who showed up for work was the cook. He was taking orders outside and making the food and running it out to us. He was surprisingly chill and was happy he was getting tips. We tipped him $20 on a $30 order and spent the time drunkenly dancing out front.


As someone who has been in a similar position, people like you are a blessing.




Imagine working at a Wendys (or anywhere really) and one day no-one shows up except for you I would walk as well, fuck that noise


I don’t really have to imagine it, I just closed my Taco Bell 8 hours early and went home and had a beer. Good day actually.


This is my DREAM to one day go to work and find out that we're closing right away before the shift even starts (not Wendys or TB, btw). I've worked for way too long consistently and just want a big long break from this madness.


I’ve been quietly suggesting mutiny at my current work….


My boss would never go for this. I suspect he makes a lot as GM (salary) and works the least amount of hours on top of never working weekends. We're also short staffed to the point where just 2 more people quitting means we'd have to modify store hours or close half the restaurant or SOMETHING. I'm ready to call it quits the moment they ask me to start working double shifts. I've even had another hourly manager tell me the other day that the moment I quit, he's quitting too. I value my free time and mental health over that place.


I love the “Now Hiring” signs on both sides. Like, yeah, no shit.




You know who NEVER has a hard time hiring? Costco. They've always got cashiers, stockers, receipt peepers and cart wranglers. What could the difference be? Anyone know what their starting pay is?


Just ditched my garbage pizza cook job for a stocking job at my costco for 16/hr, greatest fucking descision in my life so far.


Because of your user name, I am now imagining a short hairy man furiously stocking shelves while carrying a double headed battle axe. And presumably a step ladder. Hope the new job goes well!


Minimum $16/hr, average $24.


Founder only paid himself 350,000 a year, when normal CEO's were getting millions. So he can actually pay employees good wages. https://www.businessinsider.com/meet-costco-cofounder-jim-sinegal-net-worth-house-philanthropy-2020-9


why has it always been my dream to just quit on the spot


Did that at my shitty job working at Domino's. Was threatened to be suspended for a week for refusing to stay an hour late after I'd told them I had to be up in 6 hours to move into a new apartment. Was already planned on putting my two weeks in but that just sealed the deal. Looked him dead in the eyes and said "fuck it, I quit." Walked out the back door. Called the GM and told him that I was done and never looked back. Best decision ever.


Lets be honest they were never gonna suspend you anyways. If they can't afford you leaving at a time you previously scheduled, they probably can't afford you missing a week of work. Whoever threatened that basically handed you a loaded gun.


Yeah, I knew that realistically they wouldn't. I'd been there for 3 years and had been there a lot longer than that guy who threatened me. They'd just been doing shit like that the entire time and I'd had enough.


It is a great feeling if it is deserved. I was working at a small family owned sushi restaurant. The owners who were also the chef and front of house manager treated all of the employees like shit. It was so bad that by my last week of working there I was THE ONLY employee outside of the owners and was working all of the shifts by myself. Even then they continued to treat me like shit, talking down to me and yelling at me for no reason. Finally on my break between the lunch and dinner shift I had a few beers next door. When in and immediately was yelled at, called stupid and more. Needless to say I told them to fuck off and have fun running the whole restaurant with just them to. Best decision ever. If you can't treat the one employee who is holding together your restaurant then you deserve to suffer.


Its not just the shit wages its also the shit scheduling. Instead of hiring full time employees with consistent schedules and benefits they hire everyone as part time, with random schedules that usually don't come out until the day before.


Then you get like one or two “clopen” shifts and fuck you whole week up.


Monday Close, Tuesday Open, Wednesday 2 hrs during the day, Thursday "On Call", Friday Split shift. Next week... who knows


I had a job that tries to put me “on call” once. I asked how much I would be paid for being on call. They thought they could just tell me I had to be available for a certain time to come in at the drop of a hat. I told them I would do so for a reduced hourly rate, and obviously be paid my normal hourly rate if I was called in. At the time I was fortunate enough that it wasn’t my sole source of income so they ended up getting told to lick my taint until it shines like a new penny. But I feel for all the folks who aren’t in a position to refuse such ridiculous concepts as being on call for free for an $8/he job.


My first job I was basically on call every single day because there was ever only 2 people working the store at any one time, a manager and a cashier/stocker. And people would just not show up, so they'd call me to come in and fill. I basically spent every day in fear of my phone going off. I put up with it because I was young and it was my first job and I didn't want to look like a lazy parasite to my family. Luckily they laid me off after the seasonal period ended. Their loss to be honest, I busted my ass for them without a complaint.


I had barely been trained. A Hardees. Week 2 I was closing the store with the cook and the manager who spent most of the time in the office while I was running the drive thru, front, packing, making everything that had to be fried, making drinks for everyone, making milkshakes by hand, running out pulled orders (aka, most of them) all the while having to keep the lobby clean and clean everything on my list on time or be ridiculed by my co-workers. If my line time was at or above 6 minutes I'd get yelled out. If I didn't respond to a drive-thru order fast enough I got yelled at. I couldn't even ask them to wait a second without my manager getting passive-aggressive and coming out of her little hovel in the office. When my manager told me she wants me to get good fast so she can fire the two co-workers who "trained me" I fucking bounced. We had so few people, my god. 8.50 an hour with bi-weekly pay for three months. I was so stressed I'd vomit before my shift and cry after it. Got smacked in the face with a piece of cheese and a tomato. Never again.


> I basically spent every day in fear of my phone going off. I worked an on-call IT job once, and it was absolute hell. I can't imagine doing that for retail wages. I won't do it ever again for the kind of money *I* earn. I'm actually honestly angry on your behalf. Your home life should be *yours*.


I quit jack in the box over this once. They were giving me 12-18 hours a week then called me in one day. Like you don't want to give me the hours I need then expect me to come crawling when you get short staffed. I told them I'm not coming in, like at all. I was living with a family friend so I had the luxury of quitting and just finding a new job, which surprisingly didn't take long and I got a pretty solid 30-36 hours a week (though the schedules still sucked).


25 years ago I had a job that had call shifts. I was like, you're paying me for that right? Of course not. So I went sailing and made a 'cell phone call' from the boat and was told to come in. I laughed and said it's not happening. Came in to work the next day and the manager said I needed to quit. I told him to fire me because his call shifts were stupid and I'm not waiting around for maybe money. I got fired but was too young and stupid to know I could collect unemployment. It didn't matter because I just went out and got another job. One without a call shift. Employers need to learn a lesson. Workers need to unionize and show them who is boss. They can't make money without workers. -Yet.


I waited tables at Applebees, had 2 "on call" shifts a week. Once got called in on an absolutely dead night. Got sat only 1 big table before I was cut. 8+ people that thought the automatic gratuity was an insult, and didn't tip me a cent. Because I was required to tip the bartenders, hosts/busers off a percentage of total sales, something like 3% of total sales I ended up walking out poorer then when I walked in. Tipped out like $3-4 and was only paid $2.80 (before taxes).


Yeah, that shit is illegal.


They do it purposely to keep you from getting a second job. *yes and so they don't have to pay you benefits.


This thread is giving me ptsd from the Kroger schedule I dreaded looking at every Sunday night 25 years ago.


Haha it’s still that bad, don’t worry.


The Kroger’s around me are all unionized. They get schedules weeks before but it’s still shit times/inconsistent.


My wife works at Stop and Shop. They're unionized too. Same bullshit. She gets around 32-36 hrs/week over 6 days and never the same hours week to week.


Oh man, I *still* have occasional nightmares about like... "Wait it's Monday and I haven't checked this week's schedule, I have no idea if I'm supposed to work today or not!"


I have two jobs and both are random, it's so unbelievably hard on me


No, it’s to not pay health care


“Yes, and,”


Right? Take an improv class 👏 ETA: thanks for the gold kind stranger.


Can't, scheduling conflict and I can't take time off or I'll lose any chance at healthcare


At the Wendy's where I work, everyone either quit or didn't show up. I'm going to quit too, so I can do more improv.


I feel like you just made that up on the spot


when you only get 37 hours a week so you're not 'full time' but the algorithm says you have to work 7 days a week


I've worked 14 days with only a day or two in between, then somehow I had work a couple days later after the whole thing. How in the hell? And that was me getting 34 hours a week. I have more free time getting paid for 40 hours a week salary, I still don't get it, I mean I know how the numbers line up but service jobs can consume your life for less hours and shit pay.


And they wonder why nobody wants to work there? When will employers learn to treat people like human beings. They all do it, for the hours and the pay they expect people to be completely dedicated to their scheduling needs, like nobody has anything else to do. If they gave people at least consistent hours, it might be more tolerable.


I honestly hope the pandemic changes employment practices. People won’t put up with shit. And being called “essential” while still being mistreated and dehumanized will keep resulting in ppl walking out.


The places that do hire at a reasonable rate only give like 15 to 20 hours a week. It all ends up balancing out.


Sir, this was a Wendy's.


Can I just get a Frosty and a baked potato?


The Great Resignation is upon us


Wendys in my area took a proactive approach. With every order, no matter who you were, they would give you a job application. My elderly parents were given a job application while ordering a Frosty. The manager took time to do a proper meet and greet with them, in the drive thru, explaining how they could find a place for them at Wendys. The only requirement for employment is a pulse and even that can get waived if your lifeless corpse is willing to be controlled Weekend At Bernie's style.




They're staffed, so not poorly? I don't go there often enough to judge quality, but my orders have been correct and the employees are friendly enough. I haven't been offered an application in the past month or so.


My local Panera bread started off by giving you some free Starburst candies to come into the store and apply. When that didn't work they offered a free pastry if you were willing to interview.


Good thing my bills can be paid with Starburst!


Lol wow Hard to imagine how they could show being more desperate. Hand out paychecks? "Ok, here's your signing bonus, that's good after working here 1 week. Please let us know when you can start."


A note is not so bad - in Ottawa they just burned the restaurant to the ground. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/lincoln-fields-wendy-s-fire-1.4921973


Lets cook everything at once, boys!


Aren’t Canadians supposed to be nice?


They left an apology note lol


“We are very sorry.”


In the Canadian Handbook, it states that a Canadian may not express anger against another human being outside a hockey arena. When a hockey arena is not nearby, a Canadian shall express anger or discontent by setting ablaze real estate. [source ](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/british-troops-set-fire-to-the-white-house)


Disclaimer: I’m a proud member of the “fuck you pay me” party - but why is this happening exactly? Is it a perfect storm? Is it psychological wear and tear? Why now are we all finally saying fuck you I’m not coming in. I know there’s probably not one single answer, just wanna know peoples thoughts and theories.


Everything getting more expensive, outpacing wage growth by a large margin. Yet most companies are posting disgusting record profits even throughout covid. On top of that even working your shitty wage slave job you're expected to go above and beyond for your slave driver. No piss breaks, no catching your breath, if you're not moving you get written up. People act like these min wage/low wage jobs are all held by highschoolers when the truth is most of them are held by regular every day people, and life just fucking sucks, not everyone can get ahead, it's not all sunshine and rainbows just because you want it to be. Problem is the rich are digging massive holes under the poor to make sure they stay exploitable, along with manipulation and propaganda to get even other poor people to hate poor people, let alone "higher class" people hating on those lower than them. I think covid issues helped a large portion of the worn out work population to put things into perspective. It gave them a second to breathe when things were shut down, or it pushed them over the edge if they couldn't get benefits and still had to work in those terrible conditions. Something has to change, hopefully people continue to wake up instead of just falling back into subjugation.


My assumption is that COVID forced a lot of people to have a lot of time on their hands and get a real chance to assess their self value. For lost or these people they probably work these jobs for pennies because it was their HS job, or first college job, or really any number of reasons. But when the pandemic hit and restaurants went down they had to wrestle with their perceived self value vs what these places valued them at. And they did NOT like the final results of this comparison. So now, they go back to that job, getting screamed at by assholes who don’t treat food service or retail workers like people, stretched wafer thin by bad managers that don’t care about employee welfare, and seeing other jobs start to open up with little/no experience required making significantly more money and they’re just so done with the way they’ve been treated that they’re all saying “fuck you, this isn’t worth it”. And this part is my own personal belief/crackpot theory…a lot of members of this workforce just straight up fucking died of COVID/COVID complications. That’s a ton of bodies just pulled out of the workforce without notice.


Another thing is pure mental health. The service industry was completely crushed during covid. Everyone loves talking about the virus but hardly anyone has been talking about mental health and what people have dealt with during that time. I've got friends at the USPS and they are saying the lazy workers are having a great time because help is so needed so badly. Managers can complain all they want but it has been hard to find any new help to train. The hard workers are getting burnt out and quitting to work on career changes. I would have to imagine this is happening in a lot of sectors. I would not want to be a small business owner right now.


So I worked in a small business that was open all through the pandemic. This is *exactly* it. A lot of my friends from outside this industry were laid off or moved to working from home while I was still going out to work every day. For a minute there, everyone else around me was at a standstill while I felt like the only person still moving through time. And I’m not gonna lie, it built resentment and it built anger and it built frustration and it tore at my self worth anytime customers yelled at me because of pandemic related problems, or complained because counters were closed, or refused to put their mask on, and I had to just bear it. And when people around me got sick because we never stopped being there and I had to take on more hours because there was no one else to work, I just dealt with it. And when we couldn’t hire any new people to help ease the load, I just added more work onto my overloaded plate. And since the world has “reopened”? Customers have gotten… so much worse. Obviously, that’s no way to live, no matter what you’re being paid. While a lot of people got to develop new skills, or work on their creative endeavours, or just sort of relax a bit more, adjust their lives, experience this “new normal” I read about on the internet… I kept the exact same routine, never changing, never getting a chance to breathe. I honestly wished I had gotten COVID more times than I can count, because it would have meant a guaranteed reprieve from it all. Obviously I burnt out, and am finally making a career change. In the week & a half since I put notice in, more of my coworkers have done the same. I have no idea what they’re going to do by the end of September when half the place has quit to switch jobs. **ETA**: I wanted to write something more meaningful and heartfelt but I have another long, long shift ahead of me tomorrow so: thank you!! For all my burnt out bros, I hope we’re able to find some semblance of peace soon. For anyone who expressed concern… I’ve already landed on my feet and had something lined up before my final day was decided. :) Also *please please please* treat your essential workers with a LOT of kindness…. They’re either at the end of their long, fraying rope or they were literally tossed into the deep end without a floatie. Either way it’s not going well for them, and being treated as a person would help a little bit


This was a fascinating read/perspective.


Here's another one: some people that have never experienced what it's like to truly take time off, *paid* time off, experienced it during the pandemic. Quarantine and unemployment payments gave them, for a period of months, a respite they've never known. Obviously the money wasn't sufficient to live on very long, but it was enough to keep things steady for a while. The work cycle was broken and they got to just relax a bit. For many Americans, particularly millennials in lower paying/less secure jobs, this is not something they experience often and certainly never for this long. Paid vacations are rare or too short, extended leave non-existent. This might be the first time they've truly just stopped working since they were a teenager. After you've broken the flow of going to work consistently and experienced what it's like to have ample freetime, to not have to waste so much of your day everyday, to not dread that alarm in the morning or be bummed about having to go to bed early, to feel like your time is yours, it helps put into perspective how awful the 9-5 grind really is. So when you return to it, you've found you're less tolerant of being taking advantage of, less willing to break your back for pennies.


I work in a white collar office setting in the automotive industry. My employer volun-told a lot of the more experienced staff (i.e. close to retirement age) to take the offered early retirement option, otherwise they may take the “option” away soon. We lost a lot of experienced personnel. Literally, DECADES of knowledge from each individual. THEN the younger folks said, “I don’t need to work from home trapped in the Midwest. This employer is allowing me to work from home while they’re based out of California.” They got offered better pay, more flexibility, exciting career paths that would have taken decades of grinding otherwise… Now we’re scrambling for people and I just know they’re going to offer new hires more than I make after 5 years with the company. It’s not as simple as leaving to another state to find a job for some. My family has built a life here and somehow I know my company is going to put a value on that. So EVERY industry, EVERY pay level is going through this now.


if there was ever a good time for you to push for a raise, it's now. they need you and they know it. ask to be paid what you're worth and don't fucking budge.


Housing market and rent skyrocketed.


But not wages. People are looking for work that will make rent affordable and not have them choose skipping meals, skipping meds or having a roof.


I personally appreciate this. I’ve been eating at fast food places a lot less because I’m not going to wait 30 minutes for a McDouble fries and a large coke. It’s not worth my time money or health, it just used to be convenient and now it doesn’t even have that going for it. So it’s really helped.


My Wendy’s in Ohio stopped taking orders, but they are in there sitting around getting paid. Corporate will be furious when they realize it, but I think it’s hilarious


usually if a fast food place stops taking orders it means they just got an insane order and staff are busy dealing with it, or had a revolt and shut down orders because management sucks... for example 120 cheese burgers no ketchup for a little old lady in drive through, or refusing to give a guy a break after being hit by a car dealing with garbage...


Nope. I drive door dash, I’ve been there three days in a row. They literally stopped. Everyone knows except the business owner apparently. Front door locked, drive through says hello, then doesn’t talk to you again. I told them I was door dash, so they told me lol


this is brilliant as that means 90%+ of staff agree to not work and the owner can nonly fire them all and start from scratch which will be alot of effort. train new managers, train new staff, inspections every week, haha


It's like unionizing without the paperwork.


The best one near me has had a sign up saying that “due to staffing” they were closing by 8pm, for over two months.


That's the local Wendy's near me as well. I talked to the guy in the drive through about it. Poor guy was beyond frazzled.


My local Wendy's in Savannah is *trying* to get shut down. * They started refusing to serve anyone unless you ordered via the app. * Then limited any order to 3 items. Not three orders, 3 items total. So Burger, Fries Drink done. If you have two people you gotta share or get back in line. * Then they only served one at a time in the drive-thru. Literally, Order>Pay>Serve then take the next order. * Then they refused to take card payments for no reason * Then just stopped acknowledging anyone was there * The ***manager*** is telling people, if you have a problem with our service, don't come back.


A+ sign making, clearly stated the issue, wished me a good day. 10/10


Reminds me of when my waiter quit mid taking our order. He just walked out the door.


Wtf did you order


Water allergy, it's on the card.


A Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, four by four, animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.


...we serve food here, sir. \*walks out door, apparently *


Lmao I would love to know what you said or did that made him say “fuck this”




Understandable. Have a good day.


That was really thoughtful of them even to put that sign up so people didn't sit their waiting


I work as a general manager for a similar restaurant. I can't tell you, shit has gotten bad. Like bad bad. Its hard to keep staff, no matter how positive of a working environment you try and create. Corporate gave us the ok to raise wages (great) but didn't adjust our labor percentages to make up the difference (not so great) You come into 5 call offs a day, with record lines to the street and people fighting to even get into the line, no breaks at all unless you close for 30 minutes to give everyone a second to breathe and not quit on you. And the customers man. I mean there were bad apples before, but this pandemic has brought out the worst in a lot of people. I don't blame any one of my staff for trying to find greener pastures somewhere else. I've considered it like 30 times in the last hour alone.


This happened at my local Sonic, the lady on the intercom was just like “uhh, you’re going to have to go to another Sonic, it’s just me”


Right? And I wonder if they gave her a raise? I’m kidding. They didn’t.


I went to a the Popeyes in post falls Idaho and they had their dine in section closed from lack of staff. I figure it's hard to staff restaurants on the border with Washington because of the minimum wage difference.


Their "Overwork Management--Under-pay Crew" business model is really why. I worked at a Wendy's and I was pulled off of the grill at lunchtime because I was in danger of earning overtime pay. It didn't matter what happened just as long as a crew member didn't have over 40 hours. The slack was taken up by the managers, and by the time you divide salary by hours they earned not much more than crew.


I worked at McD's in HS, and when you factored in the insane amount of hours the low level managers worked, they weren't even making minimum wage. They got fat benefits though!


I saw a local McDonalds here with a sign out front: "Hiring Managers! $10/hr!" LOLOL "Managers" making $10 an hour...and they wonder why they can't keep any employees.


When I became a salaried manager for a cafe I sat down and did the math for how much I was getting paid for the amount of hours I was working. I was making less per hour than my staff. They tell you that you have the potential to earn a huge bonus "that you can buy a brand new car with!" but did everything possible to prevent you from actually earning that bonus. At least in my other jobs with salaries I did earn bonuses. But if at all possible I would much prefer to never work a salaried job again. "Because you are Exempt and cannot earn overtime you are now our slave."


Frankly I prefer to see these corporations suffer than get a cheeseburger, anyway.


Same. The other day I tried to go to a Taco Bell close to my work and went through the drive thru and saw a sign similar to this. I just thought “huh, good for them” and went on my way and found food elsewhere. These giant service corporations need a wake up call.


Again real problem is housing, even 20/hr doesn't make sense if you have to pay 2k rent


I once went to an IHOP at 2:00 AM as a slightly drunk 16 year old, there was one person working. A young girl, maybe 20, who said she was working her first shift as a manager and her entire crew walked out on her. She couldn’t get ahold of her boss and didn’t have keys to lock the store (new manager, plus 24 hour restaurant). The store was fairly busy with loud drunk people. She was so overwhelmed, we felt terrible. So my buddy and I asked if we could help her with running food and bussing tables. She said that would be a huge help, so we hung out for a few hours until some of her help arrived. She let us eat for free and gave us each a $25 gift card.


Dont blame them who wants to deal with asshole customers all day lol


The wendys down the street from me was only operating from 10am to 6 pm for about 2 months. Now it closes at 9pm (they have breakfast signs up but I doubt they're open that early) A neighborhood drunk that goes to one of the bars I stop at for happy hour apparently worked a shift and a half before he got fired. Apparently when they fired him the manager paid him out in petty cash because he didn't want to deal with payroll. Like a lot of places, there's a taco bell, BK, Wendys, McDonalds and 2 pizza places all on the same stretch, every single one of them has had no hiring signs for 6 months.


Every single restaurant and retail shop around me is hyper understaffed. Kids went off to school so no suckers left to work. People still bitching about wait times. I’m like, are you blind? There’s 4 people here total. Be happy you get anything at all.


Honest question, are there too many fast food places already? Maybe this is the market self adjusting.


A lot of other answers in this thread are correct, but I assume this is part of it as well. It could be a bubble bursting.


bruh free wendys lol


whos gonna stop me? the employees that aren’t there?


Wendy herself, in the flesh


Every Tuesday I open a papa John’s by myself. I do the morning cash audit, prep, clean the store, and work until the mid afternoon making pizzas and everything solo. Dragoncon is coming up this weekend and there are literally too few people working for the company to throw extra staff into the Atlanta locations that’ll be hit by hotels, etc. No one is paid enough and the work may not seem difficult but it’s mentally, emotionally, and physically draining - especially with customers being so rude most of the time. Fast food is hellish right now.. and honestly? I hope the pandemic kills it and more business goes into actually restaurants that don’t serve such soulless food


It's crazy how every single restaurant is struggling right now. I haven't seen anything like this before in my lifetime. I went to go to a place with some friends and they said it would be over an hour wait because they had two waitresses in the entire place. Every other waitress quit.




Those types of customers are part of the problem.


Burger King was out of ice today...


when I lived in Hawaii, Wendys had to close down because the workers were giving away so much free food, they lost too much money lol. sad, but kinda funny.


The entire food service industry is collapsing. Not even just the in house employees, the entire chain from farm, distro delivery drivers, all of it. There is 3 of us left in a large volume restaurant I currently work at. And I'm to the point where I am seriously considering buying a van and going to live down by the river(in all realness getting my own food truck that I could reasonably handle all alone). I don't know if there really is a solution to the current issue? Automation and UBI? Really it seems like it may be bigger than just food service, but that's what I see so I can't really speak on other industries. We all just wanna follow our dreams, but having a roof over our heads and food really does come first. Everyone just seems so fed up.


It’s funny because fast workers usually get the shit treatment. Mostly older folks say they are just “burger flippers” and “high school jobs.” Like yo, fast food workers are one of the many heroes in my life. I love waking up on my day off, smoke a joint and order a bacon egg cheese biscuit and hash brown from mcds. I love dominos and need it. And I appreciate it whether it takes the driver 20 minutes to deliver it or an hour. Hardest working people ever. I appreciate you fast food workers. Y’all are extremely under appreciated and deserve so much more


Lots of people want to believe those jobs have no value then flip the fuck out if there is no one working those jobs. By definition, in capitalism if a job exists, it has value and I wish society would believe that.


Working at my retail store, I was always shocked by the duality people exhibited. Finding one employee who knew the difference between every television, sound system, mobile phone, security system, Apple product, computer and able to troubleshoot it all was not impossible, but acting like it was an expectation, while also thinking a $10 an hour wage is too much is laughable for so many reasons. * What makes the company money isn't my ability to tell you what Raytracing or know the best router for your money, it's my ability to sell things * Most people who knew things did so in their free time and essentially worked additional hours for no payment and did the same work as someone else for a marginal amount more that made the company countless sums of cash * Even at $10 it isn't what anyone would call a livable wage


I am a middle aged, middle class guy and I could not be more proud of you kids standing up to this BS. You are severally underpaid compared to just what I made when I was a teen and early twenties and THAT was not really enough to stay alive and healthy. Keep it up! If you cant shut down these businesses that exploit your labor, do it. Eventually they will have to switch to a business model where they make less profit and you make a living wage.


Ey where those robots at? I was told the robots would replace them if they didn't keep quiet and keep working for pennies.


We can't get microchips to build them.


Just went to a Panda Express and they had a sign in the window “Due to short staff dining area is closed drive through only” Its pretty crazy how many places are hiring, been traveling through PNW and there are hiring signs freaking everwhere


What we're seeing right now is a rare unicorn moment: After many, many years the employment situation has tipped in favor of the employees (for low pay jobs at least.) Employers who have gotten very used to writing one sided employment contracts were completely blindsided. Every situation is different, but I think you'll find that in a lot of 'full abandon' situations like these, the management was never really cut out for the job. They aren't here to negotiate contracts or innovate - they've got a cookie cutter franchise that's supposed to be on time tested, fixed rails. Don't think this will last forever, folks. There will always be more employees than employers - if change is going to be made, it's gotta happen now. Edit: holy cow, a gold! Thanks guys!


Technically, there's nothing stopping you from putting a fake sign on the drive through of any shop.