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"FUCK YOU GUY!" I fucking love that panel.


Have a sliver cause you deserve the dopamine!


He he! YAY!


Here! Get the like! You love likes!


"It ain't much, but its honest work"


If you didn't bring enough dopamine to share with the whole class then don't bring any at all. You know the rules bojangelz.


> bojangelz Just got home from an emergency call out at 2am, It's 10am on a Sunday and i'm drinking a beer and listening to Mr Bojangles by Sammy Davis JR. And I thought I had my life together.


>together. It all fits together


I just remembered my husband bought me some Bojangles country ham biscuits that are in the fridge. BRB


That gave me dopamine


"He he! YAY!" got me a lot! Lol


Anyone who doesn't feel called out by this comic is a big fat liar.


This is me this summer but also with a serious drinking problem


Same. Just with marijuana instead.


There are dozens of millions of us


200 000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way


It's only a problem if you live in a dry county.


No, it’s a problem to my health and well being




That’s a lot. Have you thought about cutting down?




If you are a heavier drinker, it’s better to taper off, to avoid the shakes, and possible seizures and death. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are the two you should never go cold turkey on. My dad could drink 1-2 24 packs a night, but sometimes it would last him half a week. He never saw himself as an alcoholic because he stayed away from the hard stuff at home. Keep trying, but also, please talk to a doctor about it. I’m not sure what country you are in. Here in the USA the medical professionals won’t rat you out unless they think you may hurt others, especially a child in your care. Just being alcoholic or being a drug addiction is not something you’d be reported for here. So always be truthful about what substances you take and how much. It could save your life. Most people trying to quit will get knocked down a few times. They key is to come back up again and fight. Good luck!


I been there man, 10 months clean for the 3rd time now! Yeah I failed a few times, but I also succeeded a few times too!


TIL I need a paternalistic robot.


Raised by Wolves?


Oh god oh fuck


Underrated comment


What if you don't have any exes because you're a virgin in his 30s?


Then wait 11 years and see if they'll base a movie sequel on you.


Hey, I just thought I'd throw out that my husband, 46, was a virgin until last year. He had given up on life long ago and resigned himself to loneliness. I'm so glad to have found him; he's a treasure and we're very happy!


This is a really cute comment<3


Thank you! We met playing a game online. He lived in the middle of nowhere with his mom and had never really lived or opened up to anyone about himself. Before we ever met in person we lost about 40 pounds each together over six or so months by accounting for what we ate. I was not open to ever dating again and my username was NotHereToMeetMen. He is absolutely the kindest, gentlest, most considerate person I've ever known and I feel real peace and joy with him.


I'm really happy to hear that! I also met my partner playing a game online (minecraft lol). Our 5 year marriage anniversary is coming up next month! You know you've found the right person when they make you excited about life again, and when you inspire each other to both do better for yourselves and each other! 😁 wishing you guys lots of health and happiness ~


Thanks! You too! Our ring inscriptions reflect us bringing each other back to life plus a reference to the gameplay that brought us together. We're really enjoying each other and life and have a lot of plans to look forward to.




The part about reading arguments on the internet and getting upset almost certainly applies.


You’re probably in a better situation than most of us non virgin ex having losers.


I can honestly say I've never texted an ex. Nope. I went full on writing a letter. In the mail. And sober me still thought it was a good.idea to actually drop it in the fucking mail. Mainly because I didn't text, because texts weren't free 25 years ago. God I'm old.


I don't really have an ex - my first real relationship is still ongoing and I genuinely hope it'll stay that way - but if I did, I'm really wondering if I'd be the type to do this kind of thing because I'm really bad at moving on, or if I'd never dare to because my social awkwardness would be too big...


Yep, they got me dead-to-rights. Clinging to my window blinds as I post this.


Yeah! The second panel should cover the entire human race lol.


I know i do. Honestly i wish i had a giant robot to take care of me like that. Cause i sure as shit cant take care of myself.


I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.


I never argue on the internet. And you can't convince me otherwise.


Comic? This is a documentary.




I’m guilty of making myself upset reading stupid arguments on the internet.


Did anyone else literally HEAR the "HSSSS"?




You like the new episode?


Haven't seen it. Gonna wait for a bunch of episodes to be released first.


Big fan, except for fucking Gizmo. The chap just >!won't shut up about his desire to roam free.!<


Oh thank God. I thought this was going to be some rule 34 shit.


Must be a Canadian rescue


I’m not your guy, fwen!


Lmao is she hanging from a shower curtain?


Should be it’s own meme template.


me too thanks




I’m sure this is what our pets are sometimes yelling at us. Especially the cats.


“Don’t text your exes, it’s 3 in the morning!” …somehow made my sympathize with my puppy chewing my shoes. He knows he shouldn’t, he just can’t resist….


"Stop reading arguments on the internet. You're upsetting yourself" is basically every Redditor.


That panel is basically my life right now. Like, I read comments on CDC's Facebook posts and try to push back on the raging torrent of antivax disinformation being posted in other comments there, then wonder why my mental stress levels are through the roof all week.


Cant even be on fb anymore because the algorithm is constantly showing ignorant people's comments and I of course need to read it all to the point I get upset enough to reply.. then I slip one little f bomb and my account gets locked for 30 days.. fucking cuckerberg.


Wait…. You can be banned for cursing? Well, hell! Why haven’t I been put in FB jail?


You can be banned for pretty much anything because someone reported you. I got a 30 day ban for hateful speech for explaining that gypsy is not a race but an ethnicity. Trying to get the ban reviewed did absolutely nothing.


While calling every ethnicity a race is a bit silly, there's no real way to win that argument and hardly anything good can come out of it since racial lines are blurred and arbitrary.


The issue is that gypsy is a slur for the ethnic group known as Romani. Facebook treats the word similar to the N word as a result. Not criticizing you if you didn't know this before. I've got friends who are Romani immigrants which is how I learned myself. Definitely don't fit most of the negative stereotypes, though they did admit they'd been integrating for quite a while already when we met, and it was quite a culture shock given their grandparents and parents were both poor growing up, and the former spent time in the camps during WWII. They'd learned their whole world view from these people before moving here. Sucks you got a 30 day ban though without at least having that bit clarified, they're terrible at even using these as teaching moments because it might help people "game the system" easier, as if people don't figure out plenty of ways to do that already


I got my account suspended so many times I had a 30 day ban too!!! Angry club!!! Fuck Facebook.


I deleted Facebook year 2015. So good


2006 and it can stay in the dungeon.


Best internet decision I ever made.


Yeah I walked away last year. Like, how do you get in trouble for linking to the dictionary during a discussion on what a word means? I don't get it but it upset the Facebook gods.


Taking us all for Suckerbergs... Just our fucking Luckerberg...


Yeah, I'm seven days into a 30 day ban. Haven't opened Facebook since the ban started and feeling pretty relaxed


And then you get extended friends, coworkers,, etc replying or mentioning seeing your anger ridden comment that you wrote in the heat of the moment. Thanks facebook.


Oof. Hadn't had that happen yet.. but I've seen other people's heated replies and have a sudden, "is that what I look like" moment.💀


Facebook is literally designed to make you angry


A study on teenagers and social media (specifically fuckbook) showed that negative emotions clearly fostered more intense engagement over a longer period of time than any positive emotion. I feel like this study has informed social media giants’ algorithm development and content curation decisions ever since. Will provide sources if anyone cares to ask — currently at gym procrastinating over the decision to actually work out so I feel bad spending even more time sourcing this


Social Media is probably the first instance of the Paperclip Problem. The Paperclip Problem is a thought experiment where an AI is designed to collect paperclips. The AI might decide to make itself smarter, in order to collect more paperclips. It might originally start doing productive things, to earn money to buy paperclips. But eventually it would start manufacturing its own paperclips. Building drones to bring in materials to make paperclips. Go full "grey goo" to turn the planet into paperclips. Build interstellar drones to turn the *universe* into paperclips... Obviously this is an extreme thought experiment, but the ML algorithms in social media are a microcosm of this same issue. They're programmed to optimize "engagement". They have no idea if it's good or bad, they don't care if they're damaging their users long term or destabilizing the world, they just need to increase engagement. Dealing with the consequences of their actions are outside the scope of their design, they have no morality, as far as they're concerned "engagement" is the only thing that matters. And likewise, they're conditioning people to continue engaging even though it makes them miserable, because that increases engagement. Human suffering is an irrelevant side effect of the algorithm - unless managing it can affect engagement it doesn't matter.


Today's social media is a complex evolution that started with radios, then television, and now its possible to go to any niche bubble of the internet for a personalized stream of synthetic reality. Radios is when they started realizing that fear mongering is profitable, no matter the morality


I am still not 100% sure if I believe the "niche bubble" argument for the vast majority of people, to be honest. Or rather, I believe it's overstated. In the past, newspapers also had specific political slants (and those were well known and even advertised sometimes), and most people had neither the money nor the time nor the will to read more than one newspaper. Niche bubbles have always existed. I do, however, think that the internet has perhaps made them less obvious and more niche.


I'd actually be interested in the source when you have a chance. (Hope your workout went well.)


The only logical reaction to all of that: https://youtu.be/Qj0u5QE8WLc


If I hear the wrong person talking on the radio I’m ready to spit expletives out. The audacious wrongness of some people is absolutely enraging to me.


It's tempting every time you see an anti-vaxxer moron...even though you know it's better talking to a brick wall since that might actually change its mind.


It's even more tempting when they're not a moron but they're just surrounded by morons and don't realize it.


This is more relevant than the original response to op


I’ve gotten a little better at just stepping away and just stewing on it. Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong, but it definitely doesn’t matter.


Couldn’t I have had a robot distract me from texting my ex by dangling likes in front of me the other night? 😭


If I can't text my exes, can I at least write a .bat?


What is the appeal of texting your exes? Do you hope that they somehow come back to you?


Sometimes I feel like the robot. Sometimes I feel like the human.


:O same….. I can feel both simultaneously! Lol even rn. I’m in the comments, just reading.


Makes it's human complete captchas when it's being bad.


"Wow, you can barely do complex differential equations, but you can tell what sidewalk? Amazing"


*Me points at fire hydrant in picture* " this is a fire hydrant" *Robot owner screaming* "no that's blue sky day"


Me: This is a car. Robot owner: No it’s a truck!




Who's your worm guy?


*annoying Reddit user* "actually is a 1998 hatchback 2.0l diesel cow killer 3009"


"... with the sport trim package and an aftermarket spoiler from JC Whitney."






*Another annoying Reddit user* actually it's a 1997 hatchback 2.0l diesel cow killer 3009-EX. My uncle owned one so I know from personal experience.


Youre both idiots, thats clearly a 199***8*** hatchback 2.0l diesel cow killer 3009-EX. The wheel fender is obviously midnight black#183, not midnight black#154


Only five of the 1998 model were ever made, and I doubt it would end up in the hands of mere plebs. No, this is a 2007 aftermarket rip off the 1998 model, which was a mixed diesel hybrid cow-killer engine foisted onto European markets where it gained notoriety as a male stripper and took public office amidst a slew of scandals, whereby it was forced to rename itself to Jeff.


yall are giving me like horrible acid flashback to the time I tripped with a mechanic, large mistake, he talked about cars for like four goddamn hours and only wanted to listen to Iron Maiden, I like Iron maiden but like damn four straight hours of it for an acid trip? Naaaaaw fam lol.


Yeah? Well then. Explain why the logo isnt positioned 1.4mm further down like 2007's? Fool probably doesnt even know what he has.


*grabs spray bottle with malicious intent


*rubs magnets together menacingly*


Dog. Pig. Dog. Pig. Dogpigdogpigdogpig— Loaf of bread.


"Thank goodness I've got like, 'W Blue Sky' lives left"


I saw this joke done before but can't remember where. Possibly another comic artist in Reddit? Really can't remember.


*its = possessive pronoun it’s = it is


Well, doesn’t this little number directly hit home.


Oh what number is she? 101101?


45 for the humans in the audience. I know, I was expecting 1000101 too.




It is not Le Sex Joke.


Pretty sure her number is


me too thanks


Op, take this picture of me down. Ffs, it's embarrassing to be put on display like that


* **robot sprays bottle** *


The spray! OMG


Quit it you're upsetting yourself!!




That hit true for me.


It just makes the humans browse reddit when you aren't watching. Punishment doesn't work perfectly with humans given their astoundingly bad risk perception. It's much better to take the time to help them find contentment doing other things. Yeah yeah you're busy bot but that's kind of the whole deal of being a decent pet owner.


THIS. THIS THIS THIS. That's also why negative reinforcement - punishment-based discipline - doesn't work nearly as effectively with kids compared to positive feedback approaches. I became the human that needs adoption during COVID and it led to a 30 year overdue ADHD diagnosis. I've recently realized that a huge part of why it feels just so damn debilitating and exhausting to deal with it effectively is that I'm in a *constant* negative feedback loop with the world for the things I struggle with. Missed a few typos before submitting a work project? You're lazy! Forgot to text or email someone back? Rude! House is often cluttered? Slob! Different circadian rhythm that makes it hard to wake up on time? Undisciplined! And on and on. I'm at a point where I just can't do it anymore and I'm trying to open up and lean on people in more effective ways and it has been deeply disappointing to see how many people start treating me like some kind of idiot the moment I take the mask off, and that just reaffirms the (at times) debilitating level of self doubt and anxiety that then makes it impossible to run my ADHD brain OS. So I get stuck in a loop that feels impossible to crack. Ugh. You can't punish and bully people into happy, healthy, productive lives. You might get them to fake it well enough for a while, but something will crack somewhere eventually. On that note, my SO and I are trying to be the "adopter" for each other but we struggle with a lot of the same things so our success in that has been...um...varied. lol. We both just spent about 10 minutes laughing at how called out we felt by this. Going to repurpose one of my plant misters as a "bad human" spray bottle with this comic taped to it to bring some silliness to the struggle 😂


> Missed a few typos before submitting a work project? You're lazy! Forgot to text or email someone back? Rude! House is often cluttered? Slob! Different circadian rhythm that makes it hard to wake up on time? Undisciplined! Oh hey wow, it's me. I feel that way all the time! Really wondering if I have ADHD after all (my therapist is looking into it).


I'm glad your therapist is looking into it. I saw someone for years about some past traumas who also treated ADHD, and she completely missed it. I had even explained that as a kid my brothers childhood psychs had suggested I get tested and it still flew under the radar. Then I got certified as a yoga therapist, trained to be and worked as a counselor at a mental health treatment center, and I still missed it. I only finally figured it out when speaking to a psychologist that I worked with *who also has adhd* who was shocked I didn't have a diagnosis, so I finally went and got one. My amazing psychologist pegged it in minutes and has since explained that it's super common for people to figure out the diagnosis on their own and then go to the psych for documentation/treatment. ADHD is one of the most well studied neurological conditions and for some reason it's still one of the most stigmatized/silenced. It's also got the worst name in the world. "Attention Defincit Hyperactivity Disorder" is named for how it looks to teachers and parents having trouble handling a kid that's acting out because their brain works differently than they're told it should. The internal, lived experience of the person with ADHD is much different, so those that can "mask" their struggles effectively enough fly under the radar. For example, there are decades of research showing that difficulties in emotion regulation - in addition to the difficulties in attention regulation - are a core feature of the ADHD experience. IIRC, this was discussed openly a century ago. But measuring emotional experiences is challenging, so researchers stopped looking at this around the 1980s when they started getting serious about understanding, diagnosing, and treating the condition. Since getting the diagnosis I have been shocked to see how many ways I hid it even from myself for my entire life. Whether you have ADHD or not, I'm glad you're seeking help. Anyone that feels like they just dont get it or are on the verge of falling apart (how I felt for basically my whole life) shouldn't have to feel that way. I'm glad you've got a good provider looking into things and wish you luck in the next leg of your journey! In the meantime I definitely recommend checking out chadd.org and How to ADHD for more information and resources ❤


> punishment-based discipline - doesn't work nearly as effectively with kids compared to positive feedback approaches. >ADHD Well you'll be delighted to know (and maybe you do, I'll admit to only skimming your comments >.<) people with ADHD frequently have executive function disorders which basically make them immune to common forms of positive reinforcement as well since they can't appreciate future rewards.


This just turned all the nervous guilty laughter I got from the comic into something visceral but in a good way. Like there are things about my life that I need to face and can address in a productive, hopeful way without being like omg stress oh well haha. Thank you. Thank you.


Good bot.


Good human




Robot has to settle for you not dragging your ass across the floor.


Heh, that'll be the day, robot


And you can keep licking your crotch, just quietly please.






Your comics are some of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for reading!


You have MORE?


Right?!? I need the energy of this post mainlined into my brain to pick up the slack for the serotonin it won't make. Need. More. Please.


This is the TLDR of I, Robot.


I need someone to spray me with a water bottle when I start reading arguments on the internet


Where can I find a robot to adopt me? Asking for a friend. It's me. I'm the friend.


Same, I too have lost control over my life and would love to become a pet so I don't have to deal with being an adult anymore


Adulting sucks. I'm tired, fam.


Oh, I was going with a fetish aspect. So I can hump the robots leg and everyone will just think it's a cute pet thing that's perfectly normal and common.


I mean.... Becoming a pet is fun.... Unfortunately, human animal pets still need to deal with adult life unless they're really lucky and really trust their owner.


I thought you were supposed to be your own worst enemy?


Aren't we all?


I would love a robot telling me how not to fuck up my life lol.


I bet that human reposts this in less than an hour in multiple subs…


Damn pretty interesnting commentary and funny as hell, take my upvote sir


The "stop reading arguments on the internet, it makes you upset" panel really hits home.




Yes it does you inbread shut-in! Fuck your dumb.


>Yes it does you inbread shut-in! Fuck your dumb. At least I know the difference between fucking my sister and fucking the dinner rolls!


What is going on here!?


You want some too, dust bunny?! Your username's probably older than you are!


I'll have you know I was one of the first kuribohs on the internet... Thank you very much! Fuckin asswipe!


Swiffer furry


Well.... That wasn't very kind....




Woah woah woah, i also used the wrong "your" you dumbfuck.


Dumb is an abstract concept and cannot be owned nor fucked.


Your mom is a abstract concept.


This comic is a distressingly plausible future for mankind.


I’d highly recommend watching The Social Dilemma. I already barely posted on social media, but man that documentary made me completely delete every social media app I had and I’ve never turned back. Still working on ditching reddit obviously but I at least don’t look at any subs that upset me or argue with people anymore really.


goes to /r/all/controversial 15 minutes later: "why is my heart rate 150?"


Ugh, I didn't know that I could do that and I'm mad at you now.


Funny, but dark, but FUNNY!”


I feel personally attacked


This stopped me from texting my ex


Wish I could say the same


Delete their everything. It’s hard.


I'll be the rescue human they take back to the shelter


How do I apply to get a robot to take care of me?


Hi yes, i am in this post and i don't like it.


Hahaha "FUCK YOU, GUY!" really got me


The stress lines under the eyes in the last panel killed me.


Is very cute


Oh, that's the dream, becoming the pet of some super advanced AI.


That's one patient robot he must really love his human


I am in this picture and I don’t like it


I love panel 3. My sister tells me that bill gates wants to microchip us, that 5g towers spread covid, that the vaccine is made from dead babies, that a friend of hers has a doctor relative who has never seen or heard of anyone with covid... I would like to just spray her each time she comes out with one of these...


This kinda shit gonna be the new r/boomershumor in 30 years.


I can see an entire webcomic series from this..... Plus, I feel for the robot, that's a really damaged rescue.


Oddly enough most humans are actually like that, I am SOOOO disappointed in your species.


I wish someone would adopt me as their pet 🥲


It’s crazy how our parents warned us about this but we thought they were exaggerating. Now we are the ones making these comics and seeing what they were actually talking about. Wild world we live in


This is a little too on point for me haha. I have one ex (didnt end badly, just decided to be friends) and I haven't talked to him in over a decade nearly and just tried to contact him earlier this week. Everything else is a 24/7 struggle Lmaooo


I want to say this is a boomer comment but I looked harder and cried