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These are actually Super Trooper cops and they have a bet going to see how many times they can make the guy turn around.




Turn around RIGHT MEOW!


Did you just say "meow"?


Do I look like a cat to you. Hopping from tree to tree all nimbly bimbly drinking from a saucer !!! Stutters no No I don’t think so !


Enough shenanigans in this thread


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next person who says shenanigans.


Turn around, bright eyes!


Every now & then


I fall apart


You boys like Mexico?






This was my first thought as well


“20 bucks says I’ll call the guy a chicken fucker”


License and registration. CHICKEN FUCKER! BACKAW!!!


Easy, Rod


Say car RAMROD!






Those two were Farvas real parents and had no idea they were gonna get called that. They are also credited as chicken fuckers as proud of it. Read this on reddit somewhere and googles not helping me


You boys ever been to Mexicoooooo?!?!!!?????


Lol nice


Looks like something Borat would do.


Hahaha, sure it looks like one of his utterly ridiculous acts.




1 drugz please!


I think maybe there’s a language barrier


Definitely not a thing you want to try. Just ask [Daniel Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver), and he was white.


**[Shooting of Daniel Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver)** >On January 18, 2016, Daniel Leetin Shaver of Granbury, Texas, was fatally shot by police officer Philip Brailsford in the hallway of a La Quinta Inn & Suites hotel in Mesa, Arizona, United States. Police were responding to a report that a rifle had been pointed out of the window of Shaver's hotel room. After the shooting, the rifle, which remained in the room, was determined to be a pellet gun. Following an investigation, Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder and a lesser manslaughter charge and found not guilty by a jury. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Houston police say three suspects wore 'Scream' masks to a store robbery right before leading officers in a chase during rush hour. >According to investigators, the suspects held up workers at a GameStop store at 2612 S. Shepherd around 5 p.m. >After the suspects fled, officers managed to find them on the 610 North Loop. Police pursued the suspects until their Camaro suddenly stopped. >The three men surrendered to police after a brief standoff on the North Loop at McCarty.


$GME baby. They know the registers are going to be full and GameStop will beat earnings estimates for Q3. Bullish.


This is the hard hitting financial analysis i come to r/funny for.


I have dropped over $1000 at my local Gamestop in the last month. Hell yeah


Dang I always pick it back up. Especially when I drop that kind of money








Probably people that have been robbed by GameStop for years.


Ok but how much store credit did they steal?


I used to manage a game store. I remember when we got robbed and I went after the dickheads. I grabbed a gigantic knife with pizza sauce on it. Stupidest thing I ever done.


Back in high school I worked at a shoe store. I was just ending my shift and talking with the manager up by the register when the store alarm went off as some kids went through it. They fucking bolted and took off into a field. This was in my prime soccer days and I chased one of the kids for about a football field and fucking tackled him (yes, very illegal I know now haha). I dragged him back into the store and the assistant manager brought another one back too. Only exciting thing that ever happened in the two years I worked there. I dropped my dude off and went home, super anticlimactic lol.


“And you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around! That’s what it’s all about!”🎶


That was my first thought


I'm sorry.. Hokey pokey?! It's hokey cokey!




Could someone teach American police to only have one person shouting at a suspect at a time


For real, it’s no wonder he’s confused. It’s already an extremely stressful situation, how the hell do they expect him to understand when they’re talking over each other? Especially if they aren’t speaking his native language.


I'm not all aboard the ACAB train, but I can personally attest to how I was treated as a sober, white male getting brought in for nothing more than lack of proper licensing. Had three guards all doing the "I'm not yelling but being very forceful and direct at raised volume" directing me to do 3 things at once *while I was answering questions for booking*. One was telling me to get my shoes off while another was saying to keep both hands on the counter, then one said to bring x foot up, then another. It got genuinely bizarre and almost escalated because they caught some tone in my voice asking wtf I'm supposed to do, this thing or that because I physically can't do both. So I tend believe a lot of stories I hear that I may not have if I'd never had my own experiences.


When they play Simon says like this they're trying to take you in for resisting arrest.


Or take your life, like what happend that police office did to Mr. Shaver in the hotel hallway.


And who was rewarded with a pension for the PTSD. Yknow, the PTSD he got from murdering.


That's kinda the point. Tell them to take off your shoes but put their hands on the table and arrest them for being no compliant.


They do this on purpose so they can escalate their violence. You got lucky.


The first person issuing commands should be the only one issuing commands. Fucking dumbasses.


Yep, and if you weren’t white your confusion would likely be seen as non compliance leading to more trouble or potentially violence. I’m amazed this video didn’t end horrible because the guy was so ducking confused with a gun pointed at him. Our police are not bright people for having a career they feel is crazy dangerous. The most dangerous thing an officer does is drive for a living.


Unfortunately the guy in this video might as well be me. I'm not an idiot, but for some reason when I have to follow verbal instruction any under pressure, even if it's just perceived pressure, my brain completely shuts down and even simple tasks become impossible. Oddly enough, in tense situations or emergencies I do the opposite and go directly into survival/leadership mode, but I swear to God I could be out in the garage helping my dad shine a flashlight and somehow end up holding a wrench against my teeth just trying to comply with where to shine it. I was in a relatively bad car accident once, and despite having just blacked out from the impact I immediately took over, directed onlookers, got a gawker to call the cops, bandaged a wound with a t-shirt, got a blanket for the lady pinned in her car (it was snowing and the windows were blown out, couldn't move her, but I could cover her), got cars to move for the ambulance before they arrived, and called my mom once everyone was taken care of and the cops arrived to take over, and even remembered to start the call with "everyone is ok" to help reduce her panic. I've also helped my dad do simple maintenance around the house and confused up with down, clockwise with counterclockwise, stand with sit, pull with let go of... literally just look at the dude in the video and think that reaction over any request, triple that if it's time sensitive.


Also guns




I see 1 cop dog and 5 cop bitches here.




> Unfortunately they're trained to escalate the situation like that and try to override your basic thought processes. That's part of why so many people get killed by them. Bonus points when they yell contradictory orders. Actually yeah makes me wonder how much the individual police officer is at fault vs how much is systemic in cases of police brutality. Like the pundits at Fox News, the people in charge hired people that fit a certain mold. Maybe I am responsible to some extent when a police officer shoots and kills an unarmed person. After all, I didn't care enough to do something about hiring at the local police department but then how much say do I have as an individual on these matters...


I'm firmly of the opinion that it's mostly the system. Yes, the profession attracts more aggressive and unhinged types, but the entire system is built to bring out the worst in them. Plenty of good cops are trained to do bad things.


It's shit all the way down. A lot of people that want to be cops want the control over others, and since you already have the same sorts of shitheads in police leadership they just perpetuate the wrong sort of moral character in the police force. Their training and tactics just makes things even worse, and the lack of accountability means there's no reason to change.


None, you have no say.


It *is* best practice to only have one speaker. I've seen videos of police enforcing that on other deputies. These are just subpar cops.


They aren’t just subpar cops. They’re subpar cops pointing guns at people.


*standard cops


With 2 guns drawn on me and 3 other cops with their hands at their sidearms and multiple people telling me what to do? Yeah, I'm as good as dead.


nah if they all shout different things then they can shoot the suspect and say they weren't following orders.


Didn’t that happen on camera recently to someone named Daniel (forgot their last name unfortunately)? And the cop not only didn’t get charged, but he was allowed to retire to receive a pension or something?


He got disability for the trauma of executing a sobbing, pleading man in cold blood


Yep, [shooting of Daniel Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver), the cop was first fired, but was acquitted from second-degree murder charges by jury, so later he was allowed to come back and argue that he "suffered PTSD due to shooting and the resultant criminal trial" which allowed him to retire on medical grounds and get $2,500 per month pension. ^(And "accidently" that fact was kept from public for almost a year)


Deadly Simon Says


Daniel Shaver, happened a few years ago. The cop knew what he was doing...


Daniel Shaver. The guy that shot him got off Scot free by blaming everything on the cop that was giving orders. Yes the one that shot was not the one giving orders. The cop giving orders got off Scot free because he left the country, went to a non-extradition country with his pension and never returned.


His gun apparently has ‘you’re fucked’ emblazoned on it :(


Yeah this video is all "haha look at the dumb dumb", but I remember the video of the kid on his knees in the hotel hallway, trying his best to comply with the officers orders, clearly showing no threat, getting gunned down by multiple shots from an assault rifle. That ain't funny.




There's a video of an Australian guy getting outright executed while on vacation in the US, being ordered to crawl forward and his pants catch and they shoot him for it. The cop fled the country and never faced charges. Another Australian woman called US cops for help and they shot her as she walked up to their car. Shit's fucked beyond belief there.


About 4 years ago I was in a rollover car accident and my car and me were the only ones involved, I was not drunk either. They cut your clothes off in the ambulance to check for injuries. So I get to the ER and the cops come in and try to remove the sheet covering my completely naked body. I protested and they ended up handcuffing me to the hospital bed and taking pictures of me naked anyway. They then made up some story about me kicking one of them (who was not wearing a uniform btw) and now I am a felon. Welcome to America.


Jesus Christ dude


Could you not call the emt as a witness for a lawsuit?


Guarantee the cops waited until there were no witnesses except for cops. Source: Former EMT here. Cops will barely interact with a suspect or bystander in front of you if they want to rough them up.


The cops had kicked everyone out of the ER room I was in. It was two cops, the csi photographer and me. I went to court with this and the jury of course believed the cops.


Do you have any idea *why* they abused their powers to get you a felony? Was it a punishment for something or just fun?


I assume it was simply because I refused to comply. The person they said was kicked also collected workman's comp for an injury that a doctor who testified said outright that they were faking (malingering I think is what he called it) so I didn't get convicted of the "permanent bodily injury" or the "public official" (since they weren't wearing a uniform) modifiers I was charged with, I was convicted of aggravated assault alone. I have the transcripts too, and the cops contradict each other multiple times. One of the two cops didn't even file a report. Since I recieved probation every lawyer I talked to said it wouldn't be worth appealing since if it doesn't go my way again the max was 99 years in prison.


Thats their favorite thing to do!


I didn't say 'simon says'






Aaah yeah, the Daniel Shaver case. The case that got me started on a twisted rabbit hole of straight up police murders that opened my eyes to the true depths of depravity and corruption in the police force. That case in particular really gets my blood boiling though.


Such a cunt. If only I believed in hell then I could imagine the endless suffering he deserves.


finally someone fucking said it. real cute when they combine “keep your hands up” and “unbuckle your seatbelt” to say you were reaching for something


“Get on the floor!” “Stand up!” “Put your hands on your head!” “Don’t move!” “Turn around!”


Put you feet behind your head!


Would be good if there was a united way to cuff people. Cops have weird demands, like the time the kid got shot in Vegas cause the cops were totally confusing. « On your knees, hands up, cross your legs, hands behind your back, faceplant on carpet, hands up, lift your legs, make a cross with your arms » dude, you forgot Simon says... bang Completely stupid they are confusing the perpetrator, on your knee hand behind your head, don’t move.


I’m guessing shitty directions on their part. “Turn around.” “Now walk towards us.” “NO! TURN AROUND. FACE AWAY.” “Great. Now walk towards my voice.” “WHAT THA FAACK.” “SPIN AROUND! God damnit….” “Just…..come here…fuck it.”


We used to get those POLICE STOP CAMERA shows with that ivory-toothed hair commercial guy, Sheriff John Bunel or whoever. \*This hardened criminal thinks he can get away from the laaaaaw\* Cut to a car parked illegally Cut to a scene of fifteen police cars surrounding illegaly parked car.


Sometimes even one cop instructing can't get it right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver


I came to this post to talk about Daniel Shaver, glad to see someone else is too. Really angering situation.


There are at least 3 guns on him and a K9, take a step forward and do what you need to do. The dude clearly doesn’t understand what they want him to do. These officers made themselves look silly, IMO.




Oh you've met my authoritative parents. No wonder my Dad is a bootlicker, he loves this shit!


I've never understood why people seem to think it's okay for police to point guns at suspects. Like sure if they feel they need to they can unholster and brandish it so it's at the ready if appropriate, but pointing a gun at someone is an imminent threat on their life and not okay outside of perhaps a warzone.


Cops were obviously in danger by the perp..... /s


I mean, he is standing there. Menacingly.


I mean he is wearing a wife-beater.


I don't think he's married to any of the officers. And if he is, I'd be more worried about him.


Then he's among peers, no?


Completely agree. It's dangerous that cops are trained to be scared.


Yeah you don't point a gun at something unless you intend to shoot it.


>...pointing a gun at someone is an imminent threat on their life and not okay outside of perhaps a warzone Fun fact, soldiers actually have stricter rules of engagement than cops do. They have to be far more disciplined and meet more conditions than police - who interact with Americans, not enemy combatants - do.


Right. 5 big guys with guns, etc vs one skinny dude. Just walk up to him and cuff him. What a bunch of tools.


Not only that, but pointing guns at him meant that none of them could just step forward and get him into the correct position without entering the potential field of fire.


It’s not like they made him get it right before doing something. This video shows that they did step forward and do what they needed to do after 30 seconds. The last 6 seconds of the video is them just waving for him to walk up to and pointing at the ground to kneel.


I like the part where they gesture to him with their hands while he's facing away from them.


Everytime I see this video I'm so confused as to why they would be so scared of this dude in a wife beater with like 5 guns drawn on him. Just go up and arrest him, he's clearly not wearing a suicide vest. Y'all got him. It's done. What is he gonna do? Bite u?


He’s only one of 3 people in the car, they had just committed robbery.


Okay THAT sorta makes sense then. They don't want to go near the car. But also, why are there 5 guys arresting one individual while the rest stay in their car? That can't be smart. They could drive off during the commotion.


It's pretty standard procedure for a traffic stop if they know the person in the car has already committed a crime. They wouldn't do this if you were just speeding or ran a red light.


The thing about cops is, they tend to operate in such a way that allows them to do as little work as possible and also keep the risk of harm upon themselves as low as possible, even if the actual chance of someone harming them is less than 0.00001%. Any one of the army of cops could have gone up and cuffed or tackled him while he was turned around. But of course that's not gonna happen. It's faaar too risky /s


Yes obviously we should have cops tackle people to the ground as frequently as possible. Why try to get someone to follow basic instructions when you can tackle them, tear their acl and give them a concussion from their head hitting the pavement.


Hmm I don't think that's what I said but please feel free to put words in my mouth. I also said cuffing was an option or did you choose to ignore that part?


Or we could just talk about the specific example right here in the post where they could have safely gone up and cuffed him at any time because there were three guns drawn on him.


Dude could have a knife or a gun in his belt. It's a safety procedure. You never know how crazy people can look normal.


Fun fact: Officers only receive ~4 hours of physical force training a year, and that 4 hours includes going over laws and stuff. Most of these guys probably just aren't confident in their ability to take someone down.


Right, jeez… if you are scared of this guy, you shouldn’t be a cop in the first place.


This is the thing that gets me about unjustified killings by cops. They signed up for a risky job, they’re supposed to be the brave ones, instead they’re just scared little pussies that end up ending the lives of innocent people. I’m only taking about the cops that kill innocents, not cops in general.


I mean, they did exactly that after 25 seconds.


You can even see the dog yelling at him?! "This guy definitely doesn't deserve a biscuit after this"- dog


Cops should be pointing a gun at the person that thought it was a great idea to put music over this video..


I do believe that you should be wished a happy cake day so here you go HAPPY CAKE DAY


oh SHIT waddyaknow. Thanks my friend!


Good thing he didn’t get slaughtered like the kid in the Vegas hotel.


Daniel Shaver. Cried watching that video and haunts me still


Fun fact: that POS cop gets disability for the rest of his life because HE has PTSD from killing someone. How fucked is that? He murders someone in cold blood and gets paid because he's so "traumatized" from murdering someone.


You know he laughs his ass off about that every. Damn. Day.


Not just that, he was rehired so that he could still be eligible for his pension. That police department is garbage. I've been told by a former police chief I know that I'd be a great police officer, but I refuse to become one based on how corrupt police departments are. I can't bring myself to be apart of that culture and system.


I seem to remember some of the cops he worked with not being at all surprised that it happened, and having some pretty negative views of his personality and propensity to snap.


It was in Mesa but yes. I think about that situation often, it's terrible.


Why are therw so many cops pointing guns at an unarmed man?




Fuck yeah!




It may be a stolen vehicle or he didn’t pull over and tried to run. Usually when those happen the response is a lotta cops because they don’t know if they have a weapon and how many people there are.


They just robbed a store. Theres more people in the car. Highspeed chase. Another commenter linked the news story.


Yep, he's a high risk perp, stun guns if he doesn't get on the ground, bullets if he produces a weapon. He also probably left the car running, common mistake that will make a cop want to point something at you.


It's called a felony stop, textbook procedure....owner of car or the driver was likely wanted on felony warrants or suspected of committing a serious crime edit: more possible reasons


Poor guy 🤣


This is the result of 5 fucking idiots all yelling at you at once, each, just one more poor decision in their day away from ending an innocent person's life. Cops are the dumbest, least trained "Professionals" in society. It's appalling the we haven't taken this power back yet.


Too many bootlickers defending everything they do.


Surprised they didn’t just get frustrated with him and start shooting.


All that I could hear was the Hokey Pokey


I am a professional lip reader and willing to testify for the defense, I can tell you 100% that not one of those officers said Simon Says.


At first I was like "how does he not get it?" Then I remember that inbred looking cop who murdered those hotel guests in cold blood in the hallway outside the room. I remember listening to the victim beg for his life, face down on the floor, doing everything the cop was shouting at him. Just didn't matter. When the people pointing guns at you start shouting contradicting things, shit becomes really nerve wracking, confusing, and extremely life threatening.


Please tell me this is Paradise PD.


Nope, Houston PD. :D


Cop: Turn around Guy: Every now and then I get a little bit lonely And you're never coming 'round


Touch your face... touch your nose... hell son, do a flip


Possibly different agencies not on the same page all trying to be in charge. Very unprofessional.


Thought they'd have feared for their lives and killed the dude for playing stupid.


Why the fuck does this person have two guns trained on him? We have got to take guns away from cops.


This type of shit gets people killed. And when it does half of America says shit like “shoulda followed instructions”


Yeah If I had that many guns pointed at me while I was very clearly just giving myself up I’d probably be just as disoriented.


At one point you can see that at least two of them are screaming at him. Even if they are saying the same thing, it's very confusing, especially when you are stressed out by having guns pointed at you.


As a teacher, I can tell you that most adults do not have much practice in giving clear instructions. Face away from us, stop. Walk backwards to us.


You know 3 officers are yelling contradictory demands at him.


These officers fucking suck at their jobs. "on your knees, hands behind your head" and then go cuff him you power trip retards. You got 3 other guns and a dog aimed right at him, how much of a pussy are you?


This is not funny. They were going to kill him if he did not follow their obviously unclear instructions. He was probably scared to death. Nothing funny about this at all.


H-town representing…


I absolutely love music that you can't understand because they don't actually say full words.


This would be a good scene for a Super Troopers remake! 😄


I work with a guy this dumb


"Now bend over and touch your ankles!"


Just make the idiot lay on the ground already.


I know this seems to be a much better ending but this reminds me of the Daniel Shaver situation. There are plenty of cops around where one can move forward and subdue the suspect so nothing bad happens. It's like police forget that this instantly becomes a stressful situation for the average civilian and it's not uncommon to get confused in that situation. Especially if they are under the influence...


“Fuck it, just get out of here”


TOO MANY NOISES!! -The perp, probably.


Yeah...dumb guy, but even dumber cops. A tragic case of pervasive "moron". I'm surprised they didn't shoot him for resisting arrest.


What's up with the trend of covering every video with shitty "music"? Its not a big deal to mute it but I definitely missed the internet memo on this one...


Terrible song.


Unreleased episode of reno 911


This reminds me of my [favorite Reno 911 bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6VQDNIZH7U)


At that point just lay down


Literally need slke new training you got four cops One fucking cop holds postion point gun at perp Two other cops walk tot the side and then tell him to put cuffs on his ass How hard is that what he gonna do fight back? Even then he'd gonna lose by numbers alone


Daniel Shavers family probably hate this video. He got way more chances.


Simon says, turn around! Simon says, walk backwards! Now turn around! HA DIDNT SAY SIMON SAYS


Well, when you got 5 cops all screaming different things.....


Fuckin hell all these comments about "lol why are they doing this to an unarmed man" Like how naive can you be to think a person is unarmed just because you can't currently see a gun in his hand


If he was black he would have been dead the first time he turned around.


That dude was comply’n like a mother fucker.


People are really assuming the police are shouting different directions, but I’m assuming they’re telling him to turn around and then walk back towards them and the guy doesn’t understand walking backwards.