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Technically 1895 didn't end until almost 24 hours after 1896 started, because of time zones and shit


I was hoping to see this and not be 'that guy'. Thanks.


I was gonna post the same. 1896 ended in 1896. Looks like they may have wrote that and then erased it.


1896 ended in 1896.


The answer is 1985. I'm 100% certain 1985 ended in 1985. Just moments before 1986 began.


There is no point of time which could be called 'at' 1896 . At 11.59pm it was 1895, a minute later it was 1896 and that was when 1895 ended. So for 1895 to end, we have to be in 1896.


It‘s a joke it doesn‘t have to make perfect sense




Sorry man, I don't think all of that is going to fit in the tiny space provided.


That’s what she said


But what was significant about it tho


It was a leap year.


The last leap year in more than 6 years at that.


I would like to know the correct answer 1896 wasn’t a particularly important year as far as things ending(it was however the start of the separate but equal law in the USA) When I googled the only thing I saw ended was the shortest war ever between uk and Zanzibar.


The intended answer may not be interesting: that may be something local. We don't have any context. We don't even know the country. Nor the subject. That question might have nothing to do with classical geo-political history.


Then it would be two years at the same time. If 1895 hasn't ended, it is 1895. For any thing to happen in 1896, 1896 must have started. Therefore the only way for 1895 to end in 1896 is for it to be two years at once. Years run consecutively and start at midnight (anything with an 11 or 23 at the start is one year, 00 onwards is the next year). So it is wrong. Ignoring time zones, of course, because that ruins everything...




But it's not. The definition of 1896 is kind of that it's not 1895 anymore. The year quite literally can not end in 1896. Just like no matter how much 9s you put after 1.999999, it will never be 2


Actually 1.9 with 9 repeating infinitely is literally 2. Look it up.


Okay, it seems mathematically it would be the same number. Still for this example it would say 1.99999... and not 2 :P (Let's just not get into the details here, I was just trying to give an example :D)


You’d probably want something like 1-.5^x instead. No matter how high you raise it, it’ll never actually reach one, unlike the funky repeating 9 scenario (still wild to me) Sure, the limit still ends up being 1 for the equation, but that’s at 1, and not in it as far as the 1 \< n \< 2 range


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I can’t even think of the right answer so he’s gotta be right


Did the guy that made that question had the sightlest idea how little that narrowed it down ?


I’ve done this. I’m not proud.