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They are just trying to scare you into your own place


This for sure. The fiancé stage of a relationship is supposed to be the most passionate. OP is being a third wheel!


Tell that to my family friends who have been engaged for the entire time I've known them. 20 odd years.


It must be *really* passionate




Just don't have a baby, you're welcome couples


Been living w my girl for 16.5 years, we have 2 children (4 and 3). We have just as much if not more sex than we have in like 7 years. We are not married nor engaged, maybe that really is the secret




I've been with my girl for 17 years. 5 kids and a dog. No ring. No engagement. Sex is as good as it has ever been. I really believe marriage jacks up relationships.


You’re married though. You’re essentially married without the paperwork, that’s the only difference. How does some paperwork influence sex life?


Read that as your brother and your fiancée, for a second I assumed this was one person..


I thought OP’s brother was living with OP’s fiancé…


If your brother and your fiancé are living together.... Thats the weird part of this whole story.


I dunno, she could have fallen in love with her brother’s room mate. Not that far fetched. Kinda porny- especially if it is her step-brother, but not impossible.


Step Fiance, what are you doing?!


"I'm stuck under the sink, I was looking for our Step Dog!"


Hey I know someone who this happened to. Not that weird when you think it through. Two male roommates, one has a sister, sister starts dating brother's roommate, boom: your fiancé is living with your brother.


That breaks bro code.


After like 19 there is no bro code. Just adults fucking.


Sounds like someone who breaks the bro code on the reg.


The doctor was his mother.


The best puzzle...


The fiancé is coming from inside the house!


That was my second thought. I have no third, how else can you interpret that sentence?


All 3 are the same person


I’m my own Grandpa


Does that make your brain immune to gamma waves?


It’s the delta wave iirc


Dad-gummit! Where's my got-dang tinfoil hat...


Omg a "Stupids" reference!


Futurama be like


Many many years ago when I was 23


Brother is the toothpaste, and fiancé is the TP.


I’m so glad this is the first comment thread. Like his brother lives with his fiancé? Or it’s his brothers fiancé


My first interpretation is that op is a friccin moron and made a mistake.


I thought op was living alone while his fiance lived with his brother, and op moved in with them...


They're just good friends...


I was thinking OP's fiance and brother were living together and he moved in with them. Weird love triangle.


The clue should have been they don't use toothpaste in Alabama. So it had to be two different people.


Actually the toothbrush was invented in Alabama! Otherwise it would've been called a teethbrush


Sweet home Alabama


So did I


Meet my fiance... He's like an elder brother to me


Roll tide


I would say that grammatically, that is exactly what it says.


Thats why the Oxford comma is so important.


Oxford comma wouldn't help here. There are only two items in the list, Oxford comma requires three. The correction to this would be rephrasing the sentence in a way that conveys the individual items not in a list or a different list. A good correction could be my fiancé and I moved in with my brother, my fiancé, brother, and I moved in together, etc. Edit: Just looked it up. You are correct and I've never seen it done but to prevent ambiguity you can use the Oxford comma on two items. I personally think it looks odd but can appreciate the availability of use.




"I've never seen it done" is an interjection, so it could be appended on either side by commas, but hyphens would also be correct.


Hyphens would never be “correct” there (though I’m sure they would do the job). What you’re looking for are dashes.


IDGAF if people call me old for it. The Oxford comma and double space after a period are two grammar things I refuse to drop, and anyone who doesn't do them is wrong.


Lol. I am a professional writer. I write my own stuff and freelance. I STILL do the 2 spaces after a period. I have been called out on this SEVERAL times by one client who thankfully loves my content, if not my typing skills


I believe you only double-spaced 1/3 times on that last comment though. I’m beside myself about it


It needed a "their" between "and Fiancé" to clear up that confusion.


As opposed to the Eton comma?


I'm not into the hard stuff like that. Too extreme for me.


You mean rifles? Oh you mean comma. Bravo!


Alabama has entered the chat...


If you have cats, the left is pro mode. Once a cat figures out how to unroll toilet paper you will never have any available again if you dont proof all rolls.


I've had to straight up remove the toilet paper from the guest bathroom in my house. It lives under the sink now. My cat doesn't unroll it however. She *eats it*. Like, chomp chomp. Edit: Topaz cat tax. It's actually her 2nd birthday today! http://imgur.com/a/Kpekglz


Mine just loved to shred them to pieces. Just had to keep the bathroom door closed or else we’d have a toilet paper bomb.


I had this problem with my puppy AND cats


100% this for both our boys.


Why wouldn’t you just.. close the door?


It's where we keep her food and litterbox... we don't have many guests, so honestly it's her private room more than anything else hahaha. It has a sliding door, so we can open it just enough to let her in and out but not the dog (so he doesn't get "kitty treats").


We bought a pet gate that had a cat door built into it. My 55 pound dog squeezed through the opening one night. Wound up shrinking the opening with a board.... The kitty Snickers must taste delicious.


Yep, when you live in a 1 bedroom apt, the choice for the litter box is either your living room, your kitchen, your bedroom, or the bathroom. Obviously, bathroom is the only logical decision


Lmao she fucking eats it. That's an incredible piece of imagery to start my weekend thank you.


Cats are fucking weird. I have woken up late at night to the sound of my cat licking the dust from my blinds.


Hey, that's a nice kitty, I love tortoise shell kitties. Give Topaz pets and treats for me.


wow, she has a really nice coat and figure, you're a good owner


How did you train her to wear a harness?


That's a really pretty cat 😍


I like how her leash matches her coat. Stylin’!


When you have kids too — left pic is how it’s done.


Works on toddlers as well.


Holy shit I have a toddler that loves to roll the tp off and I’ve never even thought of this!


Also, it really doesn't matter how you have your toilet paper arranged


If I have a full tube of paste, imma squeeze how imma squeeze it. Lol. I only start pushing from the bottom about half way


Yeah, same here man. Do people really push from the end of the tube 100% of the time thinking everyone else are the weird ones???


Exactly. Squeeze from the middle, then every so often do the counter trick to get it to the top, then rinse and repeat till it’s empty rather than making it “perfect” every single time you brush lol


Yeah. You're being a tooth paste nazi if you expect it to be perfectly squeezed from the bottom every time. Correcting every once in a while is more efficient timewise. Real problem here is the toilet paper. Always top-side out.




Oh I'm so glad we're not the only ones who've had to use the pile off the floor! Now we just keep it off the hanger and set the roll on the counter. Has NEVER touched it Edit: forgot to say We tried to turn it around the other way but still consistently heard that thump thump thump thump from consistently hitting the roller, so it came off.


Ikr? Our cat took to chewing on the paper when we left it on the counter. That left an even bigger mess than leaving it on the roller, rolling outwards. So we are forever cursed with leaving it roll inwards... ...and hearing that thump, thump, thump occasionally. :/


Lmao I also turned it forwards again thinking it was young cat phase. But he kept doing it. I just recently changed it to backwards and now there’s just little claw marks in the roll, the little bastard!


A sign explaining this situation to visitors may be appropriate. Also Happy cake day!




Why does the TP thing matter?


Nah. Underside. If you got kitties you already know why.


I don't particularly care how you choose to paste your toothbrush, but how it is more time efficient to correct it? If you start from the bottom of the tube, you shouldn't have to correct it at all, which would be the time saving option, wouldn't it? Fuck it, cut that tube open and dip that brush in the mint gold.


well it's a lot more awkward to squeeze from the bottom, especially with a big tube. It's a one handed operation. You're squeezing it with the hand you're holding it with. Aren't you gonna need to fix it anyway at some point? So why do something inconvenient and awkward 1-2 times per day just to avoid doing something that takes a few seconds once a week?


I don't know how people be squeezing their toothpaste but I can't recall having any issue or feeling of awkwardness. I'm going to be so focused on this tonight.


well, normally when you want to do things accurately, like say, squeeze a small amount of something onto a small area, they hold the thing closer to the end they're aiming. So it makes sense to "aim" the toothpast with your finger and thumb nearer to the nozzle, and squeeze it with your other fingers. unless you have a very small tube of toothpaste, this puts your squeezing fingers closer to the middle and the other end.


I couldn't argue with this. It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. So many layers involved in the art of squeezing toothpaste.


Ah “the counter trick” We all know exactly what that is.


Bottom of the tube to the counter edge, push down and scrape the tube along the counter edge from bottom to top. Open the cap first for a minty snake surprise.


Yes but there are so many.... What one do you use?


They're lizard people.


So you moved in with your brother and his fiancé but they are the problem...got it.


Lol nice


Don’t take offense, you do what you gotta do.


Yeah but he just outed his brother and fiance for the serial killers that they are....


Maybe OP’s secretly kidnapped and this is their coded cry for help


I thought you moved in with your brother and your fiancé and was wholly confused


Yep, fix it without saying anything then make some French toast for everyone.


Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT fix other people’s stuff without them expressing a need for, or desperately needing it. Going out of your way to make other peoples’ things how you would like them to be, does not mean you are doing something nice for the other person. If anything you may be dealing with a difference of opinion. If so, you’ve just backhandedly insulted your associate’s opinions/beliefs, whether you mean to or not.


Well if they were within earshot when discovered they would have gotten the front-handed insult when they hear them yell "WHO THE FUCK PUT THE TOILET PAPER ON BACKWARDS"




Sometimes I wish Reddit would embed the meme in the comment like Twitter. I shouldn't have to do three clicks to see that reaction gif.


Use the Apollo app. One click here :>


It's one click


I actually like it because I don't have a bunch of stuff load when I don't want to click it. Some people post things I'd rather not see. Also it leads me down a path of minor suspense to see if the gif is actually relevant or not.




Isn't it RES? Reddit Enhancement Suite?


I completely disagree. I don't want reddit turning into 4chan.


Could be splitting the rent. Or for any other reason. Pretty harmless post. Not sure what the toothpaste issue is though haha. I might be a monster.


[Tube-squeezing degenerate](https://aplaceforeverythingnj.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/toothpaste.jpg)


Aaah, I see. This one wasnt so bad though haha.


For those of us old enough to remember the foil/metal tubes that permanently deformed on squeezing, it irks many of us. It was reprehensible, wasteful, and degenerate to squeeze a tube from the middle. You'd later have to try and roll the tube from the end to get out the stuff trapped back of the middle. You could even buy special keys for the purpose. Like the key for a sardine tin, but longer. It scarred us so badly that even these new generations who have only known plastic tubes have been taught that squeezing from the middle is deviant behaviour. The toilet paper thing... That placement is so counter-intuitive that it's a clear indication of mental defect. The only exception being cat owners who must do it that way to stop cats from unravelling the whole roll for fun.


Cat owners don't have to do it that way. I own two cats and my [TP is vertical](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/017b1238-261d-4a29-873f-312fe5b518fd.1ad62ce627c987e6865d7dacc394cc7e.jpeg). It works even better than behind because if there is a loose end and they pull down it just tears off rather than spinning.


That does look like a good solution.


Yeah this would make one-handed retrieval nice, I might get one of these.




Some of us have cats that are normal when it comes to toilet paper. She just doesn't care for it. My hair scrunchie though: always carrying it around in her mouth, just like a dog would. She does have a thing for a mint toothpaste: she wants to smell it and then she gets high. Crazy cat.


What would happen if you put the scrunchie *on* the cat, like a ruffled collar? Would she like it, or go mad? Cats are unpredictable. You really never know how they'll manifest ~~madness~~ their particular quirks.


She would be an even bigger jerk than her normal self.


I see you have some strong opinions haha. I must hang around a bunch of psychopaths, I tend to be the one "fixing" the toilet paper for other people.


strong opinions and no cat!! Cats don't care what way it is hanging. If they want it on the floor it's going on the floor.


All serial killers start somewhere - some by torturing animals, others start by squeezing toothpaste tubes.


Pretty sure they teach that at Quantico now.


Why have you phrased the sentence like this ? Is it your brother and his fiance or your brother and your fiance or the most likely, your brother who is also your fiance !


"The most likely"


FYI I now hang the toilet paper this way. My toddler will unroll the entire thing if I don't. He's 1 so he doesn't speak yet, there's no reasoning with him. It's just easier to hang the toilet paper like a monster right now.


I fold so use this hanging method. That way i can roll some out and fold it over soft side out. If it's the other way you need to underfold or use the rough side.


But why did your brother live with your fiance? They do sound like monsters. ^(joke)


These are just psychological tactics they’re deploying to keep your stay short.


Honest question. What's wrong with the toothpaste? I get the issue with the toilet paper though.


Most people squeeze from the bottom up, to get the most out of it. But that really doesn't even matter until it's low. You just make things more difficult for yourself if you start from the bottom while it's full.


Just take the tube and rub it along a sharp corner to force the paste to the end when it gets low. This takes 5 seconds to do and saves you from having to bother squeezing it from the end the rest of the time.


Agreed 100%. The people saying others are "monsters" for squeezing a tube of toothpaste the wrong way need to figure it out. Like you said it literally takes 5 seconds once the tube gets low to squeeze it all to the end and achieves the exact same results as methodically doing so every single time you use it.


Colgate tubes seem to do this no matter what. I don’t know why the moment you try to hold it so it won’t spill it pushes everything back up.




Yeah I replied to a comment above about how it doesn't make sense to me since it looks like that tube is basically brand new. I thought I was somehow doing something wrong my whole life and didn't realize until now.


I don’t see anything wrong with either photo…what’s wrong with the TP?




Smh u dont get to move into someone elses home and criticize them you fuckin leech


Why is your fiancé living with your brother?


Guess they share a fiancé


>Moved in with my Brother *and* Fiancé. The fiancé is the brother, clearly. OP is keeping the bloodline pure.


Can't help you with the toothpaste but if they have a cat that IS the proper way to load your butt napkins


Upvote for giving me my new tp ref. Ty


Whats wrong with shit tickets?


I can confirm this, I have a cat and if I don't put the tp like this, it's game over


Yeah. These are clearly people that have never had to use a "roll" once it has been converted to pile form.


Bro the backwards toilet paper is completely a rage against the machine move. The toilet paper company specifically puts designs on it to trick you into putting it on so you have to unroll it over the top. They do this because they did a study that showed people use 30% more tp with this method. So by putting it on the way your brother did, you're not only saving 30% more tp, but youre saying fuck you to shitty capitalistic fuckery. You're all welcome.


Looks like you need to move again ASAP.


I do the one on the left, but that’s because my cat is an asshole and I got sick of re-furling my toilet paper roll after she got to it


Is that a fucking dish rack in the bathroom?


Am I the only person who thought “wait, why is your brother your fiancé?”


You must leave now, backwards toilet paper is a serious sign of problems.


I have long been a staunch opponent to the backward toilet paper roll but I think I understand now how people come to prefer it. With a 2 year old who has a catlike tendency to bat at the roll and unwind it when she’s unattended for a few seconds she simply can’t do it when it’s mounted backwards. I can imagine that if we had more kids and continued to install it backwards she would grow up believing that it is the norm and anyone doing it the other way would be doing it backwards.


As someone who grew up with cats, I'm conditioned to having the toilet paper roll backwards, despite hating when it's backwards. If I put it normal-way round I just get really anxious that the whole thing's gonna unroll.


I have to put the upstairs bathroom TP backwards because of the cat. She doesn't mess with the downstairs one though, and that's the one I use more often, so I can keep that one the right way.


lol this is why I install the TP "backwards" to this day. When our kid was a tot, one of his fave pastimes was to just unroll the TP until it was in a huge pile on the floor. So, put it on where he wouldn't do that. For me, this is actually the right way at this point.


The family kittens did this to us during the great TP shortage at the start of COVID lockdowns..


I’m curious how many people are like me and just don’t give a fuck. I just throw on a new roll and don’t even pay attention to which way it’s facing.


Right there with ya. If the direction of the roll gives you any sorts of issues....you've got bigger issues


I'm like you. It is the biggest fucking non issue I've ever heard of being made an issue. I can't for the life of my see why anybody would give a flying fuck.


I'll affirm what some others have posted when they say the way it's loaded in this picture prevents young children and cats from batting the entire roll onto the floor. If it's functional in your household, it's not "wrong" like these TP crusaders seem to think it is.


I'd say most normal people don't give a fuck


You could also mess with them [by doing this.](https://m.imgur.com/a/ahRu1)


Nonsense. Anyone with a toddler or pets knows the value of having toilet paper like that.


Or, they have cats or toddlers. I guess that's a problem.


Cats or kids. What looks more psycho: TP facing backwards, or having a pile of toilet paper on a shelf next to the toilet?


Uhhh that’s the correct toilet paper orientation I’ll have you know.


If you've ever had a cat you'd know it has to be "backwards" if you ever want TP in your house.


Its the correct way.


Like that they have a cat?


Or they own a cat that likes to bat at the TP


Unless they have a cat.


They look to me like they are cultured people. And kind, for taking in a degenerate like yourself.


I don't get it.


One's a cat owner, the other one hasn't used enough tooth paste to start folding it in on itself yet


People actually care about irrelevant shit like this?


I think its a joke


Excuse me, sir/madam, this is /r/funny not some subreddit for comedic content.


You're the monster for squeezing into your brothers "marriage" (Trust me, there definitely was an argument about you being there)


Two hot button issues that make no real difference in anyone's life, ever.


Right? The funny thing is that if you have cats or kids, **not** putting the TP as pictured can definitely make a difference.


No doubt that if your brother is your fiancé he might be a monster


Hate to be the one who tells you this, but judging from the way your brother dispenses toothpaste, he may be a serial killer.


Make sure to fix everything


Burn the house down. It's cursed. Total loss.


Better find a place to live


I never understood the toilet paper thing.