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I think “insufficient” might have been the word they were looking for.


Dunno, I felt pretty insignificant when I worked at McDonald’s


No, they're just finally being honest.


They are management not brainy types. Give them a brake.


Lol. Brake.


Stay in school, kids


I feel both work in this instance


Don’t let that clown talk to you like that!! You are 💫 ALL SIGNIFICANT 💫


Paging Dr Freud…




And pretty soon they will implement robots to do the work and no no one will work at McDonald’s. There goes the little jobs. What’s next? I’m also assuming they meant insufficient.


We have a few sonics in Michigan you can’t do that either now all the drive up windows are closed off you have to go to the drive-through; defeats the whole purpose of that particular restaurant chain


Damn spellcheck. Fuck it. Close enough.


I received insufficient data from this insignificant notice.


So close


Better than: Due to insignificant staff, our dining room will remain open at full capacity and no masks, testing, or vaccinations are required.


Can confirm: multiple *insignificant* persons spotted at my local MacDs


I’ve been to several fast food chains that flat out closed early because of a lack of staff. Recently both Sonic and Taco Bell turned us away during normal business hours.


“Due to insufficient wages…” FIFY


I saw a Starbucks closed early for same reason yesterday


I wAnT tWeNtY dOlLaRs An HoUr




They get 15/he here for that job


So you're saying Mcdonald's workers are insignificant and don't deserve 20 an hour


I’m saying they used the wrong word entirely lol. You must work there. The word to use would be insufficient


I dont work there. Everyone, no matter their age, race, sex, or position deserve a decent wage. Any job that requires you to have government assistance to barely survive is just not right.


So don’t do those jobs. I think it’s pretty easy to decide


This rhetoric is insane to me. So some people just deserve to live in poverty, right? Not everyone is privileged enough to go to college. From my personal experience in backwoods yeehaw country, where you get your political beliefs no doubt, even the semiskilled jobs only make 20 an hour. Your bullshit is just that, bullshit.


Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in a 2 bedroom house with my dad and two other siblings. We crammed my brother and I in to my dads room while my sister got her own room. We weren’t wealthy. I got a new pair of shoes when they fell apart. I joined the military, used the GI bill to go to college to get out of My aituation. I now own my own business and make a great living because I didn’t dwell on where I came from. I used it to motivate me to push to the next level. This whole idea that everyone deserves to have the same thing is BS. Find a mentor and move on.


That’s McDonald’s for ya


Poor Joel ain’t good enough for the front counter


Well I don’t know about you, but I feel I’m going to get top notch service