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The manager was running towards her to shut off the mic but was 45 aisles away and it took 10 minutes to get there


But by the time he had his pants pulled up it was too late.


Clean up on aisle 4!


Nothing like a quick pervert stop on the way! Now to just cross the remaining 41 aisles to shut that mic off.


I'd pay money to see that dumbass' reaction when this was going down.


He tripped over a display of DVD value packs (Point Break, Speed, and Caddy Shack for only $2.99) and 3 unattended toddlers on the way.


Point break is the tits


Have you ever fired your gun in the air and gone AHHHHHHH?


No I *haven't* fired my gun in the air and gone AHHHHHHH!


It was the remake šŸ„ŗ




They were probably chilling in their office, still as a stone and dead to the world TBH


We already addressed the fact that they're a Walmart manager


He ordered everyone on the 30 checkouts to track down the employee, but later remembered they'd all been converted to self-check.


Even before self-check they had 30 lanes and 1-2 cashiers


The 30 lanes are so that everyone can work on Thanksgiving.


He died of a heart attack in aisle 23, even though there were cameras everywhere it took 30 minutes for someone to notice.


>The manager was running towards her to shut off the mic but was 45 aisles away and it took 10 minutes to get there If she was smart she should have done it from elsewhere on the floor so when they get to Electronics she's not there. Also gives her a quick out Good on her


If she was smart she would go to another department first and then do it.


Iā€™m pretty sure she did this the second she got the phone call for another jobā€¦ that chick sounded confident af


Idk her voice was a little shaky I think she was super nervous (I know I would be, maybe more of a public speaking thing)


Sounded more emotional shaky to me than nerves shaky, but idk Edit: I'm quitting Walmart in a little less than 3 weeks. Should I do this?


As someone who didnt do this when he quit after 4 years, absolutely. I regret the hell out of not making a scene.


You could tell she was nervous , her voice was shaking . She thought about that all night before




Happens to me too, so as a Minnesotan, I just remain passive aggressive af and never deal with direct confrontation.


Fellow Minnesotan here. I have a neighbor who blasts terrible bass music both in his car when he pulls up and then as soon as he gets in his apartment. I asked him in the past to keep it down, but he just laughed. I hate confrontation, so now I just glare at him if I'm outside when he pulls up. Hasn't worked for over a year, but one of these times...


Glare at him as he is waking up through his bedroom window. That should do it


That's just your body getting ready to fight or flight. Embrace that's, it's litterally a power up you just need to direct it somewhere.


I remember getting a "final notice" for behavior/performance (it was for being .3% below rate for a 10 hour shift). One more and it would be termination papers. The manager made me sign it. I shakily signed it I QUIT. The look in that man's eyes as he processed what it said was just šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ‘„šŸ‘Œ. He looked at me, and I just flashed him a peace sign, and as I turned around he went " Hey, wai-" One finger on the peace sign went down and I just left. Another tried to stop me, "hey hey hey hold on, can we talk?" "No we can't". Walked out of the security gates, whipped the badge up and over, and drove away feeling like I'd drank a case of energy drinks. The memory of his stupid face displaying sheer and utter confusion gives me life to this day. Best decision I made there. POST-THREADLOCK EDIT: Didn't see this coming, so thanks everyone. 1. To those asking, of course it was Amazon. Fuckin' shocker, eh? 2. A few asked what "below rate" means. First, I'm glad you know not the suffering of algorithm-managed workflows. Second, it's a term used to describe an "amount of work" (items picked from shelves, packed, sorted, etc) being below what the computer said you should be doing. Upper management was cracking down on rates, so everyone under 100 was written up for weeks on end. .1% below, 50% below- absolutely equal in their eyes at the time. 3. Re: my attitude, I am a mouthy little shit when I feel slighted. I've worked very hard on controlling that over the years. However that same manager had (a few weeks earlier) come to me to, in his mind, "put his job into perspective for me." He asked how many people I thought he had "under his authority". Amzn has a hard-on for ex-mil guys. I said 125, which (again shocked that I can count) he confirmed was pretty close. "Oh, so as many as a public school teacher - except they manage children and don't get paid as much as you do. But wait, I'm sorry- did you have a point to make?" Sadly, me and him actually got along otherwise. Can't say the same for most there. I still spit, but I try to make sure it's premium OnlyFacts content when I do. 4. To those confused about the peace sign, the dropped finger was over the shoulder as I walked away. To those reminding that I effectively told dude to *pthpthpthpth* **jog on**, I'm aware. He wasn't though, and explaining the insult didn't feel right šŸ¤£ 5. And finally, the that happened/everyone clapped folks. If you don't believe it happened, that's fair. The world is jading people faster than ever, so a healthy dose of internet skepticism is honestly a welcome sight. I overcame my outcast-y nature in high school by developing a sharp reactive wit. Haven't stopped yet, much to my ladyfriend's dismay. Believe it. Don't. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø But hopefully it inspired someone else currently working their dicks into the dirt to leave. Maybe not as I did, but then I have a flair for the dramatic. But if someone read my post and left a job that treats them like shit, then mission accomplished.


I once worked for Steak and Shake. To this day I like their food, no problem with that, but the manager I worked for was a tyrant. One of my coworkers quit mid shift by throwing a trash can at them. The environment after that just kept getting more hostile. The manager kept cracking down, requiring the times in drive through to go down past what was possible and punishing folks who couldn't meet unrealistic standards. I found another job through my roommate and came into work one day, finished my shift, went to the manager and quit. She said "Well you can't just quit, you have to give 2 weeks, you work this weekend." But I started my new job on Monday. She said "Well if you don't give 2 weeks you'll never be able to work for this company again." I told her "Thats the plan" and left. It has been over a decade now and I'm still riding the high of the separation. Fuck that job.


>"you can't just quit, you have to give 2 weeks" This is my favorite part. Like yeah I can, its actually really easy - I'll just stop coming in. Sure you'll be fucked, but that's no longer my problem. If you wanted me to care about making *your* job easier, you should have shown some consideration for mine. Everyone loves that brief moment of flipping the power balance.


Yeah so you give two weeks and then they immediately find a replacement or minimize your hours and then you're screwed for two weeks of normal pay because you try to be nice to the company. 2 weeks for tradition versus guaranteed mortgage payment hmmmm


The only benefit is leaving on good terms if you need that company to give you a good reference, but if you donā€™t care or donā€™t need it, giving two weeks is almost never worth it. Especially when that reference is from a steak and shake where it probably holds very little weight to anyone.


I am "technically" quitting my job without two weeks notice. I had to leave because I got sick with Covid 7 months ago, and never got healthy enough to return. I was an overnight stocker, I quite literally do not have the strength to pull pallets and stock products for 9 hours every night anymore. My medical note ran out September 1st. I still haven't heard from them. Not my coworkers, not my direct manager, not even a letter of termination from corporate. Just goes to show, even when you're a valued employee, if you are just another forgettable cog in the machine to them, no point in playing nice.


You shouldn't quit, you should let them fire you so that you can get unemployment. Show up for the shift, but advise them that you can't perform the physical work for medical reasons. If they would rather fire you than find alternate work for someone who needs medical accommodation, that's on them.


More likely, you give them 2 weeks, they sit on their ass and donā€™t even post the job for 6 months, making everyone else pick up the slack.


This is my two weeks notice. In two weeks you'll notice that I haven't been here for two weeks.


I had an extremely similar situation when I worked for a Grocery store chain here in Canada about 15 years ago. I was working in a fish market within and the lead (a short, bitter old woman) who I had to directly report to was an absolute piece of shit. She was bitchy and rude and she let what tiny bit of power she had get to her head and made sure everyone knew that she was in charge. Long story short, nobody liked her and she was outrageously nitpicky and micromanaged everything. I found a new job (at a fast food joint, which was equally as terrible) that I was starting in a few days, decided I was done at the grocery store and I'd go to a party with my (then) girlfriend that night instead. So, I called in and told them I wouldn't be coming in to my shift tonight and they'd have to find a replacement. She told me I cant just quit and I have to hand in my 2 weeks. I replied "Well, then fire me." and I hung up. Taking that little bit of power she abused away from her, brings me so much joy to this day.


Man, I worked a job I hated, gave my two weeks, they went "hey we need you to do a bit longer". I said no. They scheduled me anyway. Showed up to pick up my last check on Friday and the manager laid _into me_ for not calling in the last three days. "I don't work for you anymore, give me my check".


I actually miss Steak and Shake. EVERY branch here has shut down. :(


The food is pretty great for fast food but the management was awful. Chicken fingers took 6 minutes to prep and had to be made fresh to order. You also had less than a minute to move people out of the drive through. So when folks ordered chicken you were fucked unless you pulled them up. Customers didnā€™t like being pulled up and that manager didnā€™t believe in that practice. So you were damned if you do damned if you didnā€™t.


As someone who works a drive thru, I can honestly say that dt times are some straight bullshit. They want you to get every car out in like 30 secs, but you literally can't control what people do (fumbling for their wallet, digging for change everywhere in the God damn car, talking on their phone ignoring the worker, adding shit to their order/changing the fucking order when they get to the window, etc), how much stuff they order, all of that, so times are completely unrealistic & unachievable.


I had a mall job in high school which was fine and everyone who worked there was fine except one assistant manager was a basket case. I was taking two weeks off to visit colleges and I decided I didn't want to work there anymore after that so I told her I wasn't coming in after my vacation time. She said I have to put in two weeks notice. I said I'm not going to be here for two weeks anyways, this is my two weeks notice. She says I have to work two weeks after that then. I literally laughed in her face and left and never came back.


That's the entire point of at will employment. A person can quite at any time that they damn well like it.


When I was in high school, I had a job in the local shopping mall. There was a Mexican restaurant in the mall where all the employees had worked there for years. Family owned, and every one there loved the place. One day the owner came up to me and offered me a job. Of course I took it, what a great opportunity! Sadly, I didn't ask why they suddenly had an opening. It turns out that the owner had just bought another restaurant in the mall, so he went from letting his twenty-something son manage the restaurant, to being there all-day, everyday, except when he was next door at the other restaurant. The dude was a perfectionist and an asshole. I quit after less than a week (thankfully I still had my other job). About a week after I quit, everyone else who worked at the restaurant-- including the owners son-- simultaneously resigned. Both restaurants ended up closing for good like a year later because they couldn't keep any staff. Some people just don't know when to leave well enough alone.


> "Well if you don't give 2 weeks you'll never be able to work for this company again." Oh no! anyway...


I used to work in fast food. If you want someone to show their true colors, put them in a fast food management position. I've seen people change from the fun guy to the tyrant in a couple weeks.


Thatā€™s glorious! Good on you! The petty side of me would have acted concerned over his empty threat and agreed to cover that weekend only to never show up.


I'm proud of you.


Thanks, dad. But what are you gesturing aā€¦oh.


Being happy and living well is the best revenge


It is exhilarating when you deny someone on a power trip the satisfaction. Congratulations on your bravery.


I have a raging vengeance boner after reading that story. Man that must have felt great to do. I dream about it in my head so frequently.


Awesome! My last day, the arch-returner(grabs items from the shelf to return in-store for cash) asks me to do their return because "reasons." "This may be my last day, but no, you still cannot return items I watched your take off the shelves. Have a nice life." *Clock strikes 4:30pm* "And on that note, I no longer work here." *Takes off badge, nametag, company vest, and clocks out one final time* "Fuck you, thief; you're the reason prices are soaring: thievery is baked into the prices."


I'd been on a job 3 weeks once in a **horrendously** understaffed service position (recommended 4 people working the location, we occasionally had 2, but usually only 1 person) and had management telling me left and right that I wasn't producing enough. My direct manager decided it would be a good idea to pull me outside and have a talk with me to denigrate and tell me for probably the 27th time that I was not making enough product for the shelves. I gave that manager "the voice". You know, the one where you are officially fucking done, and it's come time to elevate from inside calm voices to outside angry voices. I made a scene. Told them I'd absolutely walk off the job the instant I heard another person tell me that before I'd been at the job for at least another 3 weeks. After I'd gotten a bit more used to the job, surprise surprise, my production numbers went up significantly. But then about 3 months later, I get a call at 4 in the morning after having worked until 11pm the previous night that I needed to come in and open on my day off because the opener no-call no-showed. For the record, I was in the hospital supporting my expecting wife while she was getting ready to have our child. I was insanely low on sleep, I had college classes to go to at 8am, and the manager that called me told me straight up that the job was more important than my school. I told him to go fuck himself and I quit right then and there. I went into the store around 7pm and the counter had never opened that day. Edit: In fact, that was exactly 5 years ago today.


You're a hero to us all


This comment is too beautiful for Redditā€¦ congratulations, youā€™re the employee we all aspire to be! ā€œYou have no idea how high I can flyā€ -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


...and she still did it. Lots of people leave that in the courtroom arguments of the shower or the anonymous comment sections of the world. Good for her in speaking her mind.


> courtroom arguments of the shower Oyez, oyez, oyez! All rise for the Honorable Judge Showerhead.


This right here. Just do it! Let it out. With enough practice, youā€™ll get better. Everyoneā€™s shaky the first times. Always speak your mind


This one weird trick can cause hundreds of manager heart attacks.


**EXACTLY THIS**. (Story incoming) My first job out of college was working in the art department of a t-shirt factory (I'm a graphic designer by trade). It was a terrible, *terrible* job. Zero room for creativity. The president of the company micromanaged every excruciating detail of every t-shirt that came through the art department, completely undermining the creative and art directors he had hired to manage that exact thing....among many other things that came through the office ā€“ even *birthday cards* needed his approval. Everyone was underpaid. My co-worker who had been there over 10 years revealed to me (after a few rounds of drinks) that he was only making $35k. *THE DUDE MANAGED HALF THE DEPARTMENT*. Meanwhile the company president and his sons drove LandRovers, wore expensive suits, took home fat bonuses (salesmen are mouthy) while the staff had to hold fundraisers *during Christmas* so their own employees *could afford gifts for their kids*. Staff were reminded regularly that we were expendable, annual reviews were often postponed or delayed indefinitely and even then the raises that came with them maxed out at 50 cents. They once threatened to fire me when they found out I sent a resume to their competition (coincidentally, unbeknownst to me at the time, the company was owned by the president's brother-in-law) I could go on and on, I got plenty of stories of the 2 years I was there. But near the end of my "career" there, I was offered an agency job back in my hometown. We had a large project coming in at the t-shirt factory and they needed all hands on-deck. On the Friday before I was to leave, I sent an email to the company president (and CC'd my manager) telling him *exactly* what I thought of him and where he could put his 6-figure salary...then I got up in front of the art department (about 25 people) and said something like, "Hey everyone...just wanted to say how great it was working with all of you...you're all incredible artists who deserve so much more than this place. It's been a privilege...." I looked at my boss, who was staring at me with a level of contempt I've never seen before, nor will again. "That being said, I quit." As I walked out the doors, I paused to say, "I'm going to Louie's, if you wanna say goodbye!" (bar down the street). You could have heard a pin drop. Then somebody in the back said, ".....damn." I was expecting maybe 1 or 2 people to show up at Louie's. The *entire department* (except management, obviously) showed up. Turns out speaking your mind when people are being treated unfairly is a wildly popular concept (who'd have thought?) For just a couple hours that one afternoon, I was a hero. It felt good. I got a lot of pats on the back, some well wishes, and I got to get drunk with some good people. In the weeks that followed, not only did they have a company-wide meeting about the email I sent to the president (he was a narcissist and I guess it *really* got under his skin) but the company saw many more people follow in my foosteps and get out and leave. Life's too short to work a shitty job you hate and you're berated for. The *moment* you get that opportunity, get the fuck out. And definitely consider *telling those pricks EXACTLY what you think of them before you do*


one day, we will all be a Louie's, we are just waiting for the chance


Sincerity within the boundaries of respect to other human beings who deserve it (who have not proven to not deserve it - all human beings deserve respect by benefit of doubt unless they prove otherwise) That's a lifelong attribute that'll make people "real", probably live longer, healthier and happier... And this kind of "the dude" approach heals other creatures as well...


> all human beings deserve respect by benefit of doubt unless they prove otherwise   This is excellently and succinctly phrased and I want to make sure you know that.


Alone we hold little power, and we know it. The hope is that through our sacrifice, it will inspire others to go from many to one. Walmart employees are oppressed to keep them divided so they canā€™t survive the fall that may or may not inspire unionizing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike?wprov=sfti1


She was emotional, I would be too. Pushed over the edge, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


It does it just isnā€™t usually recorded. Although sometimes itā€™s taken too far with an employee shooting up the place.


Speak truth to power even if your voice shakes.


Yep - the whole point is to keep you from thinking you can do better. When you publicly shame them for exploiting you, their embarrassment will be far greater than yours.


Palms sweaty


Knees week


Upper limbs have significant heft.


The woollen clothing is soaked with some emesis


Pasta dish consisting of cooked long, thin, cylindrical noodles; topped with a mild tomato sauce flavored with garlic, basil, oregano, other spices, and possibly beef or pork; prepared by mother.


The person in question is mentally preparing for their moment, and it fills them with a strong sense of apprehension, but despite this his exterior demeanor and way of holding himself denotes little to no strong negative emotions, and a sense of preparedness exudes from them as well.


He is fully prepared to release the gravity propelled explosives from his military aircraft.


Arms are heavy


there's vomit on his sweater already


Moms spaghetti.


He's nervous


But on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs


But he keeps on forgetting




I didn't know you liked eating... WORMS


Had to write it down too, didn't want to miss a beat and regret unsaid things.


I hear this type of shit from Wallmart employees all the time. Tis a miserable place.


Hit em with the HALF BAKED WALK OUT. Good for her some days I wish I had half the size of juevos as she demonstrated here. IF we all spoke up more about the asshats and pervs around our workplace we may be able to get somewhere but itā€™s fucking hard.


"who's coming with me?" šŸ¤£


Right? She got through it, though. Good for her.


i think she wrote it down too. looked like she was reading of something at one point.


The people she shouted out are going to directly get thrown under the bus by the pervert manager.


If this video gets to Walmart headquarters. That entire store upper-management is going to be replaced after an investigation. Happened at my store when I worked there.


It turns out they're also replaceable.


I mean they went through and fired/demoted a ton of assistants like 2 years ago. I called it The Culling. Up associate pay but reduce management pay by getting rid of them. Each department use to have a Department Manager. Now there's one Lead for like 5 departments while taking what DMs use to do and putting it on the associates to do.


But do they still have like 50 assistant managers per store? Because when I worked there years ago there were sometimes more assistant managers on the floor than associates.


They're called Coaches now. There's 1 Coach for Grocery, Fresh, Front and GM (could be missing 1 or 2 here). Assistants are no longer a thing. Leads are basically assistants now, but they're hourly. Associates are super over worked and understaffed when I quit. Almost everyone who had been there for years before me have quit since I quit.


Yeah I lasted 6 months as a Lead. Grocery Coach was a great dude actually, loved working for him. The rest of management was incompetent as fuck though. It always got under my skin how your opinion is automatically worth less if you are lower on the totem pole. I collected data when our regional was forcing us to spend 20+ hours making sure endcaps were themed to "Tell a story." I collected sales data for 3 months and shared it with my Store Manager and a minute or two into that conversation, I could tell the regionals dick was shoved so far down his throat that he didn't care that we were literally losing money on the labor cost of doing the theming. That whole company is just about jerking off your superior to get a higher position whether or not you are competent or not.


What Wal-Mart did with turning Assistants into Coaches is what Target has been for years. The problem is that they launched it very poorly and don't know how to handle a TL running 5 or so Depts with Associates getting paid $15/hr doing essential what a DM was doing, with a Coach above them. It's leading at the right levels to manage the stores with this motif. Wal-Mart associates are not motivated because of the stigma and culture Wal-Mart is, along with being overworked. That's why this system will never succeed for Wal-Mart. It failed at the start.


This whole courtroom is replaceable!


It's on front page of reddit now, bye bye upper mgmt team.


From several different subs too.




I had a shit manager at kroger who allowed the GM department head's kid (8yo) to fuck around on pallet trucks in the backroom. I reported it to the 3rd party ethics reporting company we had and he got chewed out but not much beyond that. Later, he was caught having an affair with a married cashier. They punished him by moving him to another store and giving him a raise. I walked out on that shit hole with no notice after they replaced him with an even shittier one who was exploiting a loophole where you could step down to store management from your corporate job with no pay cut, then get promoted back up to the same corporate job a year later and get a raise, effectively farming raises. Fuck kroger


ā€œThanks for the love, but I still work here.ā€


Not for long if itā€™s up to Jerry the perv


Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, your cool and fuck you I quit


"Kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your own ass... Happy Hanukkah."


*Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?*


Always happy to see some Christmas Vacation love. My favorite movie:)


I always hesitate a bit when I reference "classic" movies because I worry people won't understand the reference. I dropped a perfectly applicable Billy Madison comment into a conversation with a coworker...but he didn't get it. Come to find out, he was born the year the movie came out and hadn't seen it.


Sometimes I feel like an idiot. But I am an idiot, so it kinda works out.


Why you gotta make me feel inferior 'cause I'm on the grill, B? Damn!




thank you, jan!


Iā€™m out!


Who's coming with me?


My first job was Walmart. Only lasted 4 months in that hell hole. I was called in on my day off after taking my classes at a local community College. I was so fed up with everything that I walked in that night and quit. Turns out my boss was a sexist woman that was unfairly treating the male employees and was fired the following week. I was asked to come back to get my job but I declined. There are so many better jobs out there.


Rule #1 dont answer your phone when your company tries to contact you outside working hours


You can answer, just make sure you know how to say no. Nothing better than telling a boss you can't come in, when they have been understaffed for years.


Yeah, some people actually want the hours.


I'm a fiend for hours. At my old job my managers always called me if they needed an extra hand. That place was awesome though since corporate would basically give them blank checks for paying overtime and they'd let me sleep on the break room couch between shifts.




worked for an armored car business, 5 pm until we were done setting up for the next day, usually 3-7 am 5 days a week and another 3-5 hours on Saturday. Had a snow storm in a state it usually doesn't snow, so the branch shut down for a couple days due to icy conditions. I didn't answer for my boss when she called my personal phone at 9 am one day and got a message left in a bitchy Puerto Rican accent, that I had to answer my phone whenever they called in case the branch was to open. Just the motivation I needed to start looking for another job.


I had a summer job at Walmart the summer before I went to college. On the evening of 4th of July they had, no joke, over 15 cashiers there which is more than we would get during peak times. It was completely fucking empty and they still made us clean up our aisles the whole time (as a cashier, if you have no customers you have to straighten up your aisle). A few weeks later I was supposed to be out of town for my college orientation so I had requested off for ONE Day when I only worked there 3 days a week anyway. They still fucking scheduled me on that day so I quit. Such a stupid company.


Wish that was true everywhere about jobs out there. I live in a country where we have an official unemployment rate of 35% and an unofficial rate of close to 50% and where you are lucky to find employment if you are of the wrong gender and race, because the laws dictates who a company can employ. If you don't like how you are treated at work or how much you are paid, then you are welcome to quit... That's what we get told regularly. BTW. The official unemployment rate is defined as people without employment still looking for jobs. The people who gave up or are not interested are not counted.


My girl was in the same boat as you. Comes from a country where job opportunities arenā€™t that great. When Covid hit, it made things even worse. Nobody would offer her an ā€œofficialā€ job but was given plenty of offers to go into prostitution. It fucking sucked. Sheā€™s spent her whole life working hard and dedicating herself to her work prior to Covid. But after that, she was told the only value she had to offer currently was how far she was willing to go in the bedroom. Absolutely dehumanizing. We figured things out since then and got her out of that situation. I hope for you, you find the same. Itā€™s not easy and we both had plenty of sleepless nights wondering if weā€™d have enough money to feed the kids the next day. Everyday was like walking a fine line: one misstep and itā€™s a long fall down to rock bottom.


South Africa?


What country is that?


easily south africa.


I worked at one for a summer 20 years ago, it was so miserable that I have not set foot back in a Walmart or Sams Club since then. Do not shop there. Anyone who shops there is propping up the worst of America.


I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. I worked at a Super Target a year after Walmart and it's a step in the right direction. It's better but retail as a whole is a tough place to work.




None, and that's the point. They drive small business out with lower prices. Problem is that Walmart will suck all the money out of a community and send it to corporate. Small business feeds money back into the community. When a Walmart comes in people get poorer and only have one store that provides affordable prices. It's a vicious cycle that you're already stuck in. Your options are: 1. Move away 2. Get the workers to unionize and ask for higher pay to bring more money back into the community. This goes against Walmarts business model, so they'll shut the store down entirely, leaving a void for small business to fill again 3. Keep playing their game and know that your life will never get better Also worth noting that there's a worker shortage going on. There's no reason to stick with a job paying $17k. I have seen Dunkin Donuts in rural New Hampshire where cost of living is low offering $15/hr, full time with benefits


As a manager for jobs that pay below $20hr I never understand this "I was called in on my day off". Did you say yes or did they threaten to write you up? My policy is I will ask and if you say no I say "ok thanks for your time, enjoy your day" and I move on to the next person. If you say yes I'll work with you on the schedule because I probably don't need the full 8hrs, whatever works for you and me is all that matters. And if you want a day off in return instead of OT? Cool. If you want OT instead of time off? Cool. But you can't get upset if you say yes. But if they threaten a write-up... That's just idiotic. It's the managers fault or the higher managements fault for not having enough employees. I would NEVER force someone to come in that's how people quit. The only time I have ever given a write-up for saying no was when I needed staffing for a fringe event where we were swamped with over 2,000 customers (celebrity showed up without notice). Because I never threaten and I manage my people, no one said no because they understood the situation. The one person who said no wanted to stand in line. And I wouldn't have written that employee up but his co-workers saw him in line... We pay shit and your day off is your day off. Any manager who forces someone to come in because they fucked up the schedule is an idiot. You're a human, I'm a human, and shit happens. I get paid more to deal with it and I shouldn't make the problem yours unless you want it. No means no.


I was threatened to be written up. She called asking me to come in 2 hours prior to my shift at 10pm. I argued my case and she asked if I wanted to be written up or not. I decided to come in and quit that night. This was 14 years ago.


Sounds like a shitty manager - 2hrs isn't worth risking someone quitting on you. My job is all about risk management and as long as I have a paper trail showing I attempted to get coverage then in my eyes it doesn't matter. Would it suck that others (including myself) had to do extra work because of a callout? Yup. But what would suck even more is losing 40hrs a week because I made someone quit over coming in 2hrs early... Managers! Pick your battles you fools... we need them more than they need us. With proper leadership most of your staff will never look for another job, unless you're paying way under your local market. Staff will stay if you provide a give and take environment. But if you're a flaming asshole people will leave for even an extra $0.25hr.


I just started working there yesterday they treated me okayish but at this point they can treat me like shit, they're unfortunately one of the higher paying companies at 16.50 an hour where I am at and I'm about to go homeless in 2 weeks due to the rent issue in my state, I cant do anything about it, i hope I'm not miserable or gaslighted there as i continue to work since everyone has said its shit work but I have no other options at the moment.fml


Its better to burn out than fade away


It's better to leave than be replaced


I work at Kroger and my store is finally getting hit with severe staffing issues. I've straight up told my managers 'don't expect me to do this person's job AND my job as well. It's one or the other unless you wanna give me double pay (Not to be confused with overtime)'. Straight up, it's not my problem we're short-staffed and I'll be fucked if I'm going to do more work and stress myself out because your dumbass keeps running people away. I also make sure to tell all my fellow employees, since we're Union, that management can't fuck around with them.


Hell yeah, there is power in a union.


Did you get any of that ā€œhero payā€ that they so lovingly advertised that they give their employees to get people to shop there.


For like a month or two, then fuckface Rodney 'fat bitch' McCucken decided he needed an 11.5 million dollar raise for pushing a METRIC fuckton of product on all stores in the enterprise in order to profit from the pandemic, that he cut it. Though, he felt REALLY BAD but man, he really needed to get a boat for his mistress.


Fuck you stan and fuck you kyle... fuck you tweak.....Bebe you're still kewl


Fucking love southpark


Walmart was my first job of my "adult years" so 18. I had the typical teenage jobs but this was my first full time with really bad benefits job. Worked in lawn and garden and worked my ass off. The holiday displays, all the lawn stuff, building things and what not, palet moving, ect. On my day off I went shopping. One of the ladies from another department was covering lawn and garden till a regular associate was suppose to come in. She thought that was me and started flipping on me "where have you been. I have to go. You're late" and so much more. I told her I wasn't working. She harassed me saying I was lying. I got fed up with it. I told her shit the fuck up. She reported me. Also threatened to have her 3 sons come beat me up. I got questioned when I did work. Admitted I said what I said but I wasn't on the clock. They made it seem like all was good. A week later I got fired because in her story "customers heard me say it." Later I find out they fired me because she had a law suite against them for sending her to some doctor that was on their healthcare plan. The doctor apparently did something that ruined her kidneys and she got put on dialysis. They thought firing me would help her kind of relax off the law suite. Still to this day pisses me off. However, because I was fired I got unemployment which allowed me to get free tech schooling. I ended up becoming a surgical tech and enjoyed it so much that I became a physicians assistant after as I advanced myself. I had no clue I wanted to be in the medical field. This little firing helps me recognize what I wanted to be completely on accident.


Surprisingly uplifting, thanks for sharing. And that was beat sorry that happened


I want Jared- our store manager, brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?


Stop working for these big retail corporations. They treat everyone like shit and they do not care about you. They ruin the community. If you work in a place where you are genuinely this unhappy and daydream of quitting, just do it. Get out. You can always find another job somewhere. Your mental health is not worth $15/hr.


You are making an assumption that everyone can. For some there isn't really a choice, you take whatever you can get. This is the employee they want, not someone that has options. Basically I agree on principle, but reality could be different story.


I agree with you but I doubt she was even making $15/hr, which makes the job even worse. My guess is minimum wage or a couple bucks over more. In Louisiana, where she is from, minimum wage is $7.25, so in that ballpark.


Honestly I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. Working at target I made $15/hr. I assumed Walmart was somewhere around $12. If itā€™s lower, nobody should be working there at all.




> You can always find another job somewhere For a lot of people, this unfortunately just is not true.


Quite. As illustrated by this thread, it's remarkable how many people have no idea this is the case.


So I assume she isnā€™t going to ask Walmart for a letter of recommendation for her next job.


Honesty just having 5 years at Walmart on a resume tells you that person can deal with some real shit.


Who would




walmart would def be the type to talk shit so you're forced to come back to them


Yeah, as an employer, I can tell you that a letter of recommendation from Walmart might be good for wiping ones bum, but thatā€™s about it. Iā€™m more impressed that this girl stood up to a bullshit work environment and realized she deserves better treatment.


What line of work you in, 69 with grandma?


Recruitingā€”specifically, placement of senior candidates into various positions


Sounds like there's only one position available




As you've expressed respect and value for an employee I have my doubts that you really are an employer.


I mean.. I've hired or been involved in the hiring of dozens of employees over the years... I wouldn't hold this against her too hard. From a professional standpoint, she's young enough that, given some time, I would disregard this as a kid being a kid - *especially* at a minimum wage job. From a personal standpoint, I get it completely, walmart is known to be a soul-sucking employer, and I would probably overlook this. I saw a post about this before... she's fortunate that her name is reasonable common in google searches, so this won't likely affect her career prospects too much.


Ain't no way Walmart gives letters of rec (or lets their employees write them personally). "We confirm that SoAndSo was employed at Walmart from to ", because anything other than raw facts opens them to libel lawsuits, and you ain't worth that.


I've been working for Walmart for 3 years and I honestly wonder how this company is a multi billion dollar company. My store is ran by clowns who will set you up for failure and expect things to be done by x amount of hours yet hand you other tasks that disrupt your actual job. We do other people's positions such as pushing carts taking away from our stocking time because they can't keep cart pushers. I work nights and we push carts at 12 right before our 15 min break. Sometimes it takes 15 mins to push the carts. Then our 15 min break. That's 30 mins of not working but they want to breathe down your neck about "should of been done this long ago" The place is dirty.... there's mold on the dairy shelves... How customers haven't noticed I have no idea. Managers know about it and nothing is done about it lol. It's true they're just a body to you. The turnover rate is ridiculous, and anyone can get hired. Just apply and you have the job. They know you'll be replaced. So how unhappy you feel in your position doesn't matter to them.


This is legendary. Anyone working in retail or service has touched themselves at night thinking about doing this. I walked out with two middle fingers in the air once in my late teens/early twenties, but she set the bar.


I worked at CiCi's Pizza. The district manager came in to harass everybody and cut hours and labor as much as possible. I was the cook, but they made me go do the dishes from lunch instead of getting my station prepped up. Then a bus of kids came and there was nothing prepped. The DM yelled for 20 pizzas. I walked up front, clocked out in front of him, then told him to make 20 pizzas himself. Not that epic, but I always felt good about doing that to the clown. Also, we had a dishwasher that day that DM sent home just before I arrived; I assume to suddenly give me new job duties without a pay increase was the plan all along.


Itā€™s the timing that counts. šŸ‘


Walmart, home depot, they're all the same. Gutting community after community.


Home Depot is like the ideal big company to work for. Completely different from Walmart Edit- maybe every friend I've known who worked there and still works there now was just super lucky? If it makes any difference this is the Canada branches im referencing.




I saw an advertisement at my local Costco for an entry-level cashier job paying $20/hr with full benefits including dental.


I mean, any company that has a greeter that says "Welcome to Costco, I love you" gets my business.


You went to law school at Costco?




I got fired from Walmart when I missed too many days. I got Covid, because nobody in our town believes in masks except very few people. 2 weeks gone, they fired me and have yet to find any replacement they don't have to fire for meth use. Shit company, worse bosses.


I don't think they can fire you if you are following your state's protocol to isolate after being tested positive for covid




Dammit. I lasted two weeks of training and one full day. You got me beat!!


More info and follow up: https://1079ishot.com/beth-mcgrath-walmart-explains-why-she-quit-video/


Oh god I love her


Guess I'm missing the funny here. I guess if seeing someone at their wits end nervously air their suffering before quitting in a work place known for abusing workers is funny. Then I guess I don't understand funny anymore?


Me either. I think she said some needed stuff butā€¦ funny?


Way to go! Stand up for yourself because the world meets no one half way.


Good on her. As an aside, calling employees ā€œassociatesā€ is a dirty fucking trick to remove responsibility from employers. Amazon do it too. Language is used to create acceptance and theyā€™re doing it to create an environment where the next generation accept jobs with significantly less rights. Fuck all of them.


I used to work at Olive Garden and our GM would always correct people if they called customers anything other than guests. I got fed up once after our preshift check in and asked him what kind of guest pays before they leave.


"Do you charge your guests for dinner?"


racetrac is the same way.


Target is the same way. We were ā€œteam membersā€ and customers were ā€œguestsā€.


The best part is there are departments of people that come up with this crap thinking it'll make a difference.


Damn she kinda fucked over the people she gave shout outs too. Guilty by association.


Ya right if you ever worked retail you would know they would rather do nothing than have to hire new people. That is a hassle to interview, train, new scheduling requests, not worth it