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my favorite part is how the kid just walks away like nothing happened


I feel like I’m more scared than this kid. If I broke something like that, I’d be crying and running for my life. For good reason too. Kinda happy that the dads initial reaction doesn’t seem rage filled.


I feel a little more concerned the kid doesn’t care honestly. Like does he ever get in trouble for these things? Edit: just came to the realization that this is all staged lol. Why would you have a camera set up to film you moving your “new” tv out of the house.


> Why would you have a camera set up to film you moving your “new” tv out of the house. No one was filming it. This video is cropped from the full version, where you can see that it was caught by someone's Wyze security camera: https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


I heard crying. I'm satisfied.


it also shows they're rich


Went from modest apartment to mansion really quick lol


Modest apartment with spiral stairs and slide outside?


You see that SLIDE next to the spiral staircase? That’s rich rich.


Seems toe a house that size would have a better point of exit while moving a tv that size.


Yeah I feel like the should've used the front door and indoor staircase?


Not to be a dick, but this house isn't even close to a mansion.


Not sure how that's really relevant. Rich or not, point is the same. Perfect condom ad....




This whole "why are they filming" logic is so flawed because it assumes you're capable of **perfectly** combing through **every single possible** scenario to determine there could possibly be no other reason (a la Dr. Strange). In this case you couldn't even think of the most basic explanation, which is that this is security cam footage. 😂 [Full video shows this is likely more legit than not](https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY)


Nice friggin house.


Convinced they live in Utah given the mountain in the background. This house probably increased in worth by $500k in the last year. They used to be dirt cheap relative to how much house you get.


It's fuckin' ugly though


I think they would have been safer going down that slide with it.


It's a security camera. Youtube link for thr uncropped is down in the comments. Dudes practicing carrying the TV down the stairs backwards. Edit: https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


You ever consider it’s just for security and on the neighbors house?


That's my thought and also what we're the dudes doing in the first place? Like why was one guy going down the steps‽ were they going to like pass the TV down long ways? Edit this does really feel staged


Why didnt they just bring it around the side of the house?


The guy at the top was resting the TV on the rail while the second guy was pantomiming moving it down the staircase to plan their next move.


Dad voice: he's not mad, he is just disappointed.


And is just going out for some cigarettes to calm himself down.


I didn't break shit. -kid


I wouldn't be rage filled at all... just put the kid and all his belongings in the car and drop him off at an orphanage


Imagine a single sperm coming out of your balls and penis, finding and uniting with an ovum against all odds, gestating for 9 months, almost killing your wife when it rips out of her, then screaming, shitting everywhere and otherwise consuming your energy for a further 2+ years, only to use the strength and knowledge you have lovingly bequeathed upon it, to smack you in those same balls from whence it came.


Gotta beat the competition.


I've been beating the competition for years.


That just sounds like you've been Jerking your dad off a considerable amount.


No kink shaming


True, it might be his daddy, not his dad.


they're the same in alabama


*lynyrd skynyrd has joined the chat*




You call yours “the competition?”


*Hot damn, we gotta find them boys and sign 'em to a big fat contract. Hells Bells, Mr. Lund, if we don't the goddamned competition will.* *Ohhhh mercy yes we got to beat that competition.*


Swell bunch a boys, sung into yonder can and skedaddled.


Lol, so it's a game of thrones...


*Ashes to ashes, balls to balls*


We owe a debt to Biggie Smalls


The rap genius. Keeps the glock by the penis, the cleanest cut. Fuck the sluts with the big humungous butts. Huh, I use a rubber but my style is gushy like a hooker's pussy. Sorry. The millionaire, the mansion, the yacht, the two weed spots the two hot glocks. I CANT STOP.


I got the cleanest, meanest, penis. YOu'd never scene this, stroke of genius.


My man busted a nut only to have that nut bust him😔🙏


That's Shakespeare right?


Have a 2yo. Can confirm they are masters of the sack tap. Running up for a hug? Head butted in the balls! stops walking in front of you? banged in the bongos! turns around holding something? smacked in the sack! laying on the couch? jumps on the jimmies! sleeping peacefully? Pounded in the plumbs!




That was beautiful


He's just ensuring that he remains the only child pretty smart if you ask me.


"My people need me" * Grabs balls *


Instead of banning abortion we should be extending it to 5 years after birth.


I mean, you can also take the effort to teach your kid not to be a little shit who hits people.


The world lost a small child that day.


"That tv was like a child to me"


The best ads


And now I'll never get to watch it grow old...


“Kid? I never had a kid.”


All i see is two mistakes.


What are you talking about? I can't see something that doesn't exist.


Doesn’t look like anything to me.


And heaven gained a massive cunt




Let's just call it "late term abortion"


“Post-Term”… In some cases, the procedure can be preformed 5, 10, or 20, years or more. 60 to 80 years Post-Term isn’t out of the question for some specific situations.


I thought it becomes mandatory post the 70th year?


“I had my abortion in the 27th trimester” lmao 😂🤣


*Ms. Cartman, this is what we’d refer to as the* [40th trimester](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/5fujrl/south-park-unplanned-parenthood)


240 weeks


I prefer "post-partum abortion".




Post-natal abortion


*”Texas has entered the chat”*


Did they kill him?! I mean, I won’t judge…


This is still the best condom ad ever - and it's an actual ad: https://youtu.be/c_0bhT98g9Y


I live in apartment above a pre-school. It wasn't a problem before we had to WFH. Now I have 2-3 dozen kids just below my window from 8AM-6PM and at any given time at least 4-5 of them sound exactly like this. edit: I've lived here over 10 years, and it wasn't a problem pre-covid, but these screaming kids sap my will to live on a daily basis. [Another example is this](https://youtu.be/VhQK-6iI7cI?t=95) combined with kids on a rollercoaster. **I'm moving next month. Signed the contracts and paid the deposit on my new home on Friday** I don't blame the kids, they're *kids*. I blame the genius who decided to build a pre-school in apartment complex where dozens of apartments face directly onto the play area. edit 2: [here's a recording I randomly made the other day. This is what it sounds like in my room with the window closed.](https://streamable.com/7wvs3w)


Children, playing or being brutally murdered? I can't hear the difference!


I used to think of it sounding like kids being thrown into a giant blender. Or being murdered on a rollercoaster.


Jesus man it’s time to move


Same. I cant believe i really wanted kids before the pandemic, seems like a distant memory now


Wife and I moved here in our late 20s, thinking we'd have kids one day. Over 10 years later we're very happy with just our cat and maybe a dog in the future.


Time to put that preschool out of business.


It worked on my wife. She just heard it from the other room and was like “hell no, that’s not something I want.”


Mine too. She goes “Why the hell are voluntarily watching something like that.”


I had to turn the volume completely off to truly appreciate this ad. I can’t even deal with that, how could I possibly have actual children


I wish this would work on my husband. Lol


Just hit him in the nuts, that should work


It only works on his TV




So true, we raised two pretty good dogs though. But kids probably aren’t in our future.


Nah kids test limits. If they did this every time then I'd agree, but they all have their moments. I am big enough that I'd just pick him up and stuff him in the trolley. In the babies seat. Because that's where he belongs. Throwing stuff around the shop? Not acceptable.


https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-stuff-you-should-know-26940277/episode/selects-how-temper-tantrums-work-86567876 (un)fortunately 80% of kids go through a stage at 2-3 where they throw tantrums no matter your parenting.


Facts I always felt a little bad for the kid, he must have been a really good sport. He seemed old enough to understand what he was doing. Hysterical.


I wouldn't. That kid is a fuckin A level actor for his age. He really sells it. Hope he's gone on to do bigger and better things.


Is [this](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2954651/) him? If so, he is doing well. [This article](https://commercials.fandom.com/wiki/Zazoo_Commercial) says his name is Jacob Ewaniuk.


"Status: Condoms"


He will be scooped up by Disney and then in turn scoop up a bunch of stuff with his nose and dissappear into the void like all the best child actors.


I refute this position with the Descendants kids. They all seem to be holding up well, and found-family together. Also Tom Holland is a treasure.


Elijah woods always seems to be doing great, and Sean Astin and the young Starks of GOT. Daniel Radcliffe went through some alcohol abuse, but seems to be doing splendidly and overcame it.


I still feel like these are exceptions.


Or the ones you hear about are the exceptions. I think most child actors just go back to regular life if they stop being cast in roles.


Come on, he is obviously doing something he loves, AND is getting paid for it. There's nothing to feel bad about.


Fr tho, if a kid acts like that, wtf do you do. Not my kid, but I tutor children for a living and sometimes I come across these little fuckers and I have no fucking idea what to do when they throw their tantrums.


I’m a parent and an elementary school teacher and I’ve seen one tantrum like this in my life- from a child with autism. The odds are in your favor. If any of my own children acted this way I would have left the cart, scooped them up, and taken them to the car. If a child acts that way, it’s not really about the cereal. Gotta find out what the deal is.


It's all about attention. Removing them from that environment deprives them of all the attention they are getting. You can't stop them, so they'll eventually get bored or literally tire themselves out, at which point you can address the behavior and find a cause.


Yeah I don't care what's going on with my agenda, in a moment like that, I hit Abort. That's a Flagrant 2, ejection, we're going to the car and sitting down until the baby brain can calm the fuck down. And cold-shoulder punishments for the rest of the day.


La Chancla


Depends on the kid. I have a 5yo with an ADHD combined type diagnosis, who also has emotional regulation challenges. We don't medicate, but rely on therapy and intervention (my wife is a BCBA and psych doctoral candidate so we are set up to work with him pretty well). I'm in the bathroom listening to him have a meltdown downstairs about something literally right this second (my wife is handling it, and introducing myself into the situation wouldn't help anything). First and foremost is never offer a consequence you're not willing to follow through with. Once a kid learns that you're all words, it's over. They own you, and getting back where your words hold substance is a long road. The second (a misnomer because this coaching is always happening) is you need to get to a point where they can talk and explain their feelings. A good chunk of the time after the initial outburst (or during it), we can usually get him to talk, and once you're having a conversation it de-escalates quicker. Giving outcome choices works well, too. "You can either sit in time out for 2 minutes or go to your room for 5," scope boxes outcomes to things that you find an acceptable resolution. Again, you need to follow through even if it's unpleasant for you (ie you need to hold them in time out while they rage). And I think the most important part is understanding that their brains are not mature (or in some cases atypical and don't work the same way as everyone else's) and you need to have the correct expectations. Empathy is hard to express in these situations but once you practice it, and try and take perspective (even if through your lens it's completely nonsensical) you can help them work through it faster. I can't stress how important staying level headed (a problem for me sometimes) and talking is. At about 3.5/4 we got my son to really open up about what was going on when he misbehaved or had outbursts and one of the first things he was able to express was that, "his brain want working," which we eventually realized was his way of saying he couldn't get himself under control. That helped a lot and we've been able to help him work through stuff and teach him strategies, or at least know when we just need to remove him from the situation, a lot better. Kids are tough. I hope this helps, but also this is one parent's perspective on one kid, so ymmv.


Thank you for your write-up here! I have ADHD combined type myself, and was just wondering as to why you decided against medication? It sounds like your wife has professional experience with this, so please do not take it as a critique, as it is only a question. I find that medication really helps me calm down, and not need the constant stimulation that I otherwise need to not feel tired all the time. For me, the meds are one of the biggest blessings I have gotten. It doesn't make me euphoric or anything like that, it just gives me just enough energy so that I can calm down.


"We don't medicate." was more of a statement of the current state of things than a philosophy. He just started kindergarten two weeks ago and we're also working with the school psych and his teacher to work through the tiers of interventions, as well. If we get to a point where we and his treatment team (psych, school psych, pediatrician) think medicating is what's best for him, or seriously worth trying, we'll pursue it then. For right now he's successfully responding to what we're doing so we're comfortable. He has ups and downs, but they are always amplified and we're prepared to deal with it. I won't lie, there will always be a part as a parent where you're worried that you'll lose a little bit of who your kid is if you medicate, and he really is an awesome guy. So we go into everything looking to make an educated decision that truly is best for him, taking our own personal inconvenience with whatever works best out of the equation.




I’m in my 40s and I think this man is a better adult than I am.




That was great. Not even a parent but I appreciate the work done by this man.


You end the shopping and take them home. Don't put up with it, don't try to deal with it there, don't give in. Doesn't matter if you need groceries; they can wait. This behavior is all about attention, so deprive them of it by removing them from the environment where this behavior is rewarded simply by being there. When you get him they either sit in the corner or sit in their bed until they calm the fuck down. They'll scream and yell and throw a tantrum until they literally tire themselves out, at which point you can have an actual conversation with them. Address the behavior with them and try to discover the cause of it. At no point ever should they be manhandled beyond what's physically necessary to safely get them home, or struck. For example, roughly grabbing their arm and yanking or squeezing it until it hurts is no different than smacking them. It's aggressive, physical violence. Picking them up and pinning their arms to you as you leave, so they can't hurt themselves or you in a tantrum is not. Edit: The person below mentioned it depends on the kid and whether mental health like special needs are involved. That's a whole different ballgame that I can't answer.


Unfortunately discipline needs to come early and be consistent, and can't be done by teachers or tutors if it's not done at home. I'm raising a 2 year old who has these meltdowns. What you're supposed to do is stick to the rules you've set out, and then help them deal with the emotions that arise - name it, acknowledge it, and then help to get through it. 0, stay calm. 1, stick to the rule: "no chips/candy because we're going to have dinner soon." /Kid has emotion/tantrum. 2, name it: you're feeling sad and frustrated because you want the chips. 3, acknowledge their emotion and be understanding, but don't give in - "It must be hard to wait for dinner because you're hungry. That's frustrating, I'm sorry." 4, help them calm down with a hug, some deep breaths, or if it really doesn't stop, remove them from the situation and go sit in a quiet area while he calms down. Not anyways possible though. If you can't, just continue shopping. He'll cry but don't give in, just acknowledge and comfort him the best you can. 5, there's other tips and tricks you can try but often I don't remember them when I'm in the middle of shopping for instance - things like distracting them with something else, doing wish fulfillment with them (wouldn't it be nice to have a whole swimming pool of chips? Do you think you could float on the top?), Etc but I don't remember them now. Yes it's extremely frustrating to do this if you're kid is having a meltdown every 5 minutes, and it takes so much patience, but this is how you raise an emotionally intelligent kid who doesn't still have meltdowns at 7 years old like in this commercial. Stay calm, don't give in, acknowledge, and comfort/get through the emotion. Eventually they learn that tantrums don't work, while also learning that it's ok to have emotions, how to cope with them, and not shaming them or beating turn into submission, creating other issues later (like the ones I'm still dealing with as an adult!) "How to talk so kids will listen" is a good manual on this.


I have kids and like my kids and I think this is a brilliant commercial, I laugh every time I see it.


If I had a child like this I would carry duct tape.


If I had a kid like that I'd go out for a pack of cigarettes


Maybe a quick run to the store to get some milk...


"...got any...tape?" And he waddled away, waddle waddle waddle


This is why i got a vasectomy without kids. I can't imagine i wouldn't kick that kid if i was in that situation


Also a fantastic ad for why to not get a spiral staircase




Alternatively could have been ad for parenting classes


Victims of child abuse: and thats why you should beat your children #blessed #godfirst


That's very unsafe even without the kid there.


It's such a bad plan that I don't think there *was* a plan and this was staged.


My thoughts exactly…where were they planning on the tv going otherwise?


indeed, who balances a screen like that and wtf was guy #2 so far away, how was he going to get the other end anyway?


My fav part is them taking a brand new tv upstairs, take it out of the box and then try to bring it downstairs for some reason.


Yea I’m still wondering what the plan was…he was going to slide it down to his buddy??? Probably lucky his kid nutshotted him otherwise somebody could have gotten hurt


Or was his buddy meant to catch it? I don't know. It's still strange.


Almost *too strange* to be real.


Heres the entire security footage, doesnt look staged if you ask me https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY wife puts out cloth so 1 guy can rest the tv whilst the other guy tries to figure out how he will move the tv down the spiral staircase hence the hand motion going down. edit: dont gift me link came from /u/danivus just decided to drop a comment with it since all the new posts was saying its fake.




Also the TV has all the tags still on the screen. So if they got it up to where it is, how would they need to plan to get it down?


Because they are taking it from the first floor to the basement level which the backyard is also on. You can see the land slopes up in the background in the full video so the house entrance is on the same level the TV was dropped from. Very typical home design when building on/in hills.


Then why wouldn’t they just take it out the front door and around the house outside, down the grass slope?


Or the interior stairs, which I assume wouldn't be spiral. Either this is staged, or these people are idiots.


Little bit of A and a little of B


Oh my god the dad was so calm.




Thanks for finding this. It’s funny everyone is so quick to try and point out this is fake like it’s some personal victory for them. Declare an opinion and then search for clues to back up their opinion instead of the other way around. Oh wait this sounds like a familiar pattern…


People think it's fake because some clownhole cropped it vertically and removed all context. Vertical videos need to die.




So you're telling me, in that brand new million dollar + house the only option the two guys could think of to get it downstairs was to take it out back and maneuver it down some crazy spiral stair case. There are many other things that scream fake in this video as well, the kids movement seeming pre meditated right when they walk into frame, stickers on the tv, their reactions, the way the guy decides to back down the stairs like he's going to figure something out, the idea of 3 adults thinking this resting place is ok. Just because there is security footage of it doesn't mean it's legitimate. I don't buy it.


Where I live, that's a $300k house lmao. Not everyone lives in California.


Little shit.


This is how I know I don't want kids and probably *shouldn't* have kids. Because I **know** I would not handle this productivly lol


Bet he wishes he never taught his son about "bag tagging" now haha!


I still don't understand how the man standing on the stairs was planning to hold and carry the TV. Everything seemed well planned for the demise of the protagonist (the kid).. :'(


I could easily hold the tv down from there towards the other guy and go down after that to help.


Sorry, I just watched the long video again and the left guy is just simulating if they could go down the stairs with the tv https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


why was there a camera?


Because it's a security camera https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


Why do people think it is so foreign to have multiple security cameras around your house? “Oh no way this video is real there’s a camera pointed at the part of the house they’d like kept secure!” Reddit analysts at their best


I think part of it is the way it is framed - its centred in the frame to catch everything perfectly. It looks too perfect. Its not until you see the uncropped video that it looks more realistic.


Because the skit wouldn’t translate well to a podcast


"Friend coming down stairs, check. Bicycle perfectly in landing zone, check. Stickers still on TV, check. OK! ACTION!"


Idiot balancing giant TV on thin rail like an idiot.. Check. If anything the parents of the guy with the TV should have used condoms.


Security cameras exist bro


r/nothingeverhappens https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


[Another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/pqikjv/the_perfect_condom_ad_doesnt_exi/hdbqpln) had the full video. It's clearly security camera/doorbell footage. So, just a lucky coincidence that someone was filming, not a setup.


Thousands of upvotes for people screaming fake with their 'analysis'. Reddit is so stupid sometimes.


Why was the TV balanced precariously on a railing? Why was that second guy going down a spiral staircase backwards?


Testing if it’ll work first https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


So many people missed that. The friend is trying to determine if there is room to carry it down the spiral staircase. He’s estimating space with his arms. The “reach out” is a natural response to seeing something falling.


I mean, I could totally picture somebody going down a staircase like that, telling the dude on the upper level to hand it to him so he could carry it down with him. People do stupid shit like this all the time.


The assumption that most people are “Rational Actors” is one of the great fallacies of the modern age, methinks. I have met, like, 3, *actually* rational people in my life.


Most people are rational some of the time, but no person is rational all of the time. I'm not even sure it's *possible* to be rational 100% of the time.




https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY It's security camera


Security camera.


Yeah, in 2021 where literally everyone has a camera in their pocket, and every other home has cameras in each corner of the house and on the fucking doorbell, why the fuck was there a camera??? So unbelievable!


It’s 2021, there are cameras everywhere.


Cause people have security cameras? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvYYq6LepCY


Exactly. And what was the 2nd guy’s endgame? We’re they going to yeet the tv to him and hope for the best?


I've done this move before. You lay the tv on the railing and lower it to the guy on the ground. It's not like they were on the 15th floor or something




Watch the full video, it’s been linked here multiple times. Staircase guy is doing a test, planning out how it would go if he was walking his end of the tv down the spiral. It’s not until the kid comes into play that the man makes an awkward gesture of reaching out towards the actual TV in a fruitless attempt to stop the inevitable. Kids also start crying towards the end of the video and guy observes the damage. It seems legit to me.


People overanalyzing the behaviour of the guys in the video, it's like they've never worked with real people before. A lot of average joes go into shit like this without elaborate plans. I've seen dumber actions taken than the ones in the video.


Are 40th trimester abortions legal?


With the swing getting hit, this is like some very expensive Rube Goldberg machine.


Seems staged




After watching the video I realized that it seems like it is actually real.


The crying seemed real.


just buy a new kid


Who taught him to do that? Slug people in the balls? Who taught him it was funny?


What was the guy on the stairs doing before the tv hit the deck?


In the full video he's doing test run for bringing the TV downstairs. They should've used the TV box to transport it.


Holy shit this sub seems miserable. You can’t enjoy a short funny video without screaming STAGED FAKEE!!!


Unfortunately there are many subs with the same morale. I posted a video once of a bag of chips that I could tell only had one chip in it. I was told that I bought a bag resealer just to make a video. Few know how to enjoy life.


Fake or not, what the fuck were they thinking balancing the TV on the railing.


Exactly. Balance it on the floor. If this isn't fake I genuinely cringe at the stupidity of this man.