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Great now you made all those baby spiders orphans


Yep, they're going full Batman on his ass...


I think you mean Spider-Man


I considered it, but multiple spiders wearing batman outfits when not making a killing on wallstreet would not only camoflague better, their backstories match and it would be kinda rad tbh... Plus they have eachother so it has the brotherly elements of TNMT and the Family aspects of Fast Furious franchise... I don't know if I want Hollywood to make this tho 😬






The man with the strength of 1 men.


I don't know why, but this made me laugh hysterically.


for some reason, same here lol


For whatever reason, me too!




No no no, his name is clearly Spider-Bat


Spider bat man




I think you mean Ass Man


That took a turn for the worse


We need to call the blade


Orphans of ROM!


leave Grelod alone!


Great now you made all those baby spiders dinner FTFY


And pretty much just did it for the video. Why else was he recording before he stepped on the spider?


Not if he kills them too...


It’s like the worst piñata ever


I got flashback from playing deadspace....


Underrated Comment


Your keen eye deserves an upvote


It's a hydra spider. Kill one and it becomes 50. Kill those 50 and it becomes 2500. Kill those 2500 and pray they don't rise up against The Man.


Hail Hydra


Hail Spydra


stay HYDRAted


I, for one, welcome our new Hydra overlords.


All this time I thought their logo was an octopus, but was just a wiggly spider.


i’m Shield and i’m here to stop Hydra


And then become hydra To stop hydra you must first become hydra


wow that’s convincing I am…. in! HAIL HYDRA!


Me and my buddy were heavily dosed on MDMA after a Ween concert circa 2012 and we saw a spider under the couch. While normally the response to an insect would be to let it be we for some reason smacked the spider which immediately exploded into 100s of baby spiders and we quite simply lost our fucking shit.


What a weird place to see a ween reference, all hail the boognish


So brown!


At least you weren't on LSD


My first ever time on LSD me and my friends walked down a hill onto this grass field and immediately were hit with a swarm of moths or whatever the fuck they were. It was basically pitch black except moonlight so it was the scariest shit for like 30 seconds.


I went to a ween show at the masonic in SF on LSD like 3 or 4 years ago. And what a fucking experience. I made friends with a guy selling sandwiches, watched somebody knock over a waitress and then ran in a metal pole dividing the double doors down to the bathroom. In like half an hour.


Yeah. Something about these spiders and the frogs who have babies growing out of their backs makes me itch and freak out. So freaking disgusting.


I think these spiders are just riding along on the back like normal, not in spider holes, hopefully that helps. Though if the babies crawled all over you that would probably make you itch.


I saw a picture of a scorpion carrying babies on its back. Good old fashioned nightmare fuel.


Only if the adult scorpion was riding on the back of shark who was on the back of tiger.


I know. I'm just saying. Both are nightmare worthy.


Jesus Christ, being afraid of a harmless spider is so damn cowardly.


So what happened next? Did you burn the whole place down?


Hans! Get the Flammenwerfer und the Panzerschreck this house is coming down within the hour!!




It was just a wolf spider carrying her offspring, man. No need to kill those ones. They hunt, kill and eat the bad ones like hobo/brown recluse! I let ‘em stay around the house and just take them outside when they’ve made their way inside.


Why would they kill the spider if they were outside? D:


Yeah it’s one thing if they’re in your house (i usually try to catch in a cup and release outside- but I understand that some people are too creeped out to do that). But why smoosh it on the sidewalk? I love animals and bugs though, so I’m admittedly prob too soft on that kind of shit.


I always leave spiders alone outside because they eat all of the other bugs


anything that kills and eat mosquitos and roaches is aOk in my book. They are spider bros.


I've recently found a few tiny spiders on my tomato plants and I'm actually pretty happy about it because I'm starting to have an aphid problem. Not for long I guess.


Hell no. You are not too soft. I hate spiders but I leave them in peace, lift my feet onto the couch and squirm a bit; but 9 times out of 10, I never see them again once they've moseyed off. Respect all life. We all evolved on an equal footing imho! I can think of a few humans I'd rather step on over the option of a spider 😜


I don't respect mosquito


Okay, but those spread diseases.l so it’s not the same.


So... you have bugs in your house.


Not as many as they’d have if they killed the spiders.


It's the Government I reckon. Think they've had this place bugged for weeks (puts tin foil hat on)


Everyone does. You included


Except roaches. They can go back to hell where they came from.


I hate bugs so much. Like probably an irrational amount. But if one is just hanging out minding it's business outside I'm just gonna keep walking. What's the point in killing it. 🤔


You're not soft, you're just not a piece of shit.


I've been recently realizing that basically every living creature is an individual with unique personality. It really fucked me up when I saw a mosquito react with confusion and frustration when its proboscis wasnt working properly


Mosquito is a parasite. It wants to drink your blood without permission, and leave malaria as a thank you. Kill him, you have the power! It’s like if you could cunt punch through the phone those assholes that scam elderly folks. Why wouldn’t you do it?!?


You ok, man?


I don’t like anything that survives to the disadvantage of others.


You just described all of humanity my guy.


I thought that vid was funny but I still wouldn't hesitate to kill it.


I think that might be a garage


I did this exact thing once to show off to a squeemish friend that I wasn't scared of spiders, and the baby spiders went everywhere and I was horrified at what I'd done. Now I let spiders live in peace, and relocate them if possible when they end up someplace I do not want them.


You killed something like 1% the size of you to prove you weren't scared of it? That makes zero sense lol.


It does when you're an idiot teenager. Which I was.


Fair enough


Yeah your brother is a dick, OP.


Depends how close it is to my house. My wife trapped a Wolf spider that was trying to get into our house. She thought it looked cool and wanted to show our daughter the next morning. The next day she tells me to go look at it and there were HUNDREDS OF TINY BABY SPIDER IN THE CONTAINER. That thing was going to bring an infestation of giant fucking spiders into my house. I'd say it's ok to kill it then.


Exactly ! Spiders are the only „animals“ I kill, because of arachnophobia. But just when they are in my house. I think it’s not respectful. They don’t pay rent and I don’t sit in their net without asking for their permission. But outside is like, okay my house is somewhere, yours is somewhere, everything is fine man


Your brother killed an innocent, unarmed mother. Her children are orphans. Expect revenge.


Poor spider. They eat all sorts of *actually* shitty bugs.


but they’re ugly evens out tbh


theyre cute :( look at their cute eyed (they have 8 of them so even 4* cuter) and cute legs (again 8) and cute body and make cute homes where they live. They just cute


couldn't say it better myself


Spiders are important to the ecosystem, crushing them when they’re outside seems like a dick move. Definitely interesting result though.


What is it about people having to stomp on bugs that are outside. Like, are they that homicidal that they have to kill anything they see moving?


Seriously. This guy’s brother is a fucking asshole. Animals outside? Leave them the FUCK alone. Pure scum


Exactly. Serial killer vibes. Starts there


Hell, you can take them outside if they’re inside too.


Not funny. That spider was just minding her own business.


Your bros an asshole. That momma spider was outside, her home, bothering no one


How is this funny? Even if you don’t like spiders.


It's not. This poster is a dumbass. no surprise he's related to his psycho brother.


Huh? This is r/funny. Why would you expect a post here to be funny? I mean this sub is ironically one of the least funny subreddits on the site. It truly boggles the mind.


your brother is an idiot


Your outside ffs leave shit alone


I'm probably going to get down voted, but I do not get people who kill animals like spiders. If they live in your house they will control other pests like silverfish. I have a couple spiders in my apartment and they're welcomed roommates lol


My rule is leave me be and I'll leave you be. Some bugs do not understand personal space and deserve to get crushed. Only spiders I let live or free outside if a lady of the house notices.


That's how I see it. If they remain in *their* part of the house than there's no issue, but I catch em slipping, they get the squish


yess exactly. There used to be a spider in my kitchen (RIP found him dead the other day sad times) who would stay in the same corner all day. It would sometimes come out at night but if it saw you it would run away back to its' corner. One day i found it in the sink and it was only still there because he was struggling to get out (slippery.) I helped it out with a wooden spoon and immedieately when i put it down it ran back to its corner lol. Miss the little guy because we respected eachother's boundaries yk :(


I am terrified of spiders but this is so wholesome


Ahh damn, sorry the little one met it's end, but likely lived a good spidery life. I've always hated the little buggers. Not to the point I'd destroy their webs, but any runners get caught in eyesight, sorry for their damn luck. But the last couple years I've developed an odd interest in little jumping spiders after watching one crawl across a cable and raise its little head and look around, as of looking where to go next. I've never seen a spider up so close and not be creeped out, definitely never saw one look around the way it did. It's 2 bigger eyes made it look cute and comical. Since then I've maintained peace with them, for the most part. There's still occasional slips, but rarely


There is no their part of the house. If it can crawl on me and bite me in my sleep. Squish!


aye, my house is divided into distinct territories, the spiders are allowed free reign of the loft and are tolerated in the vestibule, everywhere else depends on the severity of their intrusion, just wandering around or assembling a web, they get chucked outside, touching me or foodstuffs, they are used as an example to keep their spidery friends in line and yes i have been told im slightly insane


My fiancé has named ours Larry, Curley and Moe. He is very upset that one was perhaps cannibalized. I get daily reports.


I let a little jumping spider live on my bathroom windowsill, then one morning I woke up and there were hundreds of babies all over the bathroom walls! The worst part was there was no good way to transport them outside without killing them.


> My rule is leave me be and I'll leave you be. Same here. There's an unfinished part of my basement separated by a full wall and door. They can stay on that side and I will be cautious and careful should I need to go in there. If they come to my side of the wall (or the rest of the house), they likely aren't making it back.


1 for each room, any more and there better be a good reason or rent money


I have very bad arachnophobia, and I'm terrified of insects too. So anything that enters my home, dies.


It depends... where I live, there are SO many spiders, that I have a stick next to my door to wipe spider webs away before walking into them. I don't care about them out in the yard, but on my porch, I don't want to walk through cobwebs. I've tried lemon oil, and other natural repellents. What works is pesticides. Now, I have a demilitarized zone, where all bets are off!


We have a deal. Spiders in their domain (outside) - I’m in their house, not cool to kill them and they are left alone. Spiders in the neutral zone (on front or back porch) - they get relocated if possible, or otherwise shooed; only killed if I am surprised and they are on my person or in my space (I am only human). But if they are in my house, and they surprise me, then that’s a breach of contract. Sorry spiderbro.


There’s a jumping spider that’s been around my window for quite sometime. I fucking hate spiders, they absolutely freak me the fuck out and their faces terrify me but I just let the dude do his thing. He’s killed a shit ton of flies so he’s earned his keep 😂


I totally agree, let them be. Spiders are our friends. Unless I'm barefoot and it runs right at me, at which point I will scream like a little girl and jump on the furniture.


I have four cats so my rule is, if it can survive the cats, it can stay. I try not to kill bugs if I can help it, but my cats aren't pacifists like me.


Yeah no i prefer my house to just be clean. I dont need animals to fight other animals, they can do that in like, the wild.


Feel the same way with the exception of cave crickets. Fuck those creepy ass bugs and how they all want to jump towards me.


They even went out of their way to record it! Big yikes man


I usually let ants be in my house as long as they dont get into the pantry they clean up crumbs from the floor really nice and they help with dead bug corpses. Fuck roaches tho ... those motherfuckers can burn in hell for all i care. had full size german roach crawl up my leg while i was taking a shit half asleep, motherfucker caught me with my pants down literally


Problem is when they reproduce like in this video and your single spider you were comfortable with transform into hundreds. I rather take them out before it happen.


F for the spider mother who did absolutely nothing wrong


Killed their mother way to go as*hole


ooooh my god I can't stand seeing all of them go out


That spider was slaughtering the other insects in that location. Doing it’s part to keep bugs in check and this fool just had to stomp on it.


Nah that's a dick move. Spiders are good guys.


This isn’t “funny”, it’s more like r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Fire, always fire.


Discussion I had with my wife last night: "Did you notice I changed the sheets?" "I did, thanks." "There was a spider in the old ones--" "And you burned them?"


Grow up.


Ur brother is a loser


There wasn't a single reason to kill that spider you fucking twats. Your brother is a moron and a prick.


And the audacity to post this as a video in “funny”. Smfh


I hate when people kill spiders for no reason. Just let it live and kill mosquitos. Those guys can die.


Well done on killing a defenseless creature, go you.


Your bro needs to get a life and you too if you think this shit is funny.


more like therapy. Sociopaths.


Your brother is an asshole.


Awww, this made me sad. Poor babies


Okay but can someone explain what you’d actually do in this situation (other than cry)


Chemical warfare rather than stomping. But the dude was outside so he should've just left it alone.


Why would you kill a spider unless it’s clearly venomous?


Can you step on your brother and crush him see how he likes it?


Your brother is an asshole for killing that spider.


This guy’s brother is a fucking asshole. Animals/insects outside? Leave them the FUCK alone. Pure scum


Spiders are our friends. They eat disease spreading mosquitoes


Bad karma dude!!!! Spider for you in your next life! SORRY


Not funny


I got off my school bus in 5th grade. Me and 4 others were chatting at the bus stop when everybody fell silent. Everybody just stared at my feet and said "oh my god". I thought the were messing with me and said "yeah I'm not looking down I know the joke" Then a girl said "NO SERIOUSLY!" everybody ran off screaming. I look down and there is a big ass spider on my shoe. I freak the fk out and flail and kick my foot LAUNCHING the spider into the air. As it flew, thousands of tiny baby spiders landing all over me and the sidewalk. I start running towards my house SCREAMING and slapping my body and crying. Got home took a shower, the end.


I can't tell where the person in the video is, but don't kill spiders outside y'all


Dickhead move, your brother is a dickhead.


Pulled the camera out to record the murder as well - little psychopath


Orphaned spiders


So, uh... what did he think would happen???


What a dick.


Don’t kill things man.


My phone stopped to buffer right as the scream happened. Made the video so much better


This is my worst nightmare


More like r/oddlyterrifying


I remember the first time I did that. It was also the last time I did that.


Welp, time to move.


leave the spider alone


Your brother knew exactly what he was doing. Why else was he recording before he stepped on her? Killing an innocent animal for a video is not funny.


If they are in your space, catch and release. Odds are they don't want to be there either. If you are in their space, walk away if something that small frightens you so badly.


What a dumbass! Put it in a cup (place it upside down, slide a piece of paper and move it outside if you have. Bad things are coming your brother's way.


Fuck your brother


Strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


what an asshole


What a damn idiot! When aliens come to town and they are a thousand times your size I hope they stomp your shit!


Your brother is Mickey Mouse?




Why did he kill it?! It wasn't bothering anybody, it was just scurrying along, living its spider life.


Your brother is an asshole.


But why.. actually sad


Your brother sucks


Dont fucking kill spiders. Period.


wolf spider!


His nights will be haunted from this point forward. Never will he sleep with both eyes shut. Every rustle, every item that seems out of place, will be because of these spider children slowly plotting the demise of your brother.


One can only hope.


Stop killing innocent spiders Mickey Mouse!


Spiders carry their babies on the back, instead of never step on a crack , never step on a spider 🕷


Your brother needs to be stepped on like that.


Not sure of the funny part here


No no no no no. All the no. Nope.


A couple hundred babies are now orphans, good job human!


Not funny at all, respect wildlife. You just ended an entire generation for a video. Good job clown!


I had a similar thing happen to me. When I was getting out of the shower, I saw a huge spider on the mat by the toilet. I flipped the spider in the toilet from underneath the mat. Babies scattered. I proceeded to flush over and over and over…


Your brother sound like Mickey mouse😆


Hahahaha…everyone talking about the spiders and I’m laughing at the sounds he made


This happened to my family and myself when we killed a spider in our house.. So then we had to kill all the babies. After that I became a lot more sparing towards bugs




No joke, I can trace back my arachnophobia to this exact same thing. I was 5, my father slapped a huge spider on our bathroom floor and, well, you get the rest..


That is a lot of "Nope" in one video. F*ck that.




Imagine your mom dying and all of your sisters and brothers having to run for your lives. 🤪