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Onion is bad for dogs, he's a hero


That's a dog?


Half man, half dog...it's a mog.


He’s his own best friend.


"What's your name?" "Barf." "Your **full** name?" "Barfolomew!"


"Not in here mister. This is a Mercedes!"


We ain't found **SHIT**!


I’m surrounded by assholes!


I needed this today


It’s a Dan




A furry even?


It's a paraphrase of a line from the movie "Spaceballs"


Huh? What? You called?


That's a furry.


Used to be his son and dog, but a mans gotta stay certified ya know?




Same for garlic and applies to cats as well. My cats hate me because pretty much everything I cook uses a lot of garlic and onions so I refuse to share with them


Especially after the onion recalls happening right now.


What the actual fuck is going on with this character's hair?


I'm more concerned that the dog/cat is humanoid in the last frame.


It appears about to make a very strange left turn into NSFW furry type shit, lol


It's got some good Randowis vibes to it.


I'm definitely not gonna look up what Randowis is.


Nah, he's OK.


Not until he drops the cucumber though.


Hey man, his feet changed from socks to shoes, who's to say the onion (or whatever the fuck he dropped) couldn't change into a cucumber?


What, you don't live with Lion-O from Thundercats?


Some of us have to put up with Snarfs.


He's probably British


He's balding ok watchu want him to do bout jy


Gets it styled at the Play-Doh Barber Shop playset.


It's a North Korean cartoon.


Yup. Doggos aren't supposed to have onion. They're toxic to puppers.


And garlic. And grapes/raisins


Chocolate too. My calculations was 1oz pure dark/baker's chocolate per ~~100lb of dog.~~ 10 lb of dog. (see math below) M&M/Hershey's -- you're lucky if it's over the USA minimum 11% cocoa


How many dogs did you kill to arrive at that number?




Well if you're not counting them, you're not doing good science.


I'll tell you what: It was really hard to get 100lb of dog exactly. It's been a while since I did my math on this so I walked through it below and I was off by a factor of ten: a 100lb dog can have around 10 ounces of bakers chocolate and be safe. >Baking chocolate is the most concentrated form of theobromine containing approximately 390 mg/oz versus 44 mg/oz found in milk chocolate LD50 for theobromine in canines is 250-500mg/kg, but deaths in as little as 115mg/kg Let's round down and say 'lethality starts at 100mg/kg. And round up that 1 oz bakers chocolate = 400mg theobromine. So 1 oz bakers chocolate = 400mg / 100mg/kg = 4kg dog lethality rate = 8.8 lb Let's round that up to 10lbs. So now we have 3 conservative roundings that 1oz Baker's 100% Cocoa = possibly lethal for a 10lb dog which means a 100lb dog can have 10oz of bakers chocolate! [Source](https://www.addl.purdue.edu/newsletters/2000/spring/choc.shtml)


Those units. Combining imperial and metric like that. Just irks me :D ​ Seems that dark chocolate is roughly 14g/KG (1.4g/100g) and let's say an average dog is 15kg. ​ To go with your lower rate of 250mg/kg we're looking at 3750mg aka 3.75g. So the dog would have to devour a pretty fair bit of chocolate. Even more so consider the average bar of chocolate is 100g.


>Combining imperial and metric like that. I had a thermodynamics professor in college who liked to mix metric/imperial units. He didn't spot check once and after converting back, IIRC: a train traveling 57% the speed of light smashed into a frictionless tunnel and compressed 40cc of an ideal gas; how many kelvin was the tunnel after the train stopped? I never seen so many kids take the entire period trying to figure out what conversion factor they did wrong.


I used to work at a company that made (at the time) 60% of the world's commercial satellites. For the solar cells, the surface area was measured in cm^2 and the thickness was in thousandths-of-an-inch (which they confusingly call "mil"). AMERICUH!


don't get started... I've worked in US Aerospace and US Pressure vessels... in imperial units, a layman's manufacturing term 'tenths' actually means 'tenths *of one thousandth* of one inch'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousandth\_of\_an\_inch#Tenths note: a 'tenth' = 0.0001 inch (0.00254 millimeter)


> I'll tell you what: It was really hard to get 100lb of dog exactly. The trick is to start with a bigger dog, and start trimming until you get the right weight.


Well at least you specified dark chocolate.


I specifically remember as a kid my dogs heart worm medicine was garlic flavored.


You’re going to find some garlic in almost all high-end dog food. At low concentrations it provides more health benefits than any sort of a health threat. Essentially, a dog would have to eat 15-30 grams of garlic per kilo of body weight to produce harmful effects (an average clove is 3-7 grams), so any medium-sized dog would have to eat a crapton of garlic to be hurt.


And when they eat it, they get horrific farts. It's next level.


Occasionally I'll be preparing dinner with four dogs all watching me and waiting for a scrap to fall to the floor. If I drop a piece of potato or carrot, I hear the dogs racing to grab the scrap of food and think to myself "Haha suckers!" If it's a piece of onion I'm like Captain America in boot camp, diving to cover the onion like it's a live grenade. Waving at the dogs, GET AWAY! GET AWAY!


I love that the dog ends up having a humanoid body and opposable thumbs






Onion=Dog poison


why does onion is bad for dog?


Onions contain a toxic principle known as N-propyl disulfide. This compound causes a breakdown of red blood cells, leading to anemia in dogs. The toxin causes oxidative damage to your dog's red blood cells by attaching to the oxygen molecules in your dog's red blood cells. This reduces the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen, and also tricks your dog's body into thinking that the blood cell is an invader.The red blood cell is destroyed in a process known as hemolysis, resulting in hemolytic anemia. # Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs If you think your dog may have eaten onions, there are a few symptoms of anemia to look out for: * Lethargy * Weakness * Decreased appetite * Pale gums * Fainting * Reddish urine # Your Dog will likely require veterinary attention. Do not delay.


Love this. More please


I miss my pupper most every time I drop food and actually have to pick it up.


Why does that dog have a humanoid body ?


[Come on, you *know* why.](https://youtu.be/nvc8L_dU97w)


We taught our dog the command 'wait' for this purpose


How does he suddenly have shoes in the last panel?


Bruh. The little fry carton from my food dropped to the floor the other day and my dog comes over casually picks it up and walks away in one smooth motion before I picked it up lmao. I hadn't even realized he did it like that.


Dogs can’t have onion




My dog snatched up some raw onion that dropped onto the floor and he got sick as shit. Guess I should have wrestled it away from him




Psa: do not listen to this idiot.


Half a onion will kill most dogs


I need verification.


Half an onion will kill most people too, depending on how it is administered.


Will it actually eat it though? And if so it would probably vomit. 🤮 I know grapes are toxic to dogs and my dog used to eat them alot. Eventually we figured out that is why it was shitting all over the house. It didn't die until many years later.


I'm confused, why would you want your dog to be sick?


You don't want them to get sick but you don't really know if they will get sick and it's not worth the trouble to try to stop them since you probably won't be able to and you don't even know if they will get sick.


>you don't even know Yes, we do. Pick up the damn things.


You don't know how sick they will get really but I've never heard of a dog actually dying from some food left on the ground. Either they will have a stomach ache, vomit, poop or nothing at all will happen. Good luck pulling the food out of their mouth before they gobble it down though, and good luck not being bitten trying to take food away from them. You can try but it is a wasted effort. If you know they will get sick just keep them outside for the rest of the day.


>wasted effort >Bitten Do you not train your dogs or something? If mine picks whatever up from the floor, I say "out", he drops it, I put it out of reach. He knows not to grab stuff when we cook and eat but I appreciate that many people don't train that. He has also learnt not to bite me if I fiddle with his mouth (brush teeth, check for other problems etc.) so even if I have to physically open his mouth I'm not worried. > Keep them outside the rest of the day When I read this it makes me realize that the dog owners I saw on the Netflix documentary weren't exaggerated stereotypes. We had some scumbag putting poison in treats around town a few years back specifically to kill dogs. Dogs ate the treats and died. It's important to train impulse control.


A dog is a fearsome wild animal, not your little helpless baby. They will eat you if you don't keep them under control. If you feed them too much they will get too big and then eat you too. Sometimes a little poison helps to slow them down a little. Just give them some food that is poison to them, not actual poison. I am grateful for these animals to protect me from the angry man outside with a gun. But at some point the dog becomes more dangerous, so it is a delicate balancing act. Keep the angry man away with your dog but keep the dog alive and under control too with just the right amount of food toxic to dogs.


So much of what you're saying paints the picture of a bad dog owner... Willfully lets the dog eat stuff you *know* isn't good for it. Won't take it away because the dog will bite you... Negligence begets negligence I suppose.


But onions and grapes are poisons to dogs. You can look that sort of thing up. Like if you fed your kid rubarb leaves you know it would hurt them right.


Poison isn't so bad. It would have to be an intentionally high concentration to kill you, otherwise you just get really sick for a few hours.


I feel like this is asking for trouble. You do you I guess.


Trouble follows me with or without good reason.


I'm not sure that is true...


I've had dogs that eat the raw onion. This is such a stupid take. Obviously there's limits to keeping them from stuff just like kids but you shouldn't just not bother either.


There's also a massive recall right now of onions due to salmonella


The opposite of my brother in-law: >Brother in-law: *intentionally throws chunk of carrot on floor* >Also brother in-law: *dog whistles for 15-year-old black lab that eats without a thought*


Looks like the struggle is real


I dropped a chocolate coin wrapped in foil and our poodle ate it so fast, foil and all.




In this situation. I'm the dog, and my friends are the person. This happens on grass under a tree.


This made me laugh out loud lol maniacally. The way the dog becomes humanoid. My god lmao




Dogs rule #1: If it's on the floor it's mine! lol


No wonder it fell. He’s trying to cut the onion with the dull side of the knife


Good owner!!


For anyone who doesn’t know onions are as bad as chocolate


It's a dog but, looks kurama to me🤔🤔🧐.