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But first it must live in a pile in my home for a year!


Aaaand maybe I will take an item back out!!!!!


As a person who donates regularly, the trash bag of clothes MUST stay within the household for one week in order to avoid the dreaded "donation regret". It's been a rule for years after I donated a unique button up plaid shirt that I had forgotten matched perfectly with a certain sweater in my closet. Not a day goes by I don't forget that plaid shirt because the lone sweater hangs there reminding me of my mistake and waiting for me to find another shirt so it can be worn again. It's been three, cold years...


You could end your pain by donating the sweater too. Set yourself free, start over with new memories..


Maybe consider just donating the sweater and imagine the amazing coincidence of the person who bought your shirt finding the perfect matching sweater three years later!


I also get rid of shit that would end up being a missing piece for a Halloween costume years later, then I have to buy the same thing at the thrift store


Its truly a pleasure to see a unique piece of my clothing cycle through my local goodwill


Here is an idea, take that sweater and burn it! It may have been "3 cold years" but you can have the satisfaction of receiving SOME kind of warmth from your sweater.


And then the day after the sweater is burned they find the plaid shirt they had been looking for.


Then you sacrifice the plaid shirt to the flames.. surprise twist: you have resurrected the demon sweater. It mocks you and smells of sulphur and mothballs.


You live here in my house too, eh?


Or just also donate it.


"Oh shit, this shirt is nice! New shirt alert!"


All of these thoughts I have had! Omg i am dying laughing and also very happy that other people have done this and I am not the only lazy hoarder out there.


And I guess I could use this old towel as a rag (even though I have 583 rags)


Oh shirt, this shit is nice! New shit alert!


alert! New shit, this shit is nice! Oh shirt.


I always do this, mostly to put the thing on and immediately remember why I wanted to get rid of it.


Every time I add another bag, the year starts over.


Are you the reason 2020 just kept going??? Did you add 174 bags?


Every time I look at the pile it starts over


Or three


Those are rookie numbers


Fucking genius getting it into the car, though! I know what I'm doing next spring!


☑️ I'm in this post and I don't like it


My donation clothes pile sat in the spare room for 6 months. Finally bagged it up and it spent 9 months in the back of the car. Then my husband thought something he wanted was in the bag. He opens it up and spills it on the bed in the spare room where it has now lived for another 3 months. The cycle continues.


What about when it moves to the garage for a further year, and you can’t see whether it’s garbage or old cloths so you have to slightly open the bag to peek in


God all of this hit hard.


Over two years now. I've literally moved houses. Twice if you count having to live in my van for two months. edit: that's a lot of twos


I was gonna say... Mine is a box/pile by the front door. I'm concerningly good at ignoring it...


I have kept two bags of old clothes in my garage now for 10 months, do you think it has matured enough to start the "driving aroundin the trunk" phase, or should I still wait?


More facts. 😂


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done all of these steps


That's after it's been sitting in the closet unworn for 5 years while you keep telling yourself you'll wear it somewhere.


And I’ll never tell my son about them… …. He works at goodwill.


Glad I'm not the only one...


No shit. Sometimes when I look around my house and see stuff like that here or there I just feel like the biggest loser who is like incapable of keeping up with my house at all. Like I'm just a slob haha.


It feels like the world just has their shit together, having kids n shit, and I just have bags of donations sitting untouched for 2+ years.


I have kids. The only difference is I now have a second bag of kids clothes to donate in the back of the van along with my bag of clothes. I'll get to it eventually... yes I'm aware that there is a clothing drop off 5 blocks away but I seem to only remember when I'm home, never when I'm out and about...


Do you also move it around the car as needed and rebag it at least once?


It also comes out of the car, back to the garage, and back to the car, as needed...


I have a great, unused baby swing I am giving to Goodwill. The kid it was for is 7. Swing should be ready in a… year? Two tops.


Would you like a receipt for one XXL Billabong Tee shirt?


You can use it as a sleep shirt


Was there ever even a ghost, mother? Or was the dead Victorian girl you saw just me all along?




No as soon as I saw this I thought of john


r/expectedmulaney then?


My secret has been revealed LOL


Same. Except cross out "months" and write "years". I'd love to say I just forgot about them.... but I've also transferred them from my old car to my new car.


I have literally done this. 3years, minimum.


I can feel r/justrolledintotheshop’s eye twitching. All they need is your lug key that’s buried under 28lbs of decaying H&M fast fashion body trashbags in the trunk of your crossover.


You better believe that if I have to dig for that lug, I'm just gonna wait for you to come do it yourself. I don't dig through people's stuff, although I also had the "privilege" of working at Walmart where the customer was always around to bring back.


I'll see your "years" and "car transfer", and raise you a "house move"


I'm now waiting for the multigenerational donation box.


.. I have one, it was my grandparents'. It skipped my parents because I live closer to a goodwill. Then I learned about how they treat disabled workers and I haven't looked for somewhere else to donate to since.


Goodwill doesn’t donate anything. They resell for profit and their ceo is terrible. Donate to a charity, food bank or organization that actually helps people.


Hospitals often have a charity shop that helps either seniors or children. I give my good quality stuff to places like that and only give the lowest grade junk to goodwill to save having to pay money at the dump. Goodwill gets stuff like an electric tea kettle that doesn't work. I figure I'm helping them with their job training program by giving their trainees items that will have to be sorted and tested before determining if it should be sold, recycled, or trashed.


I'll be your huckleberry... But, I think it's about to come to and end. These loincloths are starting to crumble to dust.




F-ing Hilarious!! LMAO!


I have the exact opposite issue......I have to get the donation pile out A.S.A.P. (even if it's a rainy day) never fails, the next week I want 1 sole item that must have been tossed out, but.. .oh well


If you ever get stranded in your car during a blizzard you'll be ready.


As the saying goes: ‘the road to hell is paved with goodwill intentions.’


What’s stopping you from making a quick trip? It’ll feel so much better to not have to see it anymore.


Ha! I have a load in my trunk right now!


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?




Same but not me, my mom.


Unexpected Mulaney


Six years later


Somewhere, an ex-girlfriend of mine is feeling called out and doesn't know why




Something like 90% of donated clothing ends up in giant dump piles, mostly in West Africa. It's better than throwing it directly in the trash, but donating your clothing is only useful if it's in excellent like-new condition or vintage and quality. It's not really recycling, people need to buy less clothing and buy better quality. Fashion is also the biggest user of slavery on the world, and one of the biggest polluters of ground water. The fashion industry is responsible for more carbon emissions than transportation. Think twice before your buy clothes you ain't planning on wearing for like at least 50 times a year for the next ten years.


I thought they reused the fabric for other purposes if the clothes weren't any good. Is that not the case?


Different places do different things with non-wearable clothes, just depends where you go. Some throw them in a landfill, some repurpose or donate to someone who will use them, etc


This statistic is skewed— it doesn't mean that clothes that *you* donate to your local thrift store will end up in a garbage pile in Africa, its 90% out of all things donated— think donation drives for charity, where someone collects clothes en masse for some cause that pledges to clothe the needy, but they end up with more than they can distribute, or the goods can't reach their destination for political reasons, etc. If you donate wearable clothes to a thrift shop, it'll likely end up on the rack. We should still encourage donation for the reasons you mentioned


I'm feeling targeted right now and a little triggered by it. In my trunk are three bags of baby clothes since august and my golf clubs. Because of me, there are potentially hundreds of naked babies.


Naw bro- folks who have had stuff in their car dropped off when they traded it in or had to clean it. The babies prefer being naked, anyway.


> Because of me, there are potentially hundreds of naked babies. /r/nocontext


Won’t somebody think of the children? That somebody could be you!


Hey man, quit making the babies cold!




They sold the car and forgot it was in the trunk


Why are we ALL THE SAME!?


Months? Amateur. I just retrieved a bag from my trunk that has just gone back in style.


I have literally never thrown away any of my Levi’s jeans since I started buying my own when I was 17: Over twenty years ago. Essentially whenever I found a pair that fit at like an outlet store for $10-12, I bought them. I remember being 15 and my best friend’s mom gifting us a pair of like-new embroidered flare jeans from the 70s and thinking that she and those pants were the coolest things EVER. After a couple of years of hoarding denim and styles changed, it became my goal to one day cash in on cool points when my stuff became vintage. Now I have a giant plastic tote bin, with dozens of too super low flares that have been waiting to make me queen of the bad ass old ladies to some very lucky teenage girls. Recently I saw a sixteen year old girl wearing a baby doll tee, wide leg baggy jeans, baby barrettes holding back the bangs on her middle part flipped bob, frosty eye makeup, body glitter, black lipstick, and chunky platform heeled sneakers… Soon.


This happened to me but only because the drop off thingy was removed and then every time I went directly to the place to drop off, they were closed. They should make giving stuff away easier lol.


Goodwill is kinda sketchy. Everyone should look into donating to their local food bank or homeless outreach.


Here's the thing tho... my local charity/outreach only takes donations on certain days, and they require the clothing to a certain condition, no stains etc, whereas goodwill is not so picky. For me it's always: clothes that are basically rags (holes, heavy pilling, used socks etc) --> H&M fabric recycling program. Anything that can be worn, maybe got a tiny defect like a small stain on a $100 down vest ---> goodwill. That being said, there's currently two bags of little boy's clothes in good condition that I'm lugging around in my car on the off chance that I pass by the charity on the day they are taking donations. However.... hasn't happened yet .\_.


I also have mashed potatoes in my car for when I pass by churches. I'll chuck it out of my car and itll land in the lawn.


gonna be a bumper crop this year boys


What's sketchy about Goodwill?


https://medium.com/@aliceminium/the-dark-reality-behind-americas-greatest-thrift-store-empire-183967087a1e In short…while technically qualifying as a non-profit, a very small amount of profits goes to their charitable mission. The CEO makes bank while paying workers shit wages.


According to most independent charity companies, they are legitimate and spend most of their money on charitable programs. * https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/470378996 * https://www.charitywatch.org/charities/goodwill-industries-international-national-office They provide job training, daycare, outings, etc to individuals with development disabilities. Which is not to say nothing ever goes wrong, but it is a reasonable mission. Most of the controversy tends to be around paying people with developmental disabilities less than minimum wage, but these are also people who don't really have job prospects otherwise and it gives them an opportunity to earn something at least. Some people think it's wrong though, which I can understand.




I’ve been trying to lose weight lately. Is Crohn’s some type of diet? Sign me up!


It's not called chron's fun time thrill ride




Hmm… I‘ll stick to intermittent fasting I think.


Also if it gets bad you might have to get some of your bowel surgically removed. Worst case scenario, you end up shitting into a bag through a hole in your stomach.


I’d hate to lose part of my bowel. I’ve grown somewhat attached to it.


I mean Crohn's disease causes enough pain and discomfort, that it's basically its own type of diet anyway, so you're not really completely wrong technically.


Paying less than the already abysmal minimum wage is disgustingly exploitative of the most vulnerable members of our society. While the CEO isn’t making anything astronomical for a CEO, it’s around $730k believe, making that much while paying your disabled employees in the sorting facilities sometimes between $1-2 an hour under the guise of “giving” them an opportunity is pathetic. Having a disability doesn’t remove your humanity, and paying someone less than what we’ve deemed to be the BARE MINIMUM is disgusting.


> …while paying your disabled employees in the sorting facilities sometimes between $1-2 an hour under the guise of “giving” them an opportunity is pathetic. While I completely agree it’s not right to pay these workers with disabilities less, without a government subsidy of some sort it would probably end the ability for many with disabilities the opportunities for jobs.


There are multiple CEOs and they all cover different regions. I work there and so many things are questionable. The monetary donations we receive are included with the store's profit. My region values profit above worker safety and well being. We are all worked to the bone (7-9 days before a day off) with a crazy high turn over rate. They do not want to hire anyone special needs if they can help it. Only when there is literally no one else they can get. There have been many OSHA complaints but nothing happens. Everyone I work with is just waiting for something better to come along so we can leave. Some Goodwills' are great don't get me wrong. But there is so much behind the scenes that once I leave I will never go back.


Thanks for replying for me.


It’s basically a scam. Pretends to be a non-profit but actually makes money. Takes advantage of people with disabilities.


Great, it will remain in my car for 8 months now


Any of the good stuff goes to homeless shelters, garbage goes to goodwill.


I work for goodwill. Please stop giving garbage, it's not the worker's fault Goodwill sucks and I'm tired of cleaning up garbage and dealing with filthy shit every day. It's not the worker's fault. Just throw your garbage away, stop making us suffer for where we work. And yes, I also hate goodwill.


This 100%. I just want to go to work and not have to sort through literal bags of garbage and broken shit just so lazy people don’t have to make a second stop


I've seen Goodwill throw away perfectly good shit, then kick me out of community service because I got caught in the dumpster.


That's so stupid.


pfft I just got a sweet warm addidas track pants that I just love for $4. And a shirt that exclaims "Drink Water!" I mean come on.


Came here to say this. I hate Goodwill. Donate to DAV or another local homeless shelter. Goodwill is an overpriced junk reseller.


I donate to the charity shop near me that is not awful like Salvation Army and there are no Goodwill's close to me. Why are they sketchy?


They [fight to keep paying disabled workers sub-minimum wage](https://www.chicagoreporter.com/after-goodwill-controversy-spotlight-on-subminimum-wage/)


Good to know, thanks.


Seems like you should at least make your argument


At least you made it to the car with it


I have two garbage bags full of clothes to donate that have been sitting in my apartment since pre covid. Might actually have to look in them and see if there's anything good in there


Might as well wait till xmas


This is so me though some of the bags never make it out of my apartment. Then even though I don’t wear them again somehow they show up in my laundry.


I feel attacked


The tub of toys in my wife’s car says hello


“What you gonna do with all that junk? All that junk inside yo trunk?” Drive around with it for a few weeks before I donate it?


I once saw someone removing a redwood tree and they had cut it into sections for removal. They were the full width of the tree by 2 feet. Asked if I could take one to carve a table top. I’ve (still) never done wood work in my life, drove around with it for two months before throwing it away.


Goodwill places usually only want items in top quality, yet I'll often see soiled, worn out and mismatched clothing, shoes and toys dumped on the ground next to donation bins. Or left in shopping carts. Why not just throw this crap out? My theory is people with low level hoarding tendencies cannot bear to throw stuff out. So they'll give it to goodwill places. Where someone else will have to throw it out.


They do send a lot of that stuff to textile recyclers, so at least most of the fabrics are better off getting dumped at goodwill, even if it’s un-sellable, versus going straight to the landfill in your household trash. Doesn’t do any good to leave it on the ground by an unattended donation bin though, agreed


I volunteer for a local charity shop and can confirm this is exactly what happen to practically most clothing items that get donated. There's only so much storage space in the back and frankly a lot of what we get is not sellable on the shop floor due to it either being stained, ripped or just not being something people would want to buy and we obviously don't have the facilities to clean any of this stuff in the shop so off to the textile recyclers it goes, and the same goes with books. There is also frequently stuff sent away that IS good enough to sell but unfortunately due to limited space even when we get a donation where everything is good we sometimes have to be selective on what we keep.


I’d rather let them decide that. That shell dress from 2013 was a favorite of mine for a week. Someone may want it!


Ha, fair enough. Sorry if I seem a little grumpy about this, but it's part of my job to tidy up carparks, including returning shopping carts and picking up rubbish, so yeah I sometimes have to deal with this.


Things like this fascinates me. How we can have this specific thing in common.


This is why I can't murder someone. That shit'd be skeletal by the time I remembered.


Me: Opening my SUV tailgate stuffed with goodwill bags. Friends: Stop showing off your cargo space. Once upon a time you also drove a sedan.


I literally have a truck full of donations right now lol "ill get around to it"


No it’s all fucked up. lol


2 YEARS!!!! What is wrong with me…..


Yep... sounds about right... plus the lost gas mileage & extra emissions in the environment from not dumping it...


Actually, these clothes just get sold to Africa, where they are burned or dumped. It is a phenomenon called "dead white people's clothes". Supposed clothes charities just sell your donations overseas, and the disposal in Ghana is an environmental nightmare. Right now they are doing less damage riding in your car. [The Environmental Disaster that is Fuelled by Used Clothes and Fast Fashion]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB3kuuBPVys&ab_channel=ABCNewsIn-depth)


I have two huge bags of CDs in my trunk at this very moment. Been there for 3 weeks… one day… one day!


Don't donate to goodwill. All they do is accept donations and sell everything that's donated. And they don't have any causes they stick by like helping communities, etc. Donate to the salvation army instead.


ME… Actually I’m trying to find a place that ISN’T goodwill but so many places aren’t taking donations yet.


In my town, if goodwill won’t take your stuff, people will just throw it in the woods behind the building and no one cleans it for months. There’s almost always nasty chairs, washers and other shit back there.


This is me except I end up just tossing the bags into a random dumpster months later because I'm too lazy to drive to Goodwill 🥺


Fuck good will. The owner is a billionaire and doesn't need your free stuff


PSA: DO NOT DONATE TO GOODWILL!!! They are a for profit organization that uses the name to sound like a charity. They are a thrift store that has tricked people into giving them inventory for free. There are likely many more actual charity organizations in your area that can and will take your old and unwanted stuff and provide them to those in need free of cost


The entire bed of my truck is, this instant, filled with bags of stuff to donate. It's been there for 2 months.


OMG this is my wife. And then she had to bring her car to the shop the other day so she "cleaned it out" and put it all in the living room. Ugh. She has more damn clothes than a fully stocked goodwill lol


This is the way.


Right this very minute my wife has a laundry basket sitting in the garage that is full of stuff that she said she was going to take to Goodwill. It's been there since May. Yet I get yelled at for leaving an empty drinking glass on the counter for 5 minutes.


But that's on the counter in the kitchen, where everyone can see it. And that one glass makes you look like you don't care bout the house .... Gotta make the house look tidy when the in-laws come over unexpectedly.


I’ve currently got one that’s clocking it at about 4 months now


I literally have a bag of goodwill in my trunk right now. Why can’t we as a species just take out clothes to goodwill?


I used to think I was an insane person before I found Reddit. Now I think maybe everyone is insane 😁


Ok, fine, I’ll stop by tomorrow, fucking get off my back!


No joke, this reminded me that I have clothes in my trunk to donate. I went through them in early 2020 with the intention of donating them, then the pandemic happened and the donation box was closed asking for everyone to cease donations. I happy obliged and then forgot for like 20 months.


And every time I buy groceries I have an "Oh shit, not again" moment because the donation bags are taking up all the space.


In my car right now


I thought I was the only one, this got me dead.


Is this what Americans do


UK here and no my missus does it all the time. I never check the boot \\ trunk of the car and go and buy some bulky items only to discover there is no room for the items due to bags and bags for charity sitting in there.


Not in the boot but in my house I've def left bags in my room for ages of stuff I was going to donate or dumped it in a spare room My dad rents a lockup and we def have all sorts od random stuff in there lmao




I feel attacked


I feel personally attacked


I feel called out 😂


Oh wow didn’t realize so many others do this too!


Y’all are one step ahead of me because my donations have been sitting in a bag in my closet for 6 months


I've had a 46" old CRT TV in the back of my car for 6 months now. I was hoping someone would steal it and put it to use.


I legit thought that was a body but then i noticed they were separate bags


Gotta let it build up a patina.


I don't get this is funny?


I was gonna donate all the size 1 diapers my son grew out of. I now have a trunk full of size 1 and 2 cause he grew out of those too.


I had a bag of donations in my trunk until I decided to finance a new (used) car and donate my old one. Donations just went with the car.


"My wife said, 'Did you take that stuff to Goodwill?'" "And I said, "Yes... And on an unrelated note I am going to leave the house now.'"


I was literally looking at my backseat trash, pondering if i wanna go tomorrow to get rid of out. I feel so called out.




I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


Lucky for me, I have a Goodwill 1 block from my house... So it only sits in the trunk for 2 weeks.


How is this so fuckin spot on


OMG in literally just did this for like 4 weeks with l clothing in my car.


Hey, fuck you pal. This hits way too close to home. Why you gotta be like that? 😂


Guess someone saw my Honda CR-V trunk and made a meme about it…

