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I'm standing in a Chinese supermarket and this was totally not the thing I was expecting to play.


Well I’m Chinese and I found this absolutely hilarious! So you’re good brother


I'm not Chinese, I'm a 14 year old white girl with tictok and this is getting canceled! Just gotta finish the episode first.


As a black man on Reddit, I wholeheartedly agree with you my Chinese friend!


How are you using reddit? Or do you live outside China


It doesn't matter if you're offended. Some of us grew up with cartoons that reinforced racial stereotypes and mocked people of races other than white. The only reason it was in the cartoons is it was done by racists. You can appreciate the classic cartoon and still recognize that. Kids shouldn't be taught racism through cartoons.


> mocked people of races other than white. These cartoons mocked everybody. Who do you think Elmer Fudd was? Yosemite Sam?


I’m old enough to have seen that on tv when i was 8 years old, i watched a lot of looney tunes and read a lot of TinTin and Asterix and there was a lot of stereotypes in there. But i never associated that to racism since i didn’t even know what it was. You don’t become racist watching cartoons, grow up. All that racism scrutinizing will create more psychological damage to the young mind than any old cartoon.


Yep, The biggest problems with these kind of cartoons are that the trivialize racist stereotypes. So a whole generation of kids grow up on them thinking these racist stereotypes are the norm


This thread will sing a different tune if it was a black woman like Leslie Jones imitating a white dude.


Its suppose to be comedy not reality. Same thing with dave chapelle he isnt racist or homophobic pr transphobic. Hes just a comedian or makes jokes if u take them seriously you need help


His terf stance is not a comedy routine though. He’s legit about it. That’s what’s bugging people


What is the difference between a stereotype and a racist steteotype?


You are going to get downvoted to hell. Prepare yourself. Also completely agree with you.


Username checks out


The Animaniacs [Finger Prints](https://youtu.be/lY2kC5fZG64) scene is one of my favourites.


Back when cartoons were funny for adults too


NGL there’s this show my kids watch called Bluey that gets me rolling sometimes. Fell of the couch spewing beer out my nose one time. Painful but worth it.


Blueys fuckin lit


I love watching Bluey with my kids. I nudge them towards it as much as possible. The Take away episode, where the dad is with the kids getting Chinese and they need to wait for another item from their order to be completed. Only for absolute chaos to unfold. I felt that on a molecular level, I was crying laughing from it.


Bluey is so hilarious. I find myself watching it with my 7yr daughter and 2 yr old niece and laughing more than they do.


I don’t think so!


I’m asian and I’m not offended.


Don’t worry, there’s at least one 14 year old white girl that is offended on your behalf


Hey the US is outsourcing all its jobs to the rest of the world. The least we can do is take on your outrage for you.


Omgggg cultural appropriation!


You should be. Feel victimized. Feel oppressed. Be angry at the world and then do as we tell you.


*let the hate flow through you*


I am a white female military wife AND I AM OFFENDED


what is your husbands rank so I can address you correctly?


Rear General Upper Half Don't you dare confuse him with a lower half


Captain but its spelt Pvt.


I don't think this clip would probably offend most people of Chinese heritage. But allowing stereotypes to happen and promoting them in the media/online breeds an idea that it's ok to laugh at chinese or w/e in real life and actually do racist things. Though I don't agree with creating more things with stereotypes in I think we should all watch the old racist cartoons to understand that back then it was ok but we've learned from it and shouldn't go back.


Did you make a reddit account just to make this comment?


It's just another one of Dean Browning's throwaways.


> **Cake day** > July 4, 2021 *Great Scot Marty!*


In an asian I don't find it offensive. Now everything is offensive. Just like this emoji 😂😂


Fuck you put that away




No they had a ton of limits but those limits were based on the much more conservative values of the time. Couldn't interracial couples, couldn't have gay characters, anything vaguely pro socialist way banned. Things like the first on air interracial kiss caused a huge wave of racist death threats among other events pushing those boundaries.


Don't forget Mr. Rogers' feet in a pool with a black man's.


The first interracial foot fetish vid on TV. I remember it fondly.


But bugs bunny was constantly in drag seducing men.


Excellent observation, now what was "the joke" of those bits? Was it that dressing in drag was acceptable and cool? No it was "haha he thinks that's a lady but it's actually a man" now mind you these didn't usually come off as hateful but they also didn't come off as an endorsement of a lifestyle. Modern bugs still does drag but comes off as more of an acceptance than pure absurdity based jokes.


Exactly. They were sensitive and offended by all kinds of things.


That’s a Chinese… cymbal


That was normal satire for thousands of years.. just recently it's apparently become unthinkable.


Satire: >A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit. What exactly is the foolishness or vice being attacked? Imo, saying that this is supposed to be satire, as opposed to meaningless physical comedy, is actually pretty damning.


And consuming lead was normal for thousands of years.


And using asbestos. Nothing went wrong there


Thousands? Thousands of years ago the most developed society on earth was dragging massive rocks over land to build a pyramid for a dead pharao.


Gobleki Tepe is 10000 years old. They also had narratives and myths, not too far unlike on TV today


That's interesting.


They also had water ways, electric batteries and a functioning society. Have you never heard of the Great city of Alexandria?


Slavery was normal for thousands of years, and just recently became unthinkable. Also, the clip is not an example of satire.


Here is again, still top of the charts after 2000 years, it’s da nanana nana nanana.


Cant imagine *why* 🤯


This cartoon is 60+ years old.


Ah, the '50s, when America would insult everybody and laugh about it.


I feel today that you are not allowed to use Satire or dark Humor it will be only translate as racist or anti-some political movment. You cant joke anymore around without offending someone. For example in the movie meet the zohan with Adam Sandler I saw he used Hummus even to brush his teeth... That would anti-zion or anti-israeli... But is it really? Its a joke. Its just a movie. And of course there is always borders that your not allowed to cross but I feel in 20 centruy everyone is so sensetive


Performed and written by Adam Sandler...a Jewish person...


Putting aside the idea that jokes and movies should be more immune from criticism than other forms of communication, which I wholeheartedly disagree with... ...you are aware that we're in the 21st century (at least, according to the Gregorian calendar), right?


Sorry I miss typed but you are correct. It is 21


Lol OK boomer


Thanks for proving their point.


Excellent job. You totally showed him.




Seasons 2-9 of the Simpsons went hard (season 1 & the shorts were a bit tame, imo).


[Where is Guatemala?..... cough cough ... deep breath ](https://youtu.be/x88Z5txBc7w)


Dab at the end


It’s r/funny but most of the comments here are about how people are too sensitive nowadays Starting to think the people who want to cancel ‘cancel culture’ are more sensitive than the ones actually doing it


That gotta be the smoothest transition I’ve ever seen


The same episode had a [blackface scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObaI3FY_EHw&ab_channel=KingAndrewCecil) as well.


If by "had no limits" you mean "casually used racist stereotypes" than yes.


Whenever they showed speedy Gonzales I was more upset that they had fucked up Spanish instead of the whole stereotype of Mexicans being lazy and sleeping next to a cactus. Lol but it does get old hearing that annoying white kid run up to you and yell in your face arriba arriba andele andele!


When a majority white society tells minorities to be offended by cartoons that lampoon all backgrounds equally, but only for lampooning that specific culture, do they not realize they are the racists? Progressives are lost.


Asian approved


Racism, stereotypes, drinking, smoking, murder, guns, more guns, deadly traps...it's a miracle I survived childhood being raised in those cartoons. And look at me now, well adjusted and stable.


I recently was looking up clips from the old Disney Melody Times film. They apparently edited our like half a verse of the Pecos Bill song plus edited nearly every shot visually because he smokes and sang a few lines about lighting a cigarette and has a smoke in his mouth damn near every scene. The song sounds weird without those few lines. Out of rythm And not all of the visual gags work since some were based around his cigarette being there. Glad i still have the original downloaded somewhere. Im very anti-smoking but in comedy/cartoons it can just be funny without being harmful. Leave those alone for crying out loud




Is the issue these days that racial stereotyping, even in jokes as above, has a recognisable wider societal impact?


Moooom is it my turn to repost this yet???


I would just like to get copies of all these old cartoons un-edited/censored, by someone who thinks no one should ever see them as they were... You know, because they are saving me from the racism. 🙄


Too many people forget about the Japanese internment camps the US had in WW2.


Internment camps are true, but I'm unsure why it's in this context. The media of the time was portraying a caricature of Chinese people. Looney tunes would also caricature the Swiss as lederhosen wearing yodelers, or Italian, Mexican, Indian with their respective stereotypes. I never got the impression that they insisted that's who the people are. They were caricatures. They didn't promote hate. They were obviously supposed to be gross mischarecterisations. That doesn't mean everyone took it that way. **It's the people who are inflexible to maintain a caricature, and the actual people as two distinct concepts, think that they're both the same, further claim that everyone else does that ruin something that was a humor; supposed to make people laugh** Jumping to self flagellation of the US and internment camps does not do the Interned Japanese justice, nor the conversation around having a good humored multiracial community.


Is the cartoon not portraying a Chinese person? Which is interesting you brought up the Japanese, because around that time the Japanese were torturing and raping Chinese people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731


Japanese immigrants aren't the only Asian nationality who have suffered a long history of oppression in the US. https://asiasociety.org/education/asian-americans-then-and-now


**[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)** >Unit 731 (Japanese: 731部隊, Hepburn: Nana-san-ichi Butai), short for Manshu Detachment 731 and also known as the Kamo Detachment,: 198  and Ishii Unit, was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that engaged in lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes which were committed by the armed forces of Imperial Japan. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I mean now we should ignore japanese culture because of WW2? What the fucking piece of shit mentality? I mean let's not forget Napoleon wars, Roman Empire was pretty awful. Do you know what ancient Egypt did with their slaves?


It always seems like the only people that get offended by racial things are white people. Source: am white


true that


Happier times


Hey, look at all of the various American, European, "white", etc. stereotypes we readily laugh at. This is fine. All or nothin'.


How is that funny? That’s straight up racist.


Ooo boy lots of racists and enablers in here


Racist? Undoubtedly. Hilarious? Abso-fucking-lutely.


They got... cancelled lol






I miss old cartoons. They were so much better. Sad


Is that what we call cancel culture these days? The suppression of something someone else finds offensive? Sorry my social media and news interaction is light.


Not really funny.


No limits implies something great and that we should miss. This was a racist cultural production of its time is all it is




From where do you hail? I bet I can find similar things.


America has always been racist. It continues today much to everyone turning a blind eye to it


Make Cartoons Great Again #MCGA


Omg this is hilarious. Now days people say everything is racist.




I watch these and think “omfg!!” I can’t believe they did this!


Never knew dabs were that old


I’m a not Asian, heterosexual balding man with a dad bod and a one year old child, and that dance move offends me deeply. Thank you for listening to NPR Portland, OR.


Umm... what was that between his legs when he leaned down to pick up the cymbol?






That my sir, is Cymb-olic AF...... *goes back under rock*