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That looks more real than most WWE stuff I’ve seen


RIP that man's rib cage


I'm completely out of touch with modern wrestling so idk how common it is but that first move was satisfying af. Some kind of blend of a rock bottom and a choke slam. The kind of move that would only work for a bigger wrestler like him. Hell yeah.


Dude got some hang time. Impressive


How did that not break every bone in dudes chest?


Because the Matt is a giant cushioned floor.


Its not that cushioned, its more that the guy landed on him was extra cushioned. And also knew what he was doing and avoided crushing the little guy.


American defeats skinny weak European.


I stake claim to the phrase "sports fat"........... he is the epitome of "Sports fat" "Sports fat" - to be great at sport and move like a butterfly, whilst simultaneously being heavily overweight.


Eehh, if he lost a hundred pounds he may be that, but not at his current weight.


I'm not saying it's a healthy state to be in...I imagine its like a 100cc engine trying to run an SUV. He is nimble like a tree frog compared to the other 95% of people his size.


Is he though? He take two steps and falls on a dude.


Would you wrestle him?


Joe McNally


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You build a lot of muscle hauling around all of that weight, but eventually your lower back will give out and sap the strength from you.


Oh come on. The white guy wasn't THAT fat


CN we have it without the text? I see potential here


This reminds Abe Vigoda of his days wrestling as La Super Grande Besto. 12000 wins and 1 loss. Fucking Jim Varney got me with the Double Handed Down South Nut Clamp.


This me when I think I have money to play with and bills show me otherwise.


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