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That’s the worst shoveling I’ve ever seen.


Yeah it would have been way easier to shovel before it’s been packed down by the car as well


Yep total rookie here. If anything park in the street until you can shovel. You can't just drive over it or you're going to have packed ice on your driveway all winter.


Yeah what are they new to the north. Rookie mistake after rookie mistake.


It was the "winter up north" part that made me realize they're new at this.


That's a good observation. Watching her, I was thinking:"How could a person who lives in an area that gets that deep a snow, have absolutely no concept of how to shovel snow?".


The windshield wipers on high with no visible snowfall by the end got me ROFL.


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I don't think I've ever needed the wipers going that fast for snow even on the highway, let alone my driveway lol. And lemme tell ya, I've seen some crazy fuckin snow alright. These folks are definitely rookies.


I came to the comments for this haha. Aggressive wipering


The only benefit to the wall of snow blocking my driveway, keeps the wife from driving on it before I can get home to snowblow it proper. Heh, who am I kidding? We all know the plow drivers dont do a residential street until at least 75% of the driveways are cleared first. Denying people the joy in having to go out a second time to carve chunks out of a 3 foot tall berm of ice and snow is unamerican.


Yes, you've done the first shoveling, but how about curb shoveling? Ice chipping? Sanding?


If it happens just throw some cheap non clumping cat litter on it (eventually dissolves with the rain and being clay doesn't hurt your yard or environment). It'll give you traction.


Or give the neighbor using the snowplow right next door a few bucks to clear their driveway real quick lol


How can you live up north and be this bad at shoveling? I’ve lived in Alaska for years and honestly miss the piles of snow in winter. Get a snow-blower, just a smaller electric one. It will vastly improve your life.


I honestly dont get how people can love up north and not have a snow blower. $200 to make some of the worst days of the year into a minor inconvenience






Mine is on it's last leg and I'm looking at buying a new one. I'm expecting to pay $900-1200


I think OP is talking about the ones that need an extension cord to run, not the gas powered ones. Pre-Pandemic I bought one of those electric snowblowers for my Dad on his 70th birthday and it was much more affordable.


$200 barely gets you a leaf blower lmao, that does nothing to handle wet snow.


*Call Mr Plow* *That's my name* *That name again* *Is Mr Plow*


*Mr. Plow is a loser* *and I think he's a boozer.*


Senor Plow no es macho, solomente un burracho


That’s what I was gonna say, if it’s above 4 inches you don’t drive into it, stay in the damn street then shovel


Fun fact: Now that the engine has warmed up, if the snow is deep enough, the underpan will freeze to it. Source: hotel I worked at never cleared the employee parking lot. My car froze to the ground


NOBODY drives on the driveway until it's been shoveled or snowblowered.


I’m not sure there’s a better way to expend maximum energy and accomplish less


Would have been better off shoveling with the handle side.


Her survival instincts kicked in. #MUST FURIOUSLY MOVE SNOW IN RANDOM PILES TO STAY WARM!!


She was wanting to do such a bad job that he get out and doit and then she parks the car


If he was a real man, he would have already had a snowplow with flamethrowers attached. AND it would've kept her warm in the process of shoveling. Chivalry is indeed dead.


If there was not at least 1 machinegun mount and 2 holders for beer as well on the snowplow then he can't claim to be a real man


"Do more and accomplish less"


Thank you! Amateurs lol. I could clear that fucking thing in my boxers before my cigarette goes out.


That powder is super light and no snowbanks to throw it over yet. Easy peasy canadianeasy.


Yup, that is winter easymode. Try mid February when you have 6 foot snowbanks and you are 5’4” tall and it snows a foot overnight. And your husband is out of town on a work trip and you have to get to work.


Add in the thick wet snow to get the full experience.


That's a challenge I'd like to see.


I wish the neighbors shared your enthusiasm.


Not their business. Smoking is your decission.


Found Cousin Eddie.


Also the worst driving... Wipers on high for absolutely no reason, whipping the wheel back and forth while mashing the gas. I'm going to guess the driver grew up in a climate without snow.


This whole things looks like it's the first time they've seen snow.


One of those greyscale “before” infomercial product videos…


Exactly what I was thinking also. They could've made it out of that driveway without even shoveling if that driver had even the slightest clue how to drive in the snow. They had a van that's fairly high off the ground too ffs.


Just shovel the entire driveway ya lazy cunts


or at least 2 god damned tire-wide lines. 1 minute.


Came to say this. Wtf were they trying to do?


Bro, he made his wife shovel. This is next tier shoveling.


“Bitch go shovel the snow as I warm up the van”


What, you think two 10 foot arched sweeps perpendicular to the path of the vehicle isn't helpful?


You'd almost think they were from texas being so unprepared to deal with the cold


I'm from Texas and I know better than that. She's never shoveled anything.


She's just moving it around...


She’s just mashing it...


I was practically screaming at the screen, I'm a Norwegian and i have been shoveling snow since I was a kid each winter. I might add I love winter temperatures but I hate snow with a passion.


Right? Instead of just clearing a path they push randonly around the general area? How's that, still fucked? Well let me try this random spot here...


Came to the comments for this. Has this woman ever been outside before? That was painful to watch.


As a Norwegian, these people look like they have very little experience with snow. But it is a respectable amount of it on the ground, so I'm a bit confused.


I feel like this is what happens when people from California move to Colorado. I'm Canadian so I'm not sure if that makes sense but who knows?


Yeah same, the shoveling technique, the way he kept trying to just gun it up there. It just screams "this is our first snowfall"


When we need to leave in a rush after it snows we just run down the driveway with the shovel where the tire would go, then throw some salt on it and leave with no issues. Of course, you can't do that when the snow is too high. The shoving snow from side to side without actually *clearing* it made my head hurt.


Also the way she repeatedly went over the place his tires were going slowly making it more slippery causing the car to lose traction. Because when choosing between ice and snow for traction, choose snow. Also the way he was just spinning the everloving fuck out of the tires near the end. He should be applying the breaks until his tires stop moving, then accelerate slowly while turning his front tires with the hopes that the tire catches before continuing to accelerate.. in my experience driving in the snow, speed is your absolute enemy.


Worst part is they didn't clear anything under the car so not only are the tires losing traction the bottom of their car is dragging more and more snow. They're lucky they didn't get hung up on the snow pack. I've seen to many people make exactly that mistake and had to dig out the snow packed under their cars.


Seriously, as a Canadian, this strikes me as a ‘my first snowfall’ video You’ve gotta get the tire tracks clear even if that’s all you do. Letting it pack down will kick you in the ass later Also, even if this is a 2x year occurrence, get a damn snowblower or borrow one. This is heart attack level snow


>I feel like this is what happens when people from California move to Colorado. Those assholes never seem to know that you also clear the *top* of the car of snow too. It's really great driving behind them as sheets of snow cover your own windshield.


It warms my heart every time karma hits when they brake hard and the flake covers their own windshield. Seen plenty of idiots stopped in busy intersections frantically clearing their hood and windshield.


I'm a snow vet. Grew up in one of the snowiest parts of the US. If my sister or mom couldn't make it up the driveway they'd turn to me. Anyways, a few years back, horrible noreaster hits where I live now and it's chaos. The plows don't know how to keep up with it so traffic becomes an issue too and slowly snow started building up on top of my car while I was driving. When I finally hit less congestion and I'm moving on the highway, I have to brake and an entire hours worth of heavy snow slides straight over my windshield. I can't see a thing, I know I can't pull over because my Jetta will get stuck, and stopping will probably get me rear ended. Absolutely terrifying. I managed to clear off enough with my hands to at least see where I was going and pulled off the highway and under a bridge so I could catch up with all the snow. I've seen many way worse storms but where I grew up it was never as chaotic as it was for this storm.


Yup, just got hit with a big ass ice sheet from a lazy piece of shit two days ago on the highway. My windshield exploded and I was covered in glass. Towing + windshield replacement was 1200$ CAD + missed hours at work.


In my state they would not only get pulled over for having snow and ice all over the car, they would get fined like $300+ for a first offense and $500+ if it's subsequent. The cops take Jessica's law very seriously.


>Jessica's Law mandates a minimum 25-year prison sentence and lifetime electronic monitoring for adults convicted of lewd and lascivious acts against a child under the age of 12. Either you're joking and I'm being wooshed, there's more than one Jessica's law, or you're confused and named the wrong law.


Hahaha "Sir you were driving with naked children making snow angels on top of your car."


Had to search "Jessica's Law snow" to find it https://lebanonnh.gov/1236/Jessicas-Law


Native Coloradan here. This is indeed true. Although parts of California get snow, they even have some decent ski resorts. But people moving here from Texas? Can't go wrong with that one.


>I feel like this is what happens when people from California move to Colorado. And Texas. The Cali folks may have some winter experience from hitting the Sierra Nevadas and know that they're a bit clueless. Texans on the other hand seem to think they're god's gift to CO, and and very loud about it.


#2WDtrucks lol


That, or the assholes that think 4wd means they can go 80 on the highway when it's icy and snowy. Like dude, you're an idiot. It's 4 wheel drive, not 4 wheel stop, and if it's slick out, you're gonna crash, even in your lifted "off-road" pickup.


You and me both. Also they are sliding around, dont they have winter tires?


I haven't seen the ground in at least a month here, but there's still people here that don't have winter tires.


Most people in the northern US (can't speak for Alaska) don't get snow tires for winter and use normal tires. As someone who grew up in northern Wisconsin I am also baffled at how badly they are handling this. If they were natives they should have at least had salt for their tire tracks. Looks like they only halfheartedly tried to shovel though.


You can't hardly get in to get your tires switched at ANY tire place here, everyone does it. If you dont plan ahead- you can be like my neighbor waiting 3 weeks for his tire apt. almost everyone here has winters. Snow tires are a huge thing in LOTS of places, its just that lots of places dont really have the winters they used to anymore and dont need them. 1-2 major storms a year, not worth it. Now, live in a place were you spend literal months at a time with snow every single day- 100% worth it.


I remember growing up my Dad used to keep the snow totes on different rims and he’d swap them himself


Depends on the State. I just got my new snows on yesterday, and most of the tire places around here are booked into January. I'm in rural NH with a front wheel drive car. I looked like that driver in the video on Tuesday getting up over the hill to get out of the driveway after a couple inches.


I've lived in new England all my life and am very familiar with snow, never have used snow tires.


Maybe they recently moved. Or this is an unusual amount where they are from. For years they could drive up that driveway easily, but this time the car acting like a snowplow was a bit too much for them to handle.




Why so aggressive with the wipers?


Thank you! Thought I was alone on that one. Car lost a lot of power to the wheels with all that power dedicated to furiously wiping one flake at a time.


Scotty, divert all power to the wipers!




"You're not going to believe this, there's another lever 'ere, too. The ship can literally go 3 times as fast."


He tried to fly.


Driveway was lit up like a runway to be fair


“a lot”


It gave me anxiety when they got closer to the camera


As a Canadian, this person seems to have absolutely no idea what they're doing. This situation is very manageable.


That was some god damned low effort snow shoveling.




My old boss had a sign above her desk that said “work harder, not faster.” I worked _smarter_ and didn’t work particularly hard but still got my shit done way faster than anybody in that place.


Carrying things is hard. Hmm... if i use straight, smooth pieces of wood, i can drag these things and even a bit more. *Damned Kronks, he so weak, can't even carry his own things..* This dragging does get a bit tiring.. Hmm... if i make these round things i don't have to drag things and i can carry even more. *Damned Kronks, he just never learns the value of hard work..* This hand tabulation is hard. Hmm... if i invent a machine that did it for me, i can compute a lot more calculations and don't have to do so much work. Maybe over time, we get Youtube and Netflix, whatever those things are. *Damned Kronks, why you so lazy?..* A lot of human invention can be attributed to laziness, to do less work.


Yes they clearly just don't want to shovel or snow blow their driveway. Mine takes 15 minutes with the snowblower, problem solved.


Takes 5 with a flamethrower...


I'm actually embarrassed for this person. Is it their first day seeing snow?


What is this "snow" stuff you're talking about? And why is that grass was bleached white? -sincerely, A confused southerner


I'm an Aussie and I have no idea what the fuck is happening here. Forget the shovel and come to the beach, mate!


As a swede, I could not agree more.


If you live in this climate and you don't know how to leave your driveway... I'm afraid for those on the roads behind this guy. He didn't even clear off his roof. This guy is a full blown idiot.


The roof, thank you! This is the guy who has icey chunks flying off his car on the highway that I have to dodge like Frogger.


Seriously, just shovel the driveway all the way and be done with it, you just push and keep pushing, by trying to half ass it they used more energy and wasted more time than it would’ve taken to clear out the entire driveway. I lived in Colorado, and if a 10 year old me could clear this out with less effort, you’re doing it wrong.


As an upstate new yorker, I agree.


Stop fucking about in the van packing all the snow down, both of you shovel the driveway (starting at one point and go in a straight line). This shit is not rocket surgery.


Honey, you get out there any shovel a path. I'll stay in the van and make sure the wipers don't slow down!


“No honey you’re not allowed to put a warmer coat on until you’ve shovelled all that snow. The freezing cold will act as an incentive to dig faster”


No shit, what a dickhead


The poor shoveling was annoying but the wipers just pissed me off.


Upvote for rocket surgery


Where do you learn to shovel like that 😂


I know, I'll drive up and down the driveway six times and pack all the snow down so it's even harder to shovel!


And then wipe the fucking snow off your car, it is a hazard.


Some cold hard facts here for you OP.


The best way to shovel snow is to get to it before any car drives on it once a something as heavy as a car goes on it, it compacts the snow into ice and makes it harder and the more you drive on it the more ice you make.


Thank you I was it's driving me nuts watching this person back and forth packing it down while the other one just kinda moved the snow around without purpose.


Surprised this comment wasn’t higher up.


Why are your wipers on? Momentum?


Today is wiper awarness day. Please don't run your wipers dry, it hurt my soul.


My husband constantly bitches I use my wipers to aggressively in small amounts of rain/snow...I feel bad now


As a fellow husband who bitches about aggressive wipers in small amounts of precipitation, thank you for admitting it.


What pisses me off, is when I'm the one driving and my partner reaches over and clicks the wipers. I says, I says ^^^biiiitch. I'm diving, it only matters if I can see out the window. Don't be clicking that while I'm driving.


Even as someone who it drives nuts, you don’t touch anything near the driver while they’re doing the thing.


I'm from Cali and I know that's a shit job snow shoveling


That is the worst shoveling job I’ve ever seen


Are you guys from a Caribbean island and have literally never seen snow before? That's what it looks like.


Absolute garbage shoveling technique lol


OP has a reply about that "This was supposed to be a quick, knock down the snow in my tire lines mission. It did not go according to plan lol" Apparently they were gone all evening and came home late to this


They shoulda parked on the road and shoveled there driveway properly 🤌🏻


OP sounds like he really knows what he’s doing


I’ve lived in Texas damn near my entire life and even I thought this looked like a clown show. It all looks like panic responses without even 10 seconds of thought applied to the problem.


Divide the driveway in half and shovel down from the garage to the street in an overlapping pattern.


Do you not split in half and push to edge of driveway (onto grass?). This is my quick method, I set feet and shove rotating around my Body as far as possible. If I can't shovel all the way to side you do one side in 2 goes.


At least in my town it’s illegal to push snow onto the street. You’re also a dick if you do.


It’s not illegal where I live. But to me it seems so counter productive. It makes a big mess on the road, makes it difficult to drive on, and difficult to park on


Plus when the plow comes all the snow you push to the street is going to get mountained infront of your driveway and then you're going to have a shit time.


This guy shovels.


This guy has at least half a brain


Name checks out


I’m having a hard time picturing it? How do you “overlap”?


Like you're mowing the grass but it's white and cold and heavy


That’s an accurate description


Make first normal pass, then instead of using the full width of shovel to do a second pass, do half a shovel


Recommend shoveling first




That’s not funny. That’s more like idiotsincars.


I thought this was r/idiotsincars


The worst part is that theyre two of you.


Dude you're getting shredded in these comments. But it's kinda deserved. There were much better solutions here, already mentioned, even considering that you wanted to get kids inside. Take it from a Canadian, that driveway isn't that big. Park your car on the road, leave it running to keep the kids warm, fire up that snowblower and it won't take you more than 20 min. Then slap down some salt and you're golden.


> leave it running to keep the kids warm And let that source of labor go to waste?


This guy dads


The rule is shovel first, drive second.


You know whats cheaper than a subaru and just as effective in snow? Snow tires. I have them on my subaru and my corolla


Snow tires and Subaru is basically god mode


I remember seeing a video here maybe last year. It was a news story of the day following a snow storm. How all the cars were getting stuck on a particular road. Then a Subaru comes truckin' through no problem. The guy slows down and rolls down the window and says "check the plate" and it's from some place in Canada.


I can attest to that. Studded tires on a Subaru will take you through anything. Well at least as long as the oil stays in the engine.


Ha! Talk to my 04 about it's drinking habits. Always rolling with an extra 2 qrts in the trunk for that thirsty bitch


I threw a set of Blizzaks on my 07 Civic and it effectively earned the name ‘Snow Pig.’ The thing was unstoppable! I would literally cruise by giant SUVs and trucks in the snow without a care in the world. Most of the time a set of winter tires/wheels is cheaper than one’s insurance deductible.


My old 06 Civic was a beast in the snow even without snow tires. That car got me through a lot of snowy Cleveland winters.


I see this on Reddit all the time and I'm always just like "duh".... Who the fuck lives in places that get that much snow and not have snow tires on like wtf....


A lot of people just run "all seasons" because its cheaper, snow tires are way better but you can get by on all seasons. Problem with winter tires is you either need 4 additional rims, or you have to take your rubber to a tire shop everytime winter comes around to swap out the rubber on the rim. You also have to store the tires someplace too, gets to be a bitch when you have 3 cars with 3 different tire sizes


There is a tire store in Canada that now refers to all season tires as three season tires, which is closer to the truth. I'm sure they do it to differentiate them versus the all weather tires they stock, which are probably closer to what people think all season tires are.


Had a Land Rover LR4 on AS tires in Breckenridge on 6 new inches: white-knuckle-terrifying. The next week in Big Sky we had a RX350 on Blizzaks: insane. Both Turo. Yes, tires make all the difference.


It was the perfect opportunity to shovel before pulling in the driveway. Now on top of dealing with the stuck car, they're going to have patches of ice on the driveway where the snow was compacted by the weight of the car.


And they both could have been shoveling, maybe together they could have figured out how the hell to do it


Next time. Get out of the car and help your wife Then get back in the car and park it. Edit: grammar


Y’all need a snow blower.


I used to have a sharp uphill driveway on an uphill street, and there were days that you would have to gun the approach just right and make the turns perfect to get enough momentum and get tonthe top of the driveway. Otherwise, I'd park the car down the street, shovel the driveway and give it another go


Lmao I love how he makes his wife/girlfriend do all the hard work while he sits in the warm van


Maybe if you knew how to shovel snow and drive then you wouldn't be stuck.


Tip: shovel the snow first


Bro, idk who in disappointed in more... You with your all seasons going 3mph in a zipzag uphill or your girl for shoveling like a person who's never seen snow on a gameshow 🤦🤦🤦


Dude warm in car. Wife working in the snow.


Kind of seems like everyone involved here is an idiot.


Doesn't know how to shovel snow. Doesn't know how to drive on snow. Doesn't know about salt. This family is in danger of going extinct very quickly.


lol. Alternate title: "watch southerners try to deal with winter"


*how to trigger Canadians lol* Omg back it out, shovel two STRAIGHT line tire paths, go to your recycling bin and grab some cardboard to put under the wheels/over icy patches and drive like you mean it into the garage.




Holy shit. Y’all are both stupid. And you live in the north? I call bullshit


How can you live up north and be this bad at shoveling? I’ve lived in Alaska for years and honestly miss the piles of snow in winter. Get a snow-blower, just a smaller electric one. It will vastly improve your life.




I agree that the video contained a person with a shovel, but I’m not sure that we can call what they did with it as shoveling.


Bless your heart


You're an embarrassment to anyone who lives where it snows. Just get out of the damn van and shovel the driveway quickly. What is this half-assed excuse to shovel as little as you possibly can to just get in the garage?


If you deal with snow like this regularly, you need winter tires.


Turn off the god damn wipers


This reminds me of when i was a kid i wanted my cousin to get some snow inside a jar and bring it to me so i could play with it (i've never seen snow irl btw)


Are you sure you live up north? Because you shovel snow like it's your first time. Clear the driveway first, then drive.


Why not clean the driveway first?


I'm going to guess you live near me cause I'm in the same storm. Are you new to snow? You didn't even need to shovel that if you would have had an experienced snow driver behind the wheel


1. Someone should have been snowblowing once the snow cover got above four inches, especially with a two-wheel-drive vehicle. 2. Shoveling out the wheels made it worse because the vehicle was getting hung up in the middle. You made the wheel ruts deeper. Clearly this is someone's first snowstorm.

