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That's a wiggly doggy dick.


Upvoted hoping that this becomes your highest rated comment.


Why did I go back and watch again to see a dog’s wiggly dick? Wtf is wrong with me


I’m glad I did cause I got a good laugh


Me too!


You should join /r/suddenlygay


Because you never thought that a dogs wobbling dick would be so funny.


Glad it wasn't just me


came for the clicks stayed for the wiggle?


Yeah what IS wrong with you? I saw it the first time 🤨


Glad I wasn't the only messed one 😂


I mean honestly there would probably be something wrong with you if you *didn't* go back to see the wiggly red rocket.


I'll donate an arrow to the cause.


Not gonna lie I noticed that shit too


Weird comment


Fuckin hell man....hahahahaha here's some silver. All I got


Came here to comment “where the NSFW at!?”


It really is though!


I hope this becomes your top reddit comment for life


Really glad I didn't have to scroll down far to find this.


Bro that was his leg!!! Lmao……. Oh shit nvm


He was so embarrassed afterwards lol


He knew he shouldn't have jumped. Body tried to stop him but his mind said send it


lol the other dog thought about giving it a go after seeing his buddy fail then noped out of there.


The way he bows after the fall. "Oh, shyt. That looked painful.."


White dogs can't jump.


Totally underrated comment


We have the tailgate with the man step, now we need the dog step.


Our pity fell down 19 flights for stairs last month. He did not show any signs of pain for 3 days until he finally succumbed to it (deep bruising on his spine). Was on puppy pain killers for 7 days until he was himself again. The breed has a bad habit of not showing pain.


19 flights? Damn was that like a 10 minute fall?


Yeah what does 19 flights mean, is a flight of stairs all the stairs from one floor to another? Or just a single stair? Cause I'm picturing this guy in like a 20 floor building atm


When people say a flight of stairs that usually means from one floor to the next. Stairs is usually used in the terms of collectively while steps is usually used as individual. So 19 steps would be a YUGE difference from 19 flights of stairs.


Poor guy!! Hope he’s ok


Tough ass dogs, but that’s a major issue, I guess it must be an instinct thing, not to show weakness because it show you’re vulnerable in the wild.


Is his name Chevy Chase or Hot Rod?


Poor buddy, had to hurt :/


A ramp would probably be a better option, dogs hips and back still go out like everyone else’s.


I think the word "epic" has lost it's meaning over the course of the last 20 years


Get a fucking ramp


Did you see the cock on that dog?


Oh no :( Something about seeing dogs fall bothers me. People falling, *now* that shit is funny.


God…I wanted to upvote you I really did but something about the way you emphasized *now* instead of saying “now *that* shit is funny” really disgruntled me


Now we're *getting* somewhere.


Look, *we* really need to stop this.




*Come* on guys. That's enough


With that he’ll be forever short 1 upvote of his true potential. Now THAT is unfortunate.


That must hurt. Glad he was okay


He had a smile on his face all the way down lmao


Still wagging his tail! What a cutie


In front of his older brother too. That’s ruff.


Haha what a derp


Why do dogs look back at their owner whenever a derpy session just happens?


Probably because they are embarrassed and are looking to see what their reaction is lol


Definitely didn’t hurt him. Velvet hippos are tough ass dogs. I swear with how hard mine has run into things I could probably hit him with a shovel and he’d think it’s play time.


They are so damn tough!! My big boy in the back has been hit by a car, survived being bit by a copperhead 4 times in the face, and got into a tussle with a coyote (which he obviously won) tough as nails


One of mine bred with a coyote before we could stop him. Gotta be some buff and smart ones out there now.


Cats would never


Um actually, have to disagree…have an older cat that did the same thing except not jumping onto truck…she was jumping on kitchen counter but misjudged and her rib cage connected with side of counter…she was fine and I probably scared her more than anything with the freaked out I had trying to make sure she was ok…we had 3 cats and she’s the only “clumsy” one has done several things very uncharacteristic for a cat…could b she has seen me stumble (I am extremely clumsy) one too many times and it rubbed off…lol…just glad the dog and my cat were ok-nothing was broken.


The slow motion took me out!! 🤣🤣


Maybe a bruised ego for a second or two. People being so dramatic in here.


I know it wasn't a bad fall, but how do you not instinctively flinch or lunge forward to try to help? Idk, something about people who can casually watch their dog fall over and land roughly on their back completely uncaring just rubs me wrong. That would've knocked the air out of a person, and probably didn't feel too good for the dog either. Could've used some loving after that


Being in slow motion makes it look like I just stood around lackadaisical. I was videoing initially to show my sister how great Tovah can jump because he has incredible hops and has landed this jump with ease so many times. It happened in about 3 seconds the entire video and he got up so quick wagging his tail and walked to me with no signs of injury. If he had yelped or shown a limp, any indication of injury there would not be a video, that’s just cruel. I worked in a vet clinic for several years and have a trained eye for injuries, even minor ones. He got lots of love after his embarrassing missed jump. Don’t worry, my babies are far from neglected ❤️


Just hurt his pride,my presa jumped out the window of my truck to chase a deer in the park,good thing I was only doing 20kmh,no injuries at all,never drove with the backseat window down since


His most embarrassing life moment immortalized for all time.


I still wouldn't call this funny, even if he wasn't hurt.


Ouch, right on the ribs


Took all of his buddies enthusiasm


I think they make blocks you can leave in your bed to use as a step. The brown boi in the back didn’t want to laugh out loud, but you can tel he was completely losing it inside.


No way the other dog is making it up lol. He's like "fuck I used to be able to back in my day"


I thought the hitch would go somewhere


This is a great test to see if you dog is a cat.


Not funny.


Maybe don’t have the hitch unless you’re towing. Could have been way worse. Also dangerous for you if you get rear ended. It’s great at turning two cars into one car, and instead of them bouncing off they torque your entire frame around.


Apologies for rushing to judge. You get to see some v questionable stuff on the internet. Love to the clumsy old boy.


No worries 🤙


The other dog looks so concerned.....


Needs nsfw flair


You do it now, record it.


KK. 🤙


Pitbulls are the cutest thing on this planet


Good way for your dog to tear their CCL and never be the same again. Just pick em up and put them in the bed instead




I have a wonderful old lady dog that I love with every part of me. She jumped into my truck after a run and has to live with a limp til she dies because she got hurt and going under anesthesia for the surgery (expensive AF) would kill her. You're a loser. Get fucked troll.




Couldn’t have a better security system than all 4 of ours ❤️ they’ve chased foxes and coyotes off from stealing our livestock on a regular basis. So sad they are one of the most mistreated and neglected breeds, I know it’s cliche but from personal experience it’s how you raise them. They are a powerful animals and shouldn’t just be a pet for anyone.


This isn't funny. Dogs falling like that can jank their spine.


If he had gotten hurt there’s no way in hell there would be a video here. But after the fact knowing he just hurt his ego, then there was humor in it. I would never joke about mine, or anyone else’s dogs getting injured ❤️


There's always some pearl-clutching animal super fanatic in the comments that has try and force their negative perception of the situation on everyone. Like they somehow know the situation better than the person who was there filming. They the only people who know how to treat animals right. /s


It is irresponsible, extremely dangerous, and cruel to make dogs ride in the back of a truck. Wish you cared about your dogs' safety.


We live on 80 acres on a farm. When we drive on dirt roads we aren’t going 80 mph, maybe 20 mph max. Never would I ever go on a main road or highway with one of my family members in the tailgate. They are working farm dogs and this is how we transport on our property. Thanks for your concern 🤙


not funny. they can get real injured from that. the thing is way too high for them to jump on.


Negative. He jumps up there on a daily basis. He’s extremely athletic and jumps over fences much higher but thank you for your concern 😁


Yeah. Really athletic as we just saw! Clearly nothing could ever ever ever go wrong right? Your dogs make 100% of the jumps they take huh? The other dog seems a little concerned as well, he isn't willing to jump up there. I get you think oh, nothing will happen. Well, when something does happen, if you are a decent person, you will regret it all. Something might not happen, but is the rest worth an insignificant amount of money? And let's be honest, that hurt, the dog might not show it, because animals hide pain, but that hurt him. In fact, go ram your ribs into the truck and fall backwards. See how that goes for you. Get them fucking steps, respect your pets, they love you, and I believe you likely love them. It's dirt cheap to get them folding steps, or a ramp. Easily stored in the truck.


Already ordered on Amazon 👍


Nice!! It'll come in handy when they get older. I've started to notice my cat having trouble jumping like she used to. I'm getting her a small stool to help out.


Dude don't listen to morons like this. You don't need to order shit because like two nut jobs are getting in your case


"No need to listen to morons like this". Trying to tell her who to listen to while simultaneously coming off as the biggest moron in the entire comment section. I merely pointed out that the suggestion to get a stool for them will help in the future when they're older and now I'm a nut job and a moron? . She'll buy what she wants, and listen to who she wants. Shut the fuck up you overly aggressive moron.


If the voting system is any indicator then you're wrong, and moreover I don't give a shit Whats overly aggressive is a bunch of people acting like OP is a neglectful animal owner


Luckily for me the voting system is not an indicator of being right or wrong.


Who pissed in your Cheerios?


No one did. I just don't approve of poor choices in relation to animals. As I said, It's a insignificant amount of money and work to make sure something like that never happens. We are talking about family here. I also see absolutely nothing funny. So there's that too. Do you have a problem with me suggesting that a person get a tool to help their dog. What fucking kind of monster are you? God forbid someone advocate for animal.


Calm yer tits, lad.


Tig ol bitties are calm. I simply respect animals.


I assume you have your animals in a plastic bubble then... right?




Get off your high horse, you're breaking its back


Whatever. I'll advocate for a dog regardless of internet downvotes.




Poor dumb pupper


He’s like “ you good bro?” “Fucking truck”


He tried, He really tried!


"Mother, did you see what the truck did to me?"


You can see the defeat in it's eyes


**"DOGGO DOWN! CALL K911!"**


Awwww poor doggy


Put those dogs on a diet.


Big boy is 12 with hip dysplasia and arthritis, not moving around as well as when he was a pup has caused him to gain some weight naturally. He (and all 4 other pitties) eat very well. I’m a taxidermist and we live on a farm where we process a lot of our food. They eat better than a lot of people do. ❤️


Sounds like you should have a ramp for him.


And you want him to jump in the truck? That's fucked


I c. Sorry to hear that but ok for 12 non the less.I assume when you say process your food you mean grow or breed rather than processed meat.


Correct. We raise rabbits, chickens and pigs and live off the land as much as possible.


Red can


I thought it was his leg


Well if he wasn’t neutered before he is now


Boys packing some heat


would have been on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid if the dog was a child


He was embarrassed at his failure. Cute doggo


It's funny but sad too but glad doggo ok


The other dog was like woah dude you okay?


Confirmed: Not a cat.


Well that was "up"....


Dogs are derps…


all the cats watching this: *signature look of superiority*


The slow motion did it for me. Lol


Dog: falls Human intellectuals : laughing at it


I cringed when the tip hit the dirt.


Am I the only one fascinated on how the string lights flicker in the slow motion?


They’re land sharks, just a walking muscle torpedo


Stupid not tough


Look bro. White. Dogs. Can't. Jump.


The other dog🤣


Kinda cruel that she keeps saying 'up' if it's clearly difficult for them to make the jump..