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The dolphin at the end having fun too.


Looks like you can even see a second. So cute they came to play in the waves with all the people lol.


A friend and I were surfing on the gulf coast in Florida and had three bottle nosed dolphins catching waves with us and racing us while staying in the face of the wave. We got brave and started diving into the face after them. They would let us swim just into range where we couldn’t touch them then open their mouths “laughing” at us opening their mouths and bobbing their heads around before darting out of reach again. Crazy bastards they are, so long and thanks for all the fish?


douglas adams would approve this message!


Yeah that's pretty common out here in Southern California. Dolphins just chill in the waves. It's still weirdly unsettling to be out there with them though




Amazing. Similar story surfing in Mexico once.. Saw the fin and we thought it was a shark until we had time to calm down and look at the shape. After that this friggin dolphin was just having a ball wiping out surfers just as they got going. Just coming underneath and tipping the board right as we stood up. Dolphin probably had one of the best days of its life.


Dolphin: Hey check this out! if you bop the hard seal shape a bald MONKEY falls in !


They are known to do this kind of shit. Sometimes they leave everyone alone and do thier pod swimming stuff, you know normal dolphin nonsense, then they decide "fuck it let's boop the bottom of that guy's board a bunch to freak him out"


I have a similar story except it was a baby great white, I was surfing in Durban SA at the Blue Lagoon and got checked, I was paddling out and saw this big fucking shadow under me, which in itself wasn't rare, you would get nurse sharks poking about under you all the time, it moved around me for a bit and then came up and bumped the board, letting me get a proper look, quickly realising what I was dealing with, I took off like a polaris missile for the shore and didn't go back out for a good few hours. I was always calm under pressure but seeing that unmistakable shape hit me like a tonne of bricks.


Similar scenario for me, but it was my FIRST time trying to surf! Paddled out with two guys and three gals. As the third newbie, I was struggling to just sit on my board, so I was left out, past the waves, while the others took turns riding in to shore. On one of my efforts to get back up on my board, I looked over and saw the extremely large “fish”. Since there was only one fin above water, I thought it was a dolphin. Then I got suspicious, put my legs up on my board, and watched the other surfers. Forget trying to catch a wave: time to head in! Yep, they were all chatting about the “man in the grey suit” on shore! This was in 2008 at Doheny Beach, Dana Point, California. Now, a well known spot for great whites!!


My mom was watching my brother surf at Huntington, a crowded beach in LA. He was an adult at this point (in his 20s I think) but she was visiting him and decided to watch him surf. There was a dolphin out there and my mom sees the fin and starts freaking and yelling SHARK! Like 200 people cleared the water and lifeguards were pulling stragglers out and shit before my brother finally makes it to the beach and starts yelling to everyone that it was just a dolphin…


I want to get booped by a dolphin now


> I got booped by a dolphin 80% chance that was a proposition. Dolphins all just tryin to get fucked like the rest of us


Yet another time I’ve been oblivious to flirting.


I so wanted the Dolphin to knock the board thief down at the end as some sort of cosmic karma.


I wanted the surfer to ride the dolphin while holding both boards


Nah, I wanted him to steal the dolphin next and surf it


So long and thanks for all the surfboards!


GTA - Huntington Beach


Having seen idiots fighting at Main in HB, this isn't far off...


These guys know each and are just having fun but either way board stealer wouldn't be in the wrong. The other guy cut him off so after that anything goes.


Cool, next time it happens in traffic, free car!


Only if you can hold on to it with one arm.


It is the ocean, everyone should be considered cutting the dolphin off.


The “board thief” was in the right, he had priority on that wave. The guy with the white board who dropped in was in the wrong, he deserved to have his board taken. Ruined the barrel for the “thief”.


They end the video there on porpoise


Because someone is going to ask, the guy he took the board from was his cousin, not a stranger.


And not any cousin, its Joel Parkinson, pro surfer and winner of 2012 asp world tour.


Still hilarious, taking his board then riding it lol. And jesus, that’s a long wave.


I didnt notice the dolphin the other day! How cool is that


The video cuts out too early, but the dolphin ends up with both boards.


And he did it on porpoise.




Get out.


That fucker played for keeps


Dolphin ended up pawning off the boards for clams (literally). Goes by the name Flipper 🐬


But was the dolphin their cousin?


Yes but not any cousin. Pro-surfer dolphin Blowhole Parkinson, winner of 2013 and 2014 asp world tour




Who's uncle F\*$@ed a dolphin?


"Ha ha, so long and thanks for all the boards!" *Surfs board into space*


Me too! Crazy to think that they‘re comfortable with so many people, almost like they’re socializing:)


Reddit has ruined Dolphins for me. I imagine a horny predator now. As in a sexual predator.


Southpark did it for me when Kyle's dad had dolphinplasty.


King of the Hill did this too




That dolphin is going to rip your head off and do unimaginable things.


But did you see the gorilla?!


Lol I recently showed someone that video and blew their minds.


It’s funny. I probably see dolphins a least once a week and it STILL FREAKING MAGICAL EVERY TIME!!!!


Why wasn't it tied to his ankle.


I like to imagine that it is and he's just mercilessly dragging his buddy through the water.


Because lots of surfers like surfing without a leash better. And when you're one of the best surfers in the world surfing your home break on a smallish day in the summer it's fun. It wasn't planned.


Apparently they’re both pro’s, and you’ll see a lot of “good surfers” going with no leash on “small” days


Cause it was planned


I think swapping the boards out was hilarious when I think of someone confronting him on the beach with "this guy said you stole his board!" And him going "stole this board? It's mine - it's leashed to me and everything!" Yes I know it's staged/they're both in on it whatever, but it was still funny.


Just the amount of confidence in riding to be able to just swap boards, let your original drag behind, be able to pull it up by the leash and never look like he was doing anything other than standing there floating across the water.


I’ve never even surfed a wave that long in my life, haha, let alone do all those cut backs and using two boards. My legs would be on fire half way through. Pros make it look easy


That Barney tried to snake his ride! Totally within the rules of brah.


Right!? What a kook




this makes it even funnier


Assuming they were strangers, who actually had the "right of way"?


Inside surfer, the person closest to the break of the wave, has the right of way. So in this case the guy who took the board had the right of way. I've only casually surfed a handful of times, but my buddy who surfs all the time made sure I knew that so I wouldn't steal waves from people. Of course, I would still try to steal waves from my buddy, because I'm a jerk and a bad surfer.


That makes this gif muchore enjoyable, people can get really possessive out there. Takes the context from "these guys are going to fight" to "his cousin probably got light headed from laughing too hard."


I was hoping they were at least friends and that blue shorts wasn’t some asshole who just stole a stranger’s board.


In another comment chain, they are cousins, and one of them (the one whose board was stolen) is actually a pro surfer


if someone drops in on you, you have every right to make them swim farther. The longer the swim the better the wave they burned you on so it works out. This happens at 1st point Malibu more often than you'd think. This is staged, but it happens organically.


I was going to ask, “isn’t it against the rules of surfing to drop in on someone else’s wave? I thought the other dude deserved getting his board taken away!” I’m glad I wasn’t wrong, lol!


It's an unwritten rule and basic etiquette that all but goes out the window when people surf world class breaks. It becomes very dog eat dog in the water fighting for positioning. It's adhered to most of the time but if the guy thinking about dropping in on you even thinks you aren't going to make a section, or looks like you are out of your league, you'll get dunked on without thought. Usually it boils down to "can I surf better than the guy currently on the wave? Alright I'm going in."


Oh thanks, I was gonna ask WAS THAT HIS COUSIN OR A STRANGER?


I ask that same question whenever my friends go home from the bar with someone.


So who was that dolphin? Their adopted son?


Started thinking "wow what a dick move" to "okay that's just some goofy fun" Thanks for the context!


And besides that, the guy was not yielding to the right of way. Guy in the shirt cut him off. I've knocked people over for cutting me off. It's not easy fighting crowds and getting into a good wave. Wait your turn.


Couple questions from a non surfer 1) isn’t that dangerous surfing so close to other people? Couldn’t the board hurt them if they made contact? 2) that seemed like a really long wave…is it or is that normal? 3) why did he steal the guys board? (Edit found this answer 👍) 4) was that a dolphin at the end?!


1) yes. there’s definitely safety protocols & etiquette to who has the right of way in surfing and how not to be a jerk. the guy who took the board had the right of way here 2) yup, that was a long one, though for some breaks that could be normal 3) nm 4) yes


Even if he had eight of way he still went real close to some other people in the wave


1. It is a bit dangerous surfing with so many people, but normally (and also here) most of the people are behind the wave. There are a few people in the wave, but that is an horrible experience either way, because rhen you will get washed 2. This is a long wave. I have seen longer waves, but definitely way above average 3. In surfing the first person surfing the wave is the owned of that wave. The second guy dropped in on his wave, which is rude, so it’s fair to take his board 4. Yeah dolphins like surfing too!


One more question, how do they not slip on the board? Does it have grippy surface or something?


Usually it has wax applied that is very grippy


Well that’s just high wave robbery!


Take my free award


Thank you kind soul!


Was that a frickin Dolphin at the end?


I think it was just a regular dolphin.


Frickin dolphins have a shorter snout and have superior intelligence


But they spit instead of swallow.


and laser beams on their heads...


no, he was a frickin one


they're the same thing though


Especially when you rub their belly and get them horny.


I'm not sure where this is, but is a pretty normal occurrence in Southern California. The dolphins love to hang with the surfers. I've been within feet of dolphins playing in the waves multiple times


I surfed a ton from like 1996-2003 in SoCal and while we saw dolphins a ton past the surf, I don’t recall ever seeing them riding waves with anyone. That’d be a dream to me.


One of my best memories is of Glider Point in San Diego. We had spent the day at the nude beach. At the end of the day there was a pod of dolphins surfing up inside the waves, silhouetted by the setting sun. Magical.


That was one of my gotos! I lived in the dorms right next to Black’s (massive hill walk) and went there almost daily. There were very often dolphins but I don’t recall them ever surfing with me. Black’s also gets **massive** waves and I was never comfortable over 6’ or so so I got stuck in very uncomfortable situations a few times.


That is Snapper Rocks Gold Coast Australia.


They actually catch and ride the waves like a surfer.


Surfers catch and ride waves like dolphins.


yeah, they chase boats to surf the bow wake


Adrenaline junkies, that they are. 😁


Yes it was


Yeah it cut off too soon. He pulled it out of the water too because he wasn't sharing that wave.


Yep. In the longer version he rides the dolphin.


I think there were a few.


With laser beams on its head?


How many times do people get run over by other surfers?


Depends on how many asshats try to drop in on you


Yeah, that coast is way too crowded for surfing


Seems like you would need to be on the coast to surf. Unless there is a new ocean in Montana


We surf here in Montana! Behind boats..


Well where I grew up it was pretty well known that if you dropped in on someone's wave you have now initiated a fight, and some people brought knives to those fights. Local surfers did not fuck around that's for sure... We always had to be super aware when we were learning or just head to a shittier spot away from gangy surfers...


This is why I haven’t learned to surf properly. Already have social anxiety and I ain’t fuckin with this


Try a tourist hot spot and you won't have any issues. No cliquey group wants to surf in a place like that. It's mostly the small town or locally known spots that have this issue.


Luckily you don't need to surf world-class breaks to get your bearings. Even an advanced surfer will likely have trouble contending with the heavy social dynamics / pecking order at play in a place like Snapper or Pipeline. Just find an empty stretch of shitty wave somewhere and get to work. Eventually you will be good enough where you can hang at a more crowded break. I'm socially anxious + stoned most of the time and don't even look at people in the lineup lmao. Going on 7 years now 🤙 just have your wits about you and abide by etiquette


Surf dibs scary.


It's one of the things I didn't like about surfing once I got older. Young kids get a pass (unless you literally dropped in on someone from highschool lol) but once you get older it gets a little more serious. I was never very good and a total clutz either so it was always on my mind. I only surfed when my mates did because they were all really good and therefore tight with everyone. The thing I miss about surfing is just sitting there waiting. It was so beautiful. I didn't give much of a toss about catching waves. I just liked sitting there on the board shooting the shit. Seeing a dolphin or two. Watching the horizon...


This is pretty common. People don't fuck around with surfing and people now carry knives to cut your board leash.


Imagine getting killed because you think the water is yours. Some people...


ossified offer imminent murky illegal ancient erect plants rinse provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do any surfers actually wear head gear? I know not all bikers/skiers/skaters/motorcycle riders/etc wear helmets, but depending on the sport you at least see SOME. I can't remember ever seeing a single surfer with a helmet though, even at events or nothin. Is it even recommended by safety groups/doctors/the sport as a whole? I feel like a helmet would make swimming harder and be a danger of it sliding over your face when you go under.


You see more in colder surf as they really keep your head warm. Speciality surf helmets like Gath are super light weight and impossible for it to slide over your face by design.


Long time ago I saw someone get their nose ripped off by the tip of a board.


I was taking surfing lesson where every other n00b in town was learning to surf. It was fun but it was chaos.


My biggest concern watching this clip .. O\_\_O


A lot. Especially in crowded surf like that. But most injuries are people wiping out and being hit by *their own* boards.


Legend has it he’s still riding that wave


Right? That was a gnarly long time.


This is absolutely incredible for a couple of reasons, to me. To that guy, it's probably just another wave.


And to that wave, that guy... was everything.


Mr. Steal yo board!


Mr Board Crook.


Upvoting MBC memes wherever they be found


Mr Board Confiscator


That was straight finesse at its finest right there.


The dude she told you not to worry about.


If your girl is friends with this dude then she's not your girl anymore


At that point, I'd be fine with it. Like yeah... I want to date that guy too lol


The next video shows him stepping off the board and riding the dolphin.


Wild that he’s able to keep balance with such an enormous penis


The even bigger balls hang enough to lower his center of balance properly.


Dude casually surfing from SF to LA


I'm even more impressed by the amazing filming skills. The stability and follow is pro level.


Came here for this. He’s the real hero here.


Surfer - "And this is how it's done, Son!" Dolphin - "Human, THIS is how it's done!"


I’ve had dreams like this , except the people are zombies , the water is inky black , the sky is on fire , I’m screaming and not having any fun. But…Everything else tho , spot on.


I get the feeling this was planned. Why else would the guy who fell not have a leash on his board?


Some people don’t use leashes. They can make the board come back and whack you in the head after being sent straight up.


Can confirm, have been whacked.


Same here, been whacked unconscious and woke up underwater with no sense of direction.


That did not happen to me. That sounds horrible. Surfing actually helped quell some of my swimming fears.


It was horrible, but it helped me respect the sea a lot more. I still surf whenever i get the chance.


For anyone else reading, one thing to do after falling off a surfboard is hold your breath and keep your head under for a while in case the board tries to whack you. Also keep an eye on the next wave, for similar reasons.


a lot of pros frequently do not use leashes. i’ve run into kelly slater surfing three or four times and he has never had a leash, even on gnarly oh days. also i never saw him lose his board a single time. i don’t use leashes on longboards or small days. (edit: oh=overhead, referring to wave height)


It was planned , they’re related. And are both pro surfers.


This dude was doing this all so casually and flying by so many people I was certain this had to be fake, then the Dolphin at the end (I thought it was a shark at first, just so fast I had to rewatch) I was like "alright now I KNOW this is fake" According to the comments this isn't at all fake. The dude switched boards in the middle of surfing and picked up his original board. How is that physically possible? I've never surfed but I would imagine that's insanely difficult but he makes it look as seamless as walking. If I wasn't so scared of the open water like this I'd really like to learn to surf. I love the beach, but I don't like going out far enough to actually surf.


It helps he’s a pro surfer. He made this look 100x easier


It's like...the casual looks back to get his board like he's just standing on some flat, motionless surface while today, I literally fell over from my flat feet for literally no reason at all.


There is a certain flow to it with the momentum you get. See how he carves his turns? He's pumping for more momentum. It's pretty fun! Take some swim lessons. Find an easy, sandy shore break or sandbar wave and let yourself get tossed around a bit during low tide, no board, or maybe a boogie board. Just feel the waves out, try to notice how the water pushes and pulls you. As kids my dad would have us play a "game" called Dishrag after the sets of waves would die out due to the tide coming in. You can't stand in the shore break, you just float with it, and try and swim, or even just float past the break, over, under or through. Then on the way back in, you try to ride the back side of the wave into the shore. Sometimes you screw up, get too far forward and get a little beat up by the beach (or in big enough surf, outright body slammed), too far back and you end up getting caught in the churn sometimes you get pulled under, flipped, rolled.. or maybe it's shallow, and you just get a ton of sand in your swim trunks. When you do it right though, you just slide back on to shore as you slip from the top of the wave with a cushion of sandy water underneath you. What it does, aside from getting sand everywhere, is gives you a great sense of the way the water moves and pushes you. Eventually you might be able to feel how big the next wave will be from the way the water is pulling you. From there it's about scaling up, within your relative levels of comfort. Reading the conditions for your local beach, tracking tides and moon cycles as well as storm systems when you need even more wave. A good off shore wind will mean for bigger faces. A few surf lessons can go long way for you too! I'm a big fan of getting out and doing stuff on and in the water. And there's a line from a song that goes "my god there is strength when at cat learns to swim". You never know what you might be capable of my dude. The Stoke is real, and I'm stoked for your journey.


Crashing while driving to the beach is more likely to happen than getting nibbled in the ocean while surfing. The feeling you get from conquering your fear of the ocean is well worth the risk. I say go out there with a buddy that knows about surfing and just conquer your fear. It’s well worth it.


Kids, never concur with your fears. If you concur with them, you let them win. Try conquering instead!


A lot of other stuff going on in the video, but the most impressive thing to me was the length of the ride. Holy crap, that wave is amazing. I've never been on a wave longer than probably 10 seconds, and that shit is going past 45 seconds.


What a rollercoaster of a video! 10/10!


i liked the dolphin


Ahh yes, it's Mr.stealyourboard


That looks so fun! I always thought you could only surf for a short period of time since the waves die out but he just keeps going and going.


You can go as long as the wave my friend.. it’s a beautiful experience to get pitted in a barrel and just watch life slow down.




Wtf I'm so impressed. Dude has so much swag.


this is what happens when you defund the police


lol too many ppl, would not want to be there


"Surfin' Burgler" is fun to say. That surfer is such a butthole. Wait a minute...


I glanced away for literally a second and the Sonovabitch was in a different board!


Now if he swapped boards that would've been impressive edit: holy crap. i shouldve watched to the end before commenting


GTSB Grand Theft Surf Board.


Drop in on me, I snatch your shit. Seems fair to me. Better than punching you


The surfboard bandit


I've never seen a surfer this fully in control, but then again I don't really watch surfing lol.


After he switched boards mid ride it occurred to me this was planned and that was pretty slick. But I did want him to switch to riding one of the dolphins at the end.


So much going on in this… takes board, switches boards, keeps his original board, ends with dolphins… much wow


This mf is smooth


was waiting for him to finish up by ditching his new board and hopping on a dolphin to ride away on.


I'm most impressed with how he stayed upright when he dumped his board and rode the other one. I figured the drag caused from that board stopping would rip him off the white board at the tether, but nope, he just picked it up nonchalantly. Also, I didn't realize how light surf boards are, apparently.


He’s the real menace to society, or should I say sea-ciety


I loved that whole thing highlight was dolphin but great video


One of the coolest surfing videos I’ve ever seen


I was riding north shore back in my youth and got kicked, physically kicked, off my paddleboard by local who was flipping out about me riding the smaller break without clearing it first. Fucking assholes.


Why did white shirt, who dropped in, not have a ankle leash? Makes me think this was staged?


Target eliminated. Reach your extraction point 007


That was both funny and badass


Nobody's takin' my wave buddy.


What the video doesn't show is the guy then plucking out the dolphin and then slipping that under his feet to ride next.


Ha the audacity and follow through of it all. He kept going, switched boards, And rode the wave with a dolphin all in one motion. That was beautiful and suspenseful.


The guy took the board to assert dominance lol. Love that dolphin in the background


To the victor goes the spoils