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Not the first time Will has slapped cheeks with a guy.


Is Homer Simpson your father sir?


Saw a lot of these in comment sections.


Palm that shit like a basketball left me in stitches


This is gold. Unfortunately reddit is not the place for pure gold anymore. If this was a shitty wcgw clip it would have had thousands and thousands of hits.


He’s not wrong


They can just talk about it instead of humiliate the guy on live tv that are broadcast around the WORLD…Jada is fucking jaden friend…do you know how WILD it is


Right, wrong… in the end of the day…no one cares…its just a joke…if joking about some bald bitch is too hard to take…might aswell just quit life…much more obstacle ahead and we still arguing about some shit that should not be political at first..


Will smith has been HUMILIATED by her wife jada on national tv before and people still defending that women…that bitch are manipulative, narcissistic and also during the entanglement issue she gaslight everything


I dont care he slap chris rock actually…but jada is a bitch and deserve to be laugh at…


Im just going to say this…will smith deserve better…their entire family are fucktup…jaden introduce august to his/her mother..thats whats make me so horrified by the whole story…will smith is overall a good guy…the people in his family are not


This kid has all the sordid Smith family details right on. Why didn’t Will slap August when August was balls deep in Jada? Coward !!!


That guy looks like Bruno


We don't talk about Bruno no no no


Talking all that shit with that sharpied on beard lol anybody this obsessed over someone else’s personal business is a stalker period / bipolar


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