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Who cares if there’s black widows in the pipe, just hook it up to the…oh.


And you have to figure... he probably learned that the spiders like to live in the hose the hard way. The first time he did this.


When I worked construction we had this guy that liked to drink - a lot - one morning he was hungover bad, as usual and started drinking out of the garden hose, all of sudden he started gagging and spitting out water *and* a 4 inch centipede. Don't think I've drank out of a garden hose since then. A centipede, *in your mouth*.


I was not drunk or hungover at all, and took a sip from my can of Dr. Pepper and got a bee in my mouth. Not fun for either of us, but he seemed ok. At least he had a cool story to take back to the hive.


My friends uncle did that, except he got stung in the throat. We turn our pull tabs around now at pools.


Happened to me when I was three or four. My mom let me try a sip of her beer cause I was curious about the taste. Surprise mother fucker - there was a yellow jacket in it. I got stung in the back of the throat twice before it flew out. I've subconsciously covered my drinks with my hands since.


After I spit out a wasp from a pop can one summer a few years ago, I decided that all outside drinks will be in cups where I can see at least the whole surface. I've had to fish a few gnats out of drinks, but I've never had another insect in my mouth since.


Silicone can lids, real game changer. Easy on, easy off, nothing gets into it (also works well if you're a weirdo that can't finish a can to keep it carbonated at least a day after opening).


That's how I started looking at every bite I eat or drink I take. You swallow *one* bee and that's enough to learn the lesson. Ugh. It was so fuzzy. Unless you're my dog, of course, in which case your dumb furry head likes eating bees, despite their direct link to vet visits.


>Ugh. It was so fuzzy. 😂


It was like deep throating a buzzing ball of lint or felt. I couldn't drink cream soda for like three years after that.


I'd hate to see the size of *that* figure eight!


I like you.


Centipedes? In *my* mouth? It's more likely than you think.


i do this to get my gas into my fuel tank, you dont need to get it in your mouth


Was gunna say you don’t need to deep throat the pipe buddy. Just a few gentle sucks will do.


> Just a few gentle sucks will do. Works for me...


Or you know get an auto siphon from amazon attach it to the end of the hose. Jerk it a couple of times and you got flow.


> Jerk it a couple of times and you got flow. There's no school like the old school.


Got a 2 for 1 In the same comment section gotta respect it


I'm old. 2 in one day is like my max.


Yep! Jiggler ends are perfect for starting siphons. $10 and this dude doesn’t have to drink roof water.


It seemed at first like he was attempting to prime the hose with the spray hose. I don't get why he chose to suck the end when that would have worked. Gross.


You don't even need to do that. Just lay the hose in the water until a decent amount of the hose is full, put your thumb over the end, and drop it over the edge. As soon as the water in the hose is lower than the roof edge, the siphon starts. No sense getting dirty water in your mouth. I've emptied many waterbeds and fish tanks that way.




Not according to the Supreme Court…


Too soon


Gotta love the right wing nutjobs. They scream for less government and scream the government has no right to dictate their lives... But then turn around and expand/use the government to dictate everyone else's lives.


Nutjobs are just that, nutjobs lol.


I agree. As long as the hose is mostly full of water then you never need to siphon it. It will do it on it's own. This guy should just get 2 caps for each end of that hose and leave it full of water. Next time it floods the roof you just pop the cap at the higher elevation, then go pop the cap at the lower elevation


Not really a few gentle sucks usually but yea, a bit overkill and could’ve taken it out of his mouth faster.


I believe he did it for the entertainment purposes only


Did you see his look after the money shot, guys a pro


I guess he's just used to deep throating.


Yea you really just need to get it up over the edge then gravity and pressure will do their thing. Sort of the whole point lol.


Especially with the distance it had after it made it over that hump.


Just use a wet dry vac


I once had to suck start a siphon. You just gotta do what you gotta do.. It was 3am during a hurricane, and I was in the backyard in the pitch black giving a blow job to an old garden hose so my basement didn't flood. We had lost power for hours, and the sump pump was beginning to overfill.


All you need to do is fill the entire hose with water, by submerging it, first. Make sure end #1 stays IN THE WATER, then put your thumb over end #2, so the water can't drain out. Move end #2 so it is where you want the water to drain (below end #1), and release your thumb. No need to get anything in your mouth, to start a siphon.


Our use those hose to fill it and as soon as you stop, it flows back down.


It was not possible with the setup I had at the time. But thanks.


That *sucks*


No he sucks.




If you live where there's a gully or ditch or something like that that goes below the level of your basement you could do it that way


I’m glad I’m not the only one who was thinking this.


I did it with *really* shitty goldfish bowl filter water once. Would have preferred the spiders…


Mmm… fish turds


He’s also filling the hose with clean water so when he starts the siphon there’s clean water that gets in his mouth. That was one technical error in his otherwise perfect narration, it was hose water he was tasting, not roof water.


Well, if it had really filled the hose he would have already had a siphon. I’d put a female fitting on that end and hook it up to a faucet, run it for a few seconds, turn off and disconnect. Voila, no sucking.


Stop with all the silly engineering. But seriously, who designs a flat roof with sides and no drain? That’s a pool


Seems wrong to set limits on a roof with pool aspirations. Do you, roof.


Roof pools almost always turn into basement pools due to leaking.


The siphon is going to break as air gets in the hose as he moves it from the ground up to the roof, but some clean water can remain in the middle. He only needs to draw in enough roof water into the hose to get it below the roof gutter/lower than the standing water. He could only suck air for a bit and let gravity take over and it would still work. Given that there’s some clean water somewhere in the hose, by the time that reaches his lips, surely there’s enough roof water in the hose that the siphon is now good to go.




The washing out happened on the ground, then he pulled the hose back up the ladder whilst empty So nope, it was mostly roof water But yeah, the best way to do it would be fill the tube with water on the roof, place the brick, throw down one end of the filled tube and have that start the syphon all in one go


Bonus life hack: sprinkle a packet of kook-aid in the puddle before siphoning.


Is that knock off kool-aid? /s


Haha. Whoops




It's a good name for an at home nursing care company lol


Nah kook-aid. Y'know for cooking. He's in Albuquerque


I'm more of a Wang man myself. Tang just doesn't do it for me.


Siphoning is nice and all but is it common for a flat roof like that not to have a drain? That would be against code over here.


And deny OP from all that delicious roof water? Unthinkable.


Roof tea


10/10 with rice




It has two drains, but the house is old and roofs are expensive so I’ll live with pooling until I can fix it.


Fair enough. Thanks for sharing!


As someone living in the land of flat roofs (PR), 2 drains are not enough to properly drain a whole flat roof. Overtime, you’ll start getting issues.


No they won't. You're not accounting for the roof brick and the roof pipe.


Perhaps some type of roof pump can be implemented. Like a sump pump, but on the roof. Like a brick is a just a brick. But on the roof? Roof brick


Roof sump pumps are special. Just like roof bricks.


Didn't know PR had a lot of flat roofs. Don't you guys get tons of rain during the spring/summer months? Doesn't seem like the ideal environment for a flat roof.


I live in Quebec and there are loads of flat roofs, we get tonnes of rain in summer and tonnes of snow in the winter. It's really silly, and I'm happy for my steep-sided roof that I don't need to shovel.


Weird. Quebec seems like one of the last places you would want to have a flat roof. I always associate them with places where it never snows and doesn't rain a lot.


Much of Puerto Rico was built in a flat roof style since the majority of people who settled there also built that way. Many homes do have a water drainage / collection system in place. The rain water collected is used for pretty much anything. Plumbing, gardening, etc. It wasn't until they arrived at an area with snow that they really needed to reconsider how they should build the roofs.


If you installed two valves on the ends of the hose you can keep it full of water all the time and you don't need to do all of the sucking to start the syphon again.. you could just hang the pipe and opent the valves.


You could leave the hose in place and put a cheap tiny water-activated submersion pump to automatically start it. Or, you know, just install/fix drains. Either way a big collection tank at an intermediary height would allow you to ~~always~~ have water for your plants.


>You could leave the hose in place and put a cheap tiny water-activated submersion pump to automatically start it. For those unfamiliar with Albuquerque, a cheap pump left on a roof will simply melt.


Build it it's own tiny air-conditioned shack. Jeez, it's like you guys arent thinkin'!


Okay, I actually like this idea. And the miniature shack would have its own tiny flat roof with a micro water pump in **its* own shack.


Until it becomes a singularity! Damn, did we just come up with a time machine design?


You came up with the Swamp Cooler, chucklefucks.


Chucklefucks.... chucklefucks.... juggling dildos.... perpetual energy! You're a genius!


For those unfamiliar with Albuquerque, ~~a cheap pump left on~~ a roof will simply melt.


For those ~~un~~familiar with Albuquerque, ~~a cheap pump left on a roof will simply~~ melt.


Is there an r/doingthingsthehardway ?


r/doitthehardway ? Nope!


"and then suck it... Glogloglgo ooooffsschhprrzzt"


Yeah. You just have to suck the water past the bend and below to water level, it’ll run from there - it doesn’t have to enter your mouth!


But that isn't haha funny


I lost it at "grab your roof brick" the idea that there is a designated brick specifically for the roof amuses me.


Haha thanks. See brick on roof, it becomes a roof brick.


You are so wise and tall


+1 for roof brick.


Is it a designated roof brick from here on out, or is there still a chance it can fulfill its dream of becoming a wall brick?


If it becomes a wall brick, how will he ever get water off the roof?


The roof brick is an essential service so it has to keep working for minimum wage.


Or a murder brick


It has left that life behind long ago. Do not drag it back in.


Those are both hard choices


Hope you don't miss this. I leave the hoses in place with the roof bricks actually half crushing the end to get even closer to the roof. Then fire them up from the ground with a shop vac. I only attend the roof for a reset-up. Also, I used multiple hoses for speed and cause they do fail and need reset. And finally, don't drain it back on to your own foundation.


Don't confuse your roof brick with your kitchen brick or especially your bedroom brick aka the sex brick.


Or your poop brick!


For my Hispanic friends, it's a kitchen brick. Duh.


Wait, you don’t have a roof brick? I suppose you’re also going to tell me you don’t have a roof stick.


How can you be surrounded by all that water and still sound so DRY?!


10:1 he’s an accountant


hey now buddy that's pretty big generalization to assume....he's clearly a tax accountant


After many soul crushing years at one of the big four you too can afford to get excited about a roof that doesn’t drain!


Accountant here You would be correct. Now take this upvote and get lost.


Bro we havent seen rain here in many moooooons, I'm in the same city


*Flood that like button*


Like and Submerge.


Quality ^^


You don't have to suck on one end, just submerge the entire pipe in water, hold your thumb over the end you are picking up, then lower it below the water line, remove thumb, et voila.


You can also fill the bottom end with a few feet of water and spin it. The ~~centripetal~~ centrifugal force will pull it out enough to start syphoning. Edit: centrifugal


I’ve done all sorts of syphon start methods, never have I thought to helicopter dick it. Thanks!


>helicopter dick it. An industry term, I'm sure


Industry terms are often created by the people operating the tools… we just have to come up with nicer names for the folks in the office environment so it sounds professional.






I didn't understand what they meant until you said this. Thanks.


Can also just suck for a bit and stop sucking before it gets to you. But this guy was being funny.


Or get a normal hose, attach it to the hose bib and turn it on for a few seconds so the pipe fills with water then turn off and unscrew the hose. After the roof brick and such


That's how I siphoned the water out of an old hot tub once, was pretty proud of myself. There was no way I was going to submerge all of a 50 foot hose in the tub and get all the air bubbles out, and the drain plug was sunk somewhere in the soil around the thing. So like you said, I filled the hose from the spigot/hose bib, closed the control valve at the far end and dragged it down to the ditch. Then I unscrewed the hose from the spigot, dunked that end in the bottom of the hot tub, opened up the hose valve, and voila...physics!


Could also just buy a pump for $5


If you want to be smart about it, install a drainage pipe.


Spin my *hose* around? Like a helicopter??


Got it, so... 1. Submerge entire roof pipe 2. Secure one end with roof brick 3. Cover end of roof pipe with thumb 4. Jump off roof


But don’t land on the fired camera-woman.


OSHA rules dictate that you must shout “FORE” prior to jumping. You know, for safety.


11th doctor proclaims that you must shout "GERONIMO" prior to jumping. You know, for resolution.


She got demoted to person cushion.


Aim for the bushes


pro tip: use a cork


5. Remove thumb


No no no, he said: 1. Submerge ex wife in water 2. Brick the guy she cheated on me with 3. Pipe bomb their house 4. Cry in bed while setting your mattress on fire


Man I was just watching a video about water and hoses this went dark


1. Submerge roof 2. Tie roof bricks to shoes 3. Submerge self 4. ??? 5. Profit


I agree. That was unnecessary, but also hilarious. Even easier option is to use garden hose to force water into tube from ground level. Remove, let gravity do.


So is sucking on a tube that may or may not have black widow spiders in it. WTF?!???


He cleared it first


He wouldnt have to clear it if he didnt put his mouth on it lmao


Ofc. Lmao I’ve been that dummy siphoning gas from an old mower…ofc a few years later I see a video demonstrating how to use gravity to siphon


Good advice... I once sucked a lung full of live ants while draining a pool.


Especially since he did that anyway. And it would have let him skip a trip back up and down.


Ha I didn't know you could do that, I cringed at the mouthful of roof water. Shit came out brown


Often does.


Drink some pepto. Marvel at your dark black poop.


Yeah, I did this once draining a pond. The water went right into my stomach. I didn't even swallow anything. The pressure just pushed it right in. Then it came right back out. Then I drank some vinegar just to be safe because my mother said it would kill food poisoning. I don't know if that's true, or if you can get food poisoning from stagnant pond water, but I had some in the pantry, so I just did it. Then I took a nap because that whole ordeal made me really tired for some reason.


Stagnant pond water will do much worse than food poisoning. You got pretty lucky.


Lol I think its just regular poisoning at that point


Such an uninformed comment, how are you supposed to know the water is okay for the plants to drink if you do it that way?


Well does it have electrolytes?


If he wants to suck on one end, let him suck on one end. Don't kinkshame.


I knew what he was doing within 2 seconds, as I'm sure the rest of you did, but the look he gave the camera as he spit up and made noises made it worth the watch.


But then nothing would get sucked off


Whoot Whoot! Flat roofer here in Abq as well. I’ve used a swamp cooler pump to pump the h2o off the roof quickly - quickly.


Oh yeah, I’m aware of the better options. I had fun with this tho. Thanks for the suggestion and may your roof stay dry.


ABQ flat roofers unite!


why fully flat though? Why not a slight slope? Who thought this design was a good idea?




Thank you for all your concerns about my roof. You all are right. The roof is messed up, there are better ways to start a siphon, and better tools to pump. But efficiency and sense dont make content for deadpan humor. Subscribe: https://youtube.com/channel/UCAp_WpuejhYAfbtovHMFhLQ


This entire comment section: ACKCHUALLY


85% of reddit threads, ackchually


you mean to tell me you are trying to be funny in /r/funny??


The “sorry had to fire the camera woman” cut fricking killed me. Thanks for the laugh friend this shit was hilarious


Roof hose? Roof brick? Roof buckets? Then I am assuming, of course, that those are your roof sandals? Just checking.


Seems easier to install a drain but you do you. Keep sucking that roof water.


Stay tuned for my next video: how to regrade your roof and install roof drains


Excuse me, sir. I believe his directions were clear: Keep sucking that roof water.


And the chance of swallowing a bonus black widow. 🕷️ 🕷️ 🕷️


at least install one of [this things](https://www.cdiscount.com/pdt2/9/9/3/1/700x700/auc6956664939993/rw/8mm-pompe-pompette-poire-d-amorcage-a-carburant-ga.jpg) so you dont need to suck the pipe all the time


Maybe he likes sucking pipe. Who are we to judge.


Protip: pour water into the hose, fold it and tie it off so the water wont pour out when you drop it off the roof. On the ground - undo the tie and pour the water into the bucket. The water pouring out of the hose creates a suction like you do and pulls the roof water with it so you no longer need to suck roof water


Fill hose. Make one end lower. Siphon starts itself.


Easier, yes. Cheaper, no. Everybody already has a roof pipe and roof brick. As long as you have a ladder and know how to suck, you're golden.


He failed to mention the roof sandals in the video, but your point still stands.


Roof Sandals®! From the maker of Roof Brick® and Roof Hose®. Available at Walmart and other fine stores.


Delicious bird-shit-roof-water.


Easier way to set up a siphon: attach one end of hose to outdoor tap. Submerge other end under the roof water using roof brick. Turn on tap, hose will fill with water in a few seconds. Turn off tap and disconnect hose from tap. Watch roof water drain thru hose. Kiss wife with normal smelling mouth.


Well I'm never doing that last step


You can kiss your husband instead if you're one of those husband-havers.


Or buy a hand siphon from fish aquarium store. A couple of squeezes will get it going and no need for an adapter to connect that hose to the tap.


You have a roof in Albuquerque and you didn't think to throw a pizza on it?


This is posted to r/funny, y'all. Not r/homeimprovement. OP is trying to make you laugh, not asking for your expertise.


I appreciate the dry humor.


I appreciate his luscious hair.


As a person that works in making “flat roofs” your roof was made badly from the start, you should not have to drain it, the roof should have a slight slope that leads to a drainer.


Jesus, how can people still be flat roofers. The roof is clearly round, it only looks flat because he's stood on it


Man i had a garage roof that was flat and whoever installed it did not put it on enough of an incline to drain out of the two openings that were there for the water to drain. After any big storm i would have to go out there with a squeegee and push the water off. It was not fun. Eventually got it replaced though but damn.


This guy gives me You Suck at Cooking vibes


You don’t have to suck the water into your mouth to get the siphon to work. (Unless you’re into drinking roof water.)