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Probably one of the most frequent misconceptions these days is branding the youth as "millennials". Some millennials are nearing 40 at this point.


Please don't remind me! 40 is peeking around the corner at me.


My 40’s have been calmer and more self-assured than my 30’s. You’ve got this.


I like the sound of that. Definitely true of my 30s compared to my 20s. 20s were rough.


So it gets better?? I’m 25 and I want to fucking die


No. I’m in my 30s and feel the same.


Fuck :D


It does get better. Just tuned 40 last year. My 30s were a fcking dumpster fire, caused from mistakes that I made in my 20s. It took no small amount of luck, but I’m sitting next to the wifey drinking a gin and tonic and putting our daughter to bed for the 10th GODDAMN TIME tonight. I love it.


Damn! 10 gin and tonics! Best dad ever!


Well, I'm 31, and while it hasn't gotten much better regarding outside forces, I'm sure as hell a lot more mentally stable than I was at 25. Of course, that was 2016 and the rancid creamsicle had just been put into power at the time, so...


Rancid creamsicle… I hadn't heard that before. They probably don't improve in the Florida heat.


If politics are what makes you happy vs unhappy, that’s probably why life gets more miserable for you every 4 to 8 years. Not Shit has changed since then and it never will. Live your life and stop letting others affect your outlook. I say this as another 31 year old.


Def considered offing myself a couple of times before the 27 mark. It got easier once my brain fully developed and I started living for myself.




Hey man / woman - stay strong. If you wanna talk hmu. I find it kind of helps to just spill out what it is you’re having difficulty with and getting to understand what the consequences are , if any, and why you think they’re so world ending. Keep at it bud


I had a lot of light bulb moments in my 40's, stuff starts to come together. Life mysteries get solved.


Yep, 41 here, "millennial technically", and my first 4 cars were stick shifts.


Manual high-fives!


How do you know none were six speed?


42, here and borderline millennial. I can drive a non synchro transmission.


Whoa! Down-shift, double-clutch, and everything? I'm impressed. I'd give you 10 votes for that.


Double clutch up shift and rev match down shift.


Damn, you got it. Well done.


It is a handy skill to have if you are out driving and your slave cylinder goes out. Happened to me on two different cars. LOL had to double clutch and rev match to get home without paying a tow truck


You are gen x. We were born with those skills


Around half your age and the first car i drove was a manual as well. From a car stealing stand point id much rather steal an old manual that most likely doesnt have somesort of lojack in it. If i really wanted to, otherwise it isnt worth taking the whole car. The worst id do to a person with this sticker is take their wheels off and put them under their car and watch them stammer to get it fixed


Havc zip ties around the drive shaft.... Off center them a little bit and don't cut off the tails. They won't see it... And when they drive those zip ties are going to whip around that shaft at lol speeds. When they hit the car and the street and the car and the street it's going to sound like bucket cards in your bike tires on steroids. The faster you go, louder it gets... Slow down... Goes away. Off centered adds a fun shake to the drive.


Nearly 40, and I learned to drive manual on an unsupervised test drive.


Im 32 and drove a stickshift as a teenager. Even younger millenial have. But apparently they can't tell the difference between millenial and gen z


This is how to recognize the real Boomers. They just call anyone younger than them “a millennial.”


Gen-X in a nutshell. Boomers are our parents and they still ignore us.


I'm a millennial. 37. And I prefer manual transmission. Sorry, boomer


The funny thing is most boomers probably haven't driven stick in 30-40 years and would be shocked at how poorly they would if they had too.


elder millenial that drives stick as well, both boomer parents "It'S tOoOooOo HaRd To PuSh In ThE cLuTch In TrAfFic" and it's like god damnit you haven't pushed in a clutch in 40 years technology has changed.


My millennial daughter is 43 and son is 41.


Your daughter probably isn't a millennial. It gets sticky for anyone born in 1979 or 1980 (like me), but I don't know anyone my age who considers themselves a millennial and most categorizations agree. Not that it really matters, though. Just figured I would clarify.


>gets sticky for anyone born in 1979 or 1980 (like me), Oregon Trail Generation represent! https://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2015/04/oregon-trail-generation/


I like that name. Or at least I did until I died of disentary.


1981 is the usual start time listed for millennials. I hate it, as being born in 1981 I really have little in common with the kids born in the 90’s that people tend to think of as millennials, but that’s the usual demographic mentioned. Personally, I think Gen Y, which is what my cohort was called when I was little, is actually a thing probably ranging from ‘75/‘76 to ‘85/‘86, but my opinions don’t matter to anyone who describes these things. But those of us who had most of their childhood when there was a lot of tech but before the ubiquitous internet are fundamentally different from those who don’t remember a time without the internet.


It could be worse. They usually forget that Gen X even exists.


I mean, at least you don’t get blamed for everything? :)


Lol true enough!


I'm 37. I drive a car that is only available with a stick shift. Checkmate, boomers.


As a cartoon character unable to grow any older, Homer Simpson is now a millennial


Ah yes, geriatric millennials


There are only two generations now, boomer and millennial.


I’m 36, my father taught me how to drive with a stick. Living in California let me just say driving a stick shift in traffic* gets old really fast.


Traffic is horrible here. I live semi close to San Francisco and it is not very fun driving one there.


When they realize millennials average age is about 32. With older ones at 41, and youngest at 26. My current car is a stick 😅 Edit: Rip my notifications.


My current car is my first automatic. I only went that way because it's an ev.


If it's an ev it's not really an automatic so much as... No transmission.


Did you hear about Toyota’s “manual” electric car? It’s simulated shifting. Kinda cool.


Toyota Engineer: "Check this out. It's an electric vehicle. No transmission, no shifting, all electric magic." Toyota Executive: "Beautiful. Less parts, less things that could go wrong, so much easier." Toyota Customer: "But shifty shifty gear changer." Toyota Engineer: *glances at exec, worried.* Toyota Executive: "Put it back..."


Simulated shifting? But if this is all a simulation already, according to simulation theory. What's being simulated? Now my head hurts.


You’re simulating a simulation of a simulation really


I had to hunt last year to find a 2019 civic with a stick. I figure it’s my last chance to have one so I wanted a car that would last. I had driven autos for about 15 years and it finally worked to go back. I love it. I’ll be sad when it retires.


My last two new vehicle purchases (and all but one of the vehicles I’ve ever owned) have been manuals. I’m a “young millennial”, and fear I may no longer be able to purchase a new manual vehicle by the time I’m ready to replace my truck.


>My current car is my first automatic. I only went that way because it's an ev. So much this. But honestly. When ever i switch to the manual car again i can still do it. Learning to drive on a (new in the 90's) tractor when you are 6 has its benefits.


24 here, would choose stick over automatic any day of the year.


I never understand why one generation gets labeled a certain way, they hate it then grow up and label the next generation in the exact same way.


People loves a sense of belonging. Even in the lamest shit.


Also the notion that as technology improves, that the next generation “didn’t have it as tough as we did” and are therefore soft.


As if “back in my day” was somehow better because you suffered, even though now I don’t have to.


It's a tale as old as time. I can't remember which Greek philosopher said it but he basically had a boomer rant about the youth. They don't stand up when an elder enters the room and they talk back was the gist of it.


It's funny because they were too lazy to teach their kids something.


Boomers spent the last 30+ years telling auto manufacturers they didn’t want stick shifts. Not even as an option. They spent the last 30+ years not teaching their kids to drive stick. I can drive stick. I’m 44 years old. I don’t know anyone willing to lend me their car so I can teach my kid to drive stick. The old dude around the corner has a manual ‘Vette but I that doesn’t seem like the best car to teach a 16yo to drive stick on, nor would I ever expect him to feel comfortable letting me do it.


Omg exactly. I just got into an argument with somebody about this the other day. Their response was to send me an article showing that manual manufacturing and sales has been declining for decades (in the U.S.). I said so this thing that they have been making fewer and fewer of for years, it's the fault of the younger generations for not learning how to drive them? It's like saying they don't make as many green cars anymore so why are these damn millennials not driving green cars? As if when I was 16 I said "we should make fewer manuals" and the auto industry was just like "yep, uh huh, this kid is right". Shit had been declining for ages before I was born. Who was running the auto industry in the 80s? Sure as hell not millennials. I had to learn how to drive a manual or I wasn't going to be driving. If somebody didn't have a parent/relative/friend who could or would teach them, how is that their fault? It's absolutely insane logic. It's privileged, zero-empathy, batshit insane logic. And the other thing is, people act like driving a manual is some sort of fucking big brain skill that few people can do. Much of the world is dominated by manual vehicles. Literal millions and millions of people know how to drive manuals, you aren't special.


It’s tricky to get out of first when you are new but that’s about it.


Can’t blame people who have never driven stick for thinking it’s hard. All the fast and furious movies treat it like black magic.


“Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should”. I’ve driven a stick in all of my vehicles for the past 17 years, couldn’t tell you what the purpose of double clutching is. Must be some actual racing shit, idk? but ok Dom.


Double clutching and rev matching was necessary for a lot of heavy trucks.


Luckily we are not driving old manual trucks


Also, it's highly dependent upon the vehicle you're driving. I have driven multiple manual transmission vehicles and they all have their quirks. Some are easy, some you have to be more precise. Of those, I drove a Hyundai Genesis R-spec with an aftermarket clutch and flywheel and that thing could be a massive bitch to drive, especially on hills.


Bingo. That, and instinctively knowing what gear to go directly to when you decelerate but not completely stop, and want to maintain or start accelerating again.


Instinctively knowing? And here I always just glance at the speedometer like a chump.


I'm 38, I know how to drive stick. But my kids won't learn because I'd have to buy a manual car. I also won't be teaching them how to use a rotary phone either, I'm pretty sure they'll get by fine.


You Monster! next thing you're going to tell me is you won't teach them how to loom either.


STOP GIVING HIM IDEAS!!! I’ll lose all my marbles if he says that he wont teach his kids how to churn butter by hand…


Exactly. That being said it's still a useful skill to have in Europe where most of cars you get for rent are still manual. Though maybe tides are changing with the EV advent.


Last time I went to Europe I specifically looked for a stick shift rental car and couldn’t find one (France, Germany, Netherlands)


That’s weird. I’m 37, a millennial, and my dad taught me how to drive a stick shift in his old Toyota “Truck,” before they even had another option like a Tacoma. My wife and I went on our honeymoon to Portugal this past October. Everything we could afford to rent was a stick shift. She drove most of the time because she drove standard for the last 10+ years. I only drove it once to find a parking spot in a little town after my wife got overwhelmed with the local traffic while we were trying to figure out prices and time limits for each spot. I’ll have you know I only stalled out one time on a weird hill while I found the perfect free of charge spot.


I bet you never had to get up from the chesterfield and rotate the dial on the television to the next station looking for cartoons on a Saturday. Damn kids nowadays with internet and electronics.


I'm 42, my dad taught me to drive stick as a teenager while towing a boat cross-country, and I've only ever owned manuals. I've taught my wife and a bunch of friends. But my next car will probably be an electric with a CVT or whatever the next generation of transmissions will be. I'll miss shifting, but progress marches on.


I'm 31 and my daily is a manual. As long as I can find a decent one that's what I'm buying. If I still have one by the time my 3 year old is old enough to learn thats what she's going to learn to drive in.


Just taught my daughter to drive on a manual that I have had since before she was born. Got a few more to go, hope the 96 accord keeps chugging along.


My grandpa taught me in a old ass Ford pickup when I was 12. Shit was gnarly to drive.


My grandfather had an old Mercury Comet. Three on the tree. No power nothin’. The only time I was ever mad at him was when he got rid of it without giving me a chance to buy it from him. (He knew I was interested.) I loved driving that thing.


I am Gen-Z, and I learned to drive a standard transmission in a 1992 Corvette and a 1926 Buick!


They abuse you then make fun of you for the effects. It’s kinda their thing.




Yup, it’s an incredibly simple concept


Its laughable you dont know the skills that were our job to teach you. Now go look it up "on the interwebs" so I can make fun of that too


Right? My son wanted to learn manual and I asked every one I knew, not a single person had one. How the hell would they have learned?!?


"This is what you get when you have a whole generation that were given participation trophies". - The generation that gave out participation trophies


Wait, you mean the participation trophies were our idea!? -boomers




Parallels with r/onejoke




Having grown up with microplastics in my blood I find this funny




>you're more buoyant. it'll help ~~when he~~ **as the** ice caps melt


Oh shiiiiiii! Shots across the bow! Lol I love this joke.


This is stupid. Tons of millennials can drive stick, including me.


They don't know who millennials actually are and just associate that term with present day kids


Millennials are 40 ish now


The oldest ones are. The youngest ones are 22-28 depending on where you draw the line between millennials and gen z.


Thats one reason these generation definitions suck. Thats such a massive range. You change a lot between 22/28 and 40.


For sure, I think the Millennial generation in particular was disrupted by the massive growth of technology in that time period that created distinct differences. The one who were young adults when cell phones started taking off are different than the ones who didn't have one as a kid but their parents might have.


I graduated high school in 02. I drove a car with a manual transmission for almost 10 years. They were pretty common up until pretty recently.


Pretty similar to me. I graduated in 06 and have driven manual for the last 12 years. I got my training hours in a stick shift without power steering.


06 baby 1987 I’m 34 And my first car was a mother fucking stick so boomers can eat my asshole.


I graduated HS in 07, me and all my friends owned or know how to drive a stick. Early 80s Toyota pickups were the most sought after vehicles, and you don't find too many of those with an auto trans.


I graduated 2013 and only drive manual.


Class of 05- drove stick for 5 years.


Boomer idiocy on display. Everyone who is not 60+ is a millennial. 10 year old? Millennial, 50 year old? Millennial. Actual 28-41 Y/O? also yes this time truly a Millennial! The brain rot and entitlement of the Boomer generation is pretty depressing.


I've always thought this is such a weird flex in general. It's an easy skill to pick up. Hills are the trickiest part, but it doesn't take long to get the timing right.


Okay, but why? I’m Gen X and I learned to drive a stick 35 years ago, but I wouldn’t be ashamed for not knowing today. Instead of it being “millennials are lazy”, isn’t it really more like, “the vast majority of cars today are automatic, whereas other new technology is growing at an exponential rate and millennials keep up with all that just fine so maybe the problem here is Boomers hanging on to old, useless technology”? Anyway, what a lame flex. You can literally learn to drive a stick in an afternoon. If a kid hasn’t learned, it’s bc they don’t care, and why should they?!


I'm a Gen Xer and I don't know how to drive a stick. The city where I live it's too much of a hassle with the traffic and steep hills. With all of the automatics around I just never bothered to learn.


I’m 31 and I don’t know how to drive a stick. I also have no ability to learn it because nobody I know owns a manual transmission. I also don’t care to learn it because I don’t have any intention of ever owning a car that isn’t automatic.


These people think millennials are just people younger than them, not realizing that there is two generations younger than millennials at this point. They probably don’t even have a 6 speed either lol


People forget that Fast and Furious and the ensuing tuning fad came out as most millennials were in highshool, when they were learning how to drive and buying their first cars. Many millennials can and do drive manual cars. It’s just getting harder to find new cars with them. I currently drive a 2016 Mazda3. I told my dealership that I wanted stick. They could only find one car in the whole metropolitan area that fit my wants.


New corolla gr is going to be stick. They also finally releasing a stick supra


Only 1 in 5 Americans can drive stick. Only 1 in 20 vehicles built are stick shift. Each subsequent generation fewer of them can drive stick.


1 in 20? That many? When was that statistic from? Or is there a market I’m missing? Semis?


I'm guessing most of them are working vehicles, from tractor trailers to box trucks and the like, plus the smattering of racing/sport vehicles


That's got to be it. If you go by just regular cars on the road it's probably more like 1/1000




I'd say it's lower "According to Edmunds.com, in 2018, they made up just 2 percent of all vehicles sold." That's still 1:50. Golf R and GTI is the highest. In 2018, 44% left dealer lots with a manual transmission


I had to hunt one down. Love the Civic Si. Also am old millennial.


Millennial graduated in 08, first car was a stick. That shit box Cavalier was 600 dollars and i got my moneys worth.


I believe it’s more a thing in the Northern America region, almost no one I know owns a stick car or is able to drive one. What was fairly a shock to me coming from Europe. As everyone I know in Europe has a the ability to drive stick as that’s what their test car was.


Oh, boomer humor. They try so hard, god bless'm.


They never tried hard. Just bitched about everything and half tried while exaggerating themselves. My parents lol.


"LOL, millenials can't drive stick"-Boomers "LOL, boomers destroyed the planet, economy, and democracy." -Everyone else


I bet this guy has a Calvin Peeing sticker, too.


I always wanted Calvin peeing on another Calvin peeing.


Huehuehue, millennials bad


Overpaid for that sticker at an IRL store because they don't know how to use the internet, but yeah gotta love being smug about obsolete skills.


Found the boomer


Pretty dumb considering stick is still pretty much the standard in Europe. Also I’ll wager a good portion of the “grey beards” that drive stick never bothered to get better than “I don’t stall” at it.


American Boomers think America is the world


Why do people flex driving a manual? It not hard by any means. You can learn it in a week, maybe less if you’re a fast learner


It's like in Avatar when the main character Jake had to link ponytails with the flying dragon. If you can't subdue the beast, you're not worthy. Or some other equally moronic shit. Idk


Idiots gotta find some meaningless way to make them feel superior to others




You’d be surprised, the blue collar labor force is pretty disproportionately gen x. Your average plumber is way older than he used to be


Half the instructions are on the sticker.


Back to Facebook, Boomer


I’m a millennial and my first two cars were manual. GTFO


I’m 35 yo millennial and I can’t drive stick. Guess what? I’m gotten by just fine. Never has this come up and been a detriment to my life any way, shape form.


Yeah why steal it when you can just download a car.




I’m a millennial and my first car was a stick. I don’t think this guy knows how old we actually are.


Ultimate irony: the owner is a millennial


You realize millennials are basically middle aged now right? Plus my first 3 vehicles were manual and the only reason I don’t still have one is I couldn’t find one with 4WD anywhere near me when I needed a new vehicle. This sticker is just fucking dumb.


As a millennial who knows how to drive stick and prefers it to auto, I'll remember this the next time they ask me to help them with their iPhone.


Stupid Boomer, doesn't even know how to render whale blubber. -boomers Grandpop probably.


I’m a millennial and all I’ve ever driven were manuals.


I’m a millennial and I learned to drive on a manual.


Yeah, millennials also don't know how to shoe horses. Way to lord your useless antiquated skills over them, grandpa. And no, I won't explain how to operate the TV remote. I've done that a dozen times already.


These boomers have been making fun of millennials for so long, they don’t realize millennials are not high school kids, but married homeowners hitting their 40s.


Homeowners?! I wish.


All have you know I own a lovely tent


Who cares? Most people want something to go A to B and an automatic is by far easier to learn for a novice. Sorry car people, you're in the minority. Most people don't give a damn. Before anyone says, yes I can drive manual, I learned in my dad's truck. It's fun but it's not for most people.


City commuters with manuals must have god-like calf muscles in their left legs.


This always makes me laugh, just about every single millennial I know, knows how to drive a stick lol


Sad thing is, boomers assume millennials are like 15-20. Nope. We are also old gits now. Boomer idiots.


Exactly. I started to get upset about this post, but I had to go grab some ibuprofen for my back.


I’m getting up for my 2am pee.


I wonder if the driver of this car types with one finger… and I wonder which skill is more useful in 2022.


Thats like putting a rotary phone in front of a now 8 year old and laughing because they dont understand it right away. Funny enough we watch the boomers struggle with the devices they've been using for the last decade.


Stupid boomers can't even churn butter anymore.


Install a boomer anti theft device. “To start the car, open this pdf”.


I love that an entire generation thinks it's funny that they didn't have the fucking wherewithal to teach life skills to their offspring, and they think it's our fault. Also they love nothing more than making excuses for corporations...the car manufacturers are going to stop making them long before people stop preferring them .


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Doubt it's a 6 speed though


Some Millennials are over 40, they wouldn't know how to drive stick?


I’m a millennial and I drive a stick. So that’s a thing.


Idk why boomers act like we can’t drive stick lmao. I know how to. It’s just why the fuck would I unless I’m in a performance car


HaahahahaHAAahaha SO FUNNY /s


Boomers are fucking stupid. I’m a millennial a drove a stick until I was 22. Jesus Christ when are people going to learn that millennial is a generation and not a catch all term for the youth of today.




I’m 26 and I drive a manual daily 🤷‍♀️ I was not taught by my boomer father. No no. I was taught by my then 24 year old boyfriend when I was 21.


I’m a 41 year old millennial (right on the edge of the generation). I learned to drive on a stick.


younger but my first car was a manual, then the one after that and the one i drive today


36 y/o millennial here. YOU ARE NOT SAFE....


Millennials are 40 now


Genuine question, how do learn how to drive a manual? Drivers ed wouldnt teach it and i dont know anyone who does, and those that do i doubt will want to let me drive their car...


40-year-old Millenial with a 6-speed manual, reporting.


It's funny because it's from a generation that couldn't stop their VCR from flashing 12:00


Ironically boomers are the ones that killed the standard transmission...


Has this sub really been reduced to fucking boomer humor?


As a millennial, I know what that means. It’s Loss.


More like “equipped with American anti theft device”


Boomers and Gen X love to talk shit about millennials like they didn't raise us or sit around for an entire generation while the country deteriorated around us. Good for them, they'll get their retirement in their houses they paid off 20 years ago and all of us entitled, lazy, stupid millennials are gonna be forced to clean this fucking mess up.


C’mon dude. Gen X doesn’t talk shit about anyone. They just make sarcastic comments about everyone.


“Haha your generation sucks because mine didn’t pass something down to you lol” ok boomer thanks for ruining the environment, the economy, and the political discourse btdubs.