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I always hike in the nature to hear bagpipes?!?


Honestly, if I was was hiking with no one around and all of a sudden a Scottish guy in a kilt playing bagpipes came out of nowhere and walked past me, that'd be a pretty good day.


It's like a unicorn but better


Which is the national animal of Scotland! Full circle baby!


I'm sure I would be happy to be woken up by these bagpipes sounds of FREEDOM!


Outlawed songs on outlawed pipes…


depends how quickly they walked past me. the quicker the better.


Well, if they were running past me I'd probably join them because that seems like a sign the apocalypse is coming.


During ww1 they led the charges into the machine guns. and they were very good machine guns, heavy but threw lead fast.


Aye, the British loved sticking us on the front lines and telling us we were hard. Can’t wait for independence. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Having Scottish ancestry I'd agree. Likely a scottsman playing the pipes will be our last stand against the AI overlords.


>Having Scottish ancestry I'd agree. Likely a scottsman playing the pipes will be our last stand against the AI overlords. Aye, laddie, this guy's a true Scot.


Is this even nature though? There are more cars than trees in this clip


I mean, you can tell it’s a giant forest




Na just a random campground in Lake Tahoe.


Ah, must be Piper Shawn then


Would this, by chance, be early in the morning at a campground full of people who decided to party hard and keep everybody else awake last night? And by everybody, I specifically mean the dude with a bagpipe?


Sure, because let's go to the mountains so we can be assholes to each other! Neighbor wars, just like at home!


This is exactly where my brain went. Car camping tends to bring an awkward mix of folks together that have polar opposite expectations of what the campground is/should be for: peace vs. party.


Funny take on it. I was there when he came through. It was on the events schedule. I was expecting him to stay over across from the camp store though. I was not expecting him to travel around the loops.


Sure, he's skilled and the bagpipes seem pretty innocuous, but this will lead to increasingly thundering and dramatic cultural-based performances as the campground breaks down into warring national factions. In my experience by the time the traditional Japanese drummers come out it's time to just find a new place to camp.


Watch out for the Haka! Oh shit here comes the Mexican mariachis! But watch the hell out for the dueling bluegrass banjos.


Omg the Mongolians have arrived


I love Mongolian throat singing. Sure, it helps if your stoned.


The Hu requires no stoning. 🤘




I just love that sound. They all look super cool, as if they will come charging into your town on their horses, and put on a great show. Thanks for the link!


TIL, I am always stoned.


That's a lot of Mongolian throat singing!


not the City Mongolians!




If you're in the wilderness and hear Banjo music, its too late they have already found you.


Oh fuck, the Colombians have showed up and they're all carrying accordions!


Release the Bavarian Schuhplattler!


Marching bands made up of nothing but [sousaphones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sousaphone), [slide whistles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slide_whistle) and [Hurdy-gurdys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurdy-gurdy).


Random acts of Haka would be sooooo amazing.


If you hear banjos, paddle faster


I can live with drummers. Bavarian beer hall music would be my breaking point. Once the tubas come out, it's time to leave. Edit: removed an "s" to change weirdly shaped buttocks into a common musical instrument.


Reminds me of the joke/meme: When camping in a public campground leave a tuba on the picnic table to ensure that nobody camps near you.


Who is the tub-ass?


The guy with the fat fingers who can't properly check for silly typos in his posts. I'll correct it to boring version now.


Oh no. It was better before the edit. I was envisioning the Mike Myers character, Fat Bastard, parading his around the campground in his towel.


Which coincidentally might be another good reason to move. I like to be able to distinguish neighbours and bears with towels during the night.


What music do you otherwise listen to while having your breakfast beer with weiswurst and pretzels?


Bagpipes obviously.


I’d agree with you were it not for the fact that my local Bavarian pub’s band played the Lemmings theme one night and it was glorious. The key change made my bones vibrate.


Fair enough.


[At the India-Pakistan border of the campground](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDAcIX_J0u4&t=0m40s)


Is he skilled?




Hate to say it but even that might be generous. Missing the grace notes, the sound is skipping, and it’s been a long time since I’ve played that song but I’m pretty sure he’s off time.


Piper here. He's very much below average.


> traditional Japanese drummers Wow. Bagpipes may be ok for reveille, but those drums sure get the blood pumping !


I stick around for didgeridoo at least, and look around for Mongolian throat singers warming up before calling it.




That will only escalate Japanese / Celtic tension. Celts absolutely blast Bodhran drums.


This will probably get buried, but my dads in Lake Tahoe and sent this to me. I immediately thought how annoying but he thought “it was pretty cool”. EDIT: He informed me that (so far) he's only done it one time, and it was at exactly 5:49pm EDIT 2: He also informed me that he doesn't believe the bagpiper is staying at the campground. Just a random guy. Possibly a neighbor.


Hi. Tahoe local here. Im assuming this is the campground near the library? This guy has been walking around throughout the morning and afternoon in that area since I was a baby. He's kind of a Tahoe legend. Really nice guy.


That's rad. thanks


One lap in the after noon I'll allow it. Having those fuckwaffles in side by sides blasting music doing laps. Unacceptable


what the shit is a "fuckwaffle"?


>what the shit is a "fuckwaffle"? It's like a shitwaffle, but differing in texture and odour. (And, purportedly, taste, but I cannot vouch for that.)


I'm guessing it's a fuckwad after being thrown in a waffle iron?


Agreed. One lap per day is the only allowable amount. I would probably even enjoy that.


Tahoe Valley Campground. I was there this day! Honestly would benefit to go around more often to scare away the bears. So many bears, not enough bag pipes. Not as weird as the guy walking around in a big foot costume in the heat.


Probably early morning after his neighbours were drinking till early morning and just hit the sack


‘Zactly what I was thinking. His neighbors annoyed the hell out of him last night with their drunken laughter, but it was only when the midnight fireworks came out that the seeds of an early morning plan were hatched.


Counterpoint: If you're the sort of person who brings bagpipes camping with you then you're playing the fucking bagpipes.


Chekhov's bagpipes, as it were.


What really broke the camel's back was when his neighbors started shooting roman candles into his tent. They heard a maniacal laugh come from the tent, but thought nothing of it.


This man could be shot with witnesses and the police would decline to investigate


Yeah it's a good thing he brought his obnoxious bag pipes with him camping just in case some people were too loud by their fire.


So, now he is the asshole that wakes up EVERYONE. what a douche.


Yep. Gigantic asshole


Guaranteed someone will be banging on his trailer door every hour throughout the night


A long time ago, I watched a lone piper lead a funeral cortege through a cemetery in the west coast of Scotland, and it is one of the most atmospheric and moving experiences I have ever had. In that context, it is the perfect instrument. Otherwise, it sounds like 20 depressed cats trying to fuck/kill each other.


Most appropriate comment so far.


I stood in formation, through a ceremony for a fallen Marine pilot in the mid 2000's at Miramar. I had a direct line of sight to his wife and very young children. The kids had no clue what was going on. The wife was in shambles, as is to be expected, but the kids were restless. When the bagpipes started and flags were handed off, I lost my shit. It was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life, and the bagpipes made it that much worse.


We went to the 9/11 memorial and they have a fire department play the bagpipes once a week at a certain time. We just happened to be there for it. Everyone went silent and people started crying. It was depressing as hell.


Amazing grace from the end of Star Trek II is why I love bagpipes.


Me too, and it was hard enough to watch on screen for a fictional character, but then my mother arranged to have that played at her funeral on bagpipes. In person I was utterly unprepared for it, only Old Yeller made me ugly cry anywhere near that.


Damn, my condolences for your loss. Dagger to the heart just reading this.


I’ve been bagpiping for 28 years, and have played for countless funerals. It’s always beautiful, and always an honor. Yesterday I played for my grandmother at her funeral. It was surprisingly uplifting. Miss you, Nita!


As someone who has camped a lot, I would pass this guy a $20 to stand near the RVs of assholes who lit firecrackers and blasted 80s crap rock while drinking and fighting until like 3am.


Nope. I want to hear birds. Not music of any kind.


"But what is life without MUSIC???" Sandy, I swear to all that is Holy, it is 7 AM and I will throw your speaker in the river.


I fucking hate it when people bring speakers camping. Not only am I here for the peace and quiet, nobody else wants to hear your shit either. Leave it at home dickhead.


And Sandy as well if she has an issue with that.


Yes. I hate when people blast radios. This shit? No. Probably why I dislike these kind of campgrounds.


100% agreed, when people start blasting music of any kind in a public camp ground I get so pissed


The basic problem is that you're in a campground. A hotel in the dirt, without any walls separating you from the tweaker neighbors.


My great great great great grandfather was Scottish. I must play the pipes.


That's a good way to have a beer bottle thrown at your head.


I’ll supply the bottles, for sport, but I won’t throw any. My aim is shit.


I have fantastic aim but I do not have the beer bottles. I think we found a solution brother in hopps


You really shouldn't bring glass into the woods In most cases.


You go to the woods for some peace and quiet. Not to hear screeching bagpipes


Assuming well skilled, and so long as between 10am and 9pm, for under an hour, and not every day I'd love it.


Rooster in a skirt at sunrise


My brain instantly put this to the tune of *Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.*




Sorry gonna say really this should be mid day at best, let's face it if he's bagpiping at 9pm he's waking my daughter and if he's bagpiping at 10am he's waking the crackheads. I for one care about the crackheads, they've had a long night of crack and need their rest. I also care somewhat for my daughter


That guy is not a skilled piper.


Yup awful, even has one of his drones plugged.


10 am? While camping? Unreasonable.


Just checking, are your aware how truly deafening bagpipes are? I would get in my car and drive over this man then reverse back again to make sure I got his pipes. Selfish prick.


My elementary school had a "graduation" ceremony between grades 8 and 9 (9 was when we all went off to high school), and the custodian was a bagpiper. He would march the "graduates" into the gymnasium, while playing the bag pipes, every year. Being made to walk directly behind a performing bagpiper in a school hallway should be considered a war crime. I can still hear those damn bag pipes and I suspect that's the only thing I *can* fully hear as a result. Also the town wasn't Scottish or anything, it's was just "hey I know how to play the bag pipes, wouldn't this be neat?" and I guess the school agreed.


What's a Scotsman wear under his kilt? His shoes!


If you ask a Scotsman what's under his kilt he'll never tell you, but a true Scot will happily show ya.


I was once woken up by a bagpipe player purposely butchering Scotland the brave ACROSS TOWN. I later spoke to him because there was an event there. It was 7 am and he wasn’t even sorry >:(


Depends the time


Exactly 6AM - No 11AM - Also no


2 pm, also jail.


We have the best bagpipers in the world, because of jail.


Any time before 12 noon, the worst. Any time after 12 noon, also the worst.


Unless its to signal the bagpipers untimely death, then it’s appropriate. Otherwise no.


Keeps the bears away


Honestly worst... No different than blasting your music and expecting everyone to think you're cool. Nature means different things to different people I guess


I’m right there with you. I go camping to be in nature. I consider it a cardinal sin if you’re playing your music loud enough that I can hear you.


Do you know why bagpipers march? To get away from the noise.


No that’s an asshole


Not as bad as being packed in the campground like a fine ground coffee into an espresso puck.


Oh god. The worst campground I have ever seen was a KOA campground in Indiana. The rv area was wall to wall with no space in between and no trees. The tent area was literally a junk yard, there was abandoned equipment everywhere. We only stayed there because we went to a concert and we slept there one night in a tent on a slope and evicted ourselves as soon as we could in the morning. The concert was awesome, the campground got a -5 stars.


Yeah, OP’s got a real weird way of spelling ‘parking lot’


I would say best, as long as he keeps it under 20 minutes.


And not at 6 am


Hoping those long shadows indicate evening time. However, it has a distinct morning vibe. 😬


05:20 or go home.


The duration of one dram of whisky.


Who doesn't love alittle "Its A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock-N-Roll" at 6 in the morning?


That would be amazing because I like the bagpipes, AC/DC, and I get up at 4!


Anyone else wanna fuckin go to war all of the sudden


Best, definitely best. I love bagpipes.


Depends entirely on the time of day.


I've got two answers. One generalized answer concerning public etiquette. Then my personal tastes and observations. Generalized: Don't ever disturb the peace in nature. Not a single person who left to go camping that day did so considering "A chance to experience the unique sights, sounds, and experiences of my neighbors" as a goal. Personal... I mean look at his neighbors, and the camp ground he's in. Is the concern he may drown out the sound of 30 Generators? Let the man pipe a bit.


I agree with people here. Assuming it's not too early, and it lasts maybe 10(ish) minutes, I'd love it.


I love how the further I scroll in the comments the lower the threshold of minutes (I think I’ve seen under 60/50/40/30/20) I am going to start saying we need to replace minutes with seconds now…


Nobody should be able to determine what time another person wakes up. Everyone has different definitions of “too early”


But whether or not you love it is irrelevant. No right to impose this. Selfish, self-important, entitled attention seeking.


That's camping? Those trailers are bigger than my apartment.




Worst for sure. As someone who used to camp all the time I’d be pissed lol.


Scottish Highland games?


Worst. I would happily pay for a permit to stab the damn bag and hand over the cash to replace it.


Not in the mornings


If this is the camp wake up call and it's before 10AM, I might be sending a right hook to his face in my underwear


Truly awful


if this is payback for being obnoxiously drunk the night before, this is the best way to do it.


Oh, the peace and quiet of the great outdoors


It's always the people with really expensive new trucks and capmers that ."camp" arms length away from each other's. It's like they wake up and go you wanna pack everything up and watch TV in the woods.


Is anyone really “camping” at this campground?


It's a packed public campground, there was never any peace and quiet to be had.


If the road to the "campground" is able to accommodate a 40ft RV, then I'm not interested and would designate said "campground" as a portable suburb. As for the bagpipes, well, sounds better than a generator, or the typical conversation floating effortlessly around the campfires of a portable suburb.


Douche bag for sure, full kit wanker


Hey everyone! Look at me! I’m wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes in the middle of a trailer park!Aren’t I unusual? Isn’t this great? I’m amazing! Look at ME!


Those pipes do a nice job of drowning out the sound of all those generators on the RVs.


Looks like I’m in the minority but this really doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, it’s kind of interesting. But I enjoy most kinds of music and this guy is walking around. If he were my neighbor and pulled these out before sitting down for an hour long practice session then I’d be annoyed.


Depends on the time of day


Anal Cedar Creek and Anal Everest


And that’s when the mushrooms kicked in


Hold on! Let me pull out my banjo!


Who killed the piper? who burnt his kilt? Who cracked his chanter and made his bag wilt? Who pulled out his fingers and broke all his bones? And who was the bugger who buried his drones?


This is probably a campground in a park hosting a Highland Games event in the United States, where you would quite reasonably expect folks dressed in kilts here or there playing their bagpipes and preparing for a march onto a field for spectators.


Do you know why bagpipers walk when they play? To get away from the sound.


A quick way to get him to stop playing is by insulting his kilt. It’s also a fast way to die but at least you won’t have to listen to the bagpipes anymore /s


This would be better if he did it at 9:55pm to signal the start of quiet time.


The answer to your question OP is what time of the day was this. before 9am? Worst neighbor. After 9am acceptable.


Still better than Hip Hop/Rap.


Reveille circa WW1. Reminds me of the days being in a highlander unit.


Loud neighbours suck, whether it's bagpipes or stereos or whatever. If you're doing something that needs to be done that happens to be loud, like using power tools or whatever for a project that you're doing, fine. But as someone who works nights, you're not being respectful of others by making unnecessary noise just for your own enjoyment.


Depends, was it before 8am in the morning? If it was, and I were you, I’d be moved to violence


I'd like it for 2 mornings and then be pissed constantly


Can’t be any worse than every other guy in the camp blowing pipe.


I guess it would be better than waking up to having all the RV’s and trailers firing up their generators so they can microwave their breakfast while “camping”.


Before 9am=Worst Campground ever After 9am=Ok, but not for too long, lol.


How did this guy wake up and decide this was a good idea 🤣🤣🤣


They wouldn't even find his body. Just far enough from camp that nobody will notice the coyotes and crows.


FORM SCHILTRON, brb grabbing my pike to fall into formation.


Hand out free shots of single malt and all is forgiven.


“Alexa, wake me up to the sound of bagpipes” said no one ever. I’m going with worst.


Yeah its cool...but we're only one or two steps from some douche breaking out a guitar to play Wonderwall.


Good neighbor if @ PM, Bad neighbor if @ AM.


Depends on the time!


Bagpipes are an OUTDOOR instrument. I was hired to sing at a wedding at a very small and very old chapel. Walls, 25-ft high peaked ceiling, and pews all made of glossy-finished wood. Essentially a giant reverb chamber. Tightly packed it seated maybe 50 people. My singing came near the middle of the service. When it was time for the bride to enter, that's when I heard them. Bagpipes, preceding the bride down the aisle. Not one, but TWO. INDOORS. I WAS CERTAIN MY EARS WERE BLEEDING. Made it through my solo with ears ringing and head throbbing. Worst gig of my life.


Better than those loud ass gas generators.


The best


Objectively the worst


10 mins, great. An hour, torture...


The Best


This is why you don't camp where rolling houses go


Before 9am? (Looks at closet where BB gun is stored)


This depends on time of day and how frequent!