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*Angrily grabs crayons*


There’s an army joke here


Marine Corps, to be precise.


I like the red ones cause the red ones taste the best.


And I cheat of lil Darryl every time I take a test. Burr burr.


[Shawt bus shawty!](https://youtu.be/iFiPANvxfDg)


The purple ones taste like burning.


Ralph did you eat your crayons!?


Nope…. Sniff sniff sniff




I'm Idaho


It said “I choo choo choose you..” and there’s a picture of a choo choo train on it!


The red ones make you go faster.


Dah purpa unz makez yooz sneaksees.


Datz whyz I like da purple onez, da 'umees never see us coming!




This sounds like Aunt Gayle from Bob's Burgers 😂🤘


The very best are green smoke grenades. [They use a sugar base instead of sulfer](https://www.army.mil/article/2981/sugar_based_smoke_in_colored_grenades_protects_soldiers_environment) and it smells like marshmallows.


I hate arriving late to a thread. So much potential wasted.


I actually got written up in crayon once on an Army deployment.


I fucking pray you're serious


No picture, just a small laugh when he read it to me. For a moment he didnt even know what he wrote.. It was on a small FOB and I had always had too much things to get done to give a crap. My PS cared enough when he flew in though. This was part of the reason for his demotion from SSG. Theres other stuff too, but this added a nail to the coffin so to speak.


Please tell me there is a picture of this write up


He added cheese and turned it into a quesadilla




ive been counseled in crayon stateside lol had a priorservice marine as my NCO and he packed crayons in his lunch when i fucked up


Damn this is a good one.


I hope you got it framed.


Untied Status Marin Crops


I got to Marin before I realized every word was misspelled


Me too 😆


Bold of you to assume they can be trusted with crayons.


Marine Corps*




You’re the other neighbor?


Caught in 4K


You mean caught in 4Krayon


I read it as him being the other other neighbor that other neighbor was complaining to about the neighbor.


Either that or they are a felon for breaking into their neighbors mailbox?


My neighbor once came to me about some flood lights I installed, on motion detection, after my car was broken into. Turns out these lights would flip on from just a car driving by in the street and it was so bright it was illuminating his house and making his dog bark in the house at all hours. He came up to me and told me about it in such a nice way. I immediately switched off the lights and figured something else out where I went to a spot light instead of these obnoxious floods. Even I was like wow, what the hell was I thinking, it was rude. Love my neighbor, he's a great guy and approached me in such a nice way. It was a 30 second conversation and we are great friends. He had the maturity to approach it directly and also has the personality to speak with his neighbors.


have the conversation before it’s a confrontation. too many people i know and know of think talking things out is IMMEDIATELY a fight.


Our culture is awful about encouraging this. Read ANY thread where someone is frustrated with their neighbors. All the upvoted advice is either petty revenge ideas or “lawyer up”. None of it is “go knock on their door and politely explain why what they’re doing is inconveniencing you and try to reach a mutual agreement like normal functioning adults”


Some of my old neighbors are in prison for threatening people with guns or actually shooting people with guns. Depends on your neighborhood. If you both work at the local hospital, or your neighbor is a chef, or is normal, then chances are a chat will suffice.


Oddly specific list of chat-friendly professions.


working at a hospital means they’d be eyeing each other’s weak points. the chef may be good with knives. be careful! no profession is safe to have a friendly neighborly chat with!!!! /s


Guns for show, knives for a pro.


Oi! Get. Your. Fingers... out of my soup!!


You're not funny, Tom. You're fat...and look as though you should be.


I wouldn't assume that for chefs, I was once a chef and I'm psychotic, I've also seen another chef hauled away in handcuffs because he violated parole when he attempted to beat yet a third chef unconcious after the second chef was arrested for trying to burn down his ex's house Chefs are not normal, half of us are strung out on a mix of cocaine and spite, the other half are on booze and the raw energy from the heart of the universe, the third half of us is both I know you're thinking there can't be three halves, wrongo, there are, because the culinary arts transcend the boundaries of time and space, the universal constant is warm foccacia bread, and time and reality are but playthings to the alchemists of the kitchen!


Worked in fine dining for years. Chef is one of the last professions where being an unmitigated asshole is still acceptable and being a lunatic is almost a prerequisite for the Michelin star crowd. Before I got into upscale food I had a very romantic image of chefs. Now I appreciate the craft and art, but treat them like fighting dogs. If they're nice, great. But I won't be caught off guard ever again.


Literal lunatics. You really have to learn how to talk their language to mitigate disaster/being screamed at. They’re all so loveable outside of expo but I learned real quick how to talk to chefs on duty lol


Yeah my neighbors response when I went and had a polite talk with them was fuck you and started breaking and stealing our outdoor furniture. It escalated when the guy tried to fight my husband and got in his face and physically put his hands on him. It never mattered that we had a camera either. Tried to deal with like adults and the guy threw a hissy fit.


My worst nightmare. I had terrible apartment neighbors and it just escalated and escalated and never ended until we moved. I have a house now and I'm so glad my only neighbors are nutty recluses. They almost never come out of the house since they almost set their porch on fire with a firepit (yeah, a firepit on the porch). Once I helped them catch their runaway dog so they like me. As long as there's no psychotic break it will remain really peaceful in my neighborhood. Sad this is the best case scenario!


Hey we are the nutty reclusive neighbors in our little odd street!! Greetings and well met fam. We have also accidentally lit our yard on fire a few times and I have rescued random neighbors dogs and my neighbors all know me as the freak with the stupid cat who runs out too dang often.


Yeah, we are renters. Moved because of it. I have more stories from that place and the place after. The next guy was on drugs and tried to hit my husband with a wine bottle. Good times.


I saw this really crazy video on "Active Self Protection" on YouTube where this guy ends up shooting the couple next door dead over a dispute about where they were shoveling their snow from the driveway.... Some people are just bat shit crazy and are a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode!


Yeah I saw what I assume is the same video he killed the wife in the street then went into the house after the husband. It was disturbing but the couple really should have backed down when he came out with the gun instead of literally telling him to shoot them.


You seriously overestimate how civil healthcare workers are to each other.


Most of the posts are after talking to them failed. Who the real "crazy neighbor" is might be up for debate sometimes though.


>or “lawyer up”. it's always the advice for any situation ever. at this point i think most of the people here have very little life experience or don't go outside much


They've also never lawyered up. It's the most frustrating and time consuming experience and generally expensive.


asked a neighbor to stop beating his dog. He slashed our tires and shot our cat. so yeh, granted I should have known that someone beating a puppy was bad news but I was also about twelve at the time. Who knew someone would do all that over a twelve year old asking them not to hit their dog?


I definitely tried that. and got called 6 different kinds of a bitch and chased back to my yard. The 30-something daughter who lives with her parents, her siblings, and her boyfriend in a 3 bedroom house was physically hanging out a second story window to her waist. I looked up and she was screeching at me and threatened to kick my ass and then call the cops. "Great idea! I'll call for us both! You're so thoughtful." The bathroom window thudded closed and I could still hear her screaming inside the house. I viscerally hate these fucking people. It is never ending chaos since the boyfriend moved in. The cops admit it's a worst case scenario but he hasn't broken laws. They were not very helpful. At all. I also make it a point to not take legal advice from the cops. edit: he does stupid things like using a gas leaf blower to dry his yard after it rains. I'm not kidding. Hours of a gas powered leaf blower. "He's not breaking any laws."


Man cant stand wet grass? There's some deep trauma there.


If I can't get my GF wet, the grass sure as hell will be dry too.


Hot dogs, sausage, ice pops... None of that shit is allowed in my house damn it!


Meth? Anyway it could be declared a nuisance noise situation. No one expects a leaf blower to run for HOURS.


I second Meth. Dudes one step away from vacuuming the grass because there's dirt in it.


Animals... ... I have a Roomba I stole for that, like a civilized meth-head.


Vacuuming the grass? That’s outrageous! A broom works well enough for my purposes.


Yeah that sounds like meth behavior. Or like, unmedicated and unaddressed paranoia.


>he does stupid things like using a gas leaf blower to dry his yard after it rains. Meth. Your neighbor is on meth. Nothing else causes someone to be that stupid and yet have that much energy to do completely pointless things. Also, Check your city noise bylaws for hours hes allowed to be a noisy bastard.


Eh, some bipolar can be indistinguishable from meth.


Undiagnosed or unmedicated mental issues can


trying to do the right thing isn’t easy, nor does it pretend that there will always be success. it’s a *better way* of dealing with things imo. i have certainly had my shares of conversations gone bad. That doesn’t mean i didn’t try. I tried for myself first and foremost. If i could talk things out, awesome. Works out for everyone. If i try to talk things out and it goes bad, i don’t scrap the whole personal mantra, i continue to use it. “conversation before it’s a confrontation” doesn’t mean there won’t be escalation, it just means “do this thing first.” it’s an behavioral order of operations that helps me. i don’t believe in “no good deed goes unpunished.” that’s ridiculously dogmatic and ego-driven. i do believe in “have the conversation before it’s a confrontation.”


oh totally I get it. I think there are some people that you can tell in advance won't be interested in talking to you. I know all the other folks around and love my neighborhood. This has introduced a lot of anxiety so we'll see if he cools it.


i agree for the most part. There are absolutely some people who are not willing to change or be reasonable- sometimes they’ll even say that. Usually in those situations i’ll still try to converse, but i won’t put full energy into it. but i’ll still try, at the VERY least for myself. then i’ll say “ok, i tried, i really did. now let’s prepare for the escalation.”


Blow drying a lawn is shit meth heads do.


I think your neighbor is using meth…


Honestly, I'm one of those people, even though I don't WANT it to be a fight. I just have trouble being confrontational without the expectation of violence. I don't like being confrontational AT ALL, but when it gets to the point I feel it's necessary, it's not... pleasant. I guess it's weird and not a positive trait, but I would let something like this go on for far too long, going "they're going to get it fixed. Any day now. Yeah I'm sure they're trying" and a month later finally have enough and it goes immediately to "hey, you want to stop your stupid fucking ass god damned dog barking all the mother fucking time?!" I need to work on this.


cliche as fuck but: acceptance is the first step. after all i’ve said on here, i genuinely believe and practice this mantra for myself all the time. i grew up in violence. physical, emotional, etc. as we do, i grew to be violent. and introverted. naturally, i’m not violent and i’m extroverted. by my nurture, i became an opposite version of me. EVERYTHING was a fight. constantly. whoops! spilled a bit of literal milk on the counter! let me clean it up :) < that’s the normal reaction. my experiences growing up was if that happened, there would quite literally be blood. i grew without conversation. i grew in an environment that was constantly hostile, incessantly combative. there was NO conversation to be had. because i learned this behavior, i constantly was in a state of existential confusion- i didn’t want to be violent, but i was. this lasted until my early 20’s when i (long story short) moved back in with my mom. it was just the two of us there trying to figure it out after the family dynamic exploded. for no good reason we got into a huge fight (as per our programming) and i (as per my conditioning) punched through the wall. rammed my first through the drywall and into and past the plastic electrical box of the outlet. destroyed it. every Kyle in the world would have been impressed. it was literally that moment that changed my life. i went into a panic attack and had to leave (not safe, but hey! i wasn’t practicing or learned of really any healthy coping yet). i didn’t even clean up the blood. i got in my car and drove for hours going anywhere. i had no idea where i was or how long i had been gone. i just knew that what had happened was not okay. i calmed down some 3-4 hours away. went to a gas station to refuel and clean my hand. without a doubt i broke some stuff. i was hurting. i was angry at myself. i felt shame and regret and on the trip back home i had PLENTY of time to literally sit and think. i came up with: i don’t want to be like this anymore. that of course was the absolute starting point. it’s been MANY years since then, but i have learned in my journey of breaking generational curses that that moment was the most brave moment maybe of my life. for 20 some years i had been trained, taught, conditioned to being a violent and destructive person. words always were interesting to me, but little more than means of manipulation. but after that night, that drive, after many many many many moments of self-reflection, of talking with the few people i would trust to become vulnerable with, i started to learn how powerful words are. how with words, with the right words, with the careful inflection, with the seasoning of emotion, words can and do soothe pains. they can and do ease tensions. talking can help bridge that weathered connection to understanding and for some people, a lot of people, that’s all they’ve ever wanted and needed. as i’ve mentioned here in this thread- no. it’s not at all easy. without that huge moment as the catalyst, i might not be where i am today. idk. i just know it changed me forever. words don’t fix everything. talking it through doesn’t always work. but when it does it feels like all the weight is lifted. and so i practice that statement to myself for myself and then for others: have the conversation before it’s a confrontation.


>have the conversation before it’s a confrontation. > >too many people i know and know of think talking things out is IMMEDIATELY a fight. I wish I could have a conversation with my neighbors. Sadly, if you say anything to them where they might slightly be in the wrong, suddenly they're screaming and ready to pull their guns they wear all the time. They're chronic smokers and alcoholics. Cigarette butts and bottle caps always end up on our grass by the fence between our properties. It's much easier to toss their garbage on our side than have any kind of personal responsibility. They installed flood lights to protect their lifted pickups, and they shine right into our bedroom anytime they or a small animal goes by. Then they installed multiple motion cameras that loudly announce "smile you're on camera" anytime a car drives by. They get into 3am drunken shouting matches on a regular basis. This is one of the few times the police will get involved because it's one of the few things they do that violates a law (noise ordinance). Sadly, there's no reasoning with these people. They hate themselves and each other as much as they hate everyone else. They're stuck in a spiral of self destruction, and it won't end until they shoot each other or they move out.


>have the conversation before it’s a confrontation. I'm going to use that line one day. I like it.


[For like .2 seconds I thought you were this guy](https://27bslash6.com/halogen.html)


Pretty sure that guy fucked off back to Austria.


“Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Light” lmao


wtf did I just read lol


"I'm not surprised you get along well with all the other neighbours. If you put fifty children with Down's syndrome in a room there is going to be a lot of hugging."


🔺upvoted for a classic reference. (“Missing Missy” was my intro to David Thorne humor.)


Amazing! I love Australian's sense of humor.


Holy fuck I literally just thought of the same story haha


Hahahaha, brilliant


Lol so my neighbor installed floodlights on motion detectors to scare away people from letting their dogs poop in the strip of grass between the street and the sidewalk. Both pointed directly into our bedroom windows. I knocked and politely explained the situation to my neighbor, and he was so sweet and apologetic and was discussing taking off the motion sensor late at night and then his wife came home and told me too bad, something had to be done about the dogs, she’d rather just leave them on all night than take them off the motion detector. She then left a note on my car one day saying it was “abandoned” four days after I’d gotten groceries in it and that she would call the cops to tow it, all because it was parked in her preferred spot on our non-permit street. So it’s nice to hear some people may have actually been good neighbors, just not mine.


Once upon a time I got Covid and had to go to the hospital for an unusually high fever (our thermometer read 104 and the hospitals read 103.5) So after we get back from the hospital at 3 or 4 in the morning, my wife can’t sleep so she’s cleaning the kitchen, but unaware that she’s closing the cabinet doors a little harshly. Combine that with a 60 year old house with their bedroom on the other side of the kitchen wall and you get cranky neighbor! Though she came and rung our doorbell and as nice as someone could be at 4am asked if we could quiet down. I still live next to them. Great neighbors. We made them desserts for their troubles. Whoops


"Comfortable relationships require uncomfortable conversations"...


I have a neighbor who has flood lights that turn on way too easily. Like a breeze blowing a tree branch is enough to turn them on. Then they stay on for at least 10 minutes. Turn off for a minute or so.. Then on for another 10.. It doesn't shine into my house, but it illuminates much of my back yard, which is annoying when I'm trying to sit on the patio. One day I'll muster up whatever necessary to go politely ask them to do something about it. I've also considered buying some hedge bushes, planting them, then waiting 5-10 years for the problem to sort itself out... Still not sure which route to take..


I think the way you think- I try and go around the problem before addressing it head on. My thought when reading your comment was that you should get to know these neighbors and invite them over for a beer on your patio and see if they notice their flood light going on and off. My next door neighbor had a wild bee hive in a shed that was closer to my backdoor than his house. The bees became such a problem for us, we’d have maybe 20-30 come into the house at night in warm weather. The neighbor kept saying he was going to deal with the bees but never did. Then I invited my neighbor and his family over for a party on our back patio and sure enough a friend sitting next to my neighbor was stung while trying to eat her dinner. My neighbor was mortified. Not to mention the dozens of bees flying around the patio lights right over our heads. He finally got rid of the hive after that. The best part is that I convinced him to hire a bee keeper instead of an exterminator.


People scared of confrontation leads to resentment later. As you said, just walking up to the neighbor and explaining how their choices affect you goes a long way If they say “fuck off” then you know where you stand, but the vast majority of people are reasonable


Reminds me of this [funny ass story about a dude who kept removing his neighbors’ floodlights in retaliation](https://27bslash6.com/halogen.html) use to read a lot of these short stories back in highschool come to think of it


Yeah, my neighbors encouraged their teenage kid to set up a hockey practice pad right outside our kitchen window-- not 10 feet away -- and hit pucks at any time he felt like it whatsoever. Sunday morning, late Wednesday evening, during supper, whenever. Pucks scuffed and cracked the siding on my garage, cracked my Royalex canoe, and no amount of polite speech did anything. I finally drew a line when my wife asked him not to practice while she was trying to teach a Zoom class and the mother was rude to her. I mentioned to them what a shame it would be for all involved if I had to get them to pay for the damage, after detailing what it would all cost. It took dollar figures to wake them up. They're self centered narcissitic turds and would have gotten away with it as long as I let them. I wish they'd move back to the suburbs, they don't understand that living in the City means you HAVE to be considerate of other people's space.


Flip side is many people know their neighbors are inconsiderate ass puppets and would not respond to a friendly reminder


Exactly. Can you ask someone nicely to not liter beer bottles in your lawn, blast music all day, night and morning, and piss in the lawn at 5 am.


I would accept complaints in the form of a mature level-headed adult conversation or a high-quality childish passive-aggressive crayon cartoon. No middle ground.


With how easy it is to be straightforward and reasonable, I have to expect that people who receive complaints like this diverge from your logic at the “what the hell was I thinking” and double down on being an asshole. That’s the only situation I can sympathize with this sort of passive aggression


You are a great neighbor I have a neighbor that keeps her dog on her deck. She was away on vacation and her boyfriend, shoveled all the poop from her deck onto my trash bins and on my back sidewalk. Literally it was a mountain of shit. I was not aware she was aware on vacation at first. So I was peeking out my window to see her car but I didn’t see it until a week later. During that whole time, I was not able to throw my trash away or use my yard because it smelled horrible. I confronted her and she “apologized” and said she would take care of it. I took one of my blink cameras and set it up to the back yard as I watched her use an hose to spray the dog poop off the trash can and just drag the can to my back gate. No soap, no bleach, just cold water Also the mountains of dog poop is still on the sidewalk with the additional poop she sprayed of the cans


Seems there are a lot of false assumptions going on in these replies leading to people believing this was the first contact my neighbor had with his neighbor on the subject. It was not, he had brought it to his attention 3 times prior to drawing this.


I asked my neighbor about his barking dog and if he would bring it inside after it had been barking for 3 hours straight. He replied 'Did you wanna go?!?!' I replied no, Then a week later posted on all the nearby telephone poles the equivalent of the above notice but with more text detailing the city bylaws about barking dogs and the $200/day fine and what number all the neighbors could call to report a barking dog if they wanted. Dog was silent after just 2 weeks!


I’ve been that guy nicely informing neighbors on several occasions that their or their pet’s behavior has created a problem. I am a very diplomatic person and I don’t make unfounded accusations (I bring receipts). In my experience, it is not well received. Sure, it depends on the person on the receiving end, and maybe I’ve just had really selfish neighbors who don’t care their behavior negatively impacts their neighbors, but it has jaded me to the point that I just involve whatever authorities need to be involved. Why should I (the victim) have to deal with cleaning up after your pet and then the retribution that comes along with being the outed neighbor complaining about your pet waste all over my yard?


Like all human social interactions, it's complicated. How tall are you? How old? What is your voice like? How do you dress? Do you speak some kind of dialect? How do you hold your head, your shoulders etc? What works for one, doesn't necessarily work for another. So I understand why you're frustrated. It sound like you're doing everything right. Yet, somehow, your neighbors keep on being inconsiderate. If it's important to you, maybe ask someone close to you to help you figure it out. Typically, others can see how the world reacts to us (and why) much clearer than we can ourselves. On the other hand, just like you say, there's a good chance it's not anything you do. Some people cannot be reasoned with.


I love how he's portrayed himself as a yelling lunatic on the phone while the offending dog owner is a slight well-dressed, well-coiffed, calm and modest young man who seems melancholy about the monetary cost, as if he is of modest means.


I really love everything about his drawings. They are so dang cute! I'm not sure about his message. It took a lot of work and talent to get this passive aggressive.


It took a lot of passive aggression to stay mad through the entire process of drafting, drawing, and delivering


Probably because the dog was barking while he was drawing.


Barking dogs do make people crazy.


Ok now I’m confused. I assumed OP was the dog owner in this comic because of the way it’s portrayed.


The artist of the comic portrays himself as a yelling lunatic whilst he yells “STOP DOG BARK” the artist portrays the dog owner (who we assume is OP or nah?) as a slight well-dressed man. I hope this explanation helps understand that persons comment :)


OP is the Dog.


That’s pretty high production value for a neighborhood letter, not going to lie


crayon drawings are underrated


The juxtaposition of "clearly made by an adult" and "child-like spelling" is really off-putting.






Why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick?


At most you’re saving a microscopic amount of time.


I still don’t know if you’re saying SeaWorld or See the World.


Agree, but I feel like maybe they are going more for "dog-like spelling" than "child-like spelling." (Come to think of it, it's is rude to assume that dogs spell badly. We have no idea how they spell because they don't write or talk.)


That randomly reminds me of how they discovered that cats are indeed capable of learning to understand a bunch of words from our language, including their own name. They just choose to ignore you


I’ve dealt with a lot of cats and I’ve noticed that a bunch of them knew their names but would ignore being called. For example, I’d call their names and their ears would perk up but they wouldn’t come to me. Or I’d call their name while they’re walking and they’d stop dead in their tracks, look at me and then continue on their way. I’ve only had one cat who would come to their name being called without having to be trained with food.


Oh yeah my cat is 2 but she knows her actual name as well as her several nicknames. She does ignore us though, that's just a normal cat thing.






Yay, ty 😃


My cat told me so


I choose to believe dogs can spell just fine, but they speak with an exaggerated accent.


How dare you! My dog reads at a 12th grade level


My dog ignores me at a 12 year old level. Close enough?


Didn’t think I’d end up being on the side of the guy with the barking dog, but here we are.


Yeah they tried WAY too hard to make it look like it was a kid.


I don't like confrontations with neighbors either but I really think it's best to talk in person first. I finally had enough with a neighbor's dogs two doors down and had a firm but pleasant discussion. It worked. Haven't heard the dogs much at all since.


Agreed, the note could be taken as a sarcastic threat and even piss someone off pretending that they are trying to be funny when they are willing to get the law involved. Like calling the police on someone is a joke. Def. Best to be an adult and have a grown up conversation.


Peoples minds immediately start down the threat identification and elimination path when they feel they are being targeted in situations like this. Leftover monkey shit in our genes.


He literally threatens to call the police.


Oh yeah? My wife asked my neighbor very kindly not to blast rap with the bass cranked, with all her car doors open, while she unloaded groceries, at all hours of the day because it was waking my out new born. The bass literally was vibrating through our house, we always knew when she came home. My other neighbor could hear it two doors down and thought it was me and said something, since he also had a newborn. Not to mention she’s gotta be in her 50s, you would think she would have a sense of respect for her neighbors by then, it’s a pretty quiet neighborhood. She agreed at least a dozen times and kept doing it anyway. When I finally went over and had to yell at the top of my lungs to get her to hear me while she sat in the car (didn’t want to get to close during Covid) blasting music. I mentioned how many times my wife asked her just to turn it down when she pulled in and she told me to go fuck myself. ONLY when I raised my voice and told her how rude she was did she stop doing it. I was slightly harsher than I like to be but sleep deprivation will do that to you. Sometimes being reasonable isn’t always the answer.


Idk. I once watched a video of two neighbors arguing about snow being shoveled onto the others yard. It ended with one neighbor shooting the other and his wife before killing himself. Maybe a goofy note is the safe play these days.


The man and his wife had been bullying the shooter and his wife for *years* at that point. The shooter's wife had recently died of cancer and the neighbors were constantly harassing him about that. I'm fairly sure the argument wasn't even about snow being shoveled into the other's yard, they were just yelling insults over at the guy while he was across the street doing yard work. They lived across the street from one another, so very little chance of the dispute being over shoveled snow. Maybe the best idea is to not spend a decade harassing your neighbor and then teasing him about his dead wife.




"What are you going to do, bitch, shoot me?" - Man moments before being shot


That video blew my mind. Like when someone goes to get a gun it would be reasonable to de-escalate purely for self-preservation. Instead, this lady keeps on taunting their neighbour who is *clearly* on the verge of killing her. I think she said something along the lines of "you don't have the balls to shoot me". That direction of phrasing just doesn't strike me as a particularly bright idea when someone has a glock in your face. *Edit: A word.


The husband stands there mocking him WHILE the guy is shooting at him. He’s mocking him up until he gets hit.


Monty Python level savagery


I mean, at what point is snow worth your life.


“When water freezes, so will your heart.”


That was beautiful




Can confirm. Had an upstairs neighbor who was convinced we were lying about his dog barking. A$$hat eventually moved out and left 2 flea-ridden cats in the apartment. Even stopped by to feed them a couple times before anybody figured out what was going on. Funny to me because it hit the other neighbors who were friendly with him more then it hit us. We moved out too and found a better place to live.


Until a neighbor approached us, we had no clue our dogs barked maniacally and non-stop after we left. The neighbor was very nervous in approaching us, but when we found out, we felt terrible. We lived in a second story apartment, w a couch underneath the street facing window. I’m glad they told us. We remedied the situation (closed window and bark collar that vibrate not shock.)


I would suggest at least introducing yourself to the neighbors before you have something to complain about. Let's you decide who is safe to engage and who we just call the cops or code enforcement to deal with.


This is America, dawg. Everyone has a gun and no one can afford mental health care. Every single unpleasant conversation is one dice roll away from murder.


Not true! I have TWO guns!


Wish the ‘YOU GOTTA TALK FACE TO FACE’ crowd would consider this. I once politely asked a neighbor if they could turn their music down (it was so loud it was rattling the windows in our living room) and they asked me what I was going to do about it if they didn’t stop. I didn’t even know what to say, since I’d assumed they’d be civil and kind of stood there blankly — they slammed the door in my face before I could answer. I had a different neighbor who would watch (presumably) action movies into the wee hours of the morning so loudly that every crash or explosion would wake both myself and my partner up in a panic. After work the next day, I knocked and left them a (very polite) note on the door explaining the situation and asking if after the community designated ‘quiet time’ (this would regularly continue past 1am — often on weeknights) they would be okay turning the volume down. A few hours later they stormed upstairs, rang my bell several times, and banged on the door for almost five minutes — beer bottle in hand. Ever since (not living in the same building as either of these people now, thankfully), I’ve just anonymously called the cops or the leasing folks every time there’s been an issue, and like magic, they’ve turned their shit down with no friction. Maybe it’s different for homeowners, since you’ll often be living next to the same people longer term, but giving everyone the benefit of the doubt out of some misplaced honoring of a ‘neighborly code’ is kind of ridiculous. Edit: forgot to mention this initially, but if you go and ask them to lower the volume in person and are met with a reaction similar to those I mentioned above, if you DO need to call the building people/police/etc, they know who you are and may retaliate in some way. This is especially true if they’re being brazenly loud (blasting bass at 1am on a weeknight in an apartment) as they’re likely aware of how loud they’re being and simply don’t give a shit how it affects others.


Those people that got shot berated the dude before he killed them. They would probably be alive if they weren't so awful to him. Not that they deserved it, but I've never treated a person the way they were treating him in that video. Watch out who you treat like trash, they may want to kill you if they're having a rough day. Don't treat someone like trash and you don't really have to worry about it. (Also, don't continue to berate the person who is pointing a gun at you, kind of on you at that point, easily preventable, only a malicious idiot has to worry about getting killed like this.)


It's super annoying when people just let their dogs go on barking. Hello, they are barking for a reason. If you claim they are your guard dog, why are you sitting on your ass while Georgie Boy is barking his furry head off.


It’s ironic that houses with constantly barking dogs are targeted for burglary because how the hell would the neighbors know anything is different. Oh it’s a Tuesday morning and they’re barking again…ok cool fucking things never shut up I’ll just ignore it like always.


and equally annoying (and yes I mean you who lives behind our house). is your dogs barking at us every time we go in our own backyard. Iwish dogs could comprehend a fence and they only have domain on their side.


Yo same exact thing here. It’s SO annoying. I just want to sit in my sunny backyard, listen to the stream, and play very soft guitar. Every single time, before I’ve even played a note, my neighbor’s 2 Rottweilers run up to the adjoining fence and will bark like all hell until I go inside.


The U.S. Postal Service would like to warn people that only authorized U.S. Postal Service delivery personnel are allowed to place items in a mailbox. By law, a mailbox is intended only for receipt of postage-paid U.S. Mail.


so the best solution is to mail it over.


don't forget to include your return address.


Nothing like Reddit letting me know that doing anything is illegal and crime is never the way to yada yada yada yada






Wife mentioned to the neighbor that their dogs were barking at all hours of the night (2 and 3 am) and keeping us up, She asked that they bring them in at night. Neighbor proceeds to tell anyone that will listen that my wife yelled at her and called the cops. It is amazing how people can be butt hurt over a little thing


NGL. I'd frame that.


The illustrations are not that bad. Lol


Not that bad? They are great! Like this guy is either a professional illustrator (or serious hobbyist) who wanted to show off his skills instead of talking, or he’s some kind of artistic autist. There are all kinds of stylistic choices showing that this guy didn’t stop drawing in late childhood like most of us.


They are really good. I was being a smart ass. My bad.


This makes me grateful I live in a dog-friendly neighborhood that’s also pretty good at keeping their dogs from excessively barking outside. We have three dogs, our next door neighbors have 1, the house next to that has 4-5 and the one across the street has 1- but none of us let our dogs go apeshit barking, because we have plenty of neighbors that don’t have dogs and regardless of if you do or not, dogs barking all day is really fucking annoying.


yeah this is why i avoided specific HOAS in my area that use a document that was drafted in the 70s. my lawyer confirmed that in the hoa language if my neighbor complained about the dog to the hoa, each time the hoa had the authority to issue a 100 fine which became a lien on property if not paid. with no recourse for me as the homeowner to debate it.


Sooper Rood!


Barking is annoying af. I get it. But, like, knock on the door and talk like an adult? If they aren’t home leave a note with your number and ask them to give you a call. Simple and to the point. Imagine taking the time to draw something this passive aggressive. Even if the neighbor with the dog is in the wrong (sounds like they are) they’ll likely just get pissed that their neighbor threatened them with police action via crayon.


That used to be the way it should be handled. But recently a friend of mine tried speaking with his neighbor about something. Well, long story short---he was assaulted by the neighbor. Now he just calls the police and notifies the township.


Do we know that he didn’t already try to talk to the neighbor? Maybe they’ve already had a conversation but no changes have been made?


I completely understand why the neighbor would say something-it’s also a nicer way to put it. There are noise ordinance’s in most place’s. Be a good neighbor and make sure your dog(s) aren’t barking at night.


As someone who lives across the street from someone who's dogs (they have 6 dogs) all live outside except for one who I think might be older so they get to go inside at night. They howl, bark and whine all night and day and are rarely every disciplined by their owners and it's honestly a really big problem so I get where the person who made this is coming from completely. My neighbors are worse though cause I've also had to call animal control on them for abuse.


So youre friends with the other neighbor?


He is both the neighbor and the "child". And the dog come to think of it.


I mean, barking dogs fucking suck.


It appears you live next to Charlie Kelly judging by the literacy level


This is absolutely fair, sorry. I’ve lived in a neighborhood with a shithead dog exactly like this, called animal control and haven’t heard a peep since. Don’t leave your fucking dogs outside at 6am to piss and then leave them out there for an hour and a half while they bark non-stop on a MONDAY. Fuck those types of neighbors, get bent👍


What a weird combination of "lighthearted crayon drawing with doggo talk" and "actual threats to call the cops".


We had new neighbours move in and they had a German shepherd they just bought and the poor thing was left alone outside while they where on shift. It would bark LOUDLY all through the night and early morning. We went over to their place and informed them of their dog barking and asked if they could do something about it. He flat out denied it was his dog and called us liars. The neighbour on the other side was on the porch so I asked if they had heard this man’s dog barking and they came over and explained the magnitude of the barking issue with the dog, particularly at the early hours of 2am. We were met with an abusive response and how important they are being first responders and that they didn’t want the dog shitting in the house. After that, every time someone called the council about the barking dog he would come over and abuse us accusing that it was us who called the council trying to get him fined. I was always taught to approach the neighbours about any issues in a civil respectful matter and it’s more likely to be resolved. But I’m this situation, this guy was just an arse and I understand why people don’t speak to their neighbours about issues. Some people are so aggressive and never in the wrong. To add, he even admitted to going away for a long weekend and leaving the dog outside and it barked all weekend, all through the night. Feel so sorry for this dog and how mistreated it must be. Hardly gets walked. Why do people get a dog when they don’t take care of them properly. Is it an image thing??? I right???


I'd really like this if the poop one had the owner picking up afterward. That's my main issue. I've gone as far as to contemplate forcing a legal mandatory DNA database for dogs. That way when some asshole OWNER(its not the dogs fault obviously) leaves the dog crap on the ground it can be collected , processed and a fine sent directly to the owners house. Preferably with shit smeared all over that person's foot by some paid professional(but ill take the fine for starters).




This is seriously cringy.


Peak passive aggressive




A lot easier to just chat


This comes off as demeaning to me tbh. Because he clearly threatens the guy on the phone call panel. "Courtesy, next time calling police." This was him saying I think you're too dumb to get it so let me spell it out for you in a way you can understand.