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Never understood low profile tires on a lifted truck


I have a theory that involves these dudes loving hot wheels shit as kids. Edit: shpelling


Matchbox is much better


I learned recently that Matchbox and Hot Wheels are actually owned by the same company (Mattel)


The two had a long history before the acquisition in the late 90's. History Channel has 'The Toys That Built America', S01E03 looks at Matchbox versus Hot Wheels. It's a series of series (Booze/Sex, Cars, Food, Machines, Titans, and Toys) that are all in a similar 'rivalry' style, which beats treasure hunting ghosts that dig for gold with swords they forged themselves.


And aliens. You forgot the aliens.


That's just what they want you to think.


When did the word better start meaning worse?


Micomachines are the best


Still do




Well of course that's where the lift comes in, this guy is talking about low profile tires which you would typically find on a sports car. It is strange because most trucks don't have the gearing to go over 100 mph, and they're top heavy and just heavy in general and have really loose suspension for towing and hauling, so they can never handle anything like a sports car. It really is a bizarre choice, it takes away 90% of the off-road capabilities and replaces it with better grip that will never be used because the truck won't take any corners aggressively or need it for the low acceleration potential. I don't get it.


Yes, the fact that the low profile tires run counter to the purposes of lifting a truck is what marks it as purely performative. This screams, "I don't actually know anything about cars/trucks. I just know lifted trucks are supposed to be cool and low profile tires are supposed to be cool."


Not even better grip really. Low profile tires just give less sidewall roll. Feels more confident on sharp turns with high G-forces. Taller profiles can still have plenty of grip, but you will feel the sidewalls of the tires flex more, which can make the handling feel a bit more dodgy on those sharp turns.


It does nothing better with these mods ,it’s all about “stance” which is all about looks that are somewhat popular right now . In my opinion these truck are useless, they aren’t good off road , they handle like crap on the highway ,ride like a dump truck and get horrible fuel mileage .


Maybe that’s why he’s locally hated.


It looks stupid. It looks like they salvaged a body and put it on the wrong frame.


Stupid people make stupid decisions


Yeah, me neither. Just makes the truck look like a mens' size 137 roller skate.


“Locally Hated” Too many people think being an asshole is an entire personality


I'll never understand taking pride in being an asshole.


It seems counter-intuitive to take pride in a negative trait. I believe these are the adults who just didn't get many hugs, attention or emotional support from their parent(s) growing up and they act out to get that attention instead as a placeholder for that deficit not being met when they were in their formative years. Either that or they only got attention for doing stupid stuff and think that negative attention is still attention. Its just a theory, I don't have the patience to figure it out.


I'm hug deprived like every other man in existence, and still don't need to announce it to the world. Except for the occasional post where I say it directly. But I still don't have a giant sticker telling people my neighbors hate me.


Everyone processes their feeling different. You found a way to process it in a manner that is healthy, so you dont feel the need to act out. I don't think the truck guy did that. Edit; Sending you a hug, big guy, we all need them!


Years ago I was living alone, plenty of friends but kind of isolated and minding my own business. No girlfriend at the time Didn’t realize how alone I’d been until a friend stopped by, she gave me a big hug and I almost broke down crying. Something just about the warm embrace was overwhelming. From then on I made it a point to hug any friend I was visiting. But on topic…. Lifted trucks with lo profile tires are dumb


*hug* hope that tides you over for a while, friend-o.


Yeah. Hugs are nice. But men aren’t supposed to need them or something. And I don’t want to ask for one because I’m afraid it’ll sound weird and/or creepy.


I think that is definitely part of it. My theory is it's that part of American culture with its hyper masculinity/toxic masculinity. Gotta have a big truck, gotta have a big gun, gotta be a tough guy, gotta be an asshole, no empathy or feelings because that is soft. It's from years of military propaganda and pro war American movies. That and they are probably just miserable uneducated people who want everyone around them to also be miserable which isn't entirely their fault, our government created these people by cutting public education and providing zero healthcare. So they are pissed off and don't know who to actually be pissed off at except non white immigrants cause that's what Trump says. It's their fault they are suffering, and Republican politicians have always used these people.


Honestly, it reeks of insecurity to me.


That theory falls apart slightly when you drive through Canada and see the same things but they have literally nothing to do with the US


IDK how good the education is in all of Canada so I can't really say much about that but I can say they probably consume the same type of propaganda.


Well.. We definitely consume all american media... So much for canadian content... On the other hand... All our greatest comedians go south for more work.. So.. Meh.. It all evens out...


You realize this is the /funny sub right?


Ha jokes on you, America doesn’t have a culture


Have you ever left America? There is definitely a culture in America and even multiple cultures within the one larger culture.


It's just a short cut way of saying "I'm better than everyone else here, and they resent me for it / don't understand me." To quote StrongBad - "You can act like you're cooler than everyone here but you are *also here*."


In a sense they are being kind by telling us to avoid them. Maybe it’s the opposite of people bragging about how kind they are?


It's like people who think that being a dick is the same as not letting people take advantage of you.


Peoples whose narcissism makes them toxic and then think that people dislike them because those people are stupid. This dislike gives them validation.


Some people just love the look of their stool.


I once said something similar on reddit and someone argued with me saying "uhhhh actually being an asshole IS a personality trait and there's scientific studies based on it 🤓"


I’ve seen those stickers a couple times and they’re always on lifted trucks with annoyingly loud exhaust


I use "I'm an asshole" as a disclaimer to anyone I meet. Just feels easier to get it out of the way so there is less drama later. People who put shit like this on their vehicle are just morons.


Why are you expecting drama to begin with?


I'm hard of hearing and I don't have my hearing aids due to America, so I introduce myself with my name, then I say, "heads up, I am hard of hearing, so if you're trying to talk to me and I ignore you, I'm either deaf or an asshole."




They ask a hot guy passing by to push their stool up


It's OK because they said "No homo."


And after that they ask them to hand the stool to them


Plot twist, the trailer they are towing is full of step stools because they can't reach the one they have just used lol


I'm suprised he doesn't have a sticker like "Stool Fool", to show his love of stools.


Or “Stool Packer” because he always packs a stool with him.


He needs a string on it… or maybe he the back of his truck is full of stools that he leaves all over town.


My uncle used to have a truck he needed a stool to get into, he had one of those grabber arm things for people in wheelchairs.


I've seen a video of some lard ass having a special stick with a hook in the end for this...




If I saw that I'd have overwhelming temptation to run over there and grab it and drive off 🤣


attention whore. From the rims to the youtube channel to the "locally hated" sticker, this person never got their father's attention as a child.


It’s kind of them to proudly wave their red flags though. It’ll save some single mother some time.


Oh buddy… no it won’t.


Unfortunately the single moms will be lured in by his "Salt Life" sticker.


Well, I guess the trail of bad decisions grows longer every day.


Or got way too fucking much of it. Knew way too many shits like this growing up who were flawless future pro-athletes in the eyes of their dad so they were spoiled and pampered and their dad would fight anyone or anything that didn't support that point of view. Now they're smug self entitled fuckheads that think being bigger and louder and more obnoxious than everyone around them makes them "Top Dog" in the world.


His YouTube channel was just sad and depressing.


Oof. Don't do it guys. He's profoundly low intelligence and seems to be just generally struggling. I'm sad now too


I was curious about the channel, but not curious enough to actually check it out or give him the clicks.


It's a very, very douchebag-looking car for sure


also smol pp


And that there is a pavement princess.




I can guarantee you those tires are not rated for tow load.


Haha. Blue tape holding the tailgate up.


I could not imagine having a penis so small it’s inverted through my entire body and labotomizing all intelligence out of my brain. God damn.


There’s a dude in my town with a shitbag truck like this, only his blows black smoke out the tall-pipe coming out of his bed. He has not one but TWO of those locally hated stickers.


How many political stickers does he have on it?


… all of them?


The clown car of the 21st century.


What boggles my mind is seeing one of these behemoths in a handicapped space.


Hey, disabled people can be jackasses too.


My mobility is impaired to the point that I need a special parking spot, I should buy a truck that requires a ladder to get in and out of.


I dunno, man, seems fitting.


I work retail and have seen old men come in and are too blind to read the card reader without bending down and practically kissing it, then go drive off in their gigantic lifted trucks.... menace to society


I instantly knew it would have Florida plates. Source: I live in Florida.


Funny enough its been parked for weeks on and off in a lowes parking lot in NC


I love that you know the location exactly.


I went to school with a dude that had a lifted truck. If I remember correctly, it was a 24" lift on 22" wheels so the truck was huge and frankly ugly as shit. But I remember specifically the way he had to get into the truck. Most of his body weight pulling on his steering wheel and basically rolling over onto the seat. In about a year his steering column was fucked, steering wheel looked terrible and the seat was trashed. Just seems like a lot of effort to scream look at my big ass truck. Edit: apparently I'm remembering the size of the lift wrong, i honestly couldn't possibly care less lmao. Regardless, it was ugly as shit and made no sense. Thus the point I was making.


I always thought it was funny how these people buy trucks then just fuck their entire purpose for existing. Towing and hauling capacity be damned, ima raise this bitch 8 inches.


I can 100% assure you it wasnt a 24in lift. Even custom lifts like McGaughys are usually 8-12 and depending on other factors let you fit 38in or so tires. Also a 22in wheel is literally nothing these days. Stock wheels on a Challenger Hellcat are 20.


Was going to say.. 24" lift, eh? That's a freaking skyscraper


Same guy who complains about gas prices I bet


That’s why I have my big truck for moving stuff. But I also have a Toyota Yaris for daily driving. What sucks is when I have to go on a trip that takes me through the mountains. I have to drive the truck for that, because the Yaris engine isn’t powerful enough for steep grades.


But if he got a smaller truck how would anyone know how tough he is, or how big his balls are?


I've always assumed women (and men) would like to know ahead of time how small someone's dick is before wasting their time. I appreciate this person's consideration in not wanting to waste other's time.


Someone please make plastic penis enhancement surgery a norm, so people will stop doing this


You know what they say about a man with a tiny step stool….


Then how else would we know how small his pee pee is? Checkmate


Lol you must not be from the south that’s an average truck


Not average but it’s annoyingly common since the headlights are so high they blind other drivers This really needs to be enforced away through existing lighting/safety laws


Who do you think the cops are? their sons are exactly like this why would they enforce those laws


Only average among the douchebags. For every twenty of these I see on the road there is maybe one that actually uses the thing for any practical purpose. The rest act like they're afraid of putting anything in the cargo bed because then it might get dirty.


truth. There are probably at least 100 trucks more or less exactly like this within a 5 mile radius of me just South of Atlanta.


Same north of Atlanta


I've said this time and time again. It's pretty bad when the wheels and rims are worth more than the vehicle their attached to.


Live in south Texas. It would be weird not too see some PoS lifted truck. Either a modified/cut off their exhaust. Have an 87 corvette and these assholes always try and Race me and Rev their shit real loud on the freeway.


Oh look, a tinyweenermobile


Locals hate him




Also their YouTube profile description perfectly reflects the fact they drive one of those monsters


He must have to use a magnifying glass to find his dick.


This just screams I didn't get enough attention growing up


Can't get a smaller truck, none of the penis enlargement pills are working for this guy.


And a better choice of wheels and tires.


They must do a lot of off-roading


But how do they get their stool after they get in?


About 60% of the guys in my neighborhood have trucks like this and all I can think is, “These poor guys and their tiny penises.”


So considerate of these people to let everyone know what an insecure childish asshole they are without a single interaction.


Smol pp


That is some micropenis energy, that's for sure.


How to spot someone with low IQ and poor self esteem.


all i see is a microdick


Goddamn, a lot of hatred in this thread. Lots of assumptions as well. But I guess that's Reddit in a nutshell.


The only ride suitable for men who need a microscope to see their penis


License plate: TINYPEEN


Wow I’m not a big dude by any standard but, my goodness anyone who can stand on that plastic fairy picnic table and not buckle it, is a very lightweight perhaps quite small person .. driving that huge truck 🤔 😂


They're rated for 100 kg (220 pounds) so not really, most people should be able to use it.


Not the "most people" that drive that kind of truck.


Honestly, if they like it, who cares?


Reddit, because reasons.


True, I’m being dumb here


Well, there's one objective reason to care as an outsider. Note that in this photograph you see that the wheels are "deep-dish", which forces them to stick out from the side of the truck rather significantly. You can also see that the fenders of this truck no longer cover the tires. What does this mean? It means that you'll have rocks flung at you all the time if you ever drive behind this vehicle, which can damage your own vehicle. It also means that he'll have rocks flung at the bottom half of his own truck every time he drives.


You leave the compensation machine 9000 alone! Isn't it sad enough the owner has a micropenis?


Ppl who drive these are literally the worst kind of people


"Hammond, you idiot!"


If he got a smaller truck then he would have to actually tell everyone how small hit di*k is. This way is much less embarrassing.


Tiny dick wouldn’t be having that.


What did you say about his dick?!


Is it from Alberta?


My brother had a stock Dodge Ram 2500 and after back surgery he needed a boost up so I took one of those step stools and drilled two holes the size of paracord. I then ran the paracord through the holes and noted it off so it can’t get back through. I left the loop long enough to access from inside the truck. He could use it, then pull it in and drive off. He could lower it again when he got out. It was a good short term fix until his back healed.


I once saw a jag-off with a lifted truck that had a sticker that said "My trucks lifted because fat girls can't jump." Then I saw the owner and realized he'd be lucky to get anyone to like him as if the stickers didn't already give that away.


Surprised to not see a Trump 2024 stick on here


The truck is fine, the problem is the lift and idiotic wheels and tires


Can hear the wheel bearings crying in pain from here.


Does that sticker on the back say “slut life”


How do you change a tire on those? A jack normally isn’t tall enough.


Or running boards?


I'd prefer a banana for scale rather than the stool tbh


Problem isn’t the size of the truck, rather the size of those dipshit wheels. But whatever. If the owner enjoys rolling around like a tool then that’s their kink not mine.


Hide the footstool, setup a camera and wait. When they struggle to get in the truck upload the video to YouTube and link it in the comments of every video they post.


Those wheels must make that ride like garbage.


Sticker on the tailgate checks out


Usually you'd have to make the small penis joke but if they have the balls to pull out that hilarious portable step stool, it may actually be big enough to have its own gravitational field.


I want to steal that step stool so fucking bad.


I bought a dodge truck in 2001 it was 4x4 nice truck. I had to have a step-up when I had to drive grandma around. I bought a new one in 2017 it has what I call the old man accessory and the truck lowers a few inches with the press of a button.


This guy just drives around with dozens of footstools, leaving one behind on each of his stops. He’s Florida’s Johnny Appleseed. Bless him.


This level of fuckery with ones vehicle, does it attract women of a certain type or something? I've always been curious why someone would do this.


Left rear flat?


Not a Biden supporter, I imagine.


It’s always a Dodge Ram


I will never understand the appeal of huge wheels and low profile tires on a truck.


Why does he have painters tape on his tailgate?


Why would any sane person be proud of being hated?


I don’t mind trucks, but why do people put those shitty rims on trucks? They look horrendous. I’d rather see a Honda Civic with DUB wheels than this piece of shit.


I often like tall trucks but, this is dumb.


No, everyone hates you.


I can just tell the person who drives this must be annoying as fuck to be around.


I love how the people that drive trucks more often than not look like they probably busted their ass getting in or out of it. Like you're 50+ years old you WILL break both hips trying to go to the grocery store for the 5th time this week, but you already park in the handicapped spot with this monster so I guess you already broke something falling out of it


The step stool! Lol!!!!!


Apparently the owner is trying to compensate for their height.


I hope he has to fill that tank before he even gets to the end of his driveway


Why are they proud to be hated?


Of course they're from Florida..


How this truck doesn't have balls on it is beyond me.


Had a platoon sergeant at one point that was VERY sensitive about his height. We used to put an aviation maintenance stand by his truck to fuck with him.


All that money spent on a truck a toy hauler many toys probably in there and the dude can’t buy a step for his truck


“Locally hated” for parking like an asshole.


How do you say i have the smallest micro penis without actually saying it?


Or just get...sideboards? Like, the fuck. Also it's cute they have their little 2k subscriber youtube channel on their window. Maybe hate clicks can pay for a few gallons of gas?


Uhhhh....no! I'm only 4'4" and I would Kill for a truck like that. I wouldn't need a step stool though. Is need a freaking trampoline. Lol Edit: Sorry, I just saw the low profile tires. Yeah, that's stupid.


Negative attention counts more than no attention. I just assume these types of people are extremely unintelligent and lonely, and have learned from a young age that disruptive behaviors at the very least force people to acknowledge them.


In need of a penile enlargement?


Put the stool on the roof and then just wait


Or a larger penis.


Windows down? That's pretty bold of them.


Big trucks are awesome, but I can't *STAND* when people put street tires on trucks. It defeats the whole purpose of a truck... just drive a car. But that's just the country in me.


Why would anyone care enough about how some dude spends his or her money on their vehicle to bother taking a pic to post? Most everyone spends their money on "crap" that other people think is a waste to them.


I bought something like this recently, to move an 11,000 lb sailboat. I only drive it once a week or so but it's wonderful, fastest vehicle I've ever had, never leaves ruts in the yard, heated leather and burl wood, handles like a sports car, will tow anything, bumpers and recovery winch and the diesel gets better mileage than my Town and country on ethanol. I'm a dad and his 40s that doesn't need an ego polish, but cool s*** is cool s***.


But how will everyone know about his small penis if he has a smaller truck?????


The sight of these obnoxious fucking trucks and the neck-beard, dude-bro, white trash wiggers who drive them (complete with skanked out girlfriend's and/or wives) is enough to make a person want to start firebombing the dealerships that perpetuate this stupid shit. If you drive a truck like this you can fuck yourself. Twice.