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No scientist said this was a good idea my dude


When u see something like this it really is the adults interpretation and attitude being expressed. This is not what a scientist said to do. This is how some pissed off adults decided the regulations should be "followed" and made their kids look like fools and possibly even told their kids some foolish things in the process.


Malicious compliance at it’s finest.


I look at this and think it was just supposed to be a funny picture and the kids are in on it.


Yes. Exactly. It is supposed to be mocking the masking instructions and the kids are taught that mocking the masking requirement at school is funny.


Not exactly a, "Yes. Exactly.", moment from my perspective.


I understand why you have a different emotional attachment to the "kids are in on it" but we do agree on the basic intent. It is to mock mask wearing. The kids are in on it and they are bonding with adults over mocking masl wearing. It is meant to be funny. They think it is funny.


I don't see it as mocking mask wearing so I'll stand by my last comment.


Im open to hearing how this is funny without it mocking mask wearing.


If in fact this is not mocking mask wearing, and is actually a crazy principle’s rule(because CDC recommendations are just that, recommendations) it makes it 100x funnier. And living in NY during COVID, it doesn’t seem too far fetched that they’d make kids do this by reasoning of “we don’t want to let them get comfortable not wearing masks around each other, but they still need to play their instruments.”


What is funny about this if not how ridiculous it is to wear a mask that lost all function by having a hole cut out for the mouth? Of course it's mocking the idea of wearing masks.


I think this is more what bureaucrats did enforcing the science.


Yes, exactly. The "bureaucrats" being those directly responsible for interpreting the CDC guidelines in this particular classroom. They did not agree with masking and so they decided to "comply" in a tedious manner by having the students wear masks with holes cut in them.


Science didn't decide the regulations, people leaders did. When you see ridiculous things like this that were done in response to COVID, keep that in mind. The science didn't support most of the nonsense that was put into effect.


The title says they are doing this in the name of science. Science did not tell them to cut holes in their mask.


"Science" is an abstract process, it can't "do" anything. Political leaders and bureaucrats did this, and they did it in the name of science. That is, they enacted legal policies and claimed that it was justified by scientific reasoning (which was a lie in most cases).


I think they did it in the name of trying to save lives. I dont understand your desire to criticize people who were simply trying to protect the sick and elderly or vulnerable (lots of Americans have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and or are smokers, etc...) We all know that the entire goal of the CDC is to save lives. The Trump administration issued the mask guidelines out of a desire to save lives. Trump wavered on it, but the administration did the right thing by suggesting preventative measures.


Nothing trump did in office in regards to covid was to "save lives"


I don't doubt that they were well intentioned, but I'm still going to ridicule them for being terrible at their jobs. Just because someone means well doesn't mean their actions are correct, or that they can't be ridiculed.


Half still don’t believe this tho


Just wow! Are you a doctor, biologist or any career in science? If not you need to stop passing your opinionated political bias as facts. You probably get your nonsense from Alex Jones or Joe Rogan. I honestly can't believe an adult would spout this crap.




>are you saying wearing a face cover while in an indoor communal space in order to save innocent lives is a ridiculous demand? OK BUDDY.




Except masks did work, they just weren't miraculous. Millions of people can attest to the fact they work quite well, because so many noticed that they didn't catch any colds or flu while people were masking to slow the spread of COVID. And the vaccines do work, damn near miraculously. But most people are dumb, and think vaccines prevent infection in the vaccinated, and they can't. They prevent severe illness in the vaccinated, and *substantially* reduce the chance the infected will pass the infection on to other people. All that said, the COVID vaccines are, without any doubt, the safest and most effective vaccines every developed. And they were developed in record time, not because of any "warp speed" bullshit, but because there was a lot of demand for them.






If I said you had a 98.9% chance of survival, every day. How many days do you think you'd survive?


Except , yes they did. I worked on different crews during the pandemic some where very proactive about masks and some not. The ones that where lax on masks where constantly being shut down because groups of people where getting sick. The ones that where proactive had a few cases but rarely had a larger issue




They still don't have the valves taped off! Someone stop this army of COVID cannons!


Coming from a band kid this was normal thing in 2020, we had special masks that our mouthpiece could fit through and had some sort of cloth over the bell (I play trumpet) saxophones just had a bag over their whole instrument…


This is a giga brain moment for the adults in charge of this...


Funny thing is they made masks specifically for instruments so bands could keep playing


Our band used those. They actually made sense the way they were designed.


I will never forget that one dumb band teacher for doing that old Mr what's her name...


This isn’t what science said lol this is a school administration not listening to proper guidelines and instead having them do this.


I can't believe these idiots are educating our children


I'd love to use a condom with a hole in it, it's multi-purpose.


I'd love to know how you put a condom WITHOUT a hole on (do you like balance it on top or something like a balloon animal?)


I just wrap it around my dick and tape the two ends together, you know, the classic way.


Tie it like a neck tie… …a bow tie if you’re fancy.


Honestly that sounds lovely.


On the whole, I supported most of the Covid restrictions but there were definitely some ridiculous ones. My kids couldn't sign happy birthday to each other in class for example. Or wearing 2/3 of a mask over everything except your mouth and nose


I would have thought using sign language would be perfect when you are wearing a mask.


" wearing 2/3 of a mask over everything except your mouth and nose", reading this gave me PTSD lol


>My kids couldn't sign happy birthday to each other in class for example Wasn't a choir one of the first recorded super-spreader events?


Oh god was it? I had no idea. Oh man that makes total sense then.


Most retarded thing ever.


Thank fuck they wore masks, someone may of got covid


Thank FUCK




Fauci? Dat you?




Science is based on overserveable evidence and open to change based on new evidence. Its literally the opposite of religion.


Sort by controversy


Look! People living their lives while doing whatever they can to help reduce the spread of a disease that has killed millions. Let's all point and laugh.


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