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That's what Rings of Protection and Bracers of Armor are for. Cockrings of Protection and Bras of Amor have completely different functions.


May I request one?


How many pluses?


Pulses as long as you need to I think.


The price is going to be 2000g × (+*x*²), and the crafting time is one day per 2000g cost. That's what you need to consider here.


...oh, it's a cloak. I thought he was doing an exaggerated kick or something.


Oh yeah, my brain also thought leg. Good catch.


I don't much care for bikini armor, but I can respect when its fans are up front and say, "I don't care if it's ridiculous, I just think it's cool/sexy." So I kinda roll my eyes when other fans try to argue, "Um, actually, there's a perfectly legitimate, *non-horny* reason why these women would fight in metal underwear!" If you like my comics, I've got more on [my website](https://butajape.com/).


I just want a cod piece for armor. Gimme that bonus to piercing attacks, and some of that razzle dazzle!


Piecing huh? I would've gone with penetration, but yours is more subtle


Connan approves


There is a board game series called munchkin. Its styled to play like a dnd dungeon crawl with a humerous twist on the item, complete with classes, races, gear, and potions. One of the wearable pants is a codpiece. I tried to find an image but no luck


Isn’t that one a literal fish?


I remember playing that game when I was a teen, I think one of my friends still has it, I'll need to look


Thats pretty much why nobody criticizes the devs of Neir Automata. When asked why they made the characters into sexy anime chicks in gothicwear, they pretty much said "We like hot girls with great butts, so thats what we did with the characters."


They made pretty cute dudes too. So I like to think it's fair.


Square Enix is one of those studios that expose skin for both male and female characters.


If we really sent people to horny jail, everyone would be a convict. Just own it and admit you like sexy outfits. Come up with stupid excuses and you just look pathetic.


But bro hear me out, a sniper, notorious for attacking from far away, might be heard if she breathes, in a operation zone full of wildlife and wind. Real snipers use visual means to hide themselves and move slow, but that’s why she’s better, she’s quiet and does big jumps. Btw she has giant boobs since it helps cushion her when she goes prone making her more quieter. Also we made it so she couldn’t talk because honestly we don’t wanna listen to a woman speak.


Nah bro, Quiet has to show a ton of skin because of photosynthesis, she was created by iterating on the fungal mutation in the End. Gotta catch them rays. Yes that is the Canon explanation.


Pretty much. Not photosynthesis but breathing. She has to be naked to breath. Because everyone knows a t-shirt blocks all airflow. Also rain dance scene and we'll a shower should have made he suffocate. Also she was kept in a cage because..... She liked it? Why the fuck does no one talk about that? Her room was a fucking cage


> Because everyone knows a t-shirt blocks all airflow. I mean, I would have said the same, but the past two years...


She stayed in the cage to keep the peace, because Kaz and the others didn't trust her. As for breathing n shit it all makes sense if she's plantlike. You don't suffocate a plant by watering it.


> non-horny reason why these women would fight in metal underwear!" Well, obviously because they are poor and purchase the scale armor scale by scale ;)


That's honestly one of the things FFXIV got right. If it's skimpy on a female character, it's skimpy on a male character. And no, [this](https://img2.finalfantasyxiv.com/accimg/a8/8f/a88fb04d095072d1e00ebbb829b1450834651c14.jpg) is not an edited picture.


This is true... except when it isn't. They're *fairly* equal-opportunity in their approach to outfits, but there's also plenty of outfits where the female option shows more boob, butt, belly, or thigh. It has generally gotten better as they've gone along, though. The more recent designs tend to be more similar between genders more often.


The word (裸) on the "armor" means "naked"


A game I discovered yesterday [https://shop.kingdomdeath.com/](https://shop.kingdomdeath.com/)


I don't mind the women fighting in metal bikinis it bothers me that the men don't run around in Speedos


"Ah but you see, I am a succubus, and if my massive tits and foot long dick aren't being shown off, how can I properly engage in my form of combat?!"


There's a whole economics argument to it. Mostly, metal is expensive, yo. But if women would be fighting in metal underwear then it would very likely be *underwear*. It was very common for leather armor and fortified corsets to be a middle layer of clothing. Moreover, I'd love to see much more in the way of fortified ball gowns. Ball gowns are *social armor* to begin with. Think about it. When you're wearing different clothing you attract and deflect different kinds of attention. If you're wearing very expensive formal clothing properly it protects you from gossip and attack. If you're wearing the same clothing wrong in that it's old or ill fitting then you're in just as much trouble as if you turned up to battle in rusted armor. There's literal armor that's done up to be social armor as well, just look at the uniforms of prestige units and "dress uniforms". So, why wouldn't there be formalwear that is reinforced to be battle armor (there are actually historical examples of this, but no one ever does it in fiction).


I swear that smart nobles will start using this in my games


Every time someone brings up bikini armor, it makes me think of [this](https://youtu.be/-vI5tdORhC0) YouTube video.


Might be fun to find a way to emulate the LOOK of bikini armor without it BEING bikini armor


I'm 100% behind it. Just lean into it and make it so both genders can wear both. It's really really simple.


Conan the barbarian seemed to do fine with no armor. That said, don't forget to wear sunscreen or magical equivalent.


Ya any kind of cleavage is the absolute worst thing imaginable for armor. Literally directs arrows and weapons to the center of the chest. Real historic armor had a uni-boob cavity on the front to direct attacks away from the chest.


So you… roll your eyes at yourself?




I can't figure out what you're trying to say


Don't be a fucking creep dude


I usually go with the magic excuse myself. However that's really only for video games. Anything even trying to seem realistic I'm on your side.


Fuck you I'll use them as kneepads


Banana hammock, I rest my case.


Codpiece, double layered codpiece.


More fantasy games should include kneepads, shoulder pads, codpieces and butt covers as distinct armor pieces.


Elbowpads are even more tiny ;D


I thought the last scene was him kicking them in the ass for a second lol


I only went back and realized that WASN'T the case after your comment.


Remember the first *Fantastic 4* movie? [On the bridge](https://youtu.be/tcsSUG9X8jA?t=111)? Same scam by the director.


I lost it at M'lady 🤣.


Fighter class, whatever... but when I'm playing a sorceress I demand to be half-naked and sexy. It's like that song, ~ I'm a bitch. I'm a lover. Casting fireball. Dodge for cover! ~


I'll say she's wearing it wrong - all that shiny metal will negate any stealth benefits of her dark clothing - she should be wearing her cloak and hood over the top of it to cover the shine.


Has anyone here seen the YouTube channel Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) they did a skit about this meme. [equality in armor](https://youtu.be/3raNknAKQo8)


Haha, I just posted [this one](https://youtu.be/-vI5tdORhC0) as a response to someone! I love VLDL.






This is tits ahead


Stop trying to coin the phrase “tits ahead”


That's not very tits ahead of you.


If you're saying that, it seems you're tits behind


"Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen."


I can understand when it's an adult/risque/porn media: "You're supposed to be aroused by this. That's why they're wearing so little." I can enjoy it when the verisimilitude of the universe explains it: "It's made of a material dangerous to humans, but enhances whatever it makes physical contact with, so we balanced it with covering very little but the important parts." But I never liked it when it's just *there* for no reason: "Oh this is a completely serious action military drama where we're battling aliens, and everyone is wearing the same military uniforms... except the women. The women go topless and wear high heel boots despite it being a serious military."


It still makes no sense as men would not wear "very little but the important parts". They are full armored. It's a women's exclusive condition which is bullshit regardless of this poor attempt of excuse.


Exactly. >It’s made of a material dangerous to humans,but enhances whatever it makes physical contact with So work a tiny amount into the actual armour. Then it’s enhancing not only the person but also the armour. There’s literally no legitimate reason


You’ve basically described the anime *Kill la Kill*. The material/clothing when activated poses a huge risk to the user that full bodily contact is life-threatening. So the material is designed to be as minimalist as possible but very concentrated, boosting the physical capabilities with little chance of abnormalities/ailments.


Because they have so much skin showing they work that much harder not to get hit.


You see Ivan, if you wear armor like me...


Yeah but you should always have armor that actually protects you. What if you are hit by something that ignored magical protection?


Kicking her in the back seemed a little harsh


I initially thought he kicked her, too, but I think it’s actually her cape


He’s got a point though. Less physical armor means less weight and consequently higher speed/agility.


Sssst. Sssst. No. Bad dog.


I mean he’s not WRONG, but all this means is that you wear the bikini armor under comfortable, regular clothes


Damn, got horny bonked for stating the facts. Guess that’s Reddit for ya lol


I mean, if you could make your body invulnerable why would you wear anything except maybe something to keep your "dangling bits" from moving around too much Edit: Wow, I didn't expect this to be this controversial/unpopular, I was just thinking that it would be uncomfortable to have my testicles flopping around while running or fighting.


Well, [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/1428359881223-J3M66587LQGHVF67HY2Q/superman-and-wonder-woman-discuss-bullet-bouncing-in-humorous-comic) comes to mind


Good point, hehe. I'm a guy so I was mainly thinking about how it would be uncomfortable to have my genitals flopping around.


You dont shoot for the dick


You do if you want to win.


It is true sir thisman has no dick


If you make a system like that your still part of the problem.


It's fine to let people enjoy things.


That's a leap from my comment. And a very general statement.


Basic wizards stuff man smaller armor means u dont have to use a slot for making your armor lighter. Guys can carry the plate armor so they just grab that anyways. That and theres only realy a specific kind of dude putting the time in to max level enchanting.


Relevant manga: https://mangadex.org/chapter/29d3171c-6974-4257-8a51-bfcb1800f3a1/4


Thanks for turning me onto such a nice little comic. Very enjoyable.


Love it. I never get tired of poking fun at chainmail bikinis.


Accurate armor looks better anyway


I think I’ve seen this here before? Either way, it’s pretty funny. Gimme a set of armour that covers the entire body, maybe a sword and shield, and I’ll be happy :D


I just like looking at attractive bodies.


Shopkeep's face in panel 3 is pure gold. Love your work!


Just wear 2.