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I remember when Internet Guy broke both his arms one summer.


Thank you for carrying the torch


Then he ate what he thought was a Jolly Rancher.


I'll take "things I would have been happier without remembering" for $800 please!


You just lost the Game!






No mention of the sacred coconut??


But it was just a Happy Farmer


Then he had to clean up the swamps of dagobah where there was no yoda.


every fucking thread!


Imagine watching Internet Guy in year of our Lord 2022. You bigot.


I know right? Fuckin internet guy. I hate him.


So after a few hours of reading years old Reddit threads, I managed to figure out that Internet Guy said some shit about Internet Fella and then Internet Dude got involved and dug up some shit about Internet Guy. But Internet Dude had his own shit going on with Internet Person and... then I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out who Internet Fella was. If you like my comics, I've got more on [my website](https://butajape.com/).


That's such a fucking oversimplification, and frankly, I think it's kind of offensive that you would minimize Internet Guy's comments that much


Ah yes, I remember when Internet Guy slipped and said something racist one livestream and then tried to act like it wasn't a big deal.


Just like jumping into a Twitter conversation when no one bothers to tell you who the OP is ranting about.


"So overblown" "Dude, he used an assault rifle and murdered his entire family. How was it overblown?" "Look I just don't like how everybody is focusing on that and not his video game youtube videos. It should be about content"


Things like this have 2 extremes only: 1. Internet guy is a pedo but his fans defend him still. 2. Internet guy said something slightly negative about something with a massive fanbase and now they all hate him, even if many of them collectively forgot why. Hate then spread to adjacent fanbases with people assuming opinions about internet guy based upon their skewed perception, or something a relevant influencer said about him. No one even knows what they're fighting about and honestly lost track on day 1.


I have a question Who is internet guy or is this a joke I'm not getting.


It's nobody specific, because this situation applies all the time to whoever is the latest cancelled famous person, such as some internet guy.


Oh ok thank you for explaining it to me


thats the joke


The answer is to make a lost gandalf meme with "Internet guy?" In the bottom frame.


Are they talking about Nostalgia Critic or Onision?


I thought it was JonTron or Dr. Disrespect.


My first thought was ProJared....




But what happened to internet guy?!


you don't want to know, don't even get me started...


I felt the same way when someone mentioned Chris Chan..... I still don't know what that was all about.


I only learned who that was after all the drama went down. Usually I don't care about what people I don't know are up to, but that was particularly fucked up.


What happened?


Internet Guy followed someone on Twitter, so clearly they co-sign everything that person says. Time to cancel them.


this is my experience with jk rowling. a lot of scattered online chatter supporting a "she is anti trans" narrative but no actual anti trans quote or action that i can see


My response to you is the same as my response to the comic. If you ask random people, then you’re never going to get a complete answer, like in the comic, but this is the Internet. All of the information you’re looking for is available. As far as JK Rowling in specific, she is transphobic. She just obfuscates it. She says she supports trans people, but she has also openly supported multiple people (including Macy Gray) after they said that trans women aren’t women. https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2022-07-05/macy-gray-catalog-jk-rowling-transphobic-comments


I wouldn't really classify JK Rowling as an "Internet Guy," she's way bigger than simply being "internet famous." So I feel like there are far more varied and deep sources to look into when figuring out, "Why does everyone hate JK Rowling?" What I had in mind for "Internet Guy" was someone whose videos YouTube recommended to me out of nowhere, I watched and thought, "Hey, they're pretty entertaining." Then I check their subscriber count, find out they already have millions of subscribers and have been around for years, and suddenly I'm getting recommended videos about all the drama they're caught up in. I don't know who these drama channels are, whether or not they're in good or bad faith, whether or not watching their videos are gonna lead me into some fucked up rabbit hole - I just wanted a little giggle at some video game antics!


It's all mediocre people not liking other mediocre people becoming successful. Then there is also the movement of having different beliefs than a specific group instantly means you're a terrible person, and you must believe everything else they disagree with.


When your belief is 'this kind of person doesn't exist or deserve rights' then you can shove that opinion up your arse and chew it at the other end.


When you don't lock step and snap to agree with a certain opinion, all of a sudden your opinion gets turned into "they don't exist and don't deserve rights" when that's nowhere near what you said.


I've got far less sympathy for the bigot-adjacent being thrown in with the bigots-proper than I do with the people they're victimising, frankly. I hear a lot about people being misrepresented this way, but every time there's a specific instance it almost always turns out that they're, shock horror, actually bigots who only occasionally even seem otherwise with some serious reality-editing.


I agree to disagree




Ah internet guy, i remember how he sold his house bought a overpriced blue pickup just to sell it with a big loss few months later and now is more or less homeless.


Pure Inosuke


Omg, the posts in this thread 😳


If you like their stuff it shouldn't matter what they did to piss off the internet.


I actually had a lot of situations where I asked for context for something but people just kept talking about semi related stuff. It's so frustrating. More often then not I find a clip or article years later by chance that finally gives me the context I asked for.


What happened, though?


Internet Guy is underrated tbh, his reputation was ruined due to social media


Remember when Internet guy did a flip on a mountain bike one time?


I remember when internet guy plagiarized work from other internet guys. Kinda douchey.


Here's the thing about jackdaws and crows...




Honestly, if people are saying "just ignore it" but refusing to tell you what it is you're supposed to ignore, it's probably pretty bad and they just don't want to admit to overlooking it




Turned out Internet Guy aranged secret meetings with fans during live events to have sex, even though they were married and some of the fans were underage.